20% 66%
of older people report feeling lonely -2012 Statistics Canada report.
of 34,000 Canadian universitystudents, reported feeling “very lonely�. Canada Statistics 2012report
A platform that connects people over food
“Food is one language that everyone speaks”
“Community Food systems enhance the environmental, economic, social and nutritional health of a particular place” –Cornell University
ValueProposition • Location Based • Instant • Connect over shared interests • Feedback loop • Engaging local businesses
Scalability & Outreach
• The more people that want to connect the more we • Through businesses
Impact Metrics
• Likes • Number of meet-ups per person • Map your connections
can support
Financial Sustainability
• Businesses maximize on their space • They buy into for promotion in return to consumer discounts
TasteTalks aims to tackle what may just be the greatest hazard of city living — the rising issue of social isolation. In this fast-paced world and with the rise of urban development, research shows that there is a decline in human interaction and a sense of disconnect with the people in today’s society and as a result, these individuals are more prone to experiencing social isolation. Meeting new people in the city can be awkward, difficult and at times, daunting but through TasteTalks we are bringing people together in a new and innovative way.