Cole Co le White e Zach Za c Pri rice c ce Kevi Ke vin Mc M cK Ka ague ag
Nate S one St Niic N ck k Hiillll H
Kyyle le Sc S cogin ogin og in
Joey Jo ey He H en nssha sha haw
Miilla M a an n‘ Diing D nga
Fifteen different Army baseball players have earned a total of 46 All-America honors (preseason, postseason, academic, freshman) the past 10 years: Name Tyler Anderegg, P Milan Dinga, OF-RP Milan Dinga, RP Milan Dinga, RP Harold Earls, INF Joey Henshaw, DH Nick Hill, SP Nich Hill, SP Nick Hill, SP Nick Hill, SP Nich Hill, SP Nick Hill, SP Nick Hill, SP Nick Hill, SP Ben Koenigsfeld, OF-SP Ben Koenigsfeld, OF-RP Kevin McKague, 1B Kevin McKague, 1B Kevin McKague, 1B Kevin McKague, 1B Kevin McKague, 1B Clint Moore, SS Clint Moore, SS Clint Moore, SS Clint Moore, SS Clint Moore, SS Jacob Page, OF Zach Price, 2B Zach Price, 2B Zach Price, 2B Zach Price, 2B Chris Rowley, SP Chris Rowley, SP Chris Rowley, SP Chris Rowley, SP Chris Rowley, SP Chris Rowley, SP Chris Rowley, SP Kyle Scogin, SS Kyle Scogin, SP Nate Stone, 2B Cole White, OF-SP Cole White, UTY Cole White, UTY Schuyler Williamson, C Schuyler Williamson, C
Citing CoSIDA Academic, Third Team Louisville Slugger Freshmen NCBWA, Third Team NCBWA Preseason, First Team Louisville Slugger Freshmen ABCA Second Team Louisville Slugger Freshmen Louisville Slugger, Third Team Louisville Slugger Preseason, Third Team ABCA Second Team Louisville Slugger, Second Team Louisville Slugger Preseason, Second Team NCBWA Preseason, First Team CoSIDA Academic, Third Team CoSIDA Academic, Third Team CoSIDA Academic, Second Team Louisville Slugger Freshmen Louisville Slugger Preseason, Third Team NCBWA Preseason, Second Team College Baseball Lineup Preseason, Third Team Louisville Slugger, Third Team Louisville Slugger Freshmen ABCA Third Team Ping! Baseball Honorable Mention Ping! Baseball Preseason College Baseball Lineup Preseason, Second Team Louisville Slugger, Freshmen Louisville Slugger Freshmen Ping! Baseball Freshmen, Third Team CoSIDA Academic, First Team Lowe’s Senior CLASS Award, Second Team Louisville Slugger, Second Team NCBWA, Second Team, Honorable Mention NCBWA Preseason, First Team Louisville Slugger Preseason, Second Team College Sports Madness Preseason, Second Team Senior CLASS Award All-American ABCA Third Team Louisville Slugger, Third Team ABCA Third Team Louisville Slugger Freshmen Louisville Slugger Preseason, Third Team NCBWA Preseason, Third Team CoSIDA Academic, Third Team NCBWA Preseason, Third Team
Year 2009 2004 2006 2007 2012 2009 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2010 2011 2008 2011 2011 2011 2012 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2013 2009 2009 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2005 2005 2004 2005 2008 2008 2004 2005
Sc S ch hu uly lye err Will Wi lliia am msson on
Harro Ha o old ld ld Ea arl rls
Clliin C nt Mo M oo orre
Ben Be Koen Ko enig gsf s el ed
T le Ty ler Ande An de d e ere regg gg g
Chri Ch r is R Ro ow wlley ey
PATRIO OT LEAGUE REGULAR SEASON CHAMPIONSHIPS 1997 2004 2005 2008 2009 2010 2012
PATRIOT LEAGUE TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONSHIPS 1997 2000 2004 2005 2009 2012 2013
2000 2004 2005 2009 2012 2013
Se eni n orr 1 1B B Pa Patr ttrric i k Mesc Mesc Me s he herr
Se eni n or or RHP P Gun nna n r Carr Ca C arr rrolll rrol
On Ma arch ch h 30 30, 2 2013 01 01 013 13 3, Arm rmy rmy my resum resum re su u ed umed ed its ts serie ts series se rrie ie es w with ith it ith h tth he New New w Yor Yor Yo ork Yank Yank ank an n ees ee ees, es, welc e elc elcomi l om om ng omi ng the th h Major Major Ma jor Le Leag eague ag agu gu ue ball alllclu llclu ll club tto o West s Po Point in nt. n It marke ma mark r d th rke the he 22nd 22 2 22n 2nd mee eetting be betwe tween twe n Arm Arrmy and Ar and nd the th h Ya he Yanke nkees es. s Th The e two wo tea tea te ams m com co petted ed 21 1 tim ti es bet ti be be etwee w n 1927 1927 7 an and 19 and 976 97 76 76 an and d reki reki ekindl ndl dlled ed the ma the match chup chup up on on a brillia riil ril i lia lia liant i nt spr spring sp ring in ng da day ay. y. Nea Ne rly Nearly rly 5 5,000 ,000 000 te tempo mporar mporar mpo mp rary yb blea lea leache lea ache chers rs s wer were re brou bro rought rou ough ght in ght into to o han handle andle an dle l th the stan the ndin di g-r g oom oo om-on om om-o ly -o ly c crro cro owd. wd wd d. The Th e Yan ank nkees arrived early that morning and toured d Wes We We es st Poin nt, mak a ing stops at Michie Stad dium, the Arm rmy rm y Spor Sporrts ts Ha Ha Hal all of of F Fame ame m , the O’Mea O’M ear ara, ara, ar a, M Mal alek, ek k,, D k Dawkins, ns Class of 1959 Streng ngth Develo llo opme pm p me ment nt Center Cen en nt and the Cadet Chapel. The Yankees s trav trav veli eling ng p party par tty, y wh which ich h in inclu clud l dded Man ed an naging agi g ng G gi Gen e era en al Part a ner Ha ar al Ste tei e nbr brenn b ner, er G General all Par Pa artne tne tner n r Jenn en nn nifer Stei t inbr teinbr nb enn enner er Swi Swinda nd l, Chiief Ope O rat ating ting g Of Offic fic icer er L Lon on nn Tros nn rostt a an nd nd Gen Gen nera eral er era ral Mana ra ana ager ge ger g er Br Brian iian an n Ca Cashm s sh an in ad add diti tion ion o to t staff, p pllaye ay rs an and a d coach ac es, s, ate lunc unc ch wit with ca adets dets in in the Mes Mess s Hall Halll p prio ior or to o th he co ont ntte est es st s .
ARMY SPORTS HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Name ..................Induction Year Bob Neyland* ......................2004 Eric Tipton...........................2005 Steve Reich .........................2006 Barry DeBolt .......................2007 Arnold Galiffa ....................2007 John Boretti ....................... 2008 Mike Silliman ................... 2008 Mike Scioletti ..................... 2011 *Charter Class Member
NCAA REGIONALS 2000, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2013
PATRIOT LEAGUE CHAMPIONS 1997, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2012, 2013
PLAYERS’ PERSPECTIVE “T To ha have v the ve eo opp p orrtu pp tuni nity ty y to be a p par artt of tthe he Lo on ng Gr G ay y Lin ne h he ere re at West We stt Poi oint nt has a bee en a g grrea e t ex expe peri riien e ce c s so o fa farr. r. I a am m ve v ry y hum mb blled ed by it, and d to be b s sur urrroun urr roun u d de ed by s suc uc ch ou outs tsta sta tan nd diin ng indi in ndi divi vd vi du uals als is al is an hono ho n r.. I co on ns siide der myse myse selff luc ucky cky ky to to be par art off the art the he Arm rmy y Ba Base Base seb eba ball ll Fam amiilly a ily as s it tr trul uly is uly is a ffam am mil ily of guys that lov ve to pla l y th the e gam me.”” — AL LE EX X JENS EN E NSE SEN ’1 15 “I alw “I lway a s th hou ough ough ght ab abou out be bein ing in ing in the he mil ilit ilit itar ary, y, how o ev ever ever er, r, th hat a wa as s ov o ver e shad shad sh adow owe owed ed d by my my des esire iirre to to bec ecom ome a ph ome phy ys sic ician iia an and an a nd m my y lov ove fo for ba b ase seba ball ll. So So wh he en I wa was as in inttrro od du uc ced ed to W We estt Poi ointt I rea eali liz ze ed th tha att tth h hiis is in ns sti tituti titu ttu uti tion on wo ou uld l b be e th the id idea eal pl pla ac ce ffo or me me. But Bu ut itt was s nott u unt nttiil nt il I ha had th the he op ppo por ort rtun nity itty to o vis isit isi it W Wes es st Po Poin int an and ex exp expe pe e eri rien ri ien enc ce e its ts m ma aje aj ajes es stcn ti na atu turre e that I ma ade de my de eci cisi sion on to c co om me eh her ere. e..” e — PA PATR TRIC TR ICK IC K ME MESC ESC CHE ER ’1 14 “I c cam ame e to W Wes estt Po Poin int, t, fir first st a and nd fore fo remo most st,, to p pla lay y NC NCAA AA D Div iviision si on I bas aseb ebal a l in o ord rder er to de de-ve elo lop p no nott on only ly as a pl p ay ayer er,, bu butt as a per erso son. n. A Add ddit itio i na nally, y, tthe he chal ch alle leng ngin ing g ed educ ucat uc atio on dr drew ew me to US USMA MA.. I ha have ve a p pas assi sion on-ate lo at love for God love d and d my co cou oun ununtry tr y a an nd I fe feel el tth hat We hat West st P Poi o nt oi is a pla lace tha at is con o du duci ciive c e of th hos se va valu lues lu es.” es .” — NI NICK CK K DIG IGNA GNA NACC ACC CCO CO ’1 ’14
“II cam ame e to to Wes estt Po Poiin nt fo forr th he o p op po o ort rttun unit itie ies w ie ies wh hil i e I am her herre an nd wh w e en n I gra gra adu dua atte e.. Th The e va vallu s th ue that at Wes estt P Po oin nt iin nst s il ills ls s in its it s ca cade d ts de s are e thi h ng gs wh whic i h I ic try tr y to liv i e my y lif ife by ife by ev ve ery ery y day day y, ev ven n beffor ore I ca ame m her ere. e. T The he attmo mosp sphe sp he ere re fitts my per erso so ona nali l ty li t and an d gi give ves ve s me me mor ore e oppo op ppo port r un rt uniitiies e ffor or suc ucce cess ce ss ttha h n an ha any ny otthe h r opti op tion on.” .” — ERIK ER RIK WAS SHB HBUR URN UR N ’1 14 NICK DIGNACCO P GE 8 • @AR PA RM MY Y_B BA AS SEB BAL ALL L
ON WEST POINT ““II c ch hos ho hose se e West Point because e I wa antted d to pl p ay y on n a competitiv ve Division on I tea eam wi with h the he abilliitty to ab o mak ake it to a Su Supe p r Re pe Regi g on gi o all. I al also also so wan anted to t lea arn in n a stim mul ulat a in at ing g ac cad adem adem mic ic enn viro vi on nm men nt an and ea earn a rre eputab eput a le deg ab egre ree..” — CO CONN NNO NN OR R LOV VE ’1 14 “G Goi oing g to We West Poi Point oiint nt is the the op th ppo p rt rtun tun uniitty off a llifet unit ettime. etim im me. e As I pre repa p re m pa mys ys sel elff to o be a fu utu ture ure e offi ffii-ff ce er an nd le lead ad sol ad oldi dier ers, s, I get et to pl play ay tthe he eg gam ame e I lo love ve a and nd rec ecei eiive e ve one of th the e be best s e st edu duca du ca ati tion o s in i the wo th worl rld d. I tru d. ruly ly y lloo ook at a the Arm rmy y Ba Base seba se ball F ba Fam amil ily y as m my y se sec co ond ond n fam mil i y an and dm my y tea am mm mat ates es es as brro as other th her ers wh ers who he h lp lp m me e ca carr rrrry on e eve ve en tth hro ro oug ug gh th the mo the most stt str s tre en n nuo uo u ou ou us s day ys. s. I ca an n’tt hel elp p bu but be ins nsp nspi piirre ed b by y the he gre gre eatt lea ead ders de ers rs wh ho o ha av ve co ome m bef efor for ore m me e, an and I am a ffor orev or ev ve err grat rate ra teffu ul ffo ul or tth he op ppo orttu un nitty to o pla lay ba lay base s ba ball lll whi hile e pre r p pa a ari riing n mys sel elf to o fig i h htt for thi his grrea eat co eat coun un ntr try. y.” y” — DA DANI NIEL EL CO OR RTE ES ’1 15 “II mad mad ade th the de the deciis siion on to to c co ome me to to We Westt Poi oint ntt bec ecau cau ause ause e of th he al all ll of of the h his isto tory y the he Aca ade demy demy my has. ha s.. The mil i it itar a y ha ar has s al alwa ways ays ys bee een n an an int int ntter eres er est of est of min ine an ine a d th t e op o po p rtunity to t joi oin n th the mi mili li-tary ta ry y, re ece eiv i e a gr grea eatt ed duc ucatio ucat attio on an and pl play ay Div vis isio on I ba baseba a ball was too o much to o pass up.”” — JU UST S IN I FRE R NCH ’1 ’16 6
“T The he thi hing ng tha hat brrou oug gh ht m me e to We est st Poin Po iin nt wa was s th t e op oppo oppo port rtu un nit ity to to be a partt o pa off some some so meth thin thi th ing b biig gg ger er th ha an my myself se lf I di lf. didn dn’t dn ’tt wan antt to pla lay ba lay base ase s ball ball ba ll att an no oth oth herr u uni niive n ive vers rsit rs ity it y an and be k kno nown no wn wn simp si mp m ply as an n ath thle le ete t .H He erre e, I am am mor o e. e. Y u’ Yo u’re r hel re eld ld to t the e hig gh he est s sta and dar ards d ds and an d ex expe pect pe ctted cted d to be e at yo y ur u bes estt at a alll t me ti m s. s I cou uld dn n’’t fi find nd thi h s an nyw y he ere r else el se.” .” —H HA ARO ROLD LD D EAR ARLS LS S ’’15 15
“ de “I ec cid ided ed to at atte tend te nd d Wes st Poin Poin Po int no nott on nly y bec ecau ause au use o off th the he gr grea at educ ed duc cat atio i n,, io b ta bu alls so o to be beco come co me a m mem em mbe er of the exce ex ce ell l en entt ba baseba se eba ball ll progr ro ogr g am m. I ch hos o e West We s Poi st o nt n bec e au a se s iitt al allo l we lo w d me e to o con nti tinu nue nu e pl p ay yin ing ng th the e ga game me I lov me o e wh hille also allso getttiing a gre eatt edu duca cati ca t on ti and an d be b in i g able ab ble e to s se errv ve my cou o nt n ry ry.” .”” — BR BROC OCK DA OCK OC DAVI VIDS VI DSON DS ON ’16 ON 16 DANIEL CORTES PA AGE E 9 • @AR ARMY ARMY MY_B _BAS A E AS EB BAL LL
COACHES’ PERSPECTIVE “I am proud to be a member of the West Point family. The unique qualities of life education received at the United States Military Academy, both in the classroom and on the baseball field, are remarkable. Every day I am at West Point, I understand the incredible closeness here, and I see the vibrant, active alumni network, and how they help each other. The support within the baseball family is awesome as well, and I’m excited to be a part of it. It’s an honor to work with the outstanding cadets on the baseball team, and we will all work hard to make the United States Military Academy proud.” — MATT REID, INTERIM HEAD COACH
“The opportunity to be a part of the best leadership development institution in the world, and to coach on the grounds that many of our nation’s very best leaders once walked is truly a humbling experience. I am extremely proud to be working alongside many of the very best young men that America has to offer. In addition, the support that the Army baseball program receives is remarkable, both from an alumni and an administrative standpoint. The combination of these two aspects makes this an extraordinary opportunity.” — ANTHONY DeCICCO, ASSISTANT COACH
MATT REID “There is no question that West Point is a special place. The Academy holds a unique spot in our Nation’s history as the finest military academy and stands at the forefront of academic achievement, leadership development and athletic success. These qualities have been forged over time by countless individuals, from alumni to administration, who recognized the power of teamwork and have worked tirelessly to uphold this institution’s core foundations of duty, honor, and country. I am privileged to be a part of such an inspirational community, including our baseball family, that values these ideals and I am grateful to have the opportunity to coach many of the future leaders of America.” — ERIC FOLMAR, ASSISTANT COACH
WHY WEST POINT? “Any of us w “Any who ho wen ent th thro roug u h tth ug he pr p oc ces ess; ess; s; any nyon yon one wh who o fe felt lt tthe he flam fl ame e of tha hatt fu furn rn nac ace, c cam am me aw way ay alt ltere erred ed iin n th the w wa ay ay we we go ab abou ou ut runn ru nn nin ng o ou ur li liv ve es. s Som ome pa art rt of it is th the be beli lieff th ha at yo ou ar are no n t only on ly yd doi oing oi ing ng iitt fo for pe for p rs rson onal on al glo lory ry, ry y, but but yo bu you u do do iitt because it iis s yo y ur responsibiility. It’s s parrt of o bei e ng g a membe b r off The h Corps s and eac a h of us that have felt that magic c fe eel espec cially y pr p ivileg ged e to have v do d one ne so o..” - HE EIISMAN SMAN SM AN TRO ROPH PHY HY WINN WIINNER W NNER NN E PET ETE DA ETE DAWK WKINS IN NS
“A As I lo ook ok bac ack ko ov ver e my ca areer re eerr iin n go gove vern ern r me mentt, in n bus usin ines es ss, s, s, of cours of ours ou se in in th he e mil ili lit itar ay y,, I thi hink k Wes est Po Poin int wa was a very was very ve ry in nffllu ue entia al e ex xpe perien rie en nce ce. It ce. It har ad de ene ned ed a s se ense ns n se o off dis isci isci ciplin plin pl ne, a se sens nse off res nse espon espo po p onsib nsib ns ibil ilit itty, ity, y, dut uty ty an nd in inte int tegr g ity ity a it an nd al nd also lso o ver ery y happ ha ppil ily ly co omb bin ined da an n aller ertn rtn tnes ness es ss off mind in nd an and bo and body dy.”” dy dy.” -F FOR ORME MER R SE SECR CRET ETAR ARY Y OF S STA TATE TE A ALE LEXA XAND NDER ER H HAI AIG G “For h “For her e e we ttra rain in the m men en and w wom omen en who hose se dut uty y it i is to defend de nd the R Rep epub ubli lic, c the he men and nd wom men who hose pro rofe f ss ssio ion n is watc wa tchf hful ulne ness ss,, wh whos ose e sk skil illl is vig igil ilan nce ce, wh whos o e ca alllin ing g is s to gu guar ard d the th e pe peac ace, e b but ut iiff ne need ed b be, e, tto o fi figh ghtt an and d wi win. n.”” -P PRE RESI RE SIIDE DENT NT R RON ONAL ON ALD RE ALD REAG AG GAN N
WHY WEST POINT? ““In In th the e ev ven nin in of my memory, allwa ing w ys s I com me ba back ac to We W st Point. Alwa Al way ys s the ere ech hoe o s and d re r -ech c oe es ... Du uty ty -- Ho Honor Hono no -- Count no n ry y. Today day m da ma ark rks ks my m fin inal al rol olll call call wit ith h you. Butt I wa an nt yo you to o kno now, w w, when wh n I cro os ss s the riv iver err, my las er, astt co c nsci nsc ou ns ous s th thou ou ugh g ts w willl be of Th The Corp Co rps .... a an nd T Th he Co orp ps .... an a d Th The Co C rp r s ....” - GE EN NE ER RA AL L DOU OU UGL GLA AS S Mac cAR ARTH ARTH T UR UR
“A As I llo ook k ba ac ck on my li life lif fe, I’ fe, I lll alw lway ys re reve vere vere ve e th he e oppo op oppo port rtunit unitie un itie it ies th that that at cam ame e alon allon ong g that that th at bro roug roug gh htt abou ab bou ut th the ch hoi oice ice e I made ad de to o go to o Wes est Po Poin Poin int. nt. t. I ju just st ffee eel th ee tha att it wa as fu und ndam amen am enta ta al in in molldi ding ng the fabr the th ffa ab brric c of of my my lliif ife. e. The e exp exp per erie ie ienc en nc ces es tha hat I h hat ha ad att Wes est st Po oin ntt,, the hey we were rre e iirr rre rrep rr ep pla l ce eab ble le.”” - AST S RO RONA NAUT U EDW UT WIIN N “BU BUZZ ZZ AL ZZ” ZZ AL LD DR D RIIN N
“T Thi his na nati tio on n is gr grat grat ate atef effful ul tha ul hat fo four four ur yea ears rs a ago go o every y ma an an and dw wo om ma an grrad adua u tiing ttod ua oday ay mad a e a li life fe-chan ch an ng giing ng dec eciis siio on. n. You u llef eft ef ft th the he comf mfforts and m fa fami amili mili mi liar ar su urrrrro ro oun und un diing ngs s of of civ ivil ilia ian an li life fe e, an and de devo devo vote vote ted ted yo y ou urrse selv lves es to o on ne of of the he nob oble ble le est stt p pro rofe ro fess ssio ions io ns s iin na free fr ee e cou ount ntry try y---th the he p prrof ofes ess essi siion ion on of ar arms ms.” ms - FOR ORME MER VIC ME VICE VI CE PRE RESI SIIDE SIDE D NT N DIC ICK K CH CHEN ENEY EN EY Y
“Y You hav ve ah ahea ea ad off you the h b bes estt of alll pro es ofe f ss ssio ions io ns s. B in Be i g a le l ad a er e iis s th the e be best st thi hing ing y you o can p ou pos ossi os s bl si by be and be d you ou’r ’rre att a sch choo o l th oo t att w wil illl ma il make ke y ke you ou the be b est st p pos o si os sibl ble bl e le lead a er ad er.. We West st P Poi oint oi nt is th the rriing ng.. Itt’s tthe h he foun fo unda un ati tion on of ev verryt ythiing I h hav av ve do done ne e.”” - HEA EAD D COAC CO OAC ACH CH MI MIKE KE KRZ RZYZ YZEW YZEW YZ EWSK SKI SKI SK
“W West es st Poin Po P oin int’ int’ t’s s gr g ad dua ate t s ha have ve s ser erve er ve ed Am mer e ic ica a in m man any, an y man y, any y ways wa ays ys. s. Not Not on No only ly by le ly lead lead din ing trroo oops p iint ps nto nt o co comb m at mb a , bu butt al also so b by y expl ex p orrin ing g fr f on nti tier e s, fou er o nd din ing g un univ iverrsi s ti ties e , la es l yi ying ng o out u the rrai ut ailr ai lroa lr oads oa ds,, ds bu uilldi d ng ng tthe he e Pan anam am a ma Ca Cana nal,l,l run na unni ning ni n c ng cor o po or ora rati t on ti o s, s ser e vi ving ng g in th he Co Cong ngre ng re ress ess s and d The h Whi h te t Hou use e, an nd wa walk lk kin ng o on n the moo on. n Th T hro r ug u h ou o r hi hist sttor s o y, y, w whe h ne he neve verr du ve uty t cal alle le ed, tthe he men a and nd d wom omen en n of W Wes es st Po Poin intt ha in ave v nev e er ffai aile ai led le d us us,, an nd I sp spea ea eak ak fo forr al alll Am Amer eric er ican ic ans an s wh he en n I say y, I kn k ow w you u nev ever wil ill.l.l.”” - PR RES SID IDEN ENT EN NT BI BILL L CL LIINT TON PA AGE E 13 • @A @ RMY_ RM MY_ Y_BA BA B ASE EBA ALL
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE The T he Cen he ente te er fo f r En E ha anc nced e Pe errfo rfo f rm rman ance ce (CE CEP) P) is a sttat atee-of eo --tthe of e art rt fac acil i it il ity y comm mmit miitttte ted te d to d dev evel elop opin ing g th the e full fu lll pot oten enti tial al of ea each ch ca ad det tthr det hrou hr ough g c gh com ompr preh ehen ensi sive ve m nttal me al tou o gh ghne ne ness ess and nd aca ade dem emi mic sk skil ills ls train ra ain niin ng. g. It offfe fers rs s th hrree e pro rogr g am ams s de desi s gn gned ed to ma axi xim imi mize mize e We es st Po P oin nt ca ade et pe perrfformanc nce, e as we well ll as ll as ex expo port po rtt tthe hese he se crittic cr crit cal men enta tal sk tal skil ills lls ls tto o th th he United States Army my y at la lar arg rge. e. The he Per erffo orm rman man ance Enh han ance eme ment nt Progr g am (PEP P) is P) th he na natiio on n’s ’s mo os st co omp pre eh he ens nsiv iiv ve ttrra aiin ini ning gp pro rog ro grra am m forrle fo le le ear arrni ning ning ng,, prra ac cti cti tici ciing and nd mas aste ste teri erriiin ng the ng he in ntta an ng giiblle ment me ntal all sk kiill lls that that th at u und nd nder de errli lie hum hum hu ma an per pe p errffo orrma man nc ce ce; e;; conf co nfid iden e c en ce e des e p piitte e setba ettba e back cks ck s, c s, con once on cent n ra ati tion n am miiid dst ds diist stra ract ctio io on ns s, an and c co om om mp pos o ur ure un under unde der st de stres ress re ss. C Ca ade detts s part rtic icip ip patte in in ind ndiv ivid idua uall tr ua traiini ning ing g ses ssi s on ns du duri ring ing g frre ee e perrio i ds in n th t eiir acad acad ac adem emic em emic c sch ched ed dul u e, e, learn ea e arni rning, rn n and th an the hen en app ply lyin yin ing th the sk kil ills lls s of im imag mag age ager erry, y, a att tten tt tten enti tion tion n cont co ntro rol, l, ene ne erg rg gy man man ma na ag ge eme eme ment nt, t, a an n nd d go g al al set etti ting ng. ng g. Biof Bi ofee eedbac dbac db ack tr trai trai aini ini ning ing ng all llow ows ow s ca cade ade d ts ts to le learn lear n cr cruc uciia uc ial ial self se lf-r -reg egul ulat atio ion n te tech chni niqu ques s, an and d so oph phis isti tica cate ted d audi dio o an and d vi vide deo o si simu mulation o s of g gam ame e an and d pr prac acti tice ce situ si tuat atio ions ns are u use s d to fac acilit itat ate e me ment ntal al rreh ehea ears rsal al off s spe peci cifi fic c ph phys sic cal al, ac acad adem mic c, or m mil ilit itar ary y sk skil ills ls. The T hese e ttra rain inin ing g me meth thod ds arre de deri rive ved d fr from om tthe he fiel fi eld d of app ppli lied ed spo port rt p psy sych chol olog ogy, y, w whe here re tthe hey y are ar e em empl ploy oyed ed iin n th the e tr trai aini ning ng o off pr prof ofes essi sion onal al and Olym Ol ympi pic c at athl hlet etes es,, bu butt ap ppl p y to eve very ry yo oth ther th er are rea a off huma huma hu man n perf rfor rfor orma manc ma nc nce ce.
ACAD A EM MIC FAC ACT: T US US SMA MA A av ve era era r g ge e clla as ss s siz ize ze iis s
12 sttuude dent nts.
Eight Army baseball players have been named to the Academic All-America squad selected to the Academic All-America First Team in 2012. At W Wes estt Po Poin int, t, b bas aseb ebal alll pl play ayer ers, s, lik ike e al alll ot othe herr cade ca dets ts,, mu must st e exh xhib ibit it p pro rofi fici cien ency cy in th the e cl clas asssroom ro om as we well ll a as s in m mil ilit itar ary y an and d ca cade dett tr trai ainning. in g. A Arm rmy ba base seba all l pla laye yers s hav ave no nott on only ly s suc uc-ceed ce eded ed,, th they ey h hav ave e ex exce cell lled ed..
Some of the finest athletic facilities in the nation greet an Army baseball player upon his arrival at West Point. In addition to Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field – one of the country’s most historic baseball facilities – Army players train regularly in Kimsey Athletic Center, Foley Athletic Center and the Black Knights’ Indoor Pitching and Hitting Facility. When not training, Army players can relax in the sparkling Team Room that was completed in 2006 and dedicated as the Steven Reich Team Room last year.
FACILITIES • Foley Athletic Center: 77,000-squarefoot indoor turf field training facility (2007) • Team Room: Cutting-edge players’ lounge (2006)
• Indoor Pitching and Hitting Facility: 100-by-60-foot turf center with three batting cages and dirt mounds (2005) • Kimsey Athletic Center: 20,000 squarefoot strength development facility (2004)
Abn A bner er D Dou oubl bled eday ay,, an 184 842 2 We West st P Poi oint nt g gra radu duat ate, e, is sa said id to ha have v dev evis ised ed tthe he g gam ame of b bas a eb bal a l wh whil ile on n lea eave ve ffro rom m th the e U.S. S Mil ilit itar ary y Ac Acad adem emy y in 1183 8 9, 9 drawi wing ng out tthe he dia iamo mond nd and tthe he rrules of th the ga ame me. He cal a le ed th t e ga ame “Ba Base se B Bal all,l,”” bu butt it was pa wa att tter erne ned d af afte terr a ga game m cal alled “R “Rou ound nder ers s,” wh whic ich h wa was s pl play ayed ed b by y bo boys y and gir irls l in En Engl glan and. Whi hile le tthe he ori r gi gin n off bas seb e al alll ha has s be been en d dis ispu pute ted, d, Dou oubl bled eday ay,, no none neth thel eles ess, s, iis s st stil illl gi give ven n cr cred edit and tthe h bas seb ebal alll fi fiel eld d att the th e U. U.S. S. M Mil ilit itar ary y Ac Acad adem emy y wa was s de dedi dica cate ted d in h his is h hon onor or in Ma May y 19 1939 39, th the e ce cent nten enni nial al y yea earr of b bas a eb bal a l. Des D espi pite te tthe he c con ontr on trov tr over ov errsy y, Do Doub ub ble leda day da y di dist s in st ingu g ish gu ishe is hed hi hims hims msellf th throug ro oug gho hout ut h hiis is m mil ilit il ilit itar tar ary y ca care reer er, ea er, ear arn rnin ing th the he ra ank nk o off ma majjo jor g ne ge nera r l. He se ra served serv d in th the Me Mexi x ca can n an nd Ciivi vill wa w rs rs.. As a cap pta tain i , he in he fir i ed e tthe he fir irst st gun fo orr the h Un niion o sid de in n the he Civ Civ ivil il War at il Fort Fo rt Sum umte ter. r. O On n No N v. 2 29, 9,, 1186 862, 86 2, h he e wa was s ma made de a maj ajor or gen ener erral of th he vo olu l nt ntee ee ers rs.. He ret etir ired ir ed fro rom m th he U. U.S S. Arm S. rmy y in 1187 87 73 and an nd died di e JJan ed an.. 26 2 , 18 1893 93 3, in i New Jer erse s y at a the he age of 74 4. “Th T e Ho Home m of Ar me Army my Bas aseb ebal eb ball” alll” since ince gam a es e wer e e fi firs rst rs st co cont ntes nt es este ste ted d on o its p pre rese re sent s se sit ite it e in in 190 190 909, 9, Do ou ubl ubl bled eday ed ay y Fie eld under erwe wen ntt a ma ajo jor $4 $4.2 2m mil illi il lion li on rre enov enov en ovat ovat atio tio ion in in 199 199 996. 996 6. Fol oll llo lowi wing ing ng a an n ag ggr gres es ssi sive v fou ve fou ourr mo m ntth co c ns nstr t uc tr ucti tiion cyc cycl ycle yc le, th the en ne ew Jo John John hns son S so Stta ad diu um at Dou o blled e ay Fie ield d was for orma mall ma lly ll y de d di dica cate ca t d att c te cer erem er em mon o ie ies s on o Sep pt. t 113, 3, 1996. 3, 99 96. 6 The T he goa goa oall of o tthe h pro he roje j ct was je a to pr prov ovid ovid ov de th he U.S. U.S. U. S. Mil ilit itar it arry Ac A ad adem em emy my w wiith an an im mpr pres es ssi sive ve fac ve acillit acil ity y su suiitted d to tth he sttor orie rie ed heri ritage ta ge of bo both t Wes th e t Po Poin intt an in and d it its s ba base seba se ball ba l pro ll rogr g am gr am. Hig ighl h ig hl ght hts s of the th he e rren eno en ovat ov atio ion io n pr proj ojec oj ectt in ec incl c ud cl uded ed d the e con nst stru ruct ru ctio ct io on of of ful ulll lo ock ker e roo ooms s for botth ho h me e and n v vis isit is ittin ing g te eam ms, full fu lly ll y eq qui up pp ped tra ain inin ing in g ro room om ms, c clu lubh lu b ou bh use ffac ac cil ilit itie it ies, ie s, and tthe he a add ddit dd i io it on of 880 ffix ixed ix ed cha hair ir-b ir -bac -b bac ack k se seat ats s.. Gre r at paiin ns s wer ere e ta take ken ke n iin n its s des esig ig gn to dra raw w an a app ppro pp ropr ro p iate pr iate parral ia a le l l be etw twee een ee n tth he ne he ew fa faci ciility liity an nd d the e his isto sto t ri ric c si s gn gnif ifiif iicanc ca nc ce of its phy ysi s ca al lo loca catti tion on ca tion camp mpus mp pus us.. Fo Form rmal rm al grani raniite ra e fac cin ing g em e ul u at atin in ng ma many ny of We West st Poi oint oint nt’s ’s s old lder er aca ademi de emi mic c bu uil ildi d ng di n s wa as ta tas sttef e ullly inc ncor orp or po p ora ora ate ted ed tto o add ddre re ess s tho hose se me se ea ans ns.. IInt nter nt errna nall lllly, y spa paci co ci ou us llo ock ke err rroo o ms oo ms a and nd c clu lu ubh bhou ou o use se fac acil ilit il itie it ie ies es p prrov ovid id de co c ac achi hiing hing ng sta taff ff and ff nd tea eam m me m mber mb ber ers s wi with th a spa p rk rkli liin ng g home ho me m e. Ab bea e ut ea u if i ul u ly y co on nce ceiv ived ed d “Te Team m Room, oom, oo m ” co comp mple mp l te wit le ith h tw two o ffllat la att-sscrree een n te ele evi v siion ns, s, a sta tate ate t -o off-th the arrt e the th en nte t rt rtai a nm ai me en nt sy s ste em an and sp par arkl klin kl ing in g ne new fu new furn fur rniitttur ure wa ur was co comp plet lete le ted in 2 200 00 06, 6 pro r v viidiing ng Arm r y’ y’ss pl play lay yers errs wi with h a com mfo fort r ab rt ble e pla lace ce to to re ela ax. x. Lan ands d ca ds api p ng n an nd d sit itew ewor ew o k arrou or und tthe he ffac ac a cillit ity y we were re int nten e tion en tiion o al ally ys sub ub bdued dued du dw wit ith th it ith the he hi hist hist stor tor o ic ic p par arrad ade gr ade grou ound d kno n wn a as s “T The e Pla lain in”” re in r ma m in inin ing g do d mi m na n nt nt.. In In ord der to en nsure sure su r tha h t, t ove vera rall ra l hei ll eigh gh ht of o the str truc uc ctu ture re e was as m min inim in imizzed im ed.. Dou D oubl ou blled day a F Fie ie eld d its tsel elff un el unde derw de rw wen nt a ma majo ajo jorr ch han a ge e dur dur urin uri ing th the su umm m err of 20 2006 06 0 6 when hen a co he comp mp m ple pl letely lete tely te ly new nat nat a urral a pla layi ying yi n ng su surf urf r ac ce wa w s in nsttal a le l d. d In a ad ddi d tion ion n to in i co corp r or rp orat a in at ing g st s at a ee of o -tthe he-a -a art r dra rain i ag in age e an nd wa ate teri ring ri n sys ng y te ems ms, th ms, the e pr proj ojec oj ectt in ec incl c ud cl ded ed the h addi ad diti tiion o off ne n w bu bull llpe lpen n pi p tc tchi h ng hi ng mo ou und ds, s a hos ostt of dug ugou ou out ut am a en enit i ie it es an nd th t ree re ee fu full l y li ll ligh g te gh ted d hi hitt t in tt ing g tu t nnel nn nel els. s. In th the e su summ m er of 20 2011 1 , th 11 he fi firs firs rstt ev ver e press re ess box xw was as p pre re e-a ass ssem em mbl b ed d and d del e iv iver erred tto o Do Doub uble ub leda le da ay Fi Fiel eld. el d The fac d. acil ilit il i y pr it proo ovide vi des s ro oom for a att le eas st 10 10 med dia i m mem em mbe ers r , an nd a ro ooffto t p po p rc ch allo alllo lows ws a acc cc ces ess s fo f r vi vide deo de o eq equi uipm ui pme pm ent. A bra en rand nd d new sco core rebo re boar bo ard ar d was wa as in inst stal stal alle lle ed in n the he fal a l of 201 0111, 1, and a new w pad a de ded wa wall was e wall ere r ct re cted ed in Ja ed Janu nu uar ary y 20 012 2. The lat a es e t ad addi d tiion di n to Jo John hn nso on St Stad adiu ad ium iu m is the h lig ght hts s wh w ic ch we w re ins nsta nsta tall lled ll e in th ed the e fa f llll o off 20 2013 1 , al 13 allo lowi lo w ng wi n the e Bla lack ack Kni n gh hts ts t e op th ppo p rt rtun unit itty to oc com o pete om pe ete e at ni n gh ghtt. t.
It st sta arrrte ted ass a vissio ted te ion. n It en nde ed a ass a d dre re eam am—a —a fie —a fiel ie eld ld of d drre ea ams m , nest nesttle ne led sm smacck iin n tthe he em mid id ddl dle e of of tthe he e U.S S. M Miiililita tary ry y Aca c d de emy my, tu tucck ke ked ed d sq qu ua are rely ely ly in th the mi midd dlle e of hi h sttory. ory or y.. Bacck in in tthe he la he atte 119 980 8 s,, th he erre e was as muc uch tta alk k of mo mov viing g ven ener era ab ble l D Dou ou o ubl bled eday eday ay Fie eld ld,, te tear ea arring in ng th the q qu uaiint litttl tle e pa p rk k fro om it its natura natu na tu ura ral al re rest est stin ing spot ing spot sp ot in th the nati na ati tion tion onal al reg gis istte iste er of of his isto tori ric p plla acces ess,, ju just st off ff the he “Th The Plai Plai Pl ain ain” n”” ove verl rloo ooki oki king king g tthe he maj he ajes jes esti tic ti ic Hu Huds dson on n Riv iver ve errr.. So ma many ny ha ad d roame oamed oa me m ed th the ti time me-h me-h -hon hon ono orred ed pa asstu t re re, e, ch ha assing ing th in t ei eir bo boyh yhood ood dr oo drea eams eams ea ms on a diiam amon ond we on well-s llll-ssu uiiite ted te d fo or su succh h fan fanta an ntta asi sies ies es. s. B ad Br adle ley, le y, E Eis isen enho howe werr, Mac acAr Arth t ur th ur,, Frranks, Bllaik an nd Re R eder had all frolicked the ere; so o, to oo, had d McGra Graw, w Dur Durroc och her, May her, Mays ys, Man ntl tle le, Berr Be rra a an a d Stten enge g l. IItt wa ge wass a pl plac ace e wh wher e e ma m jo or ge gene nera ralss met e maj ajor or lea eagu ue errs, s, a wonderful patch h of land that trranscen nde ded d time m and me spacce. sp Yet, et, as p par artt of o Wes estt Po Poin int’ ts m t’ ma ast ster fac acililit acil itie tie iess p plla an n, Do n, Dou ub b ble leda le day ay Fiel Fiie F elld, d, so rich in history, so wa ash hed in tradittion, was in dangerr of goin go ing g th the e wa way y of som me o off the e grre eat at o one ne n ess,, goi oin ng g th he e way y of th the Po olo lo G Gro ro roun oun unds and d Ebbets Field;; going the way y off Co C nn n ie Mac a k Stadium di um a and nd dS Spo port rtsm sman sm an n’s Par ark. k. Thi his m ma agn gniiffic icen cen ent ol ent old ld ba base seba ballll di ball dia iamo iamo ond nd, d, nam named in hon na nor of Abne n r Do D ubleday, the he e fou ounder of ba aseball and an and an a 1184 842 2 US USMA M gra MA radu uat ate, te, wass to be b re elloc ocat a ed d tto o a mo more e sste teri rile sset etti ting ng,, a holl hollow ho ow p pla lace ce v voi oiid of mem emoriess an and d he heri rita tage e. Onl nly th the e Doub Do oub uble leday leda le da ay So occiiet ety, y, wiitth Ro od Vitt itt tty y (U (USM SMA ’5 ’ 5) as itts drivin ing g forc rce, e and nd the h fam amilily of Ruperrt H.. Johnson o (US U MA M ’22 22)) woul wo uld no uld n t le let th let that hat at hap appe pen n.. A ma arrvelo lou uss p pow ower ow er pit er itch cher ch herr d dur urin urin ur ing g hi his is da days ays ys iin n th the Bl Blac ack, ac k, Gol old ld an and d Gray Gray ay, Vi Vitt Vitt tty ty ha had d sp spen pen nt a good go ood p por oror tion ti on of hi h s West We est Poi o ntt sp prriin ngss toi oiliin ng g on th t e fiiel eld d wher wh here e le ege end nds ds we were re born. orrn. n. Forr Vittty t , th he th hou ough gh g ht off mov vin ng “T “The he H he Hom ome om e off Arm rmy y Base Base Ba seba seba ballllll” l” fr from from m the he sit ite te w wh her ere ga gam me es ha had fi firs firs rstt be bee been en n con ont nte tesstted test d in 19 909 9b bor orde or rde dere red re d on tre reas ason as on.. on Vitty itty it ty, al alon ong wi on w th th a hos ostt of oth ther ther er for o mer me er play play pl ye errs a an nd fr f iendss off tthe he p he pro rogr ro g am gr a , be ega gan n a cr crus usad us usad ade to ade to “S Sa ave Dou oubl b ed bl eday ay F Fie ield ie ld d.”” T an Th anks kss to th t ei eirr ef effo fort fo rtss an rt a d th the e tr trem e en em endo dous do us gen ner eros osit os ity it y of the h Joh hns nson on fam fam milily, y th he ed dre ream am w was as rrea e lilize ea ze ed with wiith the e for o mal mal de dedi dica di cati ca tion ti on off Rup per ert H. H. Joh o ns n on o S Sta ta adi d um u at Do D uble ub ble leda d y Fi da F el eld d on on Sep e t. t 13, 13, 3, 199 996 96. 6. The he goa al of the h pro prro oje ject ctt wass tto o pr prov ovid id de th the e U. U S. M Mililit i ar it ary y Accadem ad demy y wi with an an im i pr p es e si sive ve faccillit ity y su uit ie ed d to to th the e st s orrie ied d heri heri he rita rit tage tage g of of We W esstt Point oiint n an nd d its glo l ri riou ou o us ba basse eba ballllll pro rogr og grram m. Hig ghl hlig i ht ig h s of o th he e und nder e ta er taki king ki ng inc ng inc nclu lude lu lude ded d th he co cons nsstr n t uc ucti t on of fu ti fulllll lloc ocke oc kerr room ke room ro o s fo or bo b th hh hom ome and om an nd viisi siti ting ti ng ttea ng eams ea m , a tr ms trai a ni ai ning ng g r om ro om,, club club ubho ho ous use e fa aci cili ililiti ties e , al es alon o g wi on w th th the e add ddit ittio ion n of of 8 880 80 fixed ix xed d cha hair ir-b ir-b bacck se seat atts. s. Gre reat at pai a ns ns wer e e ta t ke k n in ittss dessig ign n to to draw ra aw an n app ppro r pr ro pria iate ia te par aral a le al el be etw twee e n th ee the e ne n w fa faci cililiity and the his ci isto t riic si to sign g if gn ific ican ic ance an ce of its of t physi hysi hy sica sica call lo l cati cati ca tion on o on n po p st st.. Fo Form rmal rm a g al gra ra aniite te ffac acin ac ing in g em emul ulat ul atin at ing in g ma many ny of We ny West st Poi o nt nt’s ’s o ’s old ld lder derr a aca cade ca demi de micc buil mi buili di bu ding n s wa ng wass ta ast stef eful ef ully ul ly in nco orp rpor o ated atted to ad a dr dres e s thos es th hos ose e me ean a s. s. Int nter erna na alllly, y, sspa y, pa aciiou us lock lo occk kerr roo oom m and and cl an club ubho ub bh ho ous use se fa faci acciilil ties tiiess pro pro rovi viide de coa oach chin ch chin ng st staf aff an aff af and d te team am m membe embe em b rss wiitth th a co c mf mo orrta tabl be bl ho h om me e. Fiin nally allly l , la land ndsc nd scap scap sc apin ing in g ar arou ou und d the h fac a ililit ity wa it wass inte in nte tent ent ntio io ona nall alll y su s bd bdue ued d wi w th the e his isto to tori oriic pa parade rade e gro roun und kn k ow own as own as “Th The he Pl Plai Plai ain” ain” n” rema re rema main main inin niin ng do domi m na mi nant nt nea arb rby. y y. “To Toda day’ day’ y s de dedica dedi dica di cati tion ti on no off thi this th is ‘sttattee-of off-t -the he-a he -art rtt’ ba ase seba balllll ffac a ililit ac ity y be beco come m s a lo me long ng o ove verd ve rd due e disstinc ncct an and pe perm rman anen entt ad addi diti tion on tto o t e Ac th Aca ade ad em my an and d itts at athl hlet hl e ic et i pro rogr gram gr a ,” Vit am itty ty str tres esse es sed se d du uri ring ng the ffac acilililit ac ity’ it y’ss de y’ dedi dica cati ca tion ti on cce errem e emonie es. s. “Th This iss b bea ea aut utif iful ul ssta tadi dium um iiss an appr ap p op pr priiate atte an and d pr p ou oud d ex expr prres essi s on si on of W We est s Poi o nt n ’s lov ove e fo forr ou ourr na nati t on ti onal al p pas asstiime m . “Th he D Do oub oub u le leda day da y So Soci ciet ci e y’ et y s ef effo fo ortts to t ccon onst stru st r ct thi h s fa faci cililility ci ty was mad ade e po poss ssib ss ible ib le by th the e extr trem eme em e ge gen nerro osi sity ty of th the e fa fami m ly mi yo off Ru upe ertt H. Jo John hn nso s n. n. T Thi h s fa hi f mi mily ly p pro ro ovi v de ed th he la arg ges estt no nonn te nt sttam amen e ta en tary ry y gif ift ft ev ever er rec ecei eiive ed by Wes estt Po Poin int. t. The eD Dou o bl bled day yS Soc o ie iety ty sh har ares ress the h ffam amililly’ am y’ss grrea e t pr prid id de in n ded dic icat a in at ing th this his ssta tadi adi d um m to th the e me memo m ry mo y of Ru Rupe pert rt H H.. 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WHAT THEY’RE SAYING “One thing about these military-officers-in-training – they won’t be rattled. Let’s face it, they’re soldiers. Not only that, last year’s experience at LSU will be a huge advantage for the (Black) Knights. Nick Hill and Justin Kashner have great resumes and with an inspired effort, could pull off a few shockers in the Tallahassee Regional. FSU better be aware of what they’re getting into.” — ERIC SORENSON, SORENSON,, predicting Army as the NCAA Tournament’s “No. 4 Seed to Watch” prior to the 2005 NCAA Regionals “It’s pretty neat to sit down with some of these young guys and hear what they’re going to be doing. It takes a special person to be able to go through what they do to serve our country.” — ANDY PETTITTE, New York Yankees
“You have to give Army a lot of credit. We were really impressed with their ball club last night and equally impressed today. They scrap, they play hard and they’ve got some pretty good talent. I don’t think the general public really knows how good this Army team is.” — STEVE KITTRELL, Head Coach, South Alabama, following Army’s 8-5 defeat of the Jaguars at the Tallahassee Regional “I think the finish wouldn’t have been nearly as exciting if it hadn’t been for the tremendous, competitive play of Army. They set that up with outstanding effort. They hit the ball hard. They hit it far. They hit it often. They hit it off the ground. They hit it when it was in the air. They hit it off the fence. They hit it over the fence. They really did a great job this game. We’re fortunate to win and it was a dramatic win.” — AUGIE GARRIDO, Head Coach, Texas, following Texas’ 1410 win over Army at the 2009 Austin Regional Final “Hardly daunted, Army played like a team determined to make school history.” — CHRIS MILTON, Times Herald-Record, following Florida State’s 3-2 defeat of Army at the Tallahassee Regional
“Three Bold Predictions: 1- Army earns a No. 3 seed and makes another Regional title round. Yep, I didn’t blink while typing that, either. The Black Knights made headlines last year with their PL dominance and runner-up finish in the Austin Regional where they played Texas tough and eliminated Boston College and Texas State. The Black Knights are loaded for 2010, as the top five pitchers and five of the top six hitters are back, including one of the better two-way players in the Northeast in Ben Koenigsfeld. This looks like a bonzai year for the Black Knights. That NCAA tournament experience from last year will keep Army in the catbird seat, and confident it can stay there.” — ERIC SORENSON, Easton’s
“It’s a tremendous honor for our organization to play at West Point, which is one of our country’s most historically significant institutions.” — HAL STEINBRENNER, New York Yankees
“The home runs and the pitches will long be forgotten, but the character of the Army baseball team will be long remembered from the NCAA regional tournament. Florida State officially won the regional. But Army’s players stole the show.” — CHARLES GOLDBERG, Birmingham News
“While other rising juniors at elite college programs wonder about next spring’s Major League draft, (Clint) Moore and (Ben) Koenigsfeld and the rest of Army’s team are focused on – in order – duty, honor, country and baseball.” — JEFF MILLS, Greensboro News-Record “2009 Regional Grade Army: A The Black Knights will walk away from this regional with a bitter taste in their mouths, after going into the 9th inning with a four-run lead and losing the title game against Texas. But like BC, hard to fault the Cadets here. What a great effort they gave, nearly pushing this to a fourth day. This team set more than 60 records in their impressive 36-21 season.” — ERIC SORENSON, Easton’s Collegebaseballtoday. com
For the 18th consecutive season, Army will travel to sunny Tampa, Fla., for its spring trip in March. Few teams nationally can boast of the accommodations offered to the Army baseball team during its annual venture south. Invited guests of the New York Yankees franchise, the Black Knights work out daily at the Yankees’ sprawling four-field minor league complex, located two blocks from George M. Steinbrenner Field, spring home to New York’s Major League club. With access to the Yankees’ medical and training facilities, Army players are guaranteed some of the finest care and treatment afforded any college athlete. Additionally, the Black Knights are awash in the heritage and tradition so synonymous with professional sports’ most storied franchise and its rich player development system. Current big-leaguers, top prospects and former stars routinely walk the complex as Yankee workouts coincide with the Black Knights’ daily practice times. Army will once again square off against top teams from around the country during this year’s trip. In recent years, the Black Knights have defeated opponents such as Central Florida, Cornell, Eastern Kentucky, Florida, South Florida, Georgetown, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Northern Iowa, Northwestern, Ohio State, Pennsylvania, Yale and Miami (Ohio) during their spring trip. This season’s spring slate includes games against Massachusetts, Central Connecticut State, North Dakota State and Harvard.
WRWD HUDSON VALLEY BASEBALL CLASSIC The WRW R D Hu H ds dson on n Valle ey Ba Base s ba b ll C Cla la ass ssic ic, fe eatu attu urrin ing th he tw two o Di D viisi sio on nI ba aseba se eb ba allll tea ams ms in th he Hud Huds Hu dson n Val alle lle ley, wil willl re retttu urn rn ffor or a n nin inth sea inth in sea easo son so n an and d is s sc s che hedu dule le led ed to to be p pllay aye ed d Wed dne esday, Apriil 23 att Du Dutc tche tche hess ss Sta tadi diium um in Fi Fish shkill ki l , N. N.Y. N.Y. Y. The ec co on o ntte est st bri ring ngs s to tog ge ether e residents and fan bases from neighboriin ing commun comm co mm mun uniit itiie es fo for an an eveni ve eni ning g of qu qualit allity iitty e en nte nte t rt rtai aiinm a inm nmen e t at the home e of o tthe he e area ar rea ea’s ea’s ’s llon one on ne m miin no or le leag leag ague ue bas aseb eball all te al team am a aff ffillia ffil iate ted with with wi th a m maj ajor lea aj eagu eagu gue ue fr f ananan ch his se, e tthe he e Hud u s so on Vall Vall Va lley ey Ren neg egad ades es. A ffre re ee p prregam eg e gam ame c clliin nic, ic, fu full ll tea tea eam in i tr tro od duc ucti tio on ns, s, pri riz ze es s,, giv ivea ivea eawa way ys s an nd d post po stga game me fir ire ew works orrks ks are ea all ll trra ll adi dittiio on nal al p par artts ar so off th this is ev ve ent. ntt.
The 2014 Army baseball media guide has been prepared specifically to assist the media in its coverage of Black Knight baseball. Requests for additional information should be directed to Ryan Yanoshak, assistant athletic director for athletic communications, at or 845-938-7197.
PRESS CREDENTIALS While there is no admission charge for baseball games at Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field, media should notify Athletic Communications if they intend to cover a game to ensure a seat in the press box. Photographers are permitted in foul territory beyond either dugout, but are not allowed in the dugouts or in the area directly behind home plate. Photographers are asked to request field access prior to game day. Please contact Ryan Yanoshak in order to confirm those arrangements.
PARKING There is ample parking in the Clinton Field and Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field lots, both of which are located directly adjacent to Doubleday Field. A special pass for both lots is required for weekday games prior to 3 p.m., but beyond that time there are no parking restrictions. Parking is open at all hours for weekend games. Media members are encouraged to park a safe distance from the field to avoid foul balls.
RADIO/TELEPHONES Army’s Office of Athletic Communications will provide a telephone line (845-938-6013) for one visiting radio station, with commercial groups granted preference over student stations. The line may be reserved through Ryan Yanoshak. There is a $75 rental fee for all visiting radio stations, and all calls should be charged to the outlet or billed to a credit card. Checks must be payable to Army Athletic Association and received on the day of the game. There is no ISDN phone line availability at Johnson Stadium.
INTERNET ACCESS While there is no wireless internet service availability at Johnson Stadium, media members will be provided with “hard-line” network access inside the press box.
PLAYER/COACH INTERVIEWS Army players and coaches will be available to the media throughout the season. All player and coach interviews must be arranged through the Office of Athletic Communications. To ensure availability, please allow 24-hour notice prior to your need for a player interview. Please call Ryan Yanoshak at (845) 938-7197 for all interviews. Please allow enough notice so that proper arrangements can be made that will not interfere with academics, work or practice times.
FOLLOW ARMY ATHLETICS VIA SOCIAL MEDIA TWITTER Team - @Army_Baseball Army Athletics - @ArmyAthletics YOUTUBE ArmyAthletics
FACEBOOK Army Athletics - Army Black Knights INSTAGRAM ArmyBlackKnights
The Army Office of Athletic Communications is located in Building 639 on Howard Road. Assistant Athletic Director Ryan Yanoshak is the point of contact for baseball. Office of Athletic Communications Athletic Communications Fax Yanoshak’s E-Mail Yanoshak’s Cell Phone Doubleday Field Press Box
845-938-3303 845-938-1725 845-406-1130 845-938-8168
ARMY ON THE INTERNET Information on the Army baseball program can be obtained throughout the year at The comprehensive baseball site includes current and past press releases, game notes, up-to-date statistics, player and coach profiles, the 2014 season outlook, roster, schedule and results. Real-time statistics for all home games will be available throughout the year, while box scores and updated season statistics are posted immediately following every game, including road contests. In-game score updates for most contests will also be available on the Army Baseball Twitter page at For more information log on to the Army Athletics website at:
MULTI-MEDIA COVERAGE The Army Sports Network will carry nearly all home games and each playoff game during the 2014 season. Twenty-four games are on the broadcast, including the series at Navy and the WRWD Hudson Valley Baseball Classic. Fifteen of the games will also be part of an aggressive video streaming package, which will be available on Knight Vision this spring. Most games will also be broadcast throughout the Hudson Valley on radio stations WALL (1340-AM) and WEOK (1390-AM). Army Assistant Athletic Director Rich DeMarco will handle play-by-play duties for the majority of the slate. 2014 Army Spots Network Schedule March 9 vs. Wagner (2) (V) March 26 vs. Columbia (V) March 29 vs. Lehigh (2) (Knight Vision audio) March 30 vs. Lehigh (2) (V) April 1 vs. Farleigh Dickinson (V) April 5 vs. Lafayette (2) (V) April 6 vs. Lafayette (2) (V) April 12 vs. Bucknell (2) (Knight Vision audio) April 13 vs. Bucknell (2) (V) April 23 vs. Marist (V) April 26 at Navy (2) (Radio) April 27 vs. Navy (2) (Radio) May 2 vs. Cincinnati (V) May 3 vs. Cincinnati (V) May 4 vs. Cincinnati (V)
ARMY QUICK FACTS Location.................................................................................West Point, N.Y. Founded ................................................................................. March 16, 1802 Enrollment ................................................................................................4,400 Nicknames ..............................................................................Black Knights Colors .................................................................................. Black, Gold, Gray Mascot .........................................................................................................Mule Home Field ...................Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field (880) Dimensions .................. LF-327, LCF-370, CF-400, RCF-375, RF-327 Conference ............................................................................ Patriot League Affiliation ..............................................................................NCAA Division I 2013 Overall Record .............................................................................29-23 2013 Patriot League Record ................................................................10-9
BASEBALL STAFF Interim Head Coach................................................................... Matt Reid Assistant Coach........................................................... Anthony DeCicco Assistant Coach....................................................................... Eric Folmar Assistant Coach....................................................................... Matt Smith Head Officer Representative ........................... Col. John Baskerville Athletic Trainer .......................................................................... Josh Werk Athletic Communications Contact ...........................Ryan Yanoshak Baseball Office Phone .................................................. (845) 938-3712 Athletic Communications Phone ............................(845) 938-3303 Doubleday Field Press Box ....................................... (845) 938-8168
WHAT’S INSIDE Army All-Americans ..........................................................IFC 2014 Schedule ..........................................................................1 Team Captains ........................................................................2 Army-New York Yankees .....................................................3 Army Tradition ....................................................................4-5 Road to the Regionals......................................................6-7 Players’ Perspective on West Point........................... 8-9 Coaches’ Perspective on West Point ...........................10 Notable Alumni.......................................................................11 Why West Point? ............................................................12-13 Academic Excellence .........................................................14 Army Game Day ....................................................................15 Facilities ............................................................................. 16-17 Johnson Stadium ..................................................................18 Doubleday Field ....................................................................19 Center of Attention .............................................................20 What They’re Saying...........................................................21 Army at the NCAAs ............................................................ 22 Snapshots from Florida .................................................... 23 Hudson Valley Baseball Classic .................................... 24 Media Information .............................................................. 25 Squad Breakdown...............................................................26 U.S. Military Academy ................................................. 27-31 U.S. Military Academy Leadership ............................... 32 Director of Athletics Boo Corrigan...............................33 THE COACHES Interim Head Coach Matt Reid ......................................34 Assistant Coaches ....................................................... 33-35 Support Staff.........................................................................36 THE PLAYERS 2014 Season Outlook ..................................................38-39 Meet the Black Knights............................................. 40-75 Radio/TV Roster................................................................... 76 Army Rosters ..................................................................77-78 Career Highs ...................................................................79-80 THE GAMES 2013 Final Statistics ..........................................................84 2013 Season Results .........................................................85 2013 Patriot League Standings ....................................86 2013 Patriot League Statistics...................................... 87 The Last Time .......................................................................88 THE HISTORY Diamond History ........................................................... 90-91 Great Moments..............................................................92-94 Through the Years .......................................................95-96 Team Records....................................................................... 97 Team Top 10 Lists ....................................................... 98-99 Individual Records ....................................................100-101 All-Time Batting Leaders ............................................... 102 All-Time Pitching Leaders .............................................103 Yearly Statistical Leaders.....................................104-106 2013 Honors ........................................................................ 107 Army Accolades ........................................................108-109 League Championships ...................................................110 Patriot League Honors ......................................................111 All-Time Patriot League Standings ............................ 112 P.L. Tournament Linescores .................................. 113-114 NCAA Regional Linescores .................................... 115-116 All-Time Series .................................................................... 117 Year-by-Year Results ............................................... 118-125 All-Time Letterwinners ........................................... 126-131 Army in the Pros ................................................................ 132
POSITION PLAYERS Returning Starting Position Players (7) Patrick Mescher, 1B (.341, 2 HR, 40 RBI) Grant Van Orden, 2B (.238, 0 HR, 14 RBI) Harold Earls, 3B (.254, 0 HR, 20 RBI) Alex Jensen, SS (.292, 3 HR, 38 RBI) Jacob Page, CF (.307, 3 HR, 35 RBI) Jon Crucitti, LF (.260, 0 HR, 6 RBI) Mark McCants, DH (.314, 0 HR, 24 RBI) Other Returning Position Players (5) Daniel Cortes, OF (.145, 0 HR, 9 RBI) Ryan Levenhagen, 1B (.125, 0 HR, 0 RBI) Connor Love, C (.241, 0 HR, 11 RBI) Justin Reece, INF (.236, 0 HR, 10 RBI) Ben Smith, C (.667, 0 HR, 2 RBI) Starting Position Players Lost (2) Michael Sands, RF (.222, 1 HR, 13 RBI) Andrew Johnson, C (.263, 0 HR, 14 RBI) Other Position Players Lost (1) Dakari Cooke, OF (.145, 0 HR, 3 RBI) Newcomers (4) Kris Linder, INF, 5-11, 180 Baggio Saldivar, C, 6-1, 195 David Monge, INF, 5-9, 170 Alex Dickerson, OF-1B, 6-3, 210
PITCHERS Returning Starting Pitchers (3) Brock Davidson, LHP (2-3, 4.45 ERA, 26 K, 12 BB) Alex Robinett, RHP (7-4, 3.43 ERA, 62 K, 25 BB) Erik Washburn, RHP (1-0, 3.38 ERA, 13 K, 13 BB) Returning Relief Pitchers (13) Blake Burrus, LHP (0-0, 2.70 ERA, 6 K, 4 BB) Gunnar Carroll, RHP (3-4, 6.02 ERA, 23 K, 7 BB) Andrew Flaherty, RHP (0-1, 9.00 ERA, 7 K, 2 BB) Garrison Franklin, RHP (0-0, 7.71 ERA, 4 K, 3 BB) Justin French, RHP (0-0, 1.80 ERA, 6 K, 2 BB) Patrick Gardner, LHP (2-1, 6.85 ERA, 11 K, 7 BB) Taylor Goucher, RHP (0-0, 13.50 ERA, 0 K, 3 BB) Brian Hapeman, RHP (2-1, 1.69 ERA, 7 K, 7 BB) Julian Larimer, RHP (2-2, 3.91 ERA, 10 K, 3 BB) John Malcolm, RHP (0-0, 3.12 ERA, 7 K, 10 BB) Davis Marlar, RHP (1-0, 1.46 ERA, 13 K, 6 BB) Jonathan Thiess, RHP (0-0, 11.25 ERA, 2 K, 4 BB) Jack Verrill, RHP (0-3, 6.46 ERA, 8 K, 10 BB) Colin Briant, injured in 2012 Nick Dignacco, injured in 2012 Starting Pitchers Lost (1) Chris Rowley, RHP (9-4, 2.67 ERA, 75 K, 21 BB) Newcomers (3) Johnny Griffith, RHP, 6-1, 190 Daniel Caniano, RHP, 6-1, 185 Carson Meadows, LHP, 6-0, 175
BLACK KNIGHTS BY STATE Alabama (1): Carson Meadows (Auburn) California (2): Julian Larimer (Carmel), Baggio Saldivar (Velencia) Colorado (1): Johnny Griffith (Parker) Connecticut (2): Nick Dignacco (Sharon); Erik Washburn (East Hartland) Georgia (4): Alex Dickerson (Roswell); Harold Earls (Cumming); John Malcolm (Marietta); Davis Marlar (Carrollton) Florida (2): Daniel Cortes (Altamonte Springs); David Monge (Pembroke Pines) Indiana (1): Ryan Levenhagen (Indianapolis) Maine (1): Jack Verril (South Berwick) New Jersey (3): Colin Briant (Manasquan); Brian Hapeman (Fair Haven); Grant Van Orden (Wyckoff) New York (1): Daniel Caniano (East Williston) North Carolina (7): Jon Crucitti (Mooresville); Garrison Franklin (Granite Falls); Justin French (Charlotte); Alex Jensen (Charlotte); Kris Lindner (Morehead City); Jacob Page (Wilson); Justin Reece (Greensboro) Ohio (1): Patrick Mescher (Versailles) Oregon (2): Connor Love (Beaverton); Alex Robinett (Bend) Tennessee (1): Ben Smith (Memphis) Texas (4): Blake Burrus (Wichita Falls); Brock Davidson (Houston); Mark McCants (Flower Mound); Jonathan Thiess (League City) Virginia (2): Gunnar Carroll (Louisa); Patrick Gardner (Glen Allen)
BLACK KNIGHTS BY CLASS Freshmen (7): Kris Linder, Johnny Griffith, Daniel Caniano, Carson Meadows, Baggio Saldivar, David Monge, Alex Dickerson Sophomores (14): Garrison Franklin, Ben Smith, Justin Reece, Grant Van Orden, Jack Verrill, Patrick Gardner, Justin French, Blake Burrus, John Malcolm, Jacob Page, Ryan Levenhagen, Brock Davidson, Davis Marlar, Jonathan Thiessian Larimer (Carmel), Baggio Saldivar (Velencia) Juniors (7): Harold Earls, Daniel Cortes, Mark McCants, Alex Jensen, Alex Robinett, Brian Hapeman, Julian Larimer Seniors (7): Erik Washburn, Jon Crucitti, Nick Dignacco, Gunnar Carroll, Colin Briant, Patrick Mescher, Connor Love The 2014 Army Baseball Media Guide is a publication of the U.S. Military Academy Office of Athletic Communications. It was written, designed and edited by Ryan Yanoshak and Christian Anderson. Editorial assistance was provided by Bob Beretta, Tracy Nelson and Mady Salvani. Photography was provided by Academy Photo, Mark Aikman, Eric Bartelt, C.W. Pack Sports, Frank DiBrango, DOIM Multimedia Branch, Vincent Guariglia, The Jackson Sun, Jon Malinowski, Patrick Meredith, John Pellino, Mady Salvani, Stockton Photo Inc., Mark Wellman and Danny Wild.
ROBERT E. LEE ’29 The Academy’s ninth Superintendent (1852-55), Lee was a model cadet during his four years at West Point. He graduated second in his class and never earned a single demerit during his four years at the Academy. At the beginning of the Civil War, he was selected to serve as Commanding General of the Army, but instead resigned his commission and was named General-In-Chief of the Confederate Army from 1861 to 1865. Lee’s surrender to Ulysses S. Grant (USMA 1843), at Appomattox Court House, Va., ended the Civil War. Fort Lee, Va., was named in his honor. ULYSSES S. GRANT ’43 Grant distinguished himself during the Civil War at the Battle of Vicksburg in 1863; his victory secured control of the Mississippi River for the Union. President Abe Lincoln later appointed him Commanding General of the Army in March 1864. On April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Court House, Va., Robert E. Lee (USMA 1829) surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to him, ending the Civil War. Grant later served as the 18th President of the United States from 1869 to 1877. Today, his image graces the $50 bill. GEORGE W. GOETHALS ’80 Goethals became an architect and was builder of the Panama Canal, 1904 TO 1914. JOHN J. PERSHING ’86 Considered the second most senior officer in Army history, behind only George Washington, Pershing served as commander of the American Expeditionary Force during World War I. The two-million-plus troops of the AEF made a decisive contribution to the defeat of Imperial Germany. Pershing’s abilities as a leader distinguished him among European commanders, and through repeated successes on the battlefield, promoted American prestige around the world. He served as Army Chief of Staff in 1921, and was named General of the Armies of the United States upon his retirement in 1924.
DOUGLAS MacARTHUR ’03 After World War I, MacArthur returned to West Point to serve as the Academy’s 31st Superintendent from 1919 to 1922. During that time, he was responsible for the revitalization of the Academy. He was later promoted to General of the Army and served as Supreme Allied Commander in the Pacific Theater during World War II. During that time, he received the Medal of Honor for leading defense preparation and operations on the Philippine Islands. He later served as Supreme Allied Commander, Japan, and as commander, United Nations Command in the Far East. He was one of only five officers to be promoted to General of the Army (five stars). GEORGE S. PATTON JR. ’09 “Old Blood and Guts,” Patton was one of the most colorful commanders in the Army. During World War II the famed commander of the 2nd Armored Division and later the Third Army displayed courage and daring as prominently as the pair of ivory handled revolvers he wore. Patton accomplished one of the most remarkable feats in military history in December 1944, when he quickly turned the Third Army northward to reinforce the Allied southern flank against the German attack in the Battle of the Bulge. The General’s doctrine of aggressive employment of massive armor forces continue to prove themselves in combat arenas around the world. OMAR N. BRADLEY ’15 During his career, Bradley earned a reputation as one of the best infantry commanders in World War II. He commanded the 82nd Airborne and 28th Infantry Divisions before going on to command the 1st Army and the 12th Army Group. After the war he served as Army Chief of Staff from 1948 to 1949 and served as the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1949 to 1953. He was the last Army officer to be promoted to General of the Army (five stars), and the Bradley fighting vehicle is named in his honor.
DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER ’15 During World War II, Eisenhower served as Supreme Commander of Allied Forces Europe from 1943 to 1944, during which he led the D-Day invasion of Europe. During that time, he was promoted to General of the Army (five stars). After the war, he served as Army Chief of Staff from 1945 to 1948 and was named President of Columbia University in 1948. He served as the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961 and was one of only five officers to be promoted to General of the Army (five stars). ALEXANDER M. HAIG JR. ’47 Haig served as Chief of Staff to President Richard Nixon from 1973 to 1974; Supreme Allied Commander in Europe 1974 to 1979; President of United Technologies Corporation 1980 to 1981 and Secretary of State during the Reagan administration from 1981 to 1982. FRANK BORMAN ’50 An astronaut from 1962 to 1970, Borman commanded the first circumlunar flight of the earth. He later served as President of Eastern Airlines. FIDEL V. RAMOS ’50 One of the Academy’s international cadets, Ramos served as a Philippine Army officer after graduation. He eventually became the country’s military Chief of Staff and later Secretary of National Defense. He also served as President of the Republic of the Philippines from 1992 to 1998. EDWIN E. ALDRIN ’51 An astronaut from 1963 to 1972, Aldrin participated in the first manned lunar landing with Michael Collins (USMA ’52) and was the second man to walk on the moon. EDWARD WHITE ’52 An astronaut from 1962 to 1967, White was the first man to walk in space and was one of the three astronauts killed in the Apollo I disaster in 1967.
H. NORMAN SCHWARZKOPF ’56 As Commander-in-Chief, United States Central Command from 1988 to 1991, Schwarzkopf’s command ultimately responded to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait with the largest U.S. deployment since the Vietnam War, including portions of the Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps as well as units from dozens of nations around the world. After retiring, Schwartzkopf received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. PETER M. DAWKINS ’59 Dawkins was Cadet Brigade Commander (First Captain of the U.S. Corps of Cadets) as a senior and became the third Heisman Trophy winner in Army football history. He later served as chairman and CEO of Primerica. JAMES V. KIMSEY ’62 Kimsey was the founding chairman of America Online, and was named chairman emeritus in 1996. He founded the Kimsey Foundation in 1996. MICHAEL W. KRZYZEWSKI ’69 Krzyzewski served as head basketball coach at West Point from 1974 to 1979 before assuming similar duties at Duke University. Krzyzewski has led the Blue Devils to three national championships and was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in October 2001. He coached the U.S. at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. RAYMOND T. ODIERNO ‘76 Odierno commanded the 4th Infantry Division during the fall of 2003 which, along with Special Forces units, captured Saddam Hussein in December of that year. Odierno helped plan and coordinate the raid that netted Iraq’s fallen dictator. ROBERT S. KIMBROUGH ’89 Kimbrough was named one of 11 new astronaut candidates by NASA in May 2004. Kimbrough ranks among Army Baseball’s career leaders in saves. A veteran of Desert Storm, he currently works for NASA in Houston as a flight simulation engineer and participated in a space shuttle mission in 2008.
THE U.S. MILITARY ACADEMY The mission of the U.S. Military Academy is to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country; professional growth throughout a career as an officer in the U.S. Army; and a lifetime of selfless service to the Nation. Founded on March 16, 1802, the Academy celebrated its Bicentennial in 2002. But West Point’s role in America’s history dates to the Revolutionary War, when both sides realized the strategic importance of the commanding plateau on the west bank of the Hudson River. Gen. George Washington considered West Point to be the most strategic position in America. He personally selected Thaddeus Kosciuszko, one of the heroes of Saratoga, to design the fortifications in 1778 after problems arose with French engineers originally placed in charge of the design. In 1779, General Washington transferred his headquarters to West Point. Continental soldiers built forts, batteries and defensive barriers. A 100-ton iron chain was extended across the Hudson to control river traffic. Today, several links from that chain are arranged at Trophy Point as a reminder of West Point’s original fortifications. In 1802 President Thomas Jefferson signed the legislation establishing the U.S. Military Academy to create an institution devoted to the arts and sciences of warfare. This effectively eliminated America’s wartime reliance on foreign engineers and artillerists. West Point became the nation’s first engineering school and served as the model for engineering programs which were eventually established at other colleges. Col. Sylvanus Thayer, the “Father of the Military Academy,” served as Superintendent from 1817 through 1833. He upgraded academic standards, instilled military discipline and emphasized honorable conduct. Early graduates were largely responsible for the construction of the nation’s initial railway lines, bridges, harbors, and roads. Although the curriculum maintains its focus on engineering, in recent decades the program of instruction has markedly changed, providing cadets a selection of more than 40 majors. This tradition of academic and military excellence, guided by a demanding standard of moral and ethical conduct, remains the cornerstone of the West Point experience. It is said at West Point that “much of the history we teach was made by those people we taught.” The Academy has produced famous leaders throughout its illustrious past…Civil War Generals Grant, Sherman, Lee, and Jackson, to name but a few. In World War I, 34 of the 38 corps and division commanders were graduates. World War II would see many graduates reach brigadier general or higher, to include Eisenhower, MacArthur, Bradley and Patton. In more recent conflicts, MacArthur, Ridgway, Westmoreland, Abrams, Schwarzkopf and Abizaid were in command. Academy graduates have also excelled in air and space exploration, and countless others went on from military service to become leaders in medicine, law, business, religion and science. Since its founding, the Military Academy fulfills the same mission as it always has . . . to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets. It accomplishes this mission by developing cadets in three essential areas: intellectual, physical and military. These developmental paths are balanced and fully integrated into the daily life of each young man and woman at the Academy. Intellectual growth is fostered through an academic curriculum that provides a broad liberal education in the arts and sciences. The electives program builds upon the foundation of the core, allowing cadets to develop even greater competence in selected areas. In
addition, the fields-of-study and majors nurture the development of creativity, critical thinking, and selfdirected learning, essential characteristics of 21st century officers. The fouryear academic experience leads to a bachelor of science degree and a commission as a second lieutenant in the Army. Physical development is achieved through a rigorous athletic and physical education program. Each cadet participates at the intercollegiate, club or intramural level each semester. This readies Cole White, Class of 2008 the cadet for the physical demands of military life and helps teach good judgment and self-discipline, even while under mental and physical stress. Military development begins with the cadet’s first day at West Point. Most military training takes place during the summer, with new cadets undergoing Cadet Basic Training, or Beast Barracks, their first year, followed the second summer by Cadet Field Training. Cadets spend their third and fourth summers serving in active Army units around the world; attending specialty training such as airborne, air assault or northern warfare or helping to train the first- and secondyear cadets. The Cadet Leader Development System seeks to give the cadets increasing responsibility until they are ready to receive their commissions and assume their duties as leaders in today’s Army. Moral and ethical values guide cadets throughout their four years at West Point. Commitment to the Academy’s “Bedrock Values,” based on integrity and respect for the dignity of others, begins on the first day. Integrity is reflected in the Cadet Honor Code which states: “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” Respect denotes that cadets treat others with the same respect and dignity they themselves would expect. At West Point, it is not enough to train leaders—they must be leaders of character. Admission is keenly competitive and is open to young men and women from all states and territories and from every socioeconomic level. Prospective cadets must receive a nomination by a member of Congress or from the Department of the Army. The Academy seeks candidates who possess records of success in academics, athletics and leadership indicative of well-rounded individuals. Although the life of a cadet is demanding, there remains an array of club activities ranging from golf, skiing, boxing, crew and orienteering to such organizations as the cadet radio station, Habitat for Humanity and Big Brothers-Big Sisters. Additionally, the U.S. Corps of Cadets hosts a Special Olympics event each spring. Today’s Military Academy is a vastly different institution from the small academy legislated into being by Congress in 1802. Originally just 1,800 acres, the Academy has grown to more than 16,000 acres. The first graduating class numbered just two men; today’s classes graduate more than 900 new officers annually, both men and women, who are prepared for leadership roles within the Army. With the expansion of knowledge and the changing needs of the United States Army and the nation, life at West Point has changed to keep pace. Ever mindful of its rich heritage, the U.S. Military Academy is developing leaders for tomorrow, and its focus remains the national needs of the 21st century.
Lieutenant General Robert L. Caslen became the 59th Superintendent of the United States Military Academy at West Point on July 17, 2013. Caslen graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1975. He earned master’s degrees from Long Island University and Kansas State University. Previous to this assignment, he served as the Chief of the Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq. His prior deployments and assignments include serving as the commander of the Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., the command that oversees the Command and General Staff College and 17 other schools, centers, and training programs located throughout the United States; commanding general of the 25th Infantry Division (Light) and commanding general of the Multi-National Division-North during Operation Iraqi Freedom; commandant of cadets for the United States Military Academy at West Point; deputy director for the War on Terrorism, J-5, The Joint Staff; assistant division commander (maneuver), 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized); chief of staff, 10th Mountain Division (Light); chief of staff, Combined Joint Task Force Mountain during Operation Enduring Freedom; commander, 2nd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault); chief of staff, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault); senior brigade C2 Observer/ Controller, Operations Group, Joint Readiness Training Center; commander, 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division (Light); executive officer to the deputy commander in Haiti during Operation Uphold Democracy; J-3 in Honduras for Joint Task Force Bravo; brigade operations officer, 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault); executive officer, 2nd Battalion, 187th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) during Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Caslen’s awards and decorations include the Distinguished Service Medal, the Defense Superior Service Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, the Legion of Merit with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the Bronze Star Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, and the Meritorious Service Medal with five Oak Leaf Clusters. He has earned the Combat Infantryman Badge, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Identification Badge, and is Airborne, Air Assault, and Ranger qualified. He is married with three children.
Brigadier General Richard D. Clarke, a former captain of the Army squash team (1983-84), assumed command in January 2013 of the United States Corps of Cadets as the 74th Commandant of Cadets. He previously served as the Deputy Commanding General of Operations, 10th Mountain Division. Clarke, commissioned in the Infantry following his graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1984, began his career as a rifle platoon leader with 1st Battalion, 48th Infantry, 3rd Armored Division. Beginning in December 1988, He commanded two companies in the 101st Airborne; Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry, as well as the 101st Long Range Surveillance Detachment. In June of 1992, he transitioned to the 75th Ranger Regiment, and in March of 1993 became the Commander of the Ranger Reconnaissance Detachment. Later he served as the Company Commander of Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. Clarke subsequently held the position of Battalion S-3 and then Battalion Executive Officer of 1st Battalion, 6th Infantry, of the 1st Armored Division. This was followed in May 1999 when he assumed duty as the Brigade Executive Officer of the 173rd Airborne Brigade. In March of 2002, Clarke became the Commander of the 3rd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division. This was directly followed in May 2004 by command of the 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. In August of 2007, Clarke assumed command of the 75th Ranger Regiment. He then served as the Director of Operations, Joint Special Operations Command, at Fort Bragg, N.C. Clarke’s deployments while serving in the aforementioned positions include Operation Desert Storm, Operation Joint Guardian, three deployments in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, and four deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Clarke’s decorations include; the Defense Superior Service Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster), the Legion of Merit; Bronze Star Medal (with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters); Meritorious Service Medal (with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters); Air Medal, Army Commendation Medal (with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters); the Army Achievement Medal (with 6 Oak Leaf Clusters); the National Defense Service Medal (with Bronze Star); the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal; the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; and the Afghanistan Service Medal.
Brigadier General Timothy E. Trainor, Ph.D., became the Dean of the Academic Board at the United States Military Academy in the summer of 2010. He previously served as professor and head of the Department of Systems Engineering at West Point where he taught courses in engineering management, systems engineering and decision analysis. Trainor graduated with a Bachelor of Science from West Point in 1983 and entered the Engineer Branch of the U.S. Army. As an engineering officer, Trainor has served in operational assignments around the world, including Germany, Honduras, Fort Bragg, N.C., Fort Riley, Kans. and Sarajevo, Bosnia. Trainor has a Master of Business Administration from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke and a doctorate degree in industrial engineering from North Carolina State University. He is a member of the Military Applications Society of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences the Military Operations Research Society, the American Society for Engineering Management and the American Society of Engineering Education. He is a past president of Epsilon Mu Eta, the national Engineering Management Honor Society. Trainor is also a member of the Board of Fellows for the David Crawford School of Engineering at Norwich University. As an analyst, Trainor helped develop the Installation Status Report that provides the Army a standardized means to assess infrastructure and environmental conditions on installations to support resource allocation decisions. He has applied decision analysis methods in completing an organizational analysis of the Army’s Installation Management Agency and in assessing defense security cooperation programs. Trainor deployed to Basrah, Iraq in the summer of 2007 and worked with the Britishled Provincial Reconstruction Team in helping the provincial Iraqi leaders improve their infrastructure revitalization plans. Trainor is married to Col. Donna Brazil, a 1983 graduate of West Point, who is a professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences at the Academy. They have a daughter Cory, who is currently attending West Point, and two sons; Danny, also a student at West Point, and Zach.
DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS Boo Corrigan was named the Academy’s the nation’s top football scholar-athlete. Rodriguez later was honored with the director of athletics on Feb. 1, 2011. Amateur Athletic Union’s James E. Sullivan Award as the top amateur athlete in “We have an opportunity to work every day the country. He was the first Army player to receive the award since 1946 and with a truly exceptional group of young people,” was just the third player in history (Peyton Manning, Tim Tebow) to win both the Corrigan said. “The opportunities they receive Campbell Trophy and Sullivan Award. through intercollegiate athletics will help shape Army has been the focus of national attention since Corrigan’s arrival. He their own leadership styles as they become was instrumental in supporting the CBS documentary, “Game of Honor,” that officers in the U.S. Army. We have a great chronicled the Black Knights’ 2011 football season leading up to its annual team that focuses daily on our cadet-athletes. showdown with arch-rival Navy. Not only was the two-hour program broadcast to We strive to enhance their overall experience a national audience on Showtime, but also won the Emmy Award for Best Sports Documentary. The Army football team was also the focus of a behind-the-scenes as they develop into the leaders our nation book titled, “Soldiers First,” written by New York Times writer Joe Drape. needs.” Corrigan has also made his mark on the aesthetics of historic Michie Stadium. In his short time as athletic director, Corrigan In order to upgrade the appearance and provide a better experience for Army has strengthened and expanded Army Athletics’ fans, Corrigan implemented a Michie Stadium branding and signage campaign relationships in several key areas. In his tenure, that began in 2011. The first phase of the project was completed prior to the Army has secured a new apparel agreement BOO CORRIGAN 2012 season. with Nike, a new pouring rights contract with DIRECTOR OF In addition to his duties at West Point, Corrigan has been an active leader Coke and bringing in the Aspire Group to ATHLETICS in the Patriot League, serving as chairman of the conference’s Broadband enhance ticket sales and better serve Army Committee. season ticket holders. Corrigan also crafted Corrigan, who was the senior associate athletic director for external affairs the Team Army concept, a comprehensive at Duke University starting in August 2008, brings a wealth of leadership to his plan designed to add significant value to Army’s corporate sponsorships while post. He is a proven administrator with 18 previous years of experience in all maintaining the tradition of West Point Athletics. areas of revenue generation, external affairs, staff management and leadership. Corrigan, who has a proven record as a fundraiser, spearheaded changes Corrigan’s chief responsibilities at Duke included the oversight of the Blue in the Army A Club and ticket operations that have resulted in more than $20 Devil corporate partnerships and the Marketing, Promotions, Ticket, Internet million dollars in major gifts and record-setting annual giving during his tenure. Operations, Sports Information and Video Services departments. In only two During that time the funding for a new lacrosse facility, that is scheduled to years at Duke, Corrigan was responsible for the negotiation of multi-media rights break ground, was secured. to ISP. In addition to his role in enhancing revenues for Army Athletics, Corrigan led A supervisor of the 2009 NCAA Champion women’s tennis and 2010 a strategic planning process that developed a new mission statement and goals NCAA Champion men’s lacrosse programs, Corrigan was a part of three NCAA for the department. Championships at Duke in just two seasons. He is currently a member of the In his first full two years at West Point, Corrigan has overseen a program NCAA Men’s Lacrosse Rules committee and the Atlantic Coast Conference Men’s that owns eight Patriot League regular season or tournament championships Lacrosse Committee, while serving on the Executive Budget Committee at and sent eight teams to the NCAA postseason (rifle). Thirty-three cadets have Duke. earned a major award from their conference,. Prior to arriving at Duke in August of 2008, he oversaw Notre Dame’s In 2012-13 alone, Army accounted for more than 100 all-league citations. corporate relations and marketing as an associate athletic director for five years. Hockey’s Cheyne Rocha and lacrosse’s Brendan Buckley each captured the During his stint at Notre Dame, Corrigan spearheaded the redesign of its official Senior CLASS Award in their respective sports, making Army the only school in athletics website and creation of 15-20 hours of original video content weekly. the nation to have multiple winners in 2012-13. That resulted in a 35 percent increase in page views and unique users. Corrigan The 2012-13 season was one of the most successful in recent memory on also worked directly with ISP Sports, CSTV, and NBC Sports from a sales and the fields of friendly strife. Army teams combined to post an overall record of marketing standpoint. 236-183-8. The program’s .562 winning percentage was the highest in eight Before joining the staff at Notre Dame, Corrigan spent nearly three years as years. The winter sports programs had their best season in five years as the the associate athletic director for marketing at the United States Naval Academy. women’s basketball team won the Patriot League regular season title, the men’s He was responsible for turning the marketing department from a deficit to profit basketball team posted its first winning season in 28 years and the rifle squad in his first year with full budget responsibility for the department. Corrigan also advanced to the NCAA Championships for the 10th consecutive season. was intimately involved with the re-branding of the Annual Giving Campaign (The It was also a great year in the competition against fellow service academies. Blue and Gold), which led to an increase of 75 percent year over year donations. Army split the season series versus Navy, 16-16-1, marking the best winning His collegiate experience also includes a stint as assistant director of percentage against the Mids (.500) since 2004-05. The Black Knights owned marketing at Florida State from 1992-95. a 4-2-1 record against Air Force, improving the record to 20-18-2 (.525) versus Corrigan is a 1990 University of Notre Dame graduate with a degree in service academy foes in 2012-13. economics. He is married to the former Kristen Aceto, a former field hockey and Cadet-athletes have continued to thrive in the classroom under Corrigan’s lacrosse player at the University of Virginia who also earned a master’s degree watch. In his two full years, Army has boasted seven Academic All-Americans, from the school. The couple has three children, Finley, Tre and Brian. He is the including six first-team selections. Lacrosse’s Brendan Buckely became the first youngest of seven children of Gene and Lena Corrigan. Army athlete to capture Academic All-American of the Year honors in 2012. In 2011, the Black Knights’ football team boasted two first-team CoSIDA Academic All-Americans, a first for the program since 1957. Since the start of the 2011-12 season, Army boasts six Patriot League Scholar-Athletes of the EXECUTIVE STAFF Year, including Buckley, a two-time overall men’s winner. JONATHAN EVANS, DEPUTY A.D. Twenty of Army’s 24 NCAA programs scored above the national BOB BERETTA, EXECUTIVE A.D. average in the 2013 NCAA APR report. The men’s cross country and COL. JOSEPH DEANTONA, DEPUTY MILITARY A.D. wrestling teams earned public recognition for finishing in the top 10 percent of their respective sport. The cross country squad boasted a ANNMARIE GAMBINO THOMPSON, SENIOR ASSOCIATE A.D. perfect score of 1,000. JASON BUTIKOFER, SENIOR ASSOCIATE A.D. In addition, former football standout Andrew Rodriguez, Class GENE MCINTYRE, ASSOCIATE A.D. of 2012, became the first Army player to win the National Football STEPHANIE MENIO, ASSISTANT A.D. Foundation’s Willam V. Campbell Trophy, which is presented annually to
Matt Reid, who rates as one of the bright, young talents in the college baseball coaching ranks, is in his sixth season as a member of Army’s coaching staff. After serving as the Black Knights’ top assistant coach in 2010, Reid picked up the title of associate head coach prior to the 2011 season. Reid was named interim head coach on Sept. 24, 2013. At West Point, Reid works primarily with Army’s infielders and hitters. Off the field, he focuses attention on national recruiting with an emphasis placed on the East Coast. Since Reid arrived, Army established a single season school record for fielding percentage in 2009 (.970) after narrowly missing the mark the previous year. The Black Knights then obliterated that record with a .975 fielding percentage in 2012 to rank 32nd nationally. Three of the Black Knights’ starting four infielders earned All-Patriot League honors three years in a row (2009-11), including Clint Moore, who garnered All-America
laurels in 2009. Moore and fellow infielders Zach Price and Harold Earls have been named Patriot League Rookie of the Year during Reid’s tenure at the Academy. In 2011, three Army infielders were named to the All-Patriot League first team with Steve May joining Moore and Price on the unit. Last year, Price was named to the AllPatriot League first team, while Earls collected the conference’s Rookie of the Year award. Earls was also tabbed a Freshman All-American following his standout rookie campaign that saw him finish with a .331 batting average. Price, who was named a CoSIDA Academic All-American (first team), became the first Army player to earn a Rawling Gold Glove after the second baseman recorded a sparkling .996 fielding percentage. The Black Knights have taken well to Reid’s offensive teachings as well, establishing school records for batting average (.329), base hits (626), doubles (117), triples (18), home runs (57), runs scored (446), runs batted in (408), total bases (950) and slugging percentage (.500) in 2009. It marked the second straight season that Army set school records for doubles and home runs. Army has improved its slugging percentage by more than 150 points since Reid arrived at West Point. Reid has also played a large role in the great success Army has experienced in its
overall recruiting the past five years. Before joining head coach Joe Sottolano’s staff in the summer of 2007, Reid had spent the previous two years on the baseball coaching staff at UNC Asheville. Reid focused his work on the club’s infielders and hitters, while assisting with recruiting duties during his tenure at UNC Asheville. In that time, he helped the Bulldogs increase their fielding percentage from .943 to .958. Additionally, UNC Asheville turned a Big South Conference-leading 59 double plays in his last season to rank 34th nationally. Prior to his arrival at Asheville, Reid served as assistant coach at Old Dominion University where he worked with the Monarchs’ outfielders and hitters. He assumed duties as baseball camp director at ODU, and filled the same role at UNC Asheville. A 2002 graduate of Richmond, where he lettered for four years on the baseball diamond, Reid assisted the staff at Virginia Commonwealth University during the 2003-04 season while completing his master’s degree in sport leadership. His experience with organizing fundraisers for non-profit ventures while at VCU included raising money for an area cancer center. Prior to his studies at VCU, Reid served as assistant coach at Louisburg College where his responsibilities with the baseball team included working with the squad’s infielders and coaching first base. He began his coaching career at Virginia Military Institute. In addition to his collegiate coaching background, Reid has gained extensive experience during the summer months, guiding the Peninsula Pilots of the Coastal Plains League for two years. He led the Pilots to a 34-20 record (.630) and an appearance in the league championship in his first season and finished with a two-year mark of 58-38 (.604) at the Peninsula helm. The native of Amherst, Mass., was selected team captain during his senior year at Richmond and helped the Spiders to a pair of NCAA Regional berths. He graduated in 2001 with a degree in sports administration. Reid, whose father Jim is a member of the University of Iowa football coaching staff after serving as an assistant with the Miami Dolphins and as head football coach at VMI for two years, interned with the front office of the Pittsburgh Pirates during the summer of 2004. He also worked in Richmond’s sports information office as a senior. Reid is single and resides in Fort Montgomery.
Anthony DeCicco is entering his fifth season as the Black Knights’ pitching and catching coach after being added to the staff prior to the 2010 campaign. He also oversees the main recruiting efforts in the Midwest and Western regions. Four times, DeCicco has helped teams to rank in the top 31 nationally in earned run average and assisted in the development of eight players who were selected in the First Year Major League Baseball Players Draft and one who signed as a free agency. DeCicco has played a large role in Army’s success on conference and nationals levels. Over the past three years, Army has reached the Patriot League Championship series, winning back-to-back titles in 2012 and 2013. While at NCAA Regionals in those seasons, Army suffered a pair of losses to nationally ranked teams, dropping a 2-1 decision to sixth-ranked Virginia in 2013 on the heels of a 2-1 setback to #14 Oklahoma the year prior. DeCicco has overseen the development of several all-conference players at Army, including starting pitchers Chris Rowley and Alex Robinett. Rowley was a first team AllPatriot League selection, named Most Outstanding Player in the Patriot League Championship Series and signed a professional contract with the Toronto Blue Jays, while Robinett was a conference second team selection. Under DeCicco’s guidance, Logan Lee threw a no-hitter against Bucknell in 2012, just the second time in school history that feat has been accomplished. During the 2013 season, DeCicco helped the Black Knights record a 4.03 earned-run average while Rowley posted a9-4 mark with six complete games and 75 strikeouts in 97.2 innings of work. Gunnar Carroll recorded four saves and the Black Knights showed a 279 to 139 strikeout to walk ratio. As part of the 2012 season, DeCicco presided over an Army pitching staff that led the
Patriot League and ranked 31st nationally in earned run average (3.25) while established a program record 41 wins. The Black Knights also ranked 21st in the country in hits allowed per nine innings (8.03), 28th in walks allowed per nine innings (2.81) and 18th in WHIP (1.20). DeCicco helped Chris Rowley establish a number of Academy singleseason records, including wins (11), innings pitched (97.1) and consecutive scoreless innings (29). Rowley, who was tabbed Patriot League Pitcher of the Year and earned a spot on the all-league first team, collected three All-America certificates. DeCicco also helped Logan Lee earn a spot on the AllPatriot League second team. Catcher J.T. Watkins was drafted in the 10 th round of the First Year Major League Baseball Players Draft after establishing a three-year caught stealing percentage of 54%. In the 2011 campaign, Army ranked second in the Patriot League in ERA (5.09). The Black Knights led the conference in fewest walks per nine innings, while listing second in opponents’ batting average (.282). Army led the conference in ERA during league games, posting a 4.30 mark versus Patriot League foes. DeCicco’s pitching staff topped the Patriot League and ranked 30th nationally in ERA (4.34) in 2010. The staff also paced the conference in strikeouts per nine innings (7.09). Starting pitcher Matt Fouch earned the conference’s Pitcher of the Year award and was named to the All-Patriot League first team. Relief pitcher Kevin McKague, who established Army’s single-season saves record (13), was unanimously selected to the allleague first unit as well. Before arriving at West Point, DeCicco spent one season as pitching and catching coach, as well as recruiting coordinator, at Fordham University. Prior to his one-year stint in the Bronx, DeCicco logged six years on the coaching staff at the University of Vermont. He arrived at Vermont from Eastern Connecticut State University, where he served on the staff of the 2002
NCAA Division III National Champions. During his stay at Fordham, DeCicco helped the Rams to a fourth-place finish in the Atlantic 10 Conference with a 16-11 mark, despite being tabbed to finish ninth in the preseason poll. As Vermont’s recruiting coordinator, as well as pitching and catching coach, DeCicco was instrumental in the Catamounts capturing the program’s first two America East Conference regular-season championships in 2003 and 2006. The program reached the America East Conference Finals in 2005. Under DeCicco’s tutelage, the Vermont pitching staff excelled, topping the America East in team earned run average in both 2003 and 2005, while ranking among national leaders both years. Twice in six seasons, Vermont collected Pitcher of the Year accolades. The Catamounts also ranked sixth nationally in ERA in 2003. Additionally, seven Vermont players were drafted or signed by Major League baseball organizations from 2003 to 2009. DeCicco was a part of 146 wins during his six seasons on staff, including a program record 32 in 2003. A 2001 graduate of ECSU and a native of Johnston, R.I., DeCicco received his bachelor’s degree in physical education. He earned a master’s degree from Vermont in education and leadership in 2005. During his playing days, DeCicco helped the Warriors to the 1998 Division III National Championship as a catcher and then joined the staff of American Baseball Coaches of America Hall of Fame selection Bill Holowaty following graduation. DeCicco and his wife, Elizabeth, have a son, Theodore (8) and a daughter, Peyton (5). The family resides in nearby Highland Falls, N.Y.
Eric Folmar, who spent the previous eight seasons at Penn State, joined the Army baseball coaching staff in October, 2013. Folmar, a 1999 graduate of Old Dominion, will serve as an assistant coach on Reid’s staff and will have oversight of the outfielders while working with the offense. He will also have recruiting responsibilities. “Eric has been around the highest levels of baseball and is a tremendous addition to our staff,” said interim Army head coach Matt Reid. “His work ethic, energy, recruiting ability and knowledge of the game are among his best qualities.” Folmar coached at Penn State for eight seasons and in addition to serving as the program’s recruiting coordinator, handled third-base coaching duties, infielders and base running. While in Happy Valley, Folmar was part of 200 victories, including 32 in 2011 and 31 in 2007. Folmar recruited pitcher Drew O’Neil who established the school save record and was drafted in the fourth round of the Major League Baseball First Year Player Draft. He also brought catcher Ben Heath to Penn State. Heath set the school record for home runs with 19, was an All-American and drafted in the fifth round. In total, Folmar coached or recruited 21 players who were selected in the Major League Baseball Draft, mentored 22 All Big Ten player and 54 Academic Big Ten selections. Prior to working at Penn State, Folmar coached at his alma mater, Old Dominion from 2002-05 where he worked with the infielder, outfielders, catchers and base running through his tenure while also assisting in recruiting. Among the 15 players he coached or recruited that were chosen in the Major League Baseball Draft was Justin Verlander, a Cy Young winner and Most Valuable
Player choice. Folmar began his coaching career at Young Harris Junior College in Georgia where he served as camp coordinator and coached infielders and catchers. During his two seasons, the Mountain Lions won 82 games and a pair of conference championships. During his playing days at Old Dominion from 1996-99, he helped the Monarchs to three Colonial Athletic Association Championship Game appearances, a CAA regular season and tournament championships and was part of a team that appeared in the NCAA Regionals. A native of Chambersburg, Pa., Folmar earned his bachelor’s degree in health and physical education. He and his wife Kim Miller, a field hockey All-American at Old Dominion and a member of the U.S. National Team, have five children, Bryce, Zac, Alex, Tyler and Mia.
COACHING STAFF MATT SMITH ASSISTANT COACH FIRST SEASON ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, 2011 Smith served as instructor at Teels Baseball in Closter, N.J., and worked for Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Network in Secaucus, N.J.
Army baseball family.” Smith competed for the St. Thomas Aquinas baseball team for three seasons. He began his collegiate career at the University of Scranton before transferring to St. Thomas Aquinas. During his junior season at St. Thomas Aquinas, Smith was voted all-conference and named team Most Valuable Player after hitting .321. In his final campaign, Smith batted .292 and led the squad with 52 hits and 22 stolen bases. After earning his bachelor’s degree in sports management, Smith competed for the Trinidad Triggers of the Pecos League in 2012 where he hit .305 with 10 home runs, ultimately earning an invite to a Baltimore Orioles tryout. A 2006 graduate of Don Bosco Preparatory High School in New Jersey, Smith won a Bergen County Championship during his senior season. Smith resides in Paramus, N.J.
Matt Smith is in his first season with the Army baseball program. He was been named volunteer assistant coach by interim head coach Matt Reid in January, 2013. Smith, a native of Paramus, N.J., will assist with the outfielders and also be involved with hitting and first-base coaching duties. Prior to joining the Army coaching staff,
While at the MLB Network Smith was responsible for live game logging. At the Office of the Commissioner, he fell under Vice President of Baseball Operations Joe Torre, and worked with umpires to ensure feedback. “Matt has a lot of great baseball experience under his belt for such a young guy,” said Reid. “He played the game at a high level and was a very athletic player. He will bring great energy and passion to our program. I am excited to have him apart of the
With a mix of veteran players and a host of talented underclassmen, the Army baseball team will embark on the 2014 season in search of its eighth Patriot League Tournament Championship and seventh NCAA Regional bid. First-year interim head coach Matt Reid has a roster that includes seven seniors, seven juniors, 14 sophomores and seven freshmen. The 35player roster has combined for 40 varsity letters. “We always want to be playing our best baseball later in the season,” said Reid. “We are working hard to get better every day and to be peaking later in the season. “We have good experience and guys who have been in the program and know what it takes to get to the level we want to. With seven seniors, we have excellent leadership.” Senior pitcher Gunnar Carroll and classmate and first baseman Patrick Mescher will serve as team co-captains.
in his first three seasons and has collected 14 saves, may move to a starting role. Nick Dignacco, who went 7-2 as a sophomore, is returning from an injury and is healthy for his senior season. Junior Alex Robinett was 7-4 last year with 62 strikeouts in 86 innings of work. Junior Brian Hapeman posted a microscopic 1.69 earned run average in 11 appearances last season and could see more work. Sophomore Brock Davidson went 2-3 in his first season of collegiate ball and figures to play a larger role. Seniors Colin Briant and Erik Washburn and junior Julian Larimer are also competing for time in the starting rotation. Sophomores Garrison Franklin, Davis Marlar, Justin French, Patrick Gardner, Blake Burrus, Jack Verrill, John Malcolm and Jonathan Thiess will also factor in and strengthen the bullpen. Freshmen Daniel Caniano, Carson Meadows and Johnny Griffith will also compete for time on the mound.
PITCHING Army is looking to establish its weekend rotation and will have a bevy of arms to choose from. Carroll, who was used primarily out of the bullpen
CATCHERS Senior Connor Love and sophomore Ben Smith will both see time behind the plate with freshman Baggio Saldivar adding depth.
CATCHERS No.Name 9 Ben Smith 33 Connor Love*** 35 Baggio Saldivar
PITCHERS No.Name 1 Garrison Franklin* 4 Erik Washburn*** 12 Alex Robinett** 14 Jack Verrill* 15 Patrick Gardner 16 Johnny Griffith 17 Justin French 18 Nick Dignacco** 19 Gunnar Carroll*** 21 Blake Burrus 22 John Malcolm* 24 Colin Briant** 26 Brock Davidson* 28 Daniel Caniano 29 Brian Hapeman** 30 Patrick Mescher*** 31 Carson Meadows 34 Julian Larimer** 37 Davis Marlar* 44 Jonathan Thiess
Yr. So. Sr. Fr.
Yr. So. Sr. Jr. So. So. Fr. So. Sr. Sr. So. So. Sr. So. Fr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Jr. So. So.
Pos. C C C
Ht. 5-10 6-4 6-1
Ht. 6-1 5-9 6-0 6-4 6-0 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-0 6-1 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-4
Wt. 180 195 195
Hometown/High School Memphis, Tenn./Christian Brothers Beaverton, Ore./Jesuit Valencia, Calif./Hart
Wt. 185 185 215 210 185 190 190 195 185 185 190 195 205 185 190 230 175 185 195 210
Hometown/High School Granite Falls, N.C./South Caldwell East Hartland, Conn./Granby Memorial Bend, Ore./Mountain View South Berwick, Maine/Marshwood Glen Allen, Va./Deep Run Parker, Colo./Regis Jesuit/Seward CC Charlotte, N.C./Ardrey Kell Sharon, Conn./Housatonic Valley Louisa, Va./Louisa Wichita Falls, Texas/SH Rider (USMAPS) Marietta, Ga./Wheeler Manasquan, N.J./Acad. of Allied Health Houston, Texas/Memorial East Williston, N.Y./Chaminade Fair Haven, N.J./Rumson Fair Haven Versailles, Ohio/Versailles Auburn, Ala./Lee-Scott Academy Carmel, Calif./Palma Carrollton, Ga./Carrollton League City, Texas/Episcopal
Nick Dignacco Love played in 28 games last season and hit .241 while Smith got acclimated to the collegiate game in his first season. Salvidar, from Valencia, Calif., is adapting to the college game and will back up Love and Smith. INFIELDERS The Black Knights will feature a veteran infield with Mescher at first, sophomore Grant Van Orden at second, junior Alex Jensen manning short stop and senior Harold Earls at third base. Mescher led the team with a .341 batting average in 2013 and knocked in 40 runs. Van Orden hit .238 in his first season, Jensen batted .292 and along with Mescher and Earls started every game. Earls hit .254 and scored 35 runs. Sophomores Brock Davidson and Ryan Levenhagen provide depth at
first base. Sophomore Justin Reece and freshman Kris Lindner can play second, third or shortstop. Freshmen Johnny Griffith and David Monge are working to earn playing time.
OUTFIELDERS Senior Jon Crucitti, sophomore Jacob Page and juniors Daniel Cortes and Mark McCants are expected to anchor the outfield. Crucitti led the team with 43 runs scored last season and will start in right field. Page collected All-Patriot League honors in his first season in center field and was third on the squad with a .307 batting average. Cortes played in 21 games last season in left field. McCants, also used as a designated hitter, was second on the team with a .314 average and six doubles. Sophomore Ryan Levenhagen and freshmen Brock Davidson will provide depth in the outfield. SCHEDULE Once again, Army will face a challenging non-conference slate in addition to the always competitive Patriot League. The Black Knights open at William & Mary, an NCAA Regional team a year ago before traveling to Cary, N.C., for a three-game set against Massachusetts at the USA Baseball Complex. Army then plays Campbell and Towson in North Carolina. Campbell won the Big South Regular Season Championship a year. The Black Knights host Wagner March 8-9 before making their annual trek to Tampa, Fla., for a spring training trip. Games against Massachusetts, Central Connecticut State, Harvard OUTFIELDERS No. Name 3 Daniel Cortes** 5 Mark McCants** 13 Jon Crucitti** 19 Gunnar Carroll*** 23 Jacob Page* 25 Ryan Levenhagen 40 Alex Dickerson
Yr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Sr. So. So. Fr.
Ht. 5-9 5-10 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-4 6-3
Mark McCants INFIELDERS No.Name 1 Garrison Franklin* 2 Harold Earls** 7 Alex Jensen** 8 Kris Lindner 10 Justin Reece* 11 Grant Van Orden* 16 Johnny Griffith 25 Ryan Levenhagen 26 Brock Davidson* 30 Patrick Mescher*** 36 David Monge 40 Alex Dickerson
Yr. So. Jr. Jr. Fr. So. So. Fr. So. So. Sr. Fr. Fr.
Ht. 6-1 5-9 6-1 5-11 5-9 6-0 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-4 5-9 6-3
and North Dakota State are slated. Patriot League play gets underway March 29-30 with a home series against Lehigh. Army will host its first three league series’ at Johnson Stadium against Lehigh (March 29-30), Lafayette (April 5-6) and Bucknell (April 12-13) and be on the road at Holy Cross (April 19-20)
Wt. B-T Hometown/High School 170 L-R Altamonte Springs, Fla./Lake Mary 190 L-R Flower Mound, Texas/Flower Mound 195 R-R Mooresville, N.C./West Rowan 185 R-R Louisa, Va./Louisa 205 R-R Wilson, N.C./Hunt 195 L-R Indianapolis, Ind./Cathedral 210 R-R Roswell, Ga./Roswell
Wt. 185 175 195 180 170 190 190 195 205 230 170 210
B-T Hometown/High School R-R Granite Falls, N.C./South Caldwell L-R Cumming, Ga./West Forsyth R-R Charlotte, N.C./Charlotte Catholic S-R Morehead City, N.C./West Carteret R-R Greensboro, N.C./South Guilford R-R Wyckoff, N.J./Don Bosco R-R Parker, Colo./Regis Jesuit/Seward CC L-R Indianapolis, Ind./Cathedral L-L Houston, Texas/Memorial R-R Versailles, Ohio/Versailles R-R Pembroke Pines, Fla./Pem. Pines Charter R-R Roswell, Ga./Roswell
and Navy (April 26-27). The WRWD Hudson Valley Baseball Classic is set for Wednesday, April 23, at Dutchess Stadium in Fishkill, N.Y. Army is scheduled to host its historic first night game at Doubleday Field on Friday, May 2, the first of three games against Cincinnati. The Patriot League playoffs, featuring the top four teams in the league, get underway May 10-11 with a pair of semifinal series. The Patriot League Championship series will be held May 17-18 at the highestt remaining seed. The winner earns the league’s automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament.
PLAYER PROFILES #19 GUNNAR CARROLL CO-CAPTAIN RHP-OF • R-R • 6-0 • 185 • SR. • 3VL LOUISA, VA. LOUISA H.S. pearances each of the last three seasons ... will serve as team captain for the second straight year ... three-year letterman.
MISCELLANEOUS: Athletic right-handed pitcher ... fierce competitor with a strong will to win ... hails from baseball hotbed state of Virginia ... smart player with a good feel for the game ... served valuable role as the bridge to Army closer Ben Koenigsfeld as a freshman ... emerged as the Black Knights’ closer during standout sophomore campaign ... assumed that role after incumbent closer Kevin McKague was injured ... figures to anchor the Army bullpen once again this spring ... has led Army’s pitching staff in ap-
MILESTONES: Ranks third on Army’s all-time saves list (14) ... lists third on the Black Knights’ single-season saves ledger (eight in 2012) ... boasts a career earned run average of 4.19 ... 2012 earned run average (2.48) ranks 23rd on Army’s single-season ledger ... named to the National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association (NCBWA) Stopper of the Year Award Watch List prior to the 2013 campaign. 2013: Led Army with 20 appearances ... forged a 3-4 record to go along with a 6.02 earned run average and four saves ... registered first save of the season against Yale (March 10), tossing two innings versus the Bulldogs during Army’s spring break trip to Florida ... also picked up saves against Bucknell (April 20), Marist (April 24) and Chestnut Hill (May 5) ... made postseason appearance against Navy (May 11) in the Patriot League Tournament semifinals ... tossed one scoreless inning to nail down Army’s 7-3 win, which clinched the series sweep ... also appeared in Army’s NCAA Regional contest versus UNC Wilmington (June 1) ... earned first win of the season opposite Siena (March 26), pitching 2.2 innings of
scoreless relief ... collected second straight win against Navy (April 1) as Army salvaged the final game of the four-game series by posting a 14-7 victory against the Midshipmen ... pitched a career-best 8.0 innings in his first start of the season ... also totaled a season-high five strikeouts opposite the Mids ... picked up his third victory of the year versus NYIT (May 1) after allowing two runs on three hits in 4.0 innings ... matched season high with five strikeouts against the Bears. 2012: Appeared in 22 games with two starts … led the Black Knights’ pitching staff with 22 appearances ... posted a 2-0 record with a teambest eight saves … forged a 2.48 earned run average with 40 strikeouts and 12 walks in 54.1 innings of work … did not allow an earned run in 15 of 22 appearances ... was even better versus
ERA W 4.50 3 2.48 2 6.02 3 4.19 8
L 2 1 4 7
App 20 22 20 62
GS 0 2 3 5
CG 0 0 0 0
SHO 0 0 0 0
CBO 0 1 0 1
SV IP 2 44.0 8 54.1 4 43.1 14 141.2
H 43 48 58 149
R 27 18 35 80
ER 22 15 29 66
BB 13 12 7 32
SO 16 40 23 79
2B 6 5 12 23
3B 0 1 1 2
HR 1 2 1 4
BF 192 222 196 610
Avg .253 .244 .326 .273
Patriot League foes, posting a 1.42 ERA in six regular-season appearances versus conference opponents ... pitched in four of Army’s five Patriot League playoff games ... threw 3.0 innings of hitless relief to earn the win in series-clinching victory over Holy Cross in the third and decisive game of the Patriot League Championship Series … fanned two batters in an inning of relief in the second game of Holy Cross series ... earned save in both playoff wins against Lafayette in the Patriot League Semifinal Series … pitched 2.0 innings with three strikeouts in game one victory … struck out one in 0.2 innings of work in game two … pitched well against Oklahoma in the NCAA Charlottesville Regional ... allowed just one run on three hits over 3.0 innings to the eventual Regional champion Sooners ... saddled with the loss after yielding game-winning run in the top of the 10th inning in Army’s 2-1 setback to OU ... began the year with three straight scoreless appearances, tossing one inning each against High Point, George Washington and UMBC ... earned first save of the season in that UMBC contest ... made first career start versus Quinnipiac … fired 4.0 innings of scoreless ball to earn the victory … started three days later against Harvard and picked up second straight win ... struck out three while scattering seven hits over 5.1 innings versus the Crimson … collected saves against Sacred Heart, Lehigh, Lafayette, Holy Cross and Bloomfield during regular season … established career-highs with eight strikeouts in 7.0 innings against Bucknell … did now allow a run and scattered eight hits as Army rallied for a 2-1 victory in 15 innings. 2011: Developed into one of the Black Knights’ top options out of the bullpen during a steady
freshman season ... led the team with 20 appearances ... topped all Army relievers and ranked third overall with 44.0 innings pitched ... finished the year with a 3-2 record and a 4.50 earned run average ... ranked second on the team with two saves ... saw numbers improve versus Patriot League foes, pitching to a 3.93 ERA in conference contests ... made first career appearance versus Davidson during the opening weekend of the season ... tossed career-high six innings against Maryland the following weekend in Army’s heart-breaking 13-inning loss to the Terrapins ... picked up his first career save versus Northwestern, working a scoreless ninth inning opposite the Wildcats ... established career high with three strikeouts versus Siena ... threw two scoreless innings in Army’s 8-3 win over Holy Cross ... pitched three times in the series opposite the Crusaders as the Black Knights picked up a key four-game sweep during the opening weekend of Patriot League play ... tossed two perfect innings in Army’s 6-5 victory over Navy that helped the Black Knights earn the coveted “Star” ... collected first career victory in Army’s 12-9 win at Lehigh ... allowed just two earned runs over four innings of work ... victory helped Army avert a four-game sweep at the hands of the Mountain Hawks ... earned second win of the season in Army’s 12-2 win at Lafayette ... allowed just one hit over 4.2 scoreless innings against the Leopards ... picked up third win of the year in Army’s 7-4 victory at Bucknell ... allowed just one earned run on two hits in three innings of work ... matched career high with three strikeouts versus Lafayette in the Patriot League Tournament semifinals ... earned his second career save in that win, which helped the Black Knights sweep the best-of-three series from the
Leopards ... saw mound duty in two of the three Patriot League Championship Series games at Navy ... fired one inning of scoreless relief in helping Army to a 6-3 win over the Midshipmen in the second game of the series. HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Kevin Fisher at Louisa High ... tabbed region and district Player of the Year ... earned all-state recognition as an outfielder and pitcher ... also ran track in high school ... was a two-time state champion on the track ... twice selected to participate in the Virginia Commonwealth Games ... took home a title at the 2009 Games. PERSONAL: Given name is Gunnar Raymond Carroll ... born Oct. 10, 1991, in Charlottesville, Va. ... parents’ names are John and Eileen Carroll ... has one brother and one sister ... enjoys being with his family during his free time ... lists water sports as one of his hobbies ... former Army baseball player Kyle Fleming (USMA ’09) is a close family friend ... majoring in American Legal Studies ... played for the Peninsula Pilots of the Coastal Plains League in 2012 ... competed for the Harwich Mariners of the Cape Cod Baseball League in 2013 ... will join the Field Artillery branch of the U.S. Army following graduation ... his first duty station will be at Fort Stewart, Ga.
Getting to Know Gunnar... Why did you choose West Point? The people that were and are here. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? Being part of something bigger than yourself and how serious we take our tradition and past. Where is your favorite place to play? At the University of Virginia. Close to home, great competition, NCAA Regionals. You can’t beat it! Who is your favorite MLB team? Boston Red Sox. What is your favorite Army uniform? All white everything. My walk-up song is? ‘Tung’ by Denis Koyu. Who are you looking forward to playing? In the Super Regionals Who is the best dressed played on the team? Nick Dignacco Fans should come to Doubleday Field this season because? We play an exciting brand of baseball Two words that define Army Baseball? Family, Tradition Who is the best player in Major League Baseball? Mike Trout How many people do you follow on Twitter? Zero
MISCELLANEOUS: Athletically gifted member of the Black Knights’ senior class ... powerful right-handed hitter who stepped into the starting position at first base last spring ... expected to return to that spot once again this spring ... boasts soft hands and developing range ... provides a potent bat with plenty of “juice” ... twoyear letterman ... will serve as team co-captain. MILESTONES: Named to Patriot League Academic Honor Roll following freshman, sophomore and junior seasons ... selected to the Academic All-Patriot League squad last year ... earned Patriot League Player of the Week honors for the first time in his career on May 6, 2013 after posting solid numbers during the final week of the regular season ... batted .455 (5-for11) with six RBI and three runs scored as Army recorded non-conference victories against NYIT, Hartford, Nyack and Chestnut Hill. 2013: One of three Army players to start all 52 games ... started at first base in every game, while batting near the middle of the Black Knights’ batting order ... enjoying a “breakout” junior season ... led the team and ranked second in the Patriot League in batting average (.341) ... paced Army and the conference with 40 RBI ... also led the team in multiple-RBI games (12), while listing second in slugging percentage (.399), multiple-hit games (15), on-base percent-
age (.422) and home runs (two) ... also ranked tied for third in runs scored (35) and tied for fourth with 10 stolen bases ... batted .333 with five RBI and four runs scored during the Patriot League Tournament ... swung a hot bat during the Patriot League regular season, batting .373 with two home runs, 15 RBI and three doubles during the 20-game conference slate ... enters this weekend’s action riding a seven-game hitting streak ... has reached base safely in eight straight games ... batted .429 (6-for-14) with three RBI and three runs scored against Navy (March 31-April 1) during regular-season series ... batted .357 (5-for-14) with five RBI to help Army sweep a four-game series from Lafayette (April 13-14) during the regular season ... exploded offensively against Holy Cross (April 27-28)in the regular season, batting .583 (7-for-12) with two home runs, three RBI and four runs scored. 2012: Appeared in 21 games … listed with the straight lineup on five occasions, all at first base … hit .192 … five hits and five runs scored … 2-for-2 with two runs scored in deserve role against Lehigh … 2-for-4 with a run in previous outing against Manhattan … 1-for-4 with an RBI opposite St. Peter’s … scored a run against service academy rival Navy … also scored against George Washington ... also saw time against UMBC, Sacred Heart, Nebraska-Omaha, Iowa, Quinnipiac, Harvard, Siena, Farleigh Dickinson, Lafayette, Bucknell and Marist. 2011: Appeared in three contests ... played in the Quinnipiac, Stony Brook and Marist games ... only received one official plate appearance ... drew a walk against Marist ... handled two defensive chances flawlessly at first base. HIGH SCHOOL: Four-year letterwinner at Versailles High ... was named to the all-conference
Getting to Know Patrick... Why did you choose West Point? I saw it as an opportunity to perform at a high level both athletically and academically. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? Army Baseball Family. Where is your favorite place to play? far. Why did you choose Life Science as your major? To best prepare for medical school. What two words best describe Army Baseball? Family and Ruthless. Who are you most looking forward to playing against this season? Everyone. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? Hopefully they will witness another championship team.
first team following his sophomore, junior and senior seasons ... selected as the Miami Valley Baseball Coaches Association (MVBCA) Player of the Year as a senior ... named to the all-Ohio second team and the Mizuno All-Ohio squad in 2010 ... selected to the MVBCA first team in 2008 and to the organization’s second unit in 2009 ... earned team MVP honors twice (2008, 2010) ... three-time recipient of the squad’s Top Offensive Player award (2008, 2009, 2010) ... took home the team’s Top Defensive Player plaudits once (2010) ... authored the best earned run average on the team as a senior ... also starred on the basketball court, earning all-conference first-team accolades as a senior ... two-time team captain of the hoops team ... excelled in the classroom as well, earning valedictorian honors ... four-time scholar-athlete and four-time honor roll recipient ... member of the National Honor Society and the National Society of High School Scholars ... three-time member of the AllMidwest Conference academic team (2008-10). PERSONAL: Given name is Patrick Kenneth Mescher ... born Aug. 31, 1991, in Cincinnati, Ohio ... parents’ names are Kenneth and Sabrina Mescher ... has one brother and two sisters ... mother was a member of the Denmark Olympic Team in the sport of taekwondo during the 1980s ... she competed at the 1988 Summer Games in Seoul, South Korea ... grandfather, Piero Luciani, was a POW during World War II ... cousin, Maggie Franklin, is a member of the women’s soccer team at Otterbein University ... Patrick’s hobbies include traveling and watching movies ... earned an Associate’s Degree of Science while in high school ... majoring in Life Sciences ... will join the Medical Services branch of the U.S. Army following graduation and plans to attend medical school.
Avg. GP-GS AB R .000 3-0 1 0 .192 21-5 26 5 .341 52-52 173 35 .320 76-57 200 40
H 2B 3B 0 0 0 5 0 0 59 4 0 64 4 0
HR 0 0 2 2
RBI 0 1 40 41
TB SLG% 0 .000 5 .192 69 .399 74 .370
BB 1 2 19 22
HP 0 0 11 11
SO 1 7 32 40
GDP 0 0 2 2
OB% .500 .250 .422 .402
SF 0 0 8 8
SH 0 1 3 4
SB-A PO A 0-0 2 0 0-0 79 3 10-12 458 30 10-12 539 33
E FLD% 0 1.000 1 .988 5 .990 6 .990
PLAYER PROFILES #24 COLIN BRIANT RHP • R-R • 6-4 • 195 • SR. • 2VL MANASQUAN, N.J. ACADEMY OF ALLIED HEALTH Getting to Know Colin... Why did you choose West Point? I felt that it would be an honor to play baseball at West Point and it would challenge me at many levels. I understood that this school, more than any other, would prepare me for my future. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? The hard work and experiences that I share with my teammates. Only an Army baseball player has the opportunity to feel it. Where is your favorite place to play? Tampa, Fla. Who is your favorite MLB team? New York Mets. What is your favorite Army uniform? White on White. What two words describe Army Baseball? Brotherhood. Winning. Who are you most looking forward to playing against this season? The first team we play in our first game. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? Doubleday is an amazing baseball field and we are an exciting team that plays to win.
MISCELLANEOUS: Rangy pitching prospect who adds depth to the Black Knights’ pitching staff ... athletic specimen ... fields his position extremely well ... hails from New Jersey ... two-year letterman ... spent parts of his summer at Fort Bragg, N.C. training with an aviation unit for. MILESTONES: Named Patriot League Rookie of the Week once midway through freshman campaign. 2013: Missed entire junior campaign due to injury. 2012: Appeared in nine games … posted a 0-1 mark with a 3.60 earned run average … credited with 10 innings pitched … struck out eight and walked seven while allowing 11 hits … did not allowed a run over his last seven outings … threw 2.2 innings in 6-5 win against St. Peter’s … struck out season-best four while allowing just one hit … started against Marist in the Hudson Valley Baseball Classic … struck out one and walked one in 1.2 innings … credited with an inning pitched against Illinois State, Quinnipiac, Columbia and Siena … saddled with the loss against High Point after giving up a pair of runs … provided bullpen relief against UMBC and Harvard. 2011: Saw mound duty in eight contests during his freshman season ... pitched to 1-2 record and an 11.39 earned run average ... started four midweek games ... picked up first career win versus Quinnipiac, tossing five scoreless innings against the Bobcats ... established career bests with four strikeouts and five innings pitched in that contest, which Army won, 12-0 ... earned Patriot League Rookie of the Week honors following that outing ... matched career high with four strikeouts in his next start versus Siena, tossing 4.1 innings in a no-decision ... also started Army’s games versus Fairfield and Yale ... made four relief appearances during the course of the season ... came out of the bullpen versus Radford, Ohio
State, Dartmouth and Marist ... best relief outing came against the Buckeyes when he threw 1.2 innings of scoreless ball ... did not allow a hit in the contest. HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Dennis Van Pelt at Academy of Allied Health & Science ... selected to the Shore Baseball Coaches senior all-star team following a standout senior campaign ... was an honorable mention honoree on the Rawlings/Perfect Game Northeast all-high school senior preseason team prior to the 2010 season ... presented with the William Grasdorf Memorial Baseball Award, given annually to a player who demonstrates oustanding leadership and citizenship both on and off the field ... named the Monmouth County “Sophomore to Watch” in the spring of 2008.
sister, Hannah, a freshman swimmer at Texas Christian University ... hobbies include fishing and playing poker ... ardent animal lover ... majoring in Management ... will join the Field Artillery branch of the U.S. Army following graduation ... initial duty station will be in Fort Bragg, N.C.
PERSONAL: Given name is Colin Henry Briant ... born Aug. 11, 1991, in Neptune, N.J. ... parents’ names are Robert and Deborah Briant ... has one
BRIANT’S CAREER PITCHING STATISTICS Year ERA 2011 11.39 2012 3.60 2013 Totals 8.90
W 1 0
L 2 1
App 8 9
GS 4 0
CG 0 0
SHO 0 0
CBO 1 1
SV 0 0
IP 21.1 10.0 DNP 31.1
H 32 11
R 28 4
ER 27 4
BB 10 7
SO 15 8
2B 10 3
3B 0 0
HR 1 0
BF 110 47
Avg .352 .314
MISCELLANEOUS: Powerfully built outfield prospect ... tough athlete who is also a member of the Army football team ... boasts great deal of physical strength ... swings a hot bat with good “juice” ... able to spray the ball to all fields ... fierce competitor with a tireless motor ... works extremely hard and has strong desire to improve ... possesses a strong outfield arm ... runs the bases well ... hails from the talent-rich state of North Carolina ... returned to the program after missing the 2012 season due to an injury suffered on the football field ... emerged as Army’s leadoff hitter in 2013 ... plays both corner outfield positions ... two-year letterman ... serves as the Third Regiment Command Sergeant Major, a member of the Corps of Cadets Chain of Command. 2013: Appeared in 50 games with 48 starts ... led Army with 37 walks, 43 runs scored, 16 stolen bases and a .431 on-base percentage ... ranked among the Patriot League leaders in
all four statistical categories ... finished with a .260 batting average with one double and two triples ... collected 11 multiple-hit games, including a trio of three-hit efforts ... went 3-for-4 with a double and two runs scored versus North Dakota State (March 16) ... was 3-for-4 with one run scored against Dartmouth (March 16) ... finished the split-doubleheader with six hits ... combined to go 5-for-8 with three runs scored and one RBI in a doubleheader versus Holy Cross (April 27) ... went 4-for-7 with three runs scored and two stolen bases in Army’s doubleheader sweep of Lafayette (April 14) ... plated three runs versus NYIT (March 23) ... had three walks against Siena (March 26) ... boasts a .989 fielding percentage with three outfield assists. 2012: Missed the entire campaign recovering from surgery. 2011: Appeared in 13 games during his freshman campaign ... drew four starts ... made collegiate debut against Radford ... went 1-for-2 with two runs scored, two walks and one stolen base versus the Highlanders ... also drew starts against Georgetown and Maryland ... smacked his first career home run opposite Siena ... drove in a career-high three runs against the Saints ... finished the year with a .158 batting average and a .316 slugging percentage ... was a perfect 2-for-2 on stolen bases.
Getting to Know Jon... Why did you choose West Point? This is the greatest opportunity for me to play two sports at the Division I level while also receiving an outstanding education. I was inspired to serve in the military by my grandpa, Pat Tillman, and the events of September 11th. What is your favorite place to play? Anywhere in the state of North Carolina. With so many guys on the team from North Carolina and Virginia the coaches do a great job of giving us a chance to play in front of so many friends and family members every season. Who is your favorite MLB team? Atlanta Braves. What is your favorite Army uniform? White on White. What is your favorite moment as an Army Baseball player so far? The walk-off win against Navy my freshman year, because it was the first time that I realized just how special this program is. No matter what situation we are faced with, Army baseball does not stop fighting. What is your walk up music? Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicne Show and From The Inside Out by Hillsong United. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? We are going to play the game the right way and we will win. Also, this is America and we are the Army team who plays on the field where the national pastime was invented … what’s not to like? Two words that define Army Baseball? Disciplined Winners. Who is the best player in Major League Baseball? Chipper Jones is still the best player in Major League Baseball. Active players has to be Mike Trout or Robinson Cano.
HIGH SCHOOL: Member of the Rowan County American Legion baseball team, under the direction of head coach Jim Gantt ... authored a decorated career, splitting time between third base and center field ... named All-Rowan County and All-North Piedmont Conference in the outfield in 2009 ... selected to the North Carolina Legion Area III all-star team in 2009 as well ... helped team capture the North Carolina State Games Region 6 gold medal ... also led the squad to a third-place showing at the 2009 American Legion World Series in Fargo, N.D. ... squad captured area, state and regional titles en route to the World Series appearance ... earned all-county and all-conference plaudits at third base in 2008 ... earned a spot on the North Carolina Legion Area III all-star team as a center fielder that year as well ... picked up all-county accolades as a utility player in 2007 ... three-year letterwinner on the football field as well, twice earning all-state, all-conference and all-county honors ... named the conference’s Special Teams Player of the Year in 2008 and 2009 ... led squad to consecutive North Carolina 3A State Championships (2008-09) ... selected as the Offensive MVP of the 2009 title game ... captained grid squad as a senior ... three-year letterman on the basketball floor ... served as team captain during his junior and senior seasons. PERSONAL: Given name is Jonathan Neil Crucitti ... born Nov. 14, 1991, in Ocean City, Md. ... parents’ names are Rusty and Linda Crucitti ... has one sister, Mardi ... hobbies include hunting and listening to music ... enjoys attending Minor League baseball games ... member of the Army football team ... majoring in United States History ... inspired by his grandfather, Martin Crucitti, who served in the 45 th Infantry Division during World War II and earned a Silver Star, Bronze Star with an Oak Leaf Cluster and three Purple Hearts ... Jon will join the Infantry branch of the U.S. Army following graduation ... first duty station will be Fort Bragg, N.C.
CRUCITTI’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS AB R 2011 .158 13-4 19 4 2012 2013 .260 50-48 173 43 Totals .250 63-52 192 47
H 2B 3B 3 0 0 45 48
1 1
2 2
HR 1
0 1
6 9
TB SLG% 6 .316
BB 4 DNP .289 37 .292 41
HP 0
SO 7
OB% .304
SF 0
SH 0
50 56
15 15
43 50
3 3
.431 .419
0 0
4 4
SB-A 2-2
PO 8
A 0
E FLD% 1 .889
16-20 18-22
91 99
3 3
1 2
.989 .981
MISCELLANEOUS: Interesting pitching prospect ... shows great deal of athleticism for someone with such a tall and lanky frame ... developed into one of Army’s weekend starters as a freshman in 2011 ... emerged as one of the top starting pitchers in the Patriot League as a sophomore last spring ... started the deciding third game of the Patriot League Championship Series at Navy during freshman season ... led state of Connecticut in strikeouts as a senior in high school ... two-year letterman. MILESTONES: Equaled an Army record by piling up five Patriot League victories in 2012 ... went a perfect 5-0 versus conference foes during “breakout” sophomore campaign ... ranks tied for ninth on Army’s single-season wins ledger (seven in 2012) ... lists among the Black Knights’ all-time leaders with a career earned run average of 3.93. 2013: Missed entire junior season due to injury. 2012: Appeared in 13 contests with nine starts ... finished with a 7-2 record and a 3.38 earned run average ... was a perfect 5-0 versus Patriot League foes during the regular season, winning each of his starts against conference opponents ... ranked third on the team with 58 strikeouts in 66.2 innings pitched ... ended the season by pitching six innings in the Patriot League Championship Series finale versus Holy Cross ... allowed four runs on six hits, while striking out seven ... received a no-decision ... began the season in the bullpen as first three appearances were in relief ... earned first win of the campaign against High Point during the opening weekend of the season ... fired three innings of relief against the Panthers to pick up first career victory ... drew first start of the year against Sacred Heart during the Black Knights’ annual spring break trip to Florida ... received a no-decision after working four innings versus the Pioneers ... struck out a career-high eight batters against Illinois State to close out the trip to Florida ... began the confer-
ence slate by beating Navy in the second game of Army’s four-game sweep ... tossed 5.1 scoreless innings, allowing just two hits and striking out four ... pitched Army to a win over Lehigh his next time out, going eight strong innings ... equaled his career high with eight strikeouts in win versus Lafayette ... gave up just two runs on six hits over 6.1 innings versus the Leopards ... pitched first complete of his career in 2-1 win over Bucknell ... struck out seven and yielded just four hits in masterful outing ... finished the Patriot League season by beating Holy Cross ... scattered eight hits over 5.2 innings, giving up one earned run and striking out six ... wrapped up regular season by tossing four innings of relief versus Bloomfield ... credited with the win as Army rallied for an 11-5 victory. 2011: Worked himself into Army’s weekend rotation by the end of the season ... appeared in nine games during a solid plebe campaign ... posted a 4.95 earned run average and a 0-2 record ... struck out 21 batters, while only issuing 13 walks ... his ERA ranked second best among Army freshmen ... started seven contests, including the third and decisive game of the Patriot League Championship Series at Navy ... took the ball in the season opener versus Radford ... struck out four and did not allow a walk in 4.2 innings during his collegiate debut ... pitched well in his next outing at Maryland, allowing just two earned runs in a career-best six innings ... started the Ohio State game ... yielded four runs on eight hits in 5.1 innings against a talented Buckeyes’ lineup ... struck out a career-high five batters in his start versus Massachusetts ... threw 4.2 innings and received a no-decision in the Black Knights’ 10-9 come-from-behind victory over the Minutemen ... made his Patriot League debut against Lehigh ... pitched three innings out of the bullpen in first career relief appearance ... allowed just one run on one hit against the Mountain Hawks, while striking out two ... started conference contests at Lafayette and Bucknell ... recorded four strikeouts in 4.2 innings of work against the Bison ... entered the game as a reliever in Army’s 7-3 victory over Lafayette in the Patriot League Tournament semifinals ... win vaulted Army into the PLCS ... took the ball in the third and decisive game of the Patriot League Championship Series against Navy in Annapolis ... did not allow an earned run in 4.1 innings ... struck out three and yielded just one walk in one of his best performances of the season.
Getting to Know Nick... Why did you choose West Point? I chose West Point because I knew it would challenge me in all aspects of life. I knew I wanted to play baseball but when West Point recruited me, I realized I wanted a little more in life. I can still play baseball, but there are other opportunities as well that I couldn’t get anywhere else. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? My favorite part is the extended Army Baseball Family that supports us in every aspect, from coming to games, doing our laundry, cleaning our facilities, taking care of the field or even just having a conversation with us. These are the people that make Army Baseball operate, and what makes the Army Baseball program special. Where is your favorite place to play? Doubleday Field. What is your walk up song? New Divide by Linkin Park. What is your favorite Army uniform? White on White. Who is the best player in Major League Baseball? Derek Jeter. How many people do you follow on Twitter? 179 Two words that define Army Baseball? Respect and Family. HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Pat Richardson at Housatonic Valley High ... captained the team as a senior ... earned all-league and allstate plaudits following a standout senior season ... won the school’s Sportsmanship Award at graduation ... received the school’s Scholar-Athlete Award as a senior ... played for head coach Mike McGuire during the summer following his graduation while a member of Team Connecticut’s 18 and under unit. PERSONAL: Given name is Nicholas Michael Dignacco ... born April 1, 1992, in Hartford, Conn. ... parents’ names are Mike and Karen Dignacco ... has three brothers, Tom, Mark and Scott ... Mark attends Clemson and plays club baseball ... Tony is a graduate of York College (Pa.) ... uncle, David Selden, is a retired Army Green Beret and currently trains Marines in Jacksonville, N.C. ... enjoys spending time with his friends and brothers ... avid New York Yankees fans ... also roots for the NFL’s Green Bay Packers ... loves country music ... also enjoys listening to Dave Matthews Band and U2 ... majoring in American Legal Studies ... will enter the Ordnance Branch of the U.S. Army following graduation ... first duty station will be Fort Campbell, Ky.
ERA 4.95 3.38
W 0 7
L 2 2
App 9 13
GS 7 9
CG 0 1
SHO 0 0
CBO 0 0
SV 0 0
IP 36.1 66.2 DNP 0 103.0
H 50 62
R 28 30
ER 20 25
BB 13 18
SO 21 58
2B 6 8
3B 2 0
HR 1 3
BF 170 283
Avg .350 .248
MISCELLANEOUS: Talented young catching prospect, who saw an increased role behind the plate last season ... powerful athlete who boasts a strong arm ... large frame makes him physically imposing behind the plate ... fundamentally sound backstop with good hands ... possesses
good gap power ... swing has continued to develop since entering the Academy ... brings tremendous leadership skills to the squad ... has the skill set needed to develop into an impact player down the road ... has steadily improved since joining the program ... three-year letterman ... earned the United States Military Academy Leader-Athlete Award ... Rhodes Scholarship finalist ... spent part of his summer at Harvard Business School working to create and implement systems to improve efficiencies of the organization. MILESTONES: Named to Patriot League Academic Honor Roll following freshman, sophomore and junior seasons. 2013: Made 28 appearances with 24 starts ... batted .241 with three doubles, 11 RBI and eight runs scored ... authored five multiple-hit games, including one three-hit performance ... went 3-for-3 with two runs scored against NYIT (May 1) ... had two hits and two RBI versus Miami (Ohio) (March 14) ... also collected two hits against Columbia (March 23), Lehigh (April 7) and Nyack (May 4) ... posted a career-best three RBI against Yale (March 9) ... had five RBI versus the Bulldogs during the three-game series ... registered first career double against Marist (April 24) in the WRWD Hudson Valley Baseball Classic ... also posted doubles versus NYIT (May 1) and Nyack (May 4). 2012: Appeared in 16 games … made 11 starts, nine as the des-
Getting to Know Connor... Why did you choose West Point? I choose West Point for the opportunity to become the best person I could be physically and academically. Where is your favorite place to play? The New York Yankees spring training complex in Florida. Why did ou choose your major? I want to learn how to run an organization. Who is your favorite MLB team? San Diego Padres. What is your favorite Army uniform? White on White. Who are you most looking forward to playing against this season? Every game. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? Nothing is better than watching a game of baseball in the sun at Doubleday Field. How many people do you follow on Twitter? 200 Two words that define Army Baseball? Hard work.
ignated hitter and two at catcher … also drew time at first base … registered three hits in 32 at-bats … 2-for-4 with two runs batted in and a run scored against Manhattan … 1-for-1 with a run scored against Illinois State … listed with the starting lineup against High Point, George Washington, UMBC, Illinois State, Harvard, Manhattan and Fairleigh Dickinson … drew reserve assignments against High Point, Sacred Heart, Illinois State and Siena. 2011: Appeared in three games during his freshman campaign ... served as one of Army’s reserve catchers behind starter J.T. Watkins ... inserted as a pinch-hitter against Radford and Pittsburgh ... drew a walk against the Panthers ... stayed in the game and gunned down a runner trying to steal late in the contest ... also played in the Quinnipiac game ... one of 10 Army players named to the Patriot League Academic Honor Roll at year’s end. HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Eric Gunderson at Jesuit High ... earned all-state honors as a senior ... named all-league as a senior ... selected as the team’s MVP ... four-year honor roll student ... served as president of the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society during the 2009-10 academic year. PERSONAL: Given name is Connor Daniel Love ... born April 11, 1992, in San Diego, Calif. ... parents’ names are Dan and Karen Love ... brother, Cameron, is a member of the baseball team at the University of San Francisco ... high school coach, Eric Gunderson, pitched in the major leagues for 10 years ... hobbies include golfing, hiking and swimming ... majoring in Management ... will enter the Armor Branch of the U.S. Army following graduation ... first duty station will be Schofield Barracks in Hawai’i.
Avg. GP-GS AB R .000 3-0 4 0 .094 16-11 32 2 .241 28-24 83 8 .193 47-35 119 10
H 2B 3B 0 0 0 3 0 0 20 3 0 23 3 0
HR 0 0 0 0
RBI 0 3 11 14
TB SLG% 0 .000 3 .094 23 .277 26 .218
BB 1 3 5 9
HP 0 2 3 5
SO 2 9 15 26
GDP 0 1 3 4
OB% .200 .216 .308 .278
SF 0 0 0 0
SH 0 4 3 7
SB-A 0-0 0-0 1-1 1-1
PO A 0 1 9 5 123 32 132 38
E 0 0 2 2
FLD% 1.000 1.000 .987 .988
PLAYER PROFILES #4 ERIK WASHBURN RHP • R-R • 5-9 • 185 • SR. • 3VL EAST HARTLAND, CONN. GRANBY MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Chris Saunders at Granby Memorial High ... four-year letterwinner ... three-time all-conference selection ... named an Under Armour preseason AllAmerican prior to his senior season ... earned the conference’s Scholar-Athlete Award all four years ... member of the high school’s academic honor roll throughout four-year career.
MISCELLANEOUS: Interesting pitching prospect within Army’s senior class ... made career debut as a sophomore after missing his freshman campaign due to an injury suffered in high school ... took another step forward last spring as a junior, and will challenge an even larger role this season ... tough, competitive pitcher ... letterman.
PERSONAL: Given name is Erik Lee Washburn ... born Oct. 10, 1992, in Roswell, Ga. ... parents’ names are Duaine Claywell and Joan Jones ... raised by his grandparents ... helps run baseball camps and clinics for children ... enjoys reading and listening to music ... majoring in Economics ... will join the Adjutant General branch of the U.S. Army following graduation ... first military post will be at Fort Bragg, N.C.
2013: Made 13 appearances with a trio of starts ... pitched well against nationally ranked Indiana (March 12), allowing just one run on four hits in three innings ... posted 2.2 innings of scoreless relief versus North Dakota State (March 16) ... pitched a season-high four innings at Fairleigh Dickinson (April 3), allowing just one unearned run on three hits ... made Patriot League debut at Lehigh (April 7) ... earned first career win against Fordham (April 10), working three scoreless and hitless innings of relief ... started the fourth game at Lafayette (April 14), striking out two batters over 2.1 innings ... also appeared against Patriot League foes Bucknell (April 20) and Holy Cross (April 27) ... pitched one scoreless inning versus Nyack (May 4). 2012: Appeared in three games … earned two starts … threw career-best 4.0 innings against Farleigh Dickinson … struck out one and allowed four earned runs … also drew starting nod against Manhattan … allowed five earned runs in an inning of work … came out of the bullpen against Sacred Heart. 2011: Sat out entire freshman season recovering from an injury he suffered in high school.
WASHBURN’S CAREER PITCHING STATISTICS Year ERA W 2011 0.00 0 2012 19.80 0 2013 3.38 1 Totals 5.97 1
L 0 0 0 0
App 0 3 13 16
GS 0 2 3 5
CG 0 0 0 0
SHO 0 0 0 0
CBO 0 0 1 1
SV 0 0 0 0
IP 0.0 5.0 26.2 3.2
H 0 13 36 49
R 0 11 14 25
ER 0 11 10 21
BB 0 5 13 18
SO 0 1 13 14
2B 0 0 8 8
3B 0 1 1 2
HR 0 2 2 4
BF 0 33 128 161
Avg .000 .520 .333 .368
MISCELLANEOUS: Talented outfield prospect within Army’s junior class ... hard-nosed competitor ... plays with a great will to win ... runs the bases well ... possesses good baseball instincts ... continues to develop defensively ... tough out at the plate ... hard worker who wants to get better ... two-year letterman ... spent parts of his summer as a Platoon Sergeant during Summer Guard Regiment at West Point ... also worked with the Acquisition Corps on aviation simulators in Orlando, Fla. ... spent a week at Fort Riley, Ks., flying simulators. MILESTONES: Named Patriot League Rookie of the Week following huge weekend series versus Sacred Heart early in the season ... went 5-for-11 with six runs scored and one RBI opposite the Pioneers ... established an Army record with 40 walks as a freshman ... obliterated the Academy freshman record with those 40 walks. 2013: Alternated between left field and designated hitter before an injury derailed his sophomore campaign ... appeared in 21 games with 20 starts ... totaled 10 hits in 69 at-bats (.145 batting average) ... drove in nine runs and scored 10 times ... lone multiple-hit game was against NYIT (March 23) when he finished 2-for-6 with two runs scored and one RBI ... had a pair of runs batted in versus North Dakota State (March 16). 2012: Started 54 games, all in left field, during solid freshman season ... hit .274 with 23 runs batted in ... led the team with an Army-record 40 walks ... ranked second on the club with 45 runs scored ... listed third with 15 stolen bases (15-for-18) ... was fifth on the team with a .410 on-base percentage ... recorded 12 multiple-hit showings, including four three-hit games ... batted .333 (9-for-27) in the postseason ... hit safely in six of Army’s seven postseason games ... went 4-for-8 with two runs scored and one RBI in the Black Knights’ two-game sweep of Lafayette in the Patriot League Semifinal Series ... turned in
3-for-4 effort in first game of the doubleheader sweep ... was 3-for-11 with three runs scored versus Holy Cross in the Patriot League Championship Series ... recorded base hits against both Virginia and Oklahoma during the NCAA Charlottesville Regional ... went 1-for-4 in both games ... laced a double opposite the Cavaliers in Army’s NCAA opener ... went 2-for-3 with a career-high four runs scored, a career-best three walks and a career-high two stolen bases in early-season victory over George Washington ... hit safely in six of Army’s seven games during the Black Knights’ annual spring break trip to Florida ... hit .455 (5-for-11) with six runs scored as Army began the trip by sweeping a three-game series from Sacred Heart ... exploded offensively in series finale versus Lehigh, going 3-for-5 with a pair of doubles, two runs scored and two RBI ... came back two days later with a huge day versus Siena, going 2-for-4 with a double, a careerbest three RBI and three runs scored as Army crushed the Saints, 14-1 ... batted .333 (5-for-15) during the Black Knights’ four-game series versus Lafayette during the regular season ... collected two hits and was on base three times opposite Marist at the Hudson Valley Baseball Classic ... went 2-for-5 with three runs scored in the first game of Army’s doubleheader sweep of Bloomfield.
Getting to Know Daniel... Why did you choose West Point? In high school I set a goal for myself to go to the best and most challenging college I could get into. I also wanted to give back to this great country that has generously given so much opportunity to me and my family. I have been privileged enough to be a part of this great institution What is your walk up song? La Rebelion by Joe Arroyo. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? The intensity. I like that we get at it every day because it pushes me even on days when academics get the best of me. Where is your favorite place to play? Anywhere but an artificial turf baseball field. Baseball was made to play on real grass, with a real infield, and real chalk down the lines. There is no better feeling than beating out a throw at home and instantly standing up to a cloud of white powder filling the air. Who is your favorite MLB team? Boston Red Sox. Why did you chose Economics as your major? I have always been told to do what I love in life and economics sparks an interest in me on a daily basis. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? It’s free, we compete, and it’s free. We will find a way to win ball games, our field is located in the most convenient spot on post, and it’s free.
HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Allen Tuttle at Lake Mary High ... earned all-conference honors as a senior ... also named to the conference’s all-academic team following senior campaign ... captained squad as a senior ... finished high school with a 4.3 grade point average. PERSONAL: Given name is Daniel Cortes ... born July 30, 1993, in Hialeah, Fla. ... parents’ names are Angela and Jesus Cortes ... has two brothers, Jesse and Alex ... has one sister, Gaby ... both of his parents are immigrants ... father, Jesus, is from Cuba ... mother Angela, is from Colombia ... enjoys spending time with his family ... majoring in Engineering Management.
CORTES’ CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. 2012 .273 2013 .145 Totals.238
GP-GS AB R 54-54 183 45 21-20 69 10 75-74 252 55
H 2B 3B 50 5 0 10 0 0 60 5 0
HR 0 0 0
RBI 23 9 32
TB SLG% 55 .301 10 .145 65 .258
BB 40 18 58
HP 6 1 7
SO 34 13 47
GDP 3 3 6
OB% .410 .326 .387
SF 5 1 6
SH 11 5 16
SB-A 15-18 4-4 19-22
PO 58 11 69
A 1 0 1
E FLD% 0 1.000 1 .917 1 .986
PLAYER PROFILES #2 HAROLD EARLS INF • L-R • 5-9 • 175 • JR. • 2VL CUMMING, GA. WEST FORSYTH scored against NYIT (March 23) ... registered a season-best three runs batted in versus Navy (April 1) ... matched that output against Fordham (April 10) ... had three hits opposite NYIT (May 1) ... exploded versus Nyack (May 4), going 2-for-5 with a season-best three runs scored and two RBI ... collected two hits against Liberty (March 3), Columbia (March 23), NYIT (March 24), Bucknell (April 20, April 21) and Holy Cross (April 27).
MISCELLANEOUS: Talented middle infielder who has the ability to play second base, shortstop and third base ... started at third base each of the past two seasons ... boasts a strong arm ... runs well ... tremendous competitor ... “baseball rat” ... two-year letterman ... spent parts of his summer backpacking across Europe and into Africa ... plans to intern with a congressman this summer ... will author an on-line blog this season dubbed “Fielders’ Choice,” at www. MILESTONES: Named Patriot League Rookie of the Year following stellar freshman campaign ... named a Louisville Slugger Freshman All-American as determined by Collegiate Baseball Magazine ... named Patriot League Rookie of the Week twice during freshman season ... broke Army’s freshman record with 23 stolen bases in 2012 ... statistic ranks tied for seventh on the Academy’s single-season list ... selected to the All-Tournament Team at the 2013 Patriot League Tournament.
2012: Appeared in 54 games during rookie season ... started 53 contests ... led the team with 23 stolen bases and ranked second on the squad with a .341 batting average and 61 base hits ... was among the team leaders with 25 walks, a .397 slugging percentage and a .428 on-base percentage ... finished with eight doubles and one triple ... scored 27 runs and knocked in 22 ... batted .700 (7-for-10) with four runs scored and four RBI in three-game series versus UMBC ... performance earned him Patriot League Rookie of the Week plaudits ... hit .467 (7-for-15) with three RBI and three runs scored as Army swept a four-game series from Navy ... effort helped him collect Patriot League Rookie of the Week honors ... put together a 10-game hitting streak near the middle of the season ... recorded 14 multiple-hit games ... posted a trio of three-hit games and one four-hit game ... hit safely in four of five Patriot League Tournament contests,
Getting to Know Harold... Why did you choose West Point? I chose West Point because I wanted to become a better person and wanted to do something with my life. I didn’t want the typical college life; I wanted to become someone. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? The guys; hands down. We are a close family. Where is your favorite place to play? Any NCAA Regional site. Why did you choose Law as your major? I want to get involved in politics and helping people. Who is your favorite MLB team? Atlanta Braves. What two words describe Army Baseball? Family, champions. including a pair of two-hit games ... was 4-for-11 versus Holy Cross in the PLCS. HIGH SCHOOL: Earned four varsity letters at West Forsyth High ... earned all-region and allcounty honors as a junior ... selected for allregion accolades following a standout senior season ... won the Georgia Dugout Club award ... earned two varsity letters in basketball. PERSONAL: Given name is Harold Lloyd Earls IV ... born June 17, 1992, in Atlanta, Ga. ... parents’ names are Harold and Sonia Earls ... has one sister, Elizabeth ... hobbies include hunting ... also enjoys riding motorcycles ... considers himself an “adrenaline junkie” ... majoring in Law and Legal Studies.
2013: Started all 52 games as a sophomore ... led Army with nine doubles ... ranked second on the team in triples (three) and stolen bases (14) ... also listed among Army’s leaders in runs scored (35), RBI (20), walks (26) and on-base percentage (.364) ... forged a .254 batting average to go along with a .337 slugging percentage ... boasted 10 multiple-hit games, including a pair of threehit efforts and one four-hit performance ... batted .375 with six runs scored and four stolen bases during the Patriot League Tournament to earn a spot on the All-Tournament Team ... went 4-for-5 with four runs scored and three stolen bases in Game 2 of the PLCS against Holy Cross (May 19) ... reached on a bunt single leading off the ninth inning, stole a pair of bases and scored on Mark McCants’ walk-off single to deliver Army the conference title ... has reached base safely in nine straight games heading into this weekend ... began the season with a four-game hitting streak ... went 3-for-5 with two RBI and two runs
EARLS’ CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS AB R H 2B 3B 2012 .341 54-53 179 27 61 8 1 2013 .254 52-52 180 35 46 9 3 Totals.297 106-105 360 62 107 17 4
HR 0 0 0
RBI 22 20 42
TB SLG% 71 .397 61 .337 132 .367
BB 25 26 51
HP 3 8 11
SO 26 26 52
GDP 3 0 3
OB% .428 .364 .395
SF 1 5 6
SH 9 7 16
SB-A 23-33 15-16 38-49
PO A E FLD% 21 147 14 .923 50 142 13 .937 71289 27 .930
MISCELLANEOUS: Talented pitching prospect within Army junior class ... competes hard ... has strong will to win ... has the make-up to develop into a starter ... has a bright future in an Army uniform ... still developing as a fielder ... letterman ... served as a squad leader during Cadet Basic Training over the summer. 2013: Pitched to a microscopic 1.69 earned run average to go along with a 2-1 record, one save and seven strikeouts over 21.1 innings in 11 appearances ... eight of his 11 appearances were scoreless outings ... made career debut in the season opener at UNCG (Feb. 15), tossing one perfect inning of relief ... made first career start at Farleigh Dickinson (April 3), allowing just two hits in 2.0 scoreless frames ... made second career start versus Fordham (April 10) ... earned first career win against Marist (April 24) in the WRWD Hudson Valley Baseball Classic ... fired 1.2 scoreless innings of relief against the Red Foxes ... collected first career save after pitching a career-high five innings versus NYIT (May 1) ... struck out a career-best two batters in the contest ... made crucial postseason appearance against Holy Cross (May 19) in Game 2 of the Patriot League Championship Series ... earned the victory on the mound after pitching 3.1 scoreless innings of relief ... equaled career best with two strikeouts, and permitted just two hits to the Crusaders ... pitched in both of Army’s NCAA Regional games ... tossed one scoreless inning against Virginia (May 31), before pitching 0.2 scoreless frames versus UNC Wilmington (June 1). 2012: Missed the entire season due to injury.
PERSONAL: Given name is Brian Christopher Hapeman ... born Feb. 11, 1993, in Morristown, N.J. ... parents’ names are Christopher and Lisa Hapeman ... has one sister, Amanda ... paternal grandfather, Raymond Hapeman, graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1960 ... mother, Lisa, played field hockey at Villanova ... hobbies include golfing and playing stickball ... hopes to work for IBM or Apple in the future ... majoring in Environmental Science.
HIGH SCHOOL: Played at Rumson Fair Haven High ... named to the Rawlings All-Northeast Region second team prior to his senior season ... tabbed an honorable mention All-American before the start of his junior campaign ... honor roll student throughout high school ... AP Scholar.
Getting to Know Brian... Why did you choose West Point? I wanted to attend an institution where you worked towards something that didn’t just include yourself. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? The family atmosphere. Who is your favorite MLB team? New York Mets. What is youf favorite Army uniform? Pinstripes. Who are you most looking forward to playing against this season? Navy. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? We will be an exciting team to watch.
1.69 1.69
1 1
11 11
2 2
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 1
2 2
IP DNP 21.1 21.1
19 19
4 4
4 4
7 7
7 7
2 2
0 0
1 1
93 93
.235 .235
PLAYER PROFILES #7 ALEX JENSEN INF • R-R • 6-1 • 195 • JR. • 2VL CHARLOTTE, N.C. CHARLOTTE CATHOLIC Marist (April 24) ... recorded three RBI versus Siena (March 26), Lehigh (April 7) and Holy Cross (April 27) ... blasted first career home run against the Mountain Hawks (April 7) ... homered in both ends of the doubleheader opposite the Crusaders (April 27) ... had two doubles versus Miami (Ohio) (March 14) ... stole two bases against Hartford (May 2).
MISCELLANEOUS: Skilled infield prospect ... stepped in as Army’s starter at shortstop as a freshman last season ... returned to that role again last spring ... fierce competitor who loves playing the game ... tireless worker ... continues to develop his range at shortstop ... has the ability to play third base as well ... possesses good hands and a strong throwing arm ... hits with gap power at the plate ... drives the ball to all fields ... brings a positive attitude to the ballpark every day ... great teammate ... competitiveness sets him apart ... two-year letterman ... served as cadet sideline reporters for CBS Sports Network for an Army football game ... assisted CBS and CBS Sports Network coverage of the Army-Navy Game presented by USAA providing a cadet perspective via Social Media. MILESTONES: Selected to the All-Patriot League Team for the first time in his career last season ... earned first-team honors at shortstop ... twice named Patriot League Rookie of the Week during standout freshman season ... set Army freshman record with 56 starts last spring ... shattered the Army single-season record by being hit by a pitch 20 times in 2013 ... his 36 career HBP rank second on the Academy’s all-time list behind Kevin McKague (39). 2013: One of three Black Knights to start all 52 games during a “breakout” sophomore season ... led Army with nine doubles and three home runs, while listing second in RBI (38) and runs scored (42) ... also listed among the team leaders in stolen bases (10), batting average (.292) and slugging percentage (.396) ... ranked third on the club with 13 multiple-hit games and 10 multipleRBI performances ... authored a 12-game hitting streak during March ... posted seven multiplehit games during the streak ... exploded offensively in the first game of the Yale series (May 9), going 3-for-3 with a career-high four RBI and three runs scored ... also recorded only triple of the season versus the Bulldogs ... posted three hits against Siena (March 2), Navy (April 1) and
2012: One of just two Army players to start all 56 games ... batted .264 with seven doubles and one triple ... finished with 23 RBI and 22 runs scored ... was 6-for-9 on stolen base attempts ... recorded 12 multiple-hit games ... registered a trio of three-hit games and one four-hit effort ... named Patriot League Rookie of the Week following season-opening weekend at High Point ... capped three-game series by going 4-for-5 with two RBI ... batted .400 (6-for-15) with six RBI and two runs scored during Army’s four-game sweep of Lehigh ... performance helped him earn a second Patriot League Rookie of the Week certificate ... collected a career-high four RBI in the third game of the series ... crushed a two-run double in Army’s 4-0 victory over Holy Cross in the first game of the Patriot League Championship Series ... helped propel the Black Knights to the conference title and NCAA Regional berth ... went 2-for-3 with a double in Army’s NCAA opener versus Virginia at the Charlottesville Regional. HIGH SCHOOL: Played baseball at Charlotte Catholic High ... earned conference player of the year honors following stellar senior season ... collected all-state accolades as a senior as well ... named MVP of the annual “Battle of the Border” North Carolina vs. South Carolina game as a senior ... picked up all-conference plaudits following junior campaign ... member of the National Honor Society ... member of the Spanish National Honor Society. PERSONAL: Given name is Alex Joseph Jensen ... born Aug. 1, 1992, in Charlotte, N.C. ... parents’ names are Mark and Cheryl Jensen ... father played golf at the University of Alabama ... has one brother, Tyler ... uncle, Greg Jensen, retired from the United States Marines as a lieutenant colonel ... hobbies include fishing, golfing and playing ping pong ... speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese ... also enjoys attending broadway plays, going to the beach and playing video games ... majoring in Management.
Getting to Know Alex... Why did you choose West Point? I chose West Point because I wanted to be a part of an organization bigger than myself, and to become a better person all while getting to play Division I baseball for a great program. It is an opportunity of a lifetime, and I am very humbled to be a part of it. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? Army Baseball is such a unique part of West Point that a select few are fortunate enough to experience at the Academy. I enjoy every aspect of the team and the program. It truly is one big family with those currently here and former players. Who is your favorite MLB team? Cleveland Indians. What is your walk up song? Buzzin by Mann. What two words describe Army Baseball? Competitive and classy. What is your favorite Army uniform? Whites Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? No matter the outcome, I can assure that each player will give 110 percent day in and day out. We compete hard for each other while representing this great school and the United States Army in the best way possible. How many people do you follow on Twitter? 1,015
JENSEN’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS AB R H 2B 3B 2012 .264 56-56 174 22 46 7 1 2013 .292 52-52 192 42 56 9 1 Totals .279 108-108 366 64 102 16 2
HR 0 3 3
RBI 23 38 61
TB SLG% 55 .316 76 .396 131 .358
BB 20 8 28
HP 16 20 36
SO 28 16 44
GDP 1 5 6
OB% .385 .375 .380
SF 3 4 7
SH 6 7 13
SB-A 6-9 10-11 16-20
PO A E FLD% 76 190 21 .927 96 164 18 .935 172354 39 .931
MISCELLANEOUS: Talented right-handed pitching prospect within Black Knight program ... figures to work out of the bullpen as a middle reliever this season after excelling in that role last year ... could see time as a starter as well ... has the tools necessary to become a middlerelief force for the Black Knights ... has a bright future in an Army uniform ... letterman.
2013: Appeared in 11 games this season ... made 10 relief appearances and one start ... forged a 3.91 earned run average to go along with a 2-2 record and one save ... allowed 23 hits in 23.0 innings of work with 10 strikeouts and only three walks ... opponents batted .261 against him ... made career debut against Columbia (March 23), tossing one scoreless inning of relief ... pitched 1.2 scoreless frames versus Navy (March 31) ... recorded consecutive scoreless outings against Fordham (April 10) and Lafayette (April 14), pitching one inning in each contest ... picked up first career win in the second game of the Lafayette doubleheader (April 14) after allowing two runs on five hits in 3.2 innings of work ... best performance of the season came at Bucknell (April 21) when he pitched a career-best 5.1 innings of scoreless relief versus the Bison ... allowed just one hit and matched his career high with
two strikeouts ... drew first career start against Holy Cross (April 28) ... earned first career save against Hartford (May 2), pitching a scoreless ninth inning in Army’s 4-3 victory ... made one appearance in the Patriot League Tournament, pitching 1.1 scoreless innings to earn the win against Navy (May 11) in helping the Black Knights close out the Midshipmen in Game 2 of the semifinal series. 2012: Missed the entire season due to injury. HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Phillip Giammanco at Palma High ... selected as the Tri-County Athletic League Pitcher of the Year as a senior ... twice named to the all-league first team, earning the honors as a junior and senior ... picked up Most Valuable Pitcher plaudits following standout senior campaign ... member of the National Honor Society ... tabbed to the school’s academic honor roll all four years. PERSONAL: Given name is Julian Stewart Littleton Larimer ... born July 14, 1993, in Carmel, Calif. ... parents’ names are Leon and Julie Larimer ... has two sisters, Maggie and Racheal ... has one brother, Derek ... hobbies include playing the guitar and rock climbing ... also enjoys hiking ... majoring in Geospatial Information Science.
Getting to Know Julian... Why did you choose West Point? To play Division I baseball and commission as an officer. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? Winning. Who is your favorite MLB team? San Francisco Giants. What is your favorite Army uniform? Whites. What two words describe Army Baseball? Ruthless. Family. What is your walk up song? I Was A Teenage Arachist by Against Me. What is your favorite moment as an Army Baseball player so far? The first time I threw a baseball following elbow surgery. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? We play the game at a fast pace and get the job done.
3.91 3.91
2 2
11 11
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 1
2 2
IP DNP 23.0 23.0
23 23
12 12
10 10
3 3
10 10
1 1
0 0
0 0
102 102
.261 .261
PLAYER PROFILES #5 MARK MCCANTS OF • L-R • 5-10 • 190 • JR. • 2VL FLOWER MOUND, TEXAS FLOWER MOUND and two runs scored against Nyack (May 4) ... also recorded two hits opposite UNCG (Feb. 15), Liberty (March 1), Lafayette (April 14), Bucknell (April 20) ... ripped first career triple against Lehigh (April 6) ... added second triple versus Holy Cross (May 19).
MISCELLANEOUS: Developing outfield prospect within the Army program ... has gap power and competes at the plate ... still evolving defensively ... has excelled as the Black Knights’ primary designated hitter each of the past two seasons ... has a knack for producing clutch hits ... drove in the game-winning RBI in the Patriot League Championship Series each of the past two seasons ... will see more time in the outfield as he continues to develop ... two-year letterman. MILESTONES: Named to the All-Patriot League first team as a designated hitter following productive freshman season ... selected to the AllPatriot League second team at designated hitter this year ... named to the inaugural Preseason All-Patriot League Team as designated hitter prior to the 2013 campaign ... earned a spot on the All-Tournament Team at the Patriot League Tournament this spring after batting .467 during the event. 2013: Started all 39 games in which he appeared ... ranked second on the team with a .314 batting average ... listed among Army’s leaders with six doubles, 10 stolen bases, two triples, 24 RBI and 245 runs scored ... also boasted a .387 slugging percentage and a .412 on-base percentage ... recorded at least one hit in each of Army’s Patriot League Tournament games ... batted .467 with five runs scored and four RBI to lead the Black Knights to their second consecutive conference title ... posted a .600 slugging percentage and .556 on-base percentage during the four-game stretch ... went 3-for-5 with three RBI in the final game of the PLCS against Holy Cross (May 19) ... delivered the “walk-off” single with two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning to send Army to the championship victory ... recorded 10 multiple-hit games, including a pair of threehit performances ... went 3-for-5 with two runs scored and one RBI against Siena (March 26) ... had two hits and career-best three runs scored versus Yale (March 9) ... was 2-for-3 with two RBI
2012: Appeared in 46 games with 34 starts ... batted .246 with 28 RBI and 23 runs scored ... blasted two home runs and one double ... had three multiple-hit games ... registered five multiple-RBI showings ... collected a career-high three hits in game at Navy, going 3-for-3 with two runs scored in third game of four-game series ... season-high four RBI versus Harvard ... matched that total against Lafayette in the Patriot League Tournament ... provided the gamewinning RBI against Holy Cross in the final game of the Patriot League Championship Series, hitting a sacrifice fly to break a 4-4 tie in the bottom of the seventh inning. HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Marte Amrine at Flower Mound High ... named the District 8-5A Hitter of the Year as a senior ... played in the North Texas High School All-Star Game that season as well ... captained squad as a senior ... established single-season school records for batting average (.472) and triples (five) as a junior ... ranks second on the school’s single-season ledger for stolen bases (21) ... tabbed District 6-5A Newcomer of the Year in 2010 ... earned honorable mention all-state plaudits as a junior ... was an honorable mention selection to the Rawlings All-Texas Region preseason team prior to his senior campaign ... named Freshman MVP of the team in 2008.
Getting to Know Mark... Why did you choose West Point? I saw it as a limitless opportunity to develop myself and set myself up for success in the future, and something I would regret if I turned down. I don’t want any regrets. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? Winning. Where is your favorite place to play? Doubleday Field. What is your walk up song? It’s Tricky by Run-DMC. What two words describe Army Baseball? Mentally Strong. Who is your favorite MLB team? Texas Rangers. What is youf favorite Army uniform? Pinstripes. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? We are looking to win the Patriot League again. ated from the United States Air Force Academy in 2011 ... paternal grandfather, Lt. Col (ret.) Arthur W. McCants graduated from The Citadel and flew helicopters in the United States Air Force ... cousin, Sean McMullen, plays baseball at LSU ... learned to walk while vacationing at Disney World ... plays golf right-handed ... enjoys spending time with friends ... majoring in Engineering Management.
PERSONAL: Given name is Mark Joseph McCants ... born Oct. 19, 1992, in Austin, Texas ... parents’ names are Jim and Cathleen McCants ... has one brother, Matt ... mother, Cathleen, attended Duke University on a gymnastics scholarship ... cousin, Lt. Greg Guiney, gradu-
Avg. GP-GS AB R .246 46-34 122 23 .314 39-39 137 25 .282 85-73 259 48
H 2B 3B 30 1 0 43 6 2 73 7 2
HR 2 0 2
RBI 28 24 52
TB SLG% 37 .303 53 .387 90 .347
BB 14 17 31
HP 9 8 17
SO 26 15 41
GDP 2 3 5
OB% .353 .412 .384
SF 5 3 8
SH 4 1 5
SB-A 4-5 10-11 14-16
PO 0 11 11
A 0 0 0
E FLD% 0 .000 0 1.000 0 1.000
Quinnipiac, Columbia and Lafayette ... pitched one inning of relief versus Holy Cross in the Patriot League Championship Series ... allowed two runs (one earned) on one hit in lone postseason appearance.
MISCELLANEOUS: High-end pitching prospect within Army’s junior class ... expected to return to the Black Knights’ weekend rotation this spring after pitching there each of the past two seasons ... hard-nosed competitor with strong feel for the game ... plays with great passion ... harbors strong desire to win ... two-year letterman. MILESTONES: Named to the All-Patriot League Team for the first time in his career this season, earning a spot on the second unit ... seven victories in 2013 rank tied for 11th on the Black Knights’ single-season ledger ... 86.2 innings pitched in 2013 rank tied for seventh on Army’s single-season list ... career winning percentage of .667 (10-5) lists just outside the Black Knights’ all-time top 10. 2013: Led Army with 15 starts and ranked second on the club with seven wins, 62 strikeouts, three complete games and 86.2 innings pitched
Getting to Know Alex... Why did you choose West Point? I don’t want to be the person who, later in life, looks back and thinks to themselves that college was their “glory” days. I didn’t want to go to college and focus solely on baseball and neglect my education, and then end up not drafted after four years and have no education or job to fall back on. At West Point, you can’t neglect your education and you are guaranteed a good and secure job after graduation. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? My teammates. They are all brothers to me, and I would do anything for each and every one of them. What is your walk up song? Bad To The Bone by George Thorogood. Who is your favorite MLB team? Los Angeles Angels. What is your favorite Army uniform? White on White.
... allowed 83 hits and opponents batted .250 against him ... his earned run average (3.43) ranked fourth on the team and second among Army’s starters ... was especially good during the Patriot League regular season, forging a 3-2 record to go along with a team-best 2.32 earned run average and 24 strikeouts in 31.0 innings of work ... conference foes batted a mere .230 against him during the regular season ... earned first win of the year against Yale (March 9), striking out six batters over six solid innings ... won his next start as well, scattering seven hits and not issuing an earned run against Miami (Ohio) (March 14) ... made it three wins in a row with a victory against NYIT (March 24) in his home debut ... matched his career high with 11 strikeouts versus the Bears ... tossed his first career complete game at Lehigh (April 7), striking out five Mountain Hawks and allowing just one unearned run on five hits in seven innings ... also picked up road wins against Patriot League opponents Lafayette (April 14) and Bucknell (April 21) ... struck out seven batters in each game ... wrapped up the regular season with a dominating performance against Chestnut Hill (May 5) to collect his seventh win of the year ... struck out four batters over seven solid innings ... pitched twice in the Patriot League Tournament ... allowed nine hits and three runs in 6.2 frames in Army’s win over Navy (May 11) in Game 2 of the semifinal series ... fanned seven batters at Holy Cross (May 19) to help the Black Knights complete a two-game sweep of the Crusaders in the PLCS ... did not factor into the decision in either tournament contest.
HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Dave McKae at Mountain View High ... earned conference pitcher of the year honors as a senior ... named first team all-state as a pitcher and second team all-state as a third baseman following standout senior campaign ... earned first team all-conference laurels as a pitcher and outfielder as a junior ... collected second team allstate plaudits as a pitcher that season as well ... missed his entire sophomore year following Tommy John surgery ... broke onto the scene as a freshman, earning the conference’s pitcher of the year award ... named second-team all-state as a pitcher that season as well. PERSONAL: Given name is Alexander Michael Robinett ... born Nov. 25, 1992, in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia ... parents’ names are Michael and Lynne Robinett ... has one sister, Hayley ... lived in Saudi Arabia until he was 14 years old ... holds dual citizenship (American and English) ... played in the Little League World Series in 2004 and 2005 as a member of the Trans Atlantic Team ... hobbies include golfing and working out ... enjoys reading in his spare time ... has traveled all over the world ... has visited Thailand, South Africa, Dubai, Hong Kong, the Caribbean and several European countries ... majoring in Management.
2012: Appeared in 12 games with nine starts … finished with a 2.73 earned run average and 3-1 mark … allowed 16 earned runs in 52.2 innings of work … authored four scoreless appearances … listed as the starting pitcher against High Point, George Washington, UMBC, Nebraska-Omaha, Navy, Lehigh, Lafayette, Bucknell and Holy Cross … allowed a run and struck out one in an inning of playoff work against Holy Cross … picked up first victory against Nebraska-Omaha ... struck out career-high 11 and did not allow an earned run versus the Mavericks … registered first Patriot League victory against Lehigh … struck out six in seven innings opposite the Mountain Hawks … collected victory in next start against Lafayette with seven scoreless innings … toughluck losing pitcher against George Washington, despite allowing just a single run in five innings … recorded scoreless outings against High Point,
ROBINETT’S CAREER PITCHING STATISTICS Year ERA 2012 2.73 2013 3.43 Totals 3.17
W 3 7 10
L 1 4 5
App 12 15 27
GS 9 15 24
CG 0 3 3
SHO 0 0 0
CBO 2 0 2
SV IP 0 52.2 0 86.5 0 139.1
H 52 83 135
R 20 48 68
ER 16 33 49
BB 14 25 39
SO 42 62 104
2B 9 17 26
3B 1 0 1
HR 3 1 4
BF 227 380 607
Avg .260 .250 .254
PLAYER PROFILES #21 BLAKE BURRUS LHP • L-L • 6-1 • 185 • SO. WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS SH RIDER (USMAPS) PERSONAL: Given name is James Blake Burrus ... born Nov. 21, 1992, in Wichita Falls, Texas ... parents’ names are Jim and Michelle Burrus, and Ann Marie Whitmire ... has five siblings, Dane, Alex, Kelly, Micah and Carly ... hobbies include drawing and painting ... also enjoys golfing and snowboarding ... majoring in Information Technology.
MISCELLANEOUS: Talented left-handed pitching prospect ... has potential to make impact on the program this season and in the future ... slated for relief duty this year ... could be used to face left-handed batters in certain situations ... hails from the baseball hotbed of Texas.
Getting to Know Blake... Why did you choose West Point? It was the best education I could get, and it challenges me to become a better leader. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? My teammates. I have never been around a group of guys as close as this team. Where is your favorite place to play? Anywhere. Who is your favorite MLB team? Texas Rangers. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? It’s going to be a good season.
2013: Appeared in three games, drawing relief duty against NYIT (March 23), Siena (March 26) and Navy (April 1) ... posted two strikeouts in each appearance ... pitched a career-best 1.1 innings versus Siena ... authored a pair of scoreless outings ... yielded just two hits in 3.1 innings of work. HIGH SCHOOL: Played baseball at SH Rider High ... also played for the Burkburnet BlackSox under head coach Tommy Scholl ... attended the United States Military Academy Prep School in 2011-12.
W 0 0
L 0 0
App 3 3
GS 0 0
CG 0 0
SHO 0 0
CBO 0 0
SV 0 0
IP 3.1 3.1
H 2 2
R 1 1
ER 1 1
BB 4 4
SO 6 6
2B 0 0
3B 0 0
HR 0 0
BF 16 16
Avg .167 .167
MISCELLANEOUS: Two-way prospect who emerged as one of Army’s weekend starting pitchers last season ... figures to return to that role once again this spring ... could also see time at first base, outfield or designated hitter this year ... excels as a left-handed pitcher ... has a good feel for the game ... will continue to improve as he gains arm strength ... strong defensive player ... has a good feel for what he wants to do at the plate ... possesses a powerful stroke ... has a bright future in an Army uniform ... hails from the baseball hotbed of Texas ... letterman. 2013: Appeared in 11 games with nine starts ... forged a 2-3 record to go along with a 4.45
earned run average and 26 strikeouts ... opponents batted .263 against him ... picked up first career win against Yale (March 9), allowing one run on six hits in seven innings ... earned second victory of the year at Lafayette (April 13), yielding one run on four hits in a complete-game effort ... struck out five batters and did not issue a walk opposite the Leopards ... fanned a careerhigh six batters versus Columbia (March 23) ... made lone postseason appearance against UNC Wilmington (June 1) at the NCAA Regionals ... tossed 3.2 scoreless innings, allowing just four hits ... logged 14 at-bats, going 2-for-14 with two RBI and one run scored ... posted hits and RBI versus Fordham (April 10) and Holy Cross (April 28). HIGH SCHOOL: Authored standout career at Memorial High … named to the all-district second team following senior campaign … captained squad during senior season … named a HABCA All-Star in 2012 … tabbed Defensive Player of the Year in 2012 … also played for coach Mike Rutledge on the Houston Kyle Chapman team ... starred on the football field as well, earning sec-
Getting to Know Brock... Why did you choose West Point? The ability to play baseball here, and the prestige of the school and the program. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? The Army Baseball Family. Where is your favorite place to play? Doubleday Field. Who is your favorite MLB team? New York Yankees. What is your favorite Army uniform? White jersey. What is your walk up song? Shoots and Ladders by Korn. Why did you choose Law as your major? Both of my parents are lawyers and it’s something I enjoy. What two words best describe the Army baseball team? Family and ruthless. ond-team all-district honors as a senior … named Academic All-District three times (2010-12). PERSONAL: Given name is Brock Andrew Davidson ... born Feb. 9, 1994, in Houston, Texas ... parents’ names are Charley and Luci Davidson ... has one sister, Jaclyn … paternal grandfather, Charley Morris Davidson, was a lieutenant in the United States Navy … played summer baseball with current Army teammate Jonathan Thiess … hobbies include watching movies, playing football and spending time with friends … majoring in Law & Legal Studies.
DAVIDSON’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS 2013 .143 6-2 Totals .143 6-2
AB 14 14
R 1 1
H 2B 3B 2 0 0 2 0 0
HR 0 0
RBI 2 2
TB SLG% 2 .143 2 .143
BB 2 2
HP 0 0
SO 2 2
GDP 0 0
OB% .250 .250
SF 0 0
SH 0 0
SB-A 0-0 0-0
PO A 7 15 7 15
E FLD% 0 1.000 0 1.000
ERA W 4.45 2 4.45 2
L 3 3
App 11 11
GS 9 9
CG 1 1
SHO 0 0
CBO 0 0
SV 0 0
IP 58.2 58.2
H 62 62
R 33 33
ER 29 29
BB 12 12
SO 26 26
2B 9 9
3B 0 0
HR 3 3
BF 263 263
Avg .274 .274
MISCELLANEOUS: Another talented player within Army’s sophomore class ... will be used out of the bullpen again this season after being used in that role last spring ... could see significant innings ... can play any of three infield positions, but excels on the left side ... boasts good hands and a strong arm ... line drive hitter at the plate ... continues to work to improve strength ... product of North Carolina ... letterman.
PERSONAL: Given name is Garrison Michael Franklin ... born Sept. 20, 1993, in Hickory, N.C. ... parents’ names are Curt and Starr Franklin ... has two sisters, Lauren and Abby … former teammate of San Francisco Giants starting pitcher Madison Bumgarner … hobbies include playing the drums and working out … enjoys participating in church events ... has traveled extensively with passport stamps from London, Germany, France and Switzerland ... majoring in Engineering Management.
Getting to Know Garrison... Why did you choose West Point? To challenge myself both academically and physically. I also wanted to play for the top notch baseball program. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? Being with the guys and having fun on and off the field. Where is your favorite place to play? North Carolina. What is your walk up song? Come On Feel The Noise by Quiet Riot. What two words describe Army Baseball? Family, champions. Who is your favorite MLB team? Texas Rangers. What is your favorite Army uniform? Black jersey. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? We are going to have a solid team this year and will win a lot of ball games.
2013: Made five appearances on the mound ... posted a 7.71 earned run average to go along with four strikeouts in seven innings of work ... made career debut against UNCG (Feb. 15) in the season opener ... tossed one scoreless inning of relief against the Spartans ... threw 2.1 scoreless innings against Navy (March 31) ... posted a career-best two strikeouts at Lehigh (April 7) ... played second base in a pair of games, seeing time against NYIT (March 23 and 24) ... walked once, but did not receive an official at-bat. HIGH SCHOOL: Played at South Caldwell High ... named Northwestern 3A/4A Conference Player of the Year as a senior … also earned all-conference and all-county accolades … selected to the all-tournament team both as a pitcher and shortstop … named a North Carolina Scholar.
FRANKLIN’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS 2013 .000 2-0 Totals .000 2-0
AB 0 0
R 0 0
H 2B 3B 0 0 0 0 0 0
HR 0 0
RBI 0 0
TB SLG% 0 .000 0 .000
BB 1 1
HP 0 0
SO 2 2
GDP OB% 0 1.000 0 1.000
SF 0 0
SH 0 0
SB-A 0-0 0-0
PO 1 1
A 1 1
E FLD% 0 1.000 0 1.000
W 0 0
L 0 0
App 5 5
GS 0 0
CG 0 0
SHO 0 0
CBO 0 0
SV 0 0
IP 7.0 7.0
H 12 12
R 7 7
ER 6 6
BB 3 3
SO 4 4
2B 4 4
3B 0 0
HR 2 2
BF 38 38
Avg .387 .387
PLAYER PROFILES #17 JUSTIN FRENCH RHP • R-R • 6-2 • 190 • SO. CHARLOTTE, N.C. ARDREY KELL PERSONAL: Given name is Justin Lindsey French ... born Sept. 26, 1993, in Charlotte, N.C. ... parents’ names are Jeff and Laura French ... hobbies include playing the guitar and fishing ... major is Management.
MISCELLANEOUS: Interesting pitching prospect within Army’s sophomore class ... has a high talent ceiling and tremendous upside ... figures to enjoy a bright future in a Black Knights uniform ... one of several Army players to hail from North Carolina.
Getting to Know Justin... Why did you choose West Point? To be a part of such a historic institution. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? How close our team is. Where is your favorite place to play? Anywhere close to home. Who is your favorite MLB team? New York Yankees. What is your walk up song? Seperate Ways by Journey. What two words describe Army Baseball? Family, hard working. What is your favorite Army uniform? Pinstripes. Who are you most looking forward to playing against this season? Navy.
2013: Made five relief appearances ... authored a tidy 1.80 earned run average to go along with five strikeouts in five innings pitched ... made career debut against UNCG (Feb. 17) during the first weekend of the season ... allowed one run on three hits against the Spartans ... posted four scoreless outings the rest of the way ... recorded career-high two strikeouts against Yale (March 9) ... pitched a career-best 2.0 innings versus Indiana (March 12) ... matched career high with two strikeouts against the nationally ranked Hoosiers ... also recorded scoreless outings opposite Delaware State (Feb. 24) and Dartmouth (March 16). HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Hal Bagwell at Ardrey Kell High ... owns the school’s alltime saves record … named all-conference as a senior in 2012 … voted the city’s best relief pitcher by The Charlotte Observer … posted the lowest earned run average on the team as a senior … also excelled offensively, pacing the squad in RBI and doubles during standout senior season … represented the state of North Carolina in the annual “Battle of the Border” games between North Carolina and South Carolina … member of the National Honor Society … member of the National Technical Honor Society.
W 0 0
L 0 0
App 5 5
GS 0 0
CG 0 0
SHO 0 0
CBO 0 0
SV 0 0
IP 5.0 5.0
H 7 7
R 3 3
ER 1 1
BB 2 2
SO 5 5
2B 1 1
3B 0 0
HR 0 0
BF 25 25
Avg .350 .350
MISCELLANEOUS: A left-handed pitching prospect within Army’s sophomore class ... penciled in for situational duty out of the bullpen this season ... could draw an occasional spot start after starting two games as a freshman last spring ... will continue to develop within the Army program ... letterman. 2013: Ranked tied for third on the team with 14 appearances ... authored a 2-1 record to go along with a 6.85 earned run average and 11 strikeouts in 22.1 innings pitched ... made career debut at Liberty (March 1) ... earned first career win against Farleigh Dickinson (April 3), after tossing 1.1 innings of scoreless relief ... picked up second victory of the season at Bucknell (April 20) after striking out two batters in 1.2 scoreless frames ... drew first career start against Marist (April 24) in the WRWD Hudson Valley Baseball Classic ... posted career bests with 3.1 innings pitched and three strikeouts against the Red Foxes ... did not allow a hit in the contest ... posted scoreless outings versus Lehigh (April 7), Manhattan (April 17) and Holy Cross (April 17). HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Will Hicks at Deep Run High ... three-year varsity letterwinner … named to the Rawlings All-Atlantic Region team as a senior in 2012 … tabbed co-MVP of the junior varsity squad as a freshman in 2009 … four-year Scholar-Athlete (2009-12). PERSONAL: Given name is George Patrick Gardner Jr. ... born April 8, 1994, in Richmond, Va. ... parents’ names are George and Cathy Gardner ... has one brother, Davis … Little League team made the Little League World Series Regionals when he was 12 years old … hobbies include watching movies, playing video games and traveling … enjoys spending time with his family ... majoring in Engineering Management.
Getting to Know Patrick... Why did you choose West Point? I wanted to give back to my country and at the same time go somewhere I would be successful in life and still play baseball. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? Being part of a winning program. What is your walk up song? The Man by aloe Blace. Where is your favorite place to play? Anywhere that isn’t turf. Who is your favorite MLB team? Washington Nationals. What is your favorite Army uniform? Whites. Who are you most looking forward to playing against this season? Marist.
W 2 2
L 1 1
App 14 14
GS 2 2
CG 0 0
SHO 0 0
CBO 0 0
SV 0 0
IP 22.1 22.1
H 28 28
R 19 19
ER 17 17
BB 7 7
SO 11 11
2B 5 5
3B 1 1
HR 1 1
BF 100 100
Avg .315 .315
PLAYER PROFILES #25 RYAN LEVENHAGEN 1B-OF • L-R • 6-4 • 195 • SO. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. CATHEDRAL hit versus Holy Cross (April 28) ... scored a run in that game as well ... also appeared against Siena (March 2), NYIT (March 23 and 24) and Nyack (May 4).
MISCELLANEOUS: Skilled first baseman prospect who could also see time at designated hitter ... bats from the left side of the plate and has the frame necessary to develop into a power threat ... hard-working young player who continues to work on his offensive approach ... throws and runs well for a big man ... still developing defensively ... could be a special player as he continues to improve ... arrived at West Point from Indiana. 2013: Appeared in six games ... made career debut at UNCG (Feb. 17) during the opening weekend of the season ... scored a run as a pinch-runner against the Spartans ... recorded first career
HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Rich Andriole at Cathedral High ... helped team win sectional championships in 2009, 2010 and 2011 … squad went on to capture regional titles in 2010 and 2011 … team placed runner-up at the state tournament in 2010 and 2011 … collected all-city accolades following standout senior campaign. PERSONAL: Given name is Ryan Dean Levenhagen ... born Aug. 17, 1993, in Indianapolis, Ind. ... parents’ names are Don and Karen Levenhagen ... has two sisters, Lindsay and Lauren ... played in a game against Washington Nationals’ Bryce Harper when both were 13 years old … hobbies include playing golf, spending time at the lake and watching Netflix … also enjoys working out and shooting hoops … majoring in Economics. Getting to Know Ryan... Why did you choose West Point? West Point was the best place I could go in order to reach my full potential in all aspects of life. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? Being together with a good group of guys who are all working hard to reach a common goal. Where is your favorite place to play? Victory Field (Indianapolis, Ind.). Who is the best player in Major League Baseball? Miguel Cabrera. Who is your favorite MLB team? Chicago Cubs. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? Army baseball is going to put on a show. What is your walk up song? We Can’t Stop by Miley Cyrus. Why did you choose Economics as your major? I want to be the next Warren Buffet. What is your favorite Army uniform? All whites. Who is the best player in Major League Baseball? Miguel Cabrera. Who are you most looking forward to playing against this season? Cincinnati. How many people do you follow on Twitter? 246. Who is the best dressed player on the team? Harold Earls.
LEVENHAGEN’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS 2013 .125 6-0 Totals .125 6-0
AB 8 8
R 2 2
H 2B 3B 1 0 0 1 0 0
HR 0 0
RBI 0 0
TB SLG% 1 .125 1 .125
BB 0 0
HP 0 0
SO 3 3
GDP 1 1
OB% .125 .125
SF 0 0
SH 0 0
SB-A 0-0 0-0
PO 4 4
A 0 0
E FLD% 0 1.000 0 1.000
MISCELLANEOUS: Talented pitching prospect within Army’s sophomore class ... will compete for a starting position this season after being used primarily out of the bullpen last spring ... focused individual who works hard each and every day ... working at improving his ability
to field his position ... has a bright future in an Army uniform ... hails from the baseball hotbed of Georgia ... letterman.
HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Brian Nelson at Wheeler High ... member of the National Honor Society … is an Eagle Scout.
2013: Appeared in eight games with one start ... forged a 3.12 earned run average to go along with seven strikeouts in 8.2 innings of work ... five of his eight appearances were scoreless outings ... made career debut against Siena (March 2) ... posted a career-best two strikeouts in a careerhigh two innings against Navy (April 1) ... also appeared in Patriot League games against Lehigh (April 7) and Holy Cross (April 28) ... made first career start against Manhattan (April 17), allowing one run on two hits in two innings.
PERSONAL: Given name is John David Malcolm ... born Jan. 6, 1994, in Bethesda, Md. ... parents’ names are James and Diane Malcolm ... has one brother, Jimi … has one sister, Jenny … father, James Malcolm, is a colonel in the United States Army … hobbies include playing basketball and spending time with friends ... majoring in Electrical Engineering.
Getting to Know John... Why did you choose West Point? I wanted to serve my country one way or another, and partially to follow in my dad’s footsteps. I get the chance to play Division I baseball, get a great education and serve my country. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? Being a part of the ABF; some of the best guys I know. What is your walk up song? Top Of The World by Cataracs. Who is your favorite MLB team? Tampa Bay Rays. Who are you most looking forward to playing against this season? Navy. What two words describe Army Baseball? Ruthless. Gentlemen.
ERA 3.12 3.12
W 0 0
L 0 0
App 8 8
GS 1 1
CG 0 0
SHO 0 0
CBO 0 0
SV 0 0
IP 8.2 8.2
H 10 10
R 4 4
ER 3 3
BB 10 10
SO 7 7
2B 1 1
3B 0 0
HR 0 0
BF 48 48
Avg .294 .294
camping, golfing, riding four wheelers and snowboarding … also enjoys watching NASCAR and college football … enjoys cooking ... huge fan of Clemson University athletics … in the process of being licensed skydiver ... loves country music ... majoring in Computer Science.
MISCELLANEOUS: Talented catching prospect who also impacts the program on the mound ... boasts a strong arm and good hands ... harbors great deal of natural ability ... could develop into a dynamic player within the program ... could see significant time as a late inning pitcher ... native of the baseball hotbed of Georgia ... letterman. 2013: Appeared in eight games on the mound this spring, working exclusively out of the bullpen ... led Army with a miniscule 1.46 earned run average ... forged a 1-0 record to go along with Getting to Know Davis... Why did you choose West Point? I have always wanted to serve in the military and I saw this as the best opportunity to do so while still playing the game that I love. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? The brotherhood of teammates. Living the legacy that those before us have laid the foundation for. And continuing it. What is your walk up song? God’s Gonna Cut You Down by Johnny Cash. Who is your favorite MLB team? Boston Red Sox. What is your favorite Army uniform? All whites. How many people do you follow on Twitter? 96 Why did you choose Computer Science as your major? I am technologically sound and very good with algorithms and numbers.
13 strikeouts in 12.1 innings pitched ... opponents batted a paltry .114 against him ... made career debut against Indiana (March 12), tossing one scoreless inning against the nationally ranked Hoosiers ... struck out two batters in two innings of work against Miami (Ohio) (March 14) ... made Patriot League debut at Lehigh (April 7) ... earned first career win against Hartford (May 2) when he struck out a career-best five batters in a career-high 5.1 innings of work ... allowed just one hit in the scoreless performance ... also posted scoreless outings against NYIT (March 24), Fairleigh Dickinson (April 3) and Fordham (April 10) ... appeared against UNCG (Feb. 15) as a pinch-hitter and also received two at-bats versus North Dakota State (March 16). HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Craig George at Carrollton High ... named a Rawlings AllAmerican in 2011 … twice earned all-region honors … twice selected all-area … tabbed the team’s Most Valuable Pitcher in 2011. PERSONAL: Given name is Davis Buckner Marlar ... born Aug. 1, 1993, in Austell, Ga. ... parents’ names are John and Kelly Marlar ... has one brother, Clay ... hobbies include hunting, fishing,
MARLAR’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS 2013 .000 2-0 Totals .000 2-0
AB 3 3
R 0 0
H 2B 3B 0 0 0 0 0 0
HR 0 0
RBI 0 0
TB SLG% 0 .000 0 .000
BB 0 0
HP 0 0
SO 2 2
GDP 0 0
OB% .000 .000
SF 0 0
SH 0 0
SB-A 0-0 0-0
PO 3 3
A 1 1
E FLD% 0 1.000 0 1.000
W 1 1
L 0 0
App 8 8
GS 0 0
CG 0 0
SHO 0 0
CBO 0 0
SV 0 0
IP 12.1 12.1
H 5 5
R 5 5
ER 2 2
BB 6 6
SO 13 13
2B 1 1
3B 0 0
HR 2 2
BF 57 57
Avg .114 .114
MISCELLANEOUS: Talented outfield prospect who is coming off a banner freshman season ... looks to return to his starting role in center field this spring after excelling there last year ... strong and athletic outfielder ... could develop into an electric player within the Army program ... extremely coachable young athlete ... hails from North Carolina ... letterman. MILESTONES: Earned Freshman All-America honors following standout rookie season ... selected to the All-Patriot League Team as a freshman, earning a spot on the second unit ... was the only freshman to secure a place on the allconference team ... twice named Patriot League Rookie of the Week (March 11, May 6). 2013: Burst onto the scene as a freshman, appearing in all 52 games and starting 51 times ... led Army with four triples, three home runs, 18 multiple-hit games, 80 total bases and a .447
slugging percentage ... listing second on the club in multiple-RBI games (11) and third in doubles (eight), batting average (.307), hits (55), RBI (35) and stolen bases (11) ... batted .333 with two doubles and four RBI during the Patriot League Tournament ... named Patriot League Rookie of the Week for the first time on March 11 following a productive three-game series against Yale (March 9-10) ... batted .556 (5-for-9) with four RBI and five runs scored to help Army sweep the three-game set ... went 2-for-3 with a career-high four RBI against NYIT (March 23) ... had three hits and two runs scored versus NYIT (March 24) ... blasted first career home run against Navy (April 1) ... finished the contest with two RBI and three runs scored ... was 2-for-5 with two homers, three RBI and two runs scored at Lehigh (April 7) ... batted .462 (6-for-13) with two triples, one double and three RBI during Army’s four-game sweep of Lafayette (April 13-14) ... named Patriot League Rookie of the Week a second time on May 6 after batting .538 (7-for-13) with four RBI during the final week of the regular season. HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Jon Smith at Hunt High ... was a three-time all-conference selection … helped team win three conference championships … enjoyed tremendous senior season, earning a plethora of postseason accolades … tabbed Big East Conference Player of the Year, named to the all-state team and selected as team MVP … captained squad as a senior … named offensive MVP following productive junior season … also starred on the gridiron, earning four all-conference certificates as a member of the Hunt High football team … twice named all-area … served as team captain … named team MVP … twice selected Offensive Player of the Year … excelled in the classroom as well … fouryear academic champion … member of the National Honor Society … routinely named to school honor roll.
Getting to Know Jacob... Why did you choose West Point? It provided me with an opportunity to play Division I baseball at a highly competitive level and better myself academically and as a person. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? My teammates. Spending time with my best friends. Who is your favorite MLB team? Atlanta Braves. What two words describe Army Baseball? Brotherhood and winning. What is your favorite Army uniform? All whites. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? They can see great baseball and great guys having a lot of fun doing what they love and winning.
PERSONAL: Given name is Jacob Tyler Page ... born April 22, 1994, at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho ... parents’ names are Joey and Tonya Page ... has two siblings, Jordan and Casey ... mother, Tonya, was a captain in the United States Air Force … received several college offers to play both baseball and football … hobbies include fishing, hunting and spending time outdoors ... majoring in Engineering Management.
PAGE’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS AB R 2013 .307 52-51 179 29 Totals.307 52-51 179 29
H 2B 3B 55 8 4 55 8 4
HR 3 3
RBI 35 35
TB SLG% 80 .447 80 .447
BB 9 9
HP 6 6
SO 41 41
GDP 2 2
OB% .348 .348
SF 7 7
SH 7 7
SB-A 11-14 11-14
PO 139 139
A 4 4
E FLD% 1 .993 1 .993
PLAYER PROFILES #10 JUSTIN REECE INF • R-R • 5-9 • 170 • SO. • 1VL GREENSBORO, N.C. SOUTH GUILFORD best three hits and two runs scored opposite Fordham (April 10) ... hammered first career double against the Rams ... recorded two hits versus Lehigh (April 7) and Nyack (May 4) ... had two RBI against Holy Cross (April 28).
MISCELLANEOUS: Hard-working infield prospect within Army’s sophomore class ... developmental player who continues to improve ... good contact hitter who competes at plate ... filled in at second base regularly last season due to an injury to Grant Van Orden ... hails from the talentrich state of North Carolina ... letterman. 2013: Appeared in 24 games and drew 19 starts at second base ... batted .236 with one double, 10 RBI and 13 runs scored ... made career debut against Siena (March 2) ... posted first career hit at Liberty (March 3) ... had two hits and two RBI versus NYIT (March 24) ... finished with career-
HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Dave Beasley at South Guilford High ... earned all-conference honors following his junior and senior seasons … posted the highest grade point average on the team as a sophomore. PERSONAL: Given name is Justin Scott Reece ... born Dec. 10, 1993, in Greensboro, N.C. ... parents’ names are Scott and Michelle Reece ... has one sister, Ashley ... paternal grandfather, Don Reece, served in the United States Air Force … grandfather won two ACC Championships while playing baseball at Wake Forest University … hobbies include working out and spending time with friends … enjoys country music ... majoring in Engineering Management.
Getting to Know Justin... Why did you choose West Point? I was recruited to play baseball, and West Point offers a great education, a great future and the opportunity to develop into a great leader and officer in the Army. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? The respect and trust that we have for each other as a team. You always know that your teammates are going to give 100 percent effort. The relationships and connections bult in this program will last a lifetime. Where is your favorite place to play? New Bridge Bank Park (Greensboro Grasshopper’s Minor League). What is your walk up song? Take It Outside by Brantley Gilbert. Who is your favorite MLB team? Atlanta Braves. Who are yo most looking forward to playing? Navy, Holy Cross. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? To be a part of the Army Baseball Family and support a winning program. Why did you choose Engineering Management as your major? It offers a combination of engineering and business which will help me after I have the priviledge of serving in the Army. What two words describe Army Baseball? Family and competitive.
REECE’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS 2013 .236 24-19 Totals .236 24-19
AB R 72 13 72 13
H 2B 3B 17 1 0 17 1 0
HR 0 0
RBI 10 10
TB SLG% 18 .250 18 .250
BB 5 5
HP 4 4
SO 12 12
GDP 0 0
OB% .321 .321
SF 0 0
SH 1 1
SB-A 2-3 2-3
PO A 42 53 42 53
E FLD% 4 .960 4 .960
PLAYER PROFILES #9 BEN SMITH C • R-R • 5-10 • 180 • SO. MEMPHIS, TENN. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS Getting to Know Ben... Why did you choose West Point? I have always been interested in the military, and there is no better place to go to develop as an officer than USMA. I also get to play baseball for a winning program and close family. I have wanted to atten West Point since sixth grade, it’s been a lifelone passion. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? How hard-working and close-knit we are as a family. Where is your favorite place to play? Anywhere. I enjoy playing the game. Who is your favorite MLB team? St. Louis Cardinals. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? We win, and it’s free. How many people do you follow on Twitter? 219 What two words wouold you use to describe Army Baseball? We win. What is your favorite Army uniform? Pinstripes.
MISCELLANEOUS: Hard-working catcher who will become a good leader ... very vocal behind the plate ... arrives at West Point from Tennessee. 2013: Appeared in three games late in the season ... made career debut against Holy Cross (April 28) ... ripped a two-run single in his first career at-bat ... finished 2-for-3 with two RBI and one run scored ... also appeared as a defensive replacement against Nyack (May 4) and Chestnut Hill (May 5). HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Buster Kelso at Christian Brothers High ... four-year varsity letterwinner … helped lead team to the 2011 Tennessee Division II state championship as a junior … named all-metro three years in a row (2010-12) … twice named all-state, earning the honor in 2010 and 2012 … collected all-district accolades in 2011 and 2012 … selected as an All-West Tennessee Coaches All-Star … member of the National Honor Society … named to the school’s honor roll all four years. PERSONAL: Given name is Benjamin Powell Smith ... born Dec. 21, 1993, in Memphis, Tenn. ... parents’ names are Philip and Wendy Smith ... has one brother, Drew … father played collegiate baseball at the University of Memphis ... attended the same high school as former Army standout pitcher Drew Clothier … cousin, Carter Graves, is on the swimming team at Rice University … aspired to attend the United States Military Academy since he was in the sixth grade … enjoys spending time with his family ... majoring in Engineering Management.
SMITH’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS 2013 .667 3-0 Totals .667 3-0
AB 3 3
R 1 1
H 2B 3B 2 0 0 2 0 0
HR 0 0
RBI 2 2
TB SLG% 2 .667 2 .667
BB 0 0
HP 0 0
SO 1 1
GDP 0 0
OB% .667 .667
SF 0 0
SH 0 0
SB-A 0-0 0-0
PO 11 11
A 1 1
E FLD% 0 1.000 0 1.000
PLAYER PROFILES #44 JONATHAN THIESS RHP • R-R • 6-4 • 210 • SO. LEAGUE CITY, TEXAS EPISCOPAL career best by working two innings opposite the Midshipmen ... also appeared against Holy Cross (April 28). HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Matt Fox at Episcopal High ... helped lead team to a pair of conference championships.
MISCELLANEOUS: Gifted pitching prospect within Army’s sophomore class ... could see time out of the bullpen as a long reliever this season ... also a candidate for a spot start here and there ... hails from the talent-rich state of Texas ... Dean’s List student. 2013: Appeared in three games ... made career debut against Siena (March 2) ... struck out a career-best two batters in a career-high two innings of work against the Saints ... made Patriot League debut versus Navy (April 1) ... matched
PERSONAL: Given name is Jonathan Alexander Thiess ... born Sept. 8, 1994, in Walworth, Wis. ... parents’ names are Andrew and Heidi Thiess ... has one sister, Eden … both parents were ROTC officers in the United States Army … parents inspired him to attend West Point … played summer baseball with current Army teammate Brock Davidson … hobbies include weight lifting, swimming and reading … lived in Mexico for a year and a half on a church missionary trip when he was seven years old ... majoring in Computer Science.
Getting to Know Jonathan... Why did you choose West Point? A lot of it came down to baseball. The environment I saw between the players of the Army Baseball Family drew me in; it was something I wanted to be a part of. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? The team room. It’s well taken care of and the couches are the most comfortable things I’ve ever slept on. And my teammates. I am not sure I would survive West Point without them. Why did you choose Compter Science as your major? I enjoy working with computers and I have a career oath lined out for my time in the Army. Where is your favorite place to play? My old high school field. I have so many good memories there, and it was some of the most fun I’ve ever had playing baseball. Who is your favorite MLB team? Texas Rangers. What two words describe Army Baseball? Championship mentality. What is your walk up song? Turn Down For What by D.J. Snake.
W 0 0
L 0 0
App 3 3
GS 0 0
CG 0 0
SHO 0 0
CBO 0 0
SV 0 0
IP 4.0 4.0
H 8 8
R 5 5
ER 5 5
BB 4 4
SO 2 2
2B 2 2
3B 0 0
HR 1 1
BF 23 23
Avg .444 .444
MISCELLANEOUS: Talented infield prospect who split time between third base and second base last season ... possesses natural leadership skills ... hard-nosed competitor ... understands the game ... harbors tremendous baseball instincts ... boasts a strong arm and good range defensively ... has very good hands and feet ... sprays the ball to the gaps, offensively ... competes at the plate ... never gives away an at-bat ... above average base runner ... has a bright future in an Army uniform ... arrived at West Point from New Jersey ... letterman. MILESTONES: Named to the All-Tournament Team at the Patriot League Tournament after helping Army to the conference title. 2013: Started 33 games, splitting time between third base and second base ... batted .238 with 14 RBI and 14 runs scored ... had two doubles and three stolen bases ... made career debut in the season opener at UNCG (Feb. 15), drawing the start at third base ... recorded first career hit at Liberty (March 1), going 1-for-4 with one run scored ... had a nice weekend versus Yale (March 9-10), batting .444 (4-for-9) with four RBI and two runs scored as Army swept the three-game series ... registered first career double against the Bulldogs ... exploded at the plate in the final game opposite Navy (April 1), posting career highs with three hits and two runs scored versus the Midshipmen ... ripped his second double of the year in the contest ... batted .429 (3-for-7) against Holy Cross (April 27) during the regular season ... erupted offensively during the Patriot League Tournament, batting .462 with four RBI en route to a spot on the all-tournament team ... hit safely in all four tourney contests ... matched career best with three hits, and added a careerhigh three RBI in helping Army past Holy Cross (May 19) in the first game of the PLCS.
base over his final three seasons … team ranked as high as No. 2 in the 2012 Northeast Top 25, according to the Perfect Game regional rankings … helped squad to consecutive Bergen County championships (2011-12) … team won three straight Big North United League titles (2010-12) … named to the all-North Jersey and all-Suburban second teams as a senior in 2012 … twice tabbed to the All-Big North United League second team, earning the nod in 2011 and 2012 … placed on the 2012 Northeast All-Region first team … ranked among Perfect Game’s top 500 prospects for the 2012 graduating year … listed ninth in the state of New Jersey and 35th nationally by the third base/infield position … captained team as a senior … member of the National Honor Society … member of the National Math Honor Society and National Italian Honor Society … one of 10 seniors to receive the Don Bosco Award for displaying exemplary character, service and leadership throughout his high school career … named to the Principal’s List all four years.
Getting to Know Grant... Why did you choose West Point? Playing Division 1 baseball while also becoming a leader of the United States Army. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? Having my swing adjusted by Coach Reid. And the guys. If it wasn’t for my teammates, this place would be so much tougher. What is your walk up song? Hell and Back By Kid Ink. Who is your favorite MLB team? New York Yankees. What is your favorite Army uniform? Our white uniforms. What two words describe Army Baseball? Family, ruthless. Why should fans come out to Doubleday Field this season? We have a young and talented team, and have the potential to do big things just like last year. We find a way to win and we make the sport of baseball exciting.
PERSONAL: Given name is Grant James Van Orden ... born Aug. 14, 1993, in Paterson, N.J. ... parents’ names are Gregg and Lori Van Orden ... has two brothers, Gregg and Taylor … began playing baseball when he was five years old … has aspired to pursue a military career since he was eight years old … hobbies include fishing and spending time with friends ... majoring in Management.
HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Mike Rooney at Don Bosco Prep ... started at third
VAN ORDEN’S CAREER BATTING STATISTICS Year Avg. GP-GS AB R 2013 .238 33-33 101 14 Totals .238 33-33 101 14
H 2B 3B 24 2 0 24 2 0
HR 0 0
RBI 14 14
TB SLG% 26 .257 26 .257
BB 11 11
HP 7 7
SO 15 15
GDP 5 5
OB% .350 .350
SF 1 1
SH 8 8
SB-A 3-6 3-6
PO A 50 71 50 71
E FLD% 6 .953 6 .953
PLAYER PROFILES #14 JACK VERRILL RHP • R-R • 6-4 • 210 • SO. • 1VL SOUTH BERWICK, MAINE MARSHWOOD the season at Bucknell (April 21) ... permitted just one run on two hits over 3.2 inning opposite Holy Cross (April 28) ... pitched in the regular-season finale against Chestnut Hill (May 5), firing one scoreless inning of relief ... made lone postseason appearance against UNC Wilmington (June 1) at the NCAA Regionals ... tossed one scoreless inning of relief versus the Seahawks.
MISCELLANEOUS: Developing pitching prospect within Army’s talented sophomore class ... big, strong athlete ... extremely hard worker with a bright future in an Army uniform ... boasts good athleticism for a big man ... will compete for time as a starter this spring, either as a part of the Black Knights’ weekend rotation or as a mid-week starter ... could also see time out of the bullpen as a long reliever ... letterman. 2013: Appeared in seven games with a pair of starts ... authored a 6.46 earned run average to go along with a 0-3 record and eight strikeouts in 15.1 innings of work ... made career debut at Liberty (March 1) ... drew first career start against the Flames and worked a career-best 4.2 innings ... appeared out of the bullpen against Navy (March 31) and tossed one perfect inning of relief ... struck out a career-best three batters versus Manhattan (April 17) ... made second start of
HIGH SCHOOL: Played for head coach Eric Fernandes at Marshwood High ... selected to the Maine All-Rookie Team as a freshman … later earned all-conference honors … twice named a Southern Maine Athletic Association ScholarAthlete (2010-11). PERSONAL: Given name is Jack Henry Verrill ... born Sept. 19, 1994, in Port Jefferson, N.Y. ... parents’ names are Michael and Stephanie Verrill ... has one brother, Andrew … has one sister, Grace … hobbies include playing basketball and swimming ... did not start pitching until his junior year of high school … majoring in Management.
Getting to Know Jack... Why did you choose West Point? I have always been interested in the military. West Point gave me an opportunity to serve my country and play baseball at the same time. What is your favorite part of Army Baseball? The hard work that each player puts into it each day. What is your walk up song? Long Cool Woman by The Hollies.oubleday Field. Where is your favorite place to play? Doubleday Field. Who is your favorite MLB team? Boston Red Sox. What is your favorite Army uniform? White on White. What two words describe Armoy baseball? Commitment and ruthless.
W 0 0
L 3 3
App 7 7
GS 2 2
CG 0 0
SHO 0 0
CBO 0 0
SV 0 0
IP 15.1 15.1
H 11 11
R 12 12
ER 11 11
BB 10 10
SO 8 8
2B 3 3
3B 1 1
HR 1 1
BF 68 68
Avg .224 .224
MISCELLANEOUS: One of seven talented players in the freshmen class … hails from East Williston, N.Y., less than two hours from West Point … strongarmed right-handed pitcher from Long Island … real loose arm … tough young man. HIGH SCHOOL: 2013 graduate of Chaminade High School … played for head coach Neal Heaton … Northeast Region honorable mention as a senior … member of the National Honor Society … four-year member of the Honor Roll. PERSONAL: Given name is Daniel Charles Caniano … born Feb. 21, 1995 in Mineola, N.Y. … parents’ names are Colleen and Daniel Caniano … has one sister, Victoria … first member of his family to embark on a military career … enjoys reading, golf and working out … pursuing life-long goal of a military career … expects to study engineering … major is undeclared.
MISCELLANEOUS: One of seven talented players in the freshmen class … hails from the talent-rich state of Georgia … physical presence … has potential to be a power hitter … hard-working first baseman. HIGH SCHOOL: 2013 graduate of Roswell High School … All-Region choice as a senior … helped team to 6A High School Baseball state finals … Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction. PERSONAL: Given name is Alexander Morgan Dickerson … born July 27, 1994 in Atlanta, Ga. … parents’ names are Ellen and Russ Dickerson … has one sister, Maddie … played for his father, Russ, with the 18U East Cobb Astros … Alex is first member of his family to embark on a military career … enjoys hanging out with friends, going to concerts, hunting and watching University of Georgia football … major is undeclared.
MISCELLANEOUS: One of seven talented players in the freshmen class … only player on the team from Colorado … enters West Point as a freshman after playing at Seward Community College for two seasons … strong arm … two-way player who can contribute on the mound and in the infield … COLLEGE: Played for head coach Galen McSpadden for two seasons at Seward Community College … collected 11 saves in two seasons, the second highest career mark in school history … led the team with a .469 on-base percentage in 2013 and was second with a .377 batting average … Capital One Academic All-District first team choice in 2013, the first player in school history to be so recognized … Dean’s List student … played three different infield positions, was a starting pitcher and relief pitcher … appeared in 19 games his first season … second-team All-Jayhawk West in 2013 … helped team captured the Jayhawk West Championship in 2012. HIGH SCHOOL: Played for former Major League Baseball player Walt Weiss at Regis Jesuit High School … helped squad capture a state championship in 2011 … named Most Valuable Player of the playoffs … struck out the final batter to clinch the state title … all-state selection … twice was a first-team all-academic choice. PERSONAL: Given name is Jonathan Mark Griffith … born Feb. 14, 1993 in Littleton, Colo. … parents’ names are Mark and Mary Griffith … has four siblings, Rachael (25), Shannon (23), Jack (18) and Emily (16) … enjoys hunting, fishing, playing piano, playing guitar and listening to music … chose West Point to become an officer in the U.S. Army … major is undeclared.
MISCELLANEOUS: One of seven talented players in the freshmen class … one of seven players on the team from the hotbed of North Carolina … good athlete … strong arm … good hands … line drive hitter. HIGH SCHOOL: 2013 graduate of West Carteret High School … three-time AllCoastal Conference selection … chosen for the Lenny Dykstra Award for positive attitude in 2010 … selected team MVP as a junior … named Best Defensive Player as a senior … four-time Academic Achievement honoree. PERSONAL: Given name is Kristopher Nicholas Lindner … born Dec. 12, 1994 in Greenville, N.C. … parents’ names are Chuck and Terry Lindner … has one brother, Chuck Lindner III … cousin, Andrew Moore, is a sophomore at West Point … Kris played against teammate Jacob Page in high school in 2012 … started switch-hitting when he was 12 … graduated from same high school as Cleveland Indians’ third baseman Lonnie Chisenhall … chose West Point for the opportunity to become a leader of character and earn a great education … enjoys bow hunting … built a 17-foot Jones Brothers Bateau boat for a senior project … hopes to pursue an aviation career … major is undeclared.
MISCELLANEOUS: One of seven talented players in the freshmen class … lone player on the team from Alabama … talented left-handed pitcher … very competitive … tough and hard-nosed … could see time in valuable role out of the bullpen. HIGH SCHOOL: 2013 graduate of LeeScott Academy … two-time all-area selection … all-state selection as a senior utility player … named to Perfect Game National Underclassmen team … graduated with honors … one of 12 people at his school selected Tiger Ambassador. PERSONAL: Given name is William Carson Meadows … born August 30, 1994 in Nashville, Tenn. … parents’ names are Brad and Leah Meadows … has two brothers, Beau and Jackson … first member of his family to embark on a military career … participated in the 2005 Dixie Youth World Series in his hometown of Auburn, Ala … enjoys hunting, fishing, working out, hanging out with friends at the lake and watching Auburn football … major is undeclared.
MISCELLANEOUS: One of seven talented players in the freshmen class … comes to West Point from Florida … walk-on … earned a roster spot after a solid fall … strong arm … good speed. HIGH SCHOOL: Graduated from Pembroke Pines Charter High School in 2012 … second team All-Country selection during senior season. PERSONAL: Given name is David Joel Monge … born August 31, 1994 in Honolulu, Hawai’i …parents’ names are David Monge-Rivera and Lydelma Rodriguez-Torres … has one brother, Alex … attended the U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School in 2013 … father served 21 years in the Army prior to his retirement in 2008 … lived in Germany for two seasons … enjoys reading, working out and spending time with family … major is undeclared.
MISCELLANEOUS: One of seven talented players in the freshmen class … joins Army from California … catching prospect … good athlete … still developing ... good presence at the plate. HIGH SCHOOL: 2013 graduate of Hart High School … played for head coach Jim Ozella … All-Foothill League section team choice during senior season … All-Foothill League first team selection during junior campaign … selected to All-Santa Clarita Valley first team as a junior … received 2013 National Honor Scholar award. PERSONAL: Given name is Baggio Raul Saldivar … born August 6, 1995 in San Gabriel, Calif. … parents’ names are Mario and Griselda Saldivar … has two siblings, a sister, Amanda and brother, Rocco … first member of his family to embark on a military career … enjoys hiking, listening to music, working out, traveling and movies … chose West Point in part to give back to his country and loved ones … name comes from Italian soccer player Roberto Baggio … major is undeclared.
No. 1 4 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 26 28 29 30 31 34 37 44
Name Garrison Franklin* Erik Washburn*** Alex Robinett** Jack Verrill* Patrick Gardner Johnny Griffith Justin French Nick Dignacco** Gunnar Carroll*** Blake Burrus John Malcolm* Colin Briant** Brock Davidson* Daniel Caniano Brian Hapeman** Patrick Mescher*** Carson Meadows Julian Larimer** Davis Marlar* Jonathan Thiess
Yr. Pos. So. INF-RHP Sr. RHP Jr. RHP So. RHP So. LHP Fr. RHP-INF So. RHP Sr. LHP Sr. RHP-OF So. LHP So. RHP Sr. RHP So. 1B-LHP Fr. RHP Jr. RHP Sr. 1B-RHP Fr. LHP Jr. RHP So. C So. RHP
Ht. 6-1 5-9 6-0 6-4 6-0 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-0 6-1 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-4
No. 9 33 35
Name Ben Smith Connor Love*** Baggio Saldivar
No. 1 2 7 8 10 11 16 25 26 30 36 40
Name Garrison Franklin* Harold Earls** Alex Jensen** Kris Lindner Justin Reece* Grant Van Orden* Johnny Griffith Ryan Levenhagen Brock Davidson* Patrick Mescher*** David Monge Alex Dickerson
Yr. So. Jr. Jr. Fr. So. So. Fr. So. So. Sr. Fr. Fr.
No. 3 5 13 19 23 25 40
Name Daniel Cortes** Mark McCants** Jon Crucitti** Gunnar Carroll*** Jacob Page* Ryan Levenhagen Alex Dickerson
Yr. Jr. Jr. Sr. Sr. So. So. Fr.
Wt. 185 185 215 210 185 190 190 195 185 185 190 195 205 185 190 230 175 185 195 210
B-T Hometown/High School R-R Granite Falls, N.C./South Caldwell R-R East Hartland, Conn./Granby Memorial R-R Bend, Ore./Mountain View R-R South Berwick, Maine/Marshwood L-L Glen Allen, Va./Deep Run R-R Parker, Colo./Regis Jesuit/Seward CC R-R Charlotte, N.C./Ardrey Kell L-L Sharon, Conn./Housatonic Valley R-R Louisa, Va./Louisa L-L Wichita Falls, Texas/SH Rider (USMAPS) R-R Marietta, Ga./Wheeler R-R Manasquan, N.J./Acad. of Allied Health L-L Houston, Texas/Memorial R-R East Williston, N.Y./Chaminade R-R Fair Haven, N.J./Rumson Fair Haven R-R Versailles, Ohio/Versailles L-L Auburn, Ala./Lee-Scott Academy R-R Carmel, Calif./Palma R-R Carrollton, Ga./Carrollton R-R League City, Texas/Episcopal
CATCHERS Yr. So. Sr. Fr.
Pos. C C C
Ht. 5-10 6-4 6-1
Wt. 180 195 195
Hometown/High School Germantown, Tenn./Christian Brothers Beaverton, Ore./Jesuit Valencia, Calif./Hart
INFIELDERS Ht. 6-1 5-9 6-1 5-11 5-9 6-0 6-1 6-4 6-2 6-4 5-9 6-3
Wt. 185 175 195 180 170 190 190 195 205 230 170 210
B-T Hometown/High School R-R Granite Falls, N.C./South Caldwell L-R Cumming, Ga./West Forsyth R-R Charlotte, N.C./Charlotte Catholic S-R Morehead City, N.C./West Carteret R-R Greensboro, N.C./South Guilford R-R Wyckoff, N.J./Don Bosco R-R Parker, Colo./Regis Jesuit/Seward CC L-R Indianapolis, Ind./Cathedral L-L Houston, Texas/Memorial R-R Versailles, Ohio/Versailles R-RPembroke Pines, Fla./Pem. Pines Charter R-R Roswell, Ga./Roswell
OUTFIELDERS Ht. 5-9 5-10 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-4 6-3
Wt. B-T 170 L-R 190 L-R 195 R-R 185 R-R 205 R-R 195 L-R 210 R-R
Hometown/High School Altamonte Springs, Fla./Lake Mary Flower Mound, Texas/Flower Mound Mooresville, N.C./West Rowan Louisa, Va./Louisa Wilson, N.C./Hunt Indianapolis, Ind./Cathedral Roswell, Ga./Roswell
*Denotes Varsity Letters Earned (40) Class Years: Senior = First Class | Junior = Cow | Sophomore = Yearling | Freshman = Plebe Interim Head Coach: 6 Matt Reid, 1st season Assistant Coaches: 38 Anthony DeCicco, 27 Eric Folmar, 32 Matt Smith Team Captains: Gunnar Carroll, Patrick Mescher Head Officer Representative: Col. John Baskerville Athletic Trainer: Josh Werk Student Coaches: Tyler Williams, Taylor Goucher Head Manager: Phil Tonseth Managers: Michael Rubin, Aaron Fonner, Jakob Brooks Strength & Conditioning: Kenny O’Mary
NUMERICAL ROSTER Name .........................................................................Pos. 1 Garrison Franklin* .................................................INF-RHP 2 Harold Earls** .................................................................... INF 3 Daniel Cortes** ................................................................... OF 4 Erik Washburn***.............................................................RHP 5 Mark McCants**................................................................. OF 6 Matt Reid .........................................Interim Head Coach 7 Alex Jensen** ..................................................................... INF 8 Kris Lindner........................................................................ INF 9 Ben Smith ................................................................................C 10 Justin Reece* .................................................................... INF 11 Grant Van Orden* ............................................................. INF 12 Alex Robinett** ................................................................RHP 13 Jon Crucitti***...................................................................... OF 14 Jack Verrill*........................................................................RHP 15 Patrick Gardner............................................................... LHP 16 Johnny Griffith ........................................................RHP-INF 17 Justin French....................................................................RHP 18 Nick Dignacco**............................................................... LHP 19 Gunnar Carroll***......................................................RHP-OF 21 Blake Burrus ..................................................................... LHP 22 John Malcolm* .................................................................RHP 23 Jacob Page* ......................................................................... OF 24 Colin Briant** ....................................................................RHP 25 Ryan Levenhagen ........................................................1B-OF 26 Brock Davidson* .......................................................1B-LHP 27 Eric Folmar ....................................................... Asst. Coach 28 Daniel Caniano.................................................................RHP 29 Brian Hapeman** ............................................................RHP 30 Patrick Mescher*** ................................................. 1B-RHP 31 Carson Meadows ........................................................... LHP 32 Matt Smith ....................................................... Asst. Coach 36 David Monge...................................................................... INF 33 Connor Love*** .......................................................................C 34 Julian Larimer** ...............................................................RHP 35 Baggio Saldivar .....................................................................C 36 David Monge...................................................................... INF 37 Davis Marlar* ....................................................................RHP 38 Anthony DeCicco ........................................... Asst. Coach 40 Alex Dickerson ..............................................................OF-1B 44 Jonathan Thiess..............................................................RHP ALPHABETICAL ROSTER 24 Colin Briant** ....................................................................RHP 21 Blake Burrus ..................................................................... LHP 19 Gunnar Carroll***......................................................RHP-OF 28 Daniel Caniano.................................................................RHP 3 Daniel Cortes** ................................................................... OF 13 Jon Crucitti***...................................................................... OF 26 Brock Davidson* .......................................................1B-LHP 42 Anthony DeCicco ........................................... Asst. Coach 40 Alex Dickerson ..............................................................OF-1B 18 Nick Dignacco**............................................................... LHP 2 Harold Earls** .................................................................... INF 27 Eric Folmar ....................................................... Asst. Coach 1 Garrison Franklin* .................................................INF-RHP 17 Justin French....................................................................RHP 15 Patrick Gardner............................................................... LHP 16 Johnny Griffith ........................................................RHP-INF 29 Brian Hapeman** ............................................................RHP 7 Alex Jensen** ..................................................................... INF 34 Julian Larimer** ...............................................................RHP 25 Ryan Levenhagen ........................................................1B-OF 8 Kris Lindner........................................................................ INF 33 Connor Love*** .......................................................................C 22 John Malcolm* .................................................................RHP 37 Davis Marlar* ....................................................................RHP 5 Mark McCants**................................................................. OF 31 Carson Meadows ........................................................... LHP 30 Patrick Mescher*** ................................................. 1B-RHP 36 David Monge...................................................................... INF 23 Jacob Page* ......................................................................... OF 10 Justin Reece* .................................................................... INF 6 Matt Reid .........................................Interim Head Coach 12 Alex Robinett** .................................................................... Jr. 35 Baggio Saldivar .....................................................................C 9 Ben Smith ................................................................................C 32 Matt Smith ....................................................... Asst. Coach 44 Jonathan Thiess..............................................................RHP 11 Grant Van Orden* ............................................................. INF 14 Jack Verrill*........................................................................RHP 4 Erik Washburn***.............................................................RHP *Denotes Varsity Letters Earned (41)
Numerical Roster No. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 37 40 44
Name Garrison Franklin* Harold Earls** Daniel Cortes** Erik Washburn*** Mark McCants** Alex Jensen** Kris Lindner Ben Smith Justin Reece* Grant Van Orden* Alex Robinett** Jon Crucitti** Jack Verrill* Patrick Gardner Johnny Griffith Justin French Nick Dignacco** Gunnar Carroll*** Blake Burrus John Malcolm* Jacob Page* Colin Briant** Ryan Levenhagen Brock Davidson* Daniel Caniano Brian Hapeman** Patrick Mescher*** Carson Meadows Connor Love*** Julian Larimer** Baggio Saldivar David Monge Davis Marlar* Alex Dickerson Jonathan Thiess
2014 ROSTER Yr. So. Jr. Jr. Sr. Jr. Jr. Fr. So. So. So. Jr. Sr. So. So. Fr. So. Sr. Sr. So. So. So. Sr. So. So. Fr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Sr. Jr. Fr. Fr. So. Fr. So.
Name Erik Washburn*** Jon Crucitti** Nick Dignacco** Gunnar Carroll*** Colin Briant** Patrick Mescher*** Connor Love***
Yr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.
Harold Earls** Daniel Cortes** Mark McCants** Alex Jensen** Alex Robinett** Brian Hapeman** Julian Larimer**
Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr.
By Class No. 4 13 18 19 24 30 33 2 3 5 7 12 29 34
Ht. 6-1 5-9 5-9 5-9 5-10 6-1 5-11 5-10 5-9 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-4 6-0 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-0 6-1 6-1 6-0 6-4 6-4 6-2 6-1 6-2 6-4 6-0 6-4 6-0 6-1 5-9 6-0 6-3 6-4
Wt. 185 175 170 185 190 195 180 180 170 190 215 195 210 185 190 190 195 185 185 190 205 195 195 205 185 190 230 175 195 185 195 170 195 210 210
Hometown/High School Granite Falls, N.C./South Caldwell Cumming, Ga./West Forsyth Altamonte Springs, Fla./Lake Mary East Hartland, Conn./Granby Memorial Flower Mound, Texas/Flower Mound Charlotte, N.C./Charlotte Catholic Morehead City, N.C./West Carteret Germantown, Tenn./Christian Brothers Greensboro, N.C./South Guilford Wyckoff, N.J./Don Bosco Bend, Ore./Mountain View Mooresville, N.C./West Rowan South Berwick, Maine/Marshwood Glen Allen, Va./Deep Run Parker, Colo./Regis Jesuit/Seward CC Charlotte, N.C./Ardrey Kell Sharon, Conn./Housatonic Valley Louisa, Va./Louisa Wichita Falls, Texas/SH Rider (USMAPS) Marietta, Ga./Wheeler Wilson, N.C./Hunt Manasquan, N.J./Acad. of Allied Health Indianapolis, Ind./Cathedral Houston, Texas/Memorial East Williston, N.Y./Chaminade Fair Haven, N.J./Rumson Fair Haven Versailles, Ohio/Versailles Auburn, Ala./Lee-Scott Academy Beaverton, Ore./Jesuit Carmel, Calif./Palma Valencia, Calif./Hart Pembroke Pines, Fla./Pem. Pines Charter Carrollton, Ga./Carrollton Roswell, Ga./Roswell League City, Texas/Episcopal
1 9 10 11 14 15 17 21 ` 22 23 25 26 37 44
Garrison Franklin* Ben Smith Justin Reece* Grant Van Orden* Jack Verrill* Patrick Gardner Justin French Blake Burrus John Malcolm* Jacob Page* Ryan Levenhagen Brock Davidson* Davis Marlar* Jonathan Thiess
So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So. So.
8 16 28 31 35 36 40
Kris Lindner Johnny Griffith Daniel Caniano Carson Meadows Baggio Saldivar David Monge Alex Dickerson
Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr.
COLIN BRIANT Innings: 5.0 vs. Quinnipiac, 3-22-11 Hits: 6, Three times Runs: 7 vs. Radford (1.0 inn.), 2-19-11; Fairfield (3.0 inn), 4-5-11 Earned Runs: 7 vs. Radford (1.0 inn.), 2-19-11; Fairfield (3.0 inn), 4-5-11 Walks: 6 vs, Fairfield (3.0 inn), 4-5-11 Strikeouts: 4, Three times Home Runs: 1 vs. Siena (4.1 inn.), 3-29-11 Wild Pitches: 2 vs. Siena (4.1 inn.), 3-29-11 Hit Batters: 2, Four times
BLAKE BURRIS Innings: 1.1 vs. Siena, 3-26-13 Hits: 1 vs. Siena (1.1 inn.), 3-26-13; Navy (1.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Runs: 1 vs. Navy (1.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Earned Runs: 1 vs. Navy (1.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Walks: 2 vs. Navy (1.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Strikeouts: 2, Three times Home Runs: None Wild Pitches: 3 vs. Navy (1.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Hit Batters: None GUNNAR CARROLL Innings: 8.0 vs. Navy, 4-1-13 Hits: 9 vs. Navy, 4-1-13; Lehigh, 4-7-13 Runs: 9 vs. Lehigh, 4-7-13 Earned Runs: 7 vs. Lehigh (2.1 inn), 4-7-13 Walks: 4 vs. Maryland (6.0 inn.), 2-25-12 Strikeouts: 8 vs. Bucknell (7.0 inn.), 4-21-12 Home Runs: 1, Four times Wild Pitches: 2 vs. UNC Wilmington (2.0 inn.), 6-1-13 Hit Batters: 4 vs. Navy (8.0 inn.), 4-1-13 DANIEL CORTES At-Bats: 6, Three times Runs: 4 vs. George Washington, 2-25-12 Hits: 3, Four times Runs Batted In: 3 vs. Siena, 4-10-12 Doubles: 2 vs. Lehigh, 4-8-12 Triples: None Home Runs: None Total Bases: 5 vs. Lehigh, 4-8-12 Walks: 4 vs. Delaware State, 2-24-13 Strikeouts: 3 vs. Bucknell, 4-21-12 Stolen Bases: 2 vs. George Washington, 2-25-12; UMBC, 3-3-12 Putouts: 5 vs. Siena, 4-10-12 JON CRUCITTI At-Bats: 5, Several times Runs: 3 vs. NYIT, 3-24-13; Lafayette, 4-14-13 Hits: 3, Three times Runs Batted In: 3 vs. Siena, 3-29-11 Doubles: 1 vs. North Dakota State, 3-16-13 Triples: 1 vs. Marist, 4-14-13; Navy, 5-11-13 Home Runs: 1 vs. Siena, 3-29-11 Total Bases: 4 vs. North Dakota State, 3-16-13; Siena, 3-29-11 Walks: 3 vs. Siena, 3-26-13; Nyack, 5-4-13 Strikeouts: 3 vs. Bucknell, 4-21-13 Stolen Bases: 3 vs. NYIT, 3-24-13 Putouts: 7 vs. Bucknell, 4-20-13 Assists: 1, Three times BROCK DAVIDSON (PITCHING) Innings: 9.0 vs. Lafayette, 4-13-13 Hits: 10 vs. Lehigh (6.0 inn.), 4-6-13 Runs: 8 vs. North Dakota State (5.1 inn.), 3-16-13 Earned Runs: 8 vs. North Dakota State (5.1 inn.), 3-16-13 Walks: 3 vs. Eastern Kentucky (2.0 inn.),2-23-13 Strikeouts: 6 vs. Columbia (7.0 inn.), 3-23-13 Home Runs: 2 vs. Columbia (7.0 inn.), 3-23-13 Wild Pitches: 2 vs. Yale (7.0 inn.), 3-9-13 Hit Batters: 3 vs. Bucknell (5.2 inn.), 4-20-13
(BATTING) At-Bats: 4 vs. Fordham, 4-10-13; NYIT, 5-1-13 Runs: 1 vs. Lehigh, 4-7-13 Hits: 1 vs. Fordham, 4-10-13; Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Runs Batted In: 1 vs. Fordham, 4-10-13; Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Doubles: None Triples: None Home Runs: None Total Bases: 1 vs. Fordham, 4-10-13; Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Walks: 1 vs. Lehigh, 4-7-13; Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Strikeouts: 1 vs. Manhattan, 4-17-13; NYIT, 5-1-13 Stolen Bases: None Putouts: 2 vs. Lehigh, 4-7-13; Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Assists: 2, Five times
NICK DIGNACCO Innings: 9.0 vs. Bucknell, 4-20-12 Hits: 9 vs. Illinois State (5.0 inn.), 3-17-12; Radford (4.2 inn.), 2-18-11 Runs: 6 vs. Illinois State (5.0 inn.), 3-17-12; Bucknell (4.2 inn.), 4-30-11 Earned Runs: 6 vs. Illinois State (5.0 inn.), 3-17-12 Walks: 3, Six times Strikeouts: 8 vs. Lafayette (6.1 inn.), 4-14-12; Illinois State (5.0 inn.), 3-17-12 Home Runs: 1, Four times Wild Pitches: 2 vs. Maryland (6.0 inn.), 2-25-11, Massachusetts (4.2 inn.), 3-15-11 Hit Batters: 2, Three times HAROLD EARLS At-Bats: 5, Several times Runs: 4, vs. Holy Cross, 5-19-13 Hits: 4 vs. Holy Cross, 5-19-13; UMBC, 3-3-12 Runs Batted In: 3, Three times Doubles: 1, Several times Triples: 1, Four times Home Runs: None Total Bases: 7 vs. Holy Cross, 5-19-13 Walks: 3 vs. Holy Cross, 4-27-13 Strikeouts: 4 vs. Navy, 3-31-13 Stolen Bases: 3 vs. Holy Cross, 5-19-13 Putouts: 3, Three times Assists: 9 vs. Holy Cross, 5-20-12 GARRISON FRANKLIN (PITCHING) Innings: 2.1 vs. Navy, 3-31-13; Lehigh, 4-7-13 Hits: 8 vs. Lehigh (2.1 inn.), 4-7-13 Runs: 4 vs. Lehigh (2.1 inn.), 4-7-13 Earned Runs: 3 vs. Lehigh (2.1 inn.), 4-7-13 Walks: 1, Three times Strikeouts: 2 vs. Lehigh (2.1 inn.), 4-7-13 Home Runs: 1 vs. Eastern Kentucky (1.0 inn.), 2-23-13; Lehigh (2.1 inn.), 4-7-13 Wild Pitches: 1 vs. Siena (0.1 inn.), 3-2-13 Hit Batters: 2 vs. Navy (2.1 inn.), 3-31-13 (BATTING) At-Bats: None Runs: None Hits: None Runs Batted In: None Doubles: None Triples: None Home Runs: None Total Bases: None Walks: 1 vs. NYIT, 3-23-13 Strikeouts: None Stolen Bases: None Putouts: 1 vs. Navy, 3-31-13 Assists: 1 vs. Navy, 3-31-13
JUSTIN FRENCH Innings: 2.0 vs. Indiana, 3-12-13 Hits: 3 vs. UNCG (1.0 inn.), 2-17-13 Runs: 3 vs. UNCG (1.0 inn.), 2-17-13 Earned Runs: 1 vs. UNCG (1.0 inn.), 2-17-13 Walks: 1 vs. UNCG (1.0 inn.), 2-17-13; Indiana, 3-12-13 Strikeouts: 2 vs. Yale (1.0 inn.), 3-9-13; Indiana, 3-12-13 Home Runs: None Wild Pitches: None Hit Batters: 2 vs. Delaware State (0.1 inn.), 2-24-13 PATRICK GARDNER Innings: 3.1 vs. Marist, 4-24-13 Hits: 5 vs. Navy (0.0 inn.), 4-1-13; Hartford (2.2 inn.), 5-2-13 Runs: 4 vs. Navy (0.0 inn.), 4-1-13; Holy Cross (0.0 inn.), 4-28-13 Earned Runs: 4 vs. Navy (0.0 inn.), 4-1-13; Holy Cross (0.0 inn.), 4-28-13 Walks: 2 vs. Hartford (2.2 inn.), 5-2-13 Strikeouts: 3 vs. Marist (3.1 inn.), 4-24-13 Home Runs: 1 vs. Lafayette (1.0 inn.), 4-14-13 Wild Pitches: 1 vs. Siena (1.1 inn.), 3-26-13 Hit Batters: 1, Four times BRIAN HAPEMAN Innings: 5.0 vs. NYIT, 5-1-13 Hits: 4 vs. NYIT (5.0 inn.), 5-1-13 Runs: 2 vs. Lehigh (2.0 inn.), 4-6-13 Earned Runs: 2 vs. Lehigh (2.0 inn.), 4-6-13 Walks: 2 vs. Yale (1.0 inn.), 3-9-13; Lehigh (2.0 inn.), 4-6-13 Strikeouts: 2 vs. NYIT (5.0 inn.), 5-1-13; Holy Cross (3.1 inn.), 5-19-13 Home Runs: 1 vs. Lehigh (2.0 inn.), 4-6-13 Wild Pitches: 1 vs. Manhattan (1.2 inn.), 4-17-13 Hit Batters: 2 vs. Lehigh (2.0 inn.), 4-6-13 ALEX JENSEN At-Bats: 5, Several times Runs: 3 vs. Yale, 3-9-13; NYIT, 3-23-13 Hits: 4 vs. High Point, 2-18-12 Runs Batted In: 4 vs. Yale, 3-9-13; Lehigh, 4-8-12 Doubles: 2 vs. Miami (Ohio), 3-14-13 Triples: 1 vs. Yale, 3-9-13; Lehigh, 4-7-12 Home Runs: 1, Three times Total Bases: 6 vs. Yale, 3-9-13 Walks: 2, Three times Strikeouts: 3 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-12 Stolen Bases: 2 vs. Hartford, 5-2-13 Putouts: 7 vs. UMBC, 3-4-12 Assists: 9 vs. Liberty, 3-3-13; Iowa, 3-16-12
JULIAN LARIMER Innings: 5.1 vs. Bucknell, 4-21-13 Hits: 5 vs. Fairleigh Dickinson (1.0 inn.), 4-3-13; Lafayette (3.2 inn.), 4-14-13 Runs: 6 vs. Holy Cross (4.1 inn.), 4-28-13 Earned Runs: 4 vs. Holy Cross (4.1 inn.), 4-28-13 Walks: 1, Three times Strikeouts: 2 vs. Lafayette (3.2 inn.), 4-14-13; Bucknell (5.1 inn.), 4-21-13 Home Runs: None Wild Pitches: None Hit Batters: 2 vs. Holy Cross (4.1 inn.), 4-28-13 RYAN LEVENHAGEN At-Bats: 4 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Runs: 1 vs. UNC Greensboro, 2-17-13; Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Hits: 1 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Runs Batted In: None Doubles: None Triples: None Home Runs: None Total Bases: 1 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Walks: None Strikeouts: 2 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Stolen Bases: None Putouts: 3 vs. NYIT, 3-24-13 Assists: None
CONNOR LOVE At-Bats: 5 vs. Miami (Ohio), 3-14-13; Nyack, 5-4-13 Runs: 2 vs. NYIT, 5-1-13 Hits: 3 vs. NYIT, 5-1-13 Runs Batted In: 3 vs. Yale, 3-9-13 Doubles: 1, Three times Triples: None Home Runs: None Total Bases: 4 vs. NYIT, 5-1-13 Walks: 1, Several times Strikeouts: 3 vs. Harvard, 3-24-12 Stolen Bases: 1 vs. Chestnut Hill, 5-5-13 Putouts: 9 vs. NYIT, 3-23-13; Columbia, 3-23-13 Assists: 4 vs. Indiana, 3-12-13
PATRICK MESCHER At-Bats: 5, Three times Runs: 3, Three times Hits: 3, Five times Runs Batted In: 4 vs. Nyack, 5-4-13 Doubles: 1, Four times Triples: None Home Runs: 2 vs. Holy Cross, 4-27-13 Total Bases: 9 vs. Holy Cross, 4-27-13 Walks: 3 vs. Yale, 3-9-13; NYIT, 5-1-13 Strikeouts: 3 vs. Lehigh, 4-6-13 Stolen Bases: 1, Several times Putouts: 15 vs. Liberty, 3-3-13 Assists: 4 vs. Delaware State, 2-24-13; Yale, 3-10-13
BEN SMITH At-Bats: 3 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Runs: 1 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Hits: 2 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Runs Batted In: 2 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Doubles: None Triples: None Home Runs: None Total Bases: 2 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Walks: None Strikeouts: 1 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Stolen Bases: None Putouts: 6 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Assists: 1 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13
JOHN MALCOLM Innings: 2.0 vs. Navy, 4-1-13; Manhattan, 4-17-13 Hits: 2, Three times Runs: 1, Four times Earned Runs: 1, Three times Walks: 3 vs. Manhattan (2.0 inn.), 4-17-13 Strikeouts: 2 vs. Navy (2.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Home Runs: None Wild Pitches: 2 vs. Holy Cross (0.2 inn.), 4-28-13 Hit Batters: 2 vs. Navy (2.0 inn.), 4-1-13
JACOB PAGE At-Bats: 5, Several times Runs: 3 vs. Navy, 4-1-13; Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Hits: 3, Three times Runs Batted In: 4 vs. NYIT, 3-23-13 Doubles: 1, Eight times Triples: 2 vs. Lafayette, 4-14-13 Home Runs: 2 vs. Lehigh, 4-7-13 Total Bases: 8 vs. Lehigh, 4-7-13; Lafayette, 4-14-13 Walks: 1, Several times Strikeouts: 3 vs. Manhattan, 4-17-13 Stolen Bases: 2 vs. Yale, 3-10-13 Putouts: 8 vs. UNC Wilmington, 6-1-13 Assists: 1, Four times
JONATHAN THIESS Innings: 2.0 vs. Siena, 3-2-13; Navy, 4-1-13 Hits: 4 vs. Siena (2.0 inn.), 3-2-13; Navy (2.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Runs: 4 vs. Navy (2.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Earned Runs: 4 vs. Navy (2.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Walks: 2 vs. Navy (2.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Strikeouts: 2 vs. Siena (2.0 inn.), 3-2-13 Home Runs: 1 vs. Navy (2.0 inn.), 4-1-13 Wild Pitches: None Hit Batters: 1 vs. Navy (2.0 inn.), 4-1-13
DAVIS MARLAR Innings: 5.1 vs. Hartford, 5-2-13 Hits: 2 vs. Lehigh (1.0 inn.), 4-7-13 Runs: 3 vs. Lehigh (1.0 inn.), 4-7-13 Earned Runs: 1 vs. Miami (Ohio) (2.0 inn.), 3-14-13; Holy Cross (1.0 inn.), 4-27-13 Walks: 2 vs. Indiana (2.0 inn.), 3-12-13; Fordham (0.1 inn.), 4-10-13 Strikeouts: 5 vs. Hartford (5.1 inn.), 5-2-13 Home Runs: 1 vs. Miami (Ohio) (2.0 inn.), 3-14-13; Holy Cross (1.0 inn.), 4-27-13 Wild Pitches: 1 vs. Fairleigh Dickinson (0.2 inn.), 4-3-13 Hit Batters: 2 vs. Hartford (5.1 inn.), 5-2-13 MARK McCANTS At-Bats: 5, Several times Runs: 3 vs. Yale, 3-9-13 Hits: 3, Three times Runs Batted In: 4 vs. Harvard, 3-24-12; Lafayette, 5-12-12 Doubles: 1, Seven times Triples: 1 vs. Lehigh, 4-6-13; Holy Cross, 5-19-13 Home Runs: 1 vs. Bucknell, 4-21-12; Lafayette, 5-12-12 Total Bases: 5 vs. Holy Cross, 5-19-13 Walks: 2, Four times Strikeouts: 3 vs. Bucknell, 4-21-12 Stolen Bases: 2 vs. Yale, 3-9-13 Putouts: 4 vs. Liberty, 3-1-13 Assists: None
Mark McCants
JUSTIN REECE At-Bats: 4, Several times Runs: 2 vs. Lehigh, 4-7-13; Fordham, 4-10-13 Hits: 3 vs. Fordham, 4-10-13 Runs Batted In: 2 vs. NYIT, 3-24-13; Holy Cross, 4-28-13 Doubles: 1 vs. Fordham, 4-10-13 Triples: None Home Runs: None Total Bases: 4 vs. Fordham, 4-10-13 Walks: 2 vs. Siena, 3-26-13 Strikeouts: 2 vs. Dartmouth, 3-16-13 Stolen Bases: 1 vs. Holy Cross, 4-28-13; Chestnut Hill, 5-5-13 Putouts: 5 vs. Fordham, 4-10-13; Chestnut Hill, 5-5-13 Assists: 5 vs. Nyack, 5-4-13; Chestnut Hill, 5-5-13 ALEX ROBINETT Innings: 9.0 vs. Navy, 5-11-13; Holy Cross, 5-19-13 Hits: 13 vs. Ohio State (3.2 inn.), 3-13-11 Runs: 8 vs. Stony Brook (6.2 inn.), 3-28-11 Earned Runs: 7 vs. Navy (6.0 inn.), 3-31-13 Walks: 5 vs. Eastern Kentucky (5.0 inn.), 2-23-13 Strikeouts: 11 vs. Lafayette (7.0 inn.), 4-13-13 Home Runs: 2, Three times Wild Pitches: 3 vs. Lafayette (7.0 inn.), 5-12-12; Stony Brook (6.2 inn.), 3-28-11 Hit Batters: 4 vs. Lafayette (7.0 inn.), 5-12-12
Alex Robinett
GRANT VAN ORDEN At-Bats: 5 vs. Fairleigh Dickinson, 4-3-13; Lehigh, 4-6-13 Runs: 2 vs. Navy, 4-1-13 Hits: 3 vs. Navy, 4-1-13; Holy Cross, 5-19-13 Runs Batted In: 3 vs. Holy Cross, 5-19-13 Doubles: 1 vs. Yale, 3-10-13; Navy, 4-1-13 Triples: None Home Runs: None Total Bases: 4 vs. Navy, 4-1-13 Walks: 2 vs. UNC Wilmington, 6-1-13 Strikeouts: 3 vs. Indiana, 3-12-13 Stolen Bases: 1, Three times Putouts: 6 vs. Navy, 5-11-13 Assists: 8 vs. Navy, 5-11-13 JACK VERILL Innings: 4.2 vs. Liberty, 3-1-13 Hits: 4 vs. Liberty (4.2 inn.), 3-1-13 Runs: 5 vs. Bucknell (2.2 inn.), 4-21-13 Earned Runs: 4 vs. Liberty (4.2 inn.), 3-1-13; Bucknell (2.2 inn.), 4-21-13 Walks: 3 vs. Liberty (4.2 inn.), 3-1-13; Holy Cross (3.2 inn.), 4-27-13 Strikeouts: 3 vs. Manhattan (1.1 inn.), 4-17-13 Home Runs: 1 vs. Liberty (4.2 inn.), 3-1-13 Wild Pitches: 1, Six times Hit Batters: 1 vs. Navy (1.0 inn.), 3-31-13; Bucknell (2.2 inn.), 4-21-13 ERIK WASHBURN Innings: 4.0 vs. Fairleigh Dickinson, 4-3-13; Fairleigh Dickinson, 4-11-12 Hits: 8 vs. Fairleigh Dickinson (4.0 inn.), 4-11-12 Runs: 5 vs. Manhattan (1.0 inn.), 4-4-12 Earned Runs: 5 vs. Manhattan (1.0 inn.), 4-4-12 Walks: 3 vs. Fairleigh Dickinson (4.0 inn.), 4-11-12 Strikeouts: 3 vs. Siena (3.1 inn.), 3-26-13 Home Runs: 1, Four times Wild Pitches: 2 vs. UNC Greensboro (2.1 inn.), 2-15-13 Hit Batters: 2 vs. Siena (3.1 inn.), 3-26-13; Manhattan (1.0 inn.), 4-4-12
Player AVG GP-GS AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB SLG% BB HBP SO GDP OB% SF SH SB-ATT PO A E FLD% PATRICK MESCHER .341 52-52 173 35 59 4 0 2 40 69 .399 19 11 32 2 .422 8 3 10-12 458 30 5 .990 MARK McCANTS .314 39-39 137 25 43 6 2 0 24 53 .387 17 8 15 3 .412 3 1 10-11 11 0 0 1.000 JACOB PAGE .307 52-51 179 29 55 8 4 3 35 80 .447 9 6 41 2 .348 7 7 11-14 139 4 1 .993 ALEX JENSEN .292 52-52 192 42 56 9 1 3 38 76 .396 8 20 16 5 .375 4 7 10-11 96 164 18 .935 Andrew Johnson .263 38-30 99 12 26 4 0 0 14 30 .303 6 5 14 1 .336 0 5 3-5 138 25 3 .982 JON CRUCITTI .260 50-48 173 43 45 1 2 0 6 50 .289 37 15 43 3 .431 0 4 16-20 91 3 1 .989 HAROLD EARLS .254 52-52 181 35 46 9 3 0 20 61 .337 26 8 26 0 .364 5 7 15-16 50 142 13 .937 CONNOR LOVE .241 28-24 83 8 20 3 0 0 11 23 .277 5 3 15 3 .308 0 3 1-1 123 32 2 .987 GRANT VAN ORDEN .238 33-33 101 14 24 2 0 0 14 26 .257 11 7 15 5 .350 1 8 3-6 50 71 6 .953 JUSTIN REECE .236 24-19 72 13 17 1 0 0 10 18 .250 5 4 12 0 .321 0 1 2-3 42 53 4 .960 Michael Sands .222 38-31 99 14 22 1 1 1 13 28 .283 6 6 24 0 .306 0 4 4-5 30 1 2 .939 Dakari Cooke .145 38-15 62 10 9 2 1 0 3 13 .210 10 0 23 1 .257 2 1 4-5 34 3 2 .949 DANIEL CORTES .145 21-20 69 10 10 0 0 0 9 10 .145 18 1 13 3 .326 1 5 4-4 11 0 1 .917 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BEN SMITH .667 3-0 3 1 2 0 0 0 2 2 .667 0 0 1 0 .667 0 0 0-0 11 1 0 1.000 BROCK DAVIDSON .143 6-2 14 1 2 0 0 0 2 2 .143 2 0 2 0 .250 0 0 0-0 7 15 0 1.000 RYAN LEVENHAGEN .125 6-0 8 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 .125 0 0 3 1 .125 0 0 0-0 4 0 0 1.000 DAVIS MARLAR .000 2-0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 2 0 .000 0 0 0-0 3 1 0 1.000 Chris Rowley .000 1-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0-0 7 12 2 .905 GARRISON FRANKLIN.000 2-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0-0 1 1 0 1.000 Totals .265 52-52 1648 294 437 50 14 9 241 542 .329 180 94 297 29 .364 31 56 93-113 1328 601 66 .967 Opponents .275 52-52 1717 243 473 83 6 17 218 619 .361 139 81 279 34 .355 17 36 54-78 1315 630 101 .951 LOB - Team (400), Opp (420). DPs turned - Team (37), Opp (33). TPs turned - Team (0), Opp (1). CI - Team (1), Johnson 1. IBB - Team (3), VAN ORDEN 1, JENSEN 1, CORTES 1, OPP (3). PICKED OFF - VAN ORDEN 2, EARLS 1, PAGE 1, CORTES 1, CRUCITTI 1.
PITCHING STATISTICS Player ERA W-L APP GS CG SHO/CBO SV IP H R ER BB SO 2B 3B HR AB B/Avg WP HBP BK SFA SHA DAVIS MARLAR 1.46 1-0 8 0 0 0/0 0 12.1 5 5 2 6 13 1 0 2 44 .114 1 6 0 0 1 BRIAN HAPEMAN 1.69 2-1 11 2 0 0/0 1 21.1 19 4 4 7 7 2 0 1 81 .235 1 5 0 0 0 Chris Rowley 2.67 9-4 14 14 6 2/1 0 97.2 99 32 29 21 75 16 2 2 376 .263 7 12 0 1 5 ERIK WASHBURN 3.38 1-0 13 3 0 0/1 0 26.2 36 14 10 13 13 8 1 2 108 .333 6 3 1 3 1 ALEX ROBINETT 3.43 7-4 15 15 3 0/0 0 86.2 83 48 33 25 62 17 0 1 332 .250 6 14 1 1 7 JULIAN LARIMER 3.91 2-2 11 1 0 0/0 1 23.0 23 12 10 3 10 1 0 0 88 .261 0 7 0 0 4 BROCK DAVIDSON 4.45 2-3 11 9 1 0/0 0 58.2 62 33 29 12 26 9 0 3 226 .274 4 11 0 4 10 GUNNAR CARROLL 6.02 3-4 20 3 0 0/0 4 43.1 58 35 29 7 23 12 1 1 178 .326 4 7 1 2 2 JACK VERRILL 6.46 0-3 7 2 0 0/0 0 15.1 11 12 11 10 8 3 1 1 49 .224 6 2 0 4 3 PATRICK GARDNER 6.85 2-1 14 2 0 0/0 0 22.1 28 19 17 7 11 5 1 1 89 .315 1 4 1 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUSTIN FRENCH 1.80 0-0 5 0 0 0/0 0 5.0 7 3 1 2 5 1 0 0 20 .350 0 2 0 1 0 BLAKE BURRUS 2.70 0-0 3 0 0 0/0 0 3.1 2 1 1 4 6 0 0 0 12 .167 4 0 0 0 0 JOHN MALCOLM 3.12 0-0 8 1 0 0/0 0 8.2 10 4 3 10 7 1 0 0 34 .294 3 3 0 1 0 GARRISON FRANKLIN 7.71 0-0 5 0 0 0/0 0 7.0 12 7 6 3 4 4 0 2 31 .387 1 3 0 0 1 ANDREW FLAHERTY 9.00 0-1 4 0 0 0/0 0 6.0 9 6 6 2 7 1 0 0 25 .360 0 1 0 0 2 JONATHAN THIESS 11.25 0-0 3 0 0 0/0 0 4.0 8 5 5 4 2 2 0 1 18 .444 0 1 0 0 0 TAYLOR GOUCHER 13.50 0-0 2 0 0 0/0 0 1.1 1 3 2 3 0 0 0 0 6 .167 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 4.03 29-23 52 52 10 3/1 6 442.2 473 243 198 139 279 83 6 17 1717 .275 44 81 4 17 36 Opponents 4.43 23-29 52 52 8 2/0 13 438.1 437 294 216 180 297 50 14 9 1648 .265 34 94 9 31 56 PB - Team (14), Johnson 8, LOVE 6, Opp (14). Pickoffs - Team (7), ROBINETT 3, LOVE 2, CARROLL 1, WASHBURN 1, Opp (6). SBA/ATT - LOVE (23-38), Johnson (28-35), ROBINETT (15-21), Rowley (9-13), WASHBURN (10-12), VERRILL (6-7), CARROLL (5-7), LARIMER (2-5), MARLAR (4-4), DAVIDSON (1-3), GARDNER (2-3), HAPEMAN (1-2), MALCOLM, J (0-1), FRENCH (0-1), SMITH (1-1), GOUCHER (1-1).
PO 7 11 11 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 139 458 91 123 138 11
A 15 1 0 5 1 0 2 2 1 1 0 4 30 3 32 25 14
E FLD% DPs SBA CSB SBA% PB CI 0 1.000 0 1 2 .333 0 0 0 1.000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 0 2 3 .400 0 0 0 1.000 0 4 0 1.000 0 0 0 1.000 2 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 1 2 1 .667 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.000 0 6 1 .857 0 0 0 1.000 0 0 0 0 0 1 .993 0 0 0 0 0 5 .990 34 0 0 0 0 1 .989 1 0 0 0 0 2 .987 0 23 15 .605 6 0 3 .982 1 28 7 .800 8 1 1 .962 0 15 6 .714 0 0
Player C PO A JUSTIN REECE 99 42 53 GRANT VAN ORDEN 127 50 71 Dakari Cooke 39 34 3 Michael Sands 33 30 1 HAROLD EARLS 205 50 142 ALEX JENSEN 278 96 164 DANIEL CORTES 12 11 0 Chris Rowley 21 7 12 GUNNAR CARROLL 16 4 10 BRIAN HAPEMAN 7 2 4 ERIK WASHBURN 6 0 5 JUSTIN FRENCH 1 0 0 TAYLOR GOUCHER 0 0 0 BLAKE BURRUS 0 0 0 JOHN MALCOLM 0 0 0 Totals 1995 1328 601 Opponents 2046 1315 630
E FLD% DPs SBA CSB SBA% PB CI 4 .960 17 0 0 0 0 6 .953 8 0 0 0 0 2 .949 0 0 0 0 0 2 .939 0 0 0 0 0 13 .937 11 0 0 0 0 18 .935 25 0 0 0 0 1 .917 0 0 0 0 0 2 .905 0 9 4 .692 0 0 2 .875 0 5 2 .714 0 0 1 .857 2 1 1 .500 0 0 1 .833 0 10 2 .833 0 0 1 .000 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 .000 0 1 0 1.000 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 .000 0 0 66 .967 37 54 24 .692 14 1 101 .951 33 93 20 .823 14 0
29-23 • 11-9 PATRIOT LEAGUE • HOME: 10-9 • AWAY: 14-7 • NEUTRAL: 5-7 Date Feb 15 Feb 17 Feb 23 Feb 24 Mar 1 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 9 Mar 9 Mar 10 Mar 12 Mar 14 Mar 16 Mar 16 Mar 23 Mar 23 Mar 24 Mar 26 Mar 31 Mar 31 Apr 1 Apr 1 Apr 3 Apr 6 Apr 6 Apr 7 Apr 7 Apr 10 Apr 13 Apr 13 Apr 14 Apr 14 Apr 17 Apr 20 Apr 20 Apr 21 Apr 21 Apr 24 Apr 27 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 28 May 1 May 2 May 4 May 5 May 11 May 11 May 19 May 19 May 31 Jun 1
Opponent at UNCG at UNCG vs. Eastern Kentucky vs. Delaware State at LIBERTY vs. Siena at LIBERTY vs. Yale vs. Yale vs. Yale vs. Indiana vs. Miami vs. North Dakota State vs. Dartmouth NYIT COLUMBIA NYIT SIENA NAVY* NAVY* NAVY* NAVY* at Fairleigh Dickinson at Lehigh* at Lehigh* at Lehigh* at Lehigh* FORDHAM at Lafayette* at Lafayette* at Lafayette* at Lafayette* MANHATTAN at Bucknell* at Bucknell* at Bucknell* at Bucknell* vs. Marist HOLY CROSS* HOLY CROSS* HOLY CROSS* HOLY CROSS* NYIT HARTFORD NYACK CHESTNUT HILL at Navy# at Navy# at Holy Cross^ at Holy Cross^ at Virginia$ vs. UNC Wilmington$
Score 4-7 5-8 6-8 5-6 4-6 2-10 3-4 14-4 8-4 4-1 2-4 13-7 7-8 2-5 12-1 1-5 9-1 7-6 1-7 2-4 4-15 14-7 6-4 1-0 3-4 3-1 10-19 8-2 2-1 2-1 8-4 9-4 3-4 7-0 5-2 3-2 0-5 10-3 10-6 7-10 0-2 9-11 7-2 4-3 13-0 4-1 4-2 7-3 9-4 5-4 1-2 5-9
Army r -h -e 4-5-2 5-6-3 6-7-1 5-8-0 4-8-0 2-8-1 3-9-1 14-12-1 8-8-2 4-7-2 2-5-1 13-14-5 7-8-0 2-6-0 12-16-0 1-9-1 9-11-1 7-9-0 1-5-0 2-4-4 4-6-2 14-14-1 6-8-1 1-6-1 3-4-2 3-8-1 10-9-2 8-12-4 2-4-1 2-8-0 8-10-3 9-9-0 3-7-1 7-9-0 5-8-2 3-10-0 0-4-2 10-11-3 10-14-2 7-11-0 0-1-1 9-9-5 7-11-0 4-9-0 13-16-1 4-7-1 4-8-0 7-8-0 9-11-0 5-8-1 1-5-1 5-7-3
Opp. r -h -e 7-13-4 8-9-3 8-13-4 6-12-3 6-9-0 10-15-2 4-12-0 4-7-5 4-6-3 1-11-3 4-9-3 7-8-1 8-10-2 5-12-1 1-6-4 5-9-1 1-4-2 6-10-3 7-8-2 4-8-1 15-17-2 7-10-3 4-11-2 0-6-0 4-14-2 1-5-0 19-22-0 2-4-1 1-6-2 1-4-2 4-8-5 4-12-2 4-9-2 0-4-1 2-9-2 2-6-2 5-4-1 3-11-3 6-10-1 10-14-2 2-3-0 11-11-4 2-7-1 3-7-1 0-5-0 1-4-2 2-5-0 3-11-1 4-11-5 4-7-3 2-9-0 9-16-2
Inn. 9 9 9 (10) 9 9 (11) 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 7 9 9 7 (10) 7 9 9 7 9 7 9 9 7 (10) (8) 9 9 7 9 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Overall 0-1-0 0-2-0 0-3-0 0-4-0 0-5-0 0-6-0 0-7-0 1-7-0 2-7-0 3-7-0 3-8-0 4-8-0 4-9-0 4-10-0 5-10-0 5-11-0 6-11-0 7-11-0 7-12-0 7-13-0 7-14-0 8-14-0 9-14-0 10-14-0 10-15-0 11-15-0 11-16-0 12-16-0 13-16-0 14-16-0 15-16-0 16-16-0 16-17-0 17-17-0 18-17-0 19-17-0 19-18-0 20-18-0 21-18-0 21-19-0 21-20-0 21-21-0 22-21-0 23-21-0 24-21-0 25-21-0 26-21-0 27-21-0 28-21-0 29-21-0 29-22-0 29-23-0
PL 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-1-0 0-2-0 0-3-0 1-3-0 1-3-0 2-3-0 2-4-0 3-4-0 3-5-0 3-5-0 4-5-0 5-5-0 6-5-0 7-5-0 7-5-0 8-5-0 9-5-0 10-5-0 10-6-0 10-6-0 11-6-0 11-7-0 11-8-0 11-9-0 11-9-0 11-9-0 11-9-0 11-9-0 11-9-0 11-9-0 11-9-0 11-9-0 11-9-0 11-9-0
* = Conference game # = Patriot League Tournament Semifinal Series ^ = Patriot League Championship Series $ = NCAA Charlottesville Regional () extra inning game
Pitcher of Record Rowley, C (L 0-1) Carroll, G (L 0-1) Rowley, C (L 0-2) Flaherty, A (L 0-1) Verrill, J (L 0-1) Robinett, A (L 0-1) Carroll, G (L 0-2) Robinett, A (W 1-1) Davidson, B (W 1-0) Rowley, C (W 1-2) Gardner, P (L 0-1) Robinett, A (W 2-1) Davidson, B (L 1-1) Carroll, G (L 0-3) Rowley, C (W 2-2) Davidson, B (L 1-2) Robinett, A (W 3-1) Carroll, G (W 1-3) Rowley, C (L 2-3) Davidson, B (L 1-3) Robinett, A (L 3-2) Carroll, G (W 2-3) Gardner, P (W 1-1) Rowley, C (W 3-3) Larimer, J (L 0-1) Robinett, A (W 4-2) Carroll, G (L 2-4) Washburn, E (W 1-0) Rowley, C (W 4-3) Davidson, B (W 2-3) Robinett, A (W 5-2) Larimer, J (W 1-1) Hapeman, B (L 0-1) Rowley, C (W 5-3) Gardner, P (W 2-1) Robinett, A (W 6-2) Verrill, J (L 0-2) Hapeman, B (W 1-1) Rowley, C (W 6-3) Verrill, J (L 0-3) Robinett, A (L 6-3) Larimer, J (L 1-2) Carroll, G (W 3-4) Marlar, D (W 1-0) Rowley, C (W 7-3) Robinett, A (W 7-3) Rowley, C (W 8-3) Larimer, J (W 2-2) Rowley, C (W 9-3) Hapeman, B (W 2-1) Rowley, C (L 9-4) Robinett, A (L 7-4)
Att. 693 196 140 0 939 1159 918 200 300 254 147 124 396 77 112 147 97 520 319 63 150 175 154 181 169 125 375 350 2512 515 378 119 137 215 212 1250 913 913 3826 3342
Time 3:29 2:54 3:19 3:42 2:37 2:56 3;31 2:35 2:40 2:30 2:59 3:16 2:51 2:14 2:45 2:31 2:21 3:21 2:23 3:15 2:51 3:10 2:57 1:55 3:10 2:00 3:30 2:34 2:16 2:16 2:42 2:58 2:55 1:42 2:58 2:03 2:03 2:50 2:36 3:45 1:40 3:21 2:27 2:40 2:43 2:38 2:26 2:59 3:03 3:45 2:55 3:52
PATRIOT LEAGUE Holy Cross Navy ARMY Bucknell Lafayette Lehigh OVERALL Holy Cross Navy ARMY Bucknell Lafayette Lehigh
W-L 15-5 13-7 11-9 10-10 6-14 5-15
Pct. .750 .650 .550 .500 .300 .250
Home 9-3 4-4 2-6 3-5 3-9 3-9
Road 6-2 9-3 9-3 7-5 3-5 2-6
Runs 129 116 100 100 83 83
Runs All. 90 87 105 87 130 112
W-L-T 28-25 28-23 29-23 16-33 10-40 18-29
Pct. .528 .549 .558 .327 .200 .383
Home 16-7 10-12 10-9 5-8 4-16 4-13
Road 10-14 14-5 14-7 7-20 6-23 13-15
Runs 317 271 294 202 202 249
Runs All. 325 239 243 260 356 299
2013 PATRIOT LEAGUE TOURNAMENT Best-of-Three Semifinal Series (at Worcester, Mass. and Annapolis, Md.) Saturday, May 11 No. 1 Holy Cross 9, No. 4 Bucknell 6 (Game 1) No. 1 Holy Cross 3, No. 6 Bucknell 0 (Game 2) No. 3 Army 4, No. 2 Navy 2 (Game 1) No. 3 Army 7, No. 2 Navy 3 (Game 2)
Best-of-Three Championship Series (at Worcester, Mass.) Sunday, May 19 No. 3 Army 9, No. 1 Holy Cross 4 (Game 1) No. 3 Army 5, No. 1 Holy Cross 4 (Game 2)
BLACK KNIGHTS ON THE 2013 PATRIOT LEAGUE ACADEMIC HONOR ROLL Player Gunnar Carroll Dakari Cooke Daniel Cortes Jon Crucitti Nick Dignacco Taylor Goucher Connor Love John Malcolm Patrick Mescher Jonathan Thiess
Year Jr. So. So. Jr. Jr. So. Jr. Fr. Jr. Fr.
Major American Legal Studies Operations Research Engineering Management U.S. History American Legal Studies Nuclear Engineering Management Undeclared Life Science Undeclared
GPA 3.272 3.493 3.616 3.272 3.332 3.785 3.945 3.263 3.402 3.378
Hometown/High School Louisa, Va./ Louisa Hampton, Va./Bethel Altamonte Springs, Fla./ Lake Mary Salisbury, N.C./ West Rowan Sharon,Conn./Housatonic Valley Tacoma, Wash./Mount Rainier Beaverton, Ore./Jesuit Marietta, Ga./ Wheeler Versailles, Ohio/Versailles League City, Texas/Episcopal
FIRST TEAM SP Chris Rowley SP Stephen Moore RP John Colella C Dave Milanes 1B Jordan Enos 2B Kevin Casey SS Alex Jensen 3B Mike Ahmed OF Greg Dupell OF Evan Ocello OF Patrick Puentes DH Corey Furman
Army Navy Holy Cross Navy Holy Cross Lafayette Army Holy Cross Navy Holy Cross Holy Cross Bucknell
Sr. So. Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr. So. Jr. Sr. So. Sr. Jr.
SECOND TEAM SP Alex Robinett SP Donny Murray RP Joel Rinehart C Joe Abeln 1B Kash Manzelli 2B Travis Clark SS John Elson OF Brandon Cipolla OF Jacob Page OF Justin Pacchioli OF Andrew Ruck OF Casey Turner DH Mark McCants
Army Holy Cross Navy Lehigh Navy Bucknell Lehigh Holy Cross Army Lehigh Lafayette Lehigh Army
So. So. Sr. Jr. Jr. Sr. So. Jr. Fr. So. Sr. Sr. So.
Jordan Enos, Holy Cross
Andrew Andreyhcik, Bucknell
COACH OF THE YEAR Greg DiCenzo, Holy Cross
John Colella, Holy Cross
INDIVIDUAL STATISTICAL LEADERS BATTING AVERAGE Player GP Justin Pacchioli (Lehigh) 39 Patrick Mescher (Army)52 Evan Ocello (Holy Cross) 53 Casey Turner (Lehigh) 47 Kash Manzelli (Navy) 51 Brandon Cipolla (Holy Cross) 53 Jordan Enos (Holy Cross) 50 Greg Dupell (Navy) 51 Patrick Puentes (Holy Cross)52 Andrew Ruck (Lafayette) 48
AB 142 173 198 172 191 186 184 200 169 176
RUNS BATTED IN Player Patrick Mescher (Army) Greg Dupell (Navy) Alex Jensen (Army) Jordan Enos (Holy Cross) Jacob Page (Army) Patrick Puentes (Holy Cross) Dave Milanes (Navy) Brandon Cipolla (Holy Cross) Kash Manzelli (Navy) Carter Bumgardner (Bucknell)
GP 52 51 52 50 52 52 51 53 51 42
RBI 40 39 38 37 35 34 32 30 30 30
HOME RUNS Player Patrick Puentes (Holy Cross) Mike Ahmed (Holy Cross) Alex Jensen (Army) Jacob Page (Army) Scott Kelleher (Lafayette) Greg Dupell (Navy) Evan Ocello (Holy Cross) Andrew Ruck (Lafayette) 14 tied with 2 home runs
GP 52 45 52 52 44 51 53 48
HR 7 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
TRIPLES Player Andrew Santomauro (Lafayette) Justin Pacchioli (Lehigh) Jacob Page (Army) Greg Dupell (Navy) Alex Maldonado (Holy Cross) Harold Earls (Army) Evan Ocello (Holy Cross) Brandon Cipolla (Holy Cross) 8 tied with 2 triples
GP 49 39 52 51 53 52 53 53
3B 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3
GP 50 51 49 45 53 47 53 47 51 48 44
2B 18 18 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 12 12
DOUBLES Player Jordan Enos (Holy Cross) Greg Dupell (Navy) Travis Clark (Bucknell) Parker Hills (Lafayette) Brandon Cipolla (Holy Cross) Mike Garzillo (Lehigh) Evan Ocello (Holy Cross) Casey Turner (Lehigh) Dave Milanes (Navy) Brandon Beans (Navy) Scott Kelleher (Lafayette)
H 52 59 67 58 64 62 61 64 54 56
Avg. .366 .341 .338 .337 .335 .333 .332 .320 .320 .318
RUNS SCORED Player Evan Ocello (Holy Cross) Jon Crucitti (Army) Alex Jensen (Army) Casey Turner (Lehigh) Brandon Cipolla (Holy Cross) Harold Earls (Army) Patrick Mescher (Army) Kevin Casey (Lafayette) Greg Dupell (Navy) Kash Manzelli (Navy)
GP 53 50 52 47 53 52 52 49 51 51
R 46 43 42 40 37 35 35 35 35 35
STOLEN BASES Player Jon Crucitti (Army) Brad Borosak (Navy) Casey Turner (Lehigh) Harold Earls (Army) Mike Garzillo (Lehigh) Evan Ocello (Holy Cross) Andrew Santomauro (Lafayette) Brandon Wilt (Lehigh) Mike Ahmed (Holy Cross) Brandon Beans (Navy)
GP 50 41 47 52 47 53 49 40 45 48
SB 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 14 13
EARNED RUN AVERAGE Player IP R ER ERA Chris Rowley (Army) 97.2 32 29 2.67 Luke Gillingham (Navy) 53.0 27 19 3.23 Stephen Moore (Navy) 58.1 24 21 3.24 Michael Massa (Lafayette) 66.0 35 25 3.41 Alex Robinett (Army) 86.2 48 33 3.43 Colin Gotzon (Lehigh) 55.2 33 22 3.56 Dan Goldstein (Bucknell) 70.0 39 28 3.60 Andrew Andreychik (Bucknell) 50.2 26 21 3.73 Bryson Hough (Bucknell) 73.2 47 35 4.28 Dan Weigel (Bucknell) 81.0 47 39 4.33 STRIKEOUTS Player Chris Rowley (Army) Anthony Parenti (Navy) Alex Robinett (Army) Donny Murray (Holy Cross) Dan Weigel (Bucknell) Dan Goldstein (Bucknell) John Colella (Holy Cross) Colin Gotzon (Lehigh) Stephen Moore (Navy) Ben Nelson (Navy) Luke Gillingham (Navy) WINS Player Chris Rowley (Army) Donny Murray (Holy Cross) Alex Robinett (Army) Ben Nelson (Navy) Andrew Boyce (Holy Cross) Colin Gotzon (Lehigh) 7 tied with 4 victories
G IP 14 97.2 12 63.2 15 86.2 14 72.2 11 81.0 12 70.0 25 49.1 11 55.2 12 58.1 6 41.2 14 53.0
G 14 14 15 6 28 11
SO 75 65 62 61 59 59 56 52 46 45 45
W-L 9-4 7-3 7-4 5-1 5-4 5-5
BATTING AVERAGE Team GP Holy Cross 53 Navy 51 Lehigh 47 Army 52 Lafayette 50 Bucknell 49
AB 1726 1707 1544 1648 1588 1581
H Avg. 499 .289 469 .275 419 .271 437 .265 399 .251 373 .236
EARNED RUN AVERAGE Team GP IP Navy 51 435.1 Army 52 442.2 Bucknell 49 408.0 Holy Cross 53 432.2 Lehigh 47 384.0 Lafayette 50 404.2
R 239 243 260 325 299 356
ER 187 198 204 270 242 284
ERA 3.87 4.03 4.50 5.62 5.67 6.32
FIELDING PERCENTAGE Team GP PO Army 52 1328 Navy 51 1306 Holy Cross 53 1298 Bucknell 49 1224 Lehigh 47 1152 Lafayette 50 1214
A 601 515 517 538 476 490
E 66 64 68 68 80 98
Pct. .967 .966 .964 .963 .953 .946
SCORING Team Holy Cross Army Navy Lehigh Bucknell Lafayette
GP 53 52 51 47 49 50
SAVES Player John Colella (Holy Cross) Gunnar Carroll (Army) Joel Rinehart (Navy) Mitch Leeds (Lafayette) Andrew Boyce (Holy Cross) Sam Sorensen (Navy) Nick Stephens (Lehigh) Brad Borosak (Navy) Thomas O’Malley (Lehigh) Max Kra (Bucknell)
R 317 294 271 249 202 202
R/G 6.0 5.7 5.3 5.3 4.1 4.0
G 25 20 23 15 28 21 15 9 13 18
SV 8 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
OPPOSING BATTING AVERAGE Player G AVG. Michael Massa (Lafayette) 11 .220 Dan Goldstein (Bucknell) 12 .240 Alex Robinett (Army) 15 .250 Colin Gotzon (Lehigh) 11 .250 Stephen Moore (Navy) 12 .251 Chris Rowley (Army) 14 .263 Donny Murray (Holy Cross) 14 .264 Andrew Andreychik (Bucknell) 12 .265 Bryson Hough (Bucknell) 12 .271 Brock Davidson (Army) 11 .274
Played 50 (or more) games in a season ..................................... 2013 (52, 29-23) Won 30 games in a season........................................................................ 2012 (41-15) Won 35 games in a season ........................................................................ 2012 (41-15) Won 40 games in a season........................................................................ 2012 (41-15) Registered 20 wins at Doubleday Field.................................................2012 (24-3) Won 10 consecutive games ............................................................................2005 (15) Won 15 consecutive games ............................................................................2005 (15) Scored 20 runs in a game ...................................April 19, 2009, at Lehigh (21-8) Scored 25 runs in a game..........................May 13, 2008, vs. Sacred Heart (27) Registered 20 base hits in a game ..................... April 19, 2009, at Lehigh (21) Registered 25 base hits in a game........May 13, 2008, vs. Sacred Heart (27) Registered 8 doubles in a game...............May 13, 2008, vs. Sacred Heart (8) Registered 3 triples in a game ..........................April 14, 2013, vs. Lafayette (3) Registered 5 home runs in a game ......... May 13, 2008, vs. Sacred Heart (5) Allowed 20 base hits in a game ............................ April 7, 2013, vs. Lehigh (22) Allowed 20 runs in a game .............................April 29, 2003, vs. Temple (7-23) Was shut out ..................................................... April 28, 2013, vs. Holy Cross (0-2) Turned a triple play in a game ...................................... March 3, 2012, vs. UMBC Turned 4 double plays in a game .............................. May 4, 2013, vs. Nyack (4) Hit into 4 double plays ........................................ April 4, 2009, vs. Holy Cross (4) Hit into 5 double plays .................................. March 25, 2008, vs. Quinnipiac (5) Was hit by pitch 5 times in a game Feb. 23, 2013, vs. Eastern Kentucky (7) Received 15 walks in a game ........................................ May 2, 1009, vs. NJIT (15) Struck out 15 times in a game................... March 18, 2011, vs. Dartmouth (19) Registered 10 stolen bases in a game ....................April 8, 2008, vs. Iona (10) Registered 30 total bases in a gameMarch 16, 2010, vs. Eastern Illinois (30) Registered 40 total bases in a game ... May 13, 2008, vs Sacred Heart (50) Registered 50 total bases in a game ... May 13, 2008, vs Sacred Heart (50) Registered 25 runs batted in in a game........................................... May 13, 2008 ............................................................................................................. vs Sacred Heart (27) Registered 15 strikeouts...............March 10, 2007, vs. Eastern Kentucky (15) Left 15 runners on base...........................Feb. 24, 2013, vs. Delaware State (15) Registered 400 runs scored in a season .............................................2009 (446) Registered 600 base hits in a season ...................................................2009 (626) Registered 100 doubles in a season .......................................................2009 (117) Registered 15 triples in a season ................................................................ 2009 (18) Registered 50 home runs in a season ......................................................2009 (57) Registered 900 total bases in a season.............................................. 2009 (950) Registered 75 stolen bases in a season .................................................. 2013 (93) Registered a .450 slugging percentage in a season ..................... 2009 (.500) Registered a .400 on-base percentage in a season ........................ 2009 (.417) Registered an earned run average of 3.50 or lower ........................ 2012 (3.25) Sent 20 batters to plate in an inning................................................. May 13, 2008 .................................................................................vs. Sacred Heart (21 in first inning)
THE LAST TIME AN ARMY PLAYER(S): Pitching Pitched a no-hitter ....................................Logan Lee vs. Bucknell, April 21, 2012 Pitched a shutout .................... Chris Rowley vs. Bucknell, April 20, 2013 (7-0) Registered 10 (or more) strikeouts in a game .....Chris Rowley vs. Lafayette .....................................................................................................................April 13, 2013 (11) Registered 15 strikeouts in a 9-inning game.... Steve Reich vs. New York Tech ............................................................................................................................May 5, 1993 (17) Registered 15 strikeouts in a 7-inning game .......... Steve Reich vs. Air Force .....................................................................................................................Feb. 28, 1992 (17) Registered 10 wins in a season .........................................Chris Rowley, 2012 (11) Registered 90 strikeouts in a season................................. Nick Hill, 2007 (100) Registered 100 strikeouts in a season............................... Nick Hill, 2007 (100)
Registered 10 saves in a season ................................Kevin McKague, 2010 (13) Registered 5 complete games in a season................... Chris Rowley, 2013 (6) Registered 8 complete games in a season ...........................Nick Hill, 2004 (8) Started 15 games in a season .........................................Alex Robinett (15), 2013 Pitched 10.0 innings in a game ...............................Drew Clothier vs. Longwood ..................................................................................................................May 6, 2007 (10.0) Registered 3 shutouts in a season....................................Chris Rowley, 2012 (5) Registered 90.0 innings pitched in a season .........Chris Rowley, 2013 (97.2) Registered 25 appearances in a season ...............Tyler Anderegg, 2009 (27) Registered 20 appearances in a season ..................Gunnar Carroll, 2013 (20)
Batting Hit safely in 15 straight games ............................................. Zach Price, 2010 (15) Hit safely in 20 straight games ........................................Milan Dinga, 2006 (25) Hit safely in 25 straight games .........................................Milan Dinga, 2006 (25) Hit for the cycle...........................Tony Capozzi vs. Dartmouth, March 21, 2008 Started 55 games in a season...........................................Alex Jensen, 2012 (56); .................................................... Zach Price, 2012 (56); Kevin McKague, 2012 (55) Batted .400 in a season (min. 100 at-bats) ............... Cole White, 2007 (.408) Registered 60 runs scored in a season ......................... Bryan Price, 1997 (65) Registered a slugging percentage of .800 in a season ............Mike Scioletti .................................................................................................................................1997 (.869) Registered a slugging percentage of .700 in a season .... Clint Moore, 2009 (.724) Registered 5 base hits in a game ....Clint Moore vs. Sacred Heart, 2008 (6) Registered 80 base hits in a season .........................Joey Henshaw, 2009 (80) Registered 3 doubles in a game ................................Kevin McKague vs. Lehigh ....................................................................................................................... April 8, 2012 (3) Registered 19 doubles in a season ..........................Kevin McKague, 2009 (19) Registered 2 triples in a game .... Jacob Page vs. Lafayette, April 14, 2013 (2) Registered 2 home runs in a game ... Patrick Mescher vs. Holy Cross, April 27, 2013 (2) Registered 3 home runs in a gameClint Moore at Lafayette, April 25, 2011 (3) Registered 10 total bases in a game ..Clint Moore at Lafayete, April 25, 2011 (12) Registered 6 runs batted in in a gameCody Murtle vs. Sacred Heart, March 10, 2012 (6) Registered 8 runs batted in in a game ......Mike Scioletti vs. New York Tech .................................................................................................................... April 30, 1997 (8) Registered 60 runs batted in in a season.............................Joey Henshaw (75) ......................................................................................................... Clint Moore (65), 2009 Registered 70 runs batted in in a season ............... Joey Henshaw, 2009 (75) Registered 5 runs scored in a game ..............................Andy Ernesto at Lehigh .................................................................................................................... April 19, 2009 (5) Registered 50 runs scored in a season .............................Zach Price (51), 2012 Registered 5 stolen bases in a game .......................Josh Holden vs. St. Peter’s ....................................................................................................................April 22, 2003 (5) Registered 15 stolen bases in a season...........................Jon Crucitti, 2013 (16) .......................................................................................................... Harold Earls, 2013 (15) Registered 20 stolen bases in a season........................Harold Earls, 2012 (23) .............................................................................................................Zach Price, 2012 (20) Registered 25 stolen bases in a season .......................Josh Holden, 2003 (27) Registered 30 stolen bases in a season.............Miguel Gastellum, 2001 (31) Registered 30 walks in a season ....................................... Jon Crucitti, 2013 (37) Registered 40 walks in a season ....................................... Jon Crucitti, 2013 (37) Was hit by pitch 15 times in a season.............................Alex Jensen, 2013 (20) .......................................................................................................... Harold Earls, 2013 (15) Hit a grand slam home run... Cody Murtle vs. Sacred Heart, March 10, 2012 Hit back-to-back home runs in a game .........Clint Moore and Joey Henshaw ................................................................................................vs. Lafayette, April 25, 2011 Registered 10 home runs in a season ................................ Clint Moore (11), 2011 Registered 13 home runs in a season ..................................... Joey Henshaw (13) Hit two home runs in same inning ................. Michael Sands and Alex Jensen ............................................................................................. vs. Holy Cross, April 27, 2013
DIAMOND HISTORY Football is not the only sport at the United States Military Academy owning a long and storied tradition. After celebrating its 100th anniversary in 1990, the intercollegiate baseball program at West Point thrives today, with a history that rivals any in the country. Not only was baseball the first organized sport at the Academy, but the game’s originator, Abner Doubleday, is an 1842 West Point graduate. Sometime during the Civil War, a sophomore cadet requested permission to purchase some baseball equipment in an effort to generate interest in the sport. Four years later, games were being played between the Academy’s four classes. The Black Knights began formally playing the sport in 1890, when a decision was made to adopt baseball as part of the athletic program at West Point. More than a century has passed, but the sport still thrives along the banks of the Hudson, as it has since that first historic game against the Riverton Club of Philadelphia, 123 years ago. Overall, Army teams have posted a 1,5961,312-41 record (.548), with victory No. 1,000 coming in a 9-7 decision over Long Island University in 1989. The Black Knights played the 2,500th intercollegiate game in program history in 2005 and recorded their 1,500th win versus Marist in the 2010 Hudson Valley Baseball Classic. When glancing through a list of the Academy’s former diamondmen, prominent names abound. Legends such as Omar Bradley, Louis Merrillat, Vernon Prichard, Robert Neyland and Elmer Oliphant all lettered in baseball while doubling as AllAmerica members of Army’s football team. Earl “Red” Blaik, the winningest football coach in Army history, met with success on the baseball diamond as a cadet, while other notable athletes to leave their cleatmarks on Doubleday Field include Douglas MacArthur, Fred Franks, Ray Odierno, Shane Kimbrough, William Wood, Russell P. “Red” Reeder and John Roosma. An interesting sidelight is the fact that Christy Mathewson, one of the greatest pitchers in the history of Major League Baseball, served a brief three-week stint as an assistant baseball coach at the Academy in 1908. That marked the beginning of a long association between West Point and the big leagues with the Black Knights playing the first of 69 exhibition games against professional teams in 1914, hosting the New York Giants. The latest exhibition contest was March 30, 2013, a 10-5 New York Yankees
victory at West Point, N.Y. No fewer than 17 men have worn the title of Army baseball head coach since 1895, when a cadet, A b ra h a m L o t t , served as both Abner coach and captain. The first five Doubleday Army teams were self-coached, as were the teams from 1897 to 1900. In all, six coaches have won more than 100 games during their tenure. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field, “The Home of Army Baseball,” is yet another source of historical nostalgia. Having undergone a major renovation project that added locker room accommodations and chairback seating for fans last decade, the pristine facility received a new natural grass playing surface in 2006. The multimillion dollar project included the addition of new lighted hitting tunnels, sparkling bullpen areas and a host of dugout improvements. Prior to the 2012 season, the first-ever press box was assembled at Johnson Stadium. A new scoreboard and a padded wall were also installed during the offseason. Lights are the latest addition after being installed in the fall of 2013 Doubleday Field had its birth in 1909 when games were first contested on its present site. Thirty years later, upon the centennial celebration of baseball, the playing field was named in honor of Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday, popularly known as the “Father of Army Baseball.” The stadium itself was dedicated in 1997 in honor of the family of Rupert H. Johnson (USMA ’21), whose generosity helped enable the Doubleday Society to give the then-87year-old facility a grand new look. Army and Navy entered the Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League in 1948, joining the eight Ivy League schools as league members. Four Cadet teams won or shared the league title, three under the guidance of Eric Tipton. Army tied Princeton for first place in 1950, while garnering the title outright in 1960, 1965, and 1966. The Army diamond squad began a new era in 1993, gaining membership in the Patriot League. That association ended a 44-year relationship with the EIBL. After capturing a Patriot League divisional title in 1994, the Black Knights won their first Patriot League championship
in 1997. En route to their first outright league crown of any kind since 1966, the Cadets equalled or surpassed 35 team and individual records and placed a total of 10 players on the Patriot League’s two all-star squads at season’s end. Army made further history in 2000, roaring through the Patriot League Championship Series as the No. 3 seed on its way to garnering the first NCAA Regional berth in school history. The “Cardiac Cadets” registered 18 come-from-behind victories during the spring, with an amazing 12 of those wins coming during Army’s last at-bat. Despite losing twice in their initial NCAA showing, the Black Knights put forth a strong effort, falling by the scores of 4-3 and 3-1 to host and top seed Rutgers, and eventual regional champ Penn State, respectively. Army returned to the NCAA Regionals in 2004 after authoring what, at the time, rated as the most successful season in school history. The Black Knights, who fashioned a then-school-record 37 wins (37-15), equaled or tied 84 team and individual, school and Patriot League standards on their way to capturing their second conference title in five years. Army put forth another strong showing at the NCAAs, losing to host and eventual regional champ LSU (9-0) and College of Charleston (2-1). The Black Knights received votes in the final National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association (NCBWA) poll for their first end-of-season national recognition. For the first time in Patriot League history, a school swept all four of the conference’s major postseason awards as Joe Sottolano, Schuyler Williamson, Nick Hill and Milan Dinga earned Patriot League Coach of the Year, Player of the Year, Pitcher of the Year and Rookie of the Year honors, respectively. Additionally, Nate Stone became only the third Army player, and the first in four decades, to be selected to one of the All-America teams as voted by the American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA). Previous honorees include Ed Haydash (1963) and Barry DeBolt (1966). Army also featured a pair of Freshman AllAmerica selections in 2004 with Dinga and Hill collecting honors. Hill became the first Army freshman to earn All-America laurels when he was named to the Third Team AllAmerica squad by Collegiate Baseball. As memorable as 2004 was in the minds of Army followers, 2005 proved even better. In addition to making their second
DIAMOND HISTORY straight postseason trip as Patriot League champions, the Black Knights notched their first NCAA Regional win by defeating South Alabama (8-5). The victory came less than 24 hours after Army nearly shocked topseeded Florida State, before falling to the host Seminoles 3-2. Named Patriot League Coach of the Year for the second straight season, Sottolano guided the Black Knights to their fourth Patriot League championship and the school’s third NCAA Regional appearance. For the second straight year, Army players swept the conference’s top three postseason awards as Kyle Scogin was named conference player of the year, Hill repeated as the league’s pitcher of the year and Cole White copped the circuit’s rookie of the year honors. Finishing off the most successful backto-back seasons in school history, Army made its third postseason appearance in six years. For the second straight spring, the Black Knights established a then-school record for victories (39), one of 85 team and individual, school and league records they established or tied throughout the season. For the second consecutive year, Army garnered votes in the final NCBWA national poll and boasted a pair of All-America selections. While Hill was named to the ABCA second team All-America squad, Scogin was selected to the third unit. Army also registered 17 Patriot League victories in 2005, a conference record the Black Knights first established in 1994 and equaled in 2004. Continuing a level of unparalleled success in the program’s history, Army registered at least 30 wins for the third consecutive season in 2006. It marked the first time that the Black Knights reeled off at least 30 wins in three straight years. At season’s end, Dinga was named to the NCBWA’s Third Team AllAmerica squad as a relief pitcher. Hill became the latest Army player to represent his country on the baseball diamond in 2006, earning a roster spot on the USA National Baseball Team. He was the first Black Knight to play for Team USA since Steve Reich did so in 1993 and became only the second Army player to don the “Red, White and Blue.” After being selected in the seventh round of the 2007 Major League Baseball FirstYear Player Draft by the Seattle Mariners, Hill has steadily risen through the minor league ranks. He became the first Army player invited to Major League spring training camp in 2010 after reaching the Triple-A
NOT ONLY WAS BASEBALL THE FIRST ORGANIZED SPORT AT THE ACADEMY, BUT THE GAME’S ORIGINATOR, ABNER DOUBLEDAY, IS AN 1842 WEST POINT GRADUATE. SOMETIME DURING THE CIVIL WAR, A SOPHOMORE CADET REQUESTED PERMISSION TO PURCHASE SOME BASEBALL EQUIPMENT IN AN EFFORT TO GENERATE INTEREST IN THE SPORT. FOUR YEARS LATER, GAMES WERE BEING PLAYED BETWEEN THE ACADEMY’S FOUR CLASSES. level with the Mariners in 2009. Hill and Dinga had become the first two Army players selected in the top 10 rounds of the major league draft in 2007. Dinga was chosen in the 10th round of the selection process by the Los Angeles Angels, three rounds after Hill was selected by Seattle. Army extended its school-record streak of 25-victory seasons to seven in 2010. The Black Knights won their third straight Patriot League regular-season title and Matt Fouch was named the conference’s Pitcher of the Year. Fouch went on to be drafted by the Atlanta Braves in Major League Baseball’s First-Year Player Draft. The Black Knights maintained their recent domination of Navy last spring, sweeping the Midshipmen in Annapolis to claim their ninth consecutive series “star” and running its nine-year record against their arch rivals to 31-9, the Black Knights’ most lopsided stretch in the long matchup’s history. Army finished at 36-21 overall in 2009 and posted two wins at the Austin Regional, reaching the final of a regional for the first time in school history. Ben Koenigsfeld, who became the first player in Patriot League history to earn first team all-league laurles at two different positions in the same season, was named conference pitcher of the year, while Zach Price was selected league rookie of the year. Joey Henshaw and Clint Moore became the latest Black Knights selected to the ABCA All-America team, while Price was named a Freshman All-American. Army also received votes in the final NCBWA national poll for the third time in six years (2004, 2005, 2009). During the 2010 campaign, Army recorded the 1,500th win in program history and posted a 16-4 Patriot League mark en route to winning its third straight conference regular-season crown. Army returned to glory in 2012 as the Black Knights won a school-record 41 games, captured the Patriot League regularseason and tournament titles and advanced to the Charlottesville Regional. Army shattered its own Patriot League record by
posting an 18-2 conference mark. The Black Knights swept the Patriot League’s major awards with Kevin McKague (player), Chris Rowley (pitcher), Harold Earls (rookie), Price (scholar-athlete) and Sottolano (coach) being recognized. Rowley went on to cop three All-America certificates after posting an Army single-season record 11 victories. McKague, who led the conference with a .379 batting average, was also named an All-American. Earls, meanwhile, collected freshman All-America laurels. J.T. Watkins and McKague were both picked in Major League Baseball’s First-Year Player Draft. Army also received votes in the final NCBWA national poll for the fourth time in nine years (2004, 2005, 2009, 2012). The 2013 season marked Army’s seventh Patriot League Tournament and sixth NCAA Regional appearance. The Black Knights posted a 29-23 record, marking the ninth time in 10 season the squad won at least 25 games. Army again battled at the national level, dropping a pair of games to host Virginia (2-1) and UNC Wilmington (9-5) at the NCAA Charlottesville Regional. Since entering the conference in 1993, Army has featured 68 first team All-Patriot League selections, garnering nine conference pitcher of the year, five player of the year and five rookie of the year citings. Army players have been named Patriot League Pitcher of the Year seven times in the last 12 years. Additionally, 15 different Black Knights have copped a total of 46 All-America honors (preseason, postseason, freshman, academic) the past 10 years and 10 Army players have been selected in Major League Baseball’s First-Year Player Draft during that same span. Throughout Army’s long history, Black Knight pitchers boast four no-hitters to their credit. Neyland threw Army’s first no-hitter when he beat Colgate 8-0 in 1914. Four decades later, Rod Vitty no-hit Swarthmore 3-0 in 1955 before Jon Rindfleisch fired a no-hitter at the Little Quakers in 1957. Logan Lee became the fourth Army hurler to pitch a no-hitter in 2012 when he beat Bucknell, 8-0.
GREAT MOMENTS IN ARMY HISTORY 1890 The first truly organized sport at the U.S. Military Academy was baseball, which begins in 1890, playing a three-game schedule against the Riverton Club of Philadelphia, the Sylvans Club of New York, and the Atlantics from Governors Island. The first game against Riverton ends in an 8-8 tie, but Army wins the other two contests. 1908 Hall-of-Famer Christy Mathewson, one of the greatest pitchers in Major League Baseball history, serves a brief, three-week stint on the Cadets’ coaching staff. So begins a long association between West Point and the big leagues. 1909 Army’s Baseball Field is first laid out at its present location. A new skinned diamond is constructed early in the season on the grass plot south of “Cadet Camp.” It proves to be a great improvement in every way over the old diamond on the infantry plain. Prior to the installation of a temporary fence in the 1970s, established to satisfy Eastern League regulations, the dimensions of the field measured 325 feet down the left field line, 434 feet to straightaway center field and a monstrous 535 feet down the right field line. For several years, the field is known as “the main baseball diamond” or “the baseball field near the Cadet Camp.” 1914 As a favor to Army head coach Sammy Strang, legendary manager John McGraw sends a group of his New York Giants rookies to West Point for an exhibition game against Army’s varsity squad on May 9. The Giants prevail 7-2 in a contest that marks the first of 85 exhibition games scheduled between Army and Major League teams from 1914 to 1986. Sixty-eight of those matchups were actually played, although a small number were called after a few innings due to rain. During several years, more than one team traveled to West Point. 1914 Bob Neyland, Army’s career leader in pitching victories, fires the first no-hitter in Army history, blanking Colgate 8-0. The Army sophomore posts a remarkable 35-5 record during his days in the Black, Gold and Gray (1913-16). Neyland would go on to football coaching greatness at the University of Tennessee and would eventually be inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame and Army Sports Hall of Fame.
1934 Playing his final game at West Point on June 11, New York Yankees legend Babe Ruth launches a ball to the tennis court fences in right field, a distance of well over 500 feet. It remains arguably the longest ball ever hit at Doubleday Field. 1939 Marking the nation’s centennial celebration of baseball, Army’s home field is dedicated to the memory of Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday on May 17. The 1842 West Point graduate is credited with devising the game of baseball while on leave from the Academy in 1939. 1944 The New York Giants, New York Yankees, Brooklyn Dodgers and Montreal Expos all travel to the United States Military Academy for exhibition games against Army’s baseball team. In all, five games are contested, with Army posting an 8-6 victory against a team comprised of Montreal Royals (Triple-A) and Brooklyn Dodgers rookies. 1945 Army registers its first and only two victories over a Major League team by defeating the Brooklyn Dodgers twice in three matchups at Doubleday Field. It also marks the final year that the Dodgers hold their spring training camp at nearby Bear Mountain. The Cadets prove their wins over “Dem Bums” are no fluke, posting a 15-0 collegiate record, the second undefeated season in school history and the first since 1890. 1950 Army claims a share of the school’s first conference title, tying Princeton for the Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League crown under the direction head coach Paul Amen. 1955 Senior right-hander Rod Vitty fires Army’s first no-hitter in four decades, shutting out Swarthmore 3-0. 1958 Former Major-Leaguer Eric Tipton assumes the reins of Army’s baseball program. Tipton guides the Black Knights to three Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League titles (1960, 1965, 1966) over the next 20 years, finishing with a 234-201-5 (.538) coaching record. Although his career victory standard has since been surpassed at the Academy, Tipton’s teams notched doubledigit victory totals 16 times.
1959 Fred Franks serves as captain of the Army baseball team and is later commissioned in the Armor branch of the U.S. Army. Twice wounded during his tour of duty in Vietnam, he later commanded the First Armored Division in Germany and was Commanding General of the VII Corps during Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. Franks later retired from the U.S. Army with the rank of General. 1960 The Cadets capture their first outright conference championship, winning the Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League title under head coach Eric Tipton. Army finishes 18-5-1 overall, tying the Academy’s singleseason record for victories at the time. 1965 Army wins the first of two straight Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League titles and the second of three conference crowns it would claim during the decade of the 1960s. Hard-throwing junior Barry DeBolt registers a 7-2 record with a sparkling 1.50 earned run average, leading the Black Knights to a 15-6 overall record and 7-2 league mark. DeBolt and Kenny Smith garner all-EIBL honors. 1966 Led by standout pitcher Barry DeBolt, Army claims its second consecutive Eastern Intercollegiate Baseb a l l League title, posting an overall record of 16-4. DeBolt authors one of the most dominant pitching seasons in Army history, finishing 9-1 with a league-leading 1.33 earned run average. He becomes the first Cadet to earn all-league laurels during three straight seasons. 1976 The New York Yankees visit West Point for the 21st time, defeating Army 2-0. Covering a 50-year span stretching from 1927 through 1976, 21 exhibition games were played between the Cadets and Yankees. The Bronx Bombers prevailed in each of those contests.
GREAT MOMENTS IN ARMY HISTORY 1984 Under the direction of manager Davey Johnson, the New York Mets make their final visit to Doubleday Field for an exhibition game against the Army baseball team. The Mets post a 6-0 win over the Cadets with a roster that includes veterans Rusty Staub, Jesse Orosco and Mookie Wilson, as well as young stars Dwight Gooden and Darryl Strawberry. The Mets, who made their first West Point appearance in 1963 with legendary manager Casey Stengel at the helm, visited Doubleday Field on eight occasions during the 22-year span, winning all eight affairs. 1986 The Houston Astros visit West Point on May 6 for what would mark the final exhibition game between Army and a Major League team at Doubleday Field. Houston wins by the score of 9-0 as the Astros score all of their runs in the third and fourth innings. Glenn Davis delivers a three-run home run and Phil Garner adds a solo shot for Houston to spark a four-run fourth. Tom Cascino and Erik Everton bang out two hits each for Army. 1989 The Black Knights record the 1,000th victory in the history of Army’s intercollegiate baseball program, defeating Long Island University by a 9-7 count on April 18. 1992 Junior left-hander Steve Reich leads Army to a season-opening 5-2 win over Air Force, striking out 17 Falcons in the seveninning contest played at the U.S. Olympic Training site in Millington, Tenn. Reich would graduate a year later, having authored unparalleled career success against his fellow service academies. Six appearances against Air Force and Navy resulted in six complete-game victories and a remarkable 1.71 earned run average. Reich was simply dominant against arch-rival Navy, winning all four of his starts, while posting a microscopic 0.96 ERA. Reich became the first Army player to earn a spot on Team USA following graduation and spent his first summer as a second lieutenant toiling internationally.
1993 Army’s baseball team begins a new era, ending a 44-year relationship with the Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League by gaining membership in the Patriot League. 1994 The Black Knights defeat Fordham 9-2 in a one-game playoff to determine the Patriot League’s North Division title. It marks Army’s first conference crown of any kind since 1966. 1995 Army heads to Tampa, Fla., for its spring trip as invited guests of the New York Yankees, beginning a practice that continues today. The Black Knights schedule daily workouts at the Yankees’ sprawling fourfield minor league complex, just across the road from George M. Steinbrenner Field. 1996 Doubleday Field undergoes a $4.2 million dollar renovation that includes construction of full locker rooms, fully equipped training rooms, clubhouse facilities and the addition of 880 fixed chair-back seats. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field is dedicated on Sept. 13 in honor of the family of Rupert H. Johnson (USMA ‘21), whose generosity helped enable the Doubleday Society to give the facility a grand new look. 1997 Army captures its first Patriot League title and first outright conference flag of any kind in more than 30 years. The Black Knights are denied their first trip to the NCAA Regionals when they fall to Harvard 2-1 in a best-of-three NCAA Play-In Series. 2000 Under the direction of interim head coach Joe Sottolano, third-seeded Army storms through the Patriot League Tournament, sweeping regular-season champion Navy on the Mids’ home field en route to the conference championship. The “Cardiac Cadets” register 18 come-from-behind wins throughout the season, piling up 12 victories in their final at-bat. Despite losing twice in their initial NCAA Regional appearance, the Black Knights put forth a respectable effort, losing to host and No. 1 seed Rutgers 4-3 and eventual regional champion Penn State 3-1. The “interim” label is removed from Sottolano’s coaching title at season’s end.
2004 One of the Army baseball family’s most decorated members drops by his old dugout at Doubleday Field on April 13. Maj. Gen. Ray Odierno, commander of the infantry division that was responsible for capturing Saddam Hussein in Iraq five months earlier and a former Black Knight pitcher, pays a visit to the Army squad. A three-time letterwinner during his days in the Black, Gold and Gray, Maj. Gen. Odierno addresses the Army team for nearly 30 minutes in the squad’s clubhouse in Johnson Stadium. 2004 Patriot League champion-Army enjoys the most successful season in school history, finishing with a school-record 37 wins (37-15). The Black Knights establish or tie 84 team and individual, school and conference records along the way. Army’s magical year ends with losses to top-seed and eventual regional champ LSU (9-0) and College of Charleston (2-1) at the Baton Rouge Regional. 2004 Bob Neyland is selected as a member of the charter class of the newly formed Army Sports Hall of Fame. Legendary head coach Eric Tipton is elected o n e ye a r l at e r ; Steve Reich joins in 2006; and Arnold Galiffa and Barry DeBolt follow in 2007. In all, the Army baseball program is represented in each of the first four classes (by five individuals) elected to the Army Sports Hall of Fame, joining only the sports of football and men’s basketball with such distinction. 2005 Army captures its second straight Patriot League championship by sweeping regularseason runnerup Lehigh 2-0 in the Patriot League Championship Series at Doubleday Field. Senior first baseman Walker Gorham becomes the first player in the 116-year history of Army’s baseball program to blast three home runs in a game, leading the Black Knights to a 10-1 rout and a second straight trip to the NCAA Regionals. Gorham is selected the tourney’s most valuable player for his home-run hitting heroics.
GREAT MOMENTS IN ARMY HISTORY 2005 Less than 24 hours after suffering a heartbreaking 3-2 loss to No. 1 seed and eventual regional champion Florida State, Army defeats South Alabama 8-5 at the Tallahassee Regional, heralding the first NCAA Regional win in school history. Army surpasses the school record victory total it set the previous year, closing one of the most successful seasons in West Point history at 39-14. Army establishes or ties 85 team and individual, school and Patriot League records, many of which had been previously set just one year earlier. Sophomore lefthander Nick Hill becomes the first player in Army history to garner All-America honors in consecutive seasons, finishing 10-2 with a 1.21 earned run average. The latter figure ranks second nationally. 2006 Army posts 30 victories for the third straight season, marking a new standard for the Academy’s baseball team. Nick Hill becomes the first Black Knight since Steve Reich in 1993 to play for Team USA during the summer. Additionally, Doubleday Field receives a major upgrade as a completely new natural grass playing surface is installed, replacing the original diamond that had been in place for nearly a century. 2007 Seniors Nick Hill and Milan Dinga are selected in the seventh and 10th round, respectively, in Major League Baseball’s First-Year Player Draft. Hill, chosen by the Seattle Mariners, and Dinga, tabbed by the Los Angeles Angels, graduate in May having combined to establish or equal 78 school and Patriot League records on single game, season and career levels.
2009 Army garners a share of its fourth regular season Patriot League championship in six years, completing a meteoric rise through the conference standings by winning three of four games against Lafayette on the final weekend of regular season conference play. The Black Knights win just one of their first six Patriot tilts and stand mired in fifth place in the conference standings in early April. But Army rallies to capture 12 of its final 14 Patriot League tilts to zoom to the top of the final conference listings. After defeating Holy Cross in the conference semifinals, Army sweeps Lafayette in the Patriot League Championship Series to earn the fourth NCAA Regional berth in school history.
2010 The Army baseball program records its 1,500th win by defeating Marist, 4-3, at the WPDH Hudson Valley Baseball Classic. The Black Knights win their third straight Patriot League regular-season title. It marks Army’s fifth Patriot League regular-season title in the last seven years. Army also reaches the 25-win plateau for the seventh straight season, extending the Black Knights’ record. Four Army players are named to the All-Patriot League first team, led by Pitcher of the Year Matt Fouch and Kevin McKague, who are unanimous selections. Army also continues its dominance of Navy, capturing the seventh straight “Star” by taking three out of four games from the Midshipmen.
2009 Posting wins over second-seeded Texas State and No. 3 seed Boston College, Army reaches the Austin Regional Final, marking a first in school history. The Black Knights carry a 10-6 lead into the bottom of the ninth inning against No. 1 national seed Texas only to see the powerful Longhorns rally for a 14-10 victory, ending Army’s Cinderella run in the first Austin Regional “championship” game. The Black Knights finish 36-21 overall and set or tie 67 team and individual, school and Patriot League records along the way.
2011 Army falls just short of capturing another conference title, losing the Patriot League Championship Series in three games. Clint Moore graduates at Army’s all-time leader in home runs, doubles, RBI, runs scored, total bases, slugging percentage and multipleRBI games. He hit for the home run cycle in Army’s doubleheader at Lafayette in late April, helping him earn a spot in Sports Illustrated’s “Faces in the Crowd” section. Army captures its eighth straight “star” from Navy after splitting the regular-season series with the Midshipmen at West Point.
2010 After making an appearance with Triple-A Tacoma in the Pacific Coast League playoffs and earning a stint in the Arizona Fall League, former Army standout Nick Hill is invited to Major League spring training camp by the Seattle Mariners. Army’s career strikeouts leader and a two-time All-America selection during his playing days at the Academy, Hill becomes the first Army player to be invited to a big league camp.
2012 Army wins a school-record 41 games en route to capturing a sixth Patriot League tournament title. The Black Knights cruise to an eighth conference regular-season crown thanks to a Patriot League-record 18-2 mark versus conference foes. Logan Lee fires the program’s fourth no-hitter when he beat Bucknell, 8-0, on April 21. Chris Rowley earns three All-America certificates after winning a school-record 11 games. The Black Knights sweep Navy in Annapolis. Army collects all four Patriot League major awards. 2013 Army wins its seventh Patriot League Tournament Championship and earns its sixth NCAA Regional bid after sweeping Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass. The Black Knights dropped a 2-1 decision to host Virginia at the NCAA Charlottesville Regional and then fell to UNC Wilmington, 9-5. Army and the New York Yankees resumed their exhibition series with a contest at West Point, N.Y., on March 30, in front of a crowd of 6,127.
2008 Forecast for a third-place finish in the Patriot League’s preseason poll, Army storms to the top of the conference standings. The Black Knights capture their fourth regular season Patriot League championship with a roster featuring 15 freshmen. Drew Clothier, Cole White and Chris Simmons are selected in Major League Baseball’s First-Year Player Draft.
Memembers of the first Army baseball team Year 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931
Coach Won Self-Coached 2 Self-Coached 0 Self-Coached 5 Self-Coached 3 Self-Coached 1 Abraham Lott 3 Abraham Lott (4-7) 1 Self-Coached 2 Self-Coached 1 Self-Coached 4 Self-Coached 3 Charles Irving Davis 6 Charles Irving Davis (16-8-1) 10 Mr. Steinwender (5-5) 5 Mr. Summersgill (4-4-1) 4 Walter Clarkson (5-7) 5 Dennis Houle 11 Dennis Houle 7 Dennis Houle (23-20-2) 5 Sammy Nicklin 8 Sammy Nicklin 14 Sammy Nicklin 16 Sammy Nicklin 12 Sammy Nicklin 16 Sammy Nicklin 10 Sammy Nicklin 18 Sammy Nicklin 10 Sammy Nicklin (112-45-2) 8 Hans Lobert 14 Hans Lobert 10 Hans Lobert 7 Hans Lobert 11 Hans Lobert 11 Hans Lobert 11 Hans Lobert 10 Hans Lobert (80-52-3) 6 Harold McCormick 6 Harold McCormick 9 Harold McCormick 9 Harold McCormick 5 Harold McCormick 9 Harold McCormick 7
Lost 0 2 1 2 5 2 5 5 5 2 4 2 6 5 4 7 3 7 10 7 6 5 4 6 5 3 8 1 7 7 6 5 5 5 6 11 8 4 2 8 5 6
Tied 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Year 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961
Coach Won Harold McCormick 11 Harold McCormick 5 Harold McCormick 9 Harold McCormick 9 Harold McCormick (83-59-1) 4 Walter French 9 Walter French 9 Walter French 8 Walter French 5 Walter French 8 Walter French (49-29-1) 10 Paul Amen 10 Paul Amen 11 Paul Amen 15 Paul Amen 9 Paul Amen 17 Paul Amen 16 Paul Amen 6 Paul Amen 14 Paul Amen 8 Paul Amen 10 Paul Amen 6 Paul Amen (133-76-7) 11 Joe Palone 10 Joe Palone 9 Joe Palone (32-27-4) 13 Eric Tipton 10 Eric Tipton 11 Eric Tipton 18 Eric Tipton 12
Lost 2 6 4 5 9 2 4 6 7 6 4 3 1 0 7 1 7 13 4 14 10 9 7 8 10 9 11 10 5 7
Tied 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 1
Leo Durocher with legendary Army football coach Earl “Red” Blaik in 1950
The New York Yankees visited West Point for an exhibition game in 1966 Year 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Coach Won Eric Tipton 15 Eric Tipton 12 Eric Tipton 13 Eric Tipton 15 Eric Tipton 16 Eric Tipton 10 Eric Tipton 12 Eric Tipton 15 Eric Tipton 7 Eric Tipton 10 Eric Tipton 8 Eric Tipton 10 Eric Tipton 11 Eric Tipton 9 Eric Tipton 14 Eric Tipton (234-201-5) 6 Bill Permakoff 10 Bill Permakoff 19 Bill Permakoff 15 Bill Permakoff 21 Bill Permakoff 19 Bill Permakoff 12 Bill Permakoff 10 Bill Permakoff (123-165-2) 17 Dan Roberts 23 Dan Roberts 22 Dan Roberts 15 Dan Roberts 22 Dan Roberts 23 Dan Roberts 21 Dan Roberts 13 Dan Roberts 17 Dan Roberts 25 Dan Roberts 22 Dan Roberts 20 Dan Roberts 26 Dan Roberts 16 Dan Roberts (281-295-5^) 15
Lost 6 10 6 6 4 8 9 7 14 14 16 13 10 15 11 19 17 16 20 20 19 25 27 21 13 20 22 18 17 13 26 22 17 23 21 20 29 28
Tied 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
# #
Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Totals
Coach Won Joe Sottolano (23-14-1) 24 Joe Sottolano 17 Joe Sottolano 22 Joe Sottolano 17 Joe Sottolano 37 Joe Sottolano 39 Joe Sottolano 30 Joe Sottolano 25 Joe Sottolano 25 Joe Sottolano 36 Joe Sottolano 28 Joe Sottolano 22 Joe Sottolano 41 Joe Sottolano (391-286-5) 29 123 Seasons 1596
Lost 20 27 21 25 15 14 20 23 25 21 17 26 15 23 1312
Tied 1 $% 1 0 1 0 /$% 0 /$% 1 1 @ 0 / 0 &$%> 0 / 0 @ 0 /$% 0 $% 41
^Includes Seven Games of 2000 Season *Won Share of Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League Title #Won Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League Title +Won Patriot League Divisional Title /Won Patriot League Regular Season Championship &Won Share of Patriot League Regular Season Championship $Won Patriot League Championship @Qualified for Patriot League Tournament !Advanced to NCAA Play-In Series %Advanced to NCAA Regionals >Advanced to NCAA Regional Final
TEAM RECORDS GAMES Most in a Season: 57, 2009 Most Wins Overall: 41, 2012 Most Patriot League Wins: 18, 2012 Best Overall Winning Percentage: 1.000 (15-0), 1945 Best Overall Winning Percentage, Modern Era: .736 (39-14), 2005 Best Overall Winning Percentage (20 games minimum): .736 (39-14), 2005 Best Patriot League Winning Percentage: .900 (18-2), 2012 Most Consecutive Wins: 23, 1944-45 Most Consecutive Wins, Modern Era: 16, 2004 Most Consecutive Wins, One Season: 16, 2004 Most Consecutive 30-Win Seasons: 3, 2004-06 Most Consecutive 25-Win Seasons: 7, 2004-10 Most Consecutive Losses: 11, 1925 Most Consecutive Patriot League Regular Season Wins (One Year): 17, 2012 Most Consecutive Patriot League Regular Season Wins (Multiple Years): 18, 2011-12 Most Consecutive Doubleheader Sweeps: 10, 2012 Most Consecutive Patriot League Doubleheader Sweeps: 8, 2012 Most Consecutive Patriot League Series Sweeps: 4, 2012 Most Doubleheader Sweeps: 14, 2012 Most Consecutive Doubleheaders Without Being Swept: 25, 2004-06 Most Consecutive Patriot League Doubleheaders W/O Being Swept: 26, 2003-06 Most Patriot League Doubleheader Sweeps: 8, 2012 Most Consecutive Conference Championships: 2, 20-12-13; 2004-05; 1965-66 Most Consecutive Regular Season Conference Titles: 3, 2008-10 Most Postseason Wins: 6, 2009 Most NCAA Tournament Wins: 2, 2009 Most Wins Against Navy: 4, 2012; 2008; 2007; 2005; 2000 Most Wins at Home: 24, 2012 Best Home Winning Percentage, Modern Era: .913 (21-2), 2004 Most Consecutive Wins at Home: 16, 2004 Fewest Home Losses, Modern Era: 2 (21-2), 2004 Fewest Home Losses (20 games minimum): 2 (21-2), 2004
RUNS BATTED IN Most in a Season: 408, 2009 WALKS Most in a Game: 16 vs. New York Tech, 1997; Yale, 1945 Most in a Season: 235, 1997 STRIKEOUTS Most in a Season: 344, 2005 STOLEN BASES Most in a Game: 13 vs. New York University, 1916 Most in a Season: 126, 1980
DEFENSE Highest Fielding Percentage: .975, 2012 Most Triple Plays Turned: 1, Several times (most recently vs. UMBC, 2012) DOUBLE PLAYS Most in a Season: 66, 2009
PITCHING Most Consecutive Scoreless Innings Pitched by Bullpen: 26.1, 2005 Most Consecutive Innings Pitched by Bullpen Without Allowing an Earned Run: 28.2, 2005 SHUTOUTS Most Shutout Victories: 11, 2012 Most Consecutive Shutout Victories: 3, 2002 Most Times Shut Out: 6, 2003 STRIKEOUTS Most in a Season: 348, 2007 EARNED RUN AVERAGE Lowest in a Season: 2.05, 1968
HONORS Most All-League Selections: 11, 2005 Most First Team All-League Selections: 7, 2009 Most League Major Award Winners: 4, 2012; 2005; 2004
SAVES Most in a Season: 19, 2010 NO-HITTERS Most in a Season: 1, 2012; 1957; 1955; 1914
BATTING Highest Batting Average: .329, 2009 Highest Slugging Percentage: .500, 2009
MILESTONES BASE HITS Most in a Game: 29 vs. St. Francis (N.Y.), 1987 Most in a Season: 626, 2009 Most Double-Digit Hit Games in a Season: 32, 2009 RUNS SCORED Most in an Inning: 15 vs. Sacred Heart, 2008 (1st inn.) Most in a Game: 29 vs. Fordham, 1982 Most in a Season: 446, 2009 Most Double-Digit Run Games in a Season: 20, 2009 Fewest Times Shut Out in a Season: 0, Several times (most recently in 2009) Most Army Runs Scored at Doubleday Field: 27 vs. Sacred Heart, 2008; St. Francis (N.Y.), 1987 Most Opponent Runs Scored at Doubleday Field: 27, Fordham, 1936
First Game: Aug. 2, 1890 — Riverton Club 8, Army 8 (8 inn.) 2,500th Game: Mar. 19, 2005 — Army 3, Massachusetts 0 Longest Game: May 18, 1968 — Dartmouth 3, Army 2 (18 inn.) First Win: Aug. 12, 1890 — Army 7, Sylvans Club 1 100th Win: 1910 — Army 20, Colgate 4 500th Win: 1950 — Army 5, Fordham 1 1,000th Win: April 18, 1989 — Army 9, Long Island 7 1,500th Win: April 28, 2010 — Army 4, Marist 3 First NCAA Regional Game: May 26, 2000 — Rutgers 4, Army 3 First NCAA Regional Win: June 4, 2005 — Army 8, South Alabama 5
DOUBLES Most in a Game: 8 vs. Sacred Heart, 2008; Columbia, 2008 Most in a Season: 117, 2009 TRIPLES Most in a Game: 3, Three times (most recently vs. New York Tech, 2003) Most in a Season: 18, 2009; 1989 HOME RUNS Most in a Game: 6 vs. Fordham, 1982 Most in a Doubleheader: 8 vs. Brown, 1982 Most in a Patriot League Series: 12 vs. Lafayette, 2009 Most in a Season: 57, 2009 Most Players with at Least Six Home Runs in a Season: 6, 2009 TOTAL BASES Most in a Season: 950, 2009 Most in a Patriot League Series: 110 vs. Lafayette, 2009
TEAM TOP TEN LISTS GAMES 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 10.
57 ................................................2009 56.................................................2012 53 ................................................ 2005 52 .................................................2013 52 ................................................ 2004 50................................................2008 50................................................2006 48................................................. 2011 48................................................ 2007 46.................................................1997
WINS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
41..................................................2012 39................................................ 2005 37 ................................................ 2004 36................................................2009 30................................................2006 29 .................................................2013 28 .................................................2010 26 .................................................1997 25 ................................................2008 25 ................................................ 2007 25 ................................................ 1994
LOSSES 1. 2. 3. 5. 7.
29 ................................................ 1998 28 ................................................ 1999 27 .................................................2001 27 ................................................ 1984 26 ................................................. 2011 26 .................................................1992 25 ................................................2008 25 ................................................ 2003 25 ................................................ 1983 23 .................................................2013 23 ................................................ 2007 23 .................................................1995
WINNING PERCENTAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
.857 ..........................1915 ........................18-3 .800 .........................1966.......................16-4 .771............................1960..................... 18-5-1 .750 ..........................1911....................... 16-5-1 .736 ..........................2005 .....................39-14 .732...........................2012 ...................... 41-15 .727 ...........................1913 ........................16-6 .714............................1965 .......................15-6 .714............................1962 .......................15-6 .712............................2004 .....................37-15
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1900.........................2009 ........................57 1750 .........................2005 ........................53 1748 .........................2012 ........................ 56 1723..........................2004 ........................52 1707..........................2008 ....................... 50 1604 .........................2006 ........................51 1648 .........................2013 .........................52 1591 ..........................2007 ....................... 49 1564 .........................2011 ......................... 48 1538 .........................1997 .........................47
Army at the 2009 Austin, Texas NCAA Regional
RUNS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
446 ...........................2009 ........................57 382 ...........................1997 .........................47 360...........................2004 ........................52 349 ...........................2008 ....................... 50 336 ...........................2005 ........................53 315 ............................2012 ........................ 56 294 ...........................2013 .........................52 293 ...........................2001 .........................45 270 ...........................1982 ........................ 38 269 ...........................2011 ......................... 48
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
626 ...........................2009 ........................57 546 ...........................2004 ........................52 531 ............................2005 ........................53 515 ............................2008 ....................... 50 503 ...........................1997 .........................47 502 ...........................2012 ........................ 56 441 ............................2001 .........................45 440 ...........................2011 ......................... 48 437 ...........................2013 .........................52 431 ............................2006 ........................51
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
408...........................2009 ........................57 331 ............................1997 .........................47 328 ...........................2004 ........................52 304 ...........................2008 ....................... 50 302 ...........................2005 ........................53 267 ...........................2012 ........................ 56 252 ...........................2001 .........................45 241 ............................2013 .........................52 241 ............................2010 .........................45 238 ...........................2011 ......................... 48
TRIPLES 1. 3. 5. 7.
HOME RUNS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
57 ..............................2009 ........................57 40..............................2008 ....................... 50 39..............................2004 ........................52 37 ..............................2005 ........................53 35 ..............................1997 .........................47 34 ..............................1982 ........................ 38 33..............................2011 ......................... 48 31...............................2010 .........................45 28 ..............................1983........................ 38 26 ..............................1993 ........................ 39
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
950 ...........................2009 ........................57 795 ...........................2004 ........................52 771 ............................2008 ....................... 50 757............................2005 ........................53 727............................1997 .........................47 632 ...........................2012 ........................ 56 616............................2011 ......................... 48 610............................2010 .........................45 604...........................2001 .........................45 597 ...........................2006 ........................51
DOUBLES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
117 ............................2009 ........................57 112 ............................2008 ....................... 50 98 ............................2004 ........................52 90 ............................2001 .........................45 89 ............................1997 .........................47 85 ............................2005 ........................53 82 ............................2006 ........................51 74 ............................1995 .........................45 73 ............................2000 ........................45 73 ............................1987 .........................42
18 ..............................2009 ........................57 18 ..............................1989........................ 40 17 ...............................2004 ........................52 17 ...............................1990.........................41 16 ..............................1994 .........................42 16 ..............................1981..........................41 15...............................2005 ........................53 15...............................2000 ........................51 15...............................1997 .........................47 15...............................1986.........................37
BATTING AVERAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10.
.329 ............................................2009 .327 .............................................1997 .317 ............................................. 2004 .311 .............................................. 1986 .309.............................................2001 .304 ............................................ 1994 .303 ............................................ 2005 .302 .............................................2010 .302 ............................................2008 .300............................................ 1996
TEAM TOP TEN LISTS SLUGGING PERCENTAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
.500 ............................................2009 .473 .............................................1997 .464 .............................................1982 .461 ............................................. 2004 .452 ............................................2008 .433 ............................................ 2005 .431 ..............................................2010 .429 ............................................ 1986 .423 .............................................2001 .420 ............................................ 1989
ON-BASE PCT. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10.
WALKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10.
235 ...........................1997 .........................47 228 ...........................2009 ........................57 212 ............................1981..........................41 200 ...........................1996.........................41 197 ............................2012 ........................ 56 187 ............................1995 .........................45 186............................1980.........................35 180 ...........................2013 .........................52 180 ...........................1985 ........................ 39 178 ............................1998.........................45
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
344 ...........................2005 ........................53 331 ............................2011 ......................... 48 326 ...........................2009 ........................57 319............................2004 ........................52 315 ............................2012 ........................ 56 303 ...........................2006 ........................51 297 ...........................2013 .........................52 296 ...........................2008 ....................... 50 279 ...........................2003 ....................... 43 266 ...........................2010 .........................45
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
126 ...........................1980.........................35 118 ...........................1982 ........................ 38 112 ...........................1981..........................41 109 ...........................2012 ........................ 56 106 ...........................2001 .........................45 97 ...........................1985 ........................ 39 95 ...........................2002 ........................42 93 ...........................2013 .........................52 91 ...........................2005 ........................53 88 ...........................1983........................ 38
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
.858 ..........................1985 .....................97-113 .838..........................1983....................88-105 .834 ..........................1980....................126-151 .830..........................1982 ....................118-142 .823 ..........................2013 .................... 93-113 .816...........................2011 ...................... 62-76 .815 ...........................2001 ...................106-130 .811............................1981.....................112-138 .804..........................2006 .................... 78-97 .798 ..........................2005 .................... 91-114
.423 .............................................1997 .417 .............................................2009 .398............................................ 1996 .393 ............................................ 2004 .391 ..............................................2001 .387 ............................................ 1994 .386............................................2008 .386.............................................1995 .385 .............................................2010 .383 .............................................2012
WALKS 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
FIELDING PCT. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
.975 .............................................2012 .970 ............................................2009 .967 .............................................2013 .965 ............................................ 2007 .964 ............................................ 1966 .963 ............................................2008 .963 ............................................ 2005 .962 .............................................1987 .960............................................. 2011 .957 ............................................ 2004 DOUBLE PLAYS 66 .............................2009 ........................57 61 ..............................2005 ........................53 53 ..............................2011 ......................... 48 50..............................1996.........................41 48..............................2012 ........................ 56 47 ..............................2010 .........................45 46..............................2008 ....................... 50 41...............................1997 .........................47 40..............................2000 ........................45 37 ..............................2013 .........................52 37 ..............................1990.........................41
229 ...........................1982 ..................... 293.0 212 ............................2009 .................... 468.0 212 ............................1981.......................322.1 211 .............................1984 ......................267.1 198............................1983..................... 285.2 187 ............................2008 .....................423.1 179 ............................1980......................277.0 177.............................2000 .....................361.2 163 ............................1995 ......................333.1 162 ............................2011 ......................398.0
COMPLETE GAMES 1. 2. 3. 4.
21 ...............................1981..........................41 18 ..............................1993 ........................ 39 17 ...............................1994 .........................42 16 ..............................2002 ....................... 43 16 ..............................2000 ........................45 16 ..............................1992 ........................ 39 15...............................1999........................ 43 15...............................1995 .........................45 15...............................1980.........................35 13...............................1991..........................35 13...............................1989........................ 40
OPPONENT BATTING AVERAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
.182 ...........................1973 .........................23 .184...........................1972 .........................24 .188 ..........................1966........................ 20 .209 ..........................1970 .........................21 .211 ............................1969.........................22 .232 ..........................1968.........................22 .234 ..........................1967 .........................18 .243 ..........................2012 ........................ 56 .244 ..........................1971 ..........................24 .251 ...........................1974 .........................21
1. 2.
19 .............................2010 .........................45 13 .............................2012 ........................ 56 13 .............................2005 ........................53 11 .............................2011 ......................... 48 11 .............................2006 ........................51 9 .............................2009 ........................57 9 .............................2004 ........................52 9 .............................1989........................ 40 8 .............................1987 .........................42 8 .............................1982 ........................ 38
PITCHING EARNED RUN AVERAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
2.05 ............................................ 1968 2.10 ..............................................1973 2.89 ............................................ 1969 3.08 ............................................ 2005 3.25 .............................................2012 3.28 ............................................2006 3.33 ............................................ 1990 3.42 .............................................1991 3.44 ............................................ 2004 3.52 .............................................1974
STRIKEOUTS 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
348 ...........................2007 .................... 420.0 346 ...........................2012 ..................... 474.0 346 ...........................2005 .................... 439.0 342 ...........................2006 .....................420.1 336 ...........................2009 .................... 468.0 327 ...........................2008 .....................423.1 320 ...........................2004 .................... 424.0 289 ...........................2010 ..................... 367.0 279 ...........................2013 ..................... 442.2 261 ............................2011 ......................398.0
4. 6.
INDIVIDUAL RECORDS GAMES Most in a Season: 57, Zach Price, 2009 Most in a Career: 210, Kevin McKague, 2008-12 Most Consecutive Starts: 199, Milan Dinga, 2004-07; Jeremy Stache, 2003-06
Most Starts in a Season: 56, Alex Jensen, 2012; Zach Price, 2012 Most Starts in a Career: 207, Kevin McKague, 2008-12
BATTING AT BATS Most in a Game: 8, by several players Most in a Season: 224, Kyle Scogin, 2005 Most in a Career: 796, Kevin McKague, 2008-12 BATTING AVERAGE Highest in a Season (Min. 50 At-Bats): .430, Tom Cascino, 1986 Highest in a Career (Min. 200 At-Bats): .378, Glenn Donelin, 1988-90 SLUGGING PERCENTAGE Highest in a Season (Min. 50 At-Bats): .869, Mike Scioletti, 1997 Highest in a Career (Min. 200 At-Bats): .589, Clint Moore, 2008-11 BASE HITS Most in a Game: 6, Clint Moore vs. Sacred Heart, 2008; Eric Wolf vs. Fordham, 1992 Most in a Season: 81, Kyle Scogin, 2005 Most in a Career: 283, Kevin McKague, 2008-12 BASE HITS Longest Game Hitting Streak: 25, Milan Dinga, 2006 Most Consecutive Hits: 8, Walker Gorham, 2005 Most Consecutive Times Reached Base: 11, Walker Gorham, 2005 Most Recent to Hit for Cycle: Tony Capozzi vs. Dartmouth, 2008 Most Multiple-Hit Games in a Season: 25, Clint Moore, 2009 Most Multiple-Hit Games in a Career: 87, Kevin McKague, 2008-12 Most Multiple-RBI Games in a Season: 20, Clint Moore, 2009 Most Multiple-RBI Games in a Career: 54, Clint Moore, 2008-11 DOUBLES Most in a Game: 3, Joey Henshaw vs. Quinnipiac, 2011; Kyle Fleming vs. Columbia, 2009; Nate Stone vs. Lehigh, 2004; Glenn Donelin vs. Fairleigh Dickinson, 1990; Eric Wolf vs. Pace, 1989 Most in a Season: 19, Kevin McKague, 2008 Most in a Career: 55, Kevin McKague, 2008-12 TRIPLES Most in a Game: 3, Gene Atkinson vs. Cornell, 1965 Most in a Season: 7, Reggie Moore, 1990 Most in a Career: 15, Milan Dinga, 2004-07 HOME RUNS Most in a Game: 3, Clint Moore vs. Lafayette, 2011; Walker Gorham vs. Lehigh (Patriot League Tournament), 2005 Most in a Season: 13, Joey Henshaw, 2009 Most in a Career: 35, Clint Moore, 2008-11 Most Consecutive Home Runs: 4, Pete Foster, 1983 (two in both games of doubleheader vs. LIU) Most Multiple-Home Run Games in a Season: 3, Milan Dinga, 2006; Walker Gorham, 2005; Schuyler Williamson, 2004 Most Multiple-Home Run Games in a Career: 4, Schuyler Williamson, 2002-05 TOTAL BASES Most in a Game: 13, Milan Dinga vs. New York Tech, 2006; Walker Gorham vs. Navy, 2005 Most in a Season: 135, Joey Henshaw, 2009 Most in a Career: 414, Kevin McKague, 2008-12
Milan Dinga RUNS BATTED IN Most in a Game: 8, Mike Scioletti vs. New York Tech, 1997; Dan Kirk vs. Brooklyn, 1987 Most in a Season: 75, Joey Henshaw, 2009 Most in a Career: 185, Clint Moore, 2008-11 RUNS SCORED Most in a Game: 5, Several players (most recently by Andy Ernesto vs. Lehigh, 2009) Most in a Season: 65, Bryan Price, 1997 Most in a Career: 174, Clint Moore, 2008-11 STOLEN BASES Most in a Game: 5, Josh Holden vs. St. Peter’s, 2003; Charles Gerhardt vs. 7th Regiment, 1915 Most in a Season: 31, Miguel Gastellum, 2001 Most in a Career: 75, Miguel Gastellum, 1999-02 Best Stolen Base Percentage in a Season (min. 10 att.): 1.000, Ben Koenigsfeld (11-11), 2009; Jim Towey, 1980 (22-22) Best Stolen Base Percentage in a Career (min. 10 att.): .810, Ben Koenigsfeld (17-21), 2008-11 WALKS Most in a Game: 5, Zach Price vs. Maryland, 2011 Most in a Season: 40, Daniel Cortes, 2012; Mike Scioletti, 1997 Most in a Career: 125, Zach Price, 2009-12 HIT BY PITCH Most Times Hit By Pitch in a Season: 20, Alex Jensen, 2013 Most Hit By Pitch in a Career: 39, Kevin McKague, 2008-12
INDIVIDUAL RECORDS PITCHING WINS Most in a Season: 11, Chris Rowley, 2012 Most in a Career: 35, Bob Neyland, 1913-16 Most in a Career (Modern Era): 33, Nick Hill, 2004-07 Highest Winning Percentage in a Season (min. 10 dec.): .917, (11-1), Chris Rowley, 2012 Most Consecutive Wins: 20, Bob Neyland, 1914-15 Most Consecutive Wins to Begin a Career, Starting Pitcher: 7, Cole White, 2005 Most Patriot League Wins in a Season: 5, Nick Dignacco, 2012; Chris Rowley, 2012; Ben Koenigsfeld, 2009; Justin Kashner, 2004 Most Patriot League Wins in a Career: 16, Nick Hill, 2004-07 Best Patriot League Winning Percentage in Season (min. 5 decisions):
1.000, Nick Dignacco, 2012 (5-0); Chris Rowley, 2012 (5-0); Ben Koenigsfeld, 2009 (5-0); Justin Kashner, 2004 (5-0) Best Patriot League Winning Percentage in Career (min. 10 decisions):
.900 (9-1), Pat Saxman, 1994-97 Most Consecutive Patriot League Wins to Begin Career: 9, Ben Koenigsfeld, 2008-2010 EARNED RUN AVERAGE Lowest in a Season (min. 40 IP): 0.57, Joe Fowler, 1968 Lowest in a Career (min. 75 IP): 1.62, Barry DeBolt, 1964-66 INNINGS PITCHED Most in a Game by a Starter: 15.0, Walt LeCates vs. Fordham, 1952 Most in a Game by a Reliever: 13.2, Bob Landry vs. New York University, 1930 Most in a Season: 97.2, Chris Rowley, 2013 Most in a Career: 327.2, Nick Hill, 2004-07 OPPONENT BATTING AVERAGE Lowest Opponent Batting Average in a Season (Min. 50 IP): .159 (54-339), Barry DeBolt, 1966 Lowest Opponent Batting Average in a Career (Min. 100 IP): .212 (247-1163), Nick Hill, 2004-07 Most Consecutive Batters Retired by a Reliever: 25, Wade Greenlee, 2005
APPEARANCES Most Appearances in a Season: 28, Monte Jones, 2005 Most Appearances in a Career: 87, Dan Pluff, 2003-06 Most Games Started in a Season: 15, Alex Robinett, 2013; Chris Rowley, 2012; Logan Lee, 2012; Matt Fouch, 2009 Most Games Started in a Career: 50, Nick Hill, 2004-07 Most Relief Appearances in a Season: 28, Monte Jones, 2005 Most Relief Appearances in a Career: 86, Dan Pluff, 2003-06 Most Consecutive Scoreless Appearances by a Reliever (1 season): 16, Milan Dinga, 2006, 2007 Most Consecutive Scoreless Appearances by a Reliever (2 seasons):
32, Milan Dinga, 2006-07 Most Holds in a Career: 38, Monte Jones, 2003-06 STRIKEOUTS Most in a Nine-Inning Game: 17, Steve Reich vs. New York Tech, 1993; Eric Pedersen vs. Princeton, 1968; Bob Kewley vs. Yale, 1960 Most in a Seven-Inning Game: 17, Steve Reich vs. Air Force, 1992 Most in a Season: 103, Bill Shepherd, 1957 Most in a Career: 336, Nick Hill, 2004-07
SHUTOUTS Most in a Season: 5, Chris Rowley, 2012 Most Total Shutouts in a Season (Individual and Combined): 5, Chris Rowley, 2012 Most in a Career: 8, Chris Rowley, 2010-13 Most Total Shutouts in a Career (Individual and Combined): 12, Nick Hill, 2004-07 Most Consecutive Shutouts: 4, Chris Rowley, 2012 Most Consecutive Shutout Innings: 29, Chris Rowley, 2012 Most Consecutive Innings Without Allowing an Earned Run: 29, Chris Rowley, 2012 SAVES Most in a Season: 13, Kevin McKague, 2010 Most in a Career: 27, Kevin McKague, 2008-12; Milan Dinga, 2004-07 Most Consecutive: 14, Kevin McKague, 2010 Highest Save Percentage in a Season (Min. 8 Att.): 1.000 (13-13), Kevin McKague, 2010; 1.000 (10-10), Milan Dinga, 2006 Highest Save Percentage in a Career (Min. 10 Att.): .931 (27-29), Milan Dinga, 2003-07 NO-HITTERS Bob Neyland vs. Colgate, 1914 Rod Vitty vs. Swarthmore, 1955 Jon Rindfleisch vs. Swarthmore, 1957 Logan Lee vs. Bucknell, 2012
CATCHING BASERUNNERS THROWN OUT Highest Percentage of Base Runners Thrown Out in a Season: 52.4 (22 of 42), J.T. Watkins, 2011 Highest Number of Base Runners Thrown Out in a Career: 63 (53 of 151), J.T. Watkins, 2009-12 Highest Percentage of Base Runners Thrown Out in a Career: 41.7 (63 of 151), J.T. Watkins, 2009-12
FRESHMAN SEASON RECORDS Games Played .................................................................57, Zach Price, 2009 Games Started ...................................................56, Alex Jensen, 2012 Base Hits ......................................................................... 70, Zach Price, 2009 At-Bats .....................................197, Zach Price, 2009; Clint Moore, 2008 Walks ............................................................................ 40, Daniel Cortes, 2012 Runs Scored .................................................................. 59, Zach Price, 2009 Runs Batted In .................................................. 50, Kevin McKague, 2008 Total Bases ................................................................. 105, Clint Moore, 2008 Doubles .................................................................... 19, Kevin McKague, 2008 Slugging Percentage (Min. 100 AB)........... .626, Cole White, 2005 On-Base Percentage (Min. 100 AB) ............ .480, Zach Price, 2009 Home Runs ......................................................................10, Cole White, 2005 Stolen Bases ................................................................ 23, Harold Earls, 2012 Multiple-Hit Games ................................................. 22, Clint Moore, 2008 Multiple-RBI Games ........................................ 18, Kevin McKague, 2008 Longest Hitting Streak.............................................16, Zach Price, 2009 Wins ..........................................................................................10, Nick Hill, 2004 Strikeouts .............................................................................81, Nick Hill, 2004 Complete Games ................................................................8, Nick Hill, 2004 Innings Pitched ............................................................ 86.2, Nick Hill, 2004 Shutouts ..................................................................................3, Nick Hill, 2004 Total Shutouts (Individual and Combined) ......4, Nick Hill, 2004 Games Started ...................................................................13, Nick Hill, 2004 Winning Percentage (Min. 8 Dec.) ......875 (7-1), Cole White, 2005 Opponent Batting Average (Min. 50 IP) ....... .203, Nick Hill, 2004 Appearances ............................................................ 24, Brad Johnson, 2004 Relief Appearances ............................................. 24, Brad Johnson, 2004
(Min. 50 AB)
(Min. 200 AB)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Tom Cascino Mike Scioletti Nate Stone Darin Souza Cole White Glenn Donelin Roger Zailskas Paul Divis Kenny Smith 10. Bill Mullee
.430 .415 .414 .412 .408 .406 .403 .400 .400 .399
1986 1997 2004 1996 2007 1990 1960 1980 1965 1995
1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Glenn Donelin .378 Bill Mullee .369 Shaun Salmon .362 Paul Divis .360 Kenny Smith .360 Cole White .359 Kevin McKague .356 Joey Henshaw .349 Josh Holden .341 Tom Cascino .341
SEASON 1988-90 1993-96 1997-00 1978-81 1965-67 2005-08 2008-12 2008-11 2001-03 1984-87
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Bryan Price 65 Zach Price 59 Clint Moore 58 Schuyler Williamson 52 Zach Price 51 Milan Dinga 51 7. Joey Henshaw 47 Kyle Scogin 47 Nate Stone 47 Mike Scioletti 47
1997 2009 2009 2004 2012 2004 2009 2005 2004 1997
1. Zach Price 174 Clint Moore 174 3. Milan Dinga 165 4. Kevin McKague 159 5. Schuyler Williamson 137 6. Bryan Price 132 7. Andy Ernesto 130 8. Kyle Scogin 124 9. Cole White 121 10. Nate Stone 120
Kyle Scogin 81 Joey Henshaw 80 Kevin McKague 79 Kevin McKague 75 Milan Dinga 75 Nate Stone 75 7. Clint Moore 73 8. Cole White 73 9. Schuyler Williamson 71 10. Zach Price 70 Zach Price 70
2005 2009 2009 2012 2005 2004 2009 2007 2004 2012 2009
Kevin McKague Milan Dinga Zach Price Clint Moore Cole White Shaun Salmon Nate Stone Bill Mullee 9. J.T. Watkins 10. Joey Henshaw
283 2008-12 257 2004-07 241 2009-12 233 2008-11 232 2005-08 209 1997-00 196 2002-05 193 1993-96 191 2009-12 188 2008-11
2008 2009 2009 2004 2001 2012 2009 2008 1997 1995 1981
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Clint Moore 35 2008-11 Cole White 28 2005-08 Mike Scioletti 26 1995-98 Kevin McKague 24 2008-12 Joey Henshaw 23 2008-11 Schuyler Williamson23 2002-05 Lance Boyce 23 1990-93 8. Ben Koenigsfeld 18 2008-11 9. Walker Gorham 17 2002-05 Erik Everton 17 1984-87 Karl Tappert 17 1983-86 Kenny Smith 17 1965-67
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Joey Henshaw Mike Scioletti Clint Moore Nate Stone Kevin McKague Clint Moore
75 67 65 53 50 48 Schuyler Williamson 48 8. Kevin McKague 45 Mike Scioletti 45 10. Kevin McKague 44 Kyle Scogin 44
2009 1997 2009 2004 2008 2011 2004 2012 1996 2009 2005
1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8. 9. 10.
Clint Moore 185 2008-11 Kevin McKague 183 2008-12 Mike Scioletti 152 1995-98 Milan Dinga 139 2004-07 Joey Henshaw 138 2008-11 Cole White 124 2005-08 Schuyler Williamson 124 2002-05 Nate Stone 123 2002-05 Chris Simmons 118 2005-08 Walker Gorham 113 2002-05 Erik Everton 113 1984-87
CAREER 19 18 18 18 17 16 15 15 15 15 15
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
DOUBLES 1. Kevin McKague 2. Andy Ernesto Clint Moore Nate Stone 5. Kyle Kalkwarf 6. Kevin McKague 7. J.P. Polchinski Andy Ernesto Mike Scioletti Bill Mullee Kevin DeHart
2009 2004 1997 2011 2009 2005 2005 1993 1983 2010 2008 2008 2004
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
1. Joey Henshaw 13 2. Schuyler Williamson 12 Mike Scioletti 12 4. Clint Moore 11 Clint Moore 11 6. Walker Gorham 10 Cole White 10 8. Lance Boyce 9 Pete Foster 9 10.Kevin McKague 8 Chris Simmons 8 Cole White 8 Nolan Cork 8
1. 2. 3. 4.
Milan Dinga 15 2004-07 Reggie Moore 13 1988-91 Clint Moore 12 2008-11 Scott Donaldson 11 1983-86 Cole White 10 2005-08 Shannon Smith 10 1987-90 7. Chris Simmons 9 2005-08 Mark Houston 9 1992-95 9. Schuyler Williamson 8 2002-05 Kenny Smith 8 1965-67
SEASON 2009-12 2008-11 2004-07 2008-12 2002-05 1995-98 2006-09 2004-07 2005-08 2002-05
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. Reggie Moore 7 1990 2. Shannon Smith 6 1989 3. Clint Moore 5 2009 Milan Dinga 5 2006 Milan Dinga 5 2005 Wes Bumgardner 5 2004 Scott Donaldson 5 1985 Kenny Smith 5 1966 Gene Atkinson 5 1965 10. 9 players 4 (most recent: Jacob Page, 2013)
Kevin McKague Clint Moore Andy Ernesto Cole White Nate Stone
55 51 47 44 41 Schuyler Williamson 38 Kyle Kalkwarf 38 8. Joey Henshaw 37 Jeremy Stache 37 Walker Gorham 37 Bill Mullee 37
2008-12 2008-11 2006-09 2005-08 2002-05 2002-05 1999-02 2008-11 2003-06 2002-05 1993-96
1. Miguel Gastellum 2. Josh Holden 3. Miguel Gastellum Jim Bagwell 5. Lance Boyce 6. Paul Divis 7. Harold Earls Josh Holden Mike Spurr Gary Donaldson Paul Taylor Glenn Davis
CAREER 31 2001 27 2003 26 2002 26 1981 25 1992 24 1980 23 2012 23 2001 23 1985 23 1982 23 1979 23 1948
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Miguel Gastellum 75 1999-02 Josh Holden 70 2001-03 Lance Boyce 60 1990-93 Zach Price 55 2009-12 Schuyler Williamson 53 2002-05 Jim Bagwell 50 1978-81 Gary Donaldson 48 1980-83 Paul Divis 48 1978-81 9. Arthur O’Neal 46 1992-95 10. Kyle Scogin 45 2004-07 Jim Towey 45 1979-81
1. Chris Rowley 11 2. Nick Hill 10 Justin Kashner 10 Nick Hill 10 5. Chris Rowley 9 Barry DeBolt 9 7. Logan Lee 8 Tyler Anderegg 8 Ben Koenigsfeld 8 Bob Kewley 8
2012 2005 2005 2004 2013 1966 2012 2009 2009 1960
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Bob Neyland 35 Nick Hill 33 Chris Rowley 25 Justin Kashner 23 Barry DeBolt 22 Cole White 21 Matt Fouch 20 Steve Reich 19 Mike Tripp 19 10. Ben Koenigsfeld 18
1913-16 2004-07 2010-13 2002-05 1964-66 2005-08 2007-10 1990-93 1988-91 2008-11
EARNED RUN AVERAGE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Barry DeBolt
(Min. 40 IP)
(Min. 75 IP)
Joe Fowler Ron Petricka Steve Reich Nick Hill Barry DeBolt Barry DeBolt Mel Brinkley Nick Hill Steve Reich Mike Tripp Craig Jones
0.57 1968 0.98 1973 1.11 1990 1.21 2005 1.26 1966 1.50 1965 1.70 1973 1.91 2007 2.07 1991 2.07 1989 2.07 1980
CAREER (Min. 10 decisions)
Chris Rowley .917 11-1 2012 Barry DeBolt .900 9-1 1966 Bob Kewley .889 8-1 1960 Cole White .875 7-1 2005 Travis Smith .875 7-1 1994 6. Pat Saxman .857 6-1 1997 Shannon Smith .857 6-1 1989 Stu Whitfield .857 6-1 1980 9. 6 players .833 (most recent: Ken Jackson, 2011)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Mac Hayes .909 Bob Neyland .875 Barry DeBolt .786 Tyler Anderegg .764 Chris Rowley .735 Nick Hill .733 Shannon Smith .714 Manny Fernandez .700 Ken Jackson .700 10. Steve Cummings .692 Rich Nieberding .692
1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Chris Rowley Chris Rowley Logan Lee Matt Fouch Matt Cini Nick Hill Alex Robinett Nick Hill Barry DeBolt Ben Koenigsfeld Nick Hill
97.2 97.1 92.0 90.0 90.0 89.0 86.2 86.2 86.0 84.2 84.2
10-1 1964-66 35-5 1913-16 22-6 1964-66 13-4 2006-09 25-9 2010-13 33-12 2004-07 15-6 1987-90 7-3 2009-12 7-3 2010-12 9-4 2007-10 9-4 1984-86
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1.62 1.72 1.90 2.20 2.31 2.49 2.63 2.66 2.67 2.89
1964-66 1967-69 1972-73 2004-07 1968-70 1990-93 2003-06 1990-93 1971-73 1988-91
Bill Shepherd Barry DeBolt Nick Hill Nick Hill Barry DeBolt Bob Kewley 7. Steve Reich John Brudvig 9. Craig Jones 10. Nick Hill
103 102 100 90 89 89 88 88 85 81
Nick Hill 327.2 Chris Rowley 270.0 Justin Kashner 266.2 Steve Reich 260.2 Matt Fouch 254.1 Buck Adams 249.0 Mike Tripp 246.0 Barry DeBolt 239.0 Matt Cini 236.2 Rich Krafft 235.1
CAREER 1957 1966 2007 2005 1964 1960 1993 1981 1980 2004
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Nick Hill 336 Steve Reich 259 Barry DeBolt 255 Chris Rowley 216 Justin Kashner 198 Matt Cini 194 John Brudvig 193 Buck Adams 183 Cole White 182 Ben Koenigsfeld 180
2004-07 1990-93 1964-66 2010-13 2002-05 1997-00 1978-81 1998-01 2005-08 2008-11
CAREER 2013 2012 2012 2009 2000 2005 2013 2004 1966 2009 2007
Doug Rogers Mel Brinkley Nick Hill Eric Pedersen Steve Reich Monte Jones Lance Boyce Ron Petricka Mike Tripp
SEASON 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Barry DeBolt
(Min. 5 decisions) 1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
2004-07 2010-13 2002-05 1990-93 2007-10 1998-01 1988-91 1964-66 1997-00 1985-88
1. Kevin McKague 2. Milan Dinga 3. Gunnar Carroll Ben Koenigsfeld Milan Dinga 6. Kevin McKague 7. Milan Dinga Chad LeMay Jim Kitz 10. Kevin McKague Arthur O’Neal Lance Boyce Shane Kimbrough
13 10 8 8 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5
CAREER 2010 2006 2012 2011 2005 2009 2007 1987 1982 2012 1994 1990 1989
1. Kevin McKague 27 Milan Dinga 27 3. Gunnar Carroll 14 4. Chad LeMay 13 Ben Koenigsfeld 10 6. Dan Pluff 9 Arthur O’Neal 9 8. Lance Boyce 7 Paul Perry 7 10. Mike Erwin 6 Shane Kimbrough 6 Jim Kitz 6
2008-12 2004-07 20111986-88 2008-11 2003-06 1992-95 1990-93 1990-93 1999-02 1987-89 1982
YEARLY LEADERS 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973
HITS 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Tony Pyrz .............................20 Kenny Smith .......................32 John Boretti ........................24 Kenny Smith .......................23 Tom Krieger ........................ 27 Pete McCall .........................32 Pete McCall .........................24 Tom Pyrz ..............................25 Steve Etheridge................. 18 Pete Jackson .......................21 Brent Clark ..........................23 Brent Clark ..........................29 Warren Chellman ..............36 Paul Taylor...........................23 Paul Taylor............................31 Paul Divis .............................46 Paul Divis .............................50 Dave Toth .............................49 Kevin Batule ....................... 47 Gary Donaldson ................. 47 Gary Donaldson .................49 Scott Donaldson ...............35 Jon Reinebold.....................35 Mike Spurr...........................40 Karl Tappert ........................50 Erik Everton ........................46 Shannon Smith ..................38 Glenn Donelin .....................56 Glenn Donelin .....................63 Lance Boyce .......................45 Lance Boyce ....................... 37 Eric Wolf ............................... 37 Arthur O’Neal......................52 Bill Mullee .............................61 Bill Mullee ............................63 Bill Mullee ............................52 Bryan Price ........................ 68 Shaun Salmon ....................59 Brian Supko ........................48 Buddy Gengler ...................58 Miguel Gastellum .............56 Kyle Kalkwarf ......................51 Josh Holden......................... 47 Nate Stone ........................... 75 Kyle Scogin ......................... 81 Milan Dinga .........................67 Cole White ........................... 73 Clint Moore ..........................69 Joey Henshaw ................... 80 Ben Koenigsfeld.................51 Zach Price............................56 Kevin McKague ................. 75 Patrick Mescher.......... 59
TOTAL BASES 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976
Kenny Smith .......................50 Kenny Smith .......................40 Tom Krieger ........................46 Pete McCall .........................45 Pete McCall .........................34 Don Knight ..........................40 Steve Etheridge.................23 Kevin Craig ..........................29 Brent Clark ..........................33 Brent Clark ..........................45 Jerry Araneo ....................... 57
1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985
Brent Clark 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Mike Trubia.........................29 Tom Snukis .........................38 Paul Taylor.......................... 60 Paul Divis ............................. 77 Kevin DeHart ...................... 75 Gary Donaldson .................84 Gary Donaldson .................76 Scott Donaldson ...............54 Karl Tappert ........................54 Erik Everton ........................69 Karl Tappert ........................78 Erik Everton ........................67 Shannon Smith ..................67 Shannon Smith ..................79 Glenn Donelin .....................83 Lance Boyce .......................78 Lance Boyce ........................61 Lance Boyce ...................... 86 Bill Mullee ............................82 Bill Mullee ............................83 Mike Scioletti .....................76 Mike Scioletti ....................113 Shaun Salmon .................... 75 Brian Supko ........................62 Buddy Gengler ....................71 Kyle Kalkwarf .................... 80 Kyle Kalkwarf .....................64 Nate Stone ...........................67 Schuyler Williamson ..... 127 Walker Gorham................106 Milan Dinga .......................108 Cole White .........................103 Clint Moore ........................105 Joey Henshaw ..................135 Kevin McKague .................85 Clint Moore ......................... 90 Kevin McKague ...............106 Jacob Page .....................80
RUNS BATTED IN 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968
Tony Pyrz ..............................12 Kenny Smith .......................26 Kenny Smith .......................30 Tom Krieger ......................... 17 Bart McLellan .................... 18
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Pete McCall .........................24 Pete McCall ..........................14 Don Knight ..........................20 Steve Etheridge................. 10 Jerry Johnson ........................7 Garry Newsome ....................7 Brent Clark ...........................16 Warren Chellman ...............16 Jerry Araneo .......................24 Mike Trubia..........................13 Paul Taylor............................15 Paul Taylor...........................29 Paul Divis .............................28 Kevin DeHart ......................42 Kevin Batule .......................39 Pete Foster .......................... 22 Erik Everton ........................24 Karl Tappert ........................24 Erik Everton ........................28 Dan Kirk................................28 Karl Tappert ........................43 Tom Cascino .......................30 Erik Everton ........................30 Shannon Smith ..................23 Shannon Smith ...................41 Shannon Smith ..................36 Doug Bohrer........................ 27 Doug Bohrer........................20 Lance Boyce .......................20 Lance Boyce .......................30 Shannon Carney................28 Mark Houston ....................34 Ra Shipps.............................34 Mike Scioletti .....................45 Mike Scioletti .....................67 Mike Scioletti .....................29 Buddy Gengler ....................31 Buddy Gengler ...................33 Kyle Kalkwarf ..................... 37 Kyle Kalkwarf .....................34 Walker Gorham...................31 Nate Stone ...........................53 Kyle Scogin .........................44 Milan Dinga .........................35 Milan Dinga .........................33 Kevin McKague .................50 Joey Henshaw .................... 75 Kevin McKague .................36 Clint Moore ..........................48 Kevin McKague .................45 Patrick Mescher..........40
RUNS SCORED 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975
Bob Fazen .............................15 Kenny Smith ....................... 18 John Boretti ........................26 Kenny Smith ....................... 18 Bob Merkle ........................... 17 Tom Pyrz .............................. 18 Pete McCall ..........................16 Bill Lord.................................. 17 Tom Pyrz ............................... 17 Lou Bartok.............................11 Jerry Johnson .......................11 Kevin Craig ...........................16 Augie Fucci ......................... 18 Brent Clark ...........................13
1976 Jerry Araneo .......................23 1977 Jody Fink .............................. 10 1978 Jeff Foley ...............................15 Paul Taylor............................15 1979 Paul Taylor...........................28 1980 Jim Bagwell .........................32 1981 Jim Bagwell .........................32 1982 Kevin DeHart ......................36 Gary Donaldson .................36 1983 Gary Donaldson .................25 1984 Scott Donaldson ................31 1985 Mike Spurr...........................33 1986 Erik Everton ........................34 1987 Erik Everton .........................31 1988 Shannon Smith ..................24 1989 Shannon Smith ..................40 1990 Reggie Moore .....................40 1991 Lance Boyce .......................33 1992 Lance Boyce ........................31 1993 Lance Boyce .......................39 1994 Mark Houston .....................41 1995 Bill Mullee ............................39 1996 Bryan Price .........................43 1997 Bryan Price ........................ 68 1998 Shaun Salmon ....................33 1999 Brian Supko ........................43 2000 Miguel Gastellum .............30 Josh Minney........................30 2001 Josh Minney........................39 2002 Miguel Gastellum .............28 2003 Josh Holden.........................34 2004 Schuyler Williamson .......52 2005 Kyle Scogin ......................... 47 2006 Milan Dinga .........................44 2007 Milan Dinga .........................28 2008 Clint Moore ..........................46 2009 Zach Price............................59 2010 Clint Moore ..........................35 2011 Zach Price............................39 2012 Zach Price.............................51 2013 Jon Crucitti.....................43
BATTING AVERAGE 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
Bob Fazen ........................ .345 Kenny Smith ....................400 Kenny Smith ................... .324 Kenny Smith ....................348 Tom Krieger .....................338 Pete McCall ......................356 Pete McCall ..................... .329 Steve Etheridge..............288 Guy Richardson ............. .279 Kevin Craig ........................277 Augie Fucci ..................... .352 Warren Chellman .......... .325 Warren Chellman ...........364 George Gaza .....................328 Paul Taylor.........................341 Paul Divis ..........................359 Paul Divis ..........................400 Dave Toth ......................... .392 Gary Donaldson ............. .353 Pete Foster ...................... .407 Jon Reinebold..................333 Dan Kirk.............................356 Tom Cascino ....................430 Erik Everton ..................... .317
YEARLY LEADERS 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Glenn Donelin ..................350 Glenn Donelin ..................368 Glenn Donelin ..................406 Lance Boyce .....................381 Eric Wolf .............................316 Arthur O’Neal...................364 Bill Mullee .........................396 Bill Mullee .........................399 Darin Souza ...................... .412 Mike Scioletti .................. .415 Shaun Salmon ..................381 Shaun Salmon .................398 Shaun Salmon .................356 Miguel Gastellum ......... .376 Josh Holden......................398 Josh Holden.......................318 Nate Stone ........................ .414 Kyle Scogin ..................... .362 Milan Dinga ......................385 Cole White ........................408 Cole White ....................... .373 Clint Moore .......................395 Steve May .........................364 Zach Price..........................331 Kevin McKague ............. .379 Patrick Mescher........341
1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974
Kenny Smith ..........................7 Kenny Smith ..........................5 Kenny Smith ..........................5 Bart McLellan .......................4 Dennis Haydon .....................3 Tom Peterson........................3 Don Knight .............................5 Four players ........................... 1 Kevin Craig .............................2 Kingsley Fink ........................2 Gary Miller ..............................2 Three players ........................2 Jerry Araneo ......................... 6 Mike Trubia............................3 Tom Snukis ............................3 Three players ........................2 Paul Divis ................................3
1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
Tim Morris ..............................3 1981 Kevin DeHart ........................ 6 1982 Kevin DeHart ........................ 6 Gary Donaldson ................... 6 1983 Pete Foster ............................ 9 1984 Erik Everton ...........................5 1985 Erik Everton ...........................7 1986 Karl Tappert .......................... 6 1987 Tom Cascino ..........................4 1988 Shannon Smith .....................7 1989 Darren Lynn ...........................5 1990 Shannon Smith .....................3 1991 Lance Boyce ..........................7 1992 Lance Boyce ..........................7 1993 Lance Boyce ......................... 9 1994 Arthur O’Neal.........................3 1995 Mark Houston .......................5 1996 Mike Scioletti ........................7 1997 Mike Scioletti ......................12 1998 Mike Scioletti ........................7 1999 Craig Mattox ..........................4 2000 Bobby Brown .........................5 2001 Buddy Gengler ......................5 2002 Seven with.............................. 1 2003 Schuyler Williamson ..........5 2004 Schuyler Williamson ........12 2005 Walker Gorham.................. 10 Cole White ........................... 10 2006 Milan Dinga ............................7 2007 Cole White ..............................4 2008 Chris Simmons .................... 8 Cole White ............................. 8 2009 Joey Henshaw .....................13 2010 Kevin McKague ................... 8 2011 Clint Moore ............................11 2012 Kevin McKague ....................5 J.T. Watkins ............................5 2013 Alex Jensen .......................3 Jacob Page ........................3
STOLEN BASES 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
Rich Banez
John Boretti .......................... 9 John Boretti .......................... 6 Tom Krieger ...........................7 Tom Pyrz .................................4 Tom Pyrz .................................4 Tom Pyrz .................................3 Lou Bartok..............................2 Tom Downar ..........................2 Brent Clark .............................5 Augie Fucci ............................4 Auggie Fucci ..........................5 Pat Sullivan ............................4 Jody Fink .................................2 Ted Heath .............................15 Paul Taylor............................15 Paul Taylor...........................23 Paul Divis .............................24 Jim Bagwell .........................26 Gary Donaldson .................23 Dave Cesari ..........................14 Gary Donaldson ..................14 Scott Donaldson ............... 18 Mike Spurr...........................23 Mike Spurr............................13 Scott Brower ........................ 6 Tom Cascino ......................... 6
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Shannon Smith .................... 9 Glenn Donelin ......................16 Reggie Moore ......................13 Lance Boyce ....................... 18 Lance Boyce .......................25 Arthur O’Neal...................... 18 Arthur O’Neal.......................16 Bill Mullee ............................. 17 Bill Mullee ...............................7 Bryan Price ............................7 Bryan Price ..........................13 Shaun Salmon .......................7 Brian Supko .........................16 Shaun Salmon .................... 18 Miguel Gastellum ..............31 Miguel Gastellum .............26 Josh Holden......................... 27 Schuyler Williamson ....... 18 Kyle Scogin ..........................19 Kyle Scogin .......................... 17 Cole White ............................16 Clint Moore ...........................14 Zach Price.............................14 Zach Price.............................. 8 Zach Price.............................13 Harold Earls ........................23 Jon Crucitti......................16
APPEARANCES 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
Barry DeBolt ......................... 9 Barry DeBolt .........................11 Barry DeBolt ........................12 Roger Vandenberg ............. 9 Joe Fowler ..............................11 Bill Lord................................. 10 Roger Vandenberg ........... 10 Mike Tokarsky .....................11 Barney Oakes ....................... 9 Ron Petricka ....................... 10 Mel Brinkley ......................... 8 Ron Petricka ......................... 8 Mike Pantaloni ...................12 Ray Odierno .......................... 8 Geoff Schmid ........................ 8 Ray Odierno .........................12 Milan Shepherd ..................13 Wally Anderson ................. 10 Ward Silvola ........................ 10 John Brudvig........................12 Jeff Wright ............................12 Craig Jones ...........................12 John Brudvig........................12 Rich Brudzynski .................12 Jim Kitz .................................20 Jim Kitz ..................................19 Phil Mitchell .........................13 Rick Nieberding .................13 Rick Nieberding .................16 Chad LeMay .........................15 Chad LeMay ........................20 Chad LeMay .........................21 Shane Kimbrough .............15 Lance Boyce ........................21 Steve Reich ..........................16 Paul Perry .............................16 Paul Perry .............................13
Tyler Anderegg 1994 Mark Houston .....................12 Pat Saxman ..........................12 Travis Smith ........................12 1995 Ed Haley ................................15 1996 Ed Haley ................................19 1997 Kevin Heffernan ................20 Pat Saxman .........................20 1998 Buck Adams ........................15 1999 Matt Cini................................12 2000 Mike Erwin .......................... 18 2001 Mike Erwin ...........................19 2002 Mike Erwin ...........................15 2003 Dan Pluff...............................20 2004 Brad Johnson......................24 2005 Monte Jones .......................28 2006 Monte Jones .......................25 Dan Pluff...............................25 2007 Drew Clothier ......................21 2008 Tyler Anderegg.................. 22 2009 Tyler Anderegg.................. 27 2010 Kevin McKague .................. 17 2011 Gunnar Carroll .............. 20 2012 Gunnar Carroll .............. 22 2013 Gunnar Carroll .............. 20
WINS 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
Barry DeBolt ......................... 6 Barry DeBolt ..........................7 Barry DeBolt ......................... 9 Roger Vandenberg ..............5 Roger Vandenberg ..............4 John Scott...............................4 Bill Lord....................................2 Barney Oakes ........................5 Three players ........................2 Mel Brinkley ..........................4 Henry Evans...........................3 Geoff Schmid .........................3 Geoff Schmid .........................4 Ray Odierno ...........................4 Ward Sivola ............................4 Three players ........................2 Jeff Wright ..............................3 John Brudvig......................... 6 Stu Whitfield ........................ 6 John Brudvig......................... 6
YEARLY LEADERS Wins (cont.) 1982 Eric Sine ..................................4 1983 Eric Sine ..................................4 1984 Four players ...........................2 1985 Rich Krafft ..............................4 Larry Tubbs............................4 1986 Parker King ............................5 1987 Ken Toney...............................5 1988 Ken Toney...............................5 1989 Shannon Smith .................... 6 Greg Softy.............................. 6 1990 Shannon Smith .................... 6 1991 Mike Tripp ..............................7 1992 Steve Reich ............................4 Aaron Wagner .......................4 1993 Steve Reich ........................... 6 1994 Travis Smth............................7 1995 Jason Hance ..........................5 1996 Ed Haley ..................................4 Jason King ..............................4 Travis Smith ..........................4 1997 Pat Saxman ........................... 6 1998 Jason King ..............................4 Scott Weiss ............................4 1999 Matt Cini..................................5 2000 Buck Adams ......................... 6 2001 Buck Adams ..........................5 Wes Bumgardner .................5 2002 Brian Elliott ............................5 Justin Kashner......................5 2003 Dan Cappello ........................ 6 2004 Nick Hill ................................ 10 2005 Nick Hill ................................ 10 Justin Kashner................... 10 2006 Nick Hill .................................. 6 2007 Nick Hill ...................................7 Cole White ..............................7 2008 Matt Fouch ............................ 6 Ben Koenigsfeld.................. 6 2009 Tyler Anderegg.................... 8 Ben Koenigsfeld.................. 8 2010 Matt Fouch ............................ 6 Steve Cummings................. 6 2011 Ken Jackson...........................5 Chris Rowley..........................5 2012 Chris Rowley.........................11 2013 Chris Rowley......................... 9
EARNED RUN AVERAGE 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
Barry DeBolt ....................2.16 Barry DeBolt ....................1.50 Barry DeBolt ....................1.26 Roger Vandenberg ....... 2.58 Joe Fowler ........................ 0.57 Doug Rogers .................... 2.31 Eric Pedersen .................0.34 Barney Oakes ................. 2.28 Mel Brinkley ....................2.16 Ron Petricka ...................0.98 Henry Evans......................1.75 Geoff Schmid .................. 2.37 Ward Sivola .....................4.04 Bill Scully .........................4.00 Paul Mango ......................1.65 John Brudvig...................3.48 Craig Jones ...................... 2.07
1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Jim Kitz ............................. 2.93 Art Hartman.................... 2.87 Larry Tubbs.....................5.90 Rich Nieberding ............4.50 Rich Krafft ....................... 2.39 Chad LeMay .....................1.96 Chad LeMay .................... 2.55 Mike Tripp ....................... 2.07 Steve Reich ........................1.11 Steve Reich ..................... 2.07 Lance Boyce ....................2.79 Steve Reich ..................... 2.48 Mark Houston ................ 2.24 Jason Hance ...................3.39 Ed Haley ............................2.76 Kevin Heffernan .............3.72 Kevin Heffernan ............4.39 Mike Erwin ...................... 2.42 Mike Erwin ...................... 2.62 Indy Wilkinson................4.01 Josh Birenbaum ............. 3.71 Justin Kashner................2.91 Justin Kashner................2.57 Nick Hill ..............................1.21 Cole White ....................... 2.48 Nick Hill ..............................1.91 Kirk Porter ........................3.15 Steve Cummings............3.73 Kevin McKague ..............1.33 Ben Koenigsfeld.............1.40 Kevin McKague ..............1.46 Davis Marlar ...............1.46
STRIKEOUTS 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
Barry DeBolt ...................... 89 Barry DeBolt .......................64 Barry DeBolt .....................102 Scott Church.......................38 Roger Vandenberg ...........38 Eric Pedersen ......................51 Eric Pedersen .....................45 Mike Tokarsky ...................35 Bill Lord................................. 37 Ron Petricka .......................45 Mel Brinkley .......................52 Joe Wasiak ..........................34 Geoff Schmid ...................... 22 Geoff Schmid ......................30 Bill Scully ..............................61 John Brudvig....................... 22 John Brudvig.......................40 Craig Jones ..........................85 John Brudvig...................... 88 Jim Kitz .................................30 Eric Sine ...............................48 Parker King .........................20 Rich Krafft ...........................32 Parker King .........................36 Rich Krafft ...........................43 Rich Krafft ...........................38 Ken Toney............................38 Ken Toney............................45 Shannon Smith ..................54 Steve Reich ..........................71 Steve Reich ......................... 73 Steve Reich ........................ 88 Mark Houston .....................31
Matt Cini 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Travis Smith ......................42 Travis Smith ....................... 47 Scott Weiss .........................49 Kevin Heffernan ................38 Matt Cini...............................63 Matt Cini............................... 73 Buck Adams ........................51 Brian Elliott .........................38 Dan Cappello ......................44 Justin Kashner...................44 Nick Hill ................................ 81 Nick Hill ............................... 90 Nick Hill ................................65 Nick Hill ..............................100 Drew Clothier .....................62 Matt Fouch ..........................65 Steve Cummings............... 47 Logan Lee ............................55 Chris Rowley...................... 80 Chris Rowley....................... 75
INNINGS PITCHED 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986
Barry DeBolt ................... 75.0 Barry DeBolt ................... 78.0 Barry DeBolt ...................86.0 Roger Vandenberg ........59.1 Roger Vandenberg ........64.1 Doug Rogers ................... 46.2 Mike Tokarsky ...............43.0 Barney Oakes ...................51.1 Ron Petricka ................... 50.2 Mel Brinkley ...................53.0 George Koontz ...............44.0 Geoff Schmid ...................57.0 Ray Odierno .................... 55.2 Bill Scully .........................54.0 Jeff Wright ....................... 35.2 John Brudvig................... 64.2 Craig Jones ...................... 73.2 John Brudvig....................77.2 Gregg Kane...................... 50.2 Eric Sine ...........................65.0 Art Hartman....................35.0 Rich Krafft ........................ 52.1 Rich Krafft .......................64.0
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Rich Krafft ........................61.2 Rich Krafft .........................57.1 Mike Tripp .......................69.2 Shannon Smith ..............65.0 Steve Reich ..................... 74.0 Lance Boyce .....................61.1 Steve Reich ...................... 76.1 Mark Houston .................64.1 Jason Hance ................... 63.2 Travis Smith ................... 65.2 Kevin Heffernan .............67.2 Jason King .......................68.0 Matt Cini............................ 71.0 Matt Cini...........................90.0 Buck Adams .................... 71.0 Brian Elliott ......................68.1 Justin Kashner............... 58.2 Nick Hill ............................86.2 Nick Hill ............................89.0 Nick Hill ............................. 67.1 Nick Hill ............................ 84.2 Drew Clothier ................. 76.0 Matt Fouch ......................90.0 Matt Fouch ...................... 67.0 Logan Lee ........................ 79.0 Chris Rowley.................... 97.1 Chris Rowley....................97.2
SAVES 1982 Jim Kitz ................................... 6 1983 Gregg Kane............................. 1 Jim Kitz .................................... 1 1984 Phil Mitchell ...........................2 1985 Parker King ............................ 1 Rick Nieberding ................... 1 1986 Chad LeMay ...........................3 Rick Nieberding ...................3 1987 Chad LeMay .......................... 6 1988 Chad LeMay ...........................4 1989 Shane Kimbrough ...............5 1990 Lance Boyce ..........................5 1991 Steve Reich ............................3 1992 Paul Perry ...............................3 1993 Paul Perry ...............................4 1994 Arthur O’Neal.........................5 1995 Arthur O’Neal.........................4 1996 Ed Haley .................................. 1 1997 Kevin Heffernan ...................3 Pat Saxman ............................3 1998 Brian Abell ..............................4 1999 Joey Boni ................................. 1 2000 Mike Erwin .............................2 2001 Mike Erwin .............................3 2002 Josh Birenbaum ...................2 2003 Dan Pluff .................................3 2004 Milan Dinga ............................3 Dan Pluff .................................3 2005 Milan Dinga ........................... 8 2006 Milan Dinga ......................... 10 2007 Milan Dinga ........................... 6 2008 Tyler Anderegg ....................2 Kirk Porter..............................2 2009 Kevin McKague....................7 2010 Kevin McKague..................13 2011 Ben Koenigsfeld ................. 8 2012 Gunnar Carroll .................8 2013 Gunnar Carroll .................4
2013 HONORS RHP CHRIS ROWLEY • Senior CLASS Award Finalist • Senior CLASS Award All-American (first team) • National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association preason All-American team (first team) • College Sports Madness Preseason AllAmerica Team (second team) • Collegiate Baseball magazine Louisville Slugger preseason All-American team (second team) • Patriot League Tournament MVP • Signed free agent contract with Toronto Blue Jays
OF JACOB PAGE • Collegiate Baseball magazine Louisville Slugger Freshmen All-Ameican
RHP GUNNAR CARROLL • National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association Stopper of the Year Award watch list
PATRIOT LEAGUE ROOKIE OF THE WEEK May 6 Jacob Page .538, 4 RBI March 11 Jacob Page .556, .667 SLG, .636 OB%, 5 R, 4 RBI, 1 2B, 2 SB
PATRIOT LEAGUE PLAYER OF THE WEEK May 6 Patrick Mescher .455, 3 R, 6 RBI, .545 OB%, 4 BB
PATRIOT LEAGUE PITCHER OF THE WEEK May 6 Chris Rowley 8.0 IP, 0 R, 4 H, 7 K, 0 BB April 8 Chris Rowley 7.0 IP, 0 R, 6 H, 9 K, 2 BB
Chris Rowley Alex Jensen
Alex Robinett Jacob Page Mark McCants
Patrick Mescher
Connor Love Patrick Mescher Dakari Cooke Taylor Goucher
Chris Rowley ARMY IN NCAA RANKINGS INDIVIDUAL (TOP 150) Complete Games 8. Chris Rowley (8) Hit By Pitch/Game 15. Alex Jensen (0.38) 64. Jon Crucitti (0.30) Sacrifice Flies 18. Patrick Mescher (8) 36. Jacob Page (7) Hit By Pitch 21. Alex Jensen (20) 77. Jon Crucitti (15) Bases on Balls/Game 43. Jon Crucitti (0.74) Victories 53. Chris Rowley (9) 64. Jon Crucitti (0.30) Assists 85. Jon Crucitti (37) Toughest to Strikeout 87. Alex Jensen (12.0) Walks Allowed per Nine Innings 124. Brock Davidson (1.84) 146. Chris Rowley (1.94) Strikeout-to-Walk Ratio 132. Chris Rowley (3.57) Runs/Game 135. Jon Crucitti (0.86)
TEAM (TOP 150) Hit By Pitch 12. 94 Stolen Bases/Game 26. 1.79 Walks Allowed/Per Nine 28. 2.83 Stolen Bases 31. 93 Sacrifice Flies 35. 31 Sacrifice Bunts 53. 56 Triples/Game 87. 0.27 Scoring 90. 5.7 On-Base Percentage 95. .364 Triples 99. 14 Strikoeut-to-Walk Ratio 102. 2.01 WHIP 102. 1.38 W-L Percentage 106. .558 Earned Run Average 110.
ARMY ACCOLADES AMERICAN BASEBALL COACHES ASSOCIATION ALL-REGION SELECTIONS (SINCE 1993) 1993 1994 1997 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012
Lance Boyce, OF; Steve Reich, SP (First Team) Bill Mullee, 1B (First Team) Pat Saxman, RP (Second Team) Bryan Price, 2B; Mike Scioletti, SS (First Team) Schuyler Williamson, C (Second Team) Nick Hill, SP; Nate Stone, 2B (First Team) Nick Hill, SP; Kyle Scogin, SS (First Team) Milan Dinga, RP (Second Team) Nick Hill, SP; Cole White, OF (First Team) Joey Henshaw, DH; Clint Moore, SS (First Team) Kevin McKague, RP (First Team) Ben Koenigsfeld, RP (Second Team) Chris Rowley, SP (First Team) Kevin McKague, 1B; J.T. Watkins, C (Second Team)
Ed Haydash, OF Barry DeBolt, SP Nate Stone, 2B (Third Team) Kyle Scogin, SS (Third Team) Nick Hill, SP (Second Team) Joey Henshaw, DH (Second Team) Clint Moore, SS (Third Team)
Jacob Page
ECAC ALL-STAR SELECTIONS 1993 1997 2004 2005 2007 2009 2012
Clint Moore, SS (Honorable Mention)
(SINCE 1993) Steve Reich, SP (First Team) Mike Scioletti, SS (First Team) Nick Hill, SP; Nate Stone 2B (Second Team) Schuyler Williamson, C (First Team) Nick Hill, SP (First Team) Cole White, OF (First Team) Nick Hill, SP (First Team, Pitcher of the Year) Joey Henshaw, UTY (Second Team) Chris Rowley, SP; J.T. Watkins, C (Second Team) Kevin McKague, 1B (First Team)
1990 1997 2004 2005 2008 2009 2012 2013
Nick Hill, SP (Third Team) Kyle Scogin, SS (Third Team) Nick Hill, SP (Second Team) Chris Rowley, SP (Second Team) Kevin McKague, 1B (Third Team)
Milan Dinga, RP (Third Team) Chris Rowley, SP (Second Team)
Chris Rowley, SP (Honorable Mention)
Chris Rowley (First Team) Zach Price, 2B (Second Team)
2010 2011
Clint Moore, SS (Second Team) Kevin McKague, UTY (Third Team)
Zach Price, 2B
Jeremy Stache, 3B (Baton Rouge Regional) Schuyler Williamson, C (Tallahassee Regional) Andy Ernesto, OF (Austin Regional) Joey Henshaw, DH (Austin Regional) Clint Moore, SS (Austin Regional)
Steve Reich, SP Shaun Salmon, OF Milan Dinga, OF-RP; Nick Hill, SP Cole White, OF-SP Kevin McKague, 1B; Clint Moore, SS Zach Price, 2B Harold Earls, 3B Jacob Page, OF
1976 1996 1997 2004 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012
Warren Chellman, SS (First Team) Bill Mullee, 1B (Third Team) Mike Scioletti, SS (Third Team) Schuyler Williamson, C (Third Team) Nick Hill, SP (Third Team) Tyler Anderegg, RP (Second Team) Ben Koenigsfeld (Third Team) Ben Koenigsfeld (Second Team) Zach Price (First Team)
Bill Mullee, 1B Mike Scioletti, SS Mike Scioletti, SS Schuyler Williamson, C Tyler Anderegg, RP Ben Koenigsfeld, SP-OF Ben Koenigsfeld, RP-OF Zach Price, 2B
Milan Dinga, RP Milan Dinga, RP Kevin McKague, RP Kevin McKague, RP Kevin McKague, RP Gunnar Carroll, RP
Clint Moore, SS
Nick Hill, SP (Third Team) Nick Hill, SP (Second Team) Cole White, UTY (Third Team) Kevin McKague, RP (Third Team) Chris Rowley, SP (Second Team)
2010 2011 2012
OLERUD WATCH LIST (NATION’S TOP TWO-WAY PLAYER) Ben Koenigsfeld, OF-SP Ben Koenigsfeld, OF-RP Kevin McKague, 1B-RP
Kevin McKague, 1B-RP
Schuyler Williamson, C (Third Team) Nick Hill, SP (First Team) Milan Dinga, RP (First Team) Cole White, UTY (Third Team) Kevin McKague, RP (Second Team) Chris Rowley, SP (First Team)
Clint Moore, SS
Chris Rowley, SP (Second Team)
Nate Stone, 2B Nick Hill, SP Milan Dinga, RP-OF; Nick Hill, SP Cole White, SP-OF Clint Moore, SS Clint Moore, SS Clint Moore, SS
Clint Moore, SS
Schuyler Williamson, C J.T. Watkins, C J.T. Watkins, C
Nick Hill, SP Nick Hill, SP Milan Dinga, RP; Cole White, SP Cole White, SP
Ben Koenigsfeld
1950 Head Coach Paul Amen Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League (Tied with Princeton) Record: 14-4 (7-2 EIBL) 1960 Head Coach Eric Tipton Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League Record: 18-5-1 (8-1 EIBL) 1965 Head Coach Eric Tipton Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League Record: 15-6 (7-2 EIBL) 1966 Head Coach Eric Tipton Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League Record: 16-4 (8-1 EIBL)
1994 Head Coach Dan Roberts Patriot League North Division (North Division Champion; No. 2 Seed; Lost to Navy in PLCS 2-0) Record: 25-17 (17-3 PL North)
7 199
1997 Head Coach Dan Roberts Patriot League (Regular Season Champion; Defeated Bucknell in PLCS 2-1; Lost NCAA Play-In Series to Harvard 2-1) Record: 26-20-1 (15-5 PL)
EASTERN INTERCOLLEGIATE BASEBALL LEAGUE FIRST TEAM ALL-LEAGUE 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1973 1975 1976 1978 1980
2000 Head Coach Joe Sottolano Patriot League (No. 3 Seed; Defeated Navy in PLCS 2-0; NCAA Regionals) Record: 24-20-1 (10-8 PL)
2004 Head Coach Joe Sottolano Patriot League (Regular Season Champion; Defeated Lafayette in PLCS 2-0; NCAA Regionals) Record: 37-15 (17-3 PL)
2005 Head Coach Joe Sottolano Patriot League (Regular Season Champion; Defeated Lehigh in PLCS 2-0; NCAA Regionals) Record: 39-14 (17-3 PL)
2008 Head Coach Joe Sottolano Patriot League (Regular Season Champion; Lost to Bucknell in PLT Semifinal Series 2-1) Record: 25-25 (13-7 PL)
1991 1992
1981 1986 1988 1989
Bob Kewley, SP Wayne Williams, 3B Roger Zaliskas, OF Tom Eccleston, SP Ed Haydash, OF Ed Haydash, OF Barry DeBolt, SP Barry DeBolt, SP Kenny Smith, 3B John Boretti, OF Barry DeBolt, SP John Boretti, OF Tom Krieger, 3B Tom Krieger, 3B Roger Vandenberg, SP Pete McCall, OF Brent Clark, 2B Mike Trubia, DH Jerry Araneo, DH Paul Taylor, 2B Craig Jones, SP Dave Toth, C Dave Toth, C Tom Cascino, OF Karl Tappert, 1B Chad LeMay, RP Glenn Donelin, SS Shane Kimbrough, RP Reggie Moore, OF Mike Young, 2B Shannon Smith, SP Shannon Smith, 1B Rich Banez, 2B Glenn Donelin, OF Mike Tripp, SP Lance Boyce, UTY
9 200 0 201
2009 Head Coach Joe Sottolano Patriot League (Regular Season Co-Champion; Defeated Lafayette in PLCS 2-0; NCAA Regionals) Record: 36-21 (13-7 PL) 2010 Head Coach Joe Sottolano Patriot League (Regular Season Champion; Lost to Bucknell in PLT Semifinal Series 2-1) Record: 28-17 (16-4 PL)
2012 Head Coach Joe Sottolano Patriot League (Regular Season Champion; Defeated Holy Cross in PLCS 2-1; NCAA Regionals) Record: 41-15 (18-2 PL)
2013 Head Coach Joe Sottolano Patriot League (No. 3 Seed; Defeated Holy Cross in PLCS 2-0; NCAA Regionals) Record: 29-23 (11-9 PL)
201 201
Mike Tripp, SP
BATTING AVERAGE LEADERS 1949 Jim Stuff .............................................. .429 1951 Andy Wettlaufer .............................. .385 1986 Tom Cascino ..................................... .431
EARNED RUN AVERAGE LEADERS 1962 1966 1968 1969 1974 1980 1982 1989 1991
Tom Eccleston .................................. 1.59 Barry DeBolt....................................... 1.33 Roger Vandenberg ..........................0.86 Dan Rogers ......................................... 1.57 Henry Evans .......................................0.81 Craig Jones ......................................... 1.37 Al Pehanick ........................................2.54 Shane Kimbrough ............................2.42 Mike Tripp.......................................... 2.30
1996 1997
1998 1999 2000 2001
2002 2003 2004
2007 2008
Lance Boyce, OF Doug Bohrer, C Arthur O’Neal, OF Paul Perry, RP Steve Reich, SP Mark Houston, SP Arthur O’Neal, OF Mike Trotter, C Jason Hance, SP Bill Mullee, 1B Arthur O’Neal, OF Mark Houston, OF Bill Mullee, 1B Bryan Price, 2B Brian Abell, 3B Pat Saxman, RP Mike Scioletti, SS Scott Weiss, SP Shaun Salmon, OF Shaun Salmon, OF Brian Supko, OF Shaun Salmon, OF Buck Adams, SP Buddy Gengler, SS Kyle Kalkwarf, OF Miguel Gastellum, 2B Josh Holden, OF Schulyer Williamson, C Walker Gorham, 1B Nick Hill, SP Justin Kashner, SP Nate Stone, 2B Schuyler Williamson, C Walker Gorham, 1B Nick Hill, SP Kyle Scogin, SS Cole White, SP Milan Dinga, OF Nick Hill, SP Cole White, 1B Nick Hill, SP Cole White, OF Matt Fouch, SP Clint Moore, SS Cole White, OF Tyler Anderegg, RP Joey Henshaw, DH Ben Koenigsfeld, SP Ben Koenigsfeld, OF Kevin McKague, 1B Clint Moore, SS Zach Price, 2B Matt Fouch, SP Joey Henshaw, DH Kevin McKague, RP Clint Moore, SS Ben Koenigsfeld, OF Ben Koenigsfeld, OF Steve May, 3B Clint Moore, SS Zach Price, 2B Chris Rowley, SP J.T. Watkins, C Kevin McKague, 1B Zach Price, 2B Mark McCants, DH Chris Rowley, SP Alex Jensen, SS
1996 1997
1999 2000
2001 2002 2003 2004
2006 2007 2008
2009 2011 2012 2013
Lance Boyce, SP Mark Houston, 3B Bill Mullee, 1B Arthur O’Neal, OF Arthur O’Neal, RP Ra Shipps, OF Mike Trotter, C Mike Zahuranic, 2B Mike Scioletti, SS Kevin Heffernan, RP Drew Hicks, C Bryan Price, 2B Matt Sawyer, 1B Darin Souza, DH Adam Thompson, OF Jason King, SP Bryan Price, 2B Mike Scioletti, SS Matt Sawyer, 1B Buck Adams, SP Brandon Boyce, C Matt Cini, SP Mike Erwin, RP Miguel Gastellum, 2B Brandon Boyce, DH Kyle Kalkwarf, OF Josh Holden, OF Dan Pluff, RP Wes Bumgardner, OF Milan Dinga, OF Wade Greenlee, RP Kyle Scogin, SS Jeremy Stache, 3B Milan Dinga, OF Wade Greenlee, RP Monte Jones, RP Justin Kashner, SP Nate Stone, 2B Cole White, OF Schuyler Williamson, C Milan Dinga, RP Cole White, SP Cole White, SP Tony Capozzi, SS Andy Ernesto, OF Ben Koenigsfeld, SP Kevin McKague, 1B J.P. Polchinski, 3B Chris Simmons, C Kyle Fleming, OF J.T. Watkins, C Logan Lee, SP Cody Murtle, OF Alex Robinett, SP Jacob Page, OF Mark McCants, DH
PATRIOT LEAGUE AWARD WINNERS PITCHER OF THE YEAR 1993 1994 2001 2004 2005 2007 2009 2010 2012
Steve Reich, SP Mark Houston, SP Buck Adams, SP Nick Hill, SP Nick Hill, SP Nick Hill, SP Ben Koenigsfeld, SP Matt Fouch, SP Chris Rowley, SP
PLAYER OF THE YEAR 1997 2004 2005 2007 2012
Mike Scioletti, SS Schuyler Williamson, C Kyle Scogin, SS Cole White, OF Kevin McKague, 1B
ROOKIE OF THE YEAR 2004 2005 2008 2009 2012
Milan Dinga, OF-RP Cole White, OF-SP Clint Moore, SS Zach Price, 2B Harold Earls, 3B
COACH OF THE YEAR 1994 1997 2004 2005 2012
Dan Roberts Dan Roberts Joe Sottolano Joe Sottolano Joe Sottolano
TOURNAMENT MVP 1997 2000 2004 2005 2009 2012 2013
Bryan Price, 2B Josh Minney, 3B Justin Long, OF Walker Gorham, 1B Ben Koenigsfeld, SP-OF Zach Price, 2B Chris Rowley, SP
BATTING AVERAGE LEADERS 1994 1995 1997 2002 2004 2007 2012
Bill Mullee ...................... .346 Bill Mullee ...................... .399 Mike Scioletti...................415 Josh Holden ................... .398 Nate Stone ........................414 Cole White ...................... .408 Kevin McKague..............379
EARNED RUN AVERAGE LEADERS 1993 1994 1999 2004 2005 2009 2013
Steve Reich.....................2.48 Mark Houston ................2.24 Buck Adams .................... 3.11 Justin Kashner .............. 2.57 Nick Hill ............................. 1.21 Kirk Porter ...................... 4.18 Chris Rowley ..................2.67
ALL-TIME PATRIOT LEAGUE STANDINGS 1993 Team Bucknell Navy Holy Cross ARMY Lehigh Lafayette
1999 Conference W L Pct. 15 5 .750 15 5 .750 9 11 .450 9 11 .450 8 12 .400 4 16 .200
NORTH Team Fordham ARMY Holy Cross Colgate
Conference W L Pct. 13 7 .650 11 9 .550 9 11 .450 6 14 .300
Overall W L Pct. 32 27 .542 17 22 .436 12 20 .375 8 20 .286
Conference W L Pct. 11 9 .550 10 10 .500 10 10 .500 10 10 .500
W 20 15 15 12
Overall L Pct. 16 .556 19 .441 25 .375 21 .364
Conference W L Pct. 17 3 .850 17 3 .850 11 9 .550 1 17 .055
W 25 28 14 1
Overall L Pct. 17 .595 19 .596 18 .438 28 .034
Conference W L Pct. 11 9 .550 8 12 .400 8 12 .400 5 13 .227
W 24 11 11 10
Overall L Pct. 18 .570 25 .306 17 .393 25 .286
W 25 27 14 15 14 8
Overall L Pct. 28 .472 22 .550 26 .350 28 .349 28 .333 31 .205
Team Navy Bucknell ARMY Lehigh Holy Cross Lafayette
2000 Conference W L Pct. 14 6 .700 12 8 .600 10 8 .556 8 12 .400 8 12 .400 6 12 .333
W 24 22 24 21 13 12
Overall L Pct. 20 .544 25 .468 20 .544 22 .488 27 .329 27 .308
Team Navy Bucknell Holy Cross ARMY Lehigh Lafayette
2001 Conference W L Pct. 14 6 .700 14 6 .700 11 9 .550 10 10 .500 6 14 .300 5 15 .250
Overall W L Pct. 21 25 .457 31 19 .620 19 23 .452 17 27 .389 14 28 .333 10 32 .238
Team Navy Lehigh Lafayette ARMY Bucknell Holy Cross
2002 Conference W L Pct. 13 7 .650 13 7 .650 12 8 .600 11 9 .550 6 14 .300 5 15 .250
W 23 29 23 22 15 11
Team Bucknell Navy Lehigh ARMY Holy Cross Lafayette
2003 Conference W L Pct. 15 5 .750 12 8 .600 9 11 .450 9 11 .450 8 12 .400 7 13 .350
Overall W L Pct. 27 16 .627 21 24 .467 19 23 .452 17 25 .407 13 23 .361 16 24 .400
Team ARMY Lafayette Lehigh Holy Cross Bucknell Navy
2004 Conference W L Pct. 17 3 .850 11 9 .550 9 11 .450 9 11 .450 7 13 .350 7 13 .350
W 37 23 25 14 20 14
Overall L Pct. 15 .711 26 .469 21 .543 22 .392 24 .455 36 .280
Team ARMY Lehigh Bucknell Lafayette Holy Cross Navy
2005 Conference W L Pct. 17 3 .850 12 8 .600 10 10 .500 6 10 .375 5 11 .313 6 14 .300
W 39 26 16 18 13 12
Overall L Pct. 14 .736 21 .552 26 .381 26 .409 23 .361 33 .272
Team Lehigh Bucknell Lafayette ARMY Navy Holy Cross
2006 Conference W L Pct. 13 7 .650 13 7 .650 11 9 .550 10 10 .500 8 12 .400 5 15 .250
Overall W L Pct. 28 28 .500 24 24 .500 27 24 .529 30 20 .588 32 21 .602 16 26 .384
Team Lafayette ARMY Navy Holy Cross Bucknell Lehigh
2007 Conference W L Pct. 17 3 .850 12 7 .632 12 8 .600 8 11 .421 8 12 .400 2 18 .100
Overall W L Pct. 33 20 .622 25 23 .520 35 20 .636 12 23 .343 16 24 .400 13 30 .307
Team ARMY Navy Holy Cross Bucknell Lafayette Lehigh
2008 Conference W L Pct. 13 7 .650 11 9 .550 11 9 .550 10 10 .500 8 12 .400 7 13 .350
Overall W L Pct. 25 25 .500 32 25 .560 21 28 .429 30 24 .554 23 23 .511 23 27 .460
SOUTH Team Navy Lehigh Bucknell Lafayette
1994 NORTH Team ARMY Fordham Holy Cross Colgate SOUTH Team Navy Lafayette Lehigh Bucknell
Team Navy Fordham ARMY Lehigh Bucknell Lafayette Holy Cross
1995 Conference W L Pct. 19 5 .792 16 8 .667 15 9 .625 11 13 .458 11 13 .458 6 18 .250 6 18 .250
Overall W L Pct. 33 20 .623 30 20 .600 22 23 .489 23 23 .500 19 27 .413 9 36 .200 10 33 .233
Team Bucknell Lehigh Navy ARMY Lafayette Holy Cross
1996 Conference W L Pct. 14 6 .700 12 8 .600 11 9 .550 9 11 .450 9 11 .450 5 15 .250
W 24 18 24 20 12 7
Team ARMY Navy Bucknell Lehigh Lafayette Holy Cross
1997 Conference W L Pct. 15 5 .750 12 6 .667 10 10 .500 9 11 .450 7 12 .368 5 14 .263
Team Navy Bucknell ARMY Lafayette Lehigh Holy Cross
1998 Conference W L Pct. 15 5 .750 13 7 .650 12 8 .600 8 12 .400 7 13 .350 5 15 .250
W 26 19 25 18 11 11
Overall L Pct. 23 .511 20 .474 28 .462 21 .488 28 .300 26 .212
Overall L Pct. 20 .564 27 .413 24 .510 24 .430 26 .297 25 .306
Overall W L Pct. 26 17 .605 31 17 .646 16 29 .356 10 26 .278 13 26 .333 7 29 .194
Overall L Pct. 25 .479 21 .578 22 .511 21 .512 35 .300 28 .282
2009 Conference Team W L Pct. Bucknell 13 7 .650 ARMY 13 7 .650 Holy Cross 11 7 .611 Lafayette 9 11 .450 Navy* 8 12 .400 Lehigh* 4 14 .222 *Overall record includes one tie
Team ARMY Lehigh Holy Cross Bucknell Lafayette Navy
2010 Conference W L Pct. 16 4 .800 12 8 .600 10 10 .500 8 12 .400 7 13 .350 7 13 .350
2011 Conference Team W L Pct. Navy* 12 8 .600 ARMY 11 9 .550 Lafayette 10 10 .500 Bucknell 10 10 .500 Holy Cross 9 11 .450 Lehigh* 8 12 .400 *Overall record includes one tie 2012 Conference Team W L Pct. ARMY 18 2 .900 Holy Cross 13 7 .650 Navy 9 11 .450 Lafayette* 7 13 .350 Bucknell 7 13 .350 Lehigh* 6 14 .300 *Overall record includes one tie
Team Holy Cross Navy ARMY Bucknell Lafayette Lehigh
2013 Conference W L Pct. 15 5 .750 13 7 .650 11 9 .550 10 10 .500 6 14 .300 5 15 .250
W 22 36 22 24 20 11
Overall L Pct. 25 .468 21 .632 27 .449 29 .453 26 .436 36 .240
W 28 23 26 25 15 29
Overall L Pct. 17 .622 27 .460 26 .500 35 .417 30 .333 21 .580
Overall W L Pct. 33 25 .568 22 26 .458 18 30 .375 25 28 .472 24 23 .510 24 21 .533
W 41 33 23 14 21 18
Overall L Pct. 15 .732 22 .600 29 .442 37 .279 28 .429 31 .370
Overall W L Pct. 28 25 .528 28 23 .549 29 23 .558 16 33 .327 10 40 .200 18 29 .383
1994 Annapolis, Md. Max Bishop Stadium May 8, 1994 Championship Series Game One Army ..................... 4 4 2 Navy...................... 8 11 0 Mark Houston and Mike Trotter; Toby Moore, Scott Wilson (6) and Pat Mowles. W – Moore. L – Houston. Sv. – Wilson. RBI – A: Houston 2, Arthur O’Neal, Shannon Carney; N: Steve Mauro 3, Andrew Grant 2, Marcus Lee, Matt Smith. 2B – A: O’Neal; N: Mauro 2. 3B – N: Smith. Championship Series Game Two Navy...................... 7 8 4 Army ..................... 6 5 0 Kyle Murray, Brad Snodgrass (4), Scott Wilson (7) and Pat Mowles; Jason Hance, Ed Haley (6), Arthur O’Neal and Mike Trotter. Sv. – Wilson. RBI – N: Marcus Lee 2, Brian Bernth, Kurt Rinehimer, Andy Payne, Matt Smith; A: Rob Damare’, O’Neal, Bill Mullee, Mark Houston. 2B – N: Payne, Rinehimer, Smith; A: O’Neal, David Simmons. HR – N: Lee.
1997 West Point, N.Y. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field May 4-5, 1997 Championship Series Game One Bucknell ........... 14 14 3 Army ...................16 16 5 Mike Tomko, Matt Potalivo (4), Scott Perry (7) and Pete Cann; Scott Weiss, Matt Cini (5), Pat Saxman (6) and Drew Hicks. W – Saxman. L – Potalivo. RBI – B: Joe D’Orazio 3, Dave Apollon 2, Cann 2, Steve Rutkowski 2, Alex Inclan, Tyler Prout, Erich Muzi, Mike MacNeely; A: Brian Abell 5, Matt Sawyer 3, Shaun Salmon 2, Chris Kirk 2, Adam Thompson. 2B – B: Rutkowski; A: Bryan Price 2, Kirk. 3B – A: Price, Abell, Thompson. HR – B: Apollon, Cann, Prout, D’Orazio. Championship Series Game Two Army .................... 5 9 2 Bucknell ............. 6 6 1 Jason King and Chris Kirk, Drew Hicks (5); Sean Huss, Eric Junge (9) and Pete Cann. W – Huss. L – King. Sv. – Junge. RBI: A: Adam Thompson 2, Kirk, Darin Souza, Shaun Salmon; B: Alex Inclan 2, Cann 2, Dave Apollon, Tyler Prout. 2B – A: Matt Sawyer, Kirk, Thompson; B: Apollon. HR – B: Cann.
Championship Series Game Three Bucknell ...........10 12 5 Army ....................11 13 4 Ed Soley, Doug Hoffman (8) and Pete Cann; Steve Suhr, Kevin Heffernan (3), Pat Saxman (8) and Chris Kirk. W – Saxman. L – Soley. RBI – B: Alex Inclan 2, Mike MacNeely 2, Dave Apollon, Tyler Prout, Erich Muzi; A: Brian Abell 4, Bryan Price, Matt Sawyer, Kirk, Adam Thompson. 2B – B: Inclan; A: Shaun Salmon, Abell, Kirk. 3B – B: Prout; A: Thompson. HR – B: Apollon, MacNeely. 1998 Annapolis, Md. Max Bishop Stadium May 2, 1998 Elimination Game Army ......................1 10 1 Bucknell ............. 9 10 2 Jason King, Kevin Heffernan (4) and Lance Awbrey, Chris Kirk (6); Mike Anders and Ben Sauers. W – Anders. L – King. RBI – A: Adam Thompson; B: Frank Fresconi 2, Ian Joseph, Dave Apollon, John DiBonaventura, Ken Corcoran. 2B – A: Shaun Salmon, Awbrey, Kirk; B: Fresconi 2. 2000 Annapolis, Md. Max Bishop Stadium May 13-14, 2000 Elimination Game Army ..................... 5 8 3 Bucknell ............. 4 10 2 Matt Cini, Brian Elliott (9) and Brandon Boyce, Scott Gruver (9); Scott Perry, Gregg Farmery (9) and Brad Gething. W – Cini. L – Farmery. Sv. – Elliott. RBI – A: Bobby Brown 3, Josh Minney, Shaun Salmon; B: Ian Joseph 2, Tyler Prout, Brad Gething. 2B – A: Buddy Gengler, Brown; B: Prout. 3B – A: Minney; B: Mike Ritz. Championship Series Game One Army ...................13 16 3 Navy...................... 4 6 2 Buck Adams and Scott Gruver, Brandon Boyce (7); Shane Groover, Brad Deafenbaugh (6) and David Woolsey. W – Adams. L – Groover. RBI – A: Buddy Gengler 4, Josh Minney 3, Boyce 2, Josh Rizzo, Kyle Kalkwarf, Craig Mattox, Miguel Gastellum; N: Mark Zematis 2, Tony Moore. 2B – A: Gengler 2, Kalkwarf, Mattox, Boyce. 3B – A: Minney. HR – N: Zematis.
Championship Series Game Two Navy...................... 7 11 2 Army ..................... 8 16 2 Scott Vane, Rich McDevitt (6) and David Woolsey; Brian Elliott and Brandon Boyce. W – Elliott. L – McDevitt. RBI – N: Tony Moore 3, Brian Whitten 2, Mark Zematis, Rusty Hearn; A: Boyce 3, Bobby Brown 3, Shaun Salmon. 2B – N: Moore; A: Brown, Kyle Kalkwarf 2. 3B – N: Whitten. HR – N: Zematis; A: Boyce.
Championship Series Game Two Army ...................10 13 1 Lehigh ...................1 8 1 Justin Kashner, Wade Greenlee (8), Dan Cappello (9) and Schuyler Williamson; Joe Matteo, Matt Mezzancello (8), Jed Davitt (8) and Matt McBride. W – Kashner. L – Matteo. RBI – A: Walker Gorham 4, Cole White 3, Kyle Scogin, Chris Simmons; L: Mike Sandonato. 2B – A: Williamson, Simmons. HR – A: Gorham 3, White.
2004 West Point, N.Y. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field May 8-9, 2004 Championship Series Game One Lafayette .............1 8 1 Army ..................... 3 8 0 Tom Soldan, Hank Fichtner (8) and Matt Skellan; Nick Hill and Schuyler Williamson. W – Hill. L – Soldan. RBI – L: Rob Fioretti; A: Nolan Cork 2. 2B – A: Cork.
2007 Easton, Pa. Class of 1978 Stadium May 12, 2007 Elimination Game Navy...................... 3 11 2 Army ..................... 5 9 0 Mitch Harris, Mark McCoy (7) and Steven Soares; Nick Hill, Milan Dinga (9) and Chris Simmons. W – Hill. L – Harris. Sv. – Dinga. RBI – N: Thomas Hamilton, Kendall Bolt, Renaldo Hollins; A: Cole White, J.P. Polchinski, Bo Cipra, Andy Ernesto, Tony Capozzi. 2B – A: Capozzi. 3B – A: Ernesto
Championship Series Game Two Army ...................16 23 1 Lafayette ............ 2 6 5 Justin Kashner, Wade Greenlee (8), Brad Johnson (8), Milan Dinga (9) and Schuyler Williamson; Brian Cope, Hank Fichtner (2), Don Smith (4), Paul Fischetti (6), Matt Kamine (7), Drew Moyer (7), John Fugett (8), Matt Revelle (9) and Craig Alexander, Matt Skellan (6). W – Kashner. L – Cope. RBI – A: Kyle Scogin 4, Justin Long 3, Nate Stone 2, Wes Bumgardner 2, Dinga, Williamson, Walker Gorham, Jeremy Stache; L: Skellan, David Drechsel. 2B – A: Bumgardner 2, Long 2, Scogin; L: Skellan. 2005 West Point, N.Y. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field May 14-15, 2005 Championship Series Game One Lehigh .................. 2 4 5 Army ..................... 6 11 1 Jack Muscalus, Joe Raniszewski (3), Joel Hockman (8) and Matt McBride; Nick Hill, Milan Dinga (9) and Schuyler Williamson. W – Hill. L – Muscalus. Sv. – Dinga. RBI – L: McBride, Forrest Doane; A: Walker Gorham 2, Dinga, Jeremy Stache, Chris Simmons, Jason Meloy. 2B – A: Jeremy Stache.
Championship Series Game One Army ..................... 3 9 2 Lafayette ............ 8 12 6 Cole White, Tyler Anderegg (5), Matt Fouch (6), Ben Mayhew (7), Austin Grimes (8) and Chris Simmons; Matt Kamine, John Fugett (7) and Dave Drechsel. W – Kamine. L – White. RBI – A: White 2, Barnes Connell; L: Mike Raible 4, Kevin Leasure, Tom Hayes, Drechsel. 2B – A: Milan Dinga; L: Hayes, Ryan Roberts. 3B – L: Raible. HR – A: White; L: Raible. Championship Series Game Two Lafayette ............ 7 14 1 Army ..................... 3 10 4 Kevin Reese, Brad Woodfield (9) and Dave Drechsel; Drew Clothier, Ben Mayhew and Chris Simmons. W – Reese. L – Clothier. RBI – L: Chris Luick, Mike Raible, Tom Hayes, Daniel Bierce, Drechsel; A: J.P. Polchinski, Bo Cipra, Andy Ernesto. 2B – A: Polchinski, Ernesto.
2008 West Point, N.Y. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field May 10-11, 2008 Semifinal Series Game One (10 inn.) Bucknell ............. 5 12 0 Army ..................... 4 11 1 Mathew Wilson, Jason Buursma (7) and Shawn Hirsch; Drew Clothier, Ben Koenigsfeld (9) and Chris Simmons. W – Burrsma. L – Koenigsfeld. RBI – B: Ben Allen 2, Ben Yoder, Dane Grandizio; A: Kevin McKague 2, Chris Simmons, Cole White. 2B – B: Yoder, Hirsch. A: Ernesto 2, McKague 2. 3B – A: White, Tony Capozzi. Semifinal Series Game Two Army ................... 12 17 0 Bucknell ............. 3 8 1 Matt Fouch, Tyler Anderegg (7) and Chris Simmons; Dylan Seeley, Jimmy Murphy (4), Trey Frahler (5), David Solan (7), Andrew Clarke (8), Doug Shribman (9) and Shawn Hirsch, Zachary Brown (7). W – Fouch. L – Seeley. RBI – A: Clint Moore 3, Andy Ernesto 2, Kevin McKague 2, J.P. Polchinski 2, Simmons 2, Tony Capozzi; B: Dane Grandizio 2, Chris Pieper. 2B – A: Moore; B: Andrew Brouse. 3B – B: Grandizio. HR – A: Moore, Polchinski, Simmons. Semifinals Series Game Three Bucknell ..............1 6 1 Army ..................... 0 2 0 Eric Jarrett, Jason Buursma (6) and Shawn Hirsch; Cole White, Kirk Porter (9) and Chris Simmons. W – Buursma. L – White. RBI – B: Drew Constable. 2B – None. 3B – None. HR – None. 2009 West Point, N.Y. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field May 9-10, 2009 Semifinal Series Game One Holy Cross .......... 1 5 0 Army ......................5 9 0 Dan Seip, Nate Koneski and Steve Tkowski; Matt Fouch, Kevin McKague (9) and J.T. Watkins. W – Fouch. L – Seip. RBI – HC: Jack Laurendeau; A: McKague 3, Joey Henshaw 2. 2B – HC: Matt Perry. HR – HC: Laurendeau; A: McKague.
(2009 Continued) Semifinal Series Game Two Army ...................... 3 7 1 Holy Cross .......... 5 10 2 Ben Koenigsfeld, Tyler Anderegg (7) and J.T. Watkins; Brian Shapiro, Bobby Holmes (7) and Steve Tkowski. W – Shapiro. L – Koenigsfeld. RBI – A: Clint Moore, Joey Henshaw; HC: Brendan McCrea, Matt Perry, Jake Gorman, Eric Oxford, Jack Laurendeau. 2B – HC: Gorman.
Semifinal Series Game Three Holy Cross .......... 0 5 0 Army .....................11 15 0 Bobby Holmes, Matt Croglio (4), John Pedrotty (5), Tommy Arrigg (6) and Steve Tkowski; Kirk Porter, Joey Henshaw (9). W – Porter. L – Holmes. RBI – A: Ben Koenigsfeld 4, Joey Henshaw 3, Clint Moore 2, Kyle Fleming, J.T. Watkins. 2B – A: Moore, Koenigsfeld, J.P. Polchinski. HR – A: Henshaw, Koenigsfeld, Fleming. West Point, N.Y. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field May 16, 2009 Championship Series Game One Lafayette .............. 2 6 3 Army .......................6 5 1 Zach Fritz, Ryan Hanna (7) and A.J. Miller; Matt Fouch, Kevin McKague (9) and J.T. Watkins. W – Fouch. L – Fritz. RBI – L: Matt Fenster, Alex Bechta; A: Andy Ernesto 3, Joey Henshaw 2, Ben Koenigsfeld. 2B – L: Fenster, Miller; A: Ernesto, Henshaw. HR – A: Ernesto, Koenigsfeld. Championship Series Game Two Army .......................8 7 1 Lafayette ...............1 8 4 Ben Koenigsfeld, Kevin McKague (9) and J.T. Watkins; Corey Shea, Jeremy Atkins (5), Ryan Hanna (6) and A.J. Miller, Ian McCutcheon (7). W – Koenigsfeld. L – Shea. RBI – A: Watkins 4, McKague, J.P. Polchinski; L: Matt Fenster.
2010 West Point, N.Y. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field May 15-16, 2010 Semifinal Series Game One Bucknell ............. 11 18 0 Army .......................9 18 2
Dylan Seeley, Lamore (6), Carlin (7) and B.J. LaRosa; Matt Fouch, Chris Simpkins (7) and J.T. Watkins. W – Seeley. L – Fouch. RBI – B: Doug Shribman 2, LaRosa 2, Ben Allen, Ben Yoder, Andrew Brouse, Drew Constable, Clark, Duffet; A: Ben Koenigsfeld 3, David Darnell 3, Steve May, Joey Henshaw, Kevin McKague. 2B: B: Allen, Brouse, Shribman; A: Henshaw, McKague, Koenigsfeld. HR – B: Shribman 2, LaRosa, Brouse; A: Koenigsfeld. Semifinal Series Game Two Army .......................6 7 1 Bucknell ...............4 12 0 Ben Koenigsfeld, Steve Cummings (5), Kevin McKague (8) and J.T. Watkins; Trey Frahler, Hart (8) and B.J. LaRosa. W – Cummings. L – Frahler. RBI – A: Clint Moore 3, Zach Price, Shaun Wixted, McKague; B: Shribman 2, Drew Constable, LaRosa. 2B – A: David Darnell, Koenigsfeld; B: Drew Constable. HR – A: Moore, McKague; B: LaRosa, Shribman. Semifinal Series Game Three Bucknell ............. 11 17 0 Army ....................... 7 13 2 Boehm, Ryan Ebner (5), Alex Cillo (8), Dallanegra (8), Carlin (9) and B.J. LaRosa; Logan Lee, Steve Cummings (3), Manny Fernandez (4), Chris Simpkins (8), Ken Jackson (9) and J.T. Watkins. W – Ebner. L – Cummings. RBI – B: Doug Shribman 5, Reed 2, Ben Allen, Ben Yoder, Drew Constable; A: Ben Koenigsfeld 2, Zach Price, Steve May, Joey Henshaw, Kevin McKague. 2B – B: Yoder; A: Koenigsfeld, David Darnell. HR – B: Allen, Shribman; A: Henshaw. 2011 West Point, N.Y. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field May 14, 2011 Semifinal Series Game One Lafayette .............. 2 6 1 Army .......................4 13 3 Zach Fritz and A.J. Miller; Logan Lee, Ben Koenigsfeld (9) and J.T. Watkins. W – Lee. L – Fritz. RBI – L: Bobby Fargnoli; A: Clint Moore 2, Brent Peterson, Watkins. 2B – A: Price. HR – A: Moore. Semifinal Series Game Two
Army ....................... 7 14 1 Lafayette ..............3 7 1 Chris Rowley, Nick Dignacco (7), Ken Jackson (7), Gunnar Carroll (7) and J.T. Watkins; Ethan Perro, Sean McGrath (6), Jeff Snell (8) and A.J. Miller. W – Rowley. L – Perro. RBI – A: David Darnell 3, Joey Henshaw, Cody Murtle, Watkins; L: Bobby Fargnoli, Alex Bechta, Andrew Santomauro. 2B – A: Murtle; L: Fargnoli. HR – A: Darnell.
Annapolis, Md. Max Bishop Stadium May 23-24, 2011 Championship Series Game One Army .......................3 4 0 Navy........................4 7 2 Logan Lee, John Buckley (8) and J.T. Watkins; Ben Nelson, Preston Gainey (9) and Jeff Bland. W – Nelson. L – Lee. RBI – A: Joey Henshaw; N: Nick Driscoll 2, Alex Azor, Andrew Hahn. 2B – A: Henshaw; N: Dave Milanes. 3B – N: Brandon Beans. Championship Series Game Two Navy........................3 7 1 Army .......................6 12 0 Sam Long, Jordan Heller (7) and Jeff Bland; Chris Rowley, Gunnar Carroll (8), Ben Koenigsfeld (9) and J.T. Watkins. W – Rowley. L – Long. RBI – N: Andrew Hahn 3. A: Joey Henshaw 4, Clint Moore, Watkins. 2B – N: Greg Dupell, Hahn. HR – N: Hahn; A: Henshaw 2. Championship Series Game Three Army .......................3 4 0 Navy........................4 7 2 Nick Dignacco, Gunnar Carroll (5), Ben Koenigsfeld (7) and J.T. Watkins; Wes Olson, Preston Gainey (5), Joel Rinehart (8) and Jeff Bland. W – Gainey. L – Carroll. RBI – A: Steve May, Clint Moore, Brent Peterson; N: Alex Azor, Nick Driscoll, Andrew Hahn. 2B – A: Koenigsfeld 2, Moore, Murtle; N: Azor. 2012 West Point, N.Y. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field May 12, 2012 Semifinal Series Game One Lafayette .............. 7 9 1 Army .......................8 10 0 John Gentile, Chris Boyce (6), Ethan Perro (7), Sean
McGrath (7) and Parker Hills; Chris Rowley, Gunnar Carroll (8) and J.T. Watkins. W – Rowley. L – Boyce. S – Carroll. RBI – L: Bobby Fargnoli 2, Hills 2, Thomas Dunleavy, Brad Hopek, Andrew Ruck; A: Mark McCants 4, Watkins 3, Kevin McKague. 2B – L: Andrew Santomauro; A: Zach Price, McKague, Matthew Carter. HR – A: McCants, Watkins.
Semifinal Series Game Two Army .......................6 10 2 Lafayette ..............3 11 1 Logan Lee, Manny Fernandez (7), Gunnar Carroll (9) and J.T. Watkins; Toby Schwartz, Jeff Snell (5), Jack Rems (8), Alex Farina (8) and Parker Hills. W – Lee. L – Schwartz. S – Carroll. RBI – A: Harold Earls 2, Watkins 2, Daniel Cortes, Cody Murtle; L: Thomas Dunleavy, Kevin McCarville, Andrew Santomauro. 2B – A: Cortes, Zach Price; L: Scott Kelleher, Santomauro. HR – L: Dunleavy. West Point, N.Y. Johnson Stadium at Doubleday Field May 20-22, 2012 Championship Series Game One Holy Cross ...............0 3 1 Army ..........................4 8 0 Nate Koneski, Matt Croglio (7) and Steve Tkowski; Logan Lee and J.T. Watkins. W – Lee. L – Koneski. RBI – A: Alex Jensen 2, Kevin McKague, Watkins. 2B – A: Earls, Jensen. Championship Series Game Two Army .......................4 6 3 Holy Cross ........... 7 10 5 Chris Rowley, Manny Fernandez (6), Gunnar Carroll (7), Alex Robinett (8) and J.T. Watkins; Donny Murray, John Colella (6) and Steve Tkowski. W – Colella. L – Fernandez. RBI – A: Daniel Cortes; H: Jordan Enos 2, Brandon Cipolla, Alex Maldonado, Josh Olson, Chris Sintetos. 2B – A: Matthew Carter. HR – H: Cipolla, Enos. Championship Series Game Three Holy Cross ...........4 6 2 Army .......................8 12 1 Tom Marra, Matt Croglio (6), Donny Murray (7), Nate Koneski (7), John Colella (7), Mike Ahmed (8) and Steve Tkowski; Nick Dignacco, Gun-
nar Carroll (7) and J.T. Watkins. W – Carroll. L – Murray. RBI – H: Ahmed 2, Patrick Puentes, Tkowski; A: Watkins 3, Zach Price, Kevin McKague, Mark McCants, Harold Earls, Cody Murtle. 2B – H: Brandon Cipolla; A: McKague. HR – H: Puentes; A: Watkins. 2013 Annapolis, Md. Max Bishop Stadium May 11, 2013 Semifinal Series Game One Army .......................4 8 0 Navy........................ 2 5 0 Chris Rowley and Andrew Johnson; Stephen Moore, Sam Sorenson (6) and Dave Milanes. W - Rowley. L - Moore. RBI - A: Mescher, Sands, Johnson; N: Milanes, Beans. 2B - N: Currie. Game Two Navy........................3 11 1 Army ....................... 7 8 0 Anthony Parenti, Joel Rinehart (8) and Dave Milanes; Alex Robinett, Julian Larimer (7), Gunnar Carroll (9) and Andrew Johnson. W - Larimer. L - Parenti. RBI: N - Milanes, Dupell, Veech. A - Crucitti, jensen, Mescher 2, McCants, Page, Van Orden. 2B - N: Milanes, Veech. A: Page. 3B - A: Crucitti. Worecester, Mass. Fitton Field May 19, 2013 Championship Series Game One Army .......................9 11 0 Holy Cross ...........4 11 5 Chris Rowley and Andrew Johnson; Tom Marra, Andrew Boyce (7), John Colella (7), Nate Walker (7), Sean Gustin (9) and Stephen Wadsworth and Connor Perry. W - Rowley. L - Marra. RBI: A - Mescher 2, Page 2, Johnson, Van Orden 3. H - Puentes, Ahmed 2, Enos. 2B: A - Page, Johnson. Game Two Holy Cross ...........4 7 3 Army ....................... 5 8 1 Donny Murray, John Colella (6) and Stephen Wadsworth; alex Robinett, Brian Hapeman (6) and Andrew Johnson. W - Hapeman. L - Colella. RBI: H - Cipolla 2, Wadsworth, Indeglia. A - McCants 3, Page. 2B: H - Cipolla. A - Earls. 3B: A - Earls, McCants.
NCAA REGIONAL LINESCORES 1997 NCAA Play-In Series Cambridge, Mass. O’Donnell Field, May 15-16, 1997 Game One Army ...........................1 7 1 Harvard .................. 12 10 0 Scott Weiss, Kevin Heffernan (6), Rich Johnson and Chris Kirk; Andrew Duffell and Jason Keck; W – Duffell. L – Weiss. RBI – A: Kirk; H: Aaron Kessler 3, Todd Harris 3, Keck 2, Peter Albers, Peter Woodfork, David Forst. 2B – H: Woodfork, Forst. HR – A: Kirk; H: Kessler, Albers, Harris. Game Two Harvard .................... 5 11 2 Army .......................... 6 14 2 Frank Hogan, Garrett Vail (6), Michael Marcucci (8) and Jason Keck; Jason King, Pat Saxman (8) and Chris Kirk. W – Saxman. L – Vail. RBI – H: Brian Ralph, Andrew Huling, Brett Vankoski, Keck; A: Bryan Price 3, Matt Sawyer, Chad Tichenor, Rich Munson. 2B – H: Ralph, Huling, Vankoski, Keck; A: Tichenor 2, Munson. Game Three Army ...........................1 5 1 Harvard .................... 4 11 1 Steve Suhr, Kevin Heffernan (7) and Chris Kirk; Donald Jamieson and Jason Keck. W – Jamieson. L – Suhr. RBI – H: David Forst 2, Brian Ralph, Brett Vankoski. 2B – A: Brian Abell; H: Forst 2, Peter Woodfork. 2000 Montclair, N.J. Yogi Berra Stadium May 26-27, 2000 Army .......................... 3 6 1 Rutgers .................... 4 8 3 Matt Cini and Brandon Boyce; Bob Brownlie, Tom Crohan (8), Eric Brown (8) and Ken Ulrich. W – Brownlie. L – Cini. Sv. – Brown. RBI – A: Kyle Kalkwarf 2, Josh Minney; R: Joe B. Cirone 2, Mike O’Brien. 2B – R: Darren Fenster, Todd Speedy. 3B – R: Mike Popowski. Penn State .............. 3 5 2 Army ...........................1 6 1 Pete Yodis and Chris Netwall; Buck Adams and Brandon Boyce. W – Yodis. L – Adams. RBI – P: Michael Campo, Zack Smithlin, Eric Spadt; A: Miguel Gastellum. 2B – P: Spadt; A: Josh Minney. 3B – P: Spadt.
2004 Baton Rouge, La. Alex Box Stadium June 4-5, 2004 Army .......................... 0 7 2 LSU ............................. 9 15 0 Nick Hill, Dan Pluff (7), Brad Johnson (7), Logan Brannon (8), Monte Jones (8) and Schuyler Williamson; Justin Meier and Matt Liuzza, Dustin Weaver (9). W – Meier. L – Hill. RBI – L: Ivan Naccarata 2, Blake Gill 2, J.C. Holt, Liuzza, Nick Stavinoha, Clay Harris. 2B – A: Williamson, Nate Stone. 3B – L: Gill. Army ...........................1 10 2 Coll. of Charleston2 6 0 Justin Kashner, Dan Pluff (6), Wade Greenlee (7) and Schuyler Williamson; Ryan Edell, Nick Chigges (8) and Matt Kirkpatrick. W – Edell. L – Kashner. Sv. – Chigges. RBI – A: Walker Gorham; C: Brett Gardner, Kirkpatrick. 2B – A: Gorham. 2005 Tallahassee, Fla. Dick Howser Stadium June 3-5, 2005 Army .......................... 2 7 3 Florida State.......... 3 2 0 Nick Hill and Schuyler Williamson; Michael Hyde, Kevin Lynch (7), Tyler Chambliss (9) and Aaron Cheeseman. W – Lynch. L – Hill. Sv. – Chambliss. RBI – A: Cole White, Nate Stone. F: Brant Peacher. 2B – A: Williamson. HR – A: White. S. Alabama ............. 5 12 1 Army .......................... 8 9 3 Tommie Major, Adam Wood (3) and Joel Colins; Justin Kashner, Monte Jones (6), Dan Pluff (8), Milan Dinga (9) and Schuyler Williamson. W – Kashner. L – Major. Sv. – Dinga. RBI – S: Colins 2, Quendon Montgomery, Jeff Morris; A: Jason Meloy 3, Williamson 2, Kyle Scogin, Dinga. 2B – S: Michael Cart, Morris; A: Dinga, Meloy. Army .......................... 3 7 3 Auburn.................... 12 16 0 Cole White, Monte Jones (5), Ben Mayhew (6), Dan Pluff (7), Dan Cappello (8) and Schuyler Williamson; Cliff Mullins, Clarence Nicely (6), Grant Cardwell (9) and Josh Bell, Mike Hnytka (8). W – Mullins. L – White. RBI – AR: Jeremy Stache 2, Williamson; AU: Bell 3, Clete Thomas 2, Tyler Johnstone 2, Jeff Boutwell, Bruce Edwards, Derek Sain. 2B – AR: Williamson, Jason Meloy; AU: Thomas 2, Josh Donaldson. 3B – AU: Thomas. HR – AU: Boutwell, Edwards, Sain.
2009 Austin, Texas UFCU Disch-Falk Field May 29-31, 2009 Army ...........................1 4 0 Texas ........................ 3 7 0 Matt Fouch, Tyler Anderegg (8) and J.T. Watkins; Cole Green, Aaron Wood (8) and Cameron Rupp. W – Green. L – Fouch. Sv. – Wood. RBI – A: J.P. Polchinski; T: Rupp, Kevin Keyes, Connor Rowe. 2B – T: Preston Clark. Texas State ............ 4 7 3 Army .......................... 7 7 3 Brian Borski, Lance Loftin (7), Tyler Brundridge (8) and Ben Theriot; Ben Koenigsfeld, Tyler Anderegg (8), Kevin McKague (9) and J.T. Watkins. W – Anderegg. L – Loftin. Sv. – McKague. RBI – T: Spenser Dennis 2, Keith Prestridge; A: Joey Henshaw 3, Zach Price, Andy Ernesto, J.P. Polchinski. 2B – T: Paul Goldschmidt 2; A: Fleming. 3B – T: Jason Martinson. HR – A: Henshaw. Boston College ..... 3 12 0 Army .......................... 4 8 0 John Leonard, Geoff Oxley (7), Nate Bayuk (7), Dave Laufer (7), Mike Dennhardt (8) and Harry Darling, Tony Sanchez (8); Kirk Porter, Tyler Anderegg (7), Kevin McKague (9) and J.T. Watkins. W – Anderegg. L – Leonard. Sv. – McKague. RBI – B: Robbie Anston, Sanchez, John Spatola; A: Joey Henshaw 2, McKague, J.P. Polchinski. 2B – B: Spatola; A: Henshaw, McKague, Polchinski. Regional Final Army ........................ 10 14 1 Texas ...................... 14 14 0 Steve Cummings, Tyler Anderegg (5), Matt Fouch (8), Kevin McKague (9) and J.T. Watkins; Taylor Jungmann, Keith Shinaberry (4), Brandon Workman (4), Kendal Carrillo (8), Stayton Thomas (8) and Cameron Rupp. W – Thomas. L – Fouch. RBI – A: Clint Moore 3, Joey Henshaw 3, Zach Price, McKague, Ben Koenigsfeld; T: Preston Clark 5, Brandon Loy 3, Travis Tucker 2, Kevin Keyes 2, Brandon Belt, David Hernandez. 2B – A: Price, Moore; T: Loy, Belt, Rupp. 3B – A: McKague. HR – A: Moore, Henshaw; T: Clark, Keyes.
2012 Charlottesville, Va. Davenport Field June 1-3, 2012 Army ...........................1 7 2 Virginia .................... 9 8 1 Chris Rowley, Manny Fernandez (7), Andrew Flaherty (8), Ken Jackson (8) and J.T. Watkins; Branden Kline, Kyle Crockett (6), Austin Young (8) and Nate Irving. W – Kline. L – Rowley. RBI – A: Kevin McKague; V: Branden Cogswell 4, Stephen Bruno 3, Kenny Towns. 2B – A: Daniel Cortes, Alex Jensen, Zach Price; V: Bruno, Cogswell, Brandon Downes. Oklahoma................ 2 5 1 Army ...........................1 6 0 Jonathan Gray, Steven Okert (8) and Tanner Toal; Logan Lee, Gunnar Carroll (8) and J.T. Watkins. W – Okert. L – Carroll. RBI – O: Evan Mistich, Max White; A: Zach Price. 2013 Charlottesville, Va. Davenport Field May 31-June 1, 2013 Army ...........................1 5 1 Virginia .................... 2 9 0 Chris Rowley, Brian Hapeman (8) and Andrew Johnso; Brandon Waddell, Kyle Crockett (8) and Nate Irving. W - Waddell. Sv. - Crockett. L - Rowley. RBI - A: Van Orden. V: Papi, McCarthy. 2B - V: Towns. 3B - V: Towns. Charlottesville, Va. UNC Wilmington .. 9 16 2 Army .......................... 5 7 3 Jordan Ramsey, Jack Lane (5), Evan Phillips (6), Christian McDonald (7), Kelly Secrest (9) and Drew Farber; Alex Robinett, Gunnar Carroll (2), Brock Davidson (4), Brian Hapeman (8), Jack Verrill (9) and Andrew Johnson. W - McDonald. Sv - Secrest. L - Robinett. RBI - U: Dunlap, Molinaro 2, LaGrange, Dick, Keeler 2, Farber. A: McCants, Johnson, Cooke, Van Orden. 2B - U: Dick, Keeler; A: Earls. HR - U: Dick.
AT NCAA REGIONALS 2000 Montclair Regional (Montclair, N.J.) Rutgers L Penn State L
Seven of Army’s 12 NCAA Regional losses have been decided by two runs or less. Another was decided in the bottom of the ninth inning. The Black Knights have dropped five one-run verdicts in NCAA Regional play.
3-4 1-3
2004 Baton Rouge Regional (Baton Rouge, La.) Louisiana State L 0-9 College of Charleston L 2005 Tallahassee Regional (Tallahassee, Fla.) Florida State L 2-3 South Alabama W 8-5 Auburn L 3-12 Third Place
Matt Cini in Montclair
2009 Austin Regional (Austin, Texas) Texas L 1-3 Texas State W 7-4 Boston College W 4-3 Austin Regional Final Texas L 10-14 Second Place Chris Rowley in Charlottesville
2012 Charlottesville Regional (Charlottesville, Va.) Virginia L 1-9 Oklahoma L 1-2 (10) 2013 Charlottesville Regional (Charlottesville, Va.) Virginia L 1-2 Oklahoma L 5-9
Andrew Johnson in Charlottesville Army at NCAA Regionals ARMY vs. ........................................................W-L Auburn .....................................................................0-1 Boston College .....................................................1-0 College of Charleston ........................................0-1 Florida State ..........................................................0-1 Louisiana State ....................................................0-1 Oklahoma................................................................0-1 Penn State ..............................................................0-1 Rutgers ....................................................................0-1 South Alabama .....................................................1-0 Texas .......................................................................0-2 Texas State ............................................................1-0 UNC Wilmington ..................................................0-1 Virginia....................................................................0-2 Regional Total ............................................3-12
Justin Kashner in Tallahassee
ALL-TIME SERIES RECORDS School Akron Adelphi Air Force Albany Amherst Appalachian State Armstrong State Atlantics Gov. Isl. Auburn “B” Co., USCC Barry Berkeley Hall Binghamton Bloomfield Boston College Bowdoin Bradley Brigham Young Brooklyn Brown Bucknell Buffalo UC-Riverside UC-San Diego Camp Merritt Carlisle Catholic Central Connecticut Central Florida Chapman Charleston, College of Chestnut Hill Citadel, The CCNY Coast Guard Acad. Colonial AC Colgate College of St. Rose Columbia Connecticut Connecticut AC Cornell Cortland Creighton Crescent AC C.W. Post Dartmouth Davidson Dayton Delaware Delaware State Detroit Dickinson Drexel Duke Eastern Illinois Eastern Kentucky Eckerd Embry Riddle Fairfield Farleigh Dickinson Florida Florida Atlantic Florida International Florida Southern Florida State Floyd Bennett Field Fordham Fort Monmouth Fort Slocum George Mason George Washington Georgetown Gettysburg Hamilton Hartford Hartwick Harvard Harvard 2nd Haverford High Point Hofstra Holy Cross Illinois Illinois State
First Meeting 2011 1978 1983 2001 1903 2006 1990 1890 2005 1924 1985 1910 2001 2012 1918 1923 2010 1979 1945 1908 1910 1916 1979 1984 1918 1909 1913 2008 2007 1993 2004 2013 1998 1921 1963 1917 1907 1990 1893 1951 1924 1899 1983 1985 1918 1986 1908 2006 2010 1922 2013 1994 1903 1993 1936 2010 1982 1983 1990 1981 1969 1999 1985 1986 1996 2005 1945 1902 1943 1918 2009 2012 1911 1935 1901 2013 1957 1902 1897 1924 2012 1947 1911 1902 2012
W 0 0 5 2 11 0 0 1 0 1 5 5 1 2 2 3 0 0 10 37 64 2 0 0 1 1 8 1 1 0 0 1 0 19 0 1 31 1 59 4 4 37 2 1 0 4 30 1 1 4 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 12 1 2 3 4 0 1 44 1 1 0 2 16 0 3 1 1 33 0 6 1 11 68 1 0
L 1 1 16 0 7 2 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 1 31 43 0 1 1 0 0 5 0 1 2 4 0 1 6 1 0 16 1 50 2 0 37 0 1 2 10 46 2 0 6 1 1 1 0 6 0 3 2 0 4 4 5 5 5 3 1 0 46 0 0 3 1 4 1 0 0 1 47 2 0 2 5 33 1 2
T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
School First Meeting Indiana 1979 Iona 1979 Iowa 2004 Ithaca 1951 James Madison 1989 John Jay 1975 Johns Hopkins 1906 Kentucky 1995 King’s 1985 Lafayette 1896 LaSalle 1987 Lehigh 1893 LeMoyne 1995 Liberty 1987 Long Beach State 1993 Long Island 1964 Longwood 2007 Louisiana-Lafayette 2008 Louisiana State 1980 Louisville 1981 Maine 1955 Manhattan 1906 Manhattan AC 1891 Marist 1994 Maryland 1930 Maryland-Balt. County 2001 Massachusetts 1969 Mass.-Lowell 1999 McNeese State 1980 Memphis 1992 Merchant Marine 1945 Mercy 1992 Merrimack 1999 Miami (Ohio) 2004 Michigan 1912 Middlebury 1933 Minnesota 1993 Mississippi 1998 Monmouth 1987 Mount St. Joseph’s 1918 Navy 1901 Nebraska-Omaha 2012 New Hampshire 1929 New Paltz 1985 NJIT 2007 NYNG 7th Regiment 1894 NYNG 23rd Regiment 1906 N.Y. State Normal 1901 New York Tech 1981 New York University 1901 Newburgh YMCA 1892 Newport Naval Res. 1918 Niagara 1982 North Carolina Greensboro 2007 North Carolina Wilmington 2013 North Dakota State 2013 Northeastern 2003 Northern Iowa 2009 Northwestern 2003 Norwich 1911 Notre Dame 1913 Nova 1992 Nyack 2013 Ohio 2009 Ohio State 1991 Oklahoma 2012 Oral Roberts 1979 Oregon 1979 Pace 1979 Panzer 1946 Peekskill Mil. Acad. 1895 Pelham Bay Nav. Res. 1918 Pennsylvania 1902 Penn State 1904 Pittsburgh 1916 Point Loma-Nazarene 1984 Potsdam 1978 Pratt Institute 1905 Princeton 1922 Princeton Aero 1918 Princeton Cons. 1892 Providence 1934 Quinnipiac 2003 Radford 2011 Rensselaer Poly. Inst. 1911
W L 2 2 10 7 2 0 4 5 1 8 14 3 2 0 0 3 5 0 78 55 0 5 74 37 2 0 1 6 1 0 10 8 2 1 0 1 0 2 2 3 4 2 32 19 0 2 10 14 2 7 10 4 5 3 2 1 0 2 1 8 10 0 1 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 0 1 0 1 6 7 1 0 104 109 1 0 3 0 2 0 5 2 19 8 1 0 2 0 14 17 31 18 1 0 0 1 2 2 3 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 1 3 0 1 4 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 5 0 1 1 1 1 0 15 7 3 0 1 0 0 1 39 37 8 18 7 3 0 1 1 0 1 0 34 33 1 0 0 3 0 3 4 2 0 2 2 1
T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
School First Meeting Rhode Island 1996 Rhodes 1991 Rider 1959 Riverton Club 1890 Riverview Academy 1892 Rochester 1910 Rollins 1982 Rowan 1994 Rutgers 1892 Rutgers-Newark 1947 Sacred Heart 2002 St. Francis (N.Y.) 1979 St. John’s 1915 St. Leo 1990 St. Peter’s 1979 St. Thomas (Fla.) 1985 Sam Houston State 2007 Sampson NTS 1945 San Diego 1984 San Diego State 1984 Santo Domingo 1954 Savannah State 2005 Seattle 1979 Seton Hall 1910 Siena 1958 Siglar’s 1892 South Alabama 2005 Springfield 1915 Springfield YMCA 1916 South Carolina-Upstate 2009 South Florida 1983 Southern Connecticut 1968 Southern Illinois 1985 Southwest Louisiana 1980 Stetson 1981 Stevens Institute 1910 Stony Brook 2000 Swarthmore 1912 Sylvan’s Club 1890 Syracuse 1897 Tampa 1983 Temple 1932 Texas 2009 Texas-San Antonio 2004 Texas State 2009 Texas Tech 2008 Towson 2001 Trinity 1896 Troy State 1998 Tufts 1909 Tulane 1980 Union 1894 Ursinus 1913 U.S.C.G.A. (Ellis Isl.) 1943 USS Amphitrite 1918 USS Pennsylvania 1906 U.S. International 1984 Utica 1982 Vanderbilt 1990 Vermont 1896 Villanova 1915 Virginia 1907 Virginia Military Inst. 2002 Wagner 1948 Wake Forest 2010 Washington & Lee 1915 Wesleyan 1897 West Chester 1987 West Virginia 1918 Western Michigan 1990 Wheaton 1990 William Paterson 1985 Williams 1903 Winthrop 1998 Wofford 2007 Wright State 2002 Yale 1902 York 1978 Totals
W L T 2 1 0 1 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 23 23 0 1 0 0 11 1 0 14 11 0 10 27 3 1 5 0 10 2 0 1 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 13 21 1 12 5 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 4 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 4 12 0 4 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 7 0 1 1 5 0 30 6 1 1 0 0 21 10 2 0 6 1 5 5 0 0 2 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 11 7 0 0 1 0 6 4 0 0 1 0 17 6 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 12 10 0 19 14 1 1 5 1 0 2 0 7 8 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 20 9 1 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 8 1 23 5 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 0 55 34 1 1 0 0 1596 1312 41
2014 Opponents in Bold William & Mary, Campbell and Cincinnati are first-time opponents
YEAR-BY-YEAR RESULTS 1890 (2-0-1) Coach: Self-Coached Captain: G.P. White 8 @Riverton Club 8 7 @Sylvans Club 1 17 @Atlantics 14
4 4 2 5 13 1
1891 (0-2) Coach: Self-Coached Captain: J.J. Morrow 8 Manhattan A.C. 9 7 Manhattan A.C. 11
1899 (4-2) Coach: Self-Coached Captains: L. Brown Jr., A.S. Cowan* 3 Union 6 5 TrinityaA 1 10 Wesleyan 5 8 Columbia 7 0 Cornell 9 6 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 4 *War class graduated early
1892 (5-1) Coach: Self-Coached Captain: H.H. Pattison 11 @Siglar’s Inst. 0 8 Rutgers (10) 7 21 Newburgh YMCA 5 4 @Riverview (4) 1 2 Rutgers 0 2 Princeton Cons. 9 1893 (3-2) Coach: Self-Coached Captains: J.H. Rice, H.H. Pattison* 15 @ Riverview 1 8 Columbia 2 6 Rutgers 1 2 Lehigh 12 6 Princeton Cons. 7 *Resigned due to injury 1894 (1-5) Coach: Self-Coached Captain: J.C. Gilmore Jr. 15 Rutgers 3 8 Columbia 9 6 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 8 2 Union 4 8 Princeton Cons. 12 3 Lehigh 5 1895 (3-2) Coach: Abraham Lott Captain: A.G. Lott 15 Rutgers 7 12 Peekskill Mil. Acad. 2 9 Union 8 5 Lehigh 12 9 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 11 1896 (1-5) Coach: Abraham Lott Captain: A.G. Lott 1 Lafayette 2 13 Rutgers 4 8 Vermont 9 6 Trinity 10 1 Lehigh 7 1 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 4 1897 (2-5) Coach: Self-Coached Captain: T.A. Roberts 6 Lafayette 11 2 Syracuse 20 0 Harvard 2nd 14 8 Union 7 5 Wesleyan 15 4 Trinity 18 2 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 0 1898 (1-5-1) Coach: Self-Coached Captain: A.S. Cowan 0 Lafayette 24
Union 9 Vermont 6 Harvard 2nd 9 Trinity 4 Wesleyan 13 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 4
1900 (3-4) Coach: Self-Coached Captain: L. Brown Jr. 11 Union 7 5 Rutgers 6 2 Trinity 5 7 Wesleyan 19 7 @Riverview 15 10 Columbia 3 5 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 4 1901 (6-2-1) Coach: Charles Irving Davis
Captain: S. Abbott 14 Hamilton 16 Vermont 10 Rutgers 8 @Riverview 6 Lehigh 6 New York Univ. 4 Navy 12 N.Y. State Normal 2 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G *War class graduated early
4 0 1 4 20 6 3 3 7
1904 (4-4-1) Coach: Mr. Summersgill
Captain: H.B. Hackett 5 Union 8 1 Penn State 0 8 Williams 3 3 Harvard 12 10 New York Univ. 1 4 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 4 1 Yale 7 2 Fordham 4 8 Navy 2 1905 (5-7) Coach: Walter Clarkson Captain: P.H. Winston 5 Union 0 7 Trinity 5 2 Harvard 13 11 New York Univ. 3 2 Columbia 3 1 Penn State 13 7 Fordham 11 13 Pratt Institute 10 1 Yale 2 9 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 1 4 Lafayette 10 5 Navy 9 1906 (11-3) Coach: Dennis Houle Captain: C.K. Rockwell 16 Rutgers 1 3 Johns Hopkins 2 2 Columbia 3 7 New York Univ. 3 6 Wesleyan 3 2 Yale 5 6 Trinity 2 8 Fordham 5 2 Penn State 9 18 23d Reg., N.Y.N.G. 0 23 Manhattan 2 8 Navy 5 7 U.S.S. Pennsylvania 2 3 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 2
1902 (10-6) Coach: Charles Irving Davis
Captain: S. Abbott 2 Union 1 9 Syracuse 4 4 Harvard 14 9 Trinity 4 21 Rutgers 0 6 Vermont 4 6 Pennsylvania 2 2 Fordham 6 8 New York Univ. 4 3 Navy 5 6 Wesleyan 8 9 Lehigh 3 7 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 2 5 Illinois 6 8 Hamilton 1 4 Yale 15
1907 (7-7-1) Coach: Dennis Houle Captain: E.E. Pritchett 5 Union 0 7 Lehigh 13 4 Harvard 10 5 Yale 4 3 Pennsylvania 5 3 Lafayette 3 11 New York Univ. 2 1 Virginia 5 8 Penn State 12 6 Navy 5 7 Colgate 1 5 Fordham 7 7 Trinity 9 8 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 5 3 Wesleyan 2
1903 (5-5) Coach: Mr. Steinwender
Captain: E.F. Graham 2 Union 5 Williams 18 Dickinson 6 Harvard 0 Fordham 12 Trinity 3 Lafayette 3 Amherst 6 Columbia 0 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G.
1 2 1 4 1 3 7 9 11 2
1908 (5-10-1) Coach: Dennis Houle Captain: F.A. Mountford, H.M. Groninger* 3 Union 1 6 Manhattan 7 4 Williams 3 5 Fordham 7 2 Yale 6 3 Virginia 3 3 Pennsylvania 4 3 Lehigh 1
3 Brown 5 2 Dartmouth 4 0 Wesleyan 1 3 Columbia 7 5 Trinity 0 5 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 4 5 Navy 16 3 Amherst 8 *War class graduated early 1909 (8-7) Coach: Sammy Nicklin Captain: C.B. Meyer 5 New York Univ. 0 3 Tufts 1 6 Wesleyan 5 5 Yale 11 5 Pennsylvania 7 3 Virginia 4 4 Dartmouth 5 4 Carlisle 0 2 Williams 3 7 Lehigh 6 3 Trinity 5 7 Navy 3 18 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 2 3 Fordham 2 0 Amherst 3 1910 (14-6) Coach: Sammy Nicklin Captain: W.C. Harrison 3 Berkeley Hall 1 5 Seton Hall 3 3 Manhattan 2 7 Vermont 1 8 Union 1 3 Tufts 4 5 Lafayette 2 4 Wesleyan 0 3 Yale 0 1 Columbia 4 3 Rochester 1 3 Virginia 6 2 Brown 1 0 Trinity 1 1 Fordham 4 2 Navy 0 1 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 3 5 Stevens 0 7 Bucknell 5 20 Colgate 4 1911 (16-5-1) Coach: Sammy Nicklin Captain: A.D. Surles 3 Rutgers 2 7 Manhattan 0 4 Dickinson 1 3 Lehigh 6 0 Lafayette 6 3 Tufts 0 1 Dartmouth 0 6 RPI 1 3 Norwich 3 7 Brown 6 11 Rochester 0 20 Berkeley Hall 7 8 Georgetown 10 13 Trinity 3 2 Union 1 0 Fordham 3 1 Holy Cross 5 7 Navy 1 9 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 1 3 Syracuse 0 5 Bucknell 2 5 Columbia 1
1912 (12-4) Coach: Sammy Nicklin Captain: H.L. Whiteside 4 Lafayette 6 0 Dartmouth 6 1 Bucknell 7 11 Pennsylvania 2 3 Swarthmore 1 12 Stevens 9 16 Lehigh 3 7 Columbia 1 8 Norwich 4 2 Penn State 11 12 Michigan 4 6 Fordham 0 11 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 1 8 Navy 7 7 Colgate 6 7 Syracuse 0 1913 (16-6) Coach: Sammy Nicklin Captain: O.K. Sadtler 2 Colgate 3 12 New York Univ. 3 10 Stevens 1 2 Dickinson 1 8 Lafayette 5 11 Norwich 4 9 Dartmouth 5 9 Harvard 7 10 Swarthmore 9 2 Penn State 13 3 Holy Cross 2 9 Virginia 3 4 Williams 14 9 Catholic 8 6 Lehigh 5 0 Fordham 2 5 Union 8 3 Notre Dame 0 9 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 11 2 Navy 1 9 Ursinus 3 10 Syracuse 4 1914 (10-5) Coach: Sammy Nicklin Captain: C.M. Milliken 2 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 7 2 Dickinson 7 6 Cornell 4 8 Colgate 0 3 Harvard 15 11 Tufts 10 15 Bucknell 7 3 Georgetown 2 7 Penn State 2 3 Notre Dame 9 7 Fordham 5 3 Vermont 8 0 Catholic 8 8 Navy 2 6 Syracuse 0 12 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 4 1915 (18-3) Coach: Sammy Nicklin Captain: L.A. Merillat 15 New York Univ. 0 8 Stevens 1 6 Rutgers 0 6 Lafayette 5 10 Lafayette 7 9 Harvard 2 9 Seton Hall 8 2 Lehigh 0 11 Swarthmore 7
11 9 9 5 3 4 6 8 6 15 0 6
Georgetown 4 Penn State 4 Washington & Lee 5 Holy Cross 2 Fordham 16 St. John’s 0 Springfield 7 Villanova 0 Navy 5 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 8 Syracuse 1 Catholic 1
1916 (10-8-1) Coach: Sammy Nicklin Captain: R.R. Neyland Jr.
2 3 1 2 2 7 4 4 16 10 3 4 2 2 13 17 5 0 5
Amherst Williams Harvard Tufts Springfield YMCA Seton Hall Lehigh Penn State Georgetown Pittsburgh Buffalo Lafayette Fordham Swarthmore Navy 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. Holy Cross Syracuse Colgate
6 2 2 5 5 1 1 7 5 3 2 3 4 3 3 1 5 1 1
1917 (8-1) Coach: Sammy Nicklin Captain: C.H. Gerhardt 16 St. John’s 1 15 N.Y. State Normal 0 17 Manhattan 1 10 Hamilton 0 9 Williams 6 2 Holy Cross 5 4 Colonial A.C. 3 3 Union 2 4 Colgate 2 1918 (14-7) Coach: Hans Lobert Captains: E.Q. Oliphant, N. McNeil* 2 St. John’s 0 3 Berkeley Hall 2 2 Boston College 6 2 Lafayette 4 3 Tufts 7 5 Newport Naval Res. 7 1 West Virginia 2 4 Cornell 3 9 Catholic 4 5 Holy Cross 1 3 Crescent A.C. 6 11 Springfield Y.M.C.A. 1 3 Johns Hopkins 1 5 Mount St. Joseph’s 2 1 Fordham 0 5 Stevens 1 4 U.S.S. Amphitrite 0 7 Pelham Bay Naval 8 6 Fort Slocum 1 8 Princeton Aero 7 20 Camp Merritt 3 *War class graduated early
YEAR-BY-YEAR RESULTS 0 8 5 3 7 0 4 2 7 11
New York Univ. Columbia New Hampshire Swarthmore Wesleyan Fordham Bucknell Dartmouth Georgetown Williams
2 2 3 5 1 7 5 10 2 4
1930 (9-5-1) Coach: Harold McCormick Captain: C.E. Beauchamp
The 1931 Army team 1919 (10-7) Coach: Hans Lobert Captains: F.J. Tate, W.S. Murray 4 Seton Hall 5 3 Boston College 1 6 Manhattan 1 2 Lafayette 1 1 Tufts 12 12 Lehigh 1 12 Union 7 2 Villanova 1 2 Penn State 7 1 Swarthmore 0 1 Holy Cross 11 2 Springfield 3 9 Berkeley Hall 5 6 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 2 6 Navy 10 4 Syracuse 3 3 Crescent A.C. 4 1920 (7-6-2) Coach: Hans Lobert Captain: G. Honnen 5 Boston College 6 11 New York Univ. 14 4 Stevens 4 3 Tufts 1 4 Harvard 4 6 Lehigh 8 2 West Virginia 0 1 Penn State 3 6 Holy Cross 2 2 Catholic 1 4 Pittsburgh 2 6 Rutgers 0 9 Berkeley Hall 3 1 Navy 11 4 Colgate 8 1921 (11-5) Coach: Hans Lobert Captain: G.C. Wilhide 8 City College of N.Y. 3 6 Stevens 0 10 New York Univ. 4 14 Union 2 9 Williams 4 5 Lafayette 9 6 Syracuse 3 2 Swarthmore 3
6 4 2 5 5 2 8 10
West Virginia Catholic Columbia Colgate Brown Fordham Navy 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G.
5 7 3 4 6 1 7 3
1922 (11-5) Coach: Hans Lobert Captain: G.C. Wilhide 3 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 11 5 Vermont 4 11 City Coll. of N.Y. 2 5 New York Univ. 4 8 Tufts 3 4 Catholic 0 12 Williams 2 4 Lafayette 7 5 Swarthmore 7 7 Princeton 6 10 Columbia 4 8 Penn State 7 2 Colgate 8 7 Delaware 5 14 Fordham 3 3 Pennsylvania 4 6 Navy 8 1923 (11-5-1) Coach: Hans Lobert Captain: D.G. Storck 2 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 14 3 Boston College 5 14 Bowdoin 11 11 City Coll. of N.Y. 3 4 Amherst 5 10 Tufts 2 14 Catholic 6 7 Lafayette 12 4 Swarthmore 3 2 Colgate 7 2 New York Univ. 1 0 Penn State 10 4 Fordham 2 14 Delaware 6 8 Manhattan 7 19 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 5 8 Navy 5 1 Columbia 1
1924 (10-6) Coach: Hans Lobert Captain: G.W. Smythe 3 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 10 10 Amherst 2 11 Connecticut A.C. 4 1 Boston College 5 9 Swarthmore 7 10 Haverford 1 1 Columbia 2 8 Syracuse 4 1 New York Univ. 6 6 Pennsylvania 4 1 Fordham 2 3 Delaware 2 5 Catholic 6 3 Navy 5 10 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G 8 6 “B” Co., U.S.C.C. 2 12 Lafayette 7 1925 (6-11) Coach: Hans Lobert Captain: H.O. Ellinger 0 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 7 5 Bowdoin 4 10 Manhattan 3 11 Amherst 0 15 Vermont 9 5 Swarthmore 4 2 Lafayette 12 5 Lehigh 10 0 Columbia 3 1 Syracuse 4 3 New York Univ. 6 2 Pennsylvania 7 3 Fordham 6 2 Holy Cross 5 2 Catholic 6 3 Georgetown 12 7 Navy 13 11 7th Reg., N.Y.N.G. 2 1926 (6-8)
3 12 6 2 0 3 6 6
Columbia Manhattan New York Univ. Catholic Holy Cross Springfield Georgetown Navy
15 10 16 13 5 4 3 5
N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 18 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 20 Vermont 6 Connecticut A.C. 1 Wesleyan 2 Haverford 2 Lehigh 3 Maryland 8 New York Univ. 5 Columbia 6 New Hampshire 7 Union 4 Lafayette 11 Fordham 2 Swarthmore 1 Dartmouth 9 Bucknell 1 1931 (7-6)
Coach: Harold McCormick
1927 (9-4) Coach: Harold McCormick
Captain: A.L. Cobb 6 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 19 0 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 2 12 Catholic 10 4 Vermont 9 11 Lehigh 3 10 Swarthmore 9 1 Pennsylvania 6 9 Columbia 4 6 Springfield 12 8 Colgate 5 15 Delaware 1 2 New York Univ. 1 4 Bucknell 0 6 Williams 2 2 Navy 8
Captain: C.E. Hoy 3 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 4 1 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 15 4 Connecticut A.C. 3 10 Lehigh 5 21 Haverford 1 4 Union 10 8 Wesleyan 2 12 Swarthmore 8 8 Bucknell 2 1 Penn State 4 1 Fordham 5 5 Lafayette 3 3 New York Univ. 4 1 Colgate 19 3 Maryland 10 1932 (11-2) Coach: Harold McCormick
1928 (9-2) Coach: Harold McCormick
Captain: W.W. Browning 4 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 16 9 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 20 6 Vermont 9 5 Lehigh 2 8 Williams 4 2 Wesleyan 3 2 Columbia 0 7 Swarthmore 3 10 Springfield 9 3 Catholic 1 9 Bucknell 1 5 Union 2 9 Navy 6
Captain: E.E. Farnsworth Jr.
3 18 2 19 5 4 8 13 5 4 5 9 2 7
N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 9 Connecticut A.C. 2 Swarthmore 0 Bucknell 2 Temple 1 Penn State 17 Wesleyan 5 Haverford 3 New York Univ. 4 Washington & Lee 3 Rutgers 4 Lafayette 3 Fordham 4 Union 3 1933 (5-6)
Coach: Harold McCormick
Captain: R.P. Reeder Jr. 1 Bowdoin 0 3 Pennsylvania 8 6 Vermont 5 18 Swarthmore 4 7 Lafayette 11 5 Syracuse 11
0 2 4 2 11 6 9 2 6 9 10 6 3 7 1 4 0
1929 (5-8)
Coach: Harold McCormick
Coach: Harold McCormick Captain: D.Z. Zimmerman
Captain: S.O. Fuqua Jr. 0 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 9 6 Haverford 0 6 Middlebury 4 1 Swarthmore 0 5 Lehigh 8 3 Rutgers 4
1 1 4 5
N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 6 Pennsylvania 4 Lafayette 6 Lehigh 6
8 1 2 10 4 7
New York Univ. 5 Washington & Lee 5 Fordham 21 Wesleyan 2 Navy 8 Bucknell 8 1934 (9-4)
Coach: Harold McCormick
Captain: T.T. Brown 0 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 7 11 Vermont 10 0 Providence 9 10 Middlebury 3 2 Lehigh 1 13 Swarthmore 4 6 Columbia 5 3 Temple 12 14 Amherst 4 4 Wesleyan 3 3 Fordham 9 11 Bucknell 7 2 Navy 4 6 Yale 4 1935 (9-5) Coach: Harold McCormick
Captain: J.H. Caughey 0 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 9 1 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 5 15 Swarthmore 0 9 Haverford 6 7 Amherst 8 8 Wesleyan 2 10 Lehigh 7 5 Temple 4 4 Syracuse 1 2 Williams 5 6 New York Univ. 1 2 Fordham 14 2 Colgate 9 4 Gettysburg 13 11 Bucknell 1 10 Navy 4 1936 (4-9) Coach: Harold McCormick
Captain: W.R. Grohs 2 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 6 0 Colgate 3 7 Lehigh 4 8 Amherst 4 10 Swarthmore 13 7 Middlebury 8 4 Duke 16 2 Syracuse 5 8 New York Univ. 11 11 Fordham 27 13 Wesleyan 3 5 Maryland 19 12 Bucknell 7 10 Navy 11 1937 (9-2) Coach: Walter French Captain: R.W. Griffin 4 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 19 8 Yale 5 1 Princeton 0 5 Amherst 4 3 Penn State 7 6 Syracuse 3 9 Swarthmore 8 3 Bucknell 0 2 New York Univ. 0 3 Fordham 9 7 Union 6 8 Navy 3
YEAR-BY-YEAR RESULTS 1938 (9-4) Coach: Walter French Captain: R.J. Kasper 2 Wesleyan 4 13 Williams 1 2 Lafayette 4 10 Columbia 9 7 New York Univ. 4 7 Yale 3 4 Syracuse 3 3 Duke 12 6 Georgetown 1 3 Amherst 2 3 Fordham 2 6 Penn State 2 1 Navy 6 1939 (8-6) Coach: Walter French Captain: S.G. Kail 2 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 4 7 Vermont (7) 1 3 Lafayette 4 15 Princeton 4 8 Rutgers 2 3 Columbia 7 3 Duke 5 7 Georgetown 5 8 Syracuse 4 1 Pennsylvania 3 10 Yale 17 3 Fordham 5 6 Williams 3 4 Navy 1 5 Colgate 1 1940 (5-7) Coach: Walter French Captain: C.G. Esau 1 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 7 5 Harvard 4 5 Princeton 4 8 Brown 3 0 Lafayette 4 3 Penn State 9 0 Duke 10 4 Yale 1 2 Notre Dame 6 9 New York Univ. 10 7 Fordham 15 7 Wesleyan 4 2 Navy 4 1941 (8-6) Coach: Walter French Captain: R.B. Polk 0 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 9 2 Lafayette 1 7 Harvard 2 11 Amherst 4 3 Pittsburgh 9 3 Princeton 13 0 Brown 8 7 Colgate 5 2 Columbia 3 6 Williams 1 9 Pennsylvania 6 4 Springfield 1 0 Yale 2 4 Penn State 23 4 Navy 3 1942 (10-4-1) Coach: Walter French Captain: W.C. Garland 3 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 12 5 Cornell 1 8 Vermont 2
7 12 2 12 15 5 11 3 12 1 0 6 10
Georgetown Harvard Williams Syracuse Pennsylvania Swarthmore Maryland Lafayette Pittsburgh Brown Fordham Yale Navy
3 9 23 12 9 1 2 4 1 2 5 4 3
1943 (10-3) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: E.F. McCabe, J.C. Stahle 8 Bkn. Dodgers(Ex.) 12 3 Mtl. Royals (Ex.) 6 9 Swarthmore 0 5 U.S. Coast Guard 4 5 Manhattan 1 3 Lafayette 1 10 Georgetown 0 7 Columbia 8 4 Brown 3 9 Pittsburgh 2 7 Williams 6 5 Fordham 0 2 New York Univ. 7 17 Fort Monmouth 11 2 Navy 8 1944 (11-1) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: J.G. Capka 4 Bkn. Dodgers (Ex.) 18 8 Mtl. Royals (Ex.) 6 6 Mtl. Royals (Ex.) 6 9 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 11 0 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 14 11 Stevens 10 3 Villanova 1 8 Swarthmore 0 4 Dartmouth 6 10 Williams 3 18 Pittsburgh 8 10 Princeton (14) 9 8 Columbia 0 3 New York Univ. (10) 2 9 Pennsylvania 3 7 Yale (12) 6 8 Navy 2 1945 (15-0) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: C.K. Josey 5 Bkn. Dodgers (Ex.) 9 5 Bkn. Dodgers (Ex.) 4 4 Bkn. Dodgers (Ex.) 0 12 Mtl. Royals (Ex.) 8 4 Mtl. Royals (Ex.) 8 9 Mtl. Royals (Ex.) 3 8 Sampson N.T.S. 5 10 Brooklyn 3 9 Floyd Bennett A.F. 2 14 Swarthmore 1 13 U.S. Coast Guard 4 11 Villanova 2 25 Yale 1 13 Merchant Marine 5 7 New York Univ. 4 18 Columbia 0 11 Williams 4 8 Yale 5 7 Fordham 2 7 Navy 2 15 Colgate 1
1946 (9-7) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: R.M. Kinney 2 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 2 3 Bkn. Dodgers (Ex.) 7 4 City Coll. of N.Y. 9 0 Seton Hall 2 8 Dartmouth 3 15 Panzer 6 2 Lafayette 4 7 Villanova 2 10 Colgate 5 13 Brooklyn 5 2 New York Univ. 8 3 Yale 10 14 Williams 2 5 Yale 6 7 Holy Cross 6 5 Fordham 1 5 Navy 11 5 Swarthmore 1 1947 (17-1-1) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: G.W. Davis 5 Bkn. Dodgers (Ex.) 16 9 Rutgers 1 8 Hofstra 7 6 Panzer 4 11 Lafayette (6) 10 10 Trinity 5 7 Merchant Marine 2 11 Brooklyn 7 9 Villanova 0 4 Princeton 1 5 Bkn. Dodgers (Ex.) 16 4 Yale 3 3 Yale (6) 3 4 Fordham 3 6 Williams 2 14 Columbia 4 10 Pennsylvania 5 4 Maryland 3 4 Navy 8 12 Lehigh 2 11 Amherst 8 1948 (16-7) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: N.L. Robinson 2 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 7 13 Hofstra 4 10 Merchant Marine 1 4 Wagner 2 10 Wesleyan 2 6 Rutgers 9 9 Panzer 3 7 Swarthmore 5 6 Villanova 4 1 Temple 2 8 Pennsylvania 1 6 Lafayette 0 4 Williams 2 0 Columbia 2 3 Princeton 0 12 Cornell 0 8 Harvard 2 12 City Coll. of N.Y. 9 1 New York Univ. 2 8 Brown 2 7 Lehigh 2 0 Yale 1 7 Maryland 10 0 Navy 10
1949 (6-13) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: R.H. Wagner 3 Bkn. Dodgers (Ex.) 4 10 Swarthmore 0 9 Hofstra 8 11 Villanova 5 6 Rutgers 7 10 Williams 8 4 Pennsylvania 6 3 St. John’s 6 3 Lehigh 6 9 Dartmouth 11 3 Bkn. Dodgers (Ex.) 4 13 Fordham 2 2 Princeton 6 1 Lafayette 11 13 Yale 4 2 Cornell 3 2 Colgate 12 0 Harvard 10 2 Navy 8 2 New York Univ. 3 1 Columbia 4 1950 (14-4) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: J.V. Irons 0 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 8 14 Wesleyan 9 12 Hofstra 2 7 Vermont 1 2 Syracuse 4 4 Manhattan 3 2 New York Univ. 3 5 Columbia 2 3 Princeton 1 7 Brown 3 4 Pennsylvania 0 5 Williams 0 13 Yale 7 1 Dartmouth 3 17 Colgate 4 4 Harvard 5 10 Cornell 3 7 Navy (15) 5 5 Fordham 1 1951 (8-14-1) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: T.W. Griesinger 2 Trinity 3 2 Ithaca 4 12 Connecticut 11 8 Wesleyan 0 0 Lafayette 3 5 Manhattan 5 0 Hofstra 11 3 City Coll. of N.Y. 1 5 Columbia 6 4 Villanova 8 4 Princeton 6 7 Dartmouth 6 11 New York Univ. 1 6 Brown 7 5 Harvard 16 6 Yale 1 0 Pennsylvania 2 3 Rutgers 4 4 Colgate 5 0 Cornell 4 10 Williams 7 5 Navy 1 4 Fordham 6
The Brooklyn Dodgers in 1943 1952 (10-10-2) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: T.E. Fitzpatrick 12 Wesleyan 9 2 Connecticut (6) 2 5 Vermont 8 3 New York Univ. (8) 3 0 Manhattan 3 9 Swarthmore 3 3 Harvard 0 0 Harvard 11 4 Rutgers 11 4 Yale 3 6 City Coll. of N.Y. 9 4 Dartmouth 1 2 Lehigh 1 4 Villanova 6 6 Yale 14 4 Brown 1 3 Brown 5 7 Dartmouth 6 0 Columbia 4 2 Colgate 0 1 Navy 3 3 Fordham (15) 2 1953 (6-9-3) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: J.B. Oblinger 7 Merchant Marine 3 4 City Coll. of N.Y. 4 4 Ithaca 2 2 Swarthmore (8) 5 5 Manhattan 2 5 Navy 4 1 Rutgers 3 0 Brown (5) 0 6 Columbia 9 2 Cornell 7 4 Princeton 5 6 Yale 8 2 Harvard 1 4 Pennsylvania 5 6 Villanova (10) 6 11 Amherst 0 4 New York Univ. 7 2 Navy 10 1954 (11-7) Coach: Paul Amen Captain: W.F. LeCates 5 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 6 8 Vermont 3 0 City Coll. of N.Y. 6 11 Swarthmore 4 1 St. John’s 10 3 Lafayette 2 5 Pennsylvania 1 2 Columbia 0
0 4 9 6 6 4 6 2 4 4 8
Dartmouth Williams Harvard Yale Manhattan Princeton Cornell Villanova Navy Santo Domingo Fordham
6 3 5 5 3 1 12 3 8 3 11
1955 (10-8-2) Coach: Joe Palone Captain: R.G. Cardillo 1 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 14 4 Maine 14 3 Swarthmore 0 8 Villanova 4 2 Columbia 13 2 Harvard 6 5 Cornell 1 6 Brown 10 4 Pennsylvania 2 4 Syracuse 3 0 Princeton 8 1 Yale 9 8 Colgate 8 1 Williams 8 5 Dartmouth 4 10 Amherst 2 9 City Coll. of N.Y. 4 5 St. John’s 6 5 Lafayette 5 5 Navy 1 10 Fordham 0 1956 (9-10) Coach: Joe Palone Captain: D.L. Butler 1 Trinity 0 4 Villanova 7 4 Swarthmore 0 18 Brown 0 0 Harvard 4 3 Penn State 1 5 Syracuse 0 2 Amherst 6 9 Yale 2 2 St. John’s 11 2 Dartmouth (11) 0 3 City Coll. of N.Y. 1 2 Princeton 1 3 Cornell 4 1 Lafayette 4 2 Colgate 8 2 Columbia 4 1 Manhattan 14 4 Navy 7
YEAR-BY-YEAR RESULTS 1957 (13-9-2) Coach: Joe Palone Captain: L.S. Marella 0 N.Y. Giants (Ex.) 16 9 Maine 3 3 Villanova 1 4 Rutgers 2 3 Columbia 9 5 City Coll. of N.Y. 5 8 Swarthmore 0 1 Yale 4 7 Manhattan 13 3 St. John’s 10 4 Syracuse 3 5 Harvard 6 6 New York Univ. 6 6 Brown 0 7 Penn State 16 9 Fordham 3 3 Trinity 2 14 Pennsylvania 4 5 Colgate 6 4 Dartmouth 10 0 Lafayette 6 2 Cornell 0 9 Princeton 7 9 Hartwick 5 3 Navy 2
1960 (18-5-1) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: N.N. Loscuito 8 New York Univ. 2 7 Fordham 1 6 Columbia 1 22 Swarthmore 4 7 Hofstra 3 9 City Coll. of N.Y. 3 2 Delaware 4 10 Yale 4 9 St. John’s 4 3 Villanova 2 9 Vermont 4 6 Amherst 3 4 Pennsylvania 1 4 Syracuse 7 4 Ithaca 5 8 Dartmouth 1 3 Seton Hall 3 7 Brown 2 8 Harvard 2 10 Princeton 2 8 Cornell 4 1 Colgate 0 4 Manhattan 7 1 Navy 9
1958 (10-11-1) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: N. O. Conner 1 S.F. Giants (Ex.) 17 3 Wesleyan 4 11 Siena 3 7 Pennsylvania 0 8 St. John’s 4 8 Colgate 2 6 Rutgers 1 5 Brown 0 5 Harvard 9 6 New York Univ. 1 7 Cornell 17 5 Yale 7 3 Villanova 4 6 Hofstra 8 1 Columbia 0 5 Dartmouth 7 3 Syracuse (10) 3 5 Fordham 3 3 Seton Hall 6 1 Hartwick 5 5 Ithaca (10) 4 1 Princeton 6 4 Navy 5
1961 (12-7-1) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: W.R. Williams 0 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 14 4 Manhattan 0 18 Swarthmore 0 4 Ithaca 1 9 City Coll. of N.Y. 0 0 St. John’s 1 7 Yale 1 9 Delaware 16 2 Syracuse 7 4 Villanova 10 6 Brown 5 2 Princeton 4 3 Columbia 4 4 Lafayette 3 3 Cornell 2 1 Pennsylvania 0 4 Fordham 4 8 Dartmouth 4 6 Colgate 2 13 Rider 2 0 Navy 3
1964 (13-6) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: R.J. Michela 2 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 8 1 Long Island 2 6 Villanova 3 4 Pennsylvania 2 7 Columbia 2 6 Fordham 0 7 Yale 2 3 Cornell 1 5 City Coll. of N.Y. 1 1 Brown 4 0 Harvard 1 4 Rutgers 0 9 St. John’s 4 0 Ithaca 6 6 Manhattan 8 6 Dartmouth 2 8 Syracuse 1 9 Princeton 6 6 Seton Hall 13 2 Navy 1
1962 (15-6) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: J.L. Schmidt 4 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 8 8 Wesleyan 4 7 City Coll. of N.Y. 4 3 Rutgers 14 4 Penn State 8 8 Colgate 4 3 Yale 0 8 Manhattan 11 16 Columbia 7 10 Cornell 3 11 Dartmouth 2 7 Fordham 3 14 New York Univ. 3 1 Harvard 7 8 Brown 3 7 Princeton 2 7 Villanova 3 5 Pennsylvania 2 0 Ithaca 4 7 Seton Hall 2 10 Rider 2 2 Navy 4
1965 (15-6) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: T.A. Pyrz 0 N.Y. Mets (Ex.) 8 1 Long Island 4 16 Middlebury 6 5 Ithaca 4 2 Princeton 3 12 Colgate 7 2 Yale 0 3 Villanova 2 2 Pennsylvania 0 5 Rutgers 7 3 St. John’s 4 13 Manhattan 2 0 Rider 10 1 Harvard 0 7 Fordham 0 9 Cornell 8 11 Columbia 7 8 Brown 2 9 Syracuse 5 0 Dartmouth 2 11 Seton Hall 5 7 Navy 2
1959 (11-10) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: F. Franks 6 Fordham 2 Vermont 8 New York Univ. 7 Yale 0 Wesleyan 3 Rutgers 3 Columbia 3 Princeton 6 Colgate 6 Syracuse 4 Harvard 2 Rider 2 Brown 8 Manhattan 12 City Coll. of N.Y. 5 Delaware 9 Pennsylvania 1 Cornell 8 Villanova 3 Dartmouth 3 Navy
5 4 5 5 6 6 5 2 5 5 3 9 9 2 1 8 0 2 2 5 4
1963 (12-10-1) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: W.M. Boice 2 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 15 0 N.Y. Mets (Ex.) 3 4 Fordham 2 4 Ithaca 9 6 Hofstra 5 7 St. John’s 13 2 Princeton 9 10 Manhattan 7 0 Pennsylvania 0 12 New York Univ. 4 1 Yale 6 6 Colgate 5 5 Harvard 7 4 Columbia 5 8 City Coll. of N.Y. 7 5 Brown 4 3 Penn State 1 7 Rutgers 12 6 Coast Guard 8 1 Dartmouth 5 7 Lafayette 1 5 Cornell 3 7 Seton Hall 9 9 Rider 7 6 Navy 5
1966 (16-4) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: E.D. Atkinson 0 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 1 9 Long Island 3 11 New Hampshire 2 4 Fordham 2 9 Columbia 3 12 New York Univ. 2 10 Syracuse 2 5 Yale 1 8 Pennsylvania 1 9 Rider 7 10 Brown 1 7 Harvard 1 10 St. John’s 0 10 City Coll. of N.Y. 11 0 Cornell 4 6 Colgate 7 8 Princeton 6 2 Dartmouth 0 6 Penn State 3 5 Seton Hall 10 7 Navy 3 1967 (10-8) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: J. Boretti 0 N.Y. Mets (Ex.) 4 5 Pennsylvania 0 6 Columbia 1 8 New York Univ. 10 8 Syracuse 0 5 Yale 4 4 Fordham 3 4 Rutgers 6 13 Long Island 3 2 St. John’s 4 7 Princeton 4 5 Rider 9 5 Brown 4 4 City Coll. of N.Y. 8 9 Cornell 3 1 Dartmouth 9 4 Penn State 6 9 Seton Hall 2 1 Navy 3 1968 (12-9-1) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: P.T. Krieger 0 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 9 6 Rutgers 2 5 Long Island 1 1 Syracuse 3 8 New York Univ. 13 2 Pennsylvania 3 4 Columbia 2 3 Villanova 6 11 Yale 4 8 Colgate 2 11 Cornell 3 1 Rider 5 4 Brown 3 5 Harvard 0 9 City Coll. of N.Y. 0 0 St. John’s 4 0 Fordham 4 5 Seton Hall 1 2 Manhattan (11) 2 3 Princeton 0 2 Dartmouth (18) 3 11 Southern Conn. 3 1 Navy 3
1969 (15-7) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: R.A. Vandenberg
0 7 5 6 13 2 6 0 4 11 4 5 8 8 1 7 4 5 4 4 6 2 12
N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 4 Fairleigh Dickinson 1 Rutgers 11 Rochester 2 Norwich 9 Columbia 3 Fordham 0 Yale 1 Brown 6 Harvard 2 St. John’s 6 Seton Hall 6 New York Univ. (10) 7 Lafayette 6 Princeton 3 Colgate 6 Cornell 3 Manhattan 3 Massachusetts 3 Dartmouth 1 Southern Conn. 5 Syracuse 1 Navy 11
1970 (7-14) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: P.B. McCall 4 Colgate 6 2 Cornell 1 8 Cornell 6 6 Fordham 5 3 Navy 8 0 Pennsylvania 2 4 Pennsylvania 5 1 Princeton 12 4 Princeton 7 2 New York Univ. 5 3 Dartmouth 13 1 Harvard 3 1 Harvard 2 7 City Coll. of N.Y. 2 15 Yale 6 3 Brown 8 7 Brown 6 2 Massachusetts 6 11 Manhattan 3 6 Southern Conn. (11) 7 1 Navy 3 1971 (10-14) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: T.A. Pyrz 0 N.Y. Mets (Ex.) 8 11 Fordham 13 4 Rutgers 1 4 Villanova 5 7 Lehigh 6 2 @Brown 3 2 @Yale 6 6 @Yale 1 3 Lafayette 15 0 @Princeton 1 0 @Columbia (10) 1 5 @Columbia 2 9 St. John’s 13 4 Harvard 10 3 Dartmouth (8) 2 3 Dartmouth (9) 4 2 New York Univ. 6 9 Pennsylvania 2 8 Navy 2 6 Navy 2 2 @Colgate 4 8 Seton Hall 3 1 Manhattan 4 4 Southern Conn. 1 1 Navy 5
1972 (8-16) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: H.S. Etheridge 1 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 10 2 @Fordham 4 1 Rutgers 2 5 Villanova 3 14 City Coll. of N.Y. 2 1 Cornell (11) 8 1 St. John’s 7 6 @Pennsylvania 12 7 @Navy 4 0 @Navy 2 5 New York Univ. 4 3 Brown (10) 4 4 Yale (8) 3 1 Yale 4 4 Colgate 7 5 @Harvard 7 0 Dartmouth 3 1 Dartmouth 3 3 Cornell 2 5 Princeton 7 6 Columbia 3 4 Columbia 9 0 Manhattan 1 9 Merchant Marine 2 3 @Navy 6 1973 (10-13) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: G.D. Newsom 1 N.Y. Mets (Ex.) 7 8 St. John’s 1 0 @Yale 5 1 @Brown 2 7 @Brown 1 7 City Coll. of N.Y. 1 0 Villanova 3 6 @Columbia 2 2 @Princeton (13) 1 0 @Princeton 1 2 New York Univ. 1 0 @Cornell 4 4 @Cornell 2 2 Seton Hall 3 2 Navy 1 4 Pennsylvania 1 2 Pennsylvania 5 4 Dartmouth 7 3 Harvard (6) 4 1 Harvard 6 8 Manhattan 11 1 Southern Conn. 2 8 Merchant Marine 2 3 Navy 4 1974 (11-10) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: C.B. McNutt 0 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 7 2 Rutgers 1 9 Colgate 5 22 City Coll. of N.Y. 0 3 Columbia 6 5 Columbia 0 1 Pennsylvania 6 7 New York Univ. 2 4 @Harvard 3 1 @Dartmouth 6 1 @Dartmouth 0 2 Seton Hall 12 3 @Navy 6 0 @Navy 4 2 @Princeton 7 7 Yale 5 5 Yale 4 6 Cornell 7 3 Manhattan 1 4 Southern Conn. 6 13 Merchant Marine 0 9 @Navy 10
YEAR-BY-YEAR RESULTS 1975 (9-15) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: B.L. Clark 0 N.Y. Mets (Ex.) 5 6 Seton Hall 10 3 St. John’s 12 1 Cornell 5 3 Cornell 4 12 City Coll. of N.Y. 1 15 @Columbia 5 6 @Pennsylvania 14 5 @Pennsylvania 6 0 Villanova 3 3 Dartmouth 4 3 Harvard 2 4 Harvard 11 4 Fordham 5 2 Navy 8 6 Princeton 5 2 Princeton 0 2 @Brown 4 4 @Brown 5 0 @Yale 1 0 Rutgers 2 2 Manhattan 1 7 Southern Conn. 5 9 John Jay 7 4 Navy 1 1976 (14-11) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: M.R. Sloan 0 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 2 1 City Coll. of N.Y. 10 1 Wagner 3 5 St. John’s 14 10 Merchant Marine 2 8 RPI 4 7 Columbia 4 2 Pennsylvania (9) 3 2 Pennsylvania 3 4 Villanova 2 8 Yale 4 3 Brown 2 7 Brown 4 3 Manhattan 1 4 @Navy 11 0 @Princeton 1 5 @Princeton 8 12 @Rutgers 13 2 Cornell 1 5 Cornell 3 3 @Fordham 12 9 @Dartmouth 7 8 @Harvard (13) 7 4 @Harvard 3 13 John Jay 0 1 @Navy 13 1977 (6-19) Coach: Eric Tipton Captain: W.C. Chellman 5 Wagner 2 0 Seton Hall 12 3 @RPI 5 3 Rutgers 7 2 @Pennsylvania 14 2 @Columbia 4 3 @Columbia 10 5 Villanova 7 9 @Brown 10 6 @Yale 0 2 @Yale 0 0 Manhattan 9 0 @Cornell 9 4 @Cornell 5 0 Navy 7 8 Navy 16
4 3 0 4 2 3 3 1 1
Fordham Harvard Dartmouth Dartmouth St. John’s @Lafayette Merchant Marine John Jay Navy
19 10 3 3 8 8 2 0 11
1978 (10-17) Coach: Bill Permakoff Captain: P.G. Landry 4 Wagner 0 6 SUNY-Potsdam 2 3 Seton Hall 4 3 Seton Hall 5 3 York 2 4 @Rutgers 9 3 Pennsylvania 22 6 Columbia 5 8 Columbia 9 4 Villanova 3 5 Brown 3 4 Yale 1 8 Yale 3 1 @St. John’s 6 3 Manhattan 4 13 Cornell 5 3 Cornell 14 5 Fordham 16 1 Adelphi 15 1 @Navy 5 2 @Navy 3 4 Long Island 6 2 @Princeton 7 5 @Harvard 14 2 @Dartmouth 4 4 @Dartmouth 3 0 @Navy 16 1979 (19-16) Coach: Bill Permakoff Captain: P.H. Taylor 0 N.Y. Mets (Ex.) 19 6 Oral Roberts* 5 0 Seattle* 4 9 @Cal.-Riverside* 13 9 Brigham Young* 12 4 Oregon* (12) 3 6 Maine* 2 14 Indiana* 10 6 St. Francis (N.Y.) 15 5 Iona 4 3 @Seton Hall 4 8 St. Peter’s 0 2 Manhattan 8 8 Rutgers 6 3 @Columbia 5 10 Wagner 3 4 Villanova 9 11 @Yale 9 4 @Brown 2 8 @Brown 5 9 @Pennsylvania 4 17 @Pennsylvania 4 7 John Jay 0 2 @Cornell 6 0 @Cornell 8 5 St. John’s 2 4 @Fordham (10) 5 0 Navy 22 4 Princeton 3 5 Princeton 4 7 @Lafayette 15 7 Pace 8 8 Dartmouth 5 0 Harvard 7
2 Harvard 13 Bucknell
6 7
*Cal.-Riverside Tournament
1980 (15-20) Coach: Bill Permakoff Captain: R.D. Schiefer 8 @Louisiana State 11 3 @McNeese State 6 3 @McNeese State 11 8 @SW Louisiana 10 2 @SW Louisiana 3 5 @Tulane 10 8 Hofstra 5 3 Connecticut 2 11 Fairleigh Dickinson 4 10 Pace 4 10 Manhattan 1 5 @Rutgers 2 4 Columbia 7 4 Pennsylvania 0 5 Pennsylvania 2 5 Villanova 10 6 @St. John’s 25 5 St. Peter’s 7 2 Yale 3 5 Brown 4 10 Brown 13 3 Seton Hall 11 8 Iona 7 8 John Jay 3 0 Cornell 2 0 Cornell 2 5 Fordham 8 4 @Navy 2 6 @Princeton 4 2 @Princeton 6 9 Wagner 11 9 Lafayette 11 13 Dartmouth 12 6 @Harvard 4 5 @Harvard 10 1981 (21-20) Coach: Bill Permakoff Captains: P.J. Divis, J.D. Bagwell 5 Delaware 6 6 Stetson 5 2 Louisville 5 4 Stetson 13 8 Louisville 11 4 Delaware 10 2 Delaware 17 3 Louisville 2 2 St. Peter’s (10) 1 1 New York Tech 3 12 Long Island 0 5 Long Island 9 5 Fairleigh Dickinson 4 17 St. Francis (N.Y.) 6 3 @Seton Hall 10 7 @Seton Hall 3 5 @Connecticut 3 9 @Connecticut 13 14 Manhattan 1 8 @Pennsylvania 2 3 @Columbia 9 3 @Columbia 2 4 @Iona 11 12 @Brown 9 10 @Yale 6 0 @Yale 12 6 @Fordham 8 12 John Jay 13 7 @Siena 4 1 @Cornell 4 1 @Cornell 5
14 8 4 4 3 14 21 9 7 2
Villanova Wagner Princeton Navy Navy Fairfield Merchant Marine Harvard Dartmouth Dartmouth
11 10 1 2 7 4 12 3 4 5
1982 (19-19) Coach: Bill Permakoff Captains: K.F. DeHart, T.J. Morris 14 Pittsburgh* 13 5 Eastern Kentucky* 7 1 @Rollins* 17 14 Pittsburgh* 8 7 Eastern Kentucky* 11 6 @Rollins* 9 10 Fairleigh Dickinson 2 4 St. Peter’s 3 5 @Long Island 17 10 St. Francis (N.Y.) 11 4 @New York Tech 11 4 St. John’s 7 4 Columbia 1 9 Columbia 7 12 @Iona (5) 11 9 Niagara 5 3 Siena 2 4 Cornell 12 1 Cornell 5 29 @Fordham 13 5 Pennsylvania 10 4 Pennsylvania 5 14 Manhattan 5 19 Brown 6 9 Brown 7 1 Yale 10 5 Yale 2 6 Wagner 14 2 Princeton 6 5 Princeton (13) 6 7 @Navy 6 17 @Navy 5 8 @Fairfield 7 9 Utica 6 3 @Harvard 2 0 @Harvard 1 1 @Dartmouth 11 0 @Dartmouth (8) 1 *Rollins Invitational 1983 (12-25-1) Coach: Bill Permakoff Captain: Kevin Batule 1 Detroit Tigers(Ex.) 11 15 Georgetown 2 4 @Tampa (10) 4 8 @South Florida 1 4 @Eckerd 6 1 Air Force 10 6 SUNY-Cortland 5 9 Brooklyn (6) 8 6 Long Island 12 6 Long Island 2 6 New York Tech 9 3 Wagner 6 6 @St. Peter’s 11 14 John Jay 3 4 John Jay 2 13 Manhattan 3 1 St. Francis (N.Y.) 5 3 @Columbia 0 1 @Columbia 2 5 @Siena 7 6 @Seton Hall 13
8 5 4 0 4 4 5 2 0 5 2 6 1 3 5 10 4 3
@Yale @Yale @Brown @Brown @Connecticut Iona Fordham Navy Navy Princeton Princeton Fairfield @Pennsylvania @Pennsylvania Dartmouth Dartmouth Harvard Harvard
4 10 9 13 5 5 13 6 12 10 6 5 2 11 10 3 7 5
1984 (10-27) Coach: Bill Permakoff Captain: A.L. Hartman 0 N.Y. Mets (Ex.) 6 4 @San Diego 7 3 @San Diego 9 4 @U.S. International 11 6 @San Diego State 15 2 @Pt. Loma-Nazarene 7 10 @Calif.-San Diego 17 5 New York Tech 11 6 John Jay 5 1 John Jay 5 8 SUNY-Cortland 2 13 @Iona 11 6 St. John’s 12 1 St. Francis (N.Y.) 11 5 Buffalo 3 3 Columbia 12 1 Columbia 14 3 Pennsylvania 8 7 Pennsylvania 14 4 St. Peter’s 3 13 Fordham 5 10 Brooklyn 3 9 Siena 2 6 Brown 8 5 Brown 14 5 Yale 9 5 Yale 2 4 Cornell 8 4 Cornell 10 3 @Navy 13 7 @Navy 8 3 @Princeton 5 3 @Princeton 1 6 @Fairfield 12 6 @Dartmouth 7 3 @Dartmouth 9 6 @Harvard 11 3 @Harvard 13 1985 (17-21-1) Coach: Bill Permakoff Captain: M.T. Brown 5 Creighton 1 2 Creighton 9 10 Southern Illinois 12 5 @Florida Atlantic 9 19 @Barry 7 2 @St. Thomas 7 11 Wesleyan 9 10 John Jay 2 4 John Jay 3 10 @St. John’s 12 20 SUNY-New Paltz 1 13 SUNY-New Paltz 4 7 Manhattan 3 10 New York Tech 16
5 7 8 4 5 8 8 13 3 3 6 10 3 2 2 12 6 4 9 4 3 3 2 0 1
King’s 0 King’s 5 @Siena 10 @Cornell 5 @Cornell 0 Fordham 1 @Pennsylvania 3 @Pennsylvania 3 Columbia 4 Columbia 1 William Paterson 6 @Yale 6 @Yale 5 @Brown 3 @Brown 4 Brooklyn 5 Iona 7 Princeton 12 Princeton 11 Navy 7 Navy 5 Dartmouth 6 Dartmouth 5 Harvard 5 Harvard 13 1986 (23-13-1) Coach: Dan Roberts Captain: L.L. Tubbs 0 Houston Astros (Ex.) 9 16 @Barry 2 2 @Fla. International 8 8 Georgetown 5 13 Maine 7 9 Maine 7 4 @Fla. International 10 4 Georgetown 3 3 John Jay 1 7 John Jay 1 8 @Iona 0 8 C.W. Post 0 8 Pennsylvania 2 3 Pennsylvania 2 2 Navy 1 8 Navy 5 12 St. Francis (N.Y.) 2 12 William Paterson 6 1 @Princeton 0 9 @Princeton 6 1 @Cornell 3 3 @Cornell 4 8 Pace 21 4 St. John’s 4 8 Columbia 7 1 Columbia 2 4 @Yale 10 12 @Yale 2 0 @Brown 1 4 @Brown 5 17 Siena 9 1 Harvard 2 3 Harvard 4 3 Dartmouth 2 1 Dartmouth 8 8 @Fordham (11) 5 7 Brooklyn 6 6 @New York Tech 17 1987 (22-20) Coach: Dan Roberts Captain: E.S. Everton 5 Liberty 3 1 West Chester 3 7 @Fla. International 1 5 West Chester 3 2 Liberty 5 3 Maine (10) 5 8 @Fla. International 0 0 LaSalle 3
YEAR-BY-YEAR RESULTS 7 4 2 17 14 3 5 1 3 5 4 1 1 4 2 2 7 6 10 4 7 3 10 15 0 2 2 2 6 14 27 4 4 0
@Barry 4 John Jay 12 Monmouth 5 Monmouth 5 Iona 5 @Pennsylvania 2 @Pennsylvania 2 Navy 6 Navy 6 William Paterson 11 Princeton 2 Princeton (8) 0 @St. John’s 7 @Siena 7 @Columbia 0 @Columbia 4 @Pace 10 C.W. Post 9 Brown 0 Brown 2 Yale 4 Yale 2 Long Island 4 King’s 1 @Harvard 3 @Harvard 4 @Dartmouth 8 @Dartmouth 3 Fordham 8 Brooklyn 1 St. Francis (N.Y.) 5 New York Tech 3 Cornell (8) 3 Cornell 2
1988 (15-22-1) Coach: Dan Roberts Captain: C. LeMay 17 Georgetown 9 4 @Fla. International 5 5 LaSalle 17 15 Georgetown 7 0 @Fla. International 5 6 LaSalle 8 5 Southern Illinois 12 15 @Barry 12 5 John Jay 1 4 St. Francis (N.Y.) 2 5 St. John’s 5 1 Navy 2 0 Navy 2 2 Pennsylvania 1 1 Pennsylvania 3 4 William Paterson 6 4 @Cornell 1 5 @Cornell 3 1 @Princeton 4 3 @Princeton 2 11 Pace 6 2 @C.W. Post 8 2 Columbia 9 3 Columbia 6 2 @Long Island 3 3 Siena 15 7 @Brown 2 3 @Brown 5 0 @Yale 11 9 @Yale 4 3 Brooklyn 2 7 @Fordham 6 3 Dartmouth (11) 5 2 Dartmouth 3 7 Harvard 4 3 Harvard 5 5 Monmouth 13 0 @New York Tech 18
1989 (22-18) Coach: Dan Roberts Captain: R.S. Kimbrough
13 6 14 0 0 8 3 5 9 5 6 3 6 1 7 2 7 0 4 10 2 3 7 8 3 4 4 9 10 9 9 9 3 4 13 4 3 7 6 4
James Madison 6 @Fla. International 5 Georgetown 7 @Fla. International 8 James Madison 2 Georgetown 9 @Barry 4 King’s 0 King’s 0 Fairleigh Dickinson 1 John Jay 2 Monmouth 1 Monmouth 10 @St. John’s (11) 2 Navy 4 Navy 5 @Pennsylvania 9 @Pennsylvania 4 Iona 5 Cornell 2 Cornell 6 Princeton 4 Princeton 2 Pace 4 @Siena 2 @Columbia 3 @Columbia 3 Long Island 7 St. Francis (N.Y.) 11 Brown 12 Brown 2 Yale 1 Yale (8) 2 Brooklyn 5 Fordham 2 @Dartmouth 7 @Dartmouth (10) 4 @Harvard 4 @Harvard 0 New York Tech 5
1990 (23-17-1) Coach: Dan Roberts Captain: B.S. Smith 15 Louisville 10 3 Vanderbilt 7 4 @Armstrong State 5 4 @St. Leo 7 5 Western Michigan 9 0 @South Florida 3 11 @Embry-Riddle 1 16 @Embry-Riddle 5 3 @South Florida 5 8 @Wheaton 5 12 @Fair. Dickinson 2 3 College of St. Rose 4 9 College of St. Rose 5 3 William Paterson 2 3 @Long Island 4 10 Navy 3 8 Navy 0 2 Pennsylvania 4 2 Pennsylvania 3 4 Iona 5 6 @Cornell 3 7 @Cornell 2 7 @Princeton 3 0 @Princeton 1 3 Pace 5 11 Siena 4 2 Columbia 1 8 Columbia 0 2 Monmouth 1 2 Monmouth 1 8 St. John’s 6
7 5 7 7 4 0 2 11 1 5
@Yale @Yale @Brown @Brown Brooklyn Harvard Harvard Dartmouth Dartmouth @N.Y. Tech
2 3 9 6 3 1 5 2 9 (13) 5
1991 (21-13-1) Coach: Dan Roberts Captain: M.J. Tripp 6 Air Force 9 4 Air Force 5 15 @Rhodes 4 9 Providence 11 4 @Fla. Atlantic 1 3 @Fla. Atlantic 22 6 Rutgers (10) 5 7 @Barry 6 4 Ohio State 10 2 William Paterson 4 5 Long Island 0 7 @Seton Hall 3 3 Iona 4 4 Navy 1 6 Navy (9) 5 3 Pennsylvania 1 6 Pennsylvania 11 9 Pace 8 2 @Harvard 1 5 @Harvard 4 4 @Dartmouth 1 4 @Dartmouth (10) 5 3 @St. John’s 3 10 St. Francis (N.Y.) 6 2 @Yale 1 1 @Yale 5 2 @Columbia 1 2 Princeton 4 2 Princeton 1 5 Cornell 2 2 Cornell 3 2 @Columbia 3 3 @Brown 1 12 @Brown 8 8 C.W. Post 4 1992 (13-26) Coach: Dan Roberts Captain: D.T. Borowicz 5 Air Force$ 2 1 Notre Dame$ 2 2 Navy$ 3 2 Memphis State$ 6 5 Rutgers 7 2 Rutgers 3 4 @Fla. Atlantic 5 5 @Fla. Atlantic 6 1 @Nova 11 8 @St. Thomas 6 6 @Barry 7 10 Mercy 3 2 C.W. Post 3 2 C.W. Post 5 5 C.W. Post 6 6 @Navy 2 9 @Navy 7 1 @Pennsylvania 4 7 @Pennsylvania 0 3 Pace 1 10 Seton Hall 2 4 Harvard 18 6 Harvard 11 3 Dartmouth (8) 2 8 Dartmouth 2
3 St. John’s 11 0 Yale 1 0 Yale 6 1 Columbia 2 6 Columbia 5 5 @Pace 6 5 @Princeton 6 1 @Princeton 3 4 @Cornell (8) 5 7 @Cornell 13 11 @Fordham 3 7 Monmouth 12 2 Brown 1 5 Brown 7 $Service Acad. Classic 1993 (17-22) Coach: Dan Roberts Captains: D.J. Bohrer, L.P. Boyce, S.C. Reich 8 Air Force$ 6 5 Navy$ 7 0 @Memphis State$ 2 1 Minnesota$ (12) 2 8 @Air Force 5 4 @Air Force 10 2 @Air Force 12 9 @Air Force 10 8 @Chapman 16 8 @Long Beach State 6 1 @Chapman 4 7 William Paterson (8) 9 7 C.W. Post (6) 9 1 Fordham 3 1 Fordham 4 2 Holy Cross 0 11 Holy Cross 6 7 Pace 2 0 @Seton Hall 4 8 Colgate 6 6 Colgate 9 10 Navy 5 2 Navy 1 15 @St. John’s 18 4 St. Francis (N.Y.) 5 5 @Lafayette 6 2 @Lafayette 3 12 @Lehigh 5 1 @Lehigh 2 1 @Holy Cross 0 5 @Holy Cross 6 1 @Fordham 2 1 @Fordham 3 14 Drexel 11 5 Bucknell 1 3 Bucknell 1 15 @Colgate 2 8 @Colgate 0 2 New York Tech 0 $Service Acad. Classic 1994 (25-17) Coach: Dan Roberts Captains: S.C. Carney, M.A. Plaia 4 Navy$ (7) 3 1 Air Force$ (8) 6 5 @Memphis$ (7) 12 2 Navy$ (7) 3 4 Rowan 11 12 Columbia 9 6 @Fla. Atlantic 16 6 @Fla. Atlantic 2 5 @Barry 8 4 Detroit 15 4 Providence 5 4 Wesleyan 9 11 William Paterson (8) 12
8 Colgate 0 3 Colgate 0 1 @Navy 6 10 @Navy 4 8 Seton Hall (7) 7 3 C.W. Post 11 1 @Fordham 4 8 @Fordham 7 12 @Holy Cross 9 8 @Holy Cross 6 5 St. Francis (N.Y.) 4 4 Lafayette 0 5 Lafayette 2 5 Lehigh 0 8 Lehigh 7 3 Fairfield 5 9 Marist 5 3 Holy Cross 0 4 Holy Cross (9) 3 4 Fordham (8) 5 12 Fordham 5 6 Monmouth 5 10 @Bucknell 4 7 @Bucknell 1 13 @Colgate 0 7 @Colgate 2 9 Fordham 2 4 Navy* 8 6 Navy* 7 $Service Acad. Classic *Patriot League Tournament 1995 (22-23) Coach: Dan Roberts Captains: A.L. O’Neal, M.J. Trotter 6 Air Force$ 1 6 Kentucky$ 8 4 Navy$ 5 1 @Memphis$ 6 3 LeMoyne 2 4 LeMoyne 1 7 Air Force 19 1 Air Force 4 2 Air Force 3 1 @South Florida 13 7 @South Florida 5 11 @Lafayette 8 14 @Lafayette 4 9 @Lafayette (8) 10 11 @Lafayette 3 1 Pace 2 2 William Paterson 12 11 Holy Cross 1 5 Holy Cross 1 12 Holy Cross 1 4 Holy Cross 2 0 @Seton Hall 1 2 @Bucknell 6 5 @Bucknell 3 5 @Bucknell 9 7 @Bucknell 3 1 @St. John’s 6 5 St. Francis (N.Y.) 6 3 Fairfield 4 5 @Marist 3 0 @Lehigh 2 4 @Lehigh 3 4 @Lehigh 0 9 @Lehigh 5 13 Monmouth 2 18 St. Peter’s 1 9 Fordham 1 2 Fordham 5 5 Fordham 8 10 Fordham 5 6 Wagner 9
4 Navy (8) 7 12 Navy 7 7 Navy 8 3 Navy 23 $Service Acad. Classic 1996 (20-21) Coach: Dan Roberts Captain: W.E. Mullee 3 Air Force$ 4 3 Notre Dame$ 12 8 Navy$ 6 0 Memphis$ 13 8 @Saint Leo 10 7 @Fla. Southern 13 8 @Eckerd 18 2 @South Florida 20 7 @South Florida 19 7 @Fla. Southern 6 8 Rhode Island 3 11 @Pace 3 6 Lafayette 1 5 Lafayette 1 3 Lafayette 0 4 Lafayette 2 16 Seton Hall (8) 11 3 @Columbia 13 4 Bucknell 1 6 Bucknell 5 6 Bucknell 10 7 Bucknell (9) 8 13 St. Francis (N.Y.) 12 1 @Holy Cross 4 9 @Holy Cross 1 13 @Holy Cross 9 0 @Holy Cross 1 13 Fairfield 6 11 Marist 3 4 @Navy 13 6 @Navy 7 3 @Navy 4 12 @Navy 8 11 St. Peter’s 2 5 Monmouth 7 4 Lehigh 5 3 Lehigh 6 1 Lehigh 5 4 Lehigh 7 9 N.Y. Tech 3 9 Fairleigh Dickinson 5 $Service Acad. Classic
YEAR-BY-YEAR RESULTS 1997 (26-20-1) Coach: Dan Roberts Captains: P.S. Saxman, D.G. Young 0 Notre Dame$ 8 5 Air Force$ 6 9 @Tampa 15 3 @Tampa 8 9 @St. Leo 1 8 @South Florida 13 2 @South Florida 12 4 @Fla. Southern 5 3 Wagner (8) 3 12 Pace (8) 6 7 @Lafayette 4 11 @Lafayette 2 20 @Lafayette 7 4 @Lafayette 5 8 Columbia 7 2 @Bucknell 4 1 @Bucknell 6 5 @Bucknell 1 15 @Bucknell 9 12 @Marist 15 4 Temple 2 8 St. Francis (N.Y.) 9 15 Holy Cross (6) 5 16 Holy Cross 9 7 Holy Cross 6 6 Holy Cross 5 22 C.W. Post 12 3 Navy 1 1 Navy 7 9 Navy 8 9 Navy 2 13 St. Peter’s 11 7 William Paterson 5 9 @Lehigh 0 9 @Lehigh 4 5 @Lehigh 9 25 @Lehigh 8 20 @New York Tech 13 11 Fair. Dickinson (7) 15 16 Bucknell* 14 5 Bucknell* 6 11 Bucknell* 10 7 @Rutgers 16 0 @Rutgers 9 1 @Harvard# 12 6 @Harvard# 5 1 @Harvard# 4 $Service Acad. Classic *Patriot League Tournament
#NCAA Play-In Series 1998 (16-29) Coach: Dan Roberts Captains: B.C. Price, M.S. Scioletti 3 Mississippi$ 14 4 Air Force$ 3 0 Navy$ 2 4 Memphis$ 15 2 Winthrop 5 1 The Citadel 10 4 Troy State (5) 10 3 @Tampa 8 5 @St. Leo 11 13 Louisville 14 2 @St. Leo 10 1 @South Florida 13 5 @Florida Southern 1 3 Wagner 4 7 @Pace 5 0 Bucknell 5 7 Bucknell 5 6 Bucknell 2 5 Bucknell 4
2 William Paterson 3 2 @Holy Cross 0 3 @Holy Cross 6 3 @Holy Cross 2 1 @Holy Cross 3 0 St. Francis (N.Y.) 9 5 Marist 14 7 @Navy 19 3 @Navy 16 2 @Navy 7 8 @Navy (8) 9 3 @C.W. Post 16 2 St. John’s 8 8 Lehigh 5 11 Lehigh 3 8 Lehigh 7 2 Lehigh 1 2 Fairleigh Dickinson 7 16 Pennsylvania 7 5 Lafayette 10 5 Lafayette 1 4 Lafayette 1 7 Lafayette 6 5 Temple 17 4 New York Tech 6 1 Bucknell* 9 $Service Acad. Classic *Patriot League Tournament
1999 (15-28) Coach: Dan Roberts Captain: B.E. Supko 3 Air Force$ 10 3 Memphis$ 6 4 Navy$ 7 13 West Virginia$ (8) 14 1 @James Madison 4 4 @James Madison 21 4 @James Madison 14 0 @St. Leo 5 8 @Florida Southern 3 4 @Tampa 5 6 @Florida 10 15 Merrimack 3 3 UMass-Lowell 4 0 Wagner 4 5 Pace 4 4 William Paterson 5 4 Columbia 1 3 @Bucknell 2 12 @Bucknell 9 0 @Bucknell 6 5 @Bucknell 7 10 @Marist 15 5 Holy Cross 8 5 Holy Cross 6 2 Holy Cross 8 3 Holy Cross 5 16 C.W. Post 14 12 St. Francis (N.Y.) 7 0 Navy 3 2 Navy (8) 6 9 Navy 5 1 Navy 10 1 Fairleigh Dickinson 5 2 Temple 12 4 @Lehigh 2 3 @Lehigh 0 8 @Lehigh 1 1 @Lehigh 3 7 @New York Tech 9 25 @Lafayette 3 7 @Lafayette 1 3 @Lafayette 8 8 @Lafayette (12) 5 $Service Acad. Classic
2000 (24-20-1) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: T.C. Mattox, S.M. Salmon 1 Air Force$ 14 5 Memphis$ 4 0 Navy$ 9 2 @James Madison 25 0 @James Madison 5 2 @James Madison (9) 3 6 @James Madison 16 8 Pennsylvania 7 9 UMass-Lowell (10) 8 4 @Tampa 18 5 @Florida Southern 4 7 @South Florida 14 5 @Eckerd 1 5 Cornell 3 7 William Paterson 6 3 @Holy Cross (12) 4 3 @Holy Cross 3 7 @Holy Cross 4 3 @Holy Cross 9 9 Fairfield 5 4 Marist 7 6 @Navy 5 1 @Navy 4 11 @Navy 6 3 @Navy (8) 4 11 St. Francis (N.Y.) 3 1 Lehigh 0 5 Lehigh 3 4 Lehigh 3 6 Lehigh 11 8 Temple 7 5 Lafayette 3 4 Lafayette (8) 5 5 Stony Brook (9) 7 8 Manhattan 6 1 Bucknell 19 10 Bucknell 8 8 Bucknell (9) 7 10 Bucknell (9) 15 13 @Holy Cross 2 5 Bucknell* 4 13 @Navy* 4 8 @Navy* (10) 7 3 @Rutgers** 4 1 Penn State** 3 $Service Acad. Classic *Patriot League Tournament
**NCAA Regional 2001 (17-27-1) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: B. Adams, G.J. Gengler 0 Air Force$ 5 4 Navy$ 7 7 Memphis$ 11 10 Navy$ 12 8 @UMBC (8) 10 4 @UMBC 2 2 @Towson 13 0 @Towson 8 7 UMass-Lowell (10) 6 5 @South Florida 2 3 @Florida Southern 12 7 @Tampa 15 14 Merrimack 5 1 Vermont 9 4 Binghamton (8) 4 12 Holy Cross 4 9 Holy Cross 6 3 Holy Cross 4 0 Holy Cross 4 8 Albany 5 6 @Marist 0
14 Navy 8 3 Navy 2 2 Navy 6 1 Navy 3 7 C.W. Post 8 9 St. Francis 10 8 @Lehigh 9 5 @Lehigh (8) 2 4 @Lehigh 1 1 @Lehigh 2 9 Manhattan 12 9 Pace 12 6 @Lafayette 2 8 @Lafayette 12 7 @Lafayette 12 13 @Lafayette 9 14 Monmouth (8) 17 6 Stony Brook 13 12 @Bucknell 1 1 @Bucknell 4 13 @Bucknell 0 4 @Bucknell 5 11 @New York Tech 20 12 Fordham 7 $Service Acad. Classic 2002 (22-21) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: B.L. Elliott, J.H. Minney 2 @VMI 5 2 @VMI 4 6 Hofstra 5 11 Hofstra 6 1 Hofstra 2 9 Hofstra 0 1 @Marist 3 8 Sacred Heart 2 5 Sacred Heart (11) 4 4 Wright State 7 3 Vermont 14 4 South Florida 19 1 Florida 17 2 @Navy (8) 3 2 @Navy 3 11 @Navy 12 10 @Navy 3 1 Lehigh 3 5 Lehigh 1 0 Lehigh 8 4 Lehigh 1 3 @C.W. Post 7 1 Marist 10 5 Lafayette 6 3 Lafayette 6 5 Lafayette 9 2 Lafayette 14 12 Manhattan 4 1 Brown 8 7 Bucknell 3 5 Bucknell 2 4 Bucknell (10) 3 11 Bucknell 2 6 St. Francis (N.Y.) 0 6 @Holy Cross 1 4 @Holy Cross 0 2 @Holy Cross 0 6 @Holy Cross 0 7 New York Tech 8 2 Pace 0 4 Pace (10) 3 3 @Pace 2 9 Albany 2
2003 (17-25-1) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captain: J.M. Holden 2 Niagara (8) 5 6 Niagara (6) 5 2 Niagara 5 4 @Hofstra (7) 6 3 @South Florida 4 0 @Florida 16 2 Indiana 5 2 Northeastern 9 0 Northwestern 3 8 @Sacred Heart 3 3 Fairfield 3 0 Navy 2 1 Navy 5 6 Navy 5 5 Navy 8 5 Quinnipiac 0 0 @Lehigh 2 3 @Lehigh 5 3 @Lehigh 1 3 @Lehigh 4 5 @Marist 15 5 @Lafayette (9) 4 0 @Lafayette 7 7 @Lafayette 6 4 @Lafayette 3 11 Manhattan 9 9 Pace 0 1 @Bucknell 2 5 @Bucknell 1 0 @Bucknell 9 7 @Bucknell 6 7 St. Peter’s 2 13 St. Francis (N.Y.) 18 1 Holy Cross 5 8 Holy Cross 7 2 Holy Cross 7 5 Holy Cross (15) 4 7 Temple 23 3 Monmouth 6 3 New York Tech 5 11 New York Tech 4 2 @New York Tech 12 12 Siena 11 2004 (37-15) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captain: J.W. Bumgardner
6 0 6 7 6 7 3 2 7 12 6 1 9 6 3 6 2 14 3 9 6 6 4 10 2 1 13 15 6 6 12 8
@UT-San Antonio(11) 7 @UT-San Antonio 4 @UT-San Antonio 3 @UMBC 1 @UMBC 0 @UMBC 6 @Villanova 4 @LaSalle 3 @LaSalle 9 Columbia 4 Fairleigh Dickinson0 Miami (Ohio) 8 @Florida 5 Columbia (10) 7 Wright State 15 Iowa 2 Sacred Heart 0 St. Francis (N.Y.) (7) 5 Lehigh 10 Lehigh 8 Lehigh 3 Lehigh 3 New York Tech (8) 3 Lafayette 0 Lafayette (11) 1 Lafayette 0 Lafayette (7) 7 Marist 14 Bucknell 4 Bucknell 3 Bucknell 4 Bucknell 4
8 17 6 2 6 7 16 10 3 15 5 18 9 7 3 4 3 16 0 1
Manhattan 1 Pace 13 @Holy Cross 1 @Holy Cross 3 @Holy Cross 2 @Holy Cross 0 Hofstra 5 @Navy 2 @Navy 4 @Navy 2 @Navy (11) 4 @Sacred Heart 6 @Columbia 0 @Columbia 8 Columbia 4 Columbia 1 Lafayette* 1 Lafayette* 2 @LSU** 9 Coll. of Charleston** 2
*Patriot League Tournament
**NCAA Regional 2005 (39-14) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: N.M. Stone, S.C. Williamson 4 @Coll. of Charleston 8 9 @Coll. of Charleston 13 2 @Coll. of Charleston 9 3 @Duke 13 8 @Duke 6 2 @Duke 3 13 Columbia 0 12 Columbia 2 6 Columbia 0 5 @South Florida 4 9 Fairleigh Dickinson0 3 Massachusetts 0 4 Sacred Heart 2 1 @St. Francis (N.Y.) 0 10 @St. Francis (N.Y.) 0 21 New York Tech 1 2 Quinnipiac 4 1 @Lehigh 2 7 @Lehigh (10) 2 7 @Lehigh 2 1 @Lehigh 5 4 Temple 3 5 @Lafayette 3 8 @Lafayette 3 10 @Lafayette 5 10 @Lafayette 8 7 Manhattan 15 6 @Bucknell 1 4 @Bucknell 2 0 @Bucknell 7 9 @Bucknell 2 6 Connectciut 5 3 Holy Cross 1 7 Holy Cross 1 8 Holy Cross 1 12 Holy Cross 6 4 Fairfield 1 3 Navy 0 6 Navy 1 11 Navy 5 3 Navy 2 7 @Siena 3 15 Savannah State 2 5 Savannah State 3 8 Savannah State 4 3 Stony Brook 5 6 Lehigh* 2 10 Lehigh* 1 9 Rhode Island 5 4 Rhode Island 10 2 @Florida State** 3 8 South Alabama** 5 3 Auburn** 12 *Patriot League Tournament
**NCAA Regional
YEAR-BY-YEAR RESULTS 2006 (30-20-1) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: D.J. Pluff, M.C.P. Jones 0 Kentucky$ 9 2 Kentucky$ 9 4 @UT-San Antonio$ 5 5 @Davidson 4 8 Appalachian St. 11 2 Appalachian St. 4 4 @UMBC 10 2 @UMBC 5 3 @UMBC 2 14 Columbia 3 1 Columbia 0 8 Columbia 0 2 @South Florida 8 3 Fairleigh Dickinson 1 10 Fairleigh Dickinson 1 6 Massachusetts 5 3 Sacred Heart 4 14 Wagner 0 14 Wagner 1 4 @Wagner (10) 3 6 Quinnipiac (10) 6 5 Lafayette 16 2 Lafayette 11 3 Lafayette 2 4 Lafayette 5 10 Marist 3 0 Bucknell 4 2 Bucknell 9 0 Bucknell 1 1 Bucknell 6 9 Iona 1 7 Manhattan 1 2 @Holy Cross 1 5 @Holy Cross 1 8 @Holy Cross 1 8 @Holy Cross 7 6 Marist# 1 4 @Navy 0 0 @Navy 2 4 @Navy 1 6 @Navy 1 7 St. Francis (N.Y.) 5 8 Lehigh 1 5 Lehigh 6 1 Lehigh 3 5 Lehigh 3 8 St. Peter’s 0 9 New York Tech 4 4 @New York Tech 3 4 New York Tech 15 5 Stony Brook (10) 4 $UTSA Classic #Hudson Valley Classic 2007 (25-23-1) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: M.J. Dinga, T.M. Halverson 5 @Sam Houston St. 2 3 @Sam Houston St. 16 3 @Sam Houston St. 6 3 @Wofford (10) 6 2 @Wofford 5 4 @Wofford 3 1 @UNC Greensboro 2 5 @UNC Greensboro 13 9 @UNC Greensboro 1 7 Georgetown 6 4 E. Kentucky (12) 3 4 @Central Florida 12 3 @Florida 5 10 Northwestern 3 0 Cornell 2 3 Cornell (10) 2
16 Cornell 5 5 Quinnipiac (11) 5 2 @Lafayette 3 2 @Lafayette 5 4 @Lafayette 5 3 @Lafayette 5 3 @Bucknell 0 3 @Bucknell (10) 4 4 @Bucknell 3 4 @Bucknell 5 9 Iona 2 4 Manhattan 9 3 Holy Cross 0 9 Holy Cross (10) 8 5 @Marist (13) 6 4 Navy (8) 3 4 Navy 6 1 Navy (9) 0 11 Navy 3 2 NJIT 7 2 @Lehigh 1 9 @Lehigh 5 2 @Lehigh (8) 1 7 @Lehigh 3 6 Marist# 7 5 Holy Cross 3 2 Longwood 1 10 Longwood 16 3 Longwood (10) 2 5 New York Tech (10) 4 5 Navy* 3 3 @Lafayette* 8 3 @Lafayette* 7 #Hudson Valley Classic *Patriot League Tournament
2008 (25-25) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: C.K. Simmons, K.R. Stramara 1 La.-Lafayette$ 2 1 Oral Roberts$ 9 2 @UT-San Antonio$ 8 2 Texas Tech$ 16 4 @UMBC 3 4 @UMBC 8 23 @UMBC 0 5 @Liberty 11 7 @Liberty 13 7 @Liberty 15 2 @Seton Hall 13 0 Massachusetts (8) 1 1 Massachusetts 7 12 Massachusetts 11 14 Dartmouth 7 18 Dartmouth 19 12 C. Connecticut 1 2 Quinnipiac 5 5 Bucknell 10 9 Bucknell (13) 8 5 Bucknell 8 1 Bucknell 3 19 @Columbia 8 0 @Holy Cross 9 16 @Holy Cross 0 1 @Holy Cross 2 8 @Holy Cross 1 13 Iona 5 9 Manhattan 6 14 @Navy 3 2 @Navy (8) 1 10 @Navy 2 7 @Navy 4 1 Marist 7 1 Lehigh 4 13 Lehigh 4 5 Lehigh 0 6 Lehigh 0
4 Lafayette 1 7 Lafayette 0 3 Lafayette 5 3 Lafayette 1 2 Marist# 11 9 NJIT 0 13 NJIT 4 3 @New York Tech 4 4 Bucknell* (10) 5 12 Bucknell* 3 0 Bucknell* 1 27 Sacred Heart 12 $UTSA Classic #Hudson Valley Classic *Patriot League Tournament
2009 (36-21) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: A.C. Ernesto, J.P. Polchinski 14 Ohio 5 4 @Davidson 11 4 Ohio 10 17 @USC-Upstate 10 2 @George Mason 8 1 @George Mason 7 6 @George Mason 8 2 Miami (Ohio) 3 12 Sacred Heart 11 3 Northern Iowa 0 8 @Central Florida 1 9 Illinois 8 1 Ohio State 3 4 Ohio State 8 16 Quinnipiac 3 2 Long Island 0 1 @Bucknell 2 2 @Bucknell 18 9 @Bucknell 2 5 @Bucknell (7) 7 18 Columbia 2 2 Holy Cross 11 4 Holy Cross 10 8 Holy Cross 1 5 Holy Cross 2 20 Iona 5 11 Manhattan 13 9 Navy 6 6 Navy 0 11 Navy 5 10 Navy 12 1 @Marist 3 6 @Lehigh 4 12 @Lehigh 0 5 @Lehigh 2 21 @Lehigh 8 5 Binghamton 2 12 @Lafayette 2 8 @Lafayette 14 12 @Lafayette 7 12 @Lafayette 10 10 Marist# 3 13 NJIT 4 16 NJIT 9 17 NJIT 0 4 New York Tech 2 5 Holy Cross* 1 3 Holy Cross* 5 11 Holy Cross* 0 6 Lafayette* 2 8 Lafayette* 1 8 Dartmouth 7 3 Dartmouth 11 1 @Texas** 3 7 Texas State** 4 4 Boston College** 3 10 @Texas** 14 #Hudson Valley Classic *Patriot League Tournament
**NCAA Regional
2010 (28-17) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: B.J. Koenigsfeld, C.C. Smith 14 Dayton 6 2 @Wake Forest 6 5 @Wake Forest 2 6 @UNC-Greensboro 3 9 @UNC-Greensboro 6 5 @UNC-Greensboro 10 12 Long Island 11 6 Yale 9 3 @Florida 9 13 Eastern Illinois 6 6 Bradley 8 1 Bradley 3 2 Ohio State 12 4 Cornell 10 4 Cornell 2 4 Cornell 0 5 Cornell 3 1 @Holy Cross 19 9 @Holy Cross 7 6 @Holy Cross 0 10 @Holy Cross 4 2 @Seton Hall 6 8 @Navy 6 11 @Navy 3 2 @Navy 4 5 @Navy 2 5 Iona 4 3 Lehigh 2 4 Lehigh 1 9 Lehigh 2 4 Lehigh 2 9 @Hofstra 11 11 Lafayette 2 7 Lafayette 8 7 Lafayette 4 5 Lafayette 2 4 Marist# 3 4 Bucknell 0 5 Bucknell 3 0 Bucknell 1 3 Bucknell 2 7 New York Tech 8 9 Bucknell* 11 6 Bucknell* 4 7 Bucknell* 11 #Hudson Valley Classic *Patriot League Tournament
2011 (22-26) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: B.J Koenigsfeld, L.C. Moore 4 Radford 7 10 @Davidson 6 8 Radford 18 4 Georgetown 7 6 @Maryland (13) 7 0 @Maryland 3 1 @Maryland 3 1 Ohio State 7 1 Akron 4 1 Pittsburgh 4 0 Pittsburgh 7 14 Ohio State 9 10 Massachusetts 9 2 Dartmouth 11 12 Indiana 10 5 Northwestern 2 12 Quinnipiac 0 0 Stony Brook 1 0 Stony Brook 11 11 Siena 8 2 Holy Cross 1 8 Holy Cross 3
6 Holy Cross 2 13 Holy Cross 7 3 Fairfield (8) 9 3 Navy 0 3 Navy 4 2 Navy 3 6 Navy (10) 5 2 @Lehigh 3 6 @Lehigh 8 6 @Lehigh 7 12 @Lehigh 9 10 Yale 2 7 @Lafayette 9 8 @Lafayette (12) 6 9 @Lafayette 0 12 @Lafayette 2 7 Marist# 15 4 @Bucknell 8 4 @Bucknell 7 4 @Bucknell 6 7 @Bucknell 4 4 Lafayette* 2 7 Lafayette* 3 3 Navy* 4 6 Navy* 3 3 Navy* 5 #Hudson Valley Classic *Patriot League Tournament
2012 (41-15) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: Z.M. Price, J.T Watkins 0 @High Point 2 5 @High Point 8 6 @High Point 1 11 @George Washington 6 5 @George Washington 0 0 @George Washington 1 5 @UMBC (10) 3 9 @UMBC 2 8 @UMBC 10 6 Sacred Heart 2 15 Sacred Heart 6 5 Sacred Heart 2 8 Nebraska-Omaha 3 5 Iowa 1 5 Illinois State 7 5 Illinois State 6 3 Quinnipiac 0 4 Harvard 2 5 Harvard 4 1 Harvard 0 7 Harvard (10) 6 5 Columbia 7 2 @Navy 0 6 @Navy 2 9 @Navy (9) 5 7 @Navy 2 11 Manhattan 18 1 Lehigh 0 8 Lehigh 4 11 Lehigh 6 17 Lehigh 8 14 @Siena 1 4 Fairleigh Dickinson 5 1 Lafayette 0 4 Lafayette 2 8 Lafayette 0 6 Lafayette 0 6 St. Peter’s 5 1 Bucknell 0 2 Bucknell 1 8 Bucknell 0 2 Bucknell (15) 1 3 Marist# 6 4 @Holy Cross 2 3 @Holy Cross 6
0 @Holy Cross 5 4 @Holy Cross 3 11 Bloomfield 5 7 Bloomfield 1 8 Lafayette* 7 6 Lafayette* 3 4 Holy Cross* 0 4 Holy Cross* 7 8 Holy Cross* 4 1 @Virginia** 9 1 Oklahoma** (10) 2 #Hudson Valley Classic *Patriot League Tournament
**NCAA Regional 2013 (29-23) Coach: Joe Sottolano Captains: G.R. Carroll, A.C. Johnson 4 @UNC Greensboro 7 5 @UNC Greensboro 8 6 Eastern Kentucky^ 8 5 Delaware State^ (10) 6 4 @Liberty 6 2 Siena% 10 3 @Liberty (11) 4 14 Yale 4 8 Yale 4 4 Yale 1 2 Indiana 4 13 Miami (Ohio) 7 7 North Dakota State 8 2 Dartmouth 5 12 NYIT 1 1 Columbia 5 9 NYIT 1 7 Siena 6 5 N.Y. Yankees (Ex.) 10 1 Navy 7 2 Navy 4 4 Navy 15 14 Navy 7 6 @Fairleigh Dickinson 4 1 @Lehigh 0 3 @Lehigh (10) 4 3 @Lehigh 1 10 @Lehigh 19 8 Fordham 2 2 @Lafayette 1 2 @Lafayette 1 8 @Lafayette 4 9 @Lafayette 4 3 Manhattan 4 7 @Bucknell 0 5 @Bucknell (10) 2 3 @Bucknell (8) 2 0 @Bucknell 5 10 Marist# 3 10 Holy Cross 6 7 Holy Cross 10 0 Holy Cross 2 9 Holy Cross 11 7 NYIT 2 4 Hartford 3 13 Nyack 0 4 Chestnut Hill 1 4 @Navy* 2 7 @Navy* 3 9 Holy Cross* 4 5 Holy Cross* 4 1 @Virginia** 2 5 UNC Wilmington** 9 ^Coca Cola Classic (Rock Hill, S.C.) %Liberty Tourney (Lynchburg, Va.)
#Hudson Valley Classic *Patriot League Tournament
**NCAA Regional
LETTERMEN LISTING ABBOTT ... ABELL ... ADAMS ... Abbott, S. .........................................................1902 Abell, B.E., 1995, 96, 97, 98 .................... 1998 Adams, B., 1998, 99, 00, 01 .................... 2001 Ahern, J.P.......................................................... 1941 Albright, O.S. .................................................. 1905 Albright, W.E., 1953, 54 ..............................1954 Anderegg, T.A., 2006, 07, 08, 09......... 2009 Anderson, E.B., 1973 ...................................1975 Anderson, R.E. ...............................................1912 Anderson, R.P., 1959, 60 .......................... 1960 Anderson, W.N., 1978 ..................................1978 Andrew, A.M., 1982 ......................................1982 Andrew, F.L., 1972, 73 .................................1973 Apple, D.A., 1976 ...........................................1976 Aquinas, M.J., 1950 ......................................1952 Araneo, G.P., 1976 .........................................1976 Arch, S.D., 1990, 91 ...................................... 1991 Arnold, C.L., 1946......................................... 1946 Artigliere, W.M., 1990 .................................1992 Atkinson, E.D., 1965, 66............................ 1966 Atkinson, J.E. ................................................. 1941 Avey, R.E., 1977, 78, 79 ...............................1979 Awbrey, L.D., 1996, 97, 98, 99 ................ 1999 BAGWELL ... BAILEY ... BAIRD ... Bagwell, J.D., 1979, 80, 81 ......................... 1981 Bailey, V.P., 1950, 51, 52 .............................1952 Baird, W.J. ........................................................1926 Balch, D.G., 1992, 93, 94 ........................... 1994 Banez, R.P., 1990, 91, 92, 93 ................... 1993 Barlow, W.S. .....................................................1897 Barnett, J.D. ....................................................1925 Bartok, L.J., 1971, 72, 73 .............................1973 Batule, K.M., 1981, 82, 83 ........................ 1983 Beasley, A.E. ..................................................1923 Beauchamp, C.E. .......................................... 1930 Beavers, G.W. ................................................. 1908 Bell, R.E. ............................................................1927 Bennett, E., 1970...........................................1970 Benson, J.W. .................................. January 1943 Berra, C. ............................................................1942 Beynon, J.L.......................................................1929 Bierer, E.S., 1948 .......................................... 1948 Billo, J.J. .............................................................1920 Bingham, L.L. ..................................................1924 Birenbaum, J.W., 2002, 03 .......................2005 Blackgrove, J.F., 1962, 63 ......................... 1963 Blaik, R.M., 1950, 51 ....................................1952 Blaik, E.H. .........................................................1920 Bleck, H.W., 1975 ...........................................1978 Bliss, A. .............................................................1925 Bloomberg, G., 1987, 88 ............................ 1989 Bodnar, S.A., 1998, 99, 00 ....................... 2001 Bohrer, D.J., 1990, 91, 92, 93................... 1993 Boice, W.M., 1961, 62, 63.......................... 1963 Bonesteel, C.H............................................... 1908 Bonnett, C.R. ...................................................1924 Boretti, K.P., 1980, 81.................................. 1981 Boretti, J., 1965, 66, 67 ..............................1967 Borowicz, D.T., 1989, 90, 91, 92 ..............1992
Boyce, B.P., 2000, 01, 02 ..........................2002 Boyce, L.P., 1990, 91, 92, 93 ................... 1993 Boyle, R.D., 1951, 52, 53 .............................1953 Boyle, M.J., 1961, 62.................................... 1963 Boytim, J.W., 2000.......................................2002 Bradley, O.N. .....................................................1915 Bramble, S.S., 2002, 03.............................2005 Brannon, L.T., 2004, 05 .............................2007 Brehm, C.D., 2005....................................... 2008 Brentnall, S.R. .................................................1928 Briant, C.H., 2011, 12.....................................2014 Bricker, E.D. .................................................... 1898 Bringham, R.A. ................................August 1917 Brinkley, M.W., 1972, 73 .............................1973 Britton, W.H. ................................................... 1916 Brower, S., 1987, 88, 89 ............................ 1989 Brown, C., 2001.............................................2004 Brown, M.T., 1984, 85 ............................... 1985 Brown, L............................................................ 1901 Brown, T.T. .......................................................1934 Brown, W.R., 1997, 98, 99, 00 ............... 2000 Browning, W.W. ..............................................1928 Brudvig, J.C., 1979, 80, 81.......................... 1981 Brudzynski, R., 1981 .................................... 1981 Brueggemann, K.K., 2009 ........................2012 Bryan, J.W. .......................................................1925 Buckley, J.E., 2011 .........................................2013 Buckley, M.T....................................................1923 Bumgardner, J.W., 2001, 02, 03, 04 .....2004 Burke, K.D., 2001 .........................................2004 Burke, W., 1987, 88 ..................................... 1990 Burt, R.J............................................................ 1896 Butler, D.L., 1954, 55, 56 ............................1956 Butts, J.W. ..........................................................1914 Byars, D.O. ........................................................ 1910
Nolan Cork
CAIRNS ... CANTRELL ... CAPKA ... Cairns, J.T., 1946........................................... 1946 Cantrell, G.L., 1967....................................... 1969 Capka, J.G., 1942, 43, 44 ............................1944 Capozzi, A.D., 2006, 07, 08, 09 ............ 2009 Cappello, D.J., 2002, 03, 04, 05 .............2005 Cardillo, R.G., 1953, 54, 55 ........................1955 Carll, T.J., 1962, 63, 64................................1965 Carlson, J.E., 1952 .........................................1952 Carmichael, R.L. ........................................... 1930 Carney, S.C., 1991, 92, 93, 94 .................. 1994 Carns, E.H.J. .....................................................1929 Carroll, G.R., 2011, 12, 13 .............................2014 Carter, M.W., 2012.........................................2012 Carter, W.V. ..................................................... 1904 Cascino, T.J., 1985, 86, 87.........................1987 Casey, T.J., 2011 .............................................2014 Caughey, J.H. ..................................................1935 Cenci, R.A., 1965, 66, 67............................1967 Cesari, D.J., 1982, 83 .................................. 1983 Cesarski, W.B., 1962 ................................... 1964 Chabot, R.A., 1944, 45, 46 ....................... 1946 Chellman, W.C., 1975, 76, 77..................... 1977 Chesnauskas, R.J., 1954, 55, 56 .............1956 Church, S.F., 1967 ........................................ 1969 Cini, M.N., 1997, 98, 99, 00 .................... 2000 Cipra, C.E., 2007 ............................................2010 Clark, F.W.......................................................... 1901 Clark, B.L., 1973, 74, 75 ..............................1975 Clarke, R.T., 1982, 83 ................................. 1983 Clement, W.L. ................................................ 1940 Clothier, J.A., 2005, 06, 07, 08 .............. 2008 Coan, G.P., 1967, 68, 69............................. 1969 Cobb, A.L. .........................................................1927 Cody, W.F., 1954, 55, 56 .............................1956 Coffey, J.W. .......................................August 1917 Coffin, W.E. ..................................................... 1916 Coll, B.E., 1989, 90 .......................................1992 Collins, J.W., 1942 ...............................June 1943 Connell, E.M., 2005, 06, 07 .....................2007 Conner, N.O. , 1956, 57, 58 ....................... 1958 Conover, R.F., 1946, 47, 48 ....................... 1948 Conrad, M.J., 1954, 55, 56 .........................1956 Conway, T.J. .....................................................1933 Cook, G.R. ..........................................................1912 Cooke, S.D., 2012, 13 ....................................2015 Cooper, M.W., 1999, 00, 01, 02...............2002 Cooper, V.W..................................................... 1904 Copp, A.W. ....................................................... 1904 Corbin, T.G........................................................ 1941 Cork, N.R., 2004 ...........................................2007 Corley, W.E. Jr..................................................1942 Cortes, D., 2012, 13 .......................................2015 Coughlin, J.G. ...................................................1932 Cousland, C.W. ................................................1924 Cowan, A.S. ..................................................... 1899 Cowell, T.R. ......................................................1897 Cragin, H.R. ......................................................1923 Craig, K.C., 1972, 73 .....................................1973 Craig, M............................................................ 1898 Crain, J.K. ......................................................... 1904
LETTERMEN LISTING Crane, L.T., 1960 ............................................1962 Critz, H.H...........................................................1935 Crowley, E.M., 1958, 59 ............................. 1960 Crucitti, J.N., 2011, 13 ...................................2014 Cruikshank, W.M. ....................................... 1893 Cummings, S.A., 2007, 08, 09, 10 ..........2010 Cupp, H.F., 1995, 96 .....................................1997 Curtin, R.D. ...................................................... 1939 Cygler, J., 1956, 57 ........................................1957 DABEZIES ... DALLAM ... DAMARÉ ... Dabezies, C.H..................................................1924 Dallam, S.F. ..................................................... 1896 Damaré, R.P., 1992, 93, 94, 95 ................1995 Daniel, S.A........................................................1932 Darby, C., 1957, 58, 59 ................................1959 Darnell, D.P., 2009, 10, 11 ............................2011 Dasher, C.L.......................................................1924 Datka, D., 1988 ............................................. 1989 Davenport, J.R. ...............................................1914 Davidson, B.A., 2013....................................2016 Davis, R.B., 2003, 06................................. 2006 Davis, R.J., 1962 ............................................ 1963 Davis, W.N. .............................................June 1918 Davis, G.W., 1945, 46, 47 ............................1947 Davis, T.E. .........................................................1920 Davis, J.J............................................................1935 Davis, T.W. ....................................................... 1939 Davis, J.D., 1989, 90, 91 ..............................1992 Davis, R.C., 2009, 12 ....................................2012 de Jonckheere, E.T. ...................................... 1941 DeBolt, B.M., 1964, 65, 66 ....................... 1966 DeHart, K.F., 1980, 81, 82 ..........................1982 Deitz, G.A., 1974, 75, 76, 78 ......................1978 DeJardin, D.A., 1957 .................................... 1958 DeJardin, A.R., 1960, 61, 62 ......................1962 Dent, T.D., 2001.............................................2004 DeRoma, J.G., 1958 ...................................... 1960 Devers, J.L. ...................................................... 1909 Devore, L.S. ...................................................... 1913 Dielens, A.J., 1948........................................ 1950 DiGiacinto, D., 1975 ......................................1975 Dignacco, N.M., 2011, 12 .............................2014 DiMuzio, J.A., 1995, 96 ...............................1997 Dinga, M.J., 2004, 05, 06, 07 ..................2007 Divis, P.J., 1979, 80, 81 ................................ 1981 Dobson, J.W. .................................................. 1939 Doerr, W.M., 1951 ..........................................1953 Dolan, R.W., 1948, 49 ................................. 1950 Domminey, J.V. ............................................... 1919 Donaldson, G.R., 1980, 81, 82, 83 ......... 1983 Donaldson, S.E. , 1983, 84, 85, 86........ 1986 Donelin, D.G., 1988, 89, 90 ...................... 1990 Donaphon, M., 1996 ................................... 1998 Dopslaff, G.A., 1961, 62, 63 ...................... 1963 Dougherty, H.M. ............................................ 1901 Douglas, T.L., 1983, 84 .............................. 1985 Downar, T.J., 1972, 73 ..................................1974 Downing, H.W. ...............................................1923 Dreyer, C.F. .......................................................1932 Dunaway, T.J., 2000 .................................... 2001 Dunigan, F.J. .....................................................1915 Durbin, R.B...................................................... 1938 Durfee, L.V. ........................................August 1917 Durkin, R.F., 1956, 57, 58 .......................... 1958
EARLS ... EASTMAN ... EBEL ... Earls, H.L. IV, 2012, 13 .................................2015 Eastman, R.V. ..................................................1920 Ebel, W.E., 1978, 79 ......................................1979 Eccleston, T.F., 1961, 62 .............................1962 Ellinger, H.O. ....................................................1925 Elliott, B.L., 1999, 00, 01, 02 ...................2002 Engquist, E.M., 1995....................................1997 Ennis, W.P. ...................................................... 1901 Erdle, P.J., 1951 ...............................................1952 Erickson, C.V. ..................................................1920 Ernesto, A.C., 2006, 07, 08, 09............. 2009 Erwin, M.S., 1999, 00, 01, 02 ..................2002 Esau, C.G. ......................................................... 1940 Etheridge, H.S., 1971, 1972 ........................1972 Evans, H.S., 1974, 75 ....................................1975 Everbach, O.G., 1960................................... 1960 Everton, E.S., 1984, 85, 86, 87 ...............1987 FAGAN ... FARNSWORTH ... FARRIS ... Fagan, T.W., 1968 ......................................... 1969 Farnsworth, E.E. Jr. .......................................1932 Farris, S.C. ....................................................... 1939 Fazen, R.P., 1964, 65, 66 .......................... 1966 Fernandez, J.M., 2009, 10, 12 ...................2012 Fettis, L.M., 1968, 69 ................................. 1969 Fields, K.E. ......................................................1933 Fink, J.A., 1977................................................ 1977 Fink, J.K., 1972, 73, 74 .................................1974 Fisher, E.A., 1955, 56, 57 .......................... 1958 Fitzpatrick, T.E., 1950, 51, 52 ...................1952 Fitzpatrick, K.J., 1970..................................1972 Flaherty, A.F., 2012 .......................................2015 Fleming, K.S., 2006, 07, 08, 09 ............ 2009 Fleming, W.R. ...................................August 1917 Flood, H.L. ........................................................1928 Foley, J.W., 1976, 77, 78 ...............................1978 Ford, J.C. ............................................................1942 Fortier, G.S., 1994 ......................................... 1996 Fortune, A.K., 2004 .................................... 2006 Foster, S.P., 1981, 82, 83 ........................... 1983 Foster, R.T. .............................................June 1918 Fouch, M.C., 2007, 08, 09, 10 ..................2010 Fowler, J.C., 1968.......................................... 1968 Fox, R.M. ..........................................................1962 Franklin, G.M., 2013 .....................................2016 Franks, F., 1957, 58, 59...............................1959 Frawley, T.C., 2006, 07, 08 ..................... 2008 Freiheit, M., 1981.......................................... 1984 French, W.E. ...................................................1924 Fritchman, J.A., 1985 .................................. 1986 Frosch, K.M., 1996, 97 ................................1997 Fucci, A.J., 1973, 74, 75...............................1975 Fulton, W.S. ..................................................... 1904 Fuqua, S.O. Jr...................................................1933 Furlong, J.W. .................................................... 1891 GABROVIC ... GALIFFA ... GALY ... Gabrovic, M.M., 1991 .................................. 1994 Galiffa, A.A., 1947, 48, 49, 50 ................. 1950 Galy, C.J., 1988, 89, 90 ............................... 1991
Walker Gorham Garber, M.B..................................................... 1903 Gardiner, S.De. B.W. ..................................... 1905 Gardner, G.P., 2013 .......................................2016 Garland, W.C. ...................................................1942 Gastellum, M.S., 1999, 00, 01, 02 .........2002 Gaza, S.R., 1976, 77 ......................................1979 Gengler, G.J., 1999, 00, 01 ........................ 2001 Gerberman, J.H., 1974, 75 ..........................1975 Gerhardt, C.H. .......................................April 1917 Gibbs, B.A., 2009 ...........................................2011 Gibson, F.L. ...................................................... 1961 Gilbert, W.R...................................................... 1941 Gilliam, R.N., 1958, 59 ................................ 1960 Gilmore, J.C. .................................................... 1894 Gilpin, J.M., 1953 ...........................................1955 Golden, J.E. .......................................................1932 Gonzalez, G., 1988 ....................................... 1990 Goodale, G.S. .................................................. 1896 Gordon, S.M., 1997 ..................................... 2000 Gorham, W.D., 2002, 03, 04, 05.............2005 Gosner, G.J. .......................................................1912 Goucher, T.J., 2012 ........................................2015 Graham, E.F. ................................................... 1903 Grant, A.M., 1957, 58 ...................................1959 Graves, E.......................................................... 1905 Greco, M.V., 2008...........................................2011 Greenlee, G.W., 2002, 03, 04, 05 ...........2005 Griesinger, T.W., 1949, 50, 51 ....................1951 Griffin, R.W. ......................................................1937 Grimes, A.R., 2006, 07, 08, 09 .............. 2009 Grohs, W.R. ..................................................... 1936 Groninger, H.M. ............................................. 1908 Gruver, S.J., 1999, 00..................................2002 Guckeyson, J.W. .............................................1942
LETTERMEN LISTING HACKETT ... HAIGHT ... HALEY ... Hackett, H.B. .................................................. 1904 Haight, B.S., 1957, 58, 59 ...........................1959 Haley, J.E., 1994, 95, 96 ............................ 1996 Hall, F.C., 1983 ............................................... 1985 Halverson, T.M., 2007 ................................2007 Hance, J.M., 1994, 95 ..................................1995 Hanlon, A.J. ..................................................... 1908 Hanson, A.W. ...................................................1907 Hanson, D.L., 1990, 91, 92 ........................ 1993 Hapeman, B.C., 2013....................................2015 Harman, G.L., 1949 ........................................1951 Harmon, J.P. , 1985 .......................................1987 Harmon, J.R., 1952, 53 ................................1953 Harrison, W.C. .................................................1912 Hartman, A.L., 1983, 84 ............................ 1984 Haug, C.C. .........................................................1935 Havel, S.M., 1988, 89, 90, 91 ................... 1991 Haverkamp, C.M. ........................................... 1910 Haydash, E.J., 1962, 63, 64 ...................... 1964 Haydon, D.R., 1968, 69 .............................. 1969 Hayes, J.M., 1964, 65, 66.......................... 1966 Hazelhurst, D. .......................................June 1918 Heath, T.E., 1978 ...........................................1978 Heavey, J.W. ..................................................... 1891 Heffernan, K.M., 1996, 97, 98 ................ 1998 Heiser, B.P. .......................................................1926 Helixon, C., 1988, 89, 90 .......................... 1990 Hennessey, J.J., 1943, 44 ...........................1944 Henshaw, D.J., 2008, 09, 10, 11 ................2011 Herr, J.K. ...........................................................1902 Herring, H.T..................................................... 1905 Hicks, M.D., 1995, 96, 97 ...........................1997 Hill, N.G., 2004, 05, 06, 07 .......................2007 Hill, J.W., 2003 .............................................. 2006 Hines, A.S. Jr. ................................................ 1898 Hines, B.J., 2010, 11........................................2011 Hinkley, J.W. .................................................... 1896 Hoadley, J.K., 1981, 82, 84 ........................ 1984 Hobbs, L.S. ........................................................1915 Hobson, J.M. Jr. ..............................................1902 Holcomb, G.L. ..................................................1937 Holden, J.M., 2001, 02, 03 ........................2003 Honnen, G.........................................................1920 Hostettler, J.H.R., 1970 ...............................1970 House, E.J. .........................................August 1917 Houston, M.C., 1992, 93, 94, 95 .............1995 Howard, E., 1986, 87, 88........................... 1988 Howe, J.S., 1946 ............................................ 1949 Hoy, C.E. ........................................................... 1931 Huerta, F.M., 1984, 85, 86 ........................1987 Hughes, J.D., 2003...................................... 2006 Hulin, B.D., 1965 ............................................1965 Humber, C.I. Jr. ............................................... 1931 Humphrey, E.H. ............................................. 1899 Hyatt, R.F. ..........................................................1912 IACOBUCCI ... IRONS ... Iacobucci, M., 1984, 85, 86, 87 ..............1987 Irons, J.V., 1947, 48, 49, 50....................... 1950
JACKSON ... JACKSON ... JANECZEK ... Jackson, J.P., 1972, 73 .................................1974 Jackson, K.P., 2010, 11, 12 ..........................2013 Janeczek, R., 1943, 44 ................................1944 Jank, O.M. .........................................August 1917 Jenks, I.C. ......................................................... 1891 Jensen, A.J., 2012, 13 ...................................2015 Jervey, E.P. ...................................................... 1896 Johnson, A.C., 2011, 12, 13 .........................2013 Johnson, B.M., 2004 ...................................2007 Johnson, C.J., 1999, 00 ..............................2002 Johnson, R.H. ...................................................1921 Johnson, R.L., 1997, 98.............................. 1999 Johnson, R.D. ................................................. 1909 Johnson, J.D., 1972, 73, 74 .........................1974 Johnson, J. M., 1982, 83 ............................ 1983 Johnston, C.M., 1979 ...................................1979 Johnstone, R., 1962, 63 ..............................1965 Jones, J.E., 1951..............................................1953 Jones, C.S., 1980 ...........................................1982 Jones, M.C.P., 2003, 04, 05, 06 ............ 2006 Josey, C.K., 1943, 44, 45 ............................1945 KAIL ... KALKWARF ... KANE ... Kail, S.G. .......................................................... 1939 Kalkwarf, K.J., 1999, 00, 01, 02 .............2002 Kane, G.C. , 1981, 82, 84 ............................ 1984 Kashner, J.C., 2002, 03, 04, 05 ..............2005 Kasper, W.M. ................................................. 1940 Kasper, R.J. ..................................................... 1938 Kasting, D.H., 2003 .................................... 2006 Kastner, A.E. ...................................................1922 Keating, A.C., 1959 ...................................... 1960 Keener, R., 1965 ........................................... 1966 Kelland, M.R., 1982, 83 ............................. 1984 Kernan, S.P., 1996 ........................................1997 Kerwin, A.R..................................................... 1896 Kewley, R.N., 1959, 60, 61 ......................... 1961 Kierstead, A.E., 1962, 63, 64 .................. 1964 Kimbrough, R., 1987, 88, 89 ................... 1989 King, E.L. .......................................................... 1896 King, J.M., 1995, 96, 97, 98 ..................... 1998 King, W.P., 1983, 84, 85, 86 .................... 1986 Kinney, R.M., 1944, 45, 46 ....................... 1946 Kirk, C.J., 1997, 98 ....................................... 1998 Kirk, D.K., 1985, 86, 87 ............................ 1988 Kirschenbauer, G. ........................................1962 Kirtley, R.L., 1957, 58.................................. 1958 Kitz, J.A. , 1982, 83, 84, 85 ...................... 1985 Knight, D.C., 1971...........................................1973 Knight, A.J....................................................... 1940 Koenig, M.T., 1993 ....................................... 1996 Koenigsfeld, B.J., 2008, 09, 10, 11...........2011 Komaromy, S.J., 2002, 03, 04, 05 .........2005 Koontz, G., 1974, 75......................................1975 Kouns, D.L., 1959 ......................................... 1960 Krafft, R.H., 1985, 86, 87, 88 .................. 1988 Krayenbuhl, G. ................................................ 1916 Krieger, P.T., 1966, 67, 68 ........................ 1968 Kulbacki, W., 1962, 63, 64 ........................1965
LABOON ... LADU ... LAHM ... Laboon, R.C., 1944, 45 ................................1945 Ladu, M.R., 1984, 85, 86........................... 1986 Lahm, F.D. ....................................................... 1901 Lahti, E.H. ....................................................... 1938 Lancaster, N. Jr. .............................................1923 Landry, R.B. .....................................................1932 Landry, P.G., 1977 ..........................................1978 Lane, W.E. ........................................................ 1906 Lane, W.H., 1950............................................1952 Lane, W.D., 1969, 70 ....................................1970 Lapekas, S.J., 1992, 93, 94 ...................... 1994 Larimer, J.S., 2013 .........................................2015 LeBlanc, M.A., 1991, 92 ............................. 1994 LeCates, W.F., 1952, 53, 54 .......................1955 Lee, L.D., 2009, 10, 11, 12............................2012 Lee, R.E. ............................................................ 1916 Leeper, B.H., 1942, 44 .................................1944 Legg, R.A. ........................................................1934 LeMay, C., 1986, 87, 88 ............................. 1988 Lewis, J.H. .......................................................1933 Lilley, R.J. ..........................................................1962 Lindell, S.W., 1969........................................ 1969 Lindner, K.R., 1992 .......................................1995 Lindquist, R.E. .............................................. 1930 Lindsey, B.C., 1972 ........................................1974 Lipscomb, A.A. ............................................. 1938 Lobe, T.J., 1947, 48, 49, 50 ....................... 1950 Lombardo, T.A., 1945 ..................................1945 Long, J.T., 2004 .............................................2007 Lord, W.G., 1969, 70, 71................................1971 Loscuito, N.N., 1958, 59, 60 .................... 1960 Lott, A.G. .......................................................... 1896 Love, C.D., 2011, 12, 13 .................................2014 Love, C.L., 2005, 06, 07, 08.................... 2008 Lucado, J.S., 2010, 11, 12 .............................2012 Ludwikoski, J., 1967.................................... 1968 Lyman, C.B. ...................................................... 1913 Lynn, D., 1987, 88, 89, 90 ........................ 1990 Lystead, H.W. ..................................................1920 MACARTHUR ... MACKMULL ... MALCOLM ... MacArthur, D. ............................................... 1903 Mackmull, J.V., 1947, 48, 49, 50............. 1950 Malcolm, J.D., 2013.......................................2016 Malloy, J.T. ........................................................ 1931 Manus, P.C. Jr., 1952, 53, 54 .....................1954 Marben, R.L., 1945 .......................................1945 Marcrum, R.H., 1953 ....................................1954 Marlar, D.B., 2013..........................................2016 Marrella, L.S., 1955, 56, 57........................1957 Martina, A.J., 1955 ........................................1957 Matthews, J.P., 1978 ................................... 1980 Mattox, T.C., 1998, 99, 00....................... 2000 May, S.P., 2010, 11 ..........................................2011 Mayhew, B.A., 2004, 05, 06, 07 ............2007 Mazur, H.J. .................................... January 1943 McBride, H.L. .................................................. 1916 McCabe, E.F., 1942 ............................June 1943 McCall, P.B., 1968, 69, 70..........................1970
McCarthy, J.E. ................................................. 1919 McCarthy, J.N., 1948, 49 ........................... 1949 McCoach, D. .................................................... 1910 McConnell, R.E., 1943, 44, 45 ..................1945 McCoy, F.R. .....................................................1897 McCants, M.J., 2012, 13 ..............................2015 McDonald, M.A., 1993................................ 1996 McDonough, J.M........................................... 1896 McEvoy, L.D., 1957 ........................................1957 McGrath, H.L. ..................................................1922 McIlroy, S.A., 2011, 12 ..................................2013 McIntyre, A..................................................... 1900 McKague, K.C., 2008, 09, 10, 12 .............2012 McLellan, B.J., 1966, 67, 68..................... 1968 McMahan, A..A., 1995, 96 ........................ 1998 McMahon, W.C. ....................................April 1917 McNamara, A.T. .............................................1928 McNeal, J.W. ..................................................... 1911 McNeil, N. ..........................................August 1917 McNutt, C.B., 1972, 73, 74 .........................1974 McRae, W.D., 1961, 62 .................................1962 Mead, D.G., 1956 ...........................................1957 Meador, M.F., 1953 .......................................1954 Mecca, G.J., 1990 ......................................... 1993 Meloy, J.A., 2002, 04, 05 ..........................2005 Menoher, P........................................................1915 Meredith, O.R................................................. 1908 Merillat, L.A. .....................................................1915 Merkle, R.D., 1968, 69 ............................... 1969 Mescher, P.K., 2012, 13 ...............................2014 Metzger, J.H., 1948, 49 .............................. 1949 Meyer, C.B. ...................................................... 1909 Meyer, H.A. Jr.................................................. 1901 Michela, R.J., 1962, 63, 64 ....................... 1964 Milburn, F.W. ....................................................1914 Miller, A.D. ........................................................1924 Miller, G.R., 1972, 73, 74 .............................1974 Miller, M.G., 2000, 01 ................................. 2001 Milliken, C.M. ..................................................1914 Milton, P.O. .......................................................1922 Milton, A.M. .................................................... 1903 Minney, J.H., 1999, 00, 01, 02 .................2002 Mirando, J., 1962, 63 ...................................1965 Mirzoian, G.D., 1971, 72 ...............................1972 Mischak, R.M., 1952, 53 ............................1954 Mitchell, H. ..................................................... 1916 Mitchell, P.E., 1984.......................................1987 Moehring, A.W., 1996 ................................. 1998 Moore, D.R., 1983......................................... 1984 Moore, L.C., 2008, 09, 10, 11......................2011 Moore, R.L., 1988, 89, 90, 91 ................... 1991 Morris, T.J. , 1980, 81, 82 ...........................1982 Morris, R. .........................................................1935 Morrow, J.J. ...................................................... 1891 Moses, O., 1946 ............................................ 1946 Mosley, C.E., 2010, 11, 12 ............................2013 Mountford, F.A. ............................................ 1909 Mullee, W.E., 1993, 94, 95, 96 ................ 1996 Mulligan, J.T., 2003, 04 .............................2005 Mumma, M.C.................................................. 1900 Munford, T.W.........................................June 1918
Jason Meloy
J.P. Polchinski
Munson, R.D., 1993, 94, 97.......................1997 Murphy, J.R. .....................................................1942 Murphy, P.A. ....................................................1897 Murray, W.S. ..........................................June 1918 Murray, J.K., 1969, 70 ..................................1970 Murrill, H.A. ...........................................June 1918 Murtle, C.J., 2009, 10, 11, 12 ......................2012
PAGE ... PANTALONI ... PARKER ... Page, J.T., 2013...............................................2016 Pantaloni, M.A., 1974 ..................................1974 Parker, J.K., 1994 ..........................................1995 Partlow, F.A., 1960 ...................................... 1960 Paterson, W.G. ................................................ 1916 Pattison, H.H. ................................................. 1893 Pavy, M.E., 1972 .............................................1974 Pedersen, W.E., 1968, 69, 70 ...................1970 Pegg, J.D., 1969...............................................1971 Pehanik, A.P., 1981, 82 ...............................1982 Perkins, G.T..................................................... 1900 Perry, P.S., 1990, 91, 92, 93 ..................... 1993 Perwein, A.H. ..................................................1920 Peterson, B.M., 2011 ....................................2014 Peterson, T.W., 1969, 70, 71 .......................1971 Petricka, R.S., 1972, 73 ...............................1973 Petrone, J.R., 2000, 01 ...............................2002 Peyton, J.C., 1999......................................... 2001 Phillips, B.W.................................................... 1903 Place, R.H. .........................................August 1917 Plaia, M.A., 1992, 93, 94 ........................... 1994 Plotts, D.A., 2001, 05..................................2005 Pluff, D.J., 2003, 04, 05, 06 .................... 2006 Polchinski, J.P., 2006, 07, 08, 09 ......... 2009 Polk, R.B. ......................................................... 1941 Pollock, V.J., 1950 .........................................1952 Poole, G.B., 1946............................................1947 Porter, K.J., 2008, 09, 10 ............................2011 Post, E.D. .........................................................1923 Powel, N.E. .......................................................1932 Powell, R.D., 1967 ........................................ 1968 Price, B.C., 1995, 96, 97, 98 .................... 1998 Price, Z.M., 2009, 10, 11, 12 .......................2012 Prichard, V.E.....................................................1915 Priestley, W.J.................................................. 1936 Pritchett, E.E...................................................1907 Procknal, E.S., 1953, 54..............................1954
NANCE ... NANNEY ... NEEL ... Nance, J.W., 1944, 45 .................................. 1946 Nanney, D.Y. .................................................... 1939 Neel, D.V., 1972, 73........................................1973 Nelson, P.A., 1964, 65, 66 ........................ 1966 Newsom, G.D., 1971, 72, 73 ........................1973 Neyland, R.R. Jr. ............................................ 1916 Nieberding, R., 1984, 85, 86, 87 .............1987 Nolan, D.E. ....................................................... 1896 Norton, K.A., 2000, 01, 02........................2002 Nuzzo, K.R., 1982 ......................................... 1984 O’NEAL ... O’NEILL ... OAKES ... O’Neal, A.L., 1992, 93, 94, 95 ...................1995 O’Neill, T.A. .......................................................1934 Oakes, B.J., 1971, 72 .....................................1973 Oblinger, J.B., 1951, 52, 53 .........................1953 Odierno, R.T., 1975, 76 ................................1976 Ogden, L.J., 1947, 48 ................................... 1949 Ogden, C.C. ..................................................... 1891 Oliphant, E.Q. ........................................June 1918 Ordway, G., 1953, 55 ....................................1955 Ordway, R.E., 1957, 58................................ 1958 Ortiz, H., 1987 ................................................ 1990 Otterstedt, M.A., 1980 ................................1982
Pryor, M.C., 2005, 06, 09 ........................ 2009 Pugh, B.L., 1991............................................. 1994 Pyrz, A., 1964, 65 ..........................................1965 Pyrz, T.A., 1969, 70, 71 .................................1971
QUIMBY ... Quimby, P.T., 1994, 95, 96 ........................ 1996 RAFALKO ... RAINBIRD ... RAMBUSCH ... Rafalko, E.A., 1943, 45................................1945 Rainbird, S.P., 2008 ......................................2011 Rambusch, H., 1986, 87, 88, 89 ............ 1989 Ramirez, G., 1988......................................... 1990 Rawlick, S.J., 1975 ........................................1976 Reece, J.S., 2013 ............................................2016 Reeder, R.P. Jr. ...............................................1926 Regnier, R.A., 1954, 55 ...............................1955 Reich, S.C., 1990, 91, 92, 93 .................... 1993 Reinebold, J., 1983, 84, 85, 86............... 1986 Reinhalter, P.J., 1942 ........................June 1943 Rengel, N.J., 1997, 98, 99 ........................ 2000 Rice, J.H. ......................................................... 1893 Richardson, G.H., 1971, 72 .........................1972 Richardson, M., 1986 ................................. 1989 Richmond, R.T., 1946 ................................. 1946 Rickman, E.A. ................................................1942 Riley, F.J. ............................................................1912 Rindfleisch, J.A., 1957, 58, 59 ..................1959 Ritter, W.H., 1950, 51, 52 ............................1952 Rizzo, J.E., 1999, 00, 01, 02 .....................2002 Roberts, T.A. ...................................................1897 Robinett, A.M., 2012, 13 .............................2015 Robinson, N.L., 1946, 47, 48 .................... 1948 Rockwell, C.K. ............................................... 1906 Rogers, J.R., 1962, 63, 64 ......................... 1964 Rogers, D.C., 1968, 69 ............................... 1969 Roosma, J.S. ...................................................1926 Roper, H.M. ......................................................1923 Rowland, H.T. ..................................................1923 Rowley, C.R., 2010, 11, 12, 13 .....................2013 Ruiz, A., 1990, 91, 92 ...................................1992 Rusnak, T.J., 1962, 63 ................................ 1964 SADTLER ... SALMON ... SALTZMAN ... Sadtler, O.K. ................................................... 1913 Salmon, S.M., 1997, 98, 99, 00 ............. 2000 Saltzman, C. McK. ....................................... 1896 Samec, D.W., 1980 ........................................ 1981 Sanchez, N., 1971 ..........................................1972 Sands, M.T., 2013 ..........................................2013 Sarcka, E.E........................................August 1917 Sarcka, J.S........................................................1925 Saunders, D.W. .............................................. 1938 Sawyer, M.T., 1996, 97, 98, 99 ............... 1999 Saxman, P.S., 1994, 95, 96, 97................1997 Scaglione, R.J., 1966, 67, 68 ................... 1968 Scanlan, M., 1986 ........................................ 1986 Schepps, M.C. ................................................1928 Schiavo, C.R., 1985, 86 .............................. 1986 Schiefer, R.D., 1977, 78, 79, 80 ............... 1980 Schlenker, D.C.G. ............................................1917
Steve Reich
Nate Stone
Schmid, G.M., 1974, 75, 76 ........................1976 Schmidt, J.L., 1960, 61, 62.........................1962 Schneider, J.P., 2001 ...................................2004 Schoor, D.P.......................................................1932 Schreckhise, C., 1988 ................................. 1991 Scioletti, B.R., 2001.....................................2004 Scioletti, M.S., 1995, 96, 97, 98 ............. 1998 Scivoletto, E.J., 1959, 60, 61 ..................... 1961 Scogin, K.C., 2004, 05, 06 .......................2007 Scott, J.F., 1969...............................................1971 Scully, W.E., 1977........................................... 1977 Seaman, A.R., 2008, 10 ...............................2011 Segrist, C.C. ................................................... 1936 Seip, G.R............................................................1942 Shain, E.R., 1953, 54 ....................................1954 Shearin, M., 1984 ..........................................1987 Shepherd, W.A., 1955, 56, 57 .................. 1958 Shipps, R.P., 1995 .........................................1997 Shorter, J.C., 2010 ..........................................2011 Silliman, M.B., 1964, 65, 66 .................... 1966 Silvola, W.R., 1976, 78 .................................1978 Simmons, C.J., 1945, 46 ............................ 1946 Simmons, C.K., 2005, 06, 07, 08.......... 2008 Simmons, D.M., 1991, 92, 93, 94 ........... 1994 Simpkins, C.W., 2010 ...................................2010 Sine, E.D., 1982, 83 ..................................... 1983 Sipos, W.G., 1962, 63 .................................. 1963 Sirko, G.D., 1999, 00, 01, 02.....................2002 Sloan, M.R., 1975, 76 ...................................1976 Smedberg, W.R. ............................................ 1893 Smith, K.W., 1965, 66, 67 ..........................1967 Smith, C.T. ....................................................... 1896 Smith, B.S., 1987, 88, 89, 90................... 1990 Smith, C.C., 2010 ...........................................2010 Smith, T.M., 1993, 94, 95, 96.................. 1996
Smothers, T.B. ................................................1929 Smythe, G.W. ...................................................1924 Snukis, T.J., 1976, 77, 78 ............................1978 Snyder, M.A., 2006 .................................... 2009 Softy, G., 1986, 87, 89 ................................ 1989 Soule, J.I. ...........................................................1925 Souza, D.M., 1995, 96, 97, 98 ................. 1998 Spurr, N.M., 1985, 86.................................. 1986 St. Onge, R.J., 1943, 45 ...............................1945 Stache, J.M., 2003, 04, 05, 06 .............. 2006 Stadler, J.H. .....................................................1924 Stahle, J.C. ...................................... January 1943 Stancook, J.C. .................................................1935 Starr, W.R., 1981 ............................................1982 Stefens, P.D., 1996 ...................................... 1998 Stegmaier, R.M. .............................................1937 Steinley, P.L., 1942.............................June 1943 Stenson, J.R., 1982 ...................................... 1985 Sterling, E.K. ................................................... 1901 Stevenson, C.G. ..............................................1924 Stohr, T.S., 2006.......................................... 2009 Stokes, O.N. .................................................... 1936 Stone, N.M., 2002, 03, 04, 05 ................2005 Storck, D.G. ......................................................1924 Stout, H.H. ....................................................... 1895 Stramara, K.P., 1978, 80 ........................... 1980 Stramara, K.R., 2007, 08 ......................... 2008 Stribling, J.W....................................................1929 Stricklan, S., 1991 ........................................ 1994 Stuff, J.W., 1948, 49, 50 ............................. 1950 Suhr, S.A., 1995, 96, 97 ..............................1997 Sullivan, P.T., 1974, 75, 76 .........................1976 Supko, B.E., 1996, 97, 98, 99 .................. 1999 Surles, A.D......................................................... 1911 Suttle, A.B., 1948, 49.................................. 1949 Swanson, J.J., 2001 .....................................2004
LETTERMEN LISTING TAPPERT ... TARVER ... TATE ... Tappert, K.W., 1983, 84, 85, 86 ............. 1986 Tarver, T.H. .....................................................1942 Tate, F.J. ............................................................ 1919 Taylor, P.H., 1977, 78, 79 ............................1979 Taylor, H.L. ...................................................... 1909 Teague, F.W. ................................................... 1909 Thompson, A.C., 1995, 96, 97, 98 ......... 1998 Thompson, T., 1986 .................................... 1989 Tichenor, C.S., 1997, 98, 99 .................... 2000 Tiemann, C.F. ..................................................1933 Tokarsky, M., 1970 ........................................1971 Toney, K., 1987, 88, 89 .............................. 1989 Toth, D.M., 1979, 80, 81.............................. 1981 Towey, J.V., 1980, 81 .................................... 1981 Towey, J.B., 1977, 78, 79 .............................1979 Trainor, J.P. ..................................................... 1981 Trent, R.D., 1983 .......................................... 1985 Tripp, M.J., 1988, 89, 90, 91 ..................... 1991 Trippodo, D.S., 2001, 02 ............................2002 Trott, G.W., 2000 .......................................... 2001 Trotter, M.J., 1993, 94, 95 .........................1995 Trubia, M.L., 1975, 77 .................................. 1977 Tubbs, L.L., 1983, 84, 85, 86 .................. 1986 Tulley, D.H. .......................................................1925 Tully, J.P., 1947 .............................................. 1949 UFNER ... ULLOA ... UNGER ... Ufner, J., 1948 ................................................ 1950 Ulloa, H.A...........................................................1912 Unger, C.J., 2000 ..........................................2002
Adam Thompson
Jason Meloy
Shaun Wixted
VALENTINE ... VAN ORDEN ... VANDENBERG ... Valentine, C., 1986, 87 ................................1987 Van Orden, G.J., 2013 ...................................2016 Vandenberg, R.A., 1967, 68, 69 ............. 1969 Vanderbush, A., 1959 .................................. 1961 VanSant, C.P. Jr. ............................................1933 Verrill, J.H., 2013 ............................................2016 Visosky, C.D., 1997, 98, 99, 00.............. 2000 Vitty, R.B., 1955 .............................................1955 Vollmer, J.R., 1976 .........................................1978
Whitlow, R.V. ......................................... Jan. 1943 Wilcox, F.A. ......................................................1892 Wilhide, G.C. ....................................................1922 Wilkinson, I.M., 2001 .................................2004 Williams, W.R., 1959, 60, 61 ..................... 1961 Williams, J.M. ................................................ 1936 Williams, T.M., 2013.....................................2014 Williamson, S.C., 2002, 03, 04, 05 .......2005 Wilson, D.L., 1952 .........................................1953 Winfield, F.E., 1949, 50, 51 ........................1951 Winston, P.H. ................................................. 1905 Wixted, S.P., 2010, 11 ....................................2011 Wolf, E.J., 1989, 90, 91, 92 ........................1992 Wood, W.H........................................................1925 Wookey, J.D., 1977, 78 .................................1978 Wright, J.F., 1977, 78, 79.............................1979 Wright, C., 1981, 82 ..................................... 1984 Wynn, P., 1989 .............................................. 1990
WAGNER ... WAGONHURST ... WARNER ... Wagner, R.H., 1947, 48, 49 ........................1949 Wagner, H.W. ...................................................1907 Wagner, A.A., 1991, 92 ............................... 1994 Wagonhurst, A.H., 1945 .............................1945 Warner, G.G. ....................................................1934 Washburn, E.L., 2013...................................2014 Wasiak, J., 1974 .............................................1975 Watkins, J.T., 2009, 10, 11, 12 ...................2012 Watkins, Z.J., 1999, 00, 01, 02 ...............2002 Watsey, S., 1950, 51 ......................................1951 Weafer, W.J., 1952 .........................................1954 Weinnig, A.J. .................................................. 1938 Weiss, S.E., 1995, 96, 97, 98 ................... 1998 Westfield, A.D, 1978 ....................................1979 Weston, J.J., 1983 ........................................ 1986 Wettlaufer, A.C., 1951 ..................................1953 Whipple, S....................................................... 1904 White, C.M., 2005, 06, 07, 08................ 2008 White, E.J..........................................................1942 White, G.P. ........................................................ 1891 Whiteside, H.L. ................................................1912 Whitfield, S., 1977, 79, 80 ........................ 1980
YEAGER ... YEZAK ... YOUNG ... Yeager, F.J. ..................................................... 1940 Yezak, H.R., 1974 ...........................................1974 Young, D.G., 1996, 97...................................1997 Young, M., 1986, 87, 88, 89 .................... 1989 ZAHURANIC ... ZAILSKAS ... ZALDO ... Zahuranic, M., 1992, 93, 94, 95..............1995 Zailskas, R.W., 1959, 60, 61 ...................... 1961 Zaldo, M.J., 1959, 61..................................... 1961 Zell, E.M. .......................................................... 1903 Zilian, F., 1969, 70 ........................................1970 Zimmerman, D.Z. ...........................................1929 Zmolek, G.R., 1971 .........................................1972 Zurawik, C.A., 1965 ......................................1967
Army’s baseball program has proven to be one of the most regular producers of minor league talent in all of the Northeast the past several years. In fact, 12 former Black Knights have logged time with a minor league team affiliated with the major leagues since 2005. Ten of those individuals have been selected in Major League Baseball’s First-Year Player Draft, including a school-record total of three chosen in 2008. Below is a list of Army players selected in the draft since 2005. In addition to those listed, Josh Holden signed with the Cincinnati Reds organization as a free agent in 2006 and Chris Rowley inked a free agent contract with the Toronto Blue Jays. ARMY’S MLB FIRST-YEAR PLAYER DRAFT SELECTIONS (SINCE 2005) Name Schuyler Williamson Milan Dinga Nick Hill Drew Clothier Chris Simmons Cole White Matt Fouch Clint Moore Kevin McKague J.T. Watkins Kevin McKague
Year 2005 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012
Rd. 27 10 7 37 41 42 34 31 50 10 23
Organization Detroit Tigers L.A. Angels Seattle Mariners Florida Marlins Pittsburgh Pirates Pittsburgh Pirates Atlanta Braves San Diego Padres Atlanta Braves Boston Red Sox Atlanta Braves