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Executive Director’s Foreword
NSW Executive Director’s foreword
Meet the best our industry has to offer
The Master Builders Association of NSW Excellence in Construction Awards is recognised throughout the industry as the hallmark annual event for the commercial, industrial and civil engineering sectors. The Awards celebrate outstanding achievements by companies and individuals in the New South Wales building and construction industry. For over three decades, hundreds of NSW’s best builders have won recognition for their construction excellence and the contribution they make to the built environment. This year the MBA has again produced a special Master Builder Excellence in Construction Awards book. This publication showcases the best that the New South Wales industry has to offer in construction, project management, building materials, mechanical services and planning in the commercial sector of our industry. This special Master Builder Edition not only celebrates success, but also provides a useful catalogue of construction industry professionals and suppliers who can help future projects achieve similar standards of excellence. This high-quality publication can connect you with a readership that values and strives for excellence. Whether a specialist contractor or supplier with a message for builders or head contractors, or a builder who would like to reach the key decision makers who commission new projects, our Excellence in Construction Awards publication offers a practical tool that carries the credibility of the Master Builders Association and the Awards themselves. The publication is also available on the MBA Website as a flip book. Congratulations to all the winners and those who participated in this year’s awards.
Brian Seidler Executive Director