2020 Army Ten-Miler Training Guide

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For current and consistent runners, the present situation just adds a slightly different dimension, as they transition from personal to virtual running groups and clubs. For the first-time ATM participant, commitment and accountability are imperative. Find the online beginners’ group that best suits your fitness level, your needs, and your personality. Together, group members can share progress, provide support and -perhaps most importantly deliver accountability. Runners at similar fitness levels will experience comparable types of hurdles, so they can find creative ways through which to challenge one another, setting weekly goals within the group. According to Benedict, it is also helpful for first-time participants to connect with experienced Army Ten-Miler runners since they can provide accurate expectations, and even talk through some of their lessons learned at the ATM Facebook page. An experienced distance runner and a 10-miler veteran, Benedict competed in an official Army Ten-Miler Shadow Run while deployed to Afghanistan in 2011, an experience that he says provided a good sense of camaraderie, and was also one of his best events. In addition to training for it, he admits that, being deployed, he was likely in his best shape. Once an inexperienced runner decides to register for the ATM, Benedict recommends at least 12 weeks of training in order for their bodies to adapt to the distance. Ideally, a training program should include three-tofour runs per week, maintaining a consistent schedule. Between your distance runs and your midweek high-intensity run, plug in one or two easy-paced two- or three-mile runs

during the week. Whether using a treadmill or running outside, Benedict says it is important to recognize that what you do aside from running is just as important as the miles you log for training runs. This can include body weights, doing squats or lunges, stairs –any type of resistance that gets your heart rate up and causes muscular fatigue. This helps muscles adapt and build the endurance to log longer miles. Adding heavy weights in a progressive manner will protect joints and give your body an edge when itcomes to running. With no access to gyms during this pandemic, be creative with your home workouts – involve the family, utilize fitness apps and online classes, do online workouts with friends –but incorporate cardio, resistance and strengthening exercises into your weekly workouts. Joanna Reagan, a retired Army colonel and APHC registered dietitian, has run three Army Ten-Milers, in three different stages of her life - first while on active duty and most recently in 2019 after retiring from the Army. She said that for all ATM participants, new runners or race veterans, establishing accountability partners is essential, whether a family member, an online running buddy or Army Ten-Miler Training Guide | 5

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