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Style magazine travels to Phuket

Put Phuket on the bucket list
When you think of travel destinations that is equal part picture perfect and fun to experience it’s harder to imagine than you might think. Karon Beach in Phuket, Thailand, is the first thing that springs to mind when I try to imagine just that.
My trip didn’t start of quite as easy as you might think, arriving at Phuket’s International Airport an hour’s drive was estimated to get to Karon Beach.
With hope of a bus or discount shuttle eliminated immediately, we took a private driver and managed to arrive before sundown.
I would suggest organising any other method of travel when travelling from the Phuket’s airport.
We arrived at the hotel and the air was dense and the humidity level was high; thank goodness I have forever straight hair.
With a good sleep planned, we went out to a nearby restaurant for tea. Being a very touristy location, we anticipated English signage and local communication not to be an issue... boy was I wrong. BY KATHERINE SAMPSON
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You’ve probably never really thought about it, but other nationalities love to travel too, and Karon Beach seemed to be the destination for Russians.
Every menu, and street sign was in Thia, followed by Russian and in the smallest print possible the English translation.
It was surreal being in a place where English wasn’t highly considered, but in hindsight an experience I wouldn’t change and would be impossible to find elsewhere.
Even the local Phuketiens would laugh and be filled with joy to see an English speaker on their shores.
The following day was a day of exploration, walking the main streets, and tasting the foods, entering every novelty shop trying to find something that could be a good keepsake.
Visiting the beach was unlike any in Australia, sure the beaches were beautiful, and oddly mostly rubbish free.
The water surrounding Phuket is from the Andaman Sea, and there were less than zero waves which made it only more serene.

Coconut trees bordered the beach, and the mountains nearby assured us of a very calming evening.
If relaxing on the beach or getting fantastic Thia massages and cheap mani-pedis aren’t your thing, don’t get too worried.
Although I didn’t personally experience it I can confirm there are plenty of nightclubs water sports, look outs and tours to do and so much more. One feature in the township of Karon Beach I will never forget, and possibly the only English sign that stood out, was that which read “Tsunami evacuation route (and then an arrow),” and so my fear of tsunami’s and vast water began; but that’s another story.

Travelling solo Visiting new countries alone can be the most exciting and daunting experience for any globetrotter. There are plenty of advantages of being a solo adventurer, but there is an equal list of disadvantages. We’ve compiled a list of some positives and negatives to travelling solo, but don’t let this sway your decision making in the slightest, you do you and do it well!

POSITIVES A popular motive solo traveller’s book their tickets in the first place usually comes down to a hot flight deal, discounted accommodation and other such concessions.
When travelling in a group or even in pairs, there can be that delay of “will they or won’t they” commit to travelling.
Travelling solo means you can book to your schedule, fit your lifestyle and never argue about where you’re going to go and what you’re going to do.
This also means you decide on breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you want to budget the accommodation to afford the feasts and experiences you can, and without a single complaint.
You’ll even find yourself making more friends and meeting new people. Without the distraction of a companion you can find friendships in complete strangers from any walk of life.
Whether they be other solo travellers or groups in the same tour as you, guests staying in the same hostel or even a bunch of like-minded people you meet at a local bar, you can make friends for the trip, travel buddies for the current destination and even a friend for life.
NEGATIVES Be aware, of who you’re with, where you’re going and your belongings, being alone means you’re more vulnerable and a potential target.
This doesn’t mean you are a target; you just have to be cautious, alert and smart.
When visiting new locations solo, trusting your gut is sometimes the best solution.
Although you might find saving money by travelling solo, the fees can still add up, and add up quickly.
When travelling in pairs or groups you’ll find that prices for tours and accommodation are reduced per person, so when you’re alone you’ll notice every cent used – but this just requires attentive budgeting.
You will get lonely, but you still might meet new people, friends and even relationships on your endeavours.
At some point, you will miss your friends and family from home, some locations are best for groups and others for individual explorers – either way, being able to tell your tales from far away places will make up for their lack of being there at the time.
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