exans are known for their amazing BBQs. Hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, steak , chicken, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, pineapple slices, fresh veggies — it all tastes better after being marinated and seared on the grill. Summer is your chance to give the kitchen a break , eat your meals outdoors, and invite your friends and neighbors over for a cookout . With a little preparation, you can host the perfect BBQ. Decide on a menu, then buy extra food. The cardinal rule of BBQs is you can never have too much food. Choose your main menu items — classic hamburgers and hot dogs, or perhaps something more elaborate like steaks and salmon, then factor in about ½ to ¾ pound of cooked meat per person. Always err on the side of buying more meat , so you
july 2022
don’ t run out . Plus, guests will love taking home leftovers. Don’t forget the sides. It ’s not just about the grilled meat . Fresh fruits and veggies, homemade dips, a wide variety of chips, baked beans, potato salad, and plenty of sweet desserts can all help fill up your guests’ plates. Make them yourself or encourage guests to bring enough to share. After all, BBQs have a community spirit , and most people love bringing something of their own to contribute. Provide entertainment. It can take a while to cook all the food at a BBQ, so be sure to offer guests entertainment options. Encourage them to play volleyball in the swimming pool or cornhole on the lawn. Of course, blasting upbeat summer music is a great way to set the atmosphere, too.