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Photo: forbes.com

Amazon is the frst company to take root in the new Mansfeld International Business Park


Amazon, the world’s leading e-commerce corporation, will be the frst tenant of the new Mansfeld International Business Park, leasing 219,000 squarefeet of space for a package handling facility.

The facility, currently under construction and set to open later this year, serves as the last wheel in the cog of the company’s massive logistics and shipping distribution system. The warehouse will serve as a delivery station of packages that come from Amazon’s larger fulfllment centers. Amazon will lease the facility from Atlanta-based developer Seefried Properties. Seefried’s Dallas ofce negotiated the lease.

“From the beginning, our goal with the Mansfeld International Business Park was to draw some of the world’s largest corporations to our community through access to quality ofce and industrial space and our city’s excellent location in the DFW area,” says City Manager Joe Smolinski. “Clearly, our plan has been successful. They don’t get much bigger than Amazon. We look forward to Amazon’s opening and the continued success of Mansfeld International Business Park.”

Smolinski credits the vision and commitment of the city council and city staf that saw the potential in the site and demonstrated a willingness to wait for a project that was right for Mansfeld.

New Mayor Michael Evans says the project and the jobs it brings will be a big boost to the Mansfeld economy, and to the city’s overall economic development eforts.

“Amazon, like many other companies and industries, has found that Mansfeld is an excellent place to do business,” Mayor Evans says. “We are excited to have them in our city, bringing their innovative logistics technology and distribution operations to the Mansfeld business community, as well as bringing jobs for our residents. Our local economy will beneft because of their investment in Mansfeld.”

The Mansfield International Business Park is a 155-acre industrial area located in the southwest portion of the city near FM 917. The development was approved by the Mansfield Economic Development Corporation board and the City Council in 2017 with a goal of providing Class A Industrial space.

“Mansfeld has become a target market for this type of industrial activity,” says Richard Nevins, the city’s director of economic development. “Class A industrial space is in high demand from businesses and industries, and we have needed additional properties located in Mansfeld to market to this clientele for quite some time. This is why the Council and the MEDC board believed this business park was necessary.”

Amazon was founded in Washington state in 1995, frst as an online bookstore. By 1999, the company had become the largest online sales platform, expanding to sell other goods. In 2020, Amazon total net sales were $96.15 billion. The company has 1.2 million employees worldwide. There are more than 100 large fulfllment centers across the United States.

Bulletin Board Bulletin Board

Arlington marks the 70th anniversary with its sister city, Bad Königshofen

Some fve years after World War II ended, refugees had streamed into a small town in Bavaria called Königshofen (now called Bad Königshofen). BK was located just a few miles west of what had become the border between East and West Germany. A bevy of refugees, who risked their lives to escape the communist East, overwhelmed the tiny town. A great shortage of food and clothing resulted, and BK was in desperate trouble.

A visitor from BK met with then Mayor, Tom Vandergrif, and shared their plight. The Mayor and other leaders in Arlington were

Photographed by Bruce Maxwell from the church tower in July, 2016, this is the charming town Photographed by Bruce Maxwell from the church tower in July, 2016, this is the charming town moved and wanted to help. On Sept. 17, 1951, square in Bad Königshofen. square in Bad Königshofen. the Mayor wrote to Konigshofen’s Mayor, Kaspar Lurz, about Arlington’s desire to send aid and its hope to strengthen the bonds between their two countries and their two cities. It was in that year that Arlington and Königshofen became Sister Cities. More than 100 people in Arlington worked diligently to collect thousands of pounds of clothing, bedding, canned goods, threading and needles. All the school children in town created scrapbooks with photos and letters to include in the frst of four shipments (1952-1955) to the German town that dated back to 1532.

On Feb. 1, 1952, a railroad boxcar was flled with all that had been collected. The Texas & Pacifc railroad transported the gifts free of charge to New Orleans, from which they were shipped to Germany by the Lykes Steamship Company. There was great celebration that day at the railroad station. Mayor Vandergrif, the Chamber of Commerce and committee members, citizens and school children all attended, and the Arlington High School band performed. When the gifts arrived in BK, local charities distributed all they had received – 1,226 people were helped. Hospitals and schools in town were given soap and cans of food.

The people of Bad Königshofen sent hundreds of letters, pictures and handmade gifts to say thank you. The citizens also decided to show their gratitude by naming the town’s park “Arlington Park.” “Peace and Friendship” statues were erected in Arlington Park in Bad Königshofen. A Bad Königshofen Recreation Area was created in Arlington’s S.J. Stoval Park. Throughout the past seven decades that the two cities have been close allies, citizens have visited and honored each other.

This remarkable friendship and anniversary will be commemorated with both celebrations and the publication of their unique and beautiful story. If you are interested in supporting this milestone, please send donations to Sister Cities of Arlington, TX, c/o Julianne Warner at 101 W. Abram St., Arlington, TX, 76010. You can call 817-846-7473 for more.

– Linda Altoonian

Kellam to retire as Head of School at Oakridge

Jon Kellam will retire as Head of School at The Oakridge School in summer 2022. He has held the position for 15 years.

“After many months of thoughtful deliberation and fervent prayer, Kristi and I have determined that the next academic school year, 20212022, will be my last as Head of School,” Kellam wrote in an announcement. “Making the announcement this far in advance is out of my respect and love for the Oakridge family – the community I cherish.”

Kellam says he is timing his retirement to aford the school’s board sufcient time for a national search for his successor.

Throughout his tenure the school was known for its innovative ways. In 2016, Oakridge was recognized as the Lausanne Learning Institute’s Spotlight School for Innovation, and from 2017-2019, Oakridge hosted a national conference for innovative teaching and learning on campus.

Heath Woodard Heath Woodard Mike Hanke Mike Hanke

Mansfeld parks employee comes to the rescue of a neighbor in need

Longtime Mansfeld resident Mike Hanke is crediting parks employee Heath Woodard for being on the scene and providing assistance during a recent medical emergency.

Hanke was visiting a customer in the Mansfeld Industrial Park when he began to feel ill as he was driving away. Concerned he would hurt someone as he was driving, Hanke brought his car to McClendon Park West, hitting a stop sign as he entered the parking lot.

Woodard, a 28-year Mansfeld Parks & Recreation employee, was working at the park when he saw Hanke’s car and realized something was wrong. Recognizing he was having a medical emergency, Woodard got Hanke to his seat in his car, ran back to get his cell phone from his truck and called 911.

As they waited for help, Woodard stayed with Hanke, following the dispatcher’s instructions and reassuring Hanke that he was staying with him.

Hanke would recover after the emergency, and he and his wife recently met with Woodard at McClendon Park to express their gratitude and get some details about the emergency that Hanke still has difculty recalling. He said on that day, McClendon Park was a “safe haven” for him.

UTA ofers a bachelor of arts in philanthropy; it’s the frst such degree in the state of Texas

The University of Texas at Arlington this year introduced a bachelor of arts in philanthropy, the frst such degree in the state of Texas and the second in the nation.

Colton Strawser, coordinator and lecturer for the new program, says the new degree ofers a chance for UT Arlington students to turn their passion into a profession. “Many college students want to change the world,” Strawser says. “Americans gave nearly $450 billion to charity in 2019. Slightly over 5% of individuals living in Texas work in nonprofts, making it one of the largest employment sectors in the state. Having a degree program preparing Colton Strawser students for these jobs is an essential way UTA can help contribute to a vibrant nonproft feld that builds strong, healthy, sustainable communities.”

The new major in philanthropy will prepare UTA students for various positions in the nonproft industry, including roles in fundraising, communication, volunteer management and coordination, program leadership and coordination, donor and foundation relations, and research and public policy. Students will have the opportunity to implement communications strategies within the nonproft sector to advocate, elevate and lobby for change in communities.

Strawser came to UTA from San Diego, Calif., where we worked with a variety of arts and culture organizations in the region. His department had a contract with the City of San Diego, and he scored all of the requests for funding for the city and ensured that arts organizations qualifed for and could manage a city contract. Strawser also led a variety of professional development workshops and programs for arts organizations in the areas of program evaluation, fundraising, communication, etc.

Fernando Jaramillo, associate dean for students and programs in the College of Business, says there is a strong business demand for the degree.

“Based on projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is expected that this new degree will produce employable graduates who will meet a growing regional and national workforce demand,” Jaramillo says. “The nonproft sector in the United States is comprised of nearly 2 million organizations, and corporate giving and community outreach provides additional opportunities.”

For more: uta.edu/communication//undergraduates/philanthropy.php

This medal winner had a very interesting career

Daniel Sickles (center) Daniel Sickles (center) with his staf with his staf

Photo: pinterest.com Photo: pinterest.com

Certainly one of the more interesting heroes on the rolls of Medal of Honor recipients was Daniel “Devil Dan” Sickles. He was a lawyer, politician, Civil War general and an the war, he commanded much of the South during reconstruction. In this capacity he outlawed discrimination against Blacks and demanded they be treated fairly. He was sensitive to the rights of ambassador – one of the most admired and reviled men of his the southern farmers and protected their land and wages. He also time. Sickles was a mix of all that some Americans have admired outlawed whiskey which, considering his reputation, must have in their heroes past and present. He was, of course, courageous, been painful. but also a gambler in the mode of Maverick, an undercover agent, Sickles was a political general, as were many other generals in much enamored of the fairer sex and paramour of a former queen, the Civil War. And, of course, as is the wont of politicians, many as per 007. were dedicated to glamorizing themselves and de-glamorizing

He was also deadly serious about his honor, as was another hero, others. Some resented the celebrity of Sickles and acted accordingly. Andrew Jackson, who challenged to a duel the most dangerous Sickles was by most accounts an efective general, seeing action in dueler in the country for dishonoring his wife. He was fully aware four major campaigns (ending at Gettysburg, often described as the that he would be shot, and he was. The bullet missed his heart by turning point in the War; and Sickles may have been instrumental a fraction and remained in place the rest of his life. Despite the in that victory). And he may not have been, depending on which deadly wound, he stood his ground and killed his adversary. He political general one is to believe. In any event, he was awarded the told his astonished doctor he would have lived long enough to kill Medal of Honor for his actions at Gettysburg. his wife’s disparager had he been shot in the head. Lot of honor in On the second day of that battle, Sickles was hit by a cannonball the man, as there was in Sickles. that smashed his right leg. He never lost

Sickles, despite his reputation as consciousness and, in an efort to raise a lady’s man ( he was censored for the spirits of his men (who admired him bringing a known prostitute into General greatly), pufed on a cigar and smiled at Congress), tracked a man who had an Patrick Brady them as he was carried of to have his leg afair with his wife through Washington, amputated. Three days later, President D.C., and shot him to death in Lafayette Lincoln and his son visited him in the Park in the shadow of the White House. DANIEL SICKLES once hospital. Lincoln obviously disagreed The unfortunate adulterer happened to engaged in a duel with with Sickles’ detractors. be Philip Key, the son of Francis Scott Key, the author of our National Anthem. Philip Key, son of Francis Sickles was aware of an efort by the Army Surgeon General to collect In a sensational trial, Sickles was Scott Key. Sickles won. “specimens of morbid anatomy” and sent acquitted on the grounds of temporary his leg to the National Museum of Health insanity, a frst in legal jurisprudence. It may also have been the and Medicine, where it remains today. frst time a member of Congress was tried for murder. Many of the generals who fought at Gettysburg have been

Sickles was hailed as a hero for saving the Washington ladies memorialized with statues, not so general Sickles. When reminded from the scoundrel Key, described as the handsomest man in of this he simply declared that the entire battlefeld was his Washington. In a surprising display of compassion, or perhaps memorial. In any event none of the other generals have a memorial because of his conscience, Sickles forgave his wife, knowing that to their leg, as does Sickles. It may be the most famous leg in the the mores of the time denounced her actions as unforgivable and annals of warfare, surely the only one with a statue in its honor. would condemn him for it – which they did. He spent his later years championing veterans causes and often

The compassionate side of Sickles was evident during the war, visited his leg. We will also be able visit his leg when it is displayed when he refused to return slaves who escaped to his Union camp. at Arlington’s NMOHM along with other memorabilia of this most He put some on the payroll and trained others to be soldiers. After remarkable man.

Keen Cuisine Keen Cuisine


Chamas do Brazil • 4606 S. Cooper St. • 817-618-2986 • chamasdobrazil2.tru-m.com Cut & Bourbon • 1600 E. Randol Mill • 682-277-4950 • loewshotels.com/live-by-loews-arlington-texas The Keg • 4001 Arlington Highlands Blvd. • 817-465-3700 • kegsteakhouse.com Mercury Chophouse • 2221 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 910 • 817-381-1157 • mercurychophouse.com Piccolo Mondo • 829 Lamar Blvd. E. • 817-265-9174 • piccolomondo.com restaurant506 at The Sanford House • 506 N. Center St. • 817-801-5541 • restaurant506.com


Candlelite Inn • 1202 E. Division St. • 817-275-9613 • candleliteinnarlington.com Dino’s Subs • 2221 S. Collins St. • 817-274-1140 frieddaze • 5005 S. Cooper St., Suite 159 • 817-472-6666 • frieddaze.com The Grease Monkey • 200 N. Mesquite St. • 817-665-5454 • greasemonkeyburgers.com J. Gilligan’s Bar & Grill • 400 E. Abram St. • 817-274-8561 • jgilligans.com


Cartel Taco Bar • 506 E. Division St., Suite 150 • 817-200-6364 • carteltacobar.com El Arroyo • 5024 S. Cooper St. • 817-468-2557 • elarroyoarlington.com El Gabacho Tex-Mex Grill • 2408 W. Abram St. • 817-276-8160 • facebook.com/elgabachotexmex Fuzzy’s Taco Shop • 510 E. Abram St. • 817-265-8226 • 4201 W. Green Oaks Blvd. • 817-516-8226 1601 E. Debbie Lane, Mansfeld • 817-453-1682 • fuzzystacoshop.com

La Isla Restaurant • 2201 E. Pioneer Pkwy. • 817-459-1498 • laislarestauranttx.com


Café Sicilia • 7221 Matlock Road • 817-419-2800 • cafesicilia.com

Gino’s East • 1350 E. Copeland Road • 817-200-6834 • ginoseast.com/arlington


David’s Barbecue • 2224 W. Park Row Drive, Suite H • 817- 261-9998


Mercury Chophouse Mercury Chophouse

The Grease Monkey The Grease Monkey

El Arroyo El Arroyo

For the frst time in a dozen years, the Rangers will have a new shortstop: Isiah Kiner-Filefa.

Getting to know the ‘new-look’ Rangers

Photo: dallasnews.com

If I could magically drop you into a seat at Globe Life Field this season, and if I picked, say, June 21st, you would look around and shout, “Where am I? Who are these guys? And Why is the games. Joey Gallo would have been the starting right felder that day, but he was injured. His Gold Glove skills will be on display everyday in right. Elvis playing for the A’s?” At that point I would try to soothe you Speaking of Gold Gloves, Isiah Kiner-Falefa won one last and tell you everything is going to be alright; this is all part of year, too, at third base. He is moving to shortstop. First base is the master plan. up in the air. I am rooting for Ronald Guzman because I like

The frst part of the plan has been in place since opening him so much. Third base, too, is a battle to be won at spring day last year. The beautiful new Globe Life Field is designed training. with you in mind. Its greatest feature is the air conditioning. It Lance Lynn got the win against the Yankees that day in 2019. was the reason we had to leave our old friend, Globe Life Park, He now pitches for the Chicago White Sox. None of the guys behind. It works; I was there almost every day of July, August who are expected to be the top four in the rotation were even and September last season, and the game-time temperature was with the organization in 2019. Kyle Gibson and Jordan Lyles always a perfect 72 degrees. joined last year. Dane Dunning was acquired in the Lynn trade,

There is so much more to like about the stadium than the and Mike Foltynewicz signed in the of season this year. climate, though. It will require exploring. Arrive early your frst Sufce it to say things will be very diferent this season, and time. Walk around and fnd all that we have not even gotten to the biggest there is to like about this new baseball change: Elvis was traded. I know you cathedral. Some things will be familiar – already know that. It was “Stop the for example, when you look at the seats presses” type news this of season. It and the press box area behind home John Rhadigan was one of those stark reminders that plate you will think you are looking at baseball is a business, and the business the same section of Globe Life Park. It of rebuilding often means taking it will help you feel more at home. down to the studs and starting from

Your second question, “Who are AS THE RANGERS gear scratch. these guys,” can be answered in two for the 2021 season, fans Logic dictates that it was necessary words, The Future. Many of them are will get a glimpse of what and that it will give the Ranges great familiar, having served in lesser roles fnancial fexibility as they try to do or backup roles in the past. The lineup the future looks like. exactly what they did when they will look remarkably diferent from the acquired Elvis in the Mark Teixeira last time you saw it in person. The last time any fan saw them trade – that is, build a championship team. Emotion dictates that in person was Sept. 29, 2019, when they beat the Yankees 6-1 in it will be so hard to watch a game without Elvis. He was the heart the fnal game at Globe Life Park. This year will feature three and soul of this team, and he poured his heart and soul into this holdovers from the starting line up that day. Jose Trevino was community. I will miss his fre, his friendship and his smile. the starting catcher that day and he will be the starting catcher As hard as it may be, as you sit there and watch the game this season, too. Willie Calhoun was in left feld on that sun- on June 21st be happy for Elvis, he is getting a chance to play baked Sunday afternoon. He has worked so hard this ofseason, shortstop everyday for the A’s. Be happy that the team has made and the hard work will continue this spring as he tries to beat the difcult decision to take this thing down to the studs and out Khris Davis and become the everyday left felder. Nick Solak rebuild it into a contender. And be happy that even though it is played third base when the team said goodbye to the ballpark. 96 degrees outside you are sitting in the 72 degree comfort of This year he will be at his more natural second base for most of Globe LIfe Field.

Itinerary Itinerary

TO HELP YOU get past the coldest temps we’ve seen in Arlington in a while, Levitt Pavilion Arlington has its eyes on spring and is bringing back live music. The venue will present Texas Americana singer/songwriter Wade Bowen at 8 p.m. on March 20. Tickets are from $25 to $40 for general admission and $100 for a limited number of VIP seats on the viewing deck of the new Levitt Center. Tickets are on sale at levittpavilionarlington.org and on the free Levitt Arlington mobile app.

THE BANKHEAD HIGHWAY is the subject of a new exhibit at Fielder House Museum. Visitors will discover that “The Pike,” Division Street and Highway 80 are all the same as they learn about the beer joints, nightclubs, restaurants and tourist camps that were all located on the famous (and sometimes infamous) highway. The museum, which houses some of Arlington’s most cherished historical artifacts, is open for small groups of no more than four. Masks are required and museum tours feature social distancing. If you are not ready to go in person, Geraldine Mills, executive director of the Arlington Historical Society and the museum’s curator, says the organization will share photos on its web page, historicalarlington.org.

There’s baseball in the air There’s baseball in the air

The Texas Rangers will give fans a glance at what to look for in 2021 when they host the San Diego Padres in a three-game, spring-training-ending series on March 27, 29 and 30 at Globe Life Field.


Photo: texasrangers.com

Circle the date: April 24 Circle the date: April 24

Timeless Concerts will present music by Italian composers at 8 a.m. on April 24 at Arlington Museum of Art. The concert will span centuries of music and include a variety of genres. COVID precautions will be in place.


Photo: classicfm.com

Casting Crowns in concert Casting Crowns in concert

Grammy-winning multi-platinum group Casting Crowns is bringing its “A Night Under The Stars” tour to Arlington’s Globe Life Field at 8 p.m. on March 27, 2021. The concert will be held in Tacoma Lot R because of COVID precautions.


The Chamber directory is a remarkable resource

If you want to know pretty much anything about the Greater Arlington Area, here is your best source.

Aremarkable resource for those looking for a comprehensive insight into the workings of our city and the region we call home is now available. Wondering about how we stack up in the overall cost of living here? Some really good news with these statistics: It’s more than fve percent lower to live here compared to other U.S. business centers.

It’s the newly issued 2021 Greater Arlington Community Profle The leading measure is housing cost that comes in at 13 percent lower published by the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce. It’s a than the rest. perfect companion to this month’s issue of our magazine focused on Our median age is 35, our average household size is 2.8 persons, local business. the median household income exceeds $72,000 annually, more

When Chamber ofcials talk about the organization’s support than 86 percent graduated from high school and 36 percent earned for businesses and the vital role they play in driving our economy bachelor’s or higher degrees. and providing abundant jobs and creating careers, you will hear the The directory highlights 10 reasons to do business in Arlington. refrain that what’s good for business is good for everyone. First, as always, is our strategic location, then the region’s intermodal

The new directory provides abundant data that makes that claim a transportation network connected by the now city-wide Via reality. Let’s take a look at some examples of its contents to illustrate Rideshare system, the demonstrated money-saving cost of doing how and why it works. Consider this a preview of what you will fnd business, investment incentives for qualifying businesses, and home inside the publication when you visit the website listed at the end of to the country’s largest master-planned industrial park. this column. It continues with a skilled workforce, strong community and

Among the country’s 50 largest cities and the third largest in North government support for the development and redevelopment of Texas, Arlington has been recognized for the city, accessibility to markets around some signifcant achievements by national the world, a great quality of life, and sources that you will fnd backing up on Forbes’ Best Places for Business and these statistics: The best run city in Texas, the No. 1 Richard Greene Careers List. There are two pages telling of the top place to own investment property, the No. recent economic development wins, two 3 city for frst time homeowners, among more describing how investment by big the top 25 hardest-working cities, the 12th THE 2021 Greater Arlington business dramatically increases growth most diverse city, among the top 20 most- Community Profle shows opportunities for all business large and livable cities, and the fourth best in which small. to raise a family. why Arlington is the After more than six decades of

The list goes on: among the top 10 most American Dream City. planning, Downtown Arlington has fscally sound cities, in the top 35 best emerged as a place to drive to instead of places to live if you are under 35 years a place to drive through. The directory of age, and rounding out with three major sports teams, almost 15 highlights the vibrant community our central business district has million annual visitors, a AAA bond rating, home to the country’s become through creative energy, and how it is growing. largest esports venue, the largest covered venue in the United States, Two more pages provide names and contact information for all and home to the region’s largest university. our elected ofcials and emphasis on the collaboration among the

Looking for a job? Here are the city’s largest employers with the educational institutions ranging from pre-kindergarten through number of people that work there: the Arlington Independent School Tarrant County College and the University of Texas at Arlington. District – 8,200, the University of Texas at Arlington – 5,300, General As promised, below is the link to the website where you can see Motors – 4,400, Texas Health Resources – 4,063, Six Flags Over Texas it all. I have covered just enough to whet appetites. So, bookmark – 3,800, The Parks Mall – 3,500, GM Financial – 3,300, the City of this link and enjoy all the content and discover why Arlington is the Arlington – 2,509, J. P. Morgan Chase – 1,965, and, rounding out the American Dream City! top 10, the Texas Rangers – 1,881. issuu.com/arlingtontoday/docs/chamber_directory_2021

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