Running Further with WCAP Written by KERRY LYNN BOHEN
Calway stresses that after registering and putting the race on your calendar, the very first step, no matter your fitness or running level, is to assess realistically exactly where you are in the process and build your training program and schedule on that, rather than train based on where you want to be, or have been in the past. She warns that even elite runners can overestimate their pace and risk injury. The trick is to be consistent, building
Now is not too soon to start your serious training
strength and endurance but don’t start off going for
for Army Ten-Miler, whether you will be running it
a speed that is not comfortable.
in-person in Washington, DC on October 10, conducting your own Virtual Army Ten-Miler, or
No matter what level runner you are, MAJ Calway
participating in an ATM Shadow Run.
recommends taking a 15-minute Balke test, performing a 10-minute light warmup, then go run
According to US Army Major Kelly Calway, coach
15 minutes as hard as you can and total how many
of the All-Army Team, “I would start now, even
laps you make it around the track; if possible, it is
though it may seem like it's a long way out,
best to have someone count for you, as Calway’s
because it takes time for your body to adapt and
daughters sometimes do for her. “Whether you run
really be prepared to race. The race is in October,
six laps or ten, you can figure out from that what
but you never know what the conditions are going
your max is, and set your pace from that.” Even as
to be on race day, so you want to get out there and
an accomplished world class athlete who has raced
train through some of these hot, humid days,
competitively for some 30 years, Calway still tests
cooler days and even rain.”
herself regularly.