Living Magazine March 2025

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Start Loving Your Smile




Welcome Home!

Central Bible Church is a family of people growing in their connection with God and each other while making a difference in their world. This Sunday, discover God -centered worship, relevant Bible teaching, and vibrant community. We invite you to make us home!

9:30 a.m. Worship Service (livestream on YouTube)

Central En Español Worship Service Ministry for Children Birth -Kindergarten

10:45 a.m. Adult, Student, and Children’s Ministry classes

1:00 p.m. ReGenesis Bible Church African Congregation

8001 Anderson Boulevard Fort Worth, TX

1 block west of Sam’s Club on I-30 and Eastchase Parkway

Caring for you is what motivates us.

Baylor Scott & White Arlington has been ranked among the top hospitals in the nation once again. From joint replacement and spine surgery to overall patient experience and safety, we strive to provide nationally-recognized, high-quality healthcare that’s close to home.

Accelerated Mental Health Therapy Programs For adults and adolescents

publisher’s letter

See! The winter is past. The rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.” – Song of Songs 2:11 & 12

There are few things as reassuring as finding a medical professional you can trust with your family’s health. Here in Tarrant County, we’re blessed beyond belief to have some of the best doctors and medical teams on the planet. Whether you’re looking for a pediatrician for your little one, a cosmetic surgeon for yourself, a urologist for your husband, an elder-care professional for your parents, or a dental team for the whole family, it’s easy to find worldclass providers and worldclass medical facilities right here in our backyard.

This month, we’ll introduce you to some of them, learn about the medical breakthroughs that have them excited, and even get to know who they are away from work. We hope you find just the provider you’re looking for.

Don’t look now but spring is here! Every morning dawns with more green on the trees and old familiar birdsong is returning to our area. I hope you’re enjoying the last few days of cooler weather and making wonderful plans for family fun this summer. It’ll be here before we know it.

Chansen Media Group Company

Misty Morgan EDITOR

Heather Witherspoon production


Jennifer Kelley


Joseph Villegas


Jenefer Grady

Veronica Garza administration


Todd Collom


Teresa May



Kami Anderson


Lindsay Clark


Justin Womack


Mary Kate Gray


Lisa Austin

Happy Spring! (817) 908-2111


Spring arrives in Mans eld with "Membership Appreciation Day" at the Mans eld Activities Center (MAC) on March 1st. Senior adults can attend Artful Explorations using clay on Tuesday morning, March 4th at the MAC. For our youth seeking leadership skills, join the Youth Leadership Academy at the MAC on March 8th. How about a family night out? Family Nerf Night happens at the MAC on Friday evening the 21st. Speaking of "Family," new parents can attend one of two "Intro to Potty Training" classes on Wednesdays the Sth or the 12th at the MAC.

Let's get outdoors and enjoy the Spring weather at Oliver Nature Park (ONP). Park sta will host three classes of World Wildlife Day on Sunday afternoon, Monday morning and Monday afternoon. For St. Patrick's Day on Monday, March 17th, kids can

celebrate with arts and crafts.

e 17th is also when we celebrate Dino Day at ONP, with fossil digging and other outdoor fun. March 18th will even o er more opportunities for a good time with Rock Painting, and a Bug Hike, both at ONP.

Animal lovers can celebrate Spring with Barks & Rec events at ONP on two fun lled days in March, the 17th and 29th. Other great events at ONP will include World Frog Day, Spring Chemistry, and Children's Gardening, all taking place on March 20th.

Don't forget, our Household Hazardous Waste Drop-o continues at the Environmental Collection Center from ursday thru Saturday, March 6th thru 8th.

See you around town!

EpicCentral is the place to be this month for family fun! Walk among life-sized animatronic dinosaurs March 8-23, and don’t miss Dino Fest on Saturday, March 15. All free and sponsored by our Grand Prairie library system. roughout the month, enjoy live music at the Jam Box stage.

Keep the fun going at Epic Waters and Bolder Adventures, both o er ing special spring break hours for indoor excitement. Visit for details.

Join me downtown for the Mayor’s Community 5K –Walk, Run, Stroll on Saturday, April 5, as we celebrate the Farmers Market’s 2025 opening day. e market opens at 8 a.m., and the walk starts at 9:30 a.m. No registration needed—grab a T-shirt while supplies last.

e City of Grand Prairie is preparing to launch a brand-new customer portal for water utility payments this summer. is upgrade will feature a state-of-the-art customer experience that promises to make paying your bill and checking your usage faster and more convenient. We’ll have more information to share in the coming months. Check and stay tuned for more exciting events—I’ll see you out there!

Arlington is a great place to raise kids. It’s a great place to start a family, further your career, and make your mark on the world. And it’s one of the best places in the country to spend your retirement years. In the American Dream City, we love our seniors! Each month, seniors enjoy game days at Arlington Parks & Recreation’s Dottie Lynn Recreation Center where popular game shows like Jeopardy, Pictionary, Family Feud, and the Price is Right come to life. Also at Dottie, there are fun and informative Lunch & Learn sessions. is month, seniors will get savvy about food labels. And the third Monday of each month, you can grab your favorite gal pals or guy pals and enjoy movies and popcorn at East Library and Recreation Center. is month’s showing will be Monsters Vs. Aliens.

And seniors looking for a fun, low-impact way to improve your strength, balance, and overall well-being can head over to Dottie Lynn Recreation Center and Elzie Odom Athletic Center to sign up for Tai Chi classes. ese classes o er a relaxing yet e ective workout that can help reduce stress, increase exibility, and enhance coordination. Plus, it’s a great way to meet new people. And don’t worry if you’ve never practiced Tai Chi. Classes are beginner friendly.

If you have younger kids in your life, be sure to sign them up for Arlington Parks & Recreation’s spring break camp for children ages ve to 13. is year, camp will be March 17-21 at ve di erent locations across the city. Find out more and sign up the kids at



This is a great way to spend your spring break! Join us for a week of fun games, activities and so much more. Bring a sack lunch. Your afternoon snack will be provided. Ages 5-12. Cost is $145/ week. Registration is required. Rec centers Elzie Odom, East, Cliff Nelson, Dottie Lynn, and Beacon. Visit our website to register.




Ventana Grill

Come and enjoy brunch every Sunday at Ventana Grille. Guests can order off the menu or from our a la cart menu making the Sunday Brunch a great option for families, picky eaters or those with smaller appetites. 10am-4pm. Reservations welcomed. 817-548-5047. 7005 Golf Club Dr.



Arlington Parks and Recreation

If you are into classic or modern cars, come and show off your build, connect with your neighbors and enjoy a day filled with cool rides and awesome dogs. There’s something for everyone! All ages. $10. 10am-12pm. Dottie Lynn Rec Center, 3200 Norwood Lane.



Arlington Parks and Recreation

Are you ready for a day of friendly competition and interactive game play where we bring your favorite TV shows to life like Jeopardy, Pictionary, Family Feud and the Price is Right. Don’t just watch, play! Enjoy delicious refreshments while you play with Thom Vance Senior Advance Solutions. 11am-12:30pm. Dottie Lynn Rec Center, 3200 Norwood Lane. Visit our website to register.


MARCH 4,8,15


Arlington Water Utilities

Lake Arlington Garden Activity Day –9:00am-11:00am

Yoga at the Lake Arlington Garden –8:30am-9:30am

Lake Arlington Garden Activity Day –9:00am-11:00am

5500 Lake Arlington Dr.




Grab the family… it’s the day to be in downtown Arlington. Enjoy once a month evening of live music, artistic experiences and exploration at your favorite businesses. This is a reoccurring event of each month. 5pm-8-pm. Most events are free. Downtown outdoors. 500 E. Front St.

MARCH 8-23


Grand Prairie

The Grand Prairie Libraries and Epic Central are bringing a dino-mite event back. See life-size animatronic dinosaurs like the mighty T-Rex, Stegosaurus and Brachiosaurus up close. These realistic dinos are provided by The Dinosaur Company. Free for all ages! 2961 State Hwy. 161.





Participants are paired with a dog from the Mansfield Animal Shelter for a guided hike through Oliver Nature Park. The dogs get a day out while you enjoy a great workout! 1650 Matlock Rd. 9am-10am. Visit our website to register.




Arlington Parks and Recreation

This unique fishing tournament where the goal is to catch the smallest fish! This casual tournament is for everyone. We will also have other competitions such as most fish caught, biggest fish and ugliest fish. Ages 5-12. $5 to compete. Free to attend. Cliff Nelson Rec Center, 4600 W. Bardin. Visit our website to register




Arlington Parks and Recreation

50+ to participate…Join us for an evening in Vegas! Dress up, dine and dance the night away. Formal attire encouraged but not required. Cost is $2. 1817 New York Ave. Visit our website to register.


To submit an event for consideration, email


Now in its fifth season, the PBS series All Creatures Great & Small is a charming adaptation of James Herriot’s beloved books. Set in 1930s Yorkshire, it follows young veterinarian James Herriot as he navigates the challenges of rural veterinary practice under the eccentric but kind-hearted Siegfried Farnon. The show beautifully captures the stunning landscapes, heartwarming animal stories, and deep human connections that define Herriot’s world. With a talented cast, including Nicholas Ralph as James, the series balances humor, drama, and nostalgia. Praised for its warmth and authenticity, All Creatures Great & Small is a delightful escape into a bygone era.


Baseball season has begun, making it the perfect time to revisit The Natural , the 1984 classic starring Robert Redford. Based on Bernard Malamud’s novel, the film follows Roy Hobbs, a mysterious, aging baseball player with a troubled past and an extraordinary talent. Armed with his legendary bat, Wonderboy, Hobbs overcomes betrayal, injury, and scandal to reclaim his place in the game. With stunning cinematography, a stirring Randy Newman score, and an unforgettable final home run sequence, The Natural is a timeless story of redemption and perseverance. It remains one of the most iconic baseball films of all time.


This American Life is an award-winning radio show and podcast hosted by Ira Glass. It features narrative journalism, personal stories, and investigative reporting, often exploring themes of everyday life with depth and emotion. Each episode follows a central theme, weaving together interviews, essays, and real-life experiences. The storytelling is engaging, often blending humor, drama, and insight. Produced by WBEZ Chicago, the show has earned a devoted audience and multiple accolades, including the Pulitzer Prize.

Imagery from All Creatures Great & Small , PBS, The Natural , TriStar Pictures, This American Life , WBEZ Chicago. All images are presented for non-commercial illustrative purposes.



In 2008 I received one of those phone calls that alters the course of your life, that shapes the fabric of who you are as a person. Ti any and I were headed to church with the kids for a Saturday night service. Not long after we had pulled out of the neighborhood, my sister called me …

“Mike, are you sitting down?”

Before I could even answer the question, the words came out of her mouth, “He’s gone!”

ose two words plunged like a sword deep into my soul. My dad was gone! I would never see him again. He had been found dead in his home, apparently from a heart attack. In the coming weeks and months, I learned rsthand what I had seen only from

a distance before; the pain and su ering caused by death. I was completely wrecked.

I remember thinking to myself, “Now I know what it means to weep. Now I know what it means to grieve.”

“He’s gone!”

I can still hear those words to this day; they reverberate in my soul, like an echo that won’t go away. I have dreams of my father in the night, only to wake up and realize it was a cruel joke. He is not here: He’s gone. Oh, how I despise those words.

But the thing about those words that pains me the most is that they do not echo in the voice of my sister. No, I had heard them once before.

Almost a year before I received that devastating phone call, my dad had own in from South Carolina to visit Ti any and me for about a week at our new home. His trip was cut short when, one night, he and I got into an argument. He had been drinking (as usual) and said something disrespectful to my family.

Unfortunately, this was before I had quit drinking, and I had just enough liquid courage to nally stand up to him. He was in my home. He had disrespected my family. And I wasn’t going to tolerate it. is would be the night that I would show him I was a man.

And that’s what I did. I stood up to him. I did not back down … And neither did he.

“Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense” – Proverbs 19:11

Our argument continued to escalate until I made a decision that I now regret with all my heart; I told him to go pack his stu up because he wasn’t welcome in my home any longer. I called the airline, changed his ight, and told him to go wait outside until his taxi arrived.

About ten minutes after he’d walked out the door, with anger and pride still coursing through my veins, I went into the o ce at the front of our home and peered through the blinds to see if the taxi had picked him up yet. It hadn’t. He was sitting on the curb waiting. As soon as I saw him sitting there, a knot welled up in my stomach, and I thought to myself, “What have I done?”

But the anger, and the pride, and the

resentments were too strong. I closed the blinds and walked away.

Less than ve minutes later I went back into the o ce and peered through those blinds again, but he was no longer there. I said to myself, “He’s gone!”

e image of him sitting on the curb that night as he waited for that taxi will never leave my mind. It was the last time I would ever see him.

Nearly six months of silence went by until one afternoon, he nally called me. e conversation was short and awkward. We never truly addressed what happened. I think we were both waiting for apologies, but neither of us was ready to give them. We

said goodbye and hung up. Although there was clearly still tension, and I didn’t get the apology I wanted, I remember thinking to myself that I was still so grateful to hear from him. If only I had known that it would be the last time I would hear his voice.

ere is a great sage who once said, “ e mind of the wise is in the house of mourning” (Ecclesiastes 7:4a). ose words make sense to me now. I have found death to be the most brutal, and yet the most thorough, of teachers in this life. e lessons learned in the schoolhouse of pain and su ering will never be forgotten.

I now know rsthand why it is so much better to “turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39).

I understand what the wise man meant when he said, “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an o ense” (Proverbs 19:11).

Oh, how the schoolmaster of death has carved those words of James into my soul: “For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes” (James 4:14).

If only I could have that night over. If only I could have a redo; I would do things so di erently. I would turn the other cheek. I would overlook the o ense.

If only I could have that last phone call back. I would tell him how much I loved him and make amends.

If only I could peer through those blinds and see him one more time — before he vanished.

My friend, is there someone you need to make amends with? Please learn from my pain. I beg you to reconcile while you have the chance. Have they wronged you? Maybe today is the day to overlook the o ense — to turn the other cheek. Maybe today is the day to forgive … while you still have the chance.

“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.” – Colossians 3:12–13

To comment on this article or read more of Mike’s writing, scan the QR code or visit


Dr. Jed Hildebrand & Dr. Lena Bortnem


he philosophy at Hildebrand Orthodontics is simple—treat every patient the way you would like to be treated. That’s why they care for each child and adult with respect, professionalism, and sensitivity. It’s no wonder they’re continually named “Best Orthodontist” by their patients and peers. It's easy when you truly love what you do.

We recently sat down with Drs. Jed Hildebrand and Lena Bortnem to talk about their booming practice and the things that set them apart. “We believe the orthodontist’s office should be a fun place to visit,” Dr. Jed said. “We designed the office décor to be fun

and uplifting.” With natural light steaming in through oversized windows, clouds on the ceiling, and retro neon lights, it’s just that.

“But we also realize how busy families are,” Dr. Lena said. "So, we take a ‘no wait’ approach to appointments. Our patients see me or Dr. Jed at every appointment and we begin evaluating them and enacting that day’s treatment plan, as soon as they arrive.” Siblings are always welcome and have access to video games and other fun diversions, while they wait.

At Hildebrand Orthodontics we treat kids as early as 6 years old to help develop their airway and create room for growing adult

teeth. Siblings and parents see how easy the process is and what fabulous results are achieved which excites them to also do treatment. You’re never too old or young to start creating a beautiful smile. That’s why we offer a free consultation to every patient at every age.” Because older patients don’t always want traditional braces, Hildebrand Orthodontics also offers Invisalign clear tooth aligners. And either option is available at the same price.

Hildebrand Orthodontics is known for pioneering the latest in orthodontic technology and technique. They were some of the first in the area to use high-tech flexible

wires which respond to the temperature of the patient’s mouth to straighten teeth faster and with far less discomfort. “No more tightening of braces and no more bands on back teeth,” Dr. Jed said. “That translates to less risk of cavities. We’re also using the new mini braces, the smallest braces on the market—50% smaller than traditional braces—that decrease treatment time by six months.”

Now, they’re pioneering Digital Indirect Bonding System with Artificial Intelligence (DIBs), a new technology that utilizes 3D printed custom trays to perfectly place brackets. “By incorporating DIBS AI into our practice, we can use an advanced algorithms to plan the optimal placement of each bracket and more effectively move teeth into their desired positions, reducing the need for adjustments,” Dr. Jed said. “This results in shorter overall treatment time, improved comfort for our patients, less time in the chair, and more predictability in treatment outcomes, leading to beautiful, perfectly-aligned smiles—at any age.”


Jed Hildebrand grew up in the Dallas area playing football and soccer for Plano High. He earned a Bachelor of Science in biology from Baylor University where he played soccer on the university’s team and was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. He received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery from Texas A&M College of Dentistry and continued his dental training at Case Western Reserve University. He completed an orthodontic residency program to become a boardeligible specialist in orthodontics, and

received his Master of Science in dentistry. He has served on the board of the Arlington Dental Study Club.

Dr. Hildebrand enjoys participating in Christian dental missionary work in Mexico and has traveled overseas to dental clinics in refugee camps in Cambodia, India, and Thailand. He attends Prestonwood Baptist Church, where he’s a frequent speaker. In the fall of 2002, Dr. Hildebrand was a contestant on Survivor V: Thailand. He’s also appeared on MTV’s TRL, The Caroline Rhea Show, CBS’s The Early Show, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, E!, Inside Edition, and The Ticket talk radio show.

His wife and fellow dentist, Kim, is taking a break from her dental practice to be a fulltime mom to their son, Kai, and daughter, Liv. Outside of the office, Dr. Hildebrand enjoys motorcycling, wakeboarding, surfing, and playing in a men’s premier soccer league in Dallas. His brothers, Brody and Sloan, and his father, David, are also dentists with specialty practices in Dallas.


"Lena Bortnem's journey to becoming a top-tier orthodontist is as inspiring as it is impressive. She graduated summa cum laude from Chapman University with a Bachelor of Science in biology and a minor in chemistry. Her zeal for learning and teaching shone brightly at the University of Pacific Dugoni School of Dentistry, where she not only earned her Doctorate of Dental Surgery at the top of her class, but also shared her knowledge with fellow students as a peer tutor in dental anatomy, physiology, and pre-clinical techniques. She then honed her expertise in orthodontics, completing her residency program and earning a Master of Science in Orthodontics from Oregon Health & Science University. Following her residency, she shared her leadership skills and clinical expertise while leading orthodontic teams at Woodland Smiles and Pleasant Grove Dental Group.

Dr. Bortnem's commitment to service is truly remarkable. In 2008, she co-founded Hands4Hope, an organization empowering youth to reach out to seniors, the homeless, military personnel, and low-income communities. Her dedication to providing care extends internationally, with prevention education and dental treatment assistance provided through the Global Medical Training Organization in Nicaragua. She even traveled to Jamaica with the Great Shape – 1000 Smiles Mission, where she

generously provided cleanings, fillings, extractions, and other essential dental care to underserved populations.

When she's not transforming smiles, Dr. Bortnem enjoys staying active and adventuring to new destinations with her husband (who also is an orthodontist). And the most fulfilling adventure of all? They recently welcomed their son, Callan; a healthy, happy nine-pound, four-ounce bundle of joy.

Ask about low down payment options when you call.

Top Dentist Award: 2008-2024

Texas Monthly: voted Super Dentist, year after year

D Magazine: Best Orthodontist Award, voted on by dentists

Living Magazine: Best Orthodontist Award, voted on by the community

Visit to schedule your free consultation and don’t forget to ask about low down payment options.

2200 Interstate 20 West Suite 100

Arlington, Texas 76017 (817) 468-4141



The BBQ teams and daily artist lineups have been announced for Lone Star Smokeout, a three-day boutique country music and BBQ festival brought to you by the team at Lettuce Entertain You Restaurants and behind Chicago’s Windy City Smokeout.

Led by James Beard and Michelin-recognized barbecue outfits from Texas, the festival will showcase 14 of the most renowned pitmasters in the country, with 10 hailing from the Lone Star State and five that are based in North Texas.

Representing Texas barbecue will be Dayne’s Craft Barbeque from Aledo; Hurtado Barbecue from Arlington; The Original Roy Hutchins Barbeque from Trophy Club; Michelin-recommended Panther City BBQ from Fort Worth; Slow Bone BBQ from Dallas; Rossler’s Blue

Wright’s Barbecue - Jordan Wright
Little Miss - Scott Holmes
Pappy’s Smokehouse - Brian Scoggin (Right)

Cord Barbecue from Harker Heights; The Salt Lick BBQ from Driftwood; The Original Black’s BBQ from Lockhart; two-time James Beard-nominated and Michelin-recommended 2M Smokehouse BBQ from San Antonio; two-time James Beard semifinalist Curry Boys BBQ from San Antonio. Rounding out the list will be Little Miss BBQ from Phoenix, Arizona; Meat Mitch Barbecue from Leawood, Kansas; Pappy’s Smokehouse from St. Louis, Missouri; and Wright’s Barbecue from Fayetteville, Arkansas.

“This festival is all about celebrating Texas BBQ and highlighting how its influence has shaped pitmasters from all over the country. For our first year, we’re bringing in some of the best BBQ talent from across Texas, including a few familiar faces from past Smokeouts,” said Max Robbins, Culinary Director of Lone Star Smokeout. “To top it off , we’ve got four pitmasters from neighboring states, each showing off their own regional twist on BBQ and how Texas has inspired them. It’s going to be a blast, and we can’t wait to see you there!”

“Panther City BBQ was honored to be able to participate in the Windy City Smokeout the last two years,” says Chris Magallanes, Pitmaster and Co-Owner of Panther City BBQ.

“To be able to showcase our food in such a great event was an unforgettable experience, so of course we were pumped when we heard it was coming home to Texas! Y’all get ready!”

Miriam Wilson, who recently retired as a pitmaster at The Salt Lick BBQ, added, “The Salt Lick BBQ has had the opportunity to share BBQ family traditions at the Windy City Smokeout the past 11 years. We are excited to begin a new tradition with great food and music at the Lone Star Smokeout — deep in the heart of Texas.”

Each featured BBQ vendor will be selling two items throughout the festival. Pitmasters will be spending the majority of their day at their booths, having the chance to interact with guests. General Admission tickets do not include the price of food.

Lone Star Smokeout also recently announced its daily music lineup, featuring a selection of top country artists and homegrown Texas talent hand-picked by ACM-award winning promoter and festival co-founder Ed Warm. The full lineup can be found below, with three-day and single-day tickets available for purchase at

Friday May 2: Cody Jinks, Randy Rogers Band, Josh Meloy, Ian Harrison, Grace Tyler, JoJo DiSalvo

Saturday May 3: Jon Pardi, Dylan Gossett, Tucker Wetmore, Tanner Adell, Lauren Watkins, Catie Offerman

Sunday May 4: Midland, Wyatt Flores, DJ Pauly D, Eli Young Band, Hudson Westbrook, Kaitlin Butts, Kashus Culpepper

Beyond the music and BBQ, Lone Star Smokeout will showcase a variety of fan-favorite retail purveyors, including on-site pop-ups from Tecovas, Yellow Rose by Kendra Scott, Hale House Boutique, and a custom hat bar Flea Style.

For more information, visit

Lone Star Smokeout

Hurtado Barbecue - Brandon Hurtado Meat Mitch - Mitch Benjamin
Panther City BBQ - Chris Magallanes (Right)
Salt Lick BBQ - Miriam Wilson
2M Smokehouse - Esaul Ron

Pet Club


To join the club, visit Send your pet’s name, your name, your address, and a clear photo of your pet. They might just turn up in a future issue of Living!

Theo & Hazel
Mara Bear
Blue & Bently

Book Club

The Boys of Riverside

The Boys of Riverside looks back at the historic 2021 and 2022 seasons in which the California School for the Deaf chased history. It follows the personal journeys of their dynamic deaf head coach and a student who spent most of the season sleeping in his father’s car in the Target parking lot. It tells the story of a fiercely committed player who played through a broken leg not to miss a crucial game and myriad other heart-wrenching and uplifting narratives of players who found common purpose. Through their eyes, New York Times reporter and San Francisco Bureau Chief Thomas Fuller reveals a portrait of high school athletics, inspiring camaraderie, and deafness in America.

Martha Stewart’s Gardening Handbook: The Essential Guide to Designing, Planting, and Growing

From designing your garden to selecting the right varieties for your region, this manual has every detail covered. Whether you’re a green thumb or a gardening novice, this gorgeous book, filled with practical tips, stunning images (many from Martha’s personal gardens), and detailed explanations, will arm you with the knowledge to help your garden thrive. As Martha likes to say, gardening is a never-ending opportunity for growth.

Be Ready When the Luck Happens A Memoir

Ina’s gift is to make everything look easy, yet all her accomplishments have been the result of hard work, audacious choices, and exquisite attention to detail. In her unmistakable voice (no one tells a story like Ina), she brings her past and her process to life in a high-spirited and no-holds-barred memoir that chronicles decades of personal challenges, adventures (and misadventures) and unexpected career twists, all delivered with her signature combination of playfulness and purpose.

Book covers from Be Ready When the Luck Happens , by Ina Garten (Crown), The Boys of Riverside , by Thomas Fuller (Doubleday), Martha Stewart’s Gardening Handbook , by Martha Stewart (Harvest), with description excerpts from the publisher. All images are presented for non-commercial illustrative purposes.


Y Anthony Nakamura, MD

Sameer Halani, MD

For more than three decades, men and women seeking excellence in plastic surgery have made the trek to Arlington, Texas to be treated by Dr. Y Anthony Nakamura of Accent on You Plastic Surgery and Medi Spa. A true pioneer in his field, Dr. Nakamura has set the standard for excellence in cosmetic enhancement with natural-looking results in plastic surgery and body contouring. Loyal patients have even more reason to travel to Accent on You, now that Dr. Nakamura has been joined by Dr. Sameer Halani.


Dr. Halani specializes in a wide scope of aesthetic plastic surgery procedures including body procedures, facelift, neck lift, rhinoplasty, and thighplasty surgeries. Sameer Halani was raised on the values of hard work, integrity, and persistence. His natural bent toward art and drawing has been a surprising advantage when applied toward his chosen field of plastic surgery. “My goal is to offer my patients the best results in the safest way,” Dr. Halani said. “I take pride in knowing my patients have the highest level of care and that they always feel heard. I want to be a good person first and a good doctor second.” He’s also passionate about mentoring medical students in the field of plastic surgery.


Y Anthony Nakamura has performed thousands of successful breast augmentations, tummy tucks, even complete Mommy Makeovers and has been voted “Best Plastic Surgeon” many times by his patients. With over 30 years of experience, he’s a recognized expert in plastic surgery and body contouring, providing excellent care while taking a personal approach with each and every patient. Dr. Nakamura is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and affiliated with the American Medical Association, American

Society of Plastic Surgeons, American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, and Texas Medical Association. He is also a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.


Drs. Nakamura and Halani place an emphasis on patient education and empowerment taking their time to walk each patient through their treatment options, realistic expectations, likely outcomes, recovery, and any potential risks of surgery. Because each patients is unique, all services and results are customized. Accent on You Plastic Surgery Center is a fully accredited, free-standing surgery center with at least five nurses in the building to assist with the care of patients and their families.

When you call Accent on You with questions before or after your surgery, a nurse or nurse coordinator is available to answer your call

and relay your questions or concerns to Dr. Nakamura. So, he’s always just a phone call away.

In addition to providing excellence in plastic surgery, the two doctors oversee Accent on Your Med Spa offering excellence in chemical peels, fillers, facials, lash extensions, microdermabrasion, microneedling, CoolScuplting, and physician-grade skin care products.

Find out more or schedule a consultation at


3030 South Cooper Street Arlington, Texas 76015 (817) 417-7200


Gary K Alexander, MD, FACS, CPE

Joshua Trussell, MD, FACS, CPE

Jeremy Parcells, MD, FACS

Andrew Standerwick, MD, FACS

Ivan Cruz, MD, FACS

If your doctor has recommended you undergo surgery and you live in Tarrant County, there’s a good chance they’ve also recommended the five board-certified surgeons at Surgical Associates of Mansfield. Experts in a range of traditional and laparoscopic procedures these eminently trained and experienced surgeons have enhance the lives of many of your DFW neighbors and they can do the same for you.

Since 2007, Surgical Associates of Mansfield have garnered a stellar reputation for surgeries of the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal wall, covering a range of procedures from heartburn/reflux surgery to general surgery. Through the use of the latest surgical techniques and technology they have together performed thousands of successful surgeries.

The Surgical Associates of Mansfield surgeons are experts in a range of traditional and laparoscopic procedures. Together, they specialize in the diagnosis and surgical intervention of complex conditions with one goal in mind— treating people, not test results. Meet these outstanding surgeons.


Practice founder Gary Alexander is a boardcertified general surgeon specializing in surgery of the gastrointestinal tract, including heartburn/reflux surgery, gallbladder surgery, and colon surgery. Since 2007, he’s performed thousands of procedures including colonoscopy for diagnostic and cancer screening, thyroid surgery, breast surgery, vascular access surgery, and skin and soft tissue surgery.


Jeremy Parcells performs a wide range of procedures including hernia, gallbladder, antireflux, colorectal, bariatric surgery, and a full range of complex laparoscopic and robotic surgeries. “Robotic surgery represents the next stage of growth and innovation, allowing us to

perform operations we’re already performing laparoscopically — only better,” he said.


As a broad-based general surgeon, Joshua Trussell performs common procedures for conditions such as gallbladder disease, appendicitis, small bowel disorders, and soft tissue infections and masses. He repairs all types of hernias, including advanced abdominal wall reconstruction and repair for large loss of domain incisional hernias. He specializes in surgeries for colon cancer and skin malignancies, including melanoma, and has experience in bariatric procedures, including laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.


Andrew Standerwick performs a wide variety of procedures, focusing on those involving the abdomen and related organs. He has a special interest in hiatal hernias, inguinal hernias, and anti-reflux surgery, and specializes in weightloss surgeries, including Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, and revision surgery.


Ivan Cruz is a board-certified general surgeon with a special interest in treating

colon cancer, gallbladder issues, acute appendicitis, umbilical hernias, inguinal hernias, hernias of the abdominal wall, and complications of peptic ulcer disease. He performs screening colonoscopies, upper GI endoscopies, and cyst and lipoma removals. They’re currently accepting new patients at their offices in Grand Prairie, Arlington, Mansfield, and Midlothian. Find out more at

Surgical Associates of Mansfield is owned and operated by MedHealth/Methodist Medical Group and staffed by independently practicing physicians who are employees of MedHealth/Methodist Medical Group. The physicians and staff who provide services at this site are not employees or agents of Methodist Health System or any of its affiliated hospitals.


2975 East Broad Street Suite 200

Mansfield, Texas 76063 (682) 518-8619


Jeannine Hoang, MD

Ashish Arshanapalli, MD


At United Dermatology Associates (UDA), cutting-edge treatments help you maintain a smooth, lifted, and radiant appearance— without invasive procedures. Whether you want to soften wrinkles, restore lost volume, or improve skin texture, UDA’s expert team offers the most advanced, minimally invasive solutions to help you age beautifully.


At UDA, science-backed treatments address the root causes of skin aging for natural, long-lasting results.


Botox® and Dysport® soften expression lines while dermal fillers restore lost volume, sculpting a youthful, natural look—all with UDA’s expert injectors.


Years of sun exposure can leave skin uneven. Lutronic Ultra™ stimulates collagen, evens skin tone, and restores radiance with minimal downtime.


Collagen is the foundation of youthful skin, but its production slows with age. SkinPen® microneedling jumpstarts collagen renewal, reducing fine lines, acne scars, and discoloration for a vibrant complexion.


Loss of elasticity can lead to sagging and wrinkles. Legend Pro™ uses radiofrequency energy to firm and tighten the skin, improving tone and texture while enhancing natural contours.


While UDA leads in cosmetic dermatology, they also provide expert medical care for conditions like acne, rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis. Dr. Ashish Arshanapalli, a fellowshiptrained Mohs surgeon, specializes in precise skin cancer removal and reconstruction, ensuring expert care when it matters most.


Dr. Arshanapalli graduated at the top of his class at Indiana University School of Medicine, completed his dermatology residency at Loyola University, and trained in Mohs micrographic surgery at the University of Wisconsin, the birthplace of Mohs surgery ABOUT DR. HOANG

Jeannine Hoang, MD, graduated summa cum laude from the University of Texas at Austin and earned her medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine. After opening her first office in Mansfield, she expanded UDA across DFW to meet the growing demand for advanced, patient-centered dermatologic care.


With six locations in Mansfield, Arlington (Matlock & Fielder), Burleson, Flower Mound, and Euless, UDA makes expert dermatologic care more accessible than ever. Healthy, glowing skin is about more than looking younger—it’s about confidence. Take the first step toward radiant skin today. Book your consultation at (817) 539-0959 or visit


Arlington - Fielder 723 North Fielder Road Suite C Arlington, Texas 76012 (817) 539-0959

Arlington - Matlock 3132 Matlock Road Suite 307 Arlington, Texas 76015 (817) 468-3131

Burleson 780 NE Alsbury Boulevard Suite B Burleson, Texas 76028 (817) 529-1753

Euless 2101 Westpark Ct Suite 150 Euless, Texas 76040 (682) 254-6354

Flower Mound 4335 Windsor Centre Trail Suite 110 Flower Mound, Texas 75028 (469) 635-5990

Mansfield 130 Regency Parkway Mansfield, Texas 76063 (817) 539-0959



It should have been no surprise to Diane Blaising’s family when she found her calling helping others live a better life through improved hearing. Way back in elementary school, it was a young Diane who wowed her classmates with a science project demonstrating bone-conduction hearing.

“This was back when we had portable record players,” she says. “I took the record player to school, and instead of using the needle on the record, I had a sewing needle stuck into a pencil eraser. We’d hold the wooden end of the pencil between our teeth and place the needle on the turning record and could hear the record through our teeth and bones in our skulls. It’s not coming through your ear canals. It’s bone-conduction hearing.”

The workings of the human auditory system haven’t ceased to amaze Diane. Now, as a boardcertified doctor of audiology, she’s discovered she likes the human side of audiology even more than the medical/science side. “I love the patient contact and making a difference in the lives of my patients the most,” she says.

After more than 32 years serving as an audiologist, and opening her practice in 2008, Dr. Blaising provides a source for total hearing care. “I want my office to serve as a resource center for everything hearing,” she says. “I opened Cityview Audiology & Hearing Aids because I wanted to do more for my patients. For instance, we offer a free aural rehab class for anyone who wants to learn coping strategies for people with hearing loss and their families. Sometimes family members need a little education about how to communicate with the one with hearing difficulties.”

Dr. Blaising says, “Our entire team joins me in our mission to help our patients obtain a betterquality of life by enhancing their ability to communicate with family and friends, leading to deeper, more meaningful relationships,” she says. “We love helping working men and

women be more successful in their careers. We love helping grandparents have better communication with their grandchildren. We live in a time when hearing aid technology is extremely sophisticated, and we have the ability to treat any hearing loss successfully. Every patient is different. So we stay abreast of advancements in the programming software that allows us to correctly fit hearing instruments to each unique hearing loss.”

“Research is out now that proves hearing loss is a major contributing factor for dementia. Our office now offers our patients a cognitive domain screening. This helps us to help our patients as we treat their hearing loss.”

Dr. Diane Blaising began her career in audiology in 1992. She received her doctor of audiology degree from the Arizona School of Health Sciences and her master’s degree in audiology from the Callier Center for Communication Disorders at the University of Texas at Dallas. She has years of experience working with hearing-impaired adults and children in otolaryngologists’ offices and as a pediatric audiologist at the Louisville Deaf Oral School. Dr. Blaising is board-certified in audiology by the American Board of Audiology and has twice been given the Ace Award for continuing education.

“Research is out now that proves hearing loss is a major contributing factor for dementia. Our office now offers our patients a cognitive domain screening. This helps us to help our patients as we treat their hearing loss.”


5701 Bryant Irvin Road Suite 202 Fort Worth, Texas 76132 (817) 263-1800


We never know the things that will mold us into the person we will become. At age 21, James Kelley certainly never expected to land in a wheelchair and couldn’t imagine when he did that it would be the beginning of a fulfilling life’s mission. Yet as he recovered from a hip disorder, he experienced firsthand the difference a kind and caring doctor can make. Now, he spends his days offering that same patient-centered care to his urology patients at Texas Center for Urology. “I understand the importance of treating each patient as a whole person, not just a disorder, diagnosis, or problem,” he said. “I want to truly listen to them the way I was listened to and patiently explain their condition, the way mine was explained to me.” Dr. Kelley never wants to forget how it felt to be a patient.

At Texas Center for Urology, Dr. Kelley treats and manages a wide variety of urologic issues including:

• Male and Female Bladder Complaints

• Kidney Stones

• Urologic Cancers

• Hormone Deficiencies

• Vasectomy

• Men’s Health

• Urinary Incontinence

• Prostate Problems

• Erectile Dysfunction

• Urinary Tract Infections


No matter what their complaint or condition, Dr. Kelley takes seriously his role as patient educator. “No two patients are exactly the same, but each of them has an issue affecting their quality of life,” he said. “I want them to know they have a voice in making decisions about their own care. I like to spend as much time as I can with each

patient until they feel comfortable with their treatment plan going forward. That can only happen if I take the time to truly listen then partner with them to move forward with the best options.”


As a urologist, Dr. Kelley is truly able to improve his patients’ quality of life. “I love that I’m able to follow my patients for years and really get to know them,” he said. “My goal is to treat every patient like a member of my family. I want them to know any treatment options I present is something I’d recommend to my family and friends.”


As his patient base has grown, his practice has evolved and Dr. Kelley finds himself placing an emphasis on minimally invasive and innovative benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH/enlarged prostate) procedures for men and female urinary problems such as overactive bladder and incontinence. He offers many minimally invasive techniques and procedures with nominal recovery times.


In his free time, Dr. Kelley participates in patient education events for the Mansfield Chamber of Commerce helping spread awareness regarding men's health issues. He is a family man through and through. “I’m most passionate about my family,” he said. “My beautiful wife, three daughters, and extended family are the most important things in the world to me. They’re the reason for everything I do.”

1759 Broad Park Circle South Suite 101

Mansfield, Texas 76063 (817) 871-9069


Matthew McCabe is a problem solver— always has been. When patients come to him for help, they’re often feeling discouraged or defeated. The first thing he offers them is a sympathetic ear, taking the time to really listen to their issues then partnering with them to find the right solution. Having put in the time to become fellowship trained in limb salvage, reconstructive surgery, and orthoplastics (a field that combines plastics techniques and orthopedic techniques), there is much he can do to help even the most complex issue. Still for him, surgery is always a last resort after all non-surgical options have been explored.

For Dr. McCabe, the greatest reward is seeing his patients return to the things and people they love. Over the years, he has forged deep bonds with his patients. A special shelf in his office attests to some of those relationships. On it, you’ll find things like a cap from the USS Kitty Hawk, an autographed biography of one of his patients, metals, accommodations, commemorative coins, and other mementos each representing a life he has touched. They are some of his greatest treasures. Dr. McCabe and his staff treat men, women, and children suffering with conditions of the foot and ankle complex including bunions, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, diabetic neuropathy and diabetic wounds, flat feet, neuromas, hammertoes, and Achilles tendonitis. “These are conditions that can affect quality of life and productivity,” Dr. McCabe said. “We are blessed to handle cases as complicated as total ankle replacement and as simple as toenail fungus. Whatever the problem, we always begin with the most conservative viable treatment option then progress if we need to, with surgery as our last resort.”


Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage which most often affects the legs and feet of

those with diabetes. Symptoms can be mild or can be painful, debilitating, and in rare cases even fatal. “There are oral medications and topical ones that are highly effective in offering relief,” Dr. McCabe said. “Unfortunately, some patients see limited success with certain medications and treatments. Let me take a new look at your diabetic foot pain. A simple preventative diabetic foot exam can evaluate your overall health, your diabetes, and identify problems that could arise related to your feet—ideally before they occur.” Most insurance companies—including Medicare and Medicaid—cover these preventative exams.


Whether you’re suffering with heel pain, foot and ankle pain, arthritis, foot fractures, ankle fractures, bunion deformities, Achilles tendon issues, or another foot/ankle condition, Dr. McCabe and his team will offer you options tailored to your individual

needs. “The more we can help patients understand about their condition and the treatment options available to them, the better decisions they can make about their care,” Dr. McCabe said. “Let us help you put your best foot forward.”Find out more at


2270 Matlock Road Suite 104

Mansfield, Texas 76063

(325) 480-2063


Dr. Melissa Danchak, Owner/Audiologist at Kos/Danchak Audiology & Hearing Aids, and her staff, have been helping North Texans hear better for over 35 years.

“We want to help people hear the best they can, and we want to exceed the level of service they expect,” Dr. Danchak said. “Because your hearing health directly contributes to your overall well-being and quality-of-life, it makes sense to care for your hearing health the same way you do the rest of your health. We believe that better hearing health is an investment, not a transaction. The patient-first approach we take and services we provide reflect that belief.”

Millions of people experience limitations in their daily lives due to hearing loss. Unfortunately, many people wait upwards of 10 years to do something about their hearing needs. "The good news is that hearing loss can be treated. Today’s technology, which is supported by decades of research and clinical trials, provides an incredibly natural listening experience in all types of settingsespecially when background noise is present and, on the telephone, which are the two most common areas our patients have the most challenges,” says Dr. Melissa Danchak.

The staff at Kos/Danchak Audiology & Hearing Aids have decades of experience in helping patients in all walks of life. For example, helping a grandmother hear her grandchildren more clearly on the phone. They help a working professional hear better in their place of employment. They help people hear better in social settings and at their place of worship. "There are not many audiology practices in the North Texas area that have been helping people hear better as long as we have,” Dr. Danchak says. "We believe that how we meet with people and the delivery of the services we provide is about giving an experience that makes

people feel confident in their decision to address their hearing health care needs with us!”

Dr. Danchak and her staff are humbled by the positive feedback and reviews they have earned from satisfied patients. “They are sharing their experiences with our office which helps others that are searching for an audiologist feel confident in making a decision to address their hearing health care needs!”

The first step to hearing better begins with a discussion about the challenges you are having when it comes to hearing and understanding clearly. After a diagnostic hearing evaluation, a live listening demonstration with hearing devices is next. “One of the best ways to help someone realize how much better they can hear with hearing devices, is to provide them with that experience. Watching the almost immediate range of positive emotions when a patient realizes how much better, and more clearly, they can hear is really special,” Dr. Danchak says. Your appointment will be informative and the best first step to hearing the best

you can! “Our goal is to ensure that you have a positive experience and that you understand your hearing health care needs and solutions we can provide.”


Kos/Danchak Audiology & Hearing Aids - Arlington 905 West Mitchell Street Arlington, Texas 76013 (817) 277-7039

Kos/Danchak Audiology & Hearing Aids - Fort Worth 904 Pennsylvania Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76104 (817) 332-8817


From the time he was a boy, Frank Rodriguez dreamed of a career in medicine. He did, that is, when he wasn’t dreaming of becoming a professional ballplayer. “I loved sports of all kinds,” he said. “If I wasn’t on the soccer field, I was shooting hoops in my driveway. If I wasn’t there, I was perfecting the perfect spiral with the pigskin.” Alas, a sports career wasn’t in the cards for young Frank. But that didn’t stop him from directing his love of sports another way.

As a lifelong athlete, he knew firsthand how an injury can land anyone on the sidelines. Now as an orthopedic surgeon, he’s able to help people from all walks of life reduce their pain and restore their bodies’ functionality and mobility. It’s something he’s been doing and loving for over 30 years. There’s nothing more rewarding for Dr. Rodrigues than seeing patients who were once riddled with pain and limitations get back to the active life they love, whether that’s training for a marathon or being able to play on the floor with the grandkids.

As his practice has grown, he’s settled into a specialty in reconstruction, replacement, and arthroscopy of the shoulder, hip, and knee. Patient education is a hallmark of his practice. He believes in spending time with each patient explaining their options, answering their questions, and putting their minds at ease. Patients are like family to Dr. Rodriquez. Some of them, for over twenty-five years, have trusted him with more than one joint replacement, and others have encouraged family members to come in for care, so Dr. Rodriguez was able to improve the lives of several members of the same family.

Dr. Rodriguez lives with his wife Kimberly, the love of his life, his best friend, and his partner of over 40 years. He and Kimberly both agree that Texas is the best state to

live in, and they’re proud to call it “home”. Together they’ve raised three kids and are expecting their first granddaughter any day! They love the Dallas Fort Worth area because it has the best combination of professional opportunities and lots of SPORTS!

In his free time, Dr. Rodriguez indulges his love of sports by cycling, going to college football games, and collecting sports memorabilia, especially sports cards from the ‘60s and ‘70s. In fact, some of his basketball card sets are the top cards in the world. The family dog, Duncan, the ninth Golden Retriever the Rodríguezes’ have owned over the years, even gets his name from former Spurs star, Tim Duncan.

Dr. Rodriguez’s home-away-from-home is Christ Chapel Bible Church in Burleson. He

and his wife enjoy Bible study and putting God first in everything they do. Dr. Rodriguez cherishes the opportunity to share the gospel with his patients and often prays with them before surgeries. Find out more at

800 Orthopedic Way Arlington, Texas 76015 (817) 375-5200



Mandy Cotten feels blessed to have followed her father into the medical field. Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and Hormone Specialist Dr. Gary Donovitz began teaching his daughter at a young age about the rewards of empowering patients to live their best lives. Now as a family nurse practitioner and owner of Institute for Hormonal Balance, Mandy spends her days educating and empowering men and women to live happier and age healthier.

Mandy believes in beginning this process by taking time to get to know each patient and their wellness goals. The time spent connecting with them helps her understand how to provide them with the most effective care for their unique body, personality, and lifestyle. Whether you’re looking for a partner in your wellness journey or state-of-the-art aesthetics help to look as good as you feel— or both—Mandy wants to be your holistic wellness partner. Together you’ll collaborate on a personalized treatment plan that meets your needs and improves your quality of life.

Because Mandy believes the best way to stay healthy is to never get sick in the first place, she offers proactive wellness services including hormone replacement therapy, IV therapy, vitamin injections, weight management, blood draw and testing, well woman services, nutraceuticals, and PNOE metabolic testing, a non-invasive breath test that measures how your body uses oxygen and burns calories.

Mandy knows men and women of any age need a healthcare partner they can talk to about anything and everything. It’s for this reason she also offers intimate services and counseling. In her, patients find a caring and sympathetic ear and a wealth of knowledge in intimate services such as feminine rejuvenation, erectile dysfunction treatment, O-shots, P-shots, STD testing and treatment, and contraception management.

At Institute for Hormonal Balance, you’ll also find facial aesthetic services including Botox, dermal fillers, threads, Emface, facials including laser facials, and RF microneedling and body aesthetic offerings including body sculping, skin tightening, laser hair removal, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

Mandy is quick to give credit where credit is due. “Our dynamic team of hormone specialists and clinical staff have decades of experience informing their care,” Mandy said. “Not only that but they genuinely care as much about our patients as I do.” These expert nurse practitioners, aestheticians, nurses, and other staff members want nothing more than to help you achieve your wellness goals with high-quality services, personalized care, and the lost art of compassion.


Mandy completed her Bachelor of Science in Psychology, her Bachelor of Science of Nursing (BSN) both from Texas Christian University, her Doctorate of Nursing Practice

from Loyola University in New Orleans, and certification from the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP). When not on the job, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Casey, and their two children. Find out more at


4224 Park Springs Boulevard Suite 100

Arlington, Texas 76016

202 South Coleman Suite 100-5

Prosper, Texas 75078

(817) 467-7474


Dharmesh Bhakta, DPM, FACFAS

Shae Paschal, DPM, FACFAS

Jacob Jasper, DPM, FACFAS

Parth Bhakta, DPM, FACFAS

Abhin Kumar, DPM, DABPM

Steve Silvey, LPT, CWC

Our feet quite literally carry us through life. The intricate network of bones (52 per foot) and nerves (approximately 8,000) that make up your feet also makes them susceptible to a wide range of medical conditions. For that reason, partnering with a podiatrist you trust is as important as having a trusted physician or dentist you see for annual checkups. Regular visits to your podiatrist can go a long way toward keeping your feet and ankles in good health and heading off unwanted medical conditions.

The doctors of Accent Podiatry Associates believe in a minimally invasive approach to addressing foot or ankle issues. In fact, although they are highly trained and experienced surgeons, for them surgery is always a last resort. Their practice, with offices in Arlington and Mansfield, is a warm, welcoming, patient-centric space with a focus on the latest techniques and technology but always with the patient/ doctor relationship at the forefront. They offer state-of-the-art podiatric services tailored to meet your needs. This gifted team of providers spends each day addressing:

• Foot and Ankle Pain

• Bunions

• Heel Pain

• Plantar Fasciitis

• Diabetic Wound Care

• Flat Feet

• Neuromas

• Children’s Foot Care

• Hammertoes

• Achilles Tendonitis

The Accent Podiatry team wants you to be your own best healthcare advocate. They take their time to outline all treatment options then partner with patients to pursue the least invasive options first—only

considering surgery, after all conservative treatments have been exhausted, looking for and address the root cause of foot and ankle problems. Whether you’re experiencing heel pain, sports injuries, diabetic foot care, or anything in between, they offer personalized, compassionate care. And they want you to know pain isn’t just a symptom of aging or something you need to “get used to”. That’s why they’ve built a one-stop shop for everything from simple fungal nails to complex foot surgery. There’s a reason Accent Podiatry Associates is repeatedly voted Best Podiatist. The internet is full of five-star reviews describing patients and staff as friendly, professional, gentle, highly skilled, efficient, thorough, personable, understanding, accommodating and easy to talk to. One reviewer wrote, “The staff makes you a number one priority and ensures that you are 100% satisfied before turning you away. Everyone here, especially the front desk staff, are extremely courteous and polite. They help you to their fullest extent." Accent Podiatry offices are fun places to visit, too, with doctors, patients, and staff joking and

laughing and “doing life” together. Don’t resign yourself to foot and ankle pain. Let the team at Accent Podiatry Associates help you find the root cause of your problem and regain your active, painfree live again. They accept most insurance plans and always welcome new patients.


Arlington Office

3050 South Center Street

Suite 140

Arlington, Texas 76014 (817) 557-1006

Mansfield Office

221 Regency Parkway Suite 117

Mansfield, Texas 76063 (817) 477-3611

800 Highlander Avenue Suite 400

Midlothian, Texas 76065 (817) 987-1030



Joseph Adams knows how it feels to suffer with a health challenge and find no answers or hope. It was, in fact, this early experience that brought him to his chiropractic studies, after back-to-back injuries left him with constant pain and limited mobility. Yet, he couldn’t find the compassion or the care he needed. He never wants a single patient at Calibration Chiropractic and Functional Health to feel that way.

“I spent countless hours studying in the hopes of figuring out my issues,” he said. “After a couple of years, I diagnosed myself and was able to heal.” This early experience gets him out of bed every day committed to giving his patients the care they deserve.

Dr. Adams began his practice of chiropractic in a multidisciplinary setting where he collaborated on challenging conditions such as TBIs, post-concussion syndrome, stroke, migraine, and dizziness. That experience motivated him to further his education with a master’s in applied clinical neuroscience.

A firm believer that health—or lack thereof— is never due to just one factor, he offers his patients a holistic approach to care. “With each patient, we consider metabolic health, lifestyle, neurological dysfunction, and structural dysfunction often picking up on things other providers have miss,” he said. This whole-person philosophy combined with a dedication to continuing education and an investment in the latest advancing technology enables him to offer each patient a customized care plan including treatments such as acupuncture, shockwave, class three and four laser therapy, decompression, and electrical stimulation devices. “We’re able to combine orthopedics, neurology, functional nutrition, and acupuncture to create a synergistic treatment approach across a team of care providers collaborating toward each patient’s unique health goals,” he said.

Because of this unique blend of diagnostic skills and comprehensive care, general physicians, physical therapists, and other chiropractors often refer more challenging cases to Calibration Chiropractic and Functional Health.


When not on the job, Joseph Adams currently serves on the board of the Texas Chiropractic Association (TCA) and the Mansfield Police Department’s TCOLE board. He leads continuing education workshops for other chiropractors, speaks to prospective chiropractic students at Parker University, leads health talks for parents on topics such as screen time and post-concussion management, and presents on local programs such as About Mansfield and Hello Mansfield.

The son of an award-winning designer and sculptor, Dr. Adams is himself a professional designer and fabricator. Before becoming a chiropractor and neuroscientist, he ran two design and fabrication businesses constructing furniture, fountains, bronze sculptures, iron gates, and projects for the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Dr. Adams is married to fellow physician, Dr. Jordan Adams. They are parents to two

amazing kids, a seven-year-old son who loves creating and playing games and a four-year-old daughter who’s fun-loving and compassionate. Nature and animal lovers, they’re currently sharing that love with three dogs and a horse.

“We’re able to combine orthopedics, neurology, functional nutrition, and acupuncture to create a synergistic treatment approach across a team of care providers collaborating toward each patient’s unique health goals,”


408 South Main Street Suite B Mansfield, Texas 76063 (817) 779-3435


Family was so important to John and Teri Bauer that they included it in the name of their dental practice—Mansfield Family Dentistry. Now that their son, Dr. Cody Bauer, has joined the team, the name is even more fitting. Together, this team of professionals has provided a dental home to generations of families in the Greater Mansfield area—and beyond. To them, dentistry is all about relationships.

That’s why, for four decades, the Bauer family has partnered with the families of Greater Mansfield to provide them with a dental home for all their restorative and cosmetic dentistry needs. Since the early 80s, this team has pioneered dental advancements that have made dentistry gentler, more artistic, and far more precise.

Now, as they watch patients they treated as children bring their own kids to Mansfield Family Dentistry, they want to offer them everything from simple cleanings and filling to advanced cosmetic procedures including teeth straightening and fullmouth makeovers—all under one roof from a team they trust. Patients who move away often travel back to Mansfield to be treated by the Bauers.


It’s important to the Bauers to provide a one-stop-shop to their family of patients. “The beauty of providing everything under one roof is that, when we realize during a routine check-up, for instance, that a patient needs a root canal, tooth extraction, or dental implant or when they inquire about a cosmetic procedure, we don’t have to refer them out to an unfamiliar dental practice,” Dr. John said. “Cody and I complete hundreds of hours of continuing education every year and invest in the latest, cutting-edge dental technology, so we can provide our

patients with cosmetic procedures such as tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, inlays, onlays, Invisalign clear braces, and permanent dental implants, right here in their dental home.”

“There are few things more rewarding to us than building relationships with our patients and watching them grow up in our practice, from before they lose their baby teeth to the day they bring their own kids to see us,” Dr. John said. “Cody, Terri, and I along with our dynamic team of dental assistants and hygienists want every patient we see to feel like a member of our family—because that’s what they are to us.”


Dr. John and Dr. Cody place an emphasis on patient education. “Oral health is about more than beautiful teeth,” Dr. Cody said. “It’s even about more than healthy teeth and gums. It’s about your overall health. Because links have been made between oral health and the chance of developing heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and other serious illnesses, we

take seriously our job to provide each patient with the tools they need for a lifetime of oral—and overall—health.”If you’re searching for a true dental home for your family, you just found one!

“The beauty of providing everything under one roof is that, when we realize during a routine check-up, for instance, that a patient needs a root canal, tooth extraction, or dental implant or when they inquire about a cosmetic procedure, we don’t have to refer them out to an unfamiliar dental practice.”


100 Carlin Road Mansfield, Texas 76063 (817) 473-0291


Jeremy Parcells, MD, FACS

Andrew Standerwick, MD, FACS

Dr. Jeremy Parcells takes pride in restoring his patient’s health and quality of life with bariatric and other surgeries. “Bariatric weight-loss surgery can be the first step for many patients to live a life free of obesity and obesity-related conditions,” he said. “It can be a potent and life-changing procedure and it gives me joy to provide immediate solutions like these to my patients’ healthcare concerns. It’s always exciting to see the results of my education and hard work improving someone’s day-to-day life.”


A summa cum laude graduate of Wheaton College in Illinois, Jeremy obtained a bachelor’s degree in biology and medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine. He completed an internship in general surgery at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and a residency at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. He further completed a fellowship in minimally invasive and bariatric surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center where he discovered his passion for weightloss surgery.

In addition to bariatric surgery, Dr. Parcells performs a wide range of procedures including hernia, gallbladder, anti-reflux, colorectal, bariatric surgery, and a full range of complex laparoscopic and robotic surgeries performed through a much smaller incision and resulting in shorter recovery times, less risk of infection, less scarring, and less pain for his patients.


Patients praise Dr. Andrew Standerwick’s kind and caring bedside, the time he takes explaining their condition and recommended procedures, and his genuine concern for every patient. In practice since 2013, this Cedar Hill native is a minimally invasive general surgeon. He graduated Summa

Cum Laude with his bachelor’s degree from the University of North Texas, and earned his medical degree from UT Southwestern Medical School. Dr. Standerwick completed a residency at Oklahoma University Medical Center and a fellowship in minimally invasive and bariatric surgery at Summa Health Akron in Ohio.

Certified by the American Board of Surgery, Dr. Standerwick specializes in weight-loss surgeries, including Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, and revision surgery. He also performs a wide variety of procedures, focusing on the abdomen and related organs. He has a particular interest in hiatal hernias, inguinal hernias, anti-reflux surgery, and he has been trained using minimally invasive techniques that reduce pain and recovery time.




Surgical Associates of Mansfield provides individualized care with patient-focused services. This multi-specialty surgery group offers their neighbors in Mansfield, Arlington, Grand Prairie, Midlothian, Cedar Hill, Fort

Worth, and surrounding communities excellence in da Vinci robotic surgery for use in gallbladder, hernia, bariatric, reflux, and diverticulitis. Additionally, they treat appendicitis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease. And they do all this with a commitment to evidence-based medicine and the latest medical technology to provide high quality care for every patient, every time.

Find out more and schedule an appointment at

Surgical Associates of Mansfield is owned and operated by MedHealth/Methodist Medical Group and staffed by independently practicing physicians who are employees of MedHealth/Methodist Medical Group. The physicians and staff who provide services at this site are not employees or agents of Methodist Health System or any of its affiliated hospitals.


2975 East Broad Street Suite 200

Mansfield, Texas 76063

(682) 518-8619


What does Dr. Talon Davis like most about dentistry? Turning fear into fun! As a general dentist offering everything from routine fillings, crowns, and dentures to root canals, extractions, tissue grafting, and dental implants, his goal is to treat people first and their smiles second. His office, South Arlington Smiles is among the most technologically advanced dental practices in the state, focusing on fully digital techniques and utilizing AI software to improve patient outcomes.

A family dental practice in every sense, he and his team are comfortable treating folks of all ages and backgrounds, focusing on bringing JOY to dentistry. “We want our patients to enjoy their smiles as much as we enjoy our work,” he said. “We focus on our community impact, seeking to raise the level of dental education and care while providing services that are highly affordable.” Dr. Davis understands that changing someone’s smile can change their life, instilling a new level of confidence and happiness that was otherwise not possible. Toward that end, he invests in the most advanced technology that provides a unique mix of speed, efficiency, and precision and does all he can to keep wait times and procedure times as brief as possible.

As a healthcare provider, Dr. Davis is aware of the impact he can have on the lives of his patients as well as his staff members. “I’ve been an educator in one form or another most of my life,” he said. “From teaching music lessons as a teenager and at the collegiate level to helping staff members learn new techniques that will better serve our patients, to taking time to explain recommended treatments to our patients. We understand the discomfort associated with going to the dentist and find that patient education can mitigate much of

that fear. I never want to proceed with a procedure until our patient understands what to expect and why the procedure is necessary.”

Originally from Edmond, Oklahoma, Dr. Davis grew up playing the double bass in symphony orchestras, staying active in his church choir, and helping out in his family music studio. He completed two degrees in music performance and performed with major symphonies in the DFW area for years, before hearing a call to serve through dentistry. When not on the job, he still loves playing his double bass. He and his wife, Kristin, a former orchestra director for Arlington ISD whom he met while an undergraduate, have a beautiful five-yearold daughter that’s the light of their lives.

Dr. Davis regularly volunteers at Mission Arlington providing dental services to the underserved and has set a goal this year for South Arlington Smiles to provide $50,000 in dental care to underserved communities throughout Arlington, Grand Prairie, and Mansfield. He’s also a big supporter of local school and health fairs where he offers dental health education. When time allows, he enjoys getting in as much golf and Sooner football as he can.

“We understand the discomfort associated with going to the dentist and find that patient education can mitigate much of that fear. I never want to proceed with a procedure until our patient understands what to expect and why the procedure is necessary.”  CONTACT

1450 Debbie Lane Suite 130 Arlington, Texas 76002

(817) 465-3454


Proudly born and raised in DFW, Stephen Katzen, MD, is a board-certified neurosurgeon who practices at the Methodist Moody Brain and Spine Institute at both the Mansfield and Dallas locations. Dr. Katzen completed his undergraduate degree in Spanish from Tulane University in New Orleans and his medical degree from Texas Tech University Health Science Center in Lubbock. Following graduation, Dr. Katzen completed his residency in neurological surgery from the University of Texas Health Science Center Houston.

Dr. Katzen has a special interest in treating degenerative conditions of the spine and tumors of the brain and spine. When he sees a patient suffering with such a condition, they’ve often come to him as a last resort feeling discouraged—even hopeless. His first goal is to give them an understanding of their condition. The second it to offer them HOPE. To do this, he spends time explaining neurosurgical conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia, Chiari malformations, hydrocephalus, and cranial and spine trauma which can rob an individual—and a family— of their quality of life. It’s his blessing to do whatever he can to help restore that quality.

Honestly, nobody plans to need a neurosurgeon. When they do, it’s because they’ve encountered injury to, or diseases/ disorders of the brain, spinal cord, spinal column, or peripheral nerves throughout their body. The first thing they need—and want—is someone who will truly listen, who will reassure them and educate them, someone with the experience and training to take what is a devastating time of life and make it better. Stephen Katzen is just such a doctor. He’s a highly skilled expert who deeply cares about restoring his patients’ health and quality of life.

Many grateful patients have taken to the internet to praise his gentle care and his

prowess as a surgeon. When Michael drug himself to Dr. Katzen’s office, he’d already been shuffled from doctor to doctor and truly felt like none of them really listened or cared. Just a few minutes into his time with Dr. Katzen, he knew he’d found his surgeon. “He was patient, kind, and understanding. He took time to explain the issues in words we could understand,” Michael’s wife wrote in a five-star review. “He made sure every one of our questions was answered and gave us peace of mind, for the first time, since my husband started having issues. We felt like he was on our team and everything he did was for my husband’s good.”

Another patient had resigned himself to a life of daily pain and limited mobility. He wrote this in a five-star online review. “Dr. Katzen’s mannerism was warm and friendly, which put me at ease. He has excellent communication skills. What a blessing he and his staff have been to me.” If daily pain is affecting your quality of life, surgery may be your best option. Find out more and schedule an appointment with Dr. Stephen Katzen

Methodist Moody Brain and Spine is owned and operated by MedHealth/Methodist Medical Group and

staffed by independently practicing physicians who are employees of MedHealth/Methodist Medical Group. The physicians and staff who provide services at this site are not employees or agents of Methodist Health System or any of its affiliated hospitals.

“He made sure every one of our questions was answered and gave us peace of mind, for the first time, since my husband started having issues. We felt like he was on our team and everything he did was for my husband’s good.”


Dr. Jiyoung Jung has a motto, “Save teeth. Save lives.” That’s not hyperbole. It’s a life’s mission. As a family dentist, she provides her family of patients all aspects of general dentistry as well as specialized treatment in sleep, airway, TMJ/TMD, and head and neck pain. But she offers them more than that. She partners with them as their wellness advocate for a long, vibrant, and happy life. That begins with prevention and early intervention.

“The function of your teeth goes far beyond chewing and talking,” Dr. Jung said. “I see the teeth as a part of the brain.” A deeper understanding of the teeth/body connection led her to focus her training on craniofacial structure and whole body treatment. For this reason, Dr. Jung provides each patient with a comprehensive exam including screening for oral cancer, gum disease, cavities, TMD, sleep/breathing disorders, tongue-tie, facial symmetry, head and neck pain, and postural misalignment. Only then can she present them with a personalized treatment plan. When indicated, she works collaboratively with chiropractors, physical therapists, sleep physicians, myofunctional therapists, and nutritionists to address the root causes of disease she’s identifying in a patient’s mouth. “If a child is suffering from ADHD, bed-wetting, and difficulty in school, I advocate evaluating their sleep and airway to see if the problem may be sleep related,” Dr. Jung said. “We may find a way to help them without medication.”

Central Park Dental & Orthodontics is equipped with the latest dental technology including grade-4 advanced dental lasers, 3D cone beam CT, digital X-rays, and the latest digital scanners. “This cuttingedge technology allows me to provide accurate diagnosis and non-invasive and revolutionary treatment,” Dr. Jung said. “I’ve also been blessed with a dedicated team who care as much about my patients as I

do. Together, we make our office a calming place patients genuinely enjoy visiting.”


Dr. Jung completed a residency in Advanced Education for General Dentistry (AEGD) at Baylor College of Dentistry where she studied advanced gum surgery, dental implants, fullmouth esthetic makeovers, and advanced root-canal treatment. She relocated Central Park Dental from Arlington to Mansfield in 2024. Dr. Jung and her husband just celebrated their 31st anniversary and serve a small group at their church. She's the author of two soonto-be-released books and has spoken before the United Nations. When not on the job, Dr. Jung loves spending time with family, her companion cavapoo, Bomi, and especially her two granddaughters. "My life's goal is to love God, serve the people of God, and create a better world for the next generation,” she said. Scan the QR code on the right to hear her TEDx Talk “Teeth are a Gateway to your Well-Being”.

“The function of your teeth goes far beyond chewing and talking. I see the teeth as a part of the brain.

Teeth are a Gateway to your Well-Being”


1101 Alexis Court Mansfield, Texas 76063 (817) 466-1200


Tomi Ola-Peters, MD


Just over a year ago, Dr. Tomi Ola-Peters took a leap of faith by founding DivineTouch Medical Center, driven by her passion for empowering patients to make healthy lifestyle choices. “It’s only when I slow down and really listen to my patients that I can truly understand their priorities and challenges, partner with them, and make a positive impact on their lives,” she said.

That vision has proven remarkably successful. In the past year, Dr. Ola-Peters has provided compassionate, personalized care to more than 3,000 patients in Mansfield and the surrounding communities. Her approach has received glowing reviews, with many patients praising her comprehensive compassionate care, friendly bedside manner, and choosing her as their primary care provider.

Before opening her own practice, Dr. OlaPeters spent seven years as a hospital physician at Methodist Mansfield Medical Center, and about 2 years at JPS hospital Fort Worth and the JPS Arlington outpatient clinic. “I thoroughly enjoyed my time there,” she said. “But I’ve always dreamed of starting my own private practice.” Like many, the COVID pandemic prompted her to re-evaluate her career path, and she realized she could build meaningful, longterm relationships with her patients in an outpatient setting.

That dream became reality in 2023 when DivineTouch Medical Center opened its doors with a mission to deliver exceptional healthcare and empower individuals to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Through her internal-medicine primary-care clinic, Dr. Ola-Peters collaborates with patients on customized wellness plans to prevent,

treat, and manage chronic conditions. These proactive health strategies are designed to be easily accessible, reasonably priced, and, above all, compassionate.

“It’s been a wonderful journey transitioning from the hospital to my own practice,” she shares. “It’s an honor to serve my community in this capacity—to help my patients live healthier lives by integrating lifestyle changes into their overall health plan. I’m grateful to God for this opportunity, and I look forward to what the future holds.”

If you’re in search of a primary care physician, someone who listens and partners with you in your health journey—contact DivineTouch Medical Center at (682) 422-9950. They offer a range of services, including sick visits, preventive care, physical exams, wellness tests, allergy treatments, chronic disease management, and weight management.

Dr. Ola-Peters holds a post-graduate certificate in public health from the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth and completed an internal medicine residency at The University of Tyler Health Science Center. She has worked in outpatient and inpatient settings at Good Shepherd Medical Center Longview, John Peter Smith Hospital, and Methodist Mansfield Medical Center. Now, with over 17 years of medical experience, she brings both expertise and a warm, family-like rapport to every patient encounter.

When she’s not in the clinic, Dr. Ola-Peters enjoys gardening, music, and spending time with her family. She also serves as an adjunct associate professor at TCU School of Medicine, mentoring future healthcare providers—and volunteers in the children’s ministry at her church.

To learn more about Dr. Ola-Peters and how DivineTouch Medical Center can partner with you on your path to better health, visit

“It’s only when I slow down and really listen to my patients that I can truly understand their priorities and challenges, partner with them, and make a positive impact on their lives.”



Dr. Steven W. Thomas has been taking care of smiles for over 42 years. He absolutely loves what he does each and every day. Our practice is located on the ground floor of the Park Forest building at 2304 W. Interstate 20, Suite 120 in Arlington, Texas with plenty of parking, a spacious and comfortable lobby, nicely equipped patient rooms and a wonderful team of people that cannot wait to greet you! We follow the recommended precautionary CDC measures and guidelines to ensure the safety of our patients while we collectively fight the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Please stop by or give us a call at 817-468-1166. We can’t wait to see you!


If you are a current patient, you know how much Dr. Steven W. Thomas and his team value relationships and love seeing you in the office. If you are not yet a patient - you are missing out! Dr. Thomas and his team are blessed to have chosen a profession that allows them to personally partner with those that trust them with their oral wellness. Dr. Thomas has been a consistent advocate for his patients since beginning his career. His team offers full-service dental care in a warm and inviting space. Integrity, empathy and following God’s guidance are the hallmarks of his practice. “Our desire is that your entire experience with us exceeds the expectations you have for any medical appointment. Every decision we make is about our patients. We use the latest dental industry technology so we can offer the best solutions for the friends, family and neighbors that put

their trust in us for their oral health. I’m proud of the love and compassion my team extends to each patient. It is not only about teeth with us. We genuinely care for each person that walks through our doors and count it a great blessing to serve each and every person.” says Dr. Thomas.


Dr. Steven William Thomas graduated from Texas A&M in College Station and completed dental school in Houston before beginning his dental career in 1983. Steven and his wife, Lori, were married in 2008 and live in Mansfield, Texas. They have a blended family of five children ranging in age from twenty-four to thirty-nine and have five beautiful grandchildren. They are active members of Walnut Ridge Baptist Church and seek opportunities to serve locally and globally through supported ministries. Dr. Thomas says, “Daily I lean on the wisdom of Romans 8:28 which says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” I feel abundantly blessed that God has allowed me to do work I love, with people I love, in a community I love.”

We always welcome new patients and hope to meet you very soon.

“Our desire is that your entire experience with us exceeds the expectations you have for any medical appointment. Every decision we make is about our patients. We use the latest dental industry technology so we can offer the best solutions for the friends, family and neighbors that put their trust in us for their oral health. I’m proud of the love and compassion my team extends to each patient. It is not only about teeth with us. We genuinely care for each person that walks through our doors and count it a great blessing to serve each and every person.”


2304 West Interstate 20 Suite 120 Arlington, Texas 76017 (817) 468-1166


Dr. Christie Egbuchunam has dreamed of being a doctor since she was a five-year-old girl growing up in Nigeria. Now, as the chief executive officer and medical director of Regency Healing Medical Clinic and Medical Weight Loss Center, she knows she’s doing what she’s been called to do. Her area of expertise is Family Medicine, with special interest in the treatment of obesity. As a Family Physician with a background in public health, she is uniquely qualified to help her patients take control of their wellness, and she takes a whole-person approach to help patients reach their potential in mind, body, and spirit.

After immigrating to the U.S. in 1997 with her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Nigeria, Dr. Egbuchunam attended the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth and breezed through with perfect marks, graduating with a Master’s in Public Health Degree in Epidemiology in 2002. During the program she honed her interest in obesity complications especially among children and this influenced her thesis, which examined the relationship between obesity and high blood pressure in children. In 2005, she completed her residency at the Wichita Falls Family Practice Residency Program (an affiliate of at the University of Texas Southern Medical Center in Dallas), earning numerous awards and accolades along the way, including serving as chief resident in her final year of the program. She served as a lead physician at a Parkland Health and Hospital Systems COPC clinic for several years before deciding in 2010 that it was time for a practice of her own.

Regency Healing Medical Clinic in Mansfield, Texas is the realization of the dream Dr. Egbuchunam had as a girl. It offers primary care services and an allergy program along with housing the Medical Weight Loss

Center and the Regency Healing MedSpa. Dr. Egbuchunam’s holistic approach makes it seamless to incorporate obesity management into her primary care practice. “Obesity is a complex issue that can pose many risks to a person’s quality of life, and helping patients manage their weight lowers the risk of chronic disease and complications,” Dr. Egbuchunam said. She has witnessed, time and again, how individual physicianmonitored weight-loss plans can also lead to a bounty of benefits, including improved mobility, enhancing mood, and boosting self-esteem. She loves seeing her patients optimize their health and enjoys working closely with each visitor to Regency Healing Medical Clinic to create a safe and effective personalized plan.

Dr. Egbuchunam shares her expertise through her numerous published scholarly articles. Her passion for her community also pushes her beyond the walls of Regency Healing Medical Clinic to spread her knowledge to future doctors at all stages of their education, from premed students to medical students to residents, to NP students at Texas Woman’s University and beyond. By providing them mentorship and observership, she ensures

that the next generation of doctors will share her passion and help to heal and preserve the Mansfield community and others for years to come.

“Obesity is a complex issue that can pose many risks to a person’s quality of life, and helping patients manage their weight lowers the risk of chronic disease and complication.”


305 Regency Parkway Suite 509 Mansfield, Texas 76063 (817) 453-2323


With a team of 30 urologists, two radiation oncologists, and an interventional radiologist, they are deeply rooted in the community and committed to offering world-class care at locations you trust. They know that when it comes to your health, convenience matters — especially when that convenience goes hand-in-hand with the expertise of a team that has performed more than 10,000 robotic surgeries since 2002.

The urologists, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners at Urology Partners of North Texas (UPNT) have one mission — to provide patient-first care every time. They believe that medical care should be about treating people, not medical conditions. It’s why they offer innovative, compassionate care that’s easily accessible no matter where you live and work in the Metroplex.

Whether you’re dealing with common urological issues or more complex conditions, such as prostate cancer, the UPNT team of 30 urologists, two radiation oncologists, and an interventional radiologist are committed to offering you world-class care at any of their nine locations.


Complex conditions such as prostate cancer and other urological cancers, call for specialized care. That’s why Urology Partners of North Texas is proud to have Dr. Peter Lanasa in Arlington and Dr. Jerry Barker in Fort Worth — two renowned radiation oncologists at Texas Cancer Specialists (TCS) who have each spent years treating thousands of cancer patients across North Texas. Each is an expert in highly targeted radiation treatments, offering innovative care for prostate cancer and a range of other cancers with Dr. Lanasa leading the radiation oncology center at Texas Cancer

Specialists at USMD Hospital Arlington, and Dr. Barker leading the Texas Cancer Specialists center in Fort Worth. At TCS, the radiation oncology team works closely with each patient, crafting personalized care plans aimed at achieving the very best outcomes.



Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is not uncommon in men as they age, but it can be a frustrating condition to manage. UPNT offers advanced, minimally invasive solutions to get you back to living comfortably and feeling more like yourself again.

One such solution is Prostate Arterial Embolization (PAE), which is a breakthrough treatment that reduces the size of the prostate without surgery. Performed by Dr. Matt Schwenke, an interventional radiologist who has completed more than 600 PAE procedures. This innovative therapy can significantly improve symptoms like frequent urination and difficulty emptying the bladder, all with a shorter recovery time. PAE with Dr. Schwenke is routinely a one-hour outpatient procedure, and patients begin seeing improvements in their urinary stream within two to four weeks.

But BPH treatment doesn't stop there — UPNT also offers Aquablation therapy, another innovative approach for men with enlarged prostates. Teaming up with USMD hospital, Aquablation combines a high-powered water jet with real-

time ultrasound imaging to precisely remove the prostate tissue that's causing symptoms while avoiding damage to surrounding areas. In fact, UPNT is one of the busiest Aquablation centers in the country, with patients coming from around the U.S. and even Canada.

Some advantages to consider are:

• Precision water technology: Aquablation avoids heat, reducing the risk of tissue damage. This preserves ejaculation function in most men after the procedure.

• Real-time ultrasound guidance: Ensures high accuracy during the procedure.

• Quick recovery: Patients often experience faster relief with less discomfort.

Both PAE and Aquablation provide men with effective, minimally invasive options for BPH, underscoring UPNT’s dedication to delivering cutting-edge treatments tailored to your needs. UPNT also offers other minimally invasive options such as Urolift and Rezum therapy which can be performed in the office setting.


Overactive bladder or urge incontinence can have a disruptive effect on daily life. Medications often provide temporary relief. If only there were a permanent solution. At UPNT there is! InterStim Therapy


UPNT’s doctors are pioneers in robotic surgery, having performed over 10,000 robotic procedures since 2002. The UPNT commitment to using the most advanced technology means you’ll get the best possible care with the least impact on your daily life.

in addition to Axonics Therapy are minimally invasive treatments involving implantation of a small device that sends gentle electrical pulses to the nerves controlling the bladder, helping to restore normal function.

The UPNT team has vast experience with sacral modulation therapy, which has helped many patients regain control and experience lasting relief from frequent urination, incontinence, or retention issues. As an outpatient procedure with minimal recovery time, these therapies allow patients to stop their overactive bladder medications and their associated side effects. This allows patients to return to their daily lives quickly and comfortably.


Anyone who’s suffered with kidney stones knows they can cause intense pain. Kidney stones sufferers need quick relief. That’s why UPNT offers Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) at USMD Hospital Arlington and the Surgical Centers of North Texas. This noninvasive procedure uses shock waves to break kidney stones into smaller, passable fragments so you can

return to your life sooner. With no cutting or lasers required, the ESWL machine is placed over the body to send shock/sound waves to break up the stones like a small earthquake. At UPNT, you can be sure that you don’t have to wait for treatment and that you receive fast, effective relief when you need it most.


UPNT’s doctors are pioneers in robotic surgery, having performed over 10,000 robotic procedures since 2002. In that same time period, USMD has performed more than 20,000 robotic surgeries. Today, they proudly offer Single-Port Robotic Surgery, a cutting-edge technique that allows for complex surgeries through one small incision, allowing most patients to be discharged home the same day. Whether it’s prostate cancer, BPH, kidney cancer, or a blocked kidney, this advanced approach means less scarring, quicker recovery, and less downtime for you. The UPNT commitment to using the most advanced technology means you’ll get the best possible care with the least impact on your daily life.


The team at UPNT understands how important it is for your healthcare to fit into your life. That’s why they’ve established nine locations across the Metroplex, including two offices in Arlington — one at USMD Hospital and another on Cooper Street — plus a location in Mansfield. No matter where you are, expert urological care is just around the corner. Their mission is to ensure that your experience is smooth, supportive, and focused on what matters most — your health and well-being.


At UPNT, it’s not just about utilizing the latest technologies — it’s about combining them with unparalleled expertise to improve patients’ urologic health. Backed by decades of experience, this dedicated team provides personalized care that goes beyond treatments, focusing on the whole person. Discover more about their expertise and cutting-edge advancements at

Urology Partners of North Texas has offices throughout the Metroplex including in Alliance, Fort Worth, Mansfield, and Irving.

(866) 367-8768


Jason Butler, MD

Mark Dirnberger, DO


Regency Pain & Therapy Institute provides a full range of comprehensive services and treatment options for patients suffering from chronic or acute pain. Our doctors have helped thousands of patients improve their quality of life and they can help you! From conservation treatment plans to the most advanced minimally invasive procedures, our team of experienced providers are committed to helping patients get back to their everyday life as quickly as possible and without long term reliance on medications.

The Regency Pain team is committed to providing exceptional care and service throughout the treatment process while offering patients support and encouragement every step of the way. The focus is on providing patients with a one-stop-shop; including patient education, medications, physical therapy, injections, and various procedures to treat pain –all under one roof. Because every patient is unique, care is tailored, highly personal, and centered around the patient, their well-being, and their individual needs.


Getting started is simple. Give our office a call to schedule that first appointment and begin your personal journey to a better quality of life! As a new patient at Regency Pain, your first visit will begin with a thorough physical exam and a detailed history of your past care and symptoms. Once a diagnosis has been compiled, you and your doctor will collaborate on an individualized treatment plan tailored specifically to your symptoms and your lifestyle; beginning with the most conservative measures before considering more advanced treatment options.

When you choose Regency Pain, you can be assured that you are choosing a team with the experience, resources, and knowledge to effectively treat your condition and put you

on the path to healing. Dr. Jason Butler and Dr. Mark Dirnberger are both well known for their thoughtful approach to patient care. Their personal and professional commitment to excellence offers every patient a warm and caring environment that ensures respect, compassion, and satisfaction. And, their mission is simple—to improve a patient's overall quality of life by reducing the burden of both the physical and emotional aspects of chronic and acute pain. With that goal in mind, they're committed to helping patients get back to their everyday activities as quickly as possible and without long term reliance on medications.

If you are suffering from chronic or acute pain take that first step toward relief and give Regency Pain & Therapy Institute a call. Our doctors are currently accepting new patients; and if a referral is needed, our team can help. Don’t wait any longer, call today and let Regency Pain help you get back to living life!


• Neck Pain

• Lower Back Pain

• Sciatica

• Arthritis (Knee, Hip, Etc.)

• Car Accidents

• Sports Injury

• Abdominal Pain

• Neuropathy

• Fibromyalgia


74 Regency Parkway Mansfield, Texas 76063 (817) 419-6111


Jeff Livingston, MD

No longer exclusive to celebrities and highprofile individuals, all-inclusive wellness and revitalization is now achievable for anyone in the Metroplex at Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Centers (BHRC). Their distinctive approach to overall wellness and beauty starts on the inside.

Blending holistic practices with cuttingedge technology, BHRC provides a multitude of innovative options in aesthetic and rejuvenating therapies. The amazing results in patients’ physical health and appearance combined with experience, credentials, service options, and modern advancements make BHRC a premier wellness and rejuvenation spa.

Praised by industry insiders, BHRC has quickly become a top destination for transformational health and beauty since opening their doors in 2013. With the expansion of five additional locations in the DFW Metroplex, their exponential growth and popularity is a testament to their excellence in comprehensive

wellness and treatment programs with a client-centric focus. BHRC locations in Frisco, Flower Mound, Southlake, Highland Park, Fort Worth, and Celina/Prosper provide convenient access for residents in the DFW area.


BHRC is excited to introduce their new medical director, Dr. Jeff Livingston. Dr. Livingston is a board certified OB-GYN with a robust background in bioidentical hormones. He received his medical degree from The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas and completed his residency at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. He is currently practicing at MacArthur Medical Center in Irving and serves as their CEO. He also serves as the medical director and a board member of Texas Health Surgery Center of Bedford, as well as serving on other medical boards. Dr. Livingston has been featured in USA Today, Wired Magazine, and Voice of America.

"The restorative process begins by focusing on internal wellness, allowing clients to feel their best from the inside out."



Wellness and beauty go hand-in-hand at BHRC. Their professionally trained clinicians use advanced FDA-approved treatments to enhance clients’ natural features while supporting their internal health. According to BHRC, they have a flawless record of patient care and treatment with the Texas Medical Board. From injectables to hormone therapy, they strive to help clients feel confident, radiant, and refreshed.



The restorative process begins by focusing on internal wellness, allowing clients to feel their best from the inside out. Expert providers create tailored plans that ensure clients look refreshed, not overdone.

Safe, noninvasive, and holistic therapies are personalized to each individual based on their needs. To achieve positive results, each client’s treatment is continually monitored with scheduled follow-up visits. Treatments can be revised based on lab results and symptoms. Industry-leading protocols certified by The American Academy of AntiAging to ensure standards across the board.


Among BHRC’s most requested services is bioidentical hormone therapy. During menopause, women’s symptoms typically include hot flashes and uncontrollable weight fluctuations. In men, aging often results in decreased reproductive function, muscle mass, and bone density. Hormone therapy helps to restore balance and optimization, with renewed energy to support overall wellbeing. BHRC’s awardwinning bioidentical hormone therapy programs address the symptoms of declining hormones. The goal is to make clients feel as good as they look.

In addition to regenerative health and beauty treatments, all BHRC locations have weight-loss programs in conjunction with the comprehensive wellness programs for an all-inclusive approach. Consideration of a patient’s overall health is paramount before starting any treatment. Safe and effective weight-loss treatments are offered utilizing compounded GLP medications. BHRC’s team of licensed and certified practitioners monitor patients’ vitals and progress at each follow-up appointment.


Platelet-rich Fibrin (PRF) is a revolutionary form of regenerative medicine used to heal damaged tissue and amplify the natural growth factors found in our blood cells. Gaining in popularity for its restorative properties, PRF therapy is used for musculoskeletal pain, hair restoration, injuries, and cosmetic procedures. Unlike PRP, PRF is processed at a lower speed, allowing it to retain more growth factors, white blood cells, and fibrin for a longerlasting effect. The result is a concentrated fibrin matrix that can be injected or applied to enhance healing and rejuvenation. BHRC utilizes PRF injections as a complement to their menu of cosmetic procedures.


Advanced aesthetic treatments offered include laser hair removal and resurfacing, CoolSculpting Elite, ExceloCO2, Ultherapy, and more. Ultherapy is an amazing, nonsurgical lift treatment for reducing jowls and loose skin in the face and neck while toning and tightening the underlying muscles.

CoolSculpting Elite’s noninvasive treatments can eliminate fat cells without undergoing plastic surgery. Excelo CO2 laser resurfacing is designed to diminish fine lines and wrinkles, shrink pore size, and takes 10 years off your skin’s appearance with only four to five days of downtime.


BHRC is excited to offer a comprehensive med spa membership. Members can choose

one free service each month from an option of 10, plus ongoing discounts. BHRC invites prospective clients to visit their website for more information on membership or aesthetic and wellness services.

• Celebrity-approved treatments for a naturally radiant look

• Total wellness solutions from skin to hormone health

• FDA-approved for safe, long-lasting results

• Full-face rejuvenation, from texture to volume

• Ultherapy – non-invasive face and neck lift

• CoolSculpting Elite – Advanced, permanent fat reduction

• Cutting-edge natural solutions – PRF and Sculptra

• Natural enhancements tailored to you

• Trusted by thousands for expert, personalized care

• Customized, comprehensive treatments created for your needs


1221 East State Highway 114 Southlake, Texas 76092 (817) 251-9280

5871 Long Prairie Road, Suite 200 Flower Mound, Texas 75028 (972) 355-2777

8315 Preston Road Dallas, Texas 75225 (469) 914-6052

5355 Dallas Parkway, Suite 620 Frisco, Texas 75034 (469) 353-8821

4601 West Freeway, Suite 216 Fort Worth, Texas 76107 (817) 377-4600

100 South Preston Road Prosper, Texas 75077

Flower Power


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Cabinet Clean Out


Many people are quick to discard food and beverages that have reached their expiration date. But take a peek inside their medicine cabinet, and you are likely to find a mini pharmacy with over-the-counter supplements and prescription drugs that tell a story of their health history. Why? Well, you can often see or smell expired food because it develops mold, tastes bad, or looks wilted and beyond redemption. But most medications don’t have any tell-tale signs of deterioration. Thus, we feel comfortable hoarding them for a rainy day or as a security blanket. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the truth is that while many medications retain up to 80 or 90% of their potency for several years after the expiration date, it is safer for consumers to discard them.

If a medication has lost even 10% of its potency, it may not work as well, which makes it less effective. It may also have potentially harmful side effects because of an unseen change in its chemical composition.

Another reason for discarding expired drugs is that most people keep them in the bathroom, which is usually warm and humid and not the ideal environment for medications. If you read the label of most prescription drugs or even supplements, it will say to store them in a cool and dry place because humidity can degrade a drug. Supplements like daily vitamins, zinc, B-12, fish oil, and others are also not immune from losing potency. And remember, most supplements do not come under the scrutiny of the FDA. If a doctor recommends that you begin taking calcium or vitamin D3, it is better to buy a new bottle instead of using what’s left of a bottle that may have expired.

According to the FDA, capsules and tablets are fairly stable and can retain up to 90% of their potency for five years. But is it worth even the slightest risk if it may result in giving you an upset stomach? Liquid remedies for coughs,

colds, and allergies, as well as nighttime sleep aids, can degrade a little faster and should be tossed when the expiration date is reached. And eye drops may do more harm than good when used after their expiration date.

Keep in mind that many drugs look similar in shape, size, and color. The more you have stocked away that are expired or that you no longer take, the greater the chance of taking the wrong one. And older people are perhaps more vulnerable. So, don’t waste any more time. Clean out the medicine cabinet and only keep what you need and are using.

For more information on medication disposal, visit



Winter can be ruthless on your hair. The cold air outside and dry heat indoors often leads to brittle strands, split ends, and a dull, lifeless look. But as the seasons change, it’s the perfect time to breathe life back into your locks with a few expert tips and tricks.


The first step to repairing winter damage is hydration. Swap out your regular shampoo for a moisturizing one enriched with ingredients like argan oil, hyaluronic acid, or shea butter. Follow up with a deep-conditioning treatment once a week to replenish lost moisture and seal the cuticle. For an extra boost, incorporate a leave-in conditioner or hair mask into your routine.


Say goodbye to split ends by scheduling a trim. Even a small chop can make a world of difference in the overall health and appearance of your hair. Regular trims every six to eight weeks prevent further breakage and keep your style looking fresh.


Healthy hair starts with a healthy body. Boost your hair’s resilience by adding biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins E and D to your diet. These nutrients promote growth, shine, and strength, ensuring your strands are ready to thrive.


Springtime calls for lighter, more carefree styles, but be cautious with heat tools. Always use a heat protectant spray and limit the temperature to avoid unnecessary stress on your hair. Experiment with air-drying or using heat-free styling methods like braids or rollers for a chic, effortless look.


If your hair is in dire need, consider salon treatments like keratin therapy, glossing, or Olaplex bonding. These services can restore your hair’s structure, adding shine and softness that’s hard to achieve at home.

With the right tools and care, your hair will not only recover but thrive, ensuring you’re ready to take on spring in style.

This complete kitchen remodel gave the client a large island and tons of storage while achieving their desired modern, colorful design. Make goals for your room so your designer knows what you want to accomplish.

Never Fear a isDesigner Here


Decorating or renovating your space can be exciting, but it often comes with challenges that leave many feeling overwhelmed. From choosing paint colors to designing your floor plan and decor, it’s easy to feel out of your depth. That’s where an interior designer comes in.


Good interior designers have worked in the field for years, and guess what? They’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way. From these mistakes, they’ve learned what to do and, more importantly, what not to do. They also know the tricks of the trade, from maximizing small spaces to creating seamless color palettes. Plus, they can do this without making those costly mistakes, like buying furniture that doesn’t fit or selecting materials that don’t hold up over time. Good design means timeless design that you won’t hate or want to redo in five years.


You may have an idea of what you want but are unsure how to achieve it. Or perhaps you’re overwhelmed by too many ideas. Interior designers excel at transforming your preferences into a cohesive, personalized design plan. Even if you don’t know exactly what you want, they can help you discover your style. So, instead of spending hours scrolling through Pinterest or secondguessing your decisions, a designer can offer clear guidance, turning your vision into reality.


Contrary to popular belief, hiring an interior designer doesn’t have to break the bank. Designers are skilled at working within various budgets and can help you allocate your money wisely. They know where to splurge and where to save, ensuring you get the most value out of your investment. Be upfront with your budget so your designer knows what they are working with. And if you have a smaller budget, that doesn’t mean you can’t use a designer, but you’ll need to look for a designer who either doesn’t have a high minimum hours rate or maybe has a flat rate design package where you can execute the design on your own to save money.

This client wanted something bold and colorful but wanted to do the procuring herself. She used a flat rate service and then procured all the items on her own to have a professional design for a much lower cost.


Do Your Research: Check their Instagrams and online portfolios and reviews to find a designer whose style and personality align with yours. Also, ask your friends, family, and neighbors if they’ve used someone they liked. Recommendations are some of the best ways to find people.

Ask Questions: During consultations, ask about their process, timeline, how they handle budgets, and when they could put you on their calendar.

Communicate Openly: Share your goals and preferences as well as your dislikes to ensure a successful collaboration.

Hiring an interior designer might feel like a luxury. Still, it’s an investment, and by partnering with a professional, you’ll create a space that not only looks amazing but truly reflects your lifestyle.

Problem-solving is one of the things a good designer does well. The client needed a nursery when their grandchildren visited but didn’t have an extra bedroom. Adding heavily lined drapes to the entryway gave the client an additional room for her grandchildren to sleep in without costly construction.
Kim Armstrong is an award-winning, nationally-published designer known for her signature eclectic style and colorful, layered interiors. A master of space planning, material selection, and mixing traditional and modern, Kim has a unique ability to create functional spaces that feel both timeless and fresh. By approaching every project with professionalism, creativity, and kindness, Kim knows her job is done when a space sparks joy for her clients—because joy never goes out of style or off-trend!


Isyourphoneclutteredwithapps,texts,andphotos?Whatabout yourpersonalcomputer—isitfilledwithajumbleoffolders,files, andemails?Withthespringseasonuponus,now’sagreattimeto giveyourdevicesagood, old-fashionedspringcleaning.

Just like a messy room can stress you out and make it hard to focus, digital clutter can have the same effect. Studies show that our brains favor order over chaos, so when you open your phone or laptop and are bombarded by clutter, it can make you feel overwhelmed. It can also hamper your productivity and concentration.

Begin with your phone. You probably use your phone most often, so start here. Delete any unused apps and duplicate photos. Organize your home screen by creating folders for different categories, like work, photos, and sports. This will make it easier to find what you need.

Declutter your computer. You know how random paperwork can accumulate in a drawer? The same is true with your digital desktop. Go through old folders and documents and delete items you don’t need anymore. Don’t forget your downloads folder. Over time, it becomes a catch-all for everything you’ve downloaded. Use cloud storage or external hard drives to keep your files organized and accessible. Dejunk your inbox. Are there newsletters or mailing lists you’re not interested in anymore? Take a few minutes to unsubscribe. Even if you’re not necessarily striving for inbox zero, getting rid of emails you don’t need and organizing things can keep your inbox manageable. Remember to empty out your sent and trash folders, too.

Update your software and security. Check for viruses, malware, and any other potential security threats on your devices. You might also want to update weak passwords and use a password manager to securely keep track of them.

Clear your browser history. Most browsers allow you to choose what you want to clear, whether it’s your browsing history, cache, cookies, or other site data. In just a few clicks, you can remove old data that may slow things down and get rid of any personal information that may be stored. This is especially helpful if you share a device or if you’ve been banking online.

Do some cloud cleaning. It’s easy to forget that files stored in the cloud can pile up just like those on your computer. Over time, your cloud storage can become cluttered with things you no longer need. This digital junk can take up valuable space and make it difficult to find what you need. Take some time to identify what you want to keep and create folders to organize these items. If necessary, upgrade your storage plan so you have the space you need.

Spring Clean Your Social Media

While you’re doing a little digital spring cleaning, don’t forget your social media profiles. Here’s how to do it five simple steps:

Unfollow or mute accounts. If you’re following accounts that no longer interest you, click that unfollow button. Mute the accounts you still want to keep around but don’t want to see all the time.

Archive or delete. Go through your feeds and remove or archive posts that you don’t need anymore.

Organize your photos. Delete any unnecessary or duplicate images and categorize your photos into logical folders like event, date, or location.

Review your privacy settings. Make sure your social media profiles are secure and that you’re comfortable with what you’re sharing and who can view it.

Double-check your notifications. Tired of your phone always pinging with new alerts? Adjust your settings so you only get the most important updates.



From the time my kids were tiny, I had a favorite mantra, “See the world. Take me with you.”

They’ve done well on the first part, spending their 20s living in Mexico, England, Spain, Thailand, Bulgaria, and America’s West Coast. They’ve done not too shabby on the second part, too.

I’ve been able to visit them and enjoy more than a curated tourist experience, to see how the locals live and truly submerge myself in the culture of each locale.

For the last five years, our daughter, Molly, has called Anchorage, Alaska home. Each summer, my husband and I make a beeline to visit Baby Girl and experience more of her majestic state. Using Anchorage as our home base, we venture out to explore more of America’s last frontier. Here are some of my favorite spots so far.


Man, how we love Seward! Home to the Alaska SeaLife Center and Kenai Fjords National Park, you can get up close and personal with tons of Alaska wildlife here. There are world-class hiking trails including Mt. Marathon Trail, Exit Glacier, Lost Lake, and Tonsina Point. Humpbacks, orcas, gray whales, harbor seals, sea lions, and puffins cavort in view of the downtown. The trip from Anchorage to Seward is beyond breathtaking, especially when viewed through the windows of an Alaska Railroad car, which meanders through the Chugach Mountains. And don’t miss the dozen murals celebrating Alaskan life scattered throughout the highly walkable downtown.


Settled on the southern tip of the Kenai Peninsula, Homer has earned the name “Halibut Fishing Capital of the World.” This picture-postcard-perfect town is framed by the waters of Kachemak Bay and the snow-capped (even in summer) Kenai Mountains. Its natural beauty has attracted a robust artist community and “The Spit” shopping and dining area is dotted with galleries, studios, and craft shops featuring the work of local artists and handicrafts of the local native population. During wildlife cruises around Homer, we’ve encountered bald eagles, sea otters, puffins, harbor seals, and more. And whales are often spotted just off the coast. Homer offers hiking through Kachemak Bay State Park, boating through Halibut Cove, and fresh-off-the-boat seafood in every restaurant.


Every town we’ve visited in Alaska seems to compete for the world’s friendliest people, but Talkeetna takes the prize. We did a little “flightseeing” here, traveling up onto a glacier in a four-seater plane and then getting out to walk around the glacier’s surface. The views from the air defy description. The walkable little town is quaint in the best sense of the word, and Byers Lake is the perfect spot for kayaking, canoeing, or paddleboarding. Just before sunset, you can join a mass exodus of tourists and townspeople alike to the far end of town to catch the sunset and, if conditions are right, a glimpse of Mount Denali.


Why do I love Girdwood? In a word, mushrooms! This is a very mushroom-centric town. After years of talking about it, I finally attended the annual Girdwood Fungus Fair and had a blast geeking out over all things fungal with my fellow mycophiles. All the words I’ve already used — breathtaking, artsy, walkable, friendly, picturesque — apply to Girdwood and then some. Plan a helicopter glacier trekking tour, take a dog sled ride across the alpine snowfield, rent a mountain bike to explore the Nordic trails, pan for gold at Crow Creek Mine, and don’t miss a trip up Alyeska Mountain on a mountain cable car where you can enjoy lunch and cocktails with a panoramic view of mountains, hanging glaciers, streams, and wildlife.


This town ranks high on my cool-o-meter for several reasons. For one, you can only get there on the hour (and back out on the half hour) via a one-way tunnel cut through a mountain. The whole town is a peninsula jutting out into Prince William Sound. It offers the world’s largest concentration of tidewater glaciers, plus wildlife such as whales, sea otters, seals, bald eagles, great gray owls, and peregrine falcons. There’s hiking on the Whittier Creek Trail and Portage Pass, charter-boat fishing in the sound which is said to be one of the richest wild marine fisheries on the planet, and backpacking in Chugach National Forest. But the most unique thing about Whittier is Begich Tower, a single apartment complex that houses everyone in town. That’s right. Every single citizen lives in that one building. And there’s even a haunted Cold War military housing facility.

So, if Alaska is on your travel bucket list, make Summer 2025 the year you check it off. You’ll love America’s Last Frontier.

Wrap It Up



SERVINGS: 4-6 | PREP: 20 MIN. | COOK: 40 MIN. | TOTAL: 1 HR.

INGREDIENTS: 1 head cauliflower, cut into florets | ¼ cup all-purpose flour | ¼ cup rice flour | 2 Tbsp. cornstarch | 1 Tbsp. garlic powder | 2 tsp. chili powder | 1 tsp. paprika | ⅔ cup water | 1 cup buffalo sauce | 2 Tbsp. butter, melted | 1 head butter lettuce | 1 pkg (10 oz.) shredded carrots | 1 bunch celery | 1 red onion | 5 oz. crumbled blue cheese or salad dressing (optional)

DIRECTIONS: PREHEAT oven to 425°. PREPARE a baking sheet with parchment paper, grease and set it aside. WHISK together flour, cornstarch, garlic powder, chili powder, paprika and water. CUT cauliflower into bite-size florets. TOSS cauliflower in batter. Spread battered cauliflower onto the baking sheet. BAKE for 25 minutes, turning the cauliflower over halfway through. DICE celery and onion while baking cauliflower and set aside. CLEAN and dry lettuce leaves. MELT butter in a small saucepan and stir in buffalo sauce. REMOVE cauliflower from the oven and baste with buffalo sauce until coated. BAKE for another 15 minutes until crisp. LAYER lettuce wrap with cauliflower, carrots, celery and onion. SPRINKLE with blue cheese or drizzle with either blue cheese or ranch dressing. Serve immediately.

TIPS & TRICKS: If cauliflower gets soft, reheat in the oven or air fryer until crisp again.



INGREDIENTS: 1 pkg. pita bread | 12 oz. smoked salmon, filet or sliced | 4 oz. herb goat cheese | Whole grain mustard | 5 oz. arugula | 2 Roma tomato, sliced | ½ English cucumber, sliced | Extra virgin olive oil | Salt & pepper

DIRECTIONS: PLACE CUT the pita in half. Spread goat cheese on one half and mustard on the other. LAYER with arugula, salmon, cucumber, and tomato. DRIZZLE with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. SERVE with your favorite chips or veggie sticks.

TIPS & TRICKS: Purchase pita pockets that are already sliced open or fold them in half if they are too thin to cut.


SERVINGS: 2 | PREP: 30 MIN. | COOK: 25 MIN. | TOTAL: 55 MIN.

INGREDIENTS: 1 pkg. chicken breasts | 1 lemon, juice squeezed | 2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil | 1 Tbsp. garlic powder | 1 tsp. paprika | 2 tsp. oregano | 1 tsp. salt | ½ tsp. black pepper | 1 pkg. spinach tortillas | 10 oz. hummus or tzatziki | 5 oz. pkg. baby spinach | 10 oz. cherry tomato | 1 English cucumber | 1 red bell pepper | 8 oz. feta cheese

DIRECTIONS : PLACE chicken in a medium bowl. ADD lemon juice, olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, oregano, salt, and pepper. MIX to coat chicken breasts. COVER and let the chicken marinate for 20 minutes. PREHEAT oven to 350 degrees. PREPARE a baking sheet with parchment paper, grease it, and set it aside. PLACE chicken on the baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes. REMOVE from oven, cover, and let it rest. CUT cherry tomatoes, slice cucumbers, and bell pepper. SPREAD hummus or tzatziki (or both) on the tortilla. LAYER with spinach, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, and feta. SLICE cooled chicken and add to tortilla. FOLD the tortilla into a roll and cut it in half. SERVE with salad or veggie sticks with hummus on the side.

TIPS & TRICKS: Buy a large enough tortilla for wraps. Keep slices similar in size and shape. Place fillings toward the center of the wrap; folding in the sides is optional.


Jennifer is a private chef in Dallas, TX, with a passion for home-cooked meals with a global influence. In addition to cooking, she hosts an Italian cooking show on national streaming television. To follow her, go to JenniferBajsel. com or find her on Instagram @JENNIFER_BAJSEL




Freshen up anywhere with the Poo~Pourri On-The-Go 3-Pack , your secret weapon for bathroom confidence. This travelfriendly set features three luxe scents — Lavender Vanilla, Vanilla Petals & Santal, and Bamboo Rain — designed to trap odors before they start. Simply spritz the bowl before you go, and let the essential oil-based formula do the rest. Discreet, effective, and chicly packaged, this set is a must-have for your purse, travel bag, or office drawer because freshness should follow you everywhere!



Meet your new go-everywhere essential: the MZ Wallace Metro Tote Deluxe. This ultra-lightweight, quilted bag blends effortless style with unbeatable function. Designed for life on the move, it features a detachable crossbody strap for hands-free ease and three extra detachable pouches to keep your essentials organized. With multiple pockets, a luggage sleeve, and a spacious, water-resistant design, this tote is the ultimate balance of luxury and practicality — perfect for wherever your day takes you.



The Kitsch Flat Lay Claw Clips are the game-changer your hair routine needs. Unlike traditional bulky clips, these sleek, flat-lay designs let you secure your style while effortlessly leaning back without pressure or discomfort. Perfect for travel, lounging, or all-day wear, they offer a strong hold with a chic, minimalist aesthetic. In classic black and tortoise, these clips prove that function and fashion can go hand in hand.



Indulge in TATCHA’s Limited Edition Little Luxuries Value Set , an exclusive Ulta Beauty must-have for radiant, hydrated skin. This travel-friendly collection features four cult-favorite formulas: The Rice Wash, a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser; The Dewy Skin Cream, packed with hyaluronic acid for plump, glowing skin; The Water Cream, a pore-refining powerhouse; and The Kissu Lip Mask, a deeply restorative treatment.

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