Sunny tea

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By Armin Eminovic

Mock-ups ď ľ

The mock up net was meant to be designed to fit many tea bags in a long box, the logo idea that I created was simple as well as something that made sense for the tea cover.

The Logo ď ľ

When digitally creating the logo I decided to make sure to go with warm colours to make it fit in with the name, that’s why s you can see all the flavours also are involved with fruits with warm colours.

First Nets ď ľ

My very first net wasn’t that special and didn’t have everything properly finished, but with the design that I created, I wanted all of the attention to be mostly on the logo.

Second Nets ď ľ

For the second net I added a few extra things here and there, but still decided to keep it simple, except this time, because it is a smaller box it focuses a lot more on the logo and just looks a lot nicer in my opinion.

Tea Packages ď ľ

These are some pictures of what the net looks like when it’s created into a little box.

Rationale 

For my tea packaging I decided to go for a simple design that would be bright and vibrant and stand out from other tea packages that you would see in a store. In terms of symbolism I have chosen to create the logo with the shape of a quarter of the sun behind the text ‘Sunny Tea’. When a customer would come into a store looking to buy tea I would want them to be able to spot my tea among the other brands easier. By doing this I chose to use nice warm colours that would make the logo pop out when looking at the tea package. The design that I was going for wasn’t meant to be too fancy or have too much on the net/package. The reason for this is, because I personally believe that simple logos are the ones that are always the nicest and sometimes even the most appealing to the viewer’s eye.

For the font I used a nice elegant serif font that would work well with the quarter sun that I had placed in the background of the logo design. By making the font white, makes it easier to be read. I made sure to make the quarter sun a nice orangey colour to make sure it’s representing the sun. Altogether the design of the packaging should make it nice and easy for a viewer to spot and overall I would say that simple designs are the best way to go in most occasions.


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