Cover and Profiles Shot On Location at Mendenhall Inn
Los Beneficios de la Reducción del Busto page 23
Women’s Journal The The Delaware Delaware County County
A Quarterly Resource For Women of Delaware County
Please Take One It ’s FREE!
First Quarter 2016
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DRY EYE A Common Affliction Often Overlooked Why And How It Should Be Treated D
ry Eye is one of the most common eye conditions. It is not only bothersome, but it can cause significant damage if left untreated. Proper diagnosis can also lead to discovery and treatment of other related conditions in the body. Simply defined, Dry By Eye is a condition Jeffrey B. Minkovitz, M.D. in which one’s natural tears do not adequately lubricate the eyes to keep them comfortable and healthy. Symptoms may include stinging, burning or scratchy feeling, as well as light sensitivity, blurring and eye fatigue. Ironically, dry eye induced irritation may also cause excessive compensatory tearing.
rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogrens Syndrome, and occasionally trauma or laser vision correction (especially when done with LASIK flaps - one reason I have transitioned to laser vision correction WITHOUT FLAPS). Excessive tear evaporation may be environmental (dry heat in the winter, or air blowing directly on the eye), behavioral/structural (poor blinking due to lid abnormalities, sleeping with eyes slightly open, or failing to blink while concentrating for long periods of time reading or in computer work) or due to an imbalance in the tear composition. The normal tear film has three important layers (watery, oily and mucus). Correct balance is required to ensure adequate wetting, good tear spread, and slower evaporation from the surface of the eye.
Dry Eyes may be caused by either insufficient tear production or excessive tear evaporation. Diminished tear production (Aqueous Deficiency) is commonly caused by aging (especially over 50), hormonal changes (especially women), drugs such as antihistamines and certain blood pressure medications, medical conditions including
Testing for dry eyes is important not only to properly diagnose and guide treatment, but also to identify possible systemic diseases, (diseases in the body) which may be associated. These conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogrens Syndrome, and other autoimmune and collagen vascular diseases such as Lupus. Evaluation includes a careful patient history, examination of the ocular surface (with special dyes testing for damaged surface cells), and if indicated a measurement of tear volume and production. Recently, several new tests have been developed including tear osmolarity and measurements for inflammatory markers associated with dry eye. These tests may further assist in directing treatment.
In addition to discomfort, Dry Eye can cause blurry vision, infection, abrasions, inflammation (which causes further damage), and scarring of the surface (which can lead to permanent vision loss). Dry eyes can also complicate planned ocular surgeries performed for other reasons, such as cataract and refractive surgery.
Treatment options include environmental and behavioral changes (humidifiers, avoiding wind or direct exposure, taking breaks from extended periods of reading/ computer work, smoking cessation), instilling artificial tears (choices dictated by disease severity and type (aqueous
deficient or evaporative), plugging tear ducts (to keep tears in contact with the eye longer), antiinflammatory medication (steroid drops or Restasis), omega 3 fatty acid pills and diet, special therapeutic contact lenses, and several other less common options for severely affected patients. Although often overlooked or disregarded when compared to “more serious” ocular conditions such as cataract, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinal disease, dry eye is one of the most common ocular diseases and can profoundly affect ocular comfort and visual performance. Regular examinations are a valuable way to screen for this and other conditions. Jeffrey Minkovitz, MD is an ophthalmologist with Eye Physicians and Surgeons in Wilmington, Delaware. Dr. Minkovitz specializes in cataract and refractive surgery, and is one of only a few Delaware surgeons specially trained in corneal transplantation. He completed a cornea and refractive surgery fellowship at the renowned Wilmer Eye Institute of Johns Hopkins. Previously, he graduated magna cum-laude from Harvard, earned his medical degree from the University of Massachusetts, completed internship at Harvard’s Mt. Auburn Hospital, and served his ophthalmology residency at Washington University. Dr. Minkovitz participated in the early research on Excimer Laser refractive surgery, and has offered this procedure to Delawareans since FDA approval in 1996, before Delaware had its own laser. These early pioneering individuals travelled to Wilmer Institute with Dr. Minkovitz, where he maintained his teaching and clinical appointment. In addition to introducing laser vision correction to Delaware, he also introduced NearVision CK to eliminate reading glasses, DSAEK (a newer, less invasive type of corneal transplant) and most recently the newest advance: laser cataract surgery. Dr. Minkovitz is a co-founder of the Center for Advanced Surgical Arts and serves on its medical advisory board. He is also on active staff at Christiana Care. While on staff of Wilmer at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Minkovitz received the Outstanding Teacher award. He was also named Top Doc in ophthalmology by Delaware Today Magazine six consecutive years, and has been an invited instructor at American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meetings.
For further information or to schedule an appointment please call 302-656-2020 ext.1. Testimonials...
“Best surgeon ever! Dr. Jeffery has the greatest staff from the receptionist to the surgical nurses. Wonderful results.” ~ Rosalie R. “It finally occurred to me what has been missing during the last 2 days. Since Richard’s surgery, he isn’t complaining about his inability to read something on the fly without searching for his glasses. He wired 6 recessed lights (NO GLASSES), he read the Sunday paper sections A & B and menus (NO GLASSES), and is using the computer (NO GLASSES). I suppose for Richard, needing to look for glasses when he wanted to see something, has been the hardest adjustment of becoming older. His dependence was so gradual that I never related to why he would get so angry over needing them. My house has been quieter. I now have 2 less things to do everyday: find the glasses and make sure they were clean!”
educate. enrich. empower.
Anthony Alfieri, DO, FACC
Brian J. Shiple, D.O.
Evelyn M. Joiner, CPA, CDFA™
Your Job Done Right.....................................5
A Non-limited Engagement…......................27
The Art Of Finishing Touches......................50
Taking The State By Storm!...........................6
Your Gray (Del. & Chest. Edition)...............27
Intention Into Action 2016..........................51
Insulation That Protects You From Bugs........7
Discover Elegance.....................................28
Our 7 Favorite Faucets................................70
We Make It Happen....................................29
Waterbury Kitchen & Bath...........................71
For The Love Of Flowers.............................30
Handling Market Volatility............................52
A Very Special Place...................................31
Understanding Obamacare..........................53
Weddings In Country Elegance...................31
Sorry, But You’re Too Late!..........................54
Dry Eye..........................................................2
Anderson Travel Services...........................49
Don’t Hide Your Legs This Summer...............8
Loch Nairn Golf Club...................................72
One Size Does Not Fit All..............................9 Flashes And Floaters...................................10
Getting Married Over 50..............................55 When Good Employers Go Bad...................56
All-on-4 Dental Implants®.............................11
Your Permanent Cosmetic Questions.........32
All About Whitening.....................................12
“Chick” Us Out............................................33
Embarrassment (Del. & Chest. Edition)......12
Springtime Renewal...................................34
Rebekah’s Journey......................................13
The Dreaded Turkey Neck..........................35
Gyrotonic Training.......................................58
A Less Invasive Approach............................14
Makeup Made In The USA.........................35
New Year; Do YOU!.....................................59
Comprehensive Health Analysis®...............15
Box Color, Salon Professional Color...........36
Four Gifts Of Shamanic Medicine...............60
Timing Is Everything (Del. & Chest. Edition)...15
Best Skin (Del. & Chest. Edition).................36
Doctor Means Teacher In Latin...................61
New Technique Cures Stroke.....................16
Well, Well, Wellness....................................37
Today’s Surgery Options.............................17
Beautiful Hair (Del. & Chest. Edition)...........37
Hair Loss Is A Real Problem........................38
Headaches & Migraines.........................19-20 The Vampire Facelift...................................21
Welcomes A New Attorney...........................57
Easter Seals In-Home Services...................62 Positive Business Women...........................63 Meet Trish Mcfarland..................................64
Waist Not, Want Not....................................22
Candy For All Occasions..............................39
Your Success Is Our Business.....................64
Oh, My Aching Back....................................23
The Gables At Chadds Ford........................40
Support Small Business...............................65
Ivy Gables...................................................24 Good Hospice Program...............................25 My Stomach Is Still Too Fat........................26 Hemorrhoids (Del. & Chest. Edition)...........26
Profiles & Thanks...................................41-46
Right Homework Routine............................47 Choices In Education..................................48 Dealing With Test Anxiety............................49
Why Join Us?..............................................65 Get Connected............................................66 Celebrating 41 Years...................................66 Women’s Expo Wrap-Up............................67 Winter Clearance Sale................................68 Come To Camp Pecometh!........................68
Dear Readers
Another year has come and gone, and the changes in my life have been too numerous to even summarize. I am still hoping that 2016 will be the best year ever, nothing like being optimistic. The saying is “Life is only what you make it” . . . So I intend to make it a great one. Looking at the news and the many horrible things that are going on in the world will make you realize that we as Americans are still extremely lucky to be living where we are today. I don’t think it would hurt to get back to some of our basic roots though.
Pamela J. Rizzo, Publisher
The Women’s Journal P.O. Box 57 * Lewes, DE 19958
email: Call Us At: 1-888-550-7200 or 302-236-1435
Advertising Sales Pamela J. Rizzo / Nancy Kanienberg/ Lana McAra / Stephanie Shafer Distribution Manager Tony Morris Accounting Pamela Rizzo Graphic Design The Women’s Journal is published quarterly and is available free of charge, by subscription, at display stands in approved private and public establishments and authorized distributors only. Trademark and U.S. Copyright laws protect The Women’s Journal. No part of this paper may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The Women’s Journal is not responsible for any editorial comment (other than its own), typographical errors from advertisements submitted as camera ready or any reproductions of advertisements submitted as camera ready. If an advertisement does not meet our standards of acceptance, we may revise or cancel it at any time, whether or not it has been already acknowledged and/or previously published. The advertiser assumes sole responsibility for all statements contained in submitted copy and will protect and indemnify The Women’s Journal, its owners, publishers, and employees, against any and all liability loss or expense arising out of claims for liable, unfair trade names, patents copyrights and propriety rights, and all violations of the right of privacy or other violations resulting from the publication by this newspaper of its advertising copy. Publisher shall be under no liability for failure, for any reason, to insert an advertisement. Publisher shall not be liable by reason of error, omission and/or failure to insert any part of an advertisement. Publisher will not be liable for delay or failure in performance in publication and/or distribution if all or any portion of an issue is delayed or suspended for any reason. The publisher will exercise reasonable judgement in these instances and will make adjustments for the advertiser where and when appropriate. The Women’s Journal assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or reproductions made by advertisers. This newspaper will be published by the 15th of the month in the first month of each quarter.
Representations by The Women’s Journal COPYRIGHT 1999™
READERSHIP 100,000 +
While I was at dinner the other night I had the opportunity to be an observer of the other tables around me. The table next to me was a couple that were probably the oddest two people I had seen in awhile. Because they were talking to one another, smiling and slowly eating their meal as they discussed their day. Today seeing people just enjoy a meal, and talk has become the oddity, not the norm. Three other tables had several people at their tables, and at least three of the people were on their phones texting or surfing the web. One table had three children at the table with phones and video games that they were slouched over playing instead of actually interacting with their family. When I was a child, a very long time ago I came to the table, sat down, and we prayed. Then everyone would start passing around the food until everyone had each item that was on the table (yes you had to take a portion of everything). Then everyone started to eat, and talk, and it was a time to discuss your day. My dad normally did most of the talking, since my mother never allowed us to talk with food in our mouths. Notice I said mother was the ruler around our house, because she taught us that manners could get you in almost anywhere, no matter how much money you had or didn’t have. She taught us that God had blessed us, and that each of us should always remember to treat every human as if it were ourselves (meaning don’t treat anyone in a way that you would not want to be treated). Think about that one, and realize what a wonderful world it would be. February is “Heart Awareness Month”, keep in mind that more women die from heart failure than from any other disease. My own mother died from a heart attack when she was 58, and I have since lost a brother and a sister to heart failure as well. Both my brother and sister looked like the picture of health. Be proactive and get a physical. Thanks to all our wonderful contributors for your support of the County Women’s Journal. The County Women’s Journal is available in medical buildings, hospitals, doctors’ offices, recreation centers, libraries, bookstores, coffee shops, hair salons, supermarkets, thousands of homes and many other local businesses. Can’t put your hands on a copy? Just call us so we can help. - Pamela Rizzo, Publisher On The Cover... We would like to thank Mendenhall Inn, for hosting our profile shoot for Chester County, Delaware County, and New Castle County Women’s Journals. Their beautiful facility is located at 323 Kennett Pike, Route 52, Chadds Ford, PA 19317. The Mendenhall Inn is a beautiful venue for wedding receptions, has a great restaurant, and I personally can say that they have some of the nicest hotel rooms in the area. To book a reservation or to find out more about their many different venues contact them at 610-388-2100 or visit them at I would also like to say thank you to J Christian and his incredible team of stylists and makeup artists. J Christian Studio is an award winning, upscale salon located at 7465 Lancaster Pike, Hockessin, DE 19707. For more information or to book an appointment with any of his great stylists or makeup artists you can call 302-325-2306, or visit them online at Also, I would like to thank Christine D’Alonzo, Amelia Paris Salon and Spa at Brinton Lake, 100 Evergreen Drive, Glen Mills, PA. I have only had the honor of working with Christine and her extremely talented group of stylists and makeup artists a few times, but I am positive that we are going to be strong partners for many years. For more information or to book an appointment with any of her great stylists or makeup artists you can call 610-558-4911 or visit them online at www. And last but definitely not least I would like to extend a huge thanks to LeRoy McDowell for photographing all of our attendees. None of our shoots would be possible without all of the partnerships that we have with this group of people. We were honored to have 11 participants of some of the top wedding vendors and icons in the fashion and beauty industry in our shoots, and I hope that you will let them know that you read their profiles in the Women’s Journal. Complete profiles on each of our participants can be found on Pages 41-46. 4
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Delaware’s Blue Hen Utility Is Taking The State By Storm!
By Michele L. Reynolds, President
lue Hen Utility Services, Inc. was a business concept that was formulated in March of 2014 when Michele Reynolds’ current business, Shelly Sons Electrical Contracting, was contracted to perform high-medium voltage work. From its start, Shelly Sons subcontracted its customers’ highmedium voltage electrical work to other firms, firms with the technical training and equipment to handle that highly-specialized work. Through that high-medium voltage sub-contracting experience, Michele learned a single fact that would change everything for her business - there were NO Delaware based utility service firms geared to self-perform high-medium voltage work. When storms or other issues breached power lines in the First State, all of the repair work was contracted to out-of-state firms. A Delaware-based utility service company would have a faster response time to address power outages than those more remote out-of-state firms, keeping First State communities and businesses up-and-running when power crisis strikes. Throughout this process of working for several clients to complete their distribution projects, they had the opportunity to collaborate with numerous vendors, supply houses, and business owners that rendered one common theme. There is an urgent need for additional utility service contractors to meet the demand of increased electrical service reliability. To bring her high-medium voltage plans to fruition, Michele needed a sharp team that was up to the challenge. Her husband and longtime business partner Michael Reynolds, co-owner of Shelly Sons
Electrical and Vice President of Blue Hen Utility Services, would bring his field operations expertise to the team. Then, Michele and Mike would reach out to longtime construction executive Ted Kelly, Vice President of Blue Hen Utility Services, to develop corporate marketing strategies, business development initiatives, and operational procedures. Once Michele had the management team in place, she turned her attention to developing Blue Hen Utility Services’ business plan. Michele’s newly minted ‘Blue Hen’ team drafted a business plan to take the high-medium voltage service industry by storm. Armed with that plan, the Blue Hen Team promptly secured the necessary financing. Next, the team added an electrical distribution-trained work crew – the most critical component of the business. And, with that, ‘Blue Hen Utility Services, Inc.’ was conceived.
Overhead pole line construction and maintenance
Aerial to underground conversions
Installation and repairs of primary and secondary aerial conductors
Storm restoration
Fault location and repair of underground conductors
Pad mount transformer installations-single and three phase
Tree trimming to clear power lines
Infrared testing and monitoring
Fiber Optic Cable Installation
Outdoor Lighting
Mission Statement
Committed to becoming the company recognized for its unsurpassed dedication to understanding the needs of our clients, whether large or small, delivering relevant solutions with uncompromised quality and integrity.
“I would like to thank you for your company’s quick response to the job. Very pleased with the rate of time it took to finish the work. Thank you for a job well done!” -John Gebhart, Facilities, Brandywine School District
For more information visit our website or call 302-273-3167
Blue Hen Utility Services, Inc. continues to grow attracting new business, while maintaining a number of returning customers. BHUS, Inc. currently employs several full-time and part-time staff members year round. Today, both Shelly Sons Electrical and Blue Hen Utility Services, Inc. are going strong, thanks to Michele’s re-focused, re-inspired leadership and the firms’ everexpanding team – a true workplace family. For Blue Hen, private sector high-medium voltage demand is growing steadily, and public sector high-medium voltage contracts are certainly within reach. With time, Michele looks to “pay her success forward,” mentoring other female entrepreneurs who, like herself, own businesses in male dominated fields. For Michele, persistence and “doing what makes you happy” are the keys to success, in business and in life.
Our Values
Safety, Integrity, Dedication, Commitment, and Continuous Improvement.
Our Vision
Relentless pursuit of excellence in delivering the “Best in Class” service for our clients. 6
Insulation That Warms Your Home, Saves You Money AND Protects You from Bugs! Principally made from recycled paper, it uses borates as the active pest control ingredient. Borates are mineral salts mined from the earth and are commonly used in many consumer products such as contact lens solution and antifungal creams. They are deadly to insects yet have extremely low toxicity to mammals.
By Dannis Warf Sales Manager, Royal Pest PEST CONTROL INSULATION Innovation at Work for YOU!
Your home is one of your most
2. a unique and proven method of pest control WHAT IS ROYAL PEST CONTROL INSULATION? Royal Pest Control Insulation combines a specialized natural insecticide with the best insulation for a patented product that is proud to carry the ENERGY STAR® seal.
Do you have a PEST QUESTION
PERMANENT PEST PROTECTION Royal Pest Control Insulation is an EPA-registered product, available exclusively to certified Pest Management Professionals.
ROYAL PEST CONTROL INSULATION... helps keep bugs out and comfort in!
Meet Royal Customer Service Rep Jackie and Pest Professional Rob:
Royal Pest Control Insulation serves as a blanket for your home when installed in the attic. The cellulose fibers interconnect to create a nearly perfect balance of the two qualities you should look for in your home’s insulation: 1. dense enough to stop air flow
PEST-imonials from our Customers } Jackie Buckland is a true asset to your team, and is always willing and ready to assist us with whatever we may need. –– Middletown, DE
2. light enough to trap heat.
} (Royal Customer) spoke very
By installing Royal Pest Control Insulation you are slowing the flow of air thus saving the heat from being lost and therefore saving on your energy bills.
highly of Rob saying he was a wonderful man and very helpful. She was in a tough situation with a terminally ill sister and had hundreds of ants. Needed someone before going to the hospital to pickup her sister.
Keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Womans Journal RPS_Insulation_Dannis.indd
E-mail Dannis at 7
She also wanted to say that we have the friendliest and kindest CSRs she’s come across. Service rep was very informative and polite.
Royal Pest Control Insulation offers two sustainable solutions in one innovative product: 1. an environmentally responsible insulation with superior thermal and sound-deadening properties
ROYAL PEST CONTROL INSULATION: • Guards against mold and mildew • Offers a rated fire resistance • Contains all-natural material • Is environmentally friendly • Reduces heat lose • Saves you money
Royal Pest Control Insulation ensures your home is more energy-efficient and comfortable, offering you year-round pest control along with energy and financial savings.
treasured investments. It’s where you unwind, create experiences, and make memories. Your home provides shelter and protection from the outside elements. Offering you warmth on a cold day or refuge from the summer heat. Today’s homeowners are always on the lookout for products and services that add value to their home, deliver a return on their investment, protect their family’s health, and maintain a more comfortable atmosphere.
Jackir Buckland
Rob Wardell
Customer Service
Pest Technician
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Don’t Hide Your Legs This Summer! problem vein instead. Once the diseased vein is closed, other healthy veins take over and empty blood from your legs.
as noticeable like before. I highly recommend Dr. Anthony Alfieri and staff for this procedure.” - Sharon Calloway, Hockessin, DE
Q. How Long Does T he Procedure T ake? A. Venous procedures typically
“Dr. Alfieri and staff were very friendly and professional. They were knowledgeable about the cutting edge vein treatment methods to reduce pain, numbness and swelling in my legs. I am very pleased with the results.” - Kimberly Hill, Townsend, DE
take about 3-5 minutes, though patients normally spend 30 minutes at the medical facility due to normal pre and post-treatment procedures.
Anthony Alfieri, DO, FACC is a board certified interventional cardiologist, who has been practicing in the New Castle County area for over 25 years. His efforts to improve the quality of life for all individuals - both men and women alike - who suffer from the effects of venous insufficiencies continues with the formation of Delaware Advanced Vein Center. Dr. Alfieri has found that for many people, having varicose veins is needlessly limiting and it is a common misconception that the treatment of varicose veins is painful and not worth the effort. So as to provide better care for his patients, Dr. Alfieri is now performing radiofrequency ablations.
Q. Will T he P rocedure B e Covered B y My Insurance? A. At Delaware Advanced Vein
By Anthony Alfieri, DO, FACC
elaware Advanced Vein Center in Newark, Delaware holds free screenings monthly and have found that many people who suffer with varicose veins don’t seek treatment sooner because of “what they don’t know”. They want to help patients get the treatments that are available to them now, without wasting another year hiding your legs!
Here A re T he Most Common Questions A nd Concerns:
Center, we know the insurance process can sometimes be daunting. Our expert staff will submit your claim and acquire precertification for your procedure, when required by your insurance provider. Delaware Advanced Vein Center accepts insurance from numerous insurance providers. The coverage varies depending on your provider and specific policy.
Q. When Can I Resume My E xercise Routine? A. Many patients can resume
Intersocietal Commission for the A ccreditation of V ascular Laboratories:
normal activities immediately. For a few weeks following the treatment, your doctor may recommend a regular walking regimen and suggest you refrain from very strenuous activities (heavy lifting, for example) or prolonged periods of standing.
Q. What A re V aricose Veins A nd T heir S ymptoms? Q. How S oon Will I See Improvements In My A. Varicose veins—which affect 10% to 20% of all adults—are S ymptoms A nd A ppearance swollen, twisted, blue veins that Of My V aricose V eins? are close to the surface of the A. Most patients report a skin. Because valves in them are damaged, they hold more blood at higher pressure than normal. That forces fluid into the surrounding tissue, making the affected leg swell and feel heavy.
The purpose of ICAVL is to ensure high quality patient care and to promote health care by providing a mechanism to encourage and recognize the provision of quality noninvasive vascular diagnostic
noticeable improvement in their symptoms within 1-2 weeks following the procedure.
testing by a process of voluntary accreditation.
Intersocietal Commission for the A ccreditation of N uclear M edicine L aboratories:
The purpose of ICANL is to ensure high quality patient care and to promote health care by providing a mechanism to encourage and recognize the provision of quality nuclear cardiology and nuclear medicine diagnostic evaluations by a process of voluntary accreditation.
Intersocietal Commission for the A ccreditation of E chocardiography L aboratories:
The purpose of ICAEL is to ensure high quality patient care and to promote health care by providing a mechanism to encourage and recognize the provision of quality echocardiographic diagnostic evaluations by a process of voluntary accreditation.
If your question wasn’t answered or to schedule your free screening call Michelle, our customer relations specialist at 302-690-0933.
Q. How A re V aricose V eins T reated? T estimonials A. Since valves can’t be repaired, the only alternative is to reroute blood flow through healthy veins. Traditionally, this has been done by surgically removing (stripping) the troublesome vein from your leg. Venous procedures provide a less invasive alternative to vein stripping by simply closing the
“I had a venous procedure done and I cannot believe the improvement I noticed in my legs almost immediately! I no longer have a tired feeling or heavy pressure feeling in both of my legs. My dark purple ugly veins I had around my ankles are not
Free vein Screening Your First Step to Beautiful Legs! 40 Omega Drive, Building G Newark, DE 19713
302-737-0857 8
Call (302) 690-0933
To schedule your free screening
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When It Comes To Hearing Technology: One Size Does Not Fit All! The Riddle Experience
into the ear via an earmold or a dome. The BTE is a popular device because it can deliver high levels of sound to a patient, if needed.
The audiologists at Riddle Hospital share the same goals that you do – to improve hearing and understanding even in your most difficult listening environments. A comprehensive audiological evaluation followed by a listening needs assessment and live hearing aid demonstration will allow the audiologist to make the best recommendations for a hearing treatment plan tailored to your listening needs.
In-The-Ear (ITE)
By Jessica M. Bell, Au.D.
hat hearing aid style is right for you? Although there are a variety of sizes and styles available to choose from, your audiologist can help you choose the style that is best for you and your hearing. It is a common misconception that size equals price. That is not true. The technology inside of the hearing aid is what determines the price of the instrument. The style of the instrument is purely a visual preference and can come in a variety of technology levels. When it comes to styles of hearing instruments, there are three main categories: Behindthe-ear (BTE), In-The-Ear (ITE) and Receiver-In-Canal (RIC). While most hearing aids today are typically highly durable and water resistant, each style of instrument offers different benefits to the patient. Below is a review of the benefits of each style. It is important to note that you should speak with your audiologist to determine which style of instrument is best suited for you based on your hearing test results, dexterity, and overall listening lifestyle.
Behind-The-Ear (BTE)
The BTE style hearing aid is designed to sit, well, behind the ear! This type of hearing instrument houses all of the technology behind the ear. The sound is delivered to the ear via a tube. Depending on hearing thresholds, the tube size may vary. The hearing aids are anchored
The ITE style hearing aid is a hearing aid that is made custom to each individual patient via an impression taken of the ear in the office. An ITE instrument is available in a variety of sizes. The size of the ITE instrument is selected based on hearing thresholds, dexterity, and desire for controls (i.e. program button, volume control, etc.) or wireless connectivity. If dexterity is a concern, an ITE hearing instrument tends to be easier to place in the ear as it is only one piece.
For more information or to schedule an evaluation or treatment, contact the Audiology Department at Riddle Hospital.
Receiver-In-Canal (RIC)
Similar to the BTE, the RIC also sits behind the ear. This style of instrument is anchored onto the ear via dome or custom earmold. The difference between a BTE and a RIC is that the receiver (i.e. speaker) actually sits in the ear canal in a RIC instrument. The additional components remain behind the ear. By allowing the receiver to sit in the ear canal, the body of the device can become even slimmer and more discrete. The wire leading from the instrument to the speaker is very thin and almost invisible as it enters the ear canal. The RIC instrument allows for some sounds where hearing is normal to be transmitted naturally while amplifying those pitches that need enhancement. Additionally, if hearing loss progresses, the ability to change to a stronger power receiver is much more readily available and can be done quickly in-house.
How to Choose?
This is a brief overview of the different style hearing instrument options available to help you feel more confident when choosing. Write down what is important to you and remember your audiologist is there to assist you in your selection! No matter what style you choose, the audiologist will make certain to program the instrument giving you maximum audibility for hearing speech.
Catherine M. Marino, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology/Director Jessica M. Bell, AuD Doctor of Audiology Denise E. Stewart, M.S. Clinical Audiologist Lisa C. Mackenzie, M.S. Clinical Audiologist For an appointment with a Riddle Hospital audiologist, call 484.227.3200 or visit
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Flashes And Floaters – Symptoms Of Possible Retinal Tear Or Detachment T
By Dr. Paula Ko
hink of the eye like a camera; it is a very small organ with many different parts to it. The eye has a lens that focuses the light on the retina. The retina is like the film of a camera – it lines the back wall of the eye similar to wallpaper. When a patient complains of flashes and floaters, as a retina specialist I am always concerned about problems with retinal tears and/or detachments. The retina can tear or detach and the initial symptoms may start as flashes and floaters. If the retina starts to detach, then a patient may notice a dark shadow or shade that descends over their vision. If left untreated, a patient will go blind. Floaters are a common symptom that many patients may experience. Typically floaters are dark, small, and float back and forth. Many times floaters get in the way of vision, but if the eye looks back and forth, the floater can float out of the way. Acute floaters can occasionally be harmless however more commonly acute floaters are a symptom of something more serious. If one has had floaters for many years and they have not gotten worse, then usually it is nothing to worry about. If one experiences floaters acutely, and they have not experienced them before, it usually signifies a problem. The only real way to tell the difference is to get a complete eye examination including dilation, allowing the entire retina to be checked. If a tear develops, many times it is in the periphery of the retina which can not be seen unless the pupil is dilated. If a patient complains of new floaters in one eye and the floaters do not go away she/he should be seen immediately. Flashes are not as common and are typically associated with floaters. Flashes that are caused by a retinal tear or detachment usually occur in the periphery of the vision (side vision) and are noted at night or in the dark, usually lasting for less than a second. They can occur frequently but the actual flash lasts for a very short period of time. Flashes can also be induced when one looks quickly from side to side. The most common cause of flashes and floaters is a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). This occurs as a normal aging process. The process usually begins by age 50, and by age 70 more than 50% of people have had a PVD. The back inside cavity of the eye is filled with vitreous fluid. When you are born, the fluid is clear and gelatinous, like egg white before it is cooked. As one ages, the vitreous starts to liquefy. As it liquefies, the vitreous starts to contract and pull away from the retina. When it pulls away, the vitreous tugs on the retina and causes flashes – the retina is stimulated by the vitreous tugging on the retina. When a PVD occurs, patients will commonly notice flashes and floaters. It is usually during this 6-8 week period of the vitreous pulling away from the retina that a patient is at risk for retinal tears or detachments. Sometimes when the vitreous jelly is pulling loose, it will cause a tear or a retinal detachment. If a retinal tear goes untreated it commonly will lead to
a retinal detachment. The initial symptoms of a PVD should be checked out immediately. A retinal tear is much easier to treat (requires laser in the office) than a retinal detachment (requires more involved surgery). Hence, catching a problem earlier and before vision loss is always better. While a PVD usually occurs spontaneously, it can also be caused by blunt trauma to the eye or a hard hit to the back of the head that causes secondary injury to the eye. In summary, acute flashes and floaters should always be checked out with a dilated eye exam immediately, usually within 1–2 days from when they start. The most common cause is a PVD, which causes very little damage, but a tear or retinal detachment may be the cause and immediate treatment may be needed. Paula C. Ko, MD is with Eye Physicians & Surgeons, P.A., 1207 North Scott Street, Wilmington, DE 19806. Graduated with honors from the Ohio State University College of Engineering in 1984. Dr. Ko received her M.D. degree from the Ohio State University College of Medicine in 1989, again with honors. Following her residency in Ophthalmology at Temple, Dr. Ko served a prestigious fellowship at Georgetown University in diseases of the retina and vitreous, and is Certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology. Dr. Ko has an area of special expertise in retinal problems, especially diabetic eye disease, macular degeneration, retinal detachment, and CMV retinitis. Dr. Ko has lectured extensively, and has published many papers on these topics. Dr. Ko is active in resident training, and is on staff at the University of MD and Temple University, as well as at the Medical Center of DE. Dr. Ko is at the forefront of ophthalmic technology, and utilizes the most advanced procedures, including laser treatment and intraocular injections, in the care of her patients.
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society. She also received the Carol R. Mullen prize in ophthalmology. She completed her residency at the Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania. During that time she was elected Chief Resident. After residency, Dr. Glazer-Hockstein completed a two year medical retina fellowship at the Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Glazer-Hockstein has published multiple articles in peer-review journals and has lectured on a variety of retinal disease subjects. Her specialization includes but is not limited to: macular degeneration, retinal vascular disease, and diabetic retinopathy.
Dr. Carolyn Glazer-Hockstein and Dr. Paula Ko are retina specialists at Eye Physicians and Surgeons who are committed to helping patients with retinal tears and detachments as well as other retinal diseases. If you would like to learn more about retinal tears and detachments or to schedule an appointment call (302) 652-3353.
Dr. Glazer-Hockstein graduated Cum Laude from Jefferson Medical College. She was a member of the Hobart Armory Hare Honor Medical Society and was elected to the
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All-on-4 Dental Implants®
Delaware Periodontics uses the latest technologies to provide our patients with the most predictable surgical care. Using the All-on4 Implant Protocol allows Dr. Klassman to remove all infections and replace a failing set of teeth with a fixed set of new teeth in 1 surgical session. He is the only surgical specialist that will complete the surgery and the temporary teeth in the same day in the state of Delaware. By Dr. Bradford Klassman
ery few people realize how much we use our teeth on a daily basis. That is until tooth loss occurs. When teeth begin to fail a patient’s oral health and quality of life suffers. Like the old phrase “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” When we lose teeth we begin to understand the scope of impaired oral function and how it affects our daily lives. Patients with missing/failing teeth suffer with malnutrition, reduced self esteem, and confidence. They possess a high risk for developing oral conditions such as bone loss. Patients also suffer from periodontal disease, cavities, root canal infections, and serious bite problems called “Bite Collapse”. Patients with severely failing dentitions can also be more at risk for serious medical conditions. It is well known that these patients have high risk of cardiovascular problems, risk of stroke, diabetes, and complications if pregnant with a high risk of preterm and low birth weight babies. The typical sequence of therapy to address these complex problems requires at least 3 surgeries. Initially the teeth are extracted and the bone and teeth extraction sites are allowed to heal. The implants are then placed and left to heal for 3-4 months. Finally a third surgery is done to expose the implants. Start to finish time is 6-8 months. During this time patients are left with only removable dentures on which to function. The psychological affect of being without teeth and the difficulty in eating with lower removable dentures takes a significant toll on patients going through this sequence of therapy.
The All-on-4 Protocol uses only 4 dental implants to replace an entire arch of teeth. By angling the back implants we can avoid nerves and sinus grafting which often requires much more aggressive surgical treatment. Not only does this technique replace an entire arch of teeth, but it allows Dr. Klassman to correct bite problems that were not correctable with other treatment options. By connecting the new set of teeth to the implants, the surgical site is protected. This minimizes the post surgical pain period. Patient’s lives are improved by giving them immediate fixed teeth which improves eating and nutrition, psychological confidence, and removes all sources of infection. Patients can resume eating and activities right away. For more information please call Dr. Klassman for a consultation or visit We will do anything for a positive experience for all!
About Dr. Klassman Dr. Bradford Klassman improves the lives of his patients by using the highest level of technology to provide the most exceptional and predictable surgical care. He partners with top practices as co-therapists to strengthen and support comprehensive and esthetic oral health. Educated at Temple University School of Dentistry and Post Doctoral training in Periodontics at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Brad is the youngest Board Certified Periodontist in the State of Delaware. He is also the first Periodontist in the State of Delaware to use Laser Periodontal Therapy and the LANAP protocol.
Testimonials “Thank you for all your hard work to help complete my smile”. - Selma T., New Castle, Delaware “Everyone in Dr. Klassman’s office made me feel as if I were their only patient. Dr. Klassman explained every detail of my procedure, and he and his staff made me feel very comfortable. If you are considering treatment, consider Dr. Klassman.” - Janene, K. Newark, Delaware. “My implants look and feel like my own teeth. In fact , they are better than my own teeth. Dr. Klassman is very capable, and so personable. I feel that is so important when you go to see a dental specialist.” - Sally G. Hockessin, DE 11
Dr. Brad is proud to provide patients with Virtually Instant Dental Implants with a Same Day Smile. He teaches at the Christiana Care Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and is a member of the American Dental Association, Delaware State Dental Society, American Academy of Periodontology, and the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry. He lives in Hockessin, Delaware with his two children. He enjoys fishing and cooking his fresh catch of the day. Dr. Bradford L. Klassman Delaware Periodontics 1110 N. Bandcroft Parkway Wilmington, DE 19805 302-658-7871
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End The Embarrassment! T
he other day I was speaking with a patient and she mentioned she hated the appearance of a large old filling in one of her front teeth.
“I actually thought about having it capped,” she said, “but then I talked to some of my friends and they said I shouldn’t even think about doing it. According to my friends most front caps are bulky and the color never matches the surrounding teeth. Plus they end up looking black at the gum line. Basically my friends said caps looked so fake I’d be happier just living with the filling.”
From Fake-Looking to Fabulous
I understood where her friends were coming from, but fortunately I was able to give my patient good news. Today we are able to offer new kinds of crowns (caps), so natural looking only she and I would know her tooth was capped . . . Strong AND truly Beautiful. In order to understand this breakthrough it helps to know a little about what crowns do. Dentists use crowns when a substantial portion of a tooth is missing or damaged by injury or cavities. The crown restores the tooth by covering it entirely. It must be strong and it must look natural as well. Years ago many front crowns were bulky because a thick, opaque, layer of porcelain was needed to mask out the dark metal understructure of the crown. Natural teeth are translucent; they allow light to pass through them. It was impossible with the old techniques to match the degree of translucency the various parts of a natural tooth exhibit. Also the edge where the metal and porcelain met often had a ribbon of metal showing through. This is the cause of the ugly black line at the gum line. To mask this, dentists would bury the edge of the crown under the gum, but when recession (the migrating of the gum edge up the root of the tooth) occurred, the ugly black line appeared.
Today’s Better Way
Fortunately, thanks to new materials and techniques, we now have a number of esthetically excellent choices for making crowns. Because many of the “porcelain-like” ceramic materials are so strong we can have metal free crowns. NO BLACK LINE! Some of the new ceramic materials are actually stronger than the metal/porcelain crowns of the past. There are times when a metal understructure is still preferred but now we have the option of thinner metals which reflect light similar to the inner layers of a natural tooth. The porcelain is also greatly improved. Many porcelains have a chameleon effect, grabbing reflected color from adjacent teeth to create a perfect match. In addition it is possible to have the finishing edge of a porcelain and metal crown in the tooth colored porcelain, eliminating the black line potential.
nt Caps o r F g n i k Fake-Loo e r o M o N
By Dr. Anna C. Giacalone
available and another to know which material and technique is preferred for the task at hand. Every time I read a dental journal there is an advancement. A dentist dedicated to providing the very best results both esthetically and functionally must be committed to continuing dental education. My staff and I pride ourselves on doing just that. I was awarded a Master of the Academy of General Dentistry, to prove that. Only 6% of over 38,000 Academy members ever achieve this mastership. In addition, beautiful results require an artistic eye. The contour of the crown must be in harmony with other teeth, the shape of the mouth and facial features. Undetectable crowns have to be more than “not bulky”, there are many factors which come into play.
Just Ask
At our office we have made a commitment to providing Beautiful , Healthy Smiles for life. Call for a free consultation, meet our team and see our smile album with before and after treatment photos of actual patients treated in our practice. 610-558-1760.
“As a Facial Plastic Surgeon, I am consulted daily to evaluate and advise patients on ways to enhance their appearance, which improves their self-esteem and presentation to others. Over the many years that I have been her patient, Dr. Anna Giacalone has approached my multiple problems of teeth grinding, discoloration, and improper bite in a creative and compassionate way, resulting in a natural, confident and youthful smile. Besides my teeth looking great, I no longer grind my teeth.” - Dr. Roy Stoller “I was very apprehensive about having six new crowns placed on my upper front teeth. However, since the look of my existing crowns made me extremely self-conscious I decided to have Dr. Giacalone replace them. I was absolutely thrilled with the outcome! She did an amazing job not only with the permanent crowns but also with the temporaries. It’s great to be able to smile confidently again. I am so grateful for the beautiful work Dr. Giacalone did.” - Elizabeth Maruca
Get a complimentary $200.00 GIFT CARD
A Job for Experts
which may be used for any treatment or service at our practice. Available to the first 27 new patients who mention this article by March 30, 2016. Not to be combined with other offers. Call to schedule with Dr. Giacalone at 610-558-1760
It is all fine and good to have improved materials and techniques
Anna C. Giacalone, DMD, MAGD Master of the Academy of General Dentistry Education: • DMD University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine • Certificate and Internship : Comprehensive Orthodontic Institute • Certificate: Dawson Academy of Advanced Study Numerous Awards and Commendations including Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry, The Pennsylvania Dental Association Award for Excellence, Top Cosmetic Dentist Main Line Today, America’s Top Dentists, to name a few. To learn more visit her web site: 12
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Rebekah’s Journey With The Blood Bank in Web Information Systems at Wilmington University, she reflects on all the challenges she was able to overcome. “It’s neat because I’m able to use my education at BBD which they told me that I would never be able to get. They told me that I would never be able to add beyond 2 + 2 and that I would never be able to make it out of elementary school because of my cerebral palsy and the chemo treatments at such as young age,” states Rebekah.
transfusions. “We always loved it when she received blood,” said her mother, Kimberly. “She got red and pink in the face. She had more energy. She was up talking and playing a lot. She was like a normal little kid should be.”
Monica E. Boyce, Ed.D Change Communications & Project Manager Blood Bank of Delmarva
n July 2015, Rebekah began her internship as a Web Designer at Blood Bank of Delmarva. The month of July was not only a stepping stone in her career, but it also held other significance for Rebekah. July 2015 marked her 20th year in remission from leukemia. Rebekah was only eight months old when she was diagnosed with acute lymphatic leukemia. Throughout her battle with leukemia, Rebekah required several red blood cell and platelet
Rebekah has needed platelet and red blood cells for her various procedures. “I’ve needed tons of blood products between all of the surgeries that I’ve had. I’ve had around 30 surgeries,” says Rebekah. Her mother is a frequent donor. “I think if people knew how much they were really helping someone, they would want to donate. It’s such a good thing to do,” says Kimberly. Rebekah’s journey with BBD has come full circle from her use of blood products to supporting BBD’s mission with the use of her talents in her current position. “When we took the employee tour through the blood distribution center, there was a box eye level and it was earmarked to go to AI DuPont Hospital which is where I was treated and it was platelets. I almost had a moment. It’s just interesting how that stuff happens and comes full circle,” says Rebekah. As Rebekah moves closer to the completion of her bachelor’s degree
Monica Boyce is proud to represent the Blood Bank of Delmarva. BBD is a not-for-profit community service organization which provides blood transfusion products and services for hospitals within the Delmarva region. In her role as Change Communications and Project Manager, she is responsible for developing and implementing the internal and external engagement and communication strategy to increase the community and employees’ connection to BBD’s mission. She is also the project manager for the Cerus INTERCEPT Implementation Project. Monica holds a B.S. in Organizational Dynamics; a M.S.M. in Organizational Leadership; and in 2013 she earned her Doctorate of Education in Organizational Leadership. She is also an Adjunct Instructor at Wilmington University and is passionate about teaching. Monica is dedicated to supporting BBD in the goal to be a bestin-class blood bank and community partner.
BBD is delighted to have been a part of Rebekah’s life from supplying safe, quality blood products to offering her an internship in her career field. Rebekah was even featured in BBD’s yearly Life Stream newsletter in 1998. Her mother shared her daughter’s remarkable story of survival and how blood donors have made a difference in their daughter’s life. For over 60 years, Blood Bank of Delmarva has ensured a safe and continuous supply of blood to meet the needs of over 20,000 patients annually. Rebekah is a survivor of leukemia thanks to her wonderful medical team and ample supply of blood products. Our community needs 350 blood donors every day to meet the needs of patients, such as Rebekah, in the Delmarva
Listen to your heart
Give blood. Schedule your appointment at or call 1 888 8-BLOOD-8
Blood Bank
of Delmarva
Be Someone’s Hero. Give Blood. 1 888 8-BLOOD-8
region. Your donation can make a difference for local patients. BBD is a not-for-profit 501 community service organization which provides blood transfusion products and services for hospitals within the Delmarva region. Blood Bank of Delmarva services the Delmarva region with five permanent locations and more than 30 mobile sites, making it convenient for people to give the gift of life. In addition to blood provisioning, BBD operates a full service regional laboratory providing testing and reference laboratory services for other blood collection centers and hospitals. To become a lifesaving blood donor at Blood Bank of Delmarva, schedule an appointment at www. or call 1 888 8-BLOOD-8.
Be Someone’s Hero. Give Blood.
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A Less Invasive Approach To Hysterectomy menopause in younger patients. Hysterectomies have greatly advanced in recent years. In the past, most women had an operation to remove the uterus through a 5-inch to 7-inch cut in the lower abdomen, often leaving a large scar. Today’s minimally invasive techniques allow our patients to recovery quickly after a hysterectomy and get back to normal activities, generally in a few weeks instead months. This is a significant consideration for many women who don’t want to take additional time off from work, or who are worried about child care.
By Monique R. Farrow, M.D. and Adrian Quesada-Rojas, M.D.
he most common reason for a woman to have a hysterectomy is fibroids, which are noncancerous growths in the uterus that can cause pain, bleeding, pelvic pressure and difficulty emptying the bladder. Endometriosis, a painful condition caused when the lining of the uterus grows outside the womb, is another reason. A hysterectomy can also improve the quality of life for women with
Advances in surgical techniques
uterine prolapse, in which the uterus drops from its normal position into the vaginal canal. Due to advances in treatment, the number of hysterectomies in the United States has been steadily declining. But there are still a number of women who benefit from a hysterectomy, defined as the surgical removal of all or part of the womb (uterus) – often leaving the ovaries in place to avoid early
At Christiana Care Health System we will explore the options with you and help you choose a treatment that works best for you and your lifestyle. For example, many women benefit from medications to treat endometriosis and avoid surgery all together. Women who experience the heavy periods and pain associated with
fibroids, may opt to manage the pain medically until menopause when fibroids shrink. If a hysterectomy would benefit you, we will discuss all of the available options and find the time and method that will meet your needs. To make an appointment with Monique R. Farrow, M.D., or Adrian Quesada-Rojas, M.D., contact a convenient Christiana Care location:
Christiana Hospital Women’s Health Practice Suite 1900 4755 Ogletown-Stanton Road Newark, DE 19718 302-733-6510 Wilmington Hospital Wilmington Health Center Women’s Health Office 501 W. 14th Street Wilmington, DE 19801 302-320-4414 Smyrna Women’s Health Practice 100 S. Main Street Smyrna, DE 19977 302-659-4520
A day you’ll always remember. Expert care you’ll never forget. Our moms rely on an experienced health care team that’s prepared for everything, 24 hours a day—every day. You can trust we provide a safe, welcoming experience for mom, baby and the entire family. Caring for moms, newborns and families for generations.
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Timing Is Everything, Even When Enjoying Your Favorite Foods. The New Year is a wonderful and exciting time. It is that starting point we need to propel us in a new direction. You may be planning to start an exercise program or embark on an interesting new project. Well, while you are in the mood for change, let me encourage By you to think Yvonne DeLoache, DDS about your smile. We all know the importance of oral hygiene and a good diet yet; in a fast-paced, graband-go society it is easy to let the details of proper dental care slip to the back of our minds. We give our teeth a quick brushing, promise ourselves we will floss “later” and off we go for another day, sugar-laced coffee and a sweet roll or bagel in hand. Without realizing it, we have set ourselves up for poor dental health. Our less-than-adequate oral hygiene can lead to gum disease and dental cavities very quickly. These problems are caused by the combination of plaque missed during hurried teeth cleaning and the greatest enemy to our teeth SUGAR. Unfortunately, this wonderful tasting substance is everywhere, from that sweet coffee and breakfast pastry to much of our food throughout the day. A quick look at the ingredients in most packaged foods will reveal sugar in some form, from sugar, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, or malt syrup, to disaccharides, glucitol, galactose, or maltodextrin . Check the ingredients of your favorite foods on your next shopping trip and you may be shocked. The best solution to eliminating sugar from your diet is to eat fresh unprocessed foods that you prepare yourself.
Yet admittedly, this is difficult, and when we eat out, it is clearly impossible. So what can you do? Well there is hope and that is where timing comes in. Let me tell you how cavities form and the role of sugar in the process. Whenever we eat something containing sugar, the bacteria in our mouths also eat the sugar and produce acid at the highest level for about 30 minutes. The acid production begins to drop off at that point, returning to normal until more sugar is consumed. So that means, if you want to eat something containing sugar, it would be better to eat it in one sitting and not snack on it all through the day. Let’s look at an example: • Sugary food eaten during 10:00 AM work break, completed at 10:15 AM, acid production remains at the highest level for 30 minutes after completion of snack, Total exposure to acid at greatest production = 45 minutes • Sugary food eaten during 10:00 AM work break, snack not completed and taken back to your desk, nibbled on until 11:15 AM, acid production remains at the highest level for 30 minutes after completion of snack, Total exposure to acid at greatest production = 1 hour, 45 minutes Though the amount of food is the same to your body, for your teeth there is a huge difference! So what’s the big deal about acid in our mouths? Well, acid exposure will eventually weaken the enamel on our teeth. The enamel then flakes away leaving holes in our tooth and bacteria enters these holes, causing tooth decay. Therefore, limiting acid exposure is very important to maintain the integrity of our tooth enamel and thus maintaining our ability to eat, speak properly, and our beautiful smile.
Call Us at (610) 696-9135 • 301 South High Street, West Chester, PA 19382-3336
Message: Enjoy your occasional sugary treat, but don’t nibble or sip throughout the day. Constant consumption of sugary foods will cause a continuous high level of acidity in your mouth, risking serious damage to your teeth. Clean your mouth as soon as possible after consuming sugary foods. If you cannot brush, just drink some water. This will dilute the acid and help alleviate some of its damage to your teeth.
Winter Special Custom Take Home Whitening Kit Be the hit of the Super Bowl party, WOW that special Valentine, or just fabulous in the Spring. Custom Take Home Whitening (Regular $350.00, now $250.00) Complimentary Smile Evaluation Come visit and we will help you plan a beautiful new smile. (Limited Time Offer)
About Dr. DeLoache: Originally from Ohio, Dr. Yvonne DeLoache graduated from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. After her residency she moved to Pennsylvania and opened a practice in West Chester. She has been a “hometown, family dentist” ever since. Performing all areas general and cosmetic dentistry, Dr. DeLoache truly enjoys taking care of her patients, getting to know them well, answering their questions, and allaying their fears. Along with her clinical practice she also teaches at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine which allows her to be exposed to the latest in dental treatment and technology. Dr. DeLoache and her husband R. Blake Edmonds, DMD have two grown sons. They are longtime members of The Church of the Good Samaritan in Paoli. In her free time, Dr. DeLoache enjoys reading, writing, painting, and has recently started fly fishing.
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New Technique Cures Stroke In 67% Of Patients
MRAs are markedly more detailed at 3T
By Dr. Philip Chao
ur two 3T MRI centers were created to provide state of the art 3T MRI to the people of Delaware. We have been doing that for over eight years but some people still do not realize the benefits of 3T imaging. Simply put, higher quality images allow one to make a better diagnosis. Did you know that one in ten people will receive a Misdiagnosis. Most people realize that misdiagnoses can happen but one in 20 will have a treatment delay or could even die as a result. Patients generally leave our facility with the report. When time allows, patients also have the opportunity to chat with the doctor. Having a doctor on premises allows us to provide safe IV sedation for those that are highly claustrophobic. If you can’t stay still, you will not get a clear picture. Sometimes sedation is the only option. We are the only facilities in Delaware to offer this extraordinary level of care. Communication is important. When you leave with your pictures and a quick discussion of your test results most people are happier. Also, being able to ask questions helps the patient feel they have more control over their medical problem. Understanding your test results can have multiple impacts on your health care, puts a patient in a better position to monitor their own health care. In this increasingly complicated world, it frequently falls to the patient to advocate for their own care. Obviously, all tests have to be interpreted with what is going on in your care with your family history
MRA is a non invasive way to see the arteries in the brain and a whole host of other factors. Even at the best medical facilities, mistakes happen that can literally cause death. Radiology results are only a part of your diagnosis. No one test is 100% sensitive or accurate. Most radiology tests are considered good if they are more than 76-85% accurate. That means at least one in ten will not show the problem. One reason for this in MRI exams is due to patient motion. Sometimes it’s an older generation MRI scanner which does not have the right software. More often than not, however, it is the inexperience of the radiologist. Dr. Chao has 30 years of experience and he sees the findings that other doctors miss and using 3T technology, we frequently find many smaller tumors, fractures or subtle tears because of the greater resolution. Lastly, I want to leave you with something which I hope will change your life or that of someone you love. A fantastic new technology for curing stroke has been discovered—and has been implemented in New Castle County, Delaware! It is now possible to actually cure about one in three stroke victims if the right care is provided. This new procedure is called “stent retriever technology.” Do a web search (stent retriever trials). Learn about it then call and ask questions. We need to have this life-saving tech in all three of our counties. Right now only New Castle has it but the entire hospital system has to be trained to detect and treat stroke rapidly. Alas, that is currently not the case in all major hospitals but
with your help we can do this. Another related advancement is the existence of new ambulances that actually have a CT scanner inside! The scan is done in the ambulance instead of waiting for it to be done in a busy hospital. Amazing. Treatment can frequently begin IN the ambulance and if the patient does not improve by the time they get to the hospital then the patient can go directly to the angio suite where a neuro-interventional radiologist can use the stent retriever to physically “pull out” the blockage and cure the stroke. While we are not directly involved in this, it is such an exciting development, we wanted to share this very exciting—and hugely important—breakthrough. Strokes kill one in five of us. Just think, it may be possible to save up to 33% of these people and completely cure their stroke while making strokes smaller and less damaging for the other 67% of stroke victims! PLEASE PLEASE read about this on the web and ask your doctor questions. Let’s all pitch in to make the difference. About Dr. Chao Dr. Philip Chao graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Yale University and was Scholar of the House. He continued his studies at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, receiving his medical degree in 1983. After a transitional internship year at the Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, NY, Dr. Chao did his residency in Radiology at Brooklyn’s SUNY Health Science Center (19841987), where he became Chief Resident. He stayed on to complete a fellowship in Neuroradiology (1987-1988). Dr. Chao has been interested in MRI technology since its very beginning – the first MRI scan took place in 1981 while he
was pursuing his medical studies. The University of Pennsylvania, where Dr. Chao was both a Body MRI Fellow (1988-1990) and a Neuroradiology Fellow (1989-1990), was at the heart of the development of this technology and Dr. Chao was able to work with pioneers in MRI on the first GE Signa 1.5T (tesla) scanner. His advanced research and specializations complete, Dr. Chao left the University of Pennsylvania for a position as Director of MRI in Wilmington, DE – a position he held for 14 years. Dr. Chao eventually left that position to create the best MRI Center in Delaware which uses the very latest technology: 3T MRI. While 3T (tesla) scanners have been used for scanning research patients since 2002, these advanced, more powerful MRI scanners only became available for clinical use in 2004. Dr. Chao worked hard to bring 3T technology to Delaware and in February 2007, MRI Consultants, LLC began operating the first 3T scanner in the State. 3T is the newest horizon for MRI.
Two Locations Best Open MRI 1 Centurian Drive, Suite 107
Newark, DE
302 838 7800
MRI Consultants 17252-9 N. Village Main Blvd
Lewes, DE
302 827 4251
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Today’s Surgery Options A
s urogynecologists, we specialize in helping women who have pelvic floor disorders such as pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence. The pelvic floor includes the muscles and connective tissue in the lowest part of the pelvis. It supports your organs, including the bowel, bladder, uterus, vagina, and rectum. The discomfort and dysfunction you may experience are symptoms of illnesses or conditions affecting those organs and the muscular structure. We are focused on treatments that can help women to lead freer, fuller lives and treatments that allow women to return to their jobs, families and other activities they enjoy as quickly as possible. For about two-thirds
of the women who come to us, the most effective treatment includes surgery. Fortunately, due to advances in surgical technique and surgical care, most women are able to quickly resume their busy lives. Today, “open surgery”, which calls for a large abdominal incision, is rare. Instead, we are able to successfully repair the pelvic floor through minimally invasive vaginal surgery, or with laparoscopic surgery where a thin, lighted camera and surgical instruments are slipped through tiny incisions in the belly. In addition, our surgeons have adopted a program of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS). This program, initiated across Christiana Care Health System, begins before surgery and has eliminated
Help Women Find Relief And Get Back To The Life They Love
many uncomfortable and unnecessary interventions associated with traditional surgical care. This allows our patients greater control over their experience and may contribute to a faster recovery. Only a few years ago, sacrocolpopexy, a surgical technique for repairing pelvic organ prolapse with soft synthetic mesh, was performed with an open technique that required two or three days in the hospital with a recovery period of about six weeks. For the last several years, we have been performing sacrocolpopexy via laparoscopy, which reduces the hospital stay to one day and shortens the recovery time to as little as two weeks. Patients experience fewer complications and significantly less pain
You will meet highly skilled and caring physicians who are the only urogynecologists in Delaware who have completed fellowships and are board-certified in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery.
Babak Vakili, M.D., is the director of the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Vakili completed his fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive Surgery at the Louisiana State University Health Science Center.
Emily K. Saks, M.D., MSCE, is a urogynecologist with the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Saks completed her fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
Howard B. Goldstein, D.O., MPH, is a urogynecologist with the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Goldstein completed his fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, New Jersey.
Christiana Care Health System has a large robotic surgery program and includes three robots in two hospital locations. The newly remodeled Wilmington Hospital campus includes 14 stateof-the-art operating rooms
with a dedicated unit for short-stay surgery. This flexibility allows our patients greater choice and convenience in scheduling surgery. Every patient is unique, but all of our patients have one thing in common. They want care that is convenient and compassionate, care they value. Having surgery doesn’t mean putting your life on hold. It can mean making your life better. Let us partner with you to find a treatment option to meet your needs and your lifestyle. To learn more or make an appointment, call 800-693-CARE (2273) Please mention you read about this treatment in The Women’s Journal.
Bladder problems shouldn’t keep you from the things you enjoy most in life.
Matthew Fagan, M.D., MS, is a urogynecologist with the Christiana Care Center for Urogynecology and Pelvic Surgery. Dr. Fagan completed his fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery at Greater Baltimore Medical Center/University of Maryland.
Christiana Hospital Medical Arts Pavilion 2 302-623-4055 4735 Ogletown-Stanton Road, Suite 1208, Newark, DE 19713 Smyrna Health & Wellness Center 302-623-4055 100 S. Main Street, Suite 215, Smyrna, DE 19977 Christiana Care Concord Health Center 610-361-1030 161 Wilmington-West Chester Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317
and are able to resume their normal activities much sooner. Most of our laparoscopic pelvic floor repairs are now done with robotic assistance. This technique involves the use of very small tools attached to robotic arms which are controlled by the surgeon. Robotic assistance allows the surgeon to be more precise and to complete the surgery in less time compared to conventional laparoscopy. Every physician in our practice has advanced training and experience in robotic surgery.
Let us help you get back to what really matters.
800-693-CARE (2273)
Life. Healing. Caring. 16WHS13
health&medicine Meet the Physicians of Cardiology Physicians P.A. Gilbert A Leidig, M.D., F.A.C.C. Dr. Leidig has been a member of Cardiology Physicians, P.A. since June of 1996. Dr. Leidig obtained a Bachelor of Science degree, Summa Cum Laude, from Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland. He then attended Gilbert A Leidig, the Universityof M.D., F.A.C.C. Pennsylvania School of Medicine. His post-graduate training in Internal Medicine came during a residency at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. where he met his wife Meaghen, a captain in the Army Nurse Corps. Dr. Leidig was an attending physician at Keller Army Hospital at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York. He then did a cardiovascular fellowship at Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School, in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Leidig served as Chief of Cardiology at Womack Army Medical Center in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He was a consulting associate and interventional attending at the catheterization laboratories at the Duke University Medical Center. His recognitions include membership in A.O.A., and the Best Doctors in Delaware. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease and Interventional Cardiology. Dr. Leidig has a strong commitment to consultative and clinical cardiology. He has areas of interest including echocardiography, transesophageal echocardiography, and stress echocardiography. Dr. Leidig has expertise in diagnostic catheterization as well as coronary stent placement and angioplasty. He also has expertise in peripheral vascular disease and stent placement and angioplasty for the treatment of peripheral vascular disease. Dr. Leidig and his wife Meaghen were married in 1985 and are the proud parents of Andrew, Patrick, Farrell and Molly. Their family enjoys gardening, running, swimming, birding and hiking as well as reading, trivia, stamp collecting and current events. Dr. Leidig has served on the the Pastoral Council at St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Hockessin and on the Salesianum School Board of Trustees. Dr. Leidig is an avid fan of his hometown Baltimore Orioles and Ravens. The Leidigs welcomed Ellen Stoner to their family in October 2014 when she wedded their son Patrick.
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esults from the IMPROVE-IT (IMProved Reduction of Outcome: Vytorin Efficacy International Trial) were presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in November 2014. The trial tested simvastatin vs. simvastatin/ezetimibe (Vytorin 40/10) in 18,144 patients randomized within 10 days of an acute coronary syndrome. Patients had baseline LDL between 50 and 100 if they were on lipid lowering medication and between 50 and 125 if not receiving these medications.The patients were followed for a median of six years and Vytorin group had a 6.4% relative risk reduction in the primary endpoint of death, heart attack, stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina or coronary revascularization. The absolute risk reduction was 2% in the Vytorin group (34.7 vs. 32.7%) translating into one primary event prevented for every 50 patients treated and the benefits began to emerge after one year of randomization. The incidence of ischemic stroke was less in the combination therapy group (3.4 vs. 4.1% over seven years) as was the myocardial infarction rate (13.1 vs. 14.8%).
than 70 mg per deciliter and a high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level of less than 2.0 at one month (50.6% vs. 30.5%).
When recurrent events (of which there were 4,231) are examined, the relative risk reduction was more robust at 9% and looking at strokes, heart attacks and death there was a 12% reduction in favor of Vytorin with a 13% reduction in nonfatal heart attack and 23% reduction in nonfatal stroke.
Simvastatin is cleared by the CYP3A4 pathway, so with concomitant use of drugs that inhibit this pathway, simvastatin must be used with Diabetes caution. With amiodarone, diltiazem and verapamil no more than 10 mg of simvastatin Smokingand use no more than 20 mg is recommended of simvastatin with amlodipine and ranolazine Family history Disease (Ranexa) therapy. The useof ofVascular simvastatin should be avoided with cyclosporine, erythromycin, Family History ofand Aortic Aneurysm clarithromycin, nefazodone HIV-protease inhibitors. Lovastatin is also mostly metabolized throughCoronary the 3A4 pathway but atorvastatin Artery Disease much less so and therefore is preferable with concomitant therapy with the listed drugs. All Uncontrollable hypertension statins should be avoided in patients using ketoconazole and itraconazole as all CYP Elevated cholesterol pathways are inhibited by these two agents.
Mean LDL fell to 54 mg/dl in the Vytorin group and to 70 mg/dl in the simvastatin group supporting the hypothesis that lower LDL levels result in lower cardiovascular events. Significant rises in HDL 48.1 vs 48.7 and decreases in hs-CRP (3.8 vs.3.3) were also seen; once again favoring the combination therapy group. More patients in the simvastatin–ezetimibe group than in the simvastatin monotherapy group achieved the dual goal of an LDL cholesterol level of less
There was no increased risk of adverse events seen in ezetimibe/simvastatin cohort vs. the simvastatin only cohort. 10.1% of the monotherapy patients discontinued therapy due to adverse reaction vs. 10.6% in the combination group. Ezetimibe now looks to be a powerful addition to the therapy of patients following acute coronary syndromes with both low and elevated levels of LDL cholesterol. The drug is well-tolerated with minimal high-risk side effects and no major drug interactions. The only reported minor side effect is a low incidence of liver transaminase elevation. Ezetimibe works It is very important to be by decreasing the sterol transport across the intestinal brush border and comes in one evaluated for vascular disease dose, 10 mg. In this study it was used as the combination drug with simvastatin but it is if you have increased available individually to pair alongrisk with another statin drug.
Are You At Risk?
Common risks include:
a a a a a a a
Twelve million people in the United States have Peripheral Arterial Disease At Cardiology Physicians, P.A. We Are Performing Today’s Latest Testing
Cardiology Physicians, P.A. Abby Medical Center One Centurian Drive, Suite 200 Newark, De 19713 302 366 8600 Foulkstone Plaza 1401 Foulk Road, Suite 201 Wilmington, De 19803 302 478 5055
WWW.CARDIOCPPA.COM Back Row (L to R): Dr. Micklin, Dr. Sarter, Dr. Kelly, Dr. Clay, Dr. Leidig Front Row (L to R): Dr. Furey, Dr. Copeland, Dr. Pastore
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A Kennett Square Dentist Is Eliminating Chronic Migraine Conditions and also with my husband. Our weekends were almost always shot, it really started affecting our relationship because he was getting frustrated.” Nearly two decades after she started having migraine episodes, Amy had more to care for in her life than ever before and yet she was in more pain than she had ever been. With no apparent relief for her migraine headaches in sight, she saw something one day that changed everything.
or a moment, try to generally remember what you were like, where you were, and what you were doing when you were 17 years old. Amy Johnson (not her actual last name) remembers that time of her life well, because that was when she first started having migraine attacks. She didn’t know at the time that those migraine headaches would follow her for another 19 years. When Amy was 36 years old she not only still suffered with migraines, but managing them had become more difficult over time. Dr. Jeffrey S. Harris, Director of The Migraine Headache Relief Center of Pennsylvania (MHRPA) recounts some of her story… “Amy first started having migraine attacks at 17, and she went looking for help in the all the areas you would expect. She took overthe-counter pain relievers for awhile but they weren’t effective. She then went to a doctor and was told to alter her eating and dietary habits. Unfortunately, removing MSG, foods with preservatives, cheese products, and so on didn’t help her. She then saw a migraine specialist who prescribed a battery of migraine medications and vitamin B supplements. That didn’t work, either.” Amy is one of over 36 million Americans who have suffered with recurring migraines. Her story is like many others migraine sufferers who often try numerous things to cope with the pain but can’t get consistent results. Amy kept searching for solutions. “I went for massage therapy on a regular basis (for a while) but the migraines were only more severe after that,” Amy said. “I also went to a chiropractor to try and get some relief but none of those treatments helped me.”
“One day when we were taking our son to daycare we saw Dr. Harris’s sign (for MHRPA),” she said. “So I called and found out some information and came in.” After being evaluated by Dr. Harris and told that she was a candidate for treatment, Amy completed a 12-week neuromuscular rehabilitation and treatment course at MHRPA. The treatment results were nothing less than lifechanging. In her own words, months after treatment had concluded with Dr. Harris, Amy confidently states, “I am now migraine-free, and I had a total of three migraines at most during the 12 weeks of treatment. The three migraines that I did have were all treatable using Dr. Harris’s at-home treatment protocols or just using ibuprofen.” Amy is one of hundreds of migraine sufferers who claim that the neuromuscular rehabilitation techniques that were used on her by Dr. Harris permanently eliminated her chronic migraine condition. In fact, Harris cites a near 95% longterm success rate with migraine sufferers. “People come in here at their wits end and I’ve had patients who were going to commit suicide, that’s how bad it is,” Harris said at his office at 300 Old Forge Lane in Kennett Square, PA. “One young man attempted to hang himself twice. We were able to help him. For me, eliminating migraine headaches is the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life.” Harris says that traditional approaches to solving headache and migraine pain often fail because they address only the pain symptoms. Conversely, Harris’s approach involves treating the root causes for pain, and not just the symptomatic response.
Amy continued to live with pain for years but then reached a tipping point where both her headache and migraine episodes became more frequent and worse. It happened right after she had a child.
“I am a dentist so I do things differently than a medical doctor. All a neurologist typically does is give the patient pills or drugs. My treatments change the way the body responds to the trigger,” he said. “I’m not treating the symptoms. I’m treating the root cause in how the brain gets the signal.”
Amy mentions, “Being a new mom, I started having my migraines increase to about two episodes a week – I was living with pain five days a week. I would have a headache, and most of the time it would turn into a migraine. That really affected my life in being able to care for my son,
His treatment protocols are a result of recent advancements in diagnostic technologies and a more sophisticated understanding of the relationship between dentally-related neuromuscular force problems and chronic headache and migraine pain.
“We now understand that (migraine pain) has to do with the muscles of the head, neck and jaw, and the way the teeth come together. Forces imbalanced by the way the teeth come together send a biofeedback loop through the trigeminal nerve bundle to the brain. The result is pain. The muscles need to work in harmony for painfree function, and dentists like myself can now rehabilitate these muscles.” said Harris. Harris states that neuromuscular rehabilitation techniques can address more than just headaches and migraines. They can also be used to mitigate TMJ pain, facial pain, chronic head and neck tension, and even tinnitus. While Harris’s treatments are not yet widely available, MHRPA is within easy reach of most residents of the Tri-State Region. Dr. Harris often hears from sufferers who have tried everything else. “That’s who we need to hear from,” Harris says. “The fact that they’ve tried traditional approaches and not been helped only increases the probability that there may be neuromuscular force imbalances at work causing the pain. Many of those individuals can be helped without drugs or invasive procedures. We’re proving it.” For more information visit www. or call (610) 388-7040. Dr. Harris attended Temple University School of Dentistry and joined the Academy of General Dentistry soon after graduation in 1985. He is highly committed to providing the most advanced treatments available today for general dentistry, chronic headaches and migraines, Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) and common jaw discomforts, neuromuscular imbalance and chronic tension, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and Sleep Apnea. Dr. Harris devotes significant time to his professional development to stay at the cutting-edge of medical dentistry, technologies, and patient care. Professional organizations include the American Dental Association, Dental Society of Chester and Delaware Counties, and Main Line DKU (Dentists Keeping Up.) Dr. Harris regularly attends many continuing education seminars to keep current with the latest advances in headache/migraine treatments. In 2012, Dr. Harris founded the Migraine Headache Relief Center of PA (MHRPA) to bring the most advanced diagnostic and treatment protocols available in the world for resolving headaches, migraines, and TMJ to the people of the Greater Philadelphia Metropolitan Region. Dr. Harris now serves a diverse group of male and female patients throughout the tri-state area (DE, PA, NJ) who could find help nowhere else for their unique and complex pain conditions. MHRPA is currently accepting new patients.
The Migr aine Headache Relief Center
of Pennsylvania
The woman she is NOW
lives with head/neck muscle tension &
MIGRAINE HEADACHES The woman she WANTS to be has some good advice...
Pick up the
MHRPA Can Help You
ELIMINATE Persistent Headache Pain Serious Migraine Conditions TMJ / TMD Jaw Discomforts Head / Neck Muscle Tension Face Pain, and even Tinnitus The most Advanced Drug-FREE, Needle-FREE, Pain-FREE Treatment Available in the Tri-State Area. This is Long-Term Pain Relief. You could even be Pain-FREE in under 3 months.
Call Dr. Harris NOW • 610-388-7040 300 Old Forge Lane • Kennett Square, PA • 20
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The Vampire Facelift:
Taking Aesthetic Injections To The Next Level! maintain the Vampire Facelift by continuing to tighten any sagging skin and infusing the growth factors from your PRP into the skin of your face through microchannels created by the microneedling pen. This procedure will continue to promote the rejuvenation of your face during your year or more of results from the Vampire Facelift®.
By Brian J. Shiple, D.O. & Kelly P. Shiple, PA-C
ave you noticed changes in your face and skin over time? Have you noticed fine lines of expression turn into permanent wrinkles? Have you felt a decrease in the vitality of your skin? Have you wanted to do something about it, but don’t know where to start? Chadds Ford Wellness can help. Aging of the skin of the face is affected by numerous factors including sun damage, gravity, life long stress, waning hormones, improper nutrition, poor maintenance, and the list goes on. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a safe, effective, natural treatment out there that did not leave you looking completely overdone and plastic like some neurotoxin and filler treatments? Now there is. Chadds Ford Wellness is now specializing in The Vampire Facelift® procedure, which was invented by Dr. Charles Runels in 2011. It was made famous by the Kardashians when Kim received a Vampire Facial on the show. It is now a fairly common procedure offered throughout the country by an elite group of physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners that have all been thoroughly trained by Charles Runels, MD. The Vampire Facelift® involves specific injections of both small amounts of dermal hyaluronic acid fillers and your own concentrated blood platelets. Your blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets. This creates a substance called platelet rich plasma (PRP). The PRP is then activated to release growth factors that are a part of the body’s
healing cascade when it is injected in the skin of the face. Pain is minimalized with topical numbing cream, a numbing agent in the filler injections, and small needles. Over the next year, the body works to restore the collagen content of the skin of your face as well as the fat underneath the skin that is lost with aging. It also creates new blood vessels to help increase blood flow to the face. This improves the texture of the skin and helps the treatment last up to 2 years. By artistically sculpting the face with dermal fillers combined with PRP we are able to use less filler making it a much safer procedure and creating a more natural look. By using PRP we are getting to the root cause of the aging process and improving the sagging, wrinkles, texture, and color changes that attribute to making us look older.
Dr. Brian Shiple is a highly accomplished sports medicine and family practice board certified physician. Dr. Shiple is one of the leading interventional regenerative medicine physicians on the east coast and uses platelet rich plasma and adult stem cells for the healing of musculoskeletal conditions. He has been practicing age management wellness and aesthetic medicine for over 8 years. He has been in practice for 22 years and is a highly sought after speaker, educator, and author. Kelly Shiple is a certified physician assistant who practices aesthetic medicine under the supervision of Dr. Brian Shiple. She graduated from the University of Delaware with a bachelor’s degree in exercise physiology. Kelly attended Nova Southeastern University in Orlando, FL where she received her master’s degree of medical science and physician assistant studies. She is trained to perform neurotoxin, dermal filler, and aesthetic PRP injections.
“This is the only office in the area doing the Vampire Facelift. The doctor and physician assistant were very professional and easy to talk to. I quickly felt comfortable, with their goal of personalized care and lasting results for every patient. They were both very knowledgeable and able to answer all of my questions without making me feel rushed. The vampire facial has done wonders for my skin. My friends and family have noticed a difference in my skin’s appearance. It is tighter, smoother and more radiant. The texture is refined and more youthful. I am 4 weeks out and I am still seeing improvements happening every day. The Vampire Facelift is the gift that keeps on giving. I would highly recommend the Vampire Facelift at Chadds Ford Wellness.” - Karen L, Kennett Square, PA
Chadds Ford Wellness Helping You Achieve Your Best!
We are also trained to perform Botox® injections, filler injections, and PRP injections alone or in combination with your Vampire Facelift® procedure depending on your wants and needs. Because the Vampire Facelift lasts so long, a great maintenance treatment for the time in between is a combination of PRP and microneedling, a treatment called the MiniVamp, a much more technically advanced form of the vampire facial procedure. This procedure was developed by Blade Tiessen, a para-medical aesthetician from Ontario, Canada, who has been deemed a pioneer of collagen induction therapy. By using numerous tiny needles to manipulate the muscles of the face and neck we can effectively help
Services Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Services Vampire Facelift Vampire Breast Lift
Facial PRP for facial rejuvenation MiniVamp Microneedling Procedure Botox Dysport Dermal Fillers Scar Repair Vampire Hair Regrowth Scalp PRP with Acell for hair restoration O-Shot P-Shot
FREE Consultation Bri an J . Sh iple, D.O. & Kelly P. Sh iple, PA-C The Summit at Brandywine 1788 Wilmington Pike, Suite 2100 Glen Mills, PA 19342 Office: (610) 459-4200 Fax: (610) 459-4203 C all for your FREE consu lt, today!
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Waist Not, Want Not Focus On Your Waist, Not Your Weight Your waist circumference is a better health indicator than your weight or BMI (body mass index).
less processed and more whole foods. Choose food both for personal satisfaction and for nutritional value.
It can be considered the fifth vital sign, after blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and respiratory rate. Abdominal obesity, defined as a waist circumference greater than or equal to 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women, is linked to Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast and colon cancer, and fatty liver. Therefore, it is imperative to focus on your waist, not your weight.
Another way to a healthy waistline is exercise. After menopause, a woman’s
One way to maintain your waistline is to stay away from processed foods, especially those containing high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn
By Dr. Melissa P. Broyles, D.O.
syrup has similar effects on the body as alcohol. Just as you can develop a “beer belly” from alcohol, you can develop belly fat from high fructose corn syrup and other processed sugars. In addition, high fructose corn syrup, like alcohol, causes your liver to become fatty. When food shopping, stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. That is where you will find
testosterone level declines. Testosterone helps maintain muscle mass. The lack of testosterone and a diet of processed foods are the main reasons for the “menopause middle.” Therefore, exercise is not only critical to burn calories, but builds abdominal muscle mass. Yoga, Pilates, running and swimming are great choices to slim your waistline.
Many studies have linked obesity to insomnia. Research shows that inadequate sleep (less than six hours per night) can lead to fat deposits in the belly. So, adequate sleep can improve your waistline. In addition to good sleep hygiene, consider chamomile tea or other calming herbs before bedtime. It is also important to maintain a healthy waistline to prevent sleep apnea (periods of not breathing while sleeping). Sleep apnea is associated with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, heart failure, insulin resistance and systemic inflammation.
One of the most important things to focus on for a healthy waistline is stress reduction. Stress stimulates
Blending Conventional and Alternative Medicine Dr. Broyles’ focus is on you! She will address all of your health concerns to discover how you can get well and stay well.
sugar production. The more stress the body experiences, the more sugar gets excreted from the liver. As a result, your waistline increases. Also, many people overeat when stressed as it is their primary way of coping. To avoid overeating, learn to distinguish between physical and psychological hunger. Stress reduction techniques like breath work, biofeedback and meditation are beneficial modalities as well. In summary, by eating whole foods, exercising, sleeping well, and reducing stress, you will not only reduce your waistline, but will also decrease your risk for Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and fatty liver. So remember, focus on your waist, not your weight.
373 Glen Mills Road Thornton, PA 19373
Phone: 610-459-3773 Fax: 610-459-3770 We focus on: Nutrition & Weight Management Stress Reduction • Hormonal Balance • Digestive Health 22
Please call 610-459-3773, or visit * Profile photo by Roy McDowell, Royal Photography, Wilmington, DE
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“Oh, My Aching Back” The Benefits Of Breast Reduction W
hen women come to me to discuss breast reduction surgery, By Dr. Julia MacRae they’ve usually tried various other treatments for their severe back, neck and shoulder pain. They have deep grooves in their shoulders from the straps of their bras. Some even have numbness and tingling in their hands from the weight of their breasts or chronic infections underneath them. Patients have gone through physical therapy, chiropractic therapy, and taken prescription medication to try to ease the back pain. They’ve invested in expensive custom bras and new mattresses in an effort to live a day without pain. When I finally get to see them, my advice is “You need this surgery done yesterday!” Breast reduction surgery, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a highly effective treatment for symptoms of macromastia or large breasts. It is considered a reconstructive (or medically necessary) procedure, and thus is usually covered by insurance. Women of all ages have benefited from breast reduction surgery. Although it is common for women in their 30’s
to 50’s to seek relief with surgery, I encourage older and younger women to consider it as well. Breast reduction can drastically improve self-esteem. I fondly remember one teenage patient skipping into my office after her surgery and announcing with a broad grin “I’ve joined the volleyball team”. It is common for patients to find that they are able to lose weight after surgery because they are finally able to exercise in comfort. Breast reduction surgery achieves a smaller, more attractive appearance by lifting and reducing the breast at the same time. The most common type of breast reduction surgery saves the blood and nerve supply to the nipple, so the nipple retains normal appearance and sensation. The nipple is raised to a normal position and the remaining tissue is removed and tightened. On average, anywhere from 2-6 pounds of tissue is removed, depending upon the pre-operative size of the breasts. The scars, which form an anchor shape on the breast, fade to thin lines after several months. The great news is that patients notice the difference the very first morning after surgery when they wake up free of back and neck pain!
“¡Ay…como me duele la espalda!”: Beneficios de la reducción del busto
n mi experiencia, cuando las mujeres acuden a mí para evaluar el tema de una posible reducción mamaria, generalmente, ya han probado otros tratamientos para evitar el dolor de espalda, cuello, cervical y hombros. Por otra parte, son impresionantes las evidentes marcas profundas en sus hombros que estas pacientes tienen, debido a la presión que las tiras de sus sostenes ejercen al soportar un peso considerable. En algunos casos, estas pacientes, presentan síntomas como: entumecimiento y hormigueo en las manos e infecciones crónicas en la parte inferior de los senos. Muchas han probado casi todo: terapias físicas, quiroprácticas y medicamentos. Igualmente, han invertido mucho dinero en sujetadores personalizados y colchones nuevos para tratar de lidiar con este padecimiento. Cuando llega el momento en que debo atenderlas y darles mi consejo profesional, sencillamente digo: “¡Es necesario una intervención quirúrgica cuanto antes!”. La cirugía de reducción del busto, también conocida como mamoplastia de reducción, es un tratamiento altamente efectivo para pacientes que sufren de macromastia, (pechos grandes). Esta operación es un procedimiento reconstructivo (o médicamente necesario) y es usualmente cubierto por los seguros medicos. Gracias a este procedimiento, mujeres de todas las edades se han
beneficiado. Doy ánimo a las mujeres, jóvenes y adultas, a considerar esta cirugía como una solución para aliviar su dolor. La reducción de senos puede mejorar la autoestima de la paciente. Esto me hace recordar a una paciente joven que, después de su recuperación, daba brincos de alegría en mi oficina mientras me anunciaba: “Me he unido al equipo de voleyball”. Frecuentemente, después de éstas intervenciones, las pacientes sienten alivio y la capacidad de perder peso y hacer ejercicio con mayor comodidad. En cuanto al aspecto físico; la cirugía de reducción mamaria, logra una silueta más pequeña y atractiva de los senos por la misma reducción y elevación de las mamas. El tipo más común de la mamoplastia de reducción guarda el suministro sanguíneo y nervioso al pezón, es decir, tiene una conexión directa con éste y no se necesita de su extracción, por lo que el pezón conservará su apariencia y sensación normal. En el procedimiento quirúrgico, el pezón es elevado a una posición normal y el tejido restante es retirado. En promedio,se extraen de 2 a 6 libras de tejido que dependerá del tamaño de los senos y de la evaluación pre-operatoria. Las cicatrices que se forman en los senos después de la operación se desvanecerán a pequeñas y delgadas líneas al pasar unos pocos 23
Dr. MacRae has been a board-certified plastic surgeon practicing in Newark, DE for over 12 years. She is a graduate of Yale University School of Medicine and completed a plastic surgery residency at the University of Virginia. She is particularly pleased to serve the Hispanic community, as she speaks Spanish.
Visit or call (302) 368-9611 to make an appointment. Be sure to mention this article at your consultation for a “thank you” gift!
La Dra. MacRae ha sido Cirujano Plástico, certificada por el Consejo y ha hecho ejercicio de su profesión en Newark, DE, durante más de 12 años. Ella es egresada de Yale University School of Medicine y completó su residencia en la especialidad de Cirugía Plástica en The University of Virginia. Ella se siente particularmente satisfecha de poder servir a la comunidad hispana, ya que domina muy bien el idioma Español.
Visite a o comuíquese a (302) 368-9611 para hacer una cita. No olviden mencionar este artículo en su consulta, y les obsequiaremos un detalle. meses. Y la mejor noticia es que la mayoría de las pacientes nota la diferencia a la mañana siguiente de la operación, cuando se despiertan libres del dolor que les invadía. Las cicatrices que se forman en los senos después de la operación se desvanecerán a pequeñas y delgadas líneas al pasar unos pocos meses. Y la mejor noticia es que la mayoría de las pacientes nota la diferencia a la mañana siguiente de la operación, cuando se despiertan libres del dolor que les invadía.
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Ivy Gables: Dare To Compare
something everyone researching Assisted Living placement for a loved one should understand. Our monthly rate is truly ‘all inclusive.’ There is no one time ‘move in’ or ‘community fee’ and we do not charge additional fees for cable, wifi, or phone connection. Some communities also charge additional rates for showers, medication distribution (according to the number of medications a Resident requires), and other additional charges. Ivy Gables residents pay a monthly rate and, in some cases, an additional
daily flat rate depending on the amount of assistance they require. It is truly that simple. If you would like more information, want to schedule a tour and lunch, or would like a speaker come to your meeting or organization to discuss what Assisted Living at Ivy Gables offers, please contact Laurie Seidle, Director of Community Relations at 302-475-9400 or by email Dare To Compare us, we guarantee we can provide exactly what you need and more!
By Laurie A. Seidle, Director of Community Relations, Ivy Gables
vy Gables is North Wilmington’s newest and most unique Independent and Assisted Living Community. Nestled on five acres in the historic Arden area, the building has an incredibly charming old world feel in a safe and beautiful setting. Residents have wooded paths, gardens and patios to explore in their leisure time. With the capacity for only 24 Residents, Ivy Gables offers the most home like atmosphere of any community in the area. One of our family members had this to say after her Mom moved in:
“From the moment we stepped into Ivy Gables, they completely changed my mind about what an Assisted Living community was. Their attention to detail is apparent in everything from the well appointed furnishings, to the kind, caring staff, to the incredibly delicious meals! My Mom asked me when we first moved her into Ivy Gables, ‘Is this my new home?’ to which I replied, ‘Yes, it is.’ I can truly say that is the heart of Ivy Gables – they make it feel like home!” - Cindy Ramsay Schmitt We ask family members and other healthcare professionals to “Dare To Compare” Ivy Gables to other communities in the area. Our Residents receive care onsite from our visiting physician, podiatrist, lab, x-ray services and salon, as well as visiting nurses, outpatient therapy and hospice care. Another benefit of being smaller, is the ability for our professional and well trained nursing and caregiving staff to provide more hands on personal care catered exactly to our Residents and families needs. The care giving staff works twelve hour shifts, which decreases the number of different faces Residents see on a daily basis, and allows for deeper, more nurturing relationships. “I have only good things to say about the staff at Ivy Gables. Nurses, caregivers, chefs, and directors all bend over backwards to be cheerful and loving. My Mom, who is 90 years old, thinks Ivy Gables is now her home and she loves it there. I think she gets treated like a queen and always feels that she is well taken care of when her family cannot always be there. My Mom has blossomed and her health is the best we could hope for. Ivy Gables is more like a home in the country than an assisted living community. We are glad we found you.” - Mary S. Ivy Gables also offers something no other Independent or Assisted Living does, and
Choose Your Lifestyle Wilmington’s Newest Assisted Living Community in the Village of Ardentown, DE Offering unique individualized care in an intimate elegant setting
Independent and Supportive Living • Unique Personalized Care Private Accommodations • Referral Program • Restaurant Style Dining Comprehensive educational, recreational, spiritual activities
Please call to schedule your personal tour (302) 475-9400 2210 Swiss Lane, Wilmington, DE 19810 24
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How To Find A Good Hospice Program: Six Features To Look For
n just 39 years, the amount of hospice providers nationwide has grown exponentially. As with most services, there are many factors to consider when selecting a hospice provider for either yourself or a loved one. To help navigate the variety of options, Consumer Reports published an article, “How to Find a Good Hospice Program: Six Features to Look for” and Delaware Hospice is the only organization in the area to meet all of the criteria. 1. Not-for-profit status and 20+ years of experience. Delaware Hospice is the only not-forprofit hospice serving Delaware. We were established in 1982 by Delawareans who saw a need for hospice care in our area. Throughout our 33 years of service to Delawareans, we have become a trusted community partner in providing the highest quality hospice and healthcare services through end-of-life education and support. 2. Hospice certified nurses and doctors on staff and available 24 hours per day. By having certified hospice personnel on staff, we are able to truly care for the individual needs of our patients. Regardless of the time of day, patients and caregivers are able to talk with a nurse, nurse practitioner, or doctor that will be able to answer questions. 3. Palliative care consultants who begin care if you’re not yet ready for hospice. Our Delaware Palliative program assists with the physical and psychosocial burdens of a serious illness through home visits by a physician, nurse practitioner, and a social worker. Delaware Palliative patients are able to benefit from the individualized care provided while they still receive curative treatment. 4. An inpatient unit, where patients can go if symptoms can’t be managed at home. Delaware Hospice has the Delaware Hospice Center in Milford providing 16-single patient/ family suites that are set in a
comfortable and peaceful homelike atmosphere, with space for your family to gather. A team of professionals will provide specialized hospice care 24 hours a day, allowing family members to spend quality time together. Visitors are encouraged to use family oriented spaces including the country kitchen, living room, family room, and a children’s playroom. Families are also able to enjoy a stroll through the beautifully landscaped gardens.
Delaware Hospice offers a variety of programs Transitions, Delaware Palliative, and Delaware Hospice. To learn more about any of our programs, please visit or call us at 1-800-838-9800.
5. Ability to provide care in nursing homes and assisted living residences. We provide service in 48 nursing homes throughout the three counties in Delaware. With these partnerships, we are able to offer our families with timely visits and expert care. 6. Medicare approval. Delaware Hospice is a Medicare, Medicaid and state licensed hospice program. Recently, we have achieved re-accreditation from The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for Home Care Accreditation by demonstrating continuous compliance with its performance standards. Established in 1988, The Joint Commission’s Home Care Accreditation program supports the efforts of its accredited organizations to help deliver safe, high quality care, and services. More than 6,000 home care programs currently maintain accreditation, awarded for a three-year period by The Joint Commission. Delaware Hospice has also earned the Elite Status in the 2015 Hospice Honors from Deyta®. As a data-driven management company, Deyta works with thousands of healthcare agencies including Delaware Hospice to compile accurate, up-to-date survey information. As a named Hospice Honors Elite member, an organization must have scored better than the national average on all 18 of the evaluated questions provided to family members.
My dad taught me to fly, to never fear tomorrow.
So I will teach my son to soar and not to accept limitations. That’s why I chose Delaware Palliative. If you’re coping with a serious illness Delaware Palliative can help alleviate symptoms and stress. Even if you’re still receiving active, curative treatment. We help keep the focus where it needs to be- life lessons between a father and son. See how palliative care can improve quality of life at or call 800-838-9800.
Got Hemorrhoids? New Non-Surgical, Virtually Painless Procedure Removes Hemorrhoids In Less Than a Minute!
At HGA, hemorrhoid treatment is easy, with no pre-treatment, fasting, pain medication or recovery time required. It’s the most comfortable and effective hemorrhoid removal option available. And it takes under 60 seconds!
A better way to get relief • 99%+ success rate • Virtually painless • Requires no drugs before, during or after procedure • Drive yourself home • Performed by board-certified medical doctors • Minimally invasive • Most insurances accepted Call today to schedule an appointment with one of HGA’s board-certified, American trained physicians to learn if this new hemorrhoid removal system is appropriate for your personal medical condition. If so, we can perform the procedure in the privacy of either our Flemington or Somerville office.
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Make The Most Of Your Gray
By Christine D’Alonzo
Gray is the most versatile color. Why? Because it isn’t actually gray, it’s white. White hair will magnify and reflect the color of the strands around it. Stylists that don’t understand the prismatic possibility of incorporating such a unique color into your look will dye over it. However, when you include this natural gift into a multi-tonal masterpiece you end up with wearable art full of dimensional shine. The opalescent quality of white hair is unmatched and offers a youthful glow when formulated properly by
a trained color alchemist. What’s more? Using natural gray in combination with a spectrum of complementing tones hides roots and regrowth which means you get more out of each hair appointment! Your hair story should change with the seasons. After all, who likes a predictable story! Adventure in hair means daring to use your gray instead of hiding it like our grandmas did. It doesn’t mean we are giving up our beauty and letting gray invade our garden of youth. It means we are harnessing the potential of this lustrous hue by carefully cultivating it in a creative way. After all, gardens always look prettier with more colors. The process of using your natural white hair is simple. Your color alchemist will begin by evaluating your skin tone, hair texture, condition, and current color. They will consult with you the best plan to fulfill your fullest potential by establishing a program specific to your needs. Then, they will carefully select a pallet of many colors to create an iridescent yet natural effect. Artists at heart, we apply layers and layers of varying tones to create a rainbow-like effect that shimmers and shines in the light. Nothing dulls hair more than applying a single color all over. That’s why we begin our process with a full pallet before moving on to the particular placement or, as we like to call it, the painting process. Your artist will decide which technique is best for your particular masterpiece based on the consultation conversation so you can relax and enjoy watching the beauty unfold. Finally, the cut and style is the climax of the story. Color works best with a hair design
that complements your individual style. There are thousands of shapes and fashions that will polish your look with unique flair. When you discover the endless potential of your grays, you’ll be sorry you ever covered them up! Gray is a gift that can be mastered and made to work to your advantage. Just because a stylist does not understand how to use it doesn’t mean it should be dyed over! A common worry many people have is, “if I use my gray will it be too coarse?” The answer is no, of course not! Remember we are still layering and glazing it which keeps it smooth and shiny by sealing the cuticle. If you’re hair is naturally coarse to begin with, we have many natural solutions to tame that mane. The most popular treatment is called keratin which is actually the compound that hair and nails are made of. By coating each strand in another layer of it’s own protective compound, you can smooth and soften even the most brittle, broken, or unruly locks. At Amelia Paris Salon, our creative team of talented artists can craft a magnificent, one of a kind look with hair of any color and texture. Don’t be discouraged by stylists who are unfamiliar with the glorious potential of grays. Come in for a consultation to discover how you too can explore the prismatic possibilities of your natural colors. We don’t want to cover up your natural self, we want to show you how to let it shine in its full brilliance. Welcome to the world of color alchemy! Visit us today to meet your artist! For more information visit www.amelia-paris. com or call 610-558-4911.
~ Beauty Lives Here ~
Discover Elegance The University and Whist Club “The University and Whist Club was the perfect place to have our reception! The best part about having our reception at the Club: besides the fairytale ambiance, the impeccable service, and the attention to detail…the food! Wow! ” - Rena & Ryan DeVito, Married 6/29/13
“Absolutely amazing! Planning was a snap and the day went perfectly. The Club is a beautiful venue… My quests are still telling me how much they loved their day there.” -Laura & Achille Scache, Married 9/1/13
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Photo by Barnyard Photography
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Concordville Inn The Concordville Inn hosts 3 Elegant Ballrooms with Beautiful outdoor landscaping. The Gold Ballroom accommodates up to 320 Guests. The Victoria and Alexander Ballrooms accommodates up to 120 Guests.
Mendenhall Inn The Mendenhall Inn boasts 2 Uniquely decorated Ballrooms in a Romantic setting with Beautiful outdoor landscaping. The Grand Ballroom and the Gold Ballroom accommodates up to 275 Guests.
Visit Brandywine Valley’s Premier Wedding Properties
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For The Love Of Flowers are the “stars of the cast” and sweetheart roses, stephanotis, ranunculus, and perhaps Queen Anne’s lace take on the role of a supporting cast. The greens and filler flowers, such as heather, limonium, wax flowers, or baby’s breath, carry out the part of the “extras”. Yet all parts are integral to the final product, be it a theatre show or a bouquet.
how much of the overall budget is available for flowers.
Once the bride and her florist have decided on the specific flowers to be used, the bride steps out of the picture. Even though the wedding may be scheduled for a year in the future, the floral designer makes her list of flowers that will need to be ordered 3 to 4 weeks before the actual delivery date. She will have to be certain to have ribbon and other adornments that have been selected by the bride on hand prior to the week of the wedding. If the hem or sleeve of a grandmother’s dress is to be used to wrap the bouquet, or if a sentimental item such as a locket is to be intertwined with the flowers, these items must be brought to the designer in advance of the week of the wedding.
By Barbara P.G. Williams Co-owner of Belak Flowers
A Bouquet is more ~ …than an assortment of flowers tied with a ribbon or plunked in a vase . The creation of a bouquet combines the art of composition and the principles of engineering. The finished product has to appeal to the eye as well as remain intact over several hours. If a bride decides to have her wedding flowers preserved, the matter of having every bloom at its peak, every adornment firmly attached, and every ribbon securely wrapped is doubly important. The bride and her florist are an artistic team. Most often a bride has a vision in her mind accompanied with a picture and she may have a very specific list of flowers that she loves and are meaningful to her. Enter the floral designer, who knows what flowers on the bride’s list are in season when the wedding will take place. Lilies of the valley, tulips, peonies, and dahlias are not available year round, making it necessary to suggest an alternative for a bride who has her heart set on any of these. Just as an artist selects various objects for a stilllife painting, a floral designer must select flower forms which compliment each other when the bouquet is assembled. If we think of a bouquet as a theatrical production, flowers such as peonies, hydrangeas, and dahlias
What is the date of the wedding?
How many attendants have you chosen?
What color are the attendants’ dresses? Will the ceremony and reception be in the same place? •
The color of the attendants’ dresses will partially dictate the variety of flowers to choose from. The date of the wedding will dictate what seasonal flowers will be available. The number of attendants, the number of guests, and whether arrangements will be needed at the ceremony site as well as the reception site will dictate
For more information visit or call (302) 762-5000.
Belak Flowers Where Your Vision Comes Into Bloom
When the floral designer meets with a bride, there are some essential questions which have to be answered:
just as critical as artistry when preparing for a bride’s special day. At last, the van is loaded and the driver with the delivery slip and map in hand transports it all to another happy Belak bride.
Belak Flowers The creation of a bouquet when the floral designer sits down to put it together is much like manufacturing a car on an assembly line! Flowers have to be prepped, having arrived at the shop early in the week, all stems have to be cut and hydrated, and the flowers of each variety have to be counted and set aside in the cooler. A day or two prior to the wedding date, containers of flowers are lined up at the designer’s workplace; the ribbon has been cut, the seed pearls or beads are at hand, the lace or linen wrap has been ironed, and the designer is ready to work her magic! After the bouquets are completed, they are set in vases of water to keep them at the height of freshness until delivery time. Boxes of bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages, pew bows, and ceremony and reception arrangements have been labeled, along with every other item that must arrive at its destination on time. Logistics are 30
since 1954 302-762-5000 888-762-8877 832 Philadelphia Pike Wilmington, DE 19809 Barb’s Email: established wedding specialist free personal consultation with Barb all budgets possible evening appointments available
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Hansel & Gretel - A Very Special Place! T
here are several occasions in a little girl’s life that require a very special dress – her christening, By Carol Harvey her communion, her wedding, and if she is lucky she gets to be a flower girl. At Hansel & Gretel we are prepared to help with all these special occasions. A flower girl dress is usually white or ivory and is most often chosen to match the color of the bride’s dress. It can be long or short but we suggest tea length because it looks long enough to be elegant but not so long the child will trip on it. After all, the flower girl will be adorable in her special dress and we want her to be the “belle of the ball” and party the night away in a dress she will love and be comfortable in. That requires the right fit and at Hansel & Gretel we are well stocked with sample dresses in all sizes to try on. That way when we order your dress we know it will fit and you know exactly what it will look
like. We haven’t missed a wedding yet and none of our dresses have required alterations which can greatly add to the cost. We carry special occasion dresses by US Angels, Sarah Louise, Pierson, Joan Calabrese, Sweetie Pie, Pierson, Christie Helene, Biscotti, Isabella and Chloe and others. However, US Angels is very reasonably priced and always available which is helpful to us and a big relief to customers who are in a hurry for a flower girl dress and are so happy when they find our store. We also carry shoes, veils, gloves, tights, slips, bonnets, bows and hair accessories. In short, we carry everything needed for your “one stop shopping” experience. This holds true for communion and christening as well and we are also well stocked for the boys in your life providing suits, dress shoes, ties, socks, tuxedos, jackets, dress pants and shirts. Can you believe we have been doing this for 50 years? Yes, this is the 50th
Anniversary for the store. The current owner, Carol Harvey, has had it the last 15 years. Along with her long time store manager, Jamie Russ, the store is open 6 days a week from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7 days a week during December. Carol’s daughter, Jen Lee, goes with her several times a year to markets in New York and Philadelphia to select the best clothing for each new season. We hope you will think of us for your next special occasion and keep these celebrations going another 50 years. Stop in and see us in the Talleyville Shopping Center located at 3603 Silverside Rd, Wilmington, DE 19810 or give us a call at (302) 478-0383. You can also learn more on our website,
Would it be possible to add this to the ad. Perhaps take out the entrance picture and add this one of the light and the ceremony . Barbara is requesting this. T hanks for all you do.
Weddings In Country Elegance
Would it be possible to add thi one of the light and the ceremo
302.478.0383 • Concord Pike and Silverside Road • Would it be possible to add this to the ad. Perhaps take out the entrance picture and add this one of the light and the ceremony . Barbara is requesting this. T hanks for all you do.
Weddings In Country Elegance Weddings In Country Elegance
Loch Nairn Golf Club 610 268 0824 610 268 2235 514 McCue Road, Avondale, PA
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Your Permanent Cosmetic Questions Answered sat down with Carmella Schultz, Mia Prezio and Kristina Alibrando, the Permanent Makeup Artists of The Permanent Cosmetic Studio to ask the questions anyone entertaining the idea of getting permanent makeup would ask. You will be shocked with some of their answers.
By Ashley Bizzarri Q: How long do procedures take? A: It varies per area, but you need to know that it takes a minimum of two hours for a new procedure, but timing will vary. This is your face, it’s not to be rushed.
Q. What’s the number one thing someone should know when getting permanent makeup? A: It’s permanent, the markings are very hard to get off so you have to be careful who you go to.
Q: Can a bad permanent makeup job be fixed? A: Most of the time it can be improved, we can help, but it’s never going to be 100%. It cost more money to fix a problem than it does to pay for the initial treatment by an established Artist.
Q: Is it painful? A: It is an annoying discomfort initially but it is doable and we do use topical numbing agents. We are understanding of the anxiety and discomfort during the procedure so we do what is necessary to keep you comfortable.
Q: How do I choose the right Artist? A: The drawing of the design takes longer than the actual procedure itself. We draw on what we’re going to do and get your approval, we discuss pigment, post treatment and the healing process, it all has to be perfect before we perform the procedure. Not all artists follow our procedures. Do your homework. Look up reviews.
Q: A lot of people say body tattoos are painful, is it the same process? A: It is a different process. We use a different needle grouping and technique and we numb the area topically for comfort. Q: What can clients expect after their procedure? A: There may be slight swelling the day after. A cool compress is all you need, use as needed. During the consultation we go over home care and the healing process. After the treatment we give you products to take home to aid in the healing process. We also send you home with a hard copy of post treatment instructions. All of this is discussed before we perform the procedure. Also, it is very important to know the first week after treatment it will be much darker than what the end result will be. The pigment adheres to the surface cells and that flakes off and will typically take 5-7 days for everything to settle down. Q: Will I have to go into hiding after a treatment? A: Don’t get a treatment immediately before a big event but the treated area can be camouflaged so clients can go to work and about their normal daily routines with no problem. Q: How is the color chosen? A: We do a consultation to determine the tone of the color, but the artist will choose the pigment with the client’s permission. You have to be highly educated in pigment base colors, skin undertones and color theory because this is where other artists mess up. Pigments change when they’re put in the skin.
Q: How can I identify a bad Artist? A: Check their portfolio, ask for referrals from their Permanent Cosmetic clients, ask your stylist or plastic surgeon for referrals. If the atmosphere looks unkept. Cleanliness is number one. Are there other clients there? Also, pay attention to the attitude of the Secretary. How you are treated as a client from the beginning is an extremely important indicator of how your entire treatment will be handled, including post treatment. Ask if they are certified and if their certifications are not prominently displayed in the office, ask to see their certifications. Also, ask if they have referring doctors. The most important thing clients need to understand is Permanent Cosmetics is a self-regulated field which is why there is potential for issues, therefor buyer beware. Your Artist should not only be a member of the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP) but they should also have apprenticed under an established, credible professional.
To book your free consultation, call 610-883-0636 or visit our website for more information. 610-883-0636
Q: How long do treatments last? A: Everyone’s different, depends on your lifestyle. If you’re in the sun a lot or have oily skin, your treatment may not last as long. Also, color choice is a factor. Consult your Artist on how long it will last. A guideline is eyeliner lasts the longest, 3-15 years, brows the least, 1-3 years, and lips, 3-5 years. Dark colors last the longest. Q: Is there anything I can do to make my treatment last longer? A: SPF, SPF, SPF all day every day. The sun prematurely fades permanent cosmetics. Also, Retin-A and Renova will prematurely fade treatments, in fact it’s a recommended tatoo remover. Q: Will I still have to wear makeup? A: You are still going to wear makeup if you are a makeup diva, and the makeup you buy won’t affect it. I’ll give you “wakeup makeup”, we’ll do the details and you can enhance your permanent cosmetics. It’s great for the people who never wear makeup but should. Q: Can I have an allergic reaction? A: There’s nothing to be allergic to because we use a hypo allergenic pigment. 32
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“Chick” Us Out
Linda Bellin, Owner
You’re different from every other woman. Are your clothes the REAL YOU? EVERY WOMAN HAS GOD-GIVEN ASSETS AND CHALLENGES. Well-chosen clothing helps you be your very best.
COME TO CHICK’S …be your beautiful best. PERUVIAN TRADING… ordered a year in advance to warm you this winter ISLE CHA-CHA dresses • tasteful, sexy, pretty, classy JOH’S WESTERN WEAR • giddy up, cowgirls! Designer Lee Anderson-Becker’s SWING COATS and FELTED JACKETS
DORFMAN PACIFIC hats • Handmade RISING TIDE Nepalese accents Colorful FIREFLY jewelry
Always a great sale going on!
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Springtime Renewal For Moms And Proms Who would benefit from eyelash extensions?
manicures, acrylic nails, gels and now Shellac. While having nice hands and nails is great, others are looking at your EYES. Do you look tired without even a little mascara? With Lash Extensions, you don’t have to think about it. You have an eye-opening wow every morning!
Busy Moms, as a great time-saver; The Vogue Teen, for her prom and graduation; The Business Professional, for a polished image; The Blushing Bride and bridal party, for a joyful celebration; The Mature Retiree, to bring back the lashes of her youth; The 20-Something, for a glamorous night on the town; The Fitness Enthusiast, for looking great while working hard; The Natural Blonde, for dark, dramatic lashes.
Proms And Graduation
By Melisa A. Ferriola, CPCP, LE
yelash extensions have gained tremendous popularity in the last few years because of their natural look, ease of application, and affordability - unlike false eyelashes, which are applied to the eyelid with a thick adhesive, and still appear ‘fake’. With semipermanent eyelash extensions, your lashes are made thicker and longer through professional application of a synthetic eyelash that is curved to replicate a natural lash. Extensions are applied one lash at a time with care and precision using special bonding agents for a completely natural look! The result is thicker, longer eyelashes that are safe in the shower, while swimming, sleeping or exercising.
Moms Many of my clients are busy professionals and moms. What a great time saver! The convenience of lash extensions is incredible. Plus, the 30 to 60 minute appointment for maintenance is a relaxing destresser. Me Time! The trend of the past has been
Lash Extensions have many options – from a long DIVA look to a soft NATURAL look. For proms and weddings, go for the diva! False eyelashes look fake, are hard to apply and may disastrously fall off at the most inopportune moment! Have fantastic pictures to last a lifetime: The Prom Night and Graduation, or The Wedding and Honeymoon. Lash Extensions will carry you through your special events. or call 302-635-7327 Profile: Lasting Looks is a unique day spa in Hockessin Corner – next to the Back Burner Restaurant and Jennifer’s Bridal. Our mission starts with the desire to empower women to take charge of their appearance and to put their best image forward. Our staff of estheticians can help meet all your skincare needs, as well as our unique services like eyelash extensions and permanent cosmetics.
Maintain your look throughout the heat of summer – the worst time for smudgy mascara. With Refining Applications (fills), you can have lashes indefinitely. Because the synthetic lash is attached to your own lash – without touching the skin or affecting the hair follicle – there is no interruption or damage to your natural lash growth. Your natural lash turns over every 60 to 90 days and a new extension is applied to keep your lavish look fresh. These Refining Applications are recommended every 2 to 4 weeks. Whether you want lashes for a special occasion or for an everyday look to restore lashes of your youth, Lasting Looks has the professional, perfected technique, applied by a licensed, certified and experienced Eyelash Extension Specialist. Safe and affordable, trust your eyes to Lasting Looks!
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The Dreaded Turkey Neck I
s the skin on your neck looking a little loose, crepey or saggy? Treating and conditioning the neck is often overlooked, even though it is one of the first places that show the signs of aging.
on the laxity of the skin and the overall look you want to achieve. Fresh Faced Skin Care has developed a treatment protocol for the neck and décolleté that achieves results in two months without surgery or injections.
Why does our neck age so fast?
• Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen daily to prevent sun damage, discolorations, and further breakdown of collagen and elastin. • Use a specially formulated cream for the neck. There is a difference between the skin on your face and the skin on your neck. Look for neck creams with peptides and antioxidants. • Gently exfoliate the skin twice a week.
This is because the skin on your neck is thinner and more sensitive than the skin on your face. It has fewer sebaceous glands and the neck muscles are not supported by any bone structure. Over time, aging, environmental damage, and neglect lead to dry, crepey skin and your neck is prone to sagging.
By Erica Suppa: BS, LE, COE
Quick Tips to Reverse the Age of Your Neck:
Erica Suppa is the owner of Fresh Faced Skin Care, an advanced skin care clinic with Can I fix my neck? locations in Chadds Ford, PA and in Historic Transforming the look of your neck can be New Castle, DE. done with non-invasive procedures depending Erica has more than a decade of experience in the healthcare industry as an esthetician, skin care expert, and research scientist. She offers a unique approach to skin care by utilizing her scientific knowledge of skin care ingredients and how they interact with the skin BEFORE AFTER to achieve phenomenal, lasting results her clients have been searching for.
Makeup Made In The USA Mixed For You In Hockessin! By Ashley Bizzarri, Owner of Customized Cosmetics by Ashley and Custom Blend Specialist
good foundation can make you look years younger, so why doesn’t every woman wear foundation? Most women I ask say they don’t like the way it looks, feels or both. A good foundation should be invisible, look like your skin, feel weightless, and it should be good for your skin, you are putting it on your face after all! Before
First of all the only way to get the absolute best foundation for you is to have one created just for you. Second, know when your products are expired. Most of the big name brands have expiration dates on their crates, not on individual products and there is absolutely no regulation on this! Lastly, know what is in your cosmetics and what is not in them. Products like talc and bismuth oxychloride are “natural” ingredients found in most mass branded cosmetics and are known to irritate skin and even cause serious illness according to the FDA.
Customized Cosmetics by Ashley are: • Gluten Free • Talc and Bismuth Oxychloride Free • Cruelty Free • Paraben Free • Sulfate Free • No Synthetic Dyes • No Synthetic Fragrances
• • • • •
No Petrochemicals No Phtalates No GMO’s No Triclosan Made in the US and mixed locally • Many products are Vegan Friendly
Testimonials: “My makeup was always focused on my eyes and eyebrows as my skin was a lost cause. I used what I could just to cover my acne. Customized Cosmetics gave me the coverage I desired along with a beautiful finish! My acne has cleared up and I actually get compliments on my complexion now! It’s truly the future of makeup!” ~ Emily Mattson “I am very particular when it comes to my makeup especially foundations, and your customized foundation turned out to be the best I have ever used. It looks and feels very natural and stays on all day without having to reapply! It is the best “one coat wonder” and I thank you for introducing your product to me.” ~ Constance Goldman 35
Customized Cosmetics by Ashley are created and mixed for you so your product is fresh and uniquely yours and can be tweaked until it is absolutely perfect!
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Here’s To Having The BEST SKIN Of Your Life On The BEST DAY Of Your Life! resulting in an overall younger healthier appearance. •
By Yvonne Estes-Gallagher
he HydraFacial MD Treatment is not only highly effective at improving overall skin health for every skin type, but also excellent for remedying: Fine Lines & Wrinkles Elasticity & Firmness Skin Tone Evenness & Vibrancy Skin Texture Hyper-pigmentation Oily Skin Enlarged Pores Advanced Signs of Aging The customizable HydraFacial MD treatment was developed to mitigate some of the most universal skin concerns, and is tailored to safely and effectively target those problems to finally give you the solution you have always been searching for. Your skin isn’t like everyone else’s and your treatment shouldn’t have to be either. This incredible 60 minute treatment will leave your skin hydrated, plump, and younger in one treatment! The HydraFacial is the only machine of its kind that uses the 4-in-1 technology of Vortex Cleansing, HydroPeel, Exfoliation, VortexExtractions, and Vortex-Fusion.
ThermoClear- treats skin imperfections such as, cholesterol deposits, keratosis, cherry angioma, milia, sun spots, age spots, skin tags, spider capillaries, and fibromas.
The HydraFacial MD treatments are wonderful for every occasion, weddings, birthdays, a ladies spa day, for your husband, even just to treat yourself, or gift to another. Make your moment beautiful, confident, and flawless with a HydraFacial MD treatment.
luxury of enjoying not only the facial, but also the long lasting effects of this amazing treatment. The lines around my mouth and lips are softer, my skin is firmer, and those crow’s feet around my eyes are virtually gone. My skin now has that youthful glow that we all covet as we age. My décolleté doesn’t have that crepey look it gets with constant sun exposure, but rather it is smooth and soft giving me the confidence to wear those scoop neck tops in the summer. As a grandmother of 3, the oldest being 13, I am so thankful to
After 20+ years of experience in salons and spas, Yvonne EstesGallagher wanted to bring her vision to Kennett Square. Her goal was to create an experience where you feel like you are coming home. So Tuscany Sun & Spa was born, a high-end salon and spa with a family feel. Come home to Tuscany, and experience Hollywood’s famous HydraFacial MD treatment.
Tuscany Sun & Spa’s!
“I found this lovely salon and spa through my daughter who had also experienced a HydraFacial and knowing how much love this kind of pampering passed it on to me. From the moment I walked in to the time I left I knew I was in great hands. The treatment that Yvonne performed on me was done in a most comforting and informative way. It is a truly unique experience with remarkable results. I was sold after one treatment and signed on for a series of more. The results to your skin are instantaneous and long lasting. The sun discoloration and fine lines start to diminish and the feeling of rejuvenation are immediately seen and felt. I plan to stay on program and continue to benefit from this wonderful enhancing treatment... Thank you!” – Lisa Carnie
Tuscany for bringing the HydraFacial to Kennett Square.” – Mary Ella Verdes
Women’s Journal Special 619 E. Cypress Street, Kenne9 Square PA
610-‐444-‐3570 Mention this ad to receive…
$25 Off A HydraFacial Treatment Not redeemable for cash. Only for use towards services. Not valid for tips or to be combined with any other offers. Expires May 2016
The newest edition to Tuscany’s Med-Spa, ThermoClear, the latest technology in treating all skin imperfections on the epidermal layer. In one round of ThermoClear we can remove 2 to 3 imperfections. - No downtime/minimal scabbing - Treatment only on skin imperfection area applied - Quick treatment lasting only a few seconds - Results are instant and Guaranteed
“Since Tuscany Sun and Spa introduced me to the HydraFacial in the Fall of 2014, I have had the
SPECIAL OFFER: Add a round of ThermoClear to your HydraFacial, and the second round will be on us! A savings worth $50 for your first time.
Sun Spots &
Age Spots
HydraFacial MD Add-On Services: •
Derma-Builder- Two natural peptides filling in those fine lines & wrinkles on the forehead, around your mouth, eyes, and the neck too (works like Botox without the injections)
Britenol- Targets hyperpigmentation
Microderm- An acne treatment
Quasar MD PLUS Light Therapy Neck and/or Décolleté- helps rebuild collagen and elastin, 36
educate. enrich. empower.
The Art Of Beautiful Hair The hair design team is the creative heart of Jillian Grace Salon – sculptors who use hair as their medium, who are passionate and dedicated to honing their craft. “Our design team is consistently attending workshops and trainings as part of their career path,” says salon owner Jillian Tuskweth, “to further their evolution as artists and master technicians.” What they deliver are skillful personalized cuts and customized color, tailored to their clients’ facial
features, skin tone, hair texture, lifestyle, and personal aesthetic. No two clients are alike, and neither is their hair. The style team can smooth the frizziest curls, add thickness and body to thinning hair, and create bounce where limp locks once existed. Expertly placed color can transform your look from drab to glowing, and whether it’s subtle or dramatic change you’re looking for, you’ll simply radiate. Bring them the hair you have, and you’ll leave with the hair you’ve always coveted.
The Science Of Skin Care The skin is the largest organ on our bodies, and seeing marked improvements in skin tone, texture, firmness, and smoothness just feels wonderful – inside and out.
By Jillian Tuskweth
Jillian Grace’s estheticians are licensed specialists in dermal biology and physiology. “Their passion is to solve even the most troublesome skin concerns, and make our guests love their skin like never before,” says Jillian. All facials are customized to address each
guest’s unique skin needs. They use the Dermalogica® skin-care line, researched and developed by the International Dermal Institute, for optimal skin health and beauty. When art and science converge, you can elevate the way you look, and it sparks a jolt of confidence that sinks in and takes hold. Elevate the way you feel, and it radiates out of you.
Some Of Our Services Hair Cuts • Blowouts • Color • Color Gloss Brazillian Blowout • Keratin Treatment • Manicure Makeup • Spa Pedicure • Waxing Services • Facials Visit for a full list of services.
educate. enrich. empower.
Hair Loss Is A Real Problem, We Offer Real Solutions... We have the answer you’ve been looking for! Delaware Hair Solutions in Newark, Delaware is a discreet salon specializing in non-surgical hair replacement options for men and women. Regardless of the severity of your hair loss, we can help. And because this is our specialty you will not have to worry about going into a large busy salon with other clients coming and going.
Low Level Laser Hair Therapy ( LLLHT) Dee Anderson – Owner
Have you noticed your hair is thinning? Have you tried styling it different ways to conceal it? Are you starting to wonder if you’re stuck?
Recently approved by the FDA to re-grow hair, LLLHT has revolutionized the market. In studies, 57% of individuals re-grew hair, 85% experienced a halt in hair loss while 100% of users saw a thickening of the hair shaft. Success is seen in those individuals who are in their first five years of hair loss. Studies have shown laser increases circulation and oxygenation of the blood supplying the scalp and hair. This reduces problems such as oily or dry scalp, as well as dandruff and itchiness. Laser also removes calcification and other blockages
around the hair bulb, increasing cell replacement. Additionally, laser improves the fullness, shine, body and elasticity of hair.
Non Surgical hair replacement: Non-surgical hair replacement is growing; the advances in technology have created a virtually undetectable, natural look. Compared to other options, hair replacement and hair systems combine affordability with immediate results. If a person is not happy with the results, it can be reversed completely without any risk or scars. Attachment methods allow the wearer total freedom. They can participate in their normal activities, such as working out and swimming;
plus, there is no need to remove anything before going to bed. Coverage can be applied specific to client needs; whether it’s just at the crown, or full head, the same natural look can be achieved.
Women’s human hair wigs: We specialize in customizing only the best quality human hair wigs to meet your desired look. Wigs can be the best solution for many women. Wigs can be matched to your current color and style – or maybe you want a wig that is totally different than your usual look.
Testimonial: “Recently I discovered that it’s still worth dreaming, and magical moments happen daily. It all depends on your attitude. Circumstances may change; but we don’t have to. I discovered that my life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.” ~ Marilyn D.
CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! Delaware Hair Solutions does not believe in hard sell consultations. We will examine your situation, explain the options we offer and you decide where you want to go from there. If you are anxious for a solution ASAP, we can help. If you need time to process the information, you can call us when you are ready. You are not stuck; a solution to hair loss is within reach- it is all up to you!
Specializing in all types of hair loss for men and women. Phone: (302) 525-6241 1082 Old Churchman’s Rd. Suite 200, Newark, DE 19713 38
-ROP 6Sd 7K\NOX recommends asking
these questions when shopping for your cake:
educate. enrich. empower.
;$ Can we look at a portfolio of other wedding cakes you have made? Do you do custom wedding cakes, or have a set number of designs? All reputable wedding cake designers should have a portfolio of past work. Alsoismake sure you ask for references. isn’t your favorite, there a wide variety of nuts and trail mixes for ;$ WhatAnd ingredients do you typically use the health conscious. what is for your cakes and icings? Chefs and bakers oday's modern wedding cakes arehealthier a far cry than strawberries? (Dip who use the finest ingredients will provide the themcakes in dark chocolate - it’s good from the mandatory multi-tiered white most memorable cakes. Good ingredients cost for your heart.) Place an order a day of decades past. Modern brides are increasingly more, but are worth the investment. ahead so they’re fresh. conscious that all the design and details of their Fresh Candy for all "big day" will live on in photos and videos as wellis what ;$ How can we try various kinds of wedding Occasion does best. This year, cake flavors and cake fillings? You should as in the memories of family and friends, so more start a new tradition; personalize either offered a sampler to take home and share and moreBy: brides areFord thinking of their wedding Sue your loved ones’ stockings or invited to awith tasting at the bakery. cake as a beautiful work of confectioner’s art. chocolates to reflect a favorite sport, tep into Candy for all hobby or occupation. ;$ How are your wedding cakes priced? hen you select a trained create Occasions to take a walk pastry chef toFor everyday, Candyan forextra all cost for special fillings Is there culinary for the day, you down your memory lane.centerpiece This quaint, Occasions creates great baskets or details? Will you charge extra for my cozy shop in the Fairfax are sweet selecting someone who can deliver and the exotic gifts for every occasion. design? Do you have or can you rent items Shopping Center is loaded with flavors, textures and shapes which reflect your From hostess like gifts cake to baskets toppers, stands, tiers, fountains, your old time favorites from for Birthdays, Thank You, Will we be billed extra? Is sophistication and sense of wax style. The only limit and cutters? lips to candy necklaces, but that’son a budget Congratulations, anda Sympathy, is your imagination! Even brides can there price list I can take home with me not all.forward From the of your can’t with a Can gift of to study? you adapt wedding cake look to alove wedding feast finale you which is go wrong life to your little one, chocolate is comfort food. Choose your favorite designs to fit my budget? The more laborvisually stunning and memorably delicious. an affordable luxury, especially products or leave the creativity to intensive your wedding cake design is, the more around the holidays. At Candy for us. Local delivery and shipping it will cost. Extensively detailed icing or special he first thing to consider is timing. Ideally, all Occasions, you pick the box, is available. Phone orders areskill, creativity and remarkable shapes require youchoose shouldthe select your pastry chef or bakery and you chocolates welcome, but if you stopso in,expect be sureto pay more. However, patience, 4 – 6 months in advance, if she has (only their favorites), and weparticularly bow to pick up a treat forare many wonderful and creative ways there youperfect have apackage. complicated design in mind. Just your If chocolate yourself. to work with brides on a budget. For example, as reception locations must be booked months Liz Marden Gourmet Cakes & Desserts has At Candy for during all Occasions, you pick thea whole new line called "Buttercream in “ advance, especially the most popular launched box, and(May, youJune, choose the chocolates wedding months September and Bridal" with a rich assortment of flavors and October), pastry(only chefs and bakeries also designs to fit the needs of today's more budgettheir favorites), conscious bride. There is also a trend toward become booked. we bow your perfect package .”
individually portioned presentations such as cupcakes and petit fours, which allow brides to offer a variety of flavors to their guests. Your baker or pastry chef should give you a written proposal which covers all these details.
The PerfecT Personalized GifT
F���l�u� F�od�
you great with people and interested in sales? Are you looking for part-time income? Hiring Talented Account Sales Executives
;$ If I want to use fresh flowers on my
cake, will you coordinate with my florist, or will I have to manage getting the flowers to you? Discuss final table presentation with your Pastry Chef. If you are using fresh flowers, the florist and Chef will need to coordinate types of flowers being used as well as delivery and presentation.
;$ Do you do deliver? How much does it
cost? Will the delivery person be able to make emergency frosting or decoration repairs and arrange the cake table? Select a pastry chef or baker whose service includes delivery and set-up. If you are hiring an expert to create your cake, you want to make sure that expertise extends to set-up and final presentation.
Award-winning pastry Chef Liz Marden owns a European-style patisserie in Candy for all Occasions Hockessin, Delaware. Chef Liz trained has two locations: with Concord Pike,and Master Pastry 2215 Chef Gunther Heiland Wilmington, her desserts have graced the DE. tableand of the 854 W. Baltimore Pike, Governor’s mansion. Liz Marden Gourmet West Grove, PA. Cakes and Desserts features the exquisite mousse-filled signature which have Callcakes us at earned Chef (302) Liz regional acclaim and 654-9171 or two Best of Delaware for wedding (610)awards 869-3839, or visit our web site at cakes. Her desserts are often featured many of Delaware’s premier social events.
“I wanted to thank you for Charlotte’s beautiful christening cake. The lemon and raspberry were a hit. You’re the best and we’ll be back for the next big celebration.” -Julia Ventresca McDerby
“The petit fours are bliss in a single bite! Linzer tortes, chipwiches filled with diplomat cream, chocolate bombes - there are simply no bad choices at Liz Marden!”
Set your own hours Training Provided
Call Pam at 302 236 1435 or email
-Donna Melton
positions start immediately our commissions are the highest in the industry
Women’s Journal “Your cakes are awesome! You made my wedding cake and everyone loved it. To this day 2 1/2 years later people are still taking about it.” -Sherrie Miller Weiser
6Sd 7K\NOX 1Y_\WO^ -KUO] & .O]]O\^]
1252 Old Lancaster Pike ❏ Hockessin, Delaware 19707 ❏ 302. 239. 0728 Tues. - Sat: 9 am - 6 pm ❏
“Our outdoor dining experience at the Gables exceeded our expectations… the food was outstanding, our server was just wonderful, and the ambiance was magical.” “Lunch was fabulous today. There were so many things that looked good on the menu, it was hard to choose, but I decided to try something new and went with the shrimp and grits. Delicious! Everything was perfect the bread, the appetizers (thank you!), the entrees, the desserts, the service, the ambiance. I loved it all. Thank you so much for letting us sit upstairs - it can get a little loud when you get 13 teachers together for a holiday celebration. Many thanks for your warm hospitality!” “Totally awesome experience. Beautifully decorated. Fantastic chef. Delicious food. My fiancé proposed and we were served champagne and dessert on the house!“ “What an awesome place! Joanne and I went for drinks and a bite to eat on Friday night. Great atmosphere and piano / harmonica players were perfect. The Gables is such a warm place to hang out, food is top notch too! Gotta try it, you will like it!”
“Very elegant atmosphere, it gets better and more surprising with each visit. Food is beyond delicious, well prepared and fresh.”
The Gables at Chadds Ford is nestled in the heart of the historical Brandywine Valley. Their combination of fresh seasonal cuisine, rustic yet elegant charm and enchanting outdoor dining will keep you coming back time and time again. Each of their menus are designed by their talented kitchen staff around fresh, local and seasonal ingredients. They offer an enticing mix of European style cuisine with New American flavors and even throw in a touch of Southern flair! You can enjoy a cocktail on their lounge while listening to live piano every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening. The Gables is also the perfect venue to host your next special event. The Gables can accommodate any special event, whether you are planning a wedding, rehearsal dinner, baby shower or corporate event, their experienced staff will handle the details. Rest aurant Lunch: Tuesday - Saturday Brunch: Sunday Dinner: Tuesdays - Sundays Happy Hour: Tuesdays - Fridays Bar Menu Outdoor Dining Live Piano: Thursday, Friday & Saturday
TH E GA B L E S a t ch a dds f o r d 6 1 0 - 3 8 8 -770 0 w w w. t h e g a b l e s a t c h a d d s f o r d . c o m 4 2 3 B a l t i m o r e P i k e , C h a d d s Fo r d , PA
Ann Kolenick, Proprietor Special Events Private room with capacity of 150 Semi-private space with capacity of 30 On site wedding ceremony space Bridal suite In-house Events Coordinator
Thank You... To Our Location
To Our Stylists
The Perfect Wedding...
Select Mendenhall Inn’s elegant and enchanted setting for the wedding of your dreams. Mendenhall Inn boasts 2 spacious, uniquely decorated Ballrooms hosting up to 275 guests. The captivating Grand Ballroom showcases a breathtaking spiral staircase while the Gold Ballroom proudly displays an exquisite outdoor patio. Discover the exceptional value of their comprehensive, allinclusive wedding packages provide; as well as the finest accommodations and the exceptional service of their charming full service hotel. Located at 323 Kennett Pike. Route 52, Chadds Ford, PA 19317, Phone: (610) 388-2100, Fax: (610) 388-2460
This shoot was a group effort of our wonderful stylist from: J. Christian Studio and Amelia Paris Salon. Hair styling & makeup application were provided compliments of J. Christian Studio, where hair and art perform. J Christian and his wife Marcy Wilkinson, own and operate J Christian Studio in Hockessin, Delaware. J Christian has over 37 years of experience in this industry and is an active international artist and master educator. The Studio is a full-service, upscale salon with expertise in hair, nails, makeup, executive and standard male grooming, as well as bridal services. At Amelia Paris Salon & Spa we are inspired by your power to transform! Our mission is to insure that you not only meet, but also exceed your individual beauty goals. The award-winning stylists, colorists and technicians of Amelia Paris Salon & Spa at Brinton Lake travel annually throughout the world to be educated on the latest industry advancements and techniques. Our artisans provide you with worldclass products and services in a friendly atmosphere free of pressures or pretention.
People Profile
Eivind Hansen
Set in the heart of the Brandywine Valley, Mendenhall Inn has been serving patrons from Delaware County and the surrounding area for over 40 years. Their award-winning restaurant & newly renovated dining room creates the perfect atmosphere for a romantic evening after touring the historic Brandywine Valley. Known for their menu selections from French to New American cuisine, dishes such as Prime Rib, Roasted Duck and Snapper Soup highlight the menu. The table-side Bananas Foster Flambé is always a well-praised dessert from diners. The new “Alexander’s Lounge” features live entertainment on Friday nights, an outdoor fire pit and carries an impressive cocktail menu; ranging from a vast selection of craft beers to their signature Root Beer Martini. Eivind Hansen, recently appointed General Manager, has been working for Mendenhall Inn and the Hionis family for over two years. “It has been wonderful working for the Hionis family. The entire staff here is a pleasure to work with; from our Director of Operations (Steve) and Chef (Charlie) to our Wedding Coordinators (Ashley & Dottie) and Maître D’ (Mario), it is like a family here. Although my role has changed here, I still make sure that I get out there to do some table-side bananas foster and specialty coffee for our guests. I am excited about the recent changes at Mendenhall Inn and love serving our customers each and every day.”
Mendenhall Inn is a top choice for the couples looking for the very best in wedding receptions and ceremonies. The elegant, all-inclusive wedding packages are one to consider for all bride and grooms-to-be in the area, winning the WeddingWire Couple’s Choice Award as well as being named Best Wedding Venue by Reader’s Choice Delaware. Their two spacious and uniquely decorated Ballrooms hosting up to 275 guests paired with the exquisite menu of Mendenhall Inn is a combination you’ll need to see (and taste) for yourself! The captivating Grand Ballroom showcases a breathtaking spiral staircase while the Gold Ballroom proudly displays an exquisite outdoor patio. For more information on Mendenhall Inn, visit their website at or visit their Facebook Page for the latest updates. Restaurant Hours Monday - Thursday: 4:30pm - 10pm, Friday - Saturday: 3:00pm - 12:30am, Sunday: 10:00am - 9:00pm Open for Lunch December 1st - 23rd: 11:30am - 3:00pm
People Profile in
Linda Bellin
Every woman dreams of having her own shop, and hardworking, energetic Linda Bellin is no exception. From her start working at (and helping select gift items for) her sister’s farm stand (the famous Filasky’s Produce in Middletown); Linda learned both retail and the importance of taking good care of loyal customers. Her travels in Europe inspired a lifelong love of elegant design. Linda is no stranger to a drill gun and paintbrush. She loves to find, repair and refinish to-die-for antiques, including enormous gilt mirrors, vintage doors and ornate display tables. Linda’s first shop, Tattered Treasures in Chesapeake City, featured beautiful classical antiques and architectural salvage with French or Italian flair, gift items and jewelry. That shop gave way to the first CHICK’S, a full-fledged women’s designer apparel shop, always one of the most popular businesses in beautiful Chesapeake City. One step inside and you’ll feel the European flair for great design. CHICK’S uses the coolest display pieces you’ll ever see, from the baby grand piano at the center of the store to creative repurposed display pieces worthy of their own Pinterest page!
As Linda says, “Come and ‘CHICK’ us out . . . and then have everyone else ‘CHECK’ you out!” You can keep CHICK’S as your personal style secret, or share it with your friends. Linda, whose faith in ‘putting God first’ inspires all of her life and work, lives in Maryland with her husband Jim and daughter Alexandra. Their son Dennis and his wife Danielle care for their beloved grandchildren Zachary and Zoe. Profile written by Katie Aiken Ritter, Creative Content Writing and Editing, Project Management, Database Design
Melisa Ferriola
Melisa Ferriola began her career in makeup at Pennsylvania State University where she earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Quantitative Business Analysis with an additional emphasis in theatre. Melisa studied and applied stage and special effects makeup for the university theatre company. In 2006, after a 20-year corporate career in the Delaware banking industry, Melisa switched careers to pursue her life-long interest in makeup and beauty by opening Lasting Looks – a permanent cosmetics studio, lash bar and day spa located in Hockessin, Delaware. The Lasting Looks mission starts with the desire to empower women to take charge of their appearance and to put their best image forward. As owner and operator, Melisa personally ensures that every client receives private, exclusive care. Her artistic skills and attention to detail show through in every service she provides. Melisa also teaches workshops in eyelash extension application privately and at area cosmetology schools, where she is frequently a guest lecturer encouraging young people in their pursuit of success in the beauty industry and the importance of empowering women to look and be their best.
Melisa is a licensed Aesthetician and Certified Permanent Cosmetic Artist and serves as Secretary and Membership Chair on the Board of Directors for the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals. This international organization sets high standards for the industry, certifies the knowledge of technicians and facilitates two conventions per year providing continuing education workshops for permanent cosmetic professionals worldwide. Visit Lasting Looks online at for a complete listing of our services. We are also on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The Lasting Looks Spa is located at Hockessin Corners next to the Back Burner Restaurant and Jennifer’s Bridal.
People Profile in
Gwen Anderson
Hi, I am Gwen Anderson, my husband and I are the owners of Anderson Travel Services Inc. in Wilmington, Delaware. After having our third child I left the corporate world and decided to follow my passion, helping people plan their vacations. After completing course work for travel, I began working with a local storefront travel agency. After a year I left to work with another agency for about five years. In 2005, Austin and I decided to develop our own travel agency. We have traveled to Europe, Hawaii, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Mexico, Alaska and across the USA for our travel experience and education. In addition, we have participated in ship and land inspections and continue our education by completing travel courses given by the major Cruise lines, Amtrak Vacation, and Sandals Resorts. Many of my clients spent hours searching the internet gathering information for their vacation, as a travel consultant I help them sort out the information overload. I enjoy organizing group trips to Broadway/Musical shows followed by dinner, I arrange group cruises, land vacations, weekend get-a-ways and full-filled day trips. As a business owner I wear many hats; business manager, sales, marketing, accounting, and record keeping. To improve the quality and efficiency of our services in 2010 we joined Avoya Travel Network as affiliates. This affiliation has helped us to better manage our business through professional development that allows for improved service delivery for our clients. Please visit my website at www/AvoyaTravel/Expert/GwenAnderson Testimonials: “Very helpful and patient offered a very good deal.” Marlene R. “Very lovely lady, Gwen, helped us save on a cruise.” Barbara S. “Gwen was really helpful and worked to get us the best deal, Go Gwen.” Ruthie D. “Gwen was very professional.” Roger H. “Gwen responds quickly and gets us the information that we need.” Sharee V. “Great travel agent, got answers on all of my questions quickly. Booking was without any problem.” Yosef R.
Erica Suppa
Erica Suppa is the owner of Fresh Faced Skin Care. Erica holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Delaware and Master’s education from Drexel University. Prior to opening Fresh Faced Skin Care, Erica was a cancer research scientist for over thirteen years. Erica opened Fresh Faced Skin Care because she wanted to offer a specialized business that only performed facial treatments. She offers a unique approach to skin care by utilizing her scientific knowledge of skin biology and cosmetic chemistry to produce unparalleled results. Clients at Erica’s studios in both Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania and Historic New Castle, Delaware receive free consultations to determine the best customized treatment plan for keeping their skin healthy. Each client receives private, individual attention with Erica. She uses her own unique professional products clinically proven to deliver highly effective results. Erica is also the creator of Fresh Faced by Erica makeup and skin care products. She specializes in acne and acne scarring and has developed strategic protocols that help clear adult and teen acne. Erica’s success rate is so high that even dermatologists refer their acne patients to Fresh Faced Skin Care.
Erica is often asked to speak about skin care at conferences, women’s groups, and seminars across the country. She truly has found her passion and loves to help others achieve their best skin ever. Erica is a native Delawarean, growing up in Bear, DE. She now resides in New Castle, DE with her husband, Carl and son, Andrew. For an appointment or for additional information, call 302.689.3223, email or visit
People Profile in
Carmella Gibellino-Schultz, Board Certified by A.A.M. & C.P.C.P.
Known for her thorough artistry and “magic touch,” Carmella Gibellino-Schultz’s passion for cosmetics began at a young age, propelling her career path. After becoming a licensed cosmetologist in 1978, Carmella dedicated herself to inspiring others and founded the Skin Care School and Center in 1996. Having trained over 700 estheticians in 8 years, Carmella then dedicated her career solely to the practice of permanent cosmetics in 1999. Carmella’s perfectionist attitude and continued devotion to meeting every client’s needs has been the driving force behind the success of her practice, Permanent Cosmetics Studio by Carmella. As an expert in topical makeup application with a keen eye for detail, shape and color theory, Carmella’s skills are unsurpassed. She is a true artist and lifesaver to all she has worked with. You can contact Carmella at 610-883-0636 to book an appointment or to find out more about her Studio.
Carol Harvey
Carol Harvey graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in Social Work. She moved to Wilmington, DE in 1976 with her husband and three children. A lifelong collector, she had her own antique business for the next 25 years. She taught classes on antiques, gave speeches, had Victorian Teas in her home and sold antiques on consignment. That business taught her to be selective, look for good quality, appreciate fine workmanship and to buy fewer but better things. She brought those same qualities to Hansel and Gretel when she bought the store in 2001. Carol was to fully realize her passion for clothing, business and people in this business. Carol faced many challenges in retail but went on to become Delaware’s No. 1 Children’s Boutique under her steady guidance. The boutique has held that title for the last 15 years. The store has always stood for classic quality children’s clothing and now celebrating its 50th year as Hansel and Gretel Children’s Boutique.
Carol, and her daughter Jen, make frequent trips to New York and Philadelphia each season to hand pick the most unique and fashionable clothing, shoes and toys for the store. Hansel and Gretel is serving its third generation of loyal customers under Carol’s loving leadership. The store supports numerous charities related to children as well as Delaware Humane and Faithful Friends. Carol serves as President of Questers, the national organization for those interested in the study of antiques and history. She is an active Methodist and a grandmother to 5 children. Each day she meets the many challenges of her small business including the recession and the internet and is very grateful to spend yet another day in her beloved Hansel and Gretel. For more information please visit, call us at 302-478-0383 or better yet, stop in and see us! We’re located in Talleyville Shopping Center at 3603 Silverside Rd, Wilmington, DE 19810.
People Profile in
Roberta Kozak
Roberta Kozak is the Owner of the Jewelry Exchange of Delaware, Inc. with stores in historic Lewes and stately Greenville, Delaware. Jewelry had always been a passion of Roberta’s. Following successful careers in other fields and raising three children, she finally found her passion and niche in jewelry. Roberta opened her first location in 1997 in Chadds Ford, Pa in a small shop next to the Chadds Ford Inn that once was occupied by her friend and Jeweler, Don Pywell. This first shop started with not much more than her personal jewelry and that of a few of her close friends that shared the value and excitement in estate jewelry. From the humble beginnings of the Chadds Ford store, Roberta’s vision progressed over the next 20 years with locations in Centreville, Lewes and Hockessin, De. In 2009 her son Nick Dellaquila joined the business and with the opening of their flagship store in Greenville they cemented their position as one of the states farthest reaching, most capable jewelry stores. In 2011, Queen Roberta Kozak’s daughter, Princess Corey Grabowski joined the business and they now have developed a successful bridal business in addition to specializing in buying, selling, trading, designing and redesigning estate jewelry. In addition Roberta holds a United States Patent for her design “Mothers Perpetual Heart” that is for Mothers who had to endure the pain of the loss of a child.
Roberta says that she loves going to work. It’s her second home. She enjoys all of her clients and feels so lucky and blessed to have both of her locations, and being able to work with her children.
Barbara P. G. Williams
Barbara P. G. Williams is passionate about the wedding flowers selected by her brides. With a degree in floriculture, Barb was a designer for many flower shops before becoming co-owner of Belak Flowers in 1997. Barb moved to Wilmington from Lancaster, PA in 1983 beginning her career with Taylors of Penny Hill; she later designed for Flowers by Yukie, Gambles in Newark, Village Green Flower Shop in Greenville and later for European Gallery. While raising her daughters, Barb worked part-time for Wildflowers Wholesale Flowers. Outside of her “floral life” Barb is on the Board of Directors of Brandywine Naaman’s Rotary where she has been a member since 2000. She is a past-president of First State Mothers of Multiples. Currently Barb serves on the Board of Directors of Sellers Senior Center in Bellefonte and on the Worship and Music Committee at St. Philips Lutheran Church. “Being a preferred florist for many venues,” says Barb, Our brides come to us from as far away as Chicago, New York and Florida, but most are from the tri-state area.” In 2015 Belak Flowers created wedding flowers for over 145 brides and grooms.
Belak Flowers has won The Best of the Knot several times and has won The Wedding Wire, Couples Choice Award in 2015, 2014 and 2013. Barb’s wedding bouquets have been featured in many publications.
People Profile in
Christine D’Alonzo
Master Stylist and salon owner, Christine D’Alonzo, had her start as a young girl who loved art. She always saw herself as an artist, hair was just another medium to create and express with. She began her journey as an art student in middle school, cutting and coloring hair for her family and friends by the age of 12. This passion continued and after a year of art classes in college, she discovered that working with hair was meant to be her craft. After completing her training at Jean Madeline in Philadelphia, she worked in ritzy, high end salons doing hair for celebrities, TV personalities, professional photoshoots, and hair competitions. Still, even after achieving all this, it just wasn’t enough so she opened her own salon and has been living her art every day. She has developed a unique style using as many as 7 colors in one formula to create incredible dimension and a one of a kind look tailored by each individual personality so that their inner beauty can truly radiate. But her creative vision does not stop there. A people lover at heart, she is inspired by people’s stories and touches the lives of everyone she meets with grace and long lasting friendship. Amelia Paris Salon & Spa has become a place that people come to discover their true selves through Christine’s creative vision. Come in today and experience the magic for yourself!
Amelia Paris Salon & Spa Briton Lake Shopping Center 100 Evergreen Dr #123, Glen Mills, PA 19342 (610) 558-4911
Yvonne Gallagher
When Yvonne Gallagher opened Tuscany Sun & Spa in 2007 with her husband Andy, she knew she wanted to create a “home away from home” atmosphere with a place for their clients to spend time alone or with their friends. They strove to create “a place where everyone knows your name.” Her passion and drive has always been to improve her clients’ skin. Yvonne shares, “I want them to trust me to give them the best advice, and know that when I’m finished, they will leave looking younger and feeling empowered.” Yvonne was born and raised in Essington, PA. She graduated from Venus Beauty Academy in 1992, and the Skin Care School and Center in Newark, DE in 2003 with certifications in Esthetics, Spa Therapies, and Makeup Artistry. She has developed a “progressive,” not “aggressive,” approach to skincare after working in salons and med spas. Yvonne believes that healthy skin is achieved with a multifaceted approach: a tailored skincare regimen with the highest active ingredients and quality sun protection, combined with an overall healthy lifestyle.
Deeply rooted in medical aesthetics, Yvonne has discovered that the HydraFacial MD and Quaser LED Photo Rejuvenation Systems work hand-in-hand for incredible results that have her clients coming back for more. Yvonne emphasizes the importance of educating her clients on skin care routines that will help keep skin healthy and youthful. Combining these routines with monthly HydraFacials to help relax facial muscles and stimulate collagen, Yvonne believes anyone can achieve beautiful skin without the need for surgical intervention. She loves what she does, and hopes that she can bring some knowledge to the skin field while educating those coming up behind her. Residing in West Grove, Yvonne is the mother of 3 adult children and one granddaughter. She loves vacationing in Virginia with her family each year. For more information visit or call 610-444-3570.
educate. enrich. empower.
Finding the Right Homework Routine Presented By Jim Power Article By Dr. Raymond J Huntington, Co-Founder of Huntington Learning Center
rguably one of the most essential traits that your child can acquire throughout his or her education is good organization. Embracing strong organizational habits and a daily routines can help your child make the most of homework time and avoid wasting time. Similarly, a consistent homework routine helps children become selfsufficient students and inspires them to take responsibility. Routine gives students a purpose, thereby encouraging them to approach learning new skills and concepts with confidence. While routine is important for students to thrive, what works for one child might not work for another. Here are a few tips for parents to help their child find the right homework routine:
• Some children need an after-school break. Many parents assume the best approach to homework — especially for younger children who may not have many after-school extracurricular activities — is for children to dive in the moment they get home from school. However, this may not work for every child. Some children do much better when they decompress for 30 minutes before getting started on homework.
• Other children do their best work while still in “school mode”.
• Small goals and incentives can be helpful.
On the other hand, some students find that a break before dinner time only distracts them. On days that your child does not have sports practice or activities after school, he or she may prefer to get homework completed right away.
• Children who tend to procrastinate need help with prioritization. While your goal should be to help your child become an independent studier, you can help him or her learn how to develop a daily homework to-do list that minimizes downtime. If your child tends to spin his or her wheels when it comes to homework, spend five minutes together before he or she gets started to develop a game plan and estimated amount of time for each item on the to-do list.
No matter the age of your child, it’s always helpful to have goals to work toward. Once your child finishes one subject, he or she should reward him or herself with a five-minute break to text back a friend or step outside for some fresh air. When your child completes all of his or her homework, allow some free time to do whatever he or she wants — television or computer time, for example. When you approach the homework routine, keep in mind that consistency is the key. Once your child embraces homework and studying as a daily habit, he or she will become more proficient at managing his or her time effectively — in school and in life.
• Short study sessions are better than homework marathons. Much has been documented about the benefit of frequent, abbreviated study sessions. Not only do shorter study periods encourage students to repeatedly review concepts, it is far easier for students to stay focused for brief periods of time. It is ok if your child only has 15 minutes after school to get some homework in and needs to resume later on, that’s okay. Breaking up the study sessions may actually be a good thing for his or her retention.
• Try alternating. Encourage your child to break down larger, more complex assignments rather than try to knock them out in one sitting. If your child is writing a paper, for example, have him or her write a few pages, then turn his or her attention to another subject.
Dr. Raymond J. Huntington is co-founder of Huntington Learning Center, which has helped children achieve success in school for over 35 years. For more information about how Huntington can help your child, call 1-800-CAN-LEARN. Jim Power is the Executive Director of the Huntington Learning Center in Newark, 34 Liberty Plaza, Kirkwood Highway, Newark, DE 19711. For more information or to schedule a consultation at the Newark location call 302-737-1150 or visit
About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, algebra through calculus, chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington’s mission is to give every student the best education possible.
Learn how Huntington can help at
* SAT and Advanced Placement (AP) are registered trademarks of the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc.
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Choices In Education
By Dr. Heidi Gough Director of Marketing and Communications PA Leadership Charter School
one are the days where there were two choices for your child’s education: private school or your local district school. For decades, families struggled over this decision daily, was it in their budget, which is the best option for their child and what if it doesn’t work; then the school choice model exploded. Over the last 20 years there has been an increase in school choice. Charter Schools and Cyber Charter Schools have been popping up all over PA. Charter Schools are approved by the local school district and Cyber Charter Schools are approved by the department of education, both are classified as Public Schools. While similar in nature, these schools have one main difference: •
Brick and mortar charter schools are physically located within their approving school district.
Cyber Charter Schools are located across the state.
Both types of charter schools must provide a minimum of one hundred and eighty (180) days of instruction (900 hours) to elementary level students and one hundred and eighty (180) days of instruction (990 hours) to secondary level students. In addition to adhering to all of the State Mandated Tests (Keystones, PSSA, SAT, PSAT), charter schools must show yearly improvements on student academic growth, student achievement (graduation), and closing any achievement gaps that may be present. As stated directly by PA Dept of Ed:
“The Educator Effectiveness System (24 P.S. § 11-1123 – Act 82 – 2012) is designed to evaluate classroom teachers based upon classroom observations, teacher specific data, elective data, and building level data. The building level data are used to develop the school academic performance score displayed as part of the Pennsylvania School Performance Profile. The SPP score comprises 15 percent of each classroom teacher and principal/school leader evaluation beginning with the classroom teacher rating in the 2013-2014 school year and the principal/school leader rating in the 2014-2015 school year. The score for a school is based upon indicators that define a high-performing school. Many data elements come together to create the academic score . . . ” (
district of residence sponsored extracurricular activity if the student is able to fulfill the requirements of participation and the cyber charter school does not provide the same extracurricular activity. Cyber Charter Schools and School Districts are encouraged to communicate the requirements for participation in extracurricular activities that may include, but not be limited to, specific grades and
attendance of the student. To release this information to a school district, it must first receive parent permission”. As we circle back, it’s easy to say there are several options a family can choose for their child’s education. It’s imperative to do your research; you are no longer limited to just your local school district or a private school.
The difference between a brick and mortar charter school and a cyber school is purely the delivery method. A cyber school provides instruction through the internet or through an electronic device. Cyber schools must provide a student with a computer, printer, headset/microphone and provide some assistance in obtaining and sustaining an internet connection. As with all PUBLIC schools, charter and cyber charter schools must provide their students all services needed, including counselors, special education, state certified teachers and school nurses. The PA Department of Education also states the following in regards to extra curriculum activities for cyber schooled students: “Students who are enrolled in a cyber charter school are eligible to participate in a school 48
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Dealing With Test Anxiety
Sweaty Palms, Knots In The Stomach, A Cloud Of Doom Descending…. Most people will recognize these symptoms of test anxiety. “High-stakes” tests like the SAT, ACT, GRE or LSAT can compound the problem. Approximately one-third of students experience severe anxiety during testing situations, but there are clear steps that can decrease test anxiety’s negative effects. Here are some brief tips. Visit test-anxiety/ for full details.
1. Relaxation techniques A good first response to anxiety is to focus on breathing, taking long, deep breaths while attending to the sounds and sensations of the air slowly moving in and out. With practice this will reduce the unpleasant sensations associated with anxiety and result in a calmer state that puts you back in control. In addition, spend some time practicing quiet attentiveness. Focus on your breathing to the exclusion of everything else. Once you have slowed your thoughts, “scan” the body, beginning with the top of your head, and slowly moving down the body, trying to notice each sensation occurring there. These relaxation techniques not only help to reduce pre-test anxiety, but also provide with valuable tools when anxiety strikes during the test itself.
2. Accentuate the positive Try the “half empty/half full” game. For one week, list all the negative thoughts you have about the test like, “I know I’ll never finish.” At the end of the week, next to each negative thought write a true, positive thought, like, “Answering two-thirds of questions will usually end in a good result.” From then on, whenever one of the destructive negative thoughts from your list creeps into your head, focus on the helpful thought. With practice you can automatically chase away your negative thoughts.
taking so that anxiety is less likely to interfere with your test taking if it does occur.
University of Delaware Professional and Continuing Studies offers test preparation courses for SAT, ACT, GRE and LSAT. Please visit for details or call 302-831-7600.
3. Perform Reducing anxiety is not enough to guarantee success on test day; you must also be wellprepared. Students with test anxiety probably benefit more than the average student from taking many practice tests, and under circumstances as much like the actual test as possible. The familiarity that results from repeated exposure to the testing situation not only serves to reduce anxiety itself, but it also helps to routinize your test
Anderson Travel Services, Inc. M
y name is Gwen, and I Love the Travel Business!! After working in Corporate America for 15-years, I retired, and was excited to explore the next phase of my life! Since I’ve always had a love for travel my husband suggested I attend travel school. I planned our family vacations for years, so the opportunity to assist other families with their By Gwendolyn Anderson ~ Owner vacations was exciting for me. I attended school and starting working for a store front travel agency. After 2-years, I soon realized I can do this myself. So in 2005 I began my own business, Anderson Travel Services, and the rest is history. Awards/Certifications I have attended the yearly workshop for Sandals, making me a Sandals Specialists. I’m currently working on my ACC which is an Accredited Cruise Counsellor with all the major cruise lines. I just finished my first Bachelor of Fun through Carnival Cruise Lines. I attend yearly ship inspections and I arrange several group cruises a year.
My Travel Adventures I have cruised to the Caribbean, Bahamas, Canada, Europe and Alaska. My favorite cruise so far has been to Alaska. The culture, the landscape, and the animals made it a wonderful destination of which I encourage all to visit. I believe that every place has its own special gem that makes it unique to visitors. I look forward to helping you find that place that will become special to you! Testimonials • Very helpful and patience!! Offered a very good deal!!” ~ Marlene R. • “Very lovely lady, Gwen, helped us save on a cruise.” ~ Barbara S. • “Gwen was really helpful and worked to get us the best deal. Go Gwen!!!” ~ Ruthie D. • “Gwen always tries to find me the best deals, and communicates my traveling options to me in a timely manner.” ~ Michelle A. • “Gwen responds quickly and gets us the information that we need.” ~ Sharee V. • “Gwen was very professional” ~ Roger H. • “The information I received was very helpful and I was very pleased.” ~ Haley M.
1311 N West St, Wilmington, DE 19801 • 302-588-7363 • 1-800-973-2476 •
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The Art of Finishing Touches By Ara Atkinson-Skinner
I recently took my granddaughter shopping for some school supplies which required a trip to one of her favorite Designer stores. They were having a big sale, so she was able to purchase Ara Atkinson-Skinner a beautiful quilted book bag CEO/Illustrator Ara offers creative solutions to and a few other accessories. business owners, entrepreneurs, The whole shopping experience art directors, authors, writers was wonderful, from the clerk and discerning clientele “Make Their Mark” with asking if she could assist us, distinct Unforgettable original illustrations and creative to the great use of space and impressions for an audience organization of products on the of one to a multitude. shelves. That’s saying something too, because even with all the bold intricate design patterns, you think that would overwhelm you, but somehow it all blended well, allowing for a relaxed calming experience. This is no an accident, every detail has been carefully and strategically thought out and executed, it is the “The Vera Bradley® Brand experience”. When we were checking out, the last thing I received was a beautiful palmsize envelope in the Vera Bradley® signature green color (matching back to the beautiful shopping bag topped with tissue paper) with my receipt tucked inside. It may seem trivial, but it made me feel special. This is a good example of those extra special finishing touches that can make all the difference in becoming a memorable BRAND! Does every business need to go to that degree of BRAND designed receipt envelopes & packaging? The answer, “No, of course not, BUT I’m sure each business can do something memorable depending what you are selling and who you are trying to attract to your business (your “ideal” client/customer)”. More importantly, are you building your BRAND and is it congruent throughout the experience for the client/customer? Today, there are some very reasonable options to BRAND building and some are FREE. Do you have your own Brand Promise or tag line? How do you want to make your client/customer feel or experience with your products or services? Always start with, “treat people the way you want to be treated”. Do your clients/customers
H AYGO OD L U A NN Travel Consultant
know you appreciate them? Then turn it around, do your clients/customers appreciate you for what you are giving them? If you answered, “I’m not sure” to either question,then it’s time to do something about that. Start small, one small step at a time and build it. Promoting your BRAND is ongoing with multiple layers of marketing. People need to be reminded, that’s where building a strong 4 Senses BRAND Experience is so vital. It helps preventing your clients/customers from looking elsewhere. Do you have a Signature BRAND phone call response? How do you treat client/customer calls & meetings? What have you done lately to show your appreciation? Building a Power BRAND doesn’t happen overnight, so be patient, but keep building with all those little extra finishing touches that can go a long way to keep & build appreciative and loyal clients/customers! C LOGO logo BEFORE: sDA a perfectly fine
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AFTER: ABOVE IS AN EXAMPLE OF RE-BRANDED LOGO. Before creating this new logo, it required getting real clear with the clients-- what their business is and their target audience. I needed to communicate visually they are more than just a dance studio, but an amazing Arts Conservatory offering an array of visual & performing arts classes, workshop intensives, private lessons and more for the very young to adults. This was a challenge, but the final result was worth the effort to get it right! If you notice, I was able to keep a significant icon tying the original logo to the new, which kept continuity important for the established business & their existing customers.
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you have travel “ Once the voyage never ends,
but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.
Lu Ann trusted me to deliver her re-branding from LuLu Travels to ” her renamed, newly focused -P C company. I gave her a new logo BOOKMARKER & a custom supportive illustration. Those two items were then used for various finishing items like: biz cards, leatherhead package, FaceBook, newsletter, embroidered shirts, table-throw, note cards, bags and a very nice book mark (great entry level gift item for her clientele). This is just the beginning-many more ways to become “Unforgettable” to come! AT
“Capturing our branding and essence of who we are perfectly, Ara Atkinson-Skinner, ever the artist, over delivers and wows us every single time. Her ability to continually and excellently create supporting illustrations, allows us to keep expanding our vision verbally knowing she will match it with visually. We're thrilled that our partnership and collaboration continues to grow and keeps us creatively on the cutting-edge. We have Ara to thank for seeing our brand through such a beautiful lens.” - Donna Duffy 3E Marketing Solutions “Ara’s designs really helped my business. It gave me a more professional approach to how I market myself. It really has taken my business to the next level.” - Joan Gennarini Rekindled Spirits
“Ara at Ara Illustrated has been fantastic in trying to capture all that we do at DelArts into one complete and clean logo, while incorporating elements of our old logo to help with the transition to the new! We didn't make it easy for her there are 4 co-owners, so it took a lot of patience on Ara's part to keep going back to the drawing board to create a logo we all loved! She did it, though, and we couldn't be more pleased! She has continued to see our rebranding through all its stages, from new signage to new advertising copy. The stress of having her design our ads has taken a ton off of my plate, and we feel extremely lucky to have Ara in our corner!” - Tracy Friswell-Jacobs Delaware Arts Conservatory
ABOVE IS AN EXAMPLE OF A SUPPORTIVE BRAND ILLUSTRATION Shown here, it used on one side of a bookmarker. Bookmarks are a great affordable option for a Brand building giveaway gifts.
could benefit from investing in. Gift certificates make very nice gifts, especially when you receive it in lovely presentation--the satin ribbon and special logo seals make a nice finishing touch!
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educate. enrich. empower.
F OLLOW Y OUR B USINESS C OMPASS TO A P LACE C ALLED P URPOSE “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
It’s not enough to just run a business, ins te ad a s entrepreneurs, we should craft a life and business of im p ac t a nd Donna Duffy is a dynamic entrepreneur, visionary influence. The and CEO/Founder of 3E Marketing Solutions whose talent for creative inspiration empowers, more our passion motivates and educates others. Donna’s mission and purpose, is to educate, equip and engage small business products and owners and organizations with affordable marketing services align with strategies and solutions through workshops, coaching/consulting, implementation and the needs in the events. She embraces grassroots methodology, marketplace, the getting down in the trenches to meet business owners where they are and gains her greatest greater that impact pleasure from the development of others. will be. How we best serve and deliver excellence and value must be coupled with a great sense of purpose if we intend on establishing authenticity and credibility. Here are several ways to be sure your compass is set set to True North and leads you continually in the direction of service and success!
The Inner Compass— Mindset and Mission
who will buy from you. Keeping your vision and scope alive and aware to what’s around you allows you step in because you’re ready. You know that, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears,” so you will be equipped for what you need as you go toward it.
You can be great at what you do but if no one knows you, then you’re like the best kept secret. It’s time to get out there. Mix and mingle, connect and collaborate, teach & share your ideas with the world.
Only with a view to your end goal will you know when you’ve arrived at your destination. So casting vision, mapping out your manifesto, getting clear on what you bring to the world and crystallizing your WHY, are all essential to staying on track as you pursue that which is tucked in your heart to do.
Fresh ideas and additional revenue streams come from having time to uptake new information. When you’re too busy or stressed, always on the go, always in tactical mode, you leave no time to ponder better strategies. Determine that in this new year, you’ll make time for yourself, which in turn, will greatly benefit your business as well.
E: Envision the end goal and embrace your dream
W:Walk & work in that direction till you get there
Everyday, take positive, intentional, deliberate action in the direction of your goals and dreams. Everyday serve with your whole heart; with excellence, in the areas of your expertise. Steady, consistent, micro actions lead to a big return over time.
The Outer Compass— Tools and Techniques
N: Network with others both live and virtually
In order to make an impact in the marketplace, you need to be seen. We always say that presence precedes profit so whether you connect over coffee, at an event or online through social media, it’s essential that those who need your products and services can readily find you.
S: Set up systems for your
marketing and sales
N: Narrow your niche; align it with the
needs/wants of prospective buyers & clients Knowing who you are meant to serve allows for a great sense of ease and abundance. Not having to chase after every sale allows your marketing message to best match those meant to receive it; with whom you have the greatest alignment. This calls for sharpened sense of understanding of why you are in business and who resonates with the products or services you have to offer.
S: See all the potential and possibility there is for you
Now that you have greater clarity, you begin to see that opportunities that are there for you and for those
To truly be successful and scale in business, you will need solid, repeatable systems and strategies in place. everything from email, social media, blogging and networking should have a strategy that fits into an overall system. So much time is wasted reinventing the wheel and going back to the drawing board when instead the time would be much better spent crafting and creating templates that can be used over again.
E: Embark continually on ways that keep your expertise in front of others
W: Willing carve out time in your schedule to read and learn as well as rest and recharge
True North—The Place called Purpose
As you enter into this New Year, work with excellence in your business everyday.
WHY are you doing what what you’re doing? WHAT is the most significant thing you bring to the marketplace?
WHO are you serving and how can you best serve them?
HOW do you know when you get there?
If you need greater clarity & direction for your inner compass or strategy for your outer compass, we would love to meet with you. Schedule a complimentary 30 Minute Marketing Fog Lift!
“... It will be only a few weeks shy of a year when I first stumbled on your booth at the Women's Expo and said, "I've got to know those girls!" I am happy to say that quickly turned into not only a successful business relationship, but a personal connection that continues today. ... Every visit was an eye opener for me and my company. I truly believe that your shared experience of a wife, mother and entrepreneur allowed me to refocus and spread my wings. Your ability to dive right in there was what I needed at the time to reroute my efforts and put our company back on track to grow. ... In attending your workshops and listening to you speak, your passion is contagious and always well received. I consider you today as one of my mentors and feel especially lucky to have been taken under your wings. We are looking forward to celebrating with you at the Expo! Congrats again on the book as I will be purchasing my copy!” Kelly Jones The Cleaning Girl, Inc.
Brewing StrategyServing Succсs!
by Donna M. Duffy
302.268.6234 I 1201 N Orange Street I Suite 7313 I Wilmington, DE 19801
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Handling Market Volatility less volatile investments. But before you leap into a different investment strategy, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. How you choose to invest your money should be consistent with your goals and time horizon.
Presented By Frederick J. Dawson, ChFC, CLU
onventional wisdom says that what goes up, must come down. But even if you view market volatility as a normal occurrence, it can be tough to handle when it’s your money at stake. Though there’s no foolproof way to handle the ups and downs of the stock market, the following common sense tips can help.
Don’t put your eggs all in one basket Diversifying your investment portfolio is one of the key tools for trying to manage market volatility. Because asset classes often perform differently under different market conditions, spreading your assets across a variety of investments such as stocks, bonds, and cash alternatives has the potential to help reduce your overall risk.
Focus on the forest, not on the trees As the market goes up and down, it’s easy to become too focused on day-to-day returns. Instead, keep your eyes on your long-term investing goals and your overall portfolio.
Look before you leap When the market goes down and investment losses pile up, you may be tempted to pull out of the stock market altogether and look for
Life Underwriter) has over 30 years of comprehensive wealth management experience. He is Executive Vice President of Bassett, Dawson & Foy, Inc. and a founding principal partner of the firm. Successful women are prominent among Fred’s diverse domestic and international client base of professionals, retirees, professional musicians and business owners. In 2008 Fred was cited by Delaware Today Magazine as one of Delaware’s Top Financial Advisors. Criteria are not necessarily based on client satisfaction or advisor performance. Fred received a State of Delaware Senate Tribute in 1999 for his “long and distinguished record of service to his community, his country, his state and his region.”
Look for the silver lining A down market, like every cloud, has a silver lining. The silver lining of a down market is the opportunity you have to buy shares of stock at lower prices.
Don’t stick your head in the sand While focusing too much on short-term gains or losses is unwise, so is ignoring your investments. You should check up on your portfolio at least once a year, more frequently if the market is particularly volatile or when there have been significant changes in your life.
For more information or to schedule a complimentary, no obligation initial consultation contact Fred’s office at 302-999-9330 or * Securities Offered Through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC * Any opinions are those of Fred Dawson and not necessarily those of RJFS or Raymond James. * You should discuss any tax or legal matters with the appropriate professional.
Fred is frequently sought after as a public speaker on financial matters. If your group or organization would like to hear Fred speak merely contact his office at 302-999-9330.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch As the market recovers from a down cycle, elation quickly sets in. If the upswing lasts long enough, it’s easy to believe that investing in the stock market is a sure thing. But, of course, it never is. As many investors have learned the hard way, becoming overly optimistic about investing during the good times can be as detrimental as worrying too much during the bad times. The right approach during all kinds of markets is to be realistic. Have a plan, stick with it, and strike a comfortable balance between risk and return.. *Some Content Prepared by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright 2014.
Fred Dawson, ChFC (Chartered Financial Consultant), CLU (Chartered
Frederick J. Dawson, ChFC, CLU Wealth Manager, Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. • Executive Vice President, Bassett, Dawson & Foy, Inc.
Bassett, Dawson & Foy, Inc. E.A. Delle Donne Corporate Center 1011 Centre Road, Suite 110 Wilmington, DE 19805 302-999-9330 • fdawson@bdfwealth 52
educate. enrich. empower.
Understanding Obamacare And The Related Tax Return Penalties What Are the Exemptions?
a paper application requesting an exemption and mail it to the Marketplace.
If you should have qualifying health coverage, but you do not, there are several exemptions available to avoid the penalty. For example: •
By Evelyn M. Joiner, CPA, CDFA™
y now everyone has heard of Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), a.k.a. Obamacare, has changed the U.S. healthcare system significantly. One of the most confusing aspects of the ACA is the individual mandate. This mandate imposes penalties on those who choose not to obtain qualifying healthcare coverage. These penalties are paid each year when an individual files his/her income tax return.
The cost of the lowest qualifying plan is more than 8.05% of your household income.
You do not have to file a tax return because your income is below the filing requirement.
You were uninsured for no more than two consecutive months of the year.
You qualify for a listed hardship exemption.
To learn more about these exemptions, and others, visit www. If you have suffered a listed hardship, you can complete
If you do not have the required coverage, either through an employer or on your own, and you can afford health insurance but choose not to obtain coverage, you will pay a penalty. To avoid the individual mandate penalty, you must have minimum essential coverage under a qualifying health plan, or qualify for an exemption.
Each year, the penalty will continue to increase, with a maximum penalty equal to the total yearly premium for the national average price of a Bronze plan (the lowest premium healthcare plan offered) sold through the health insurance Marketplace (on www. For example, the penalty for 2016 more than doubles and the household income rate increases to 2.5%.
The premium tax credit is a refundable credit designed to assist those with low or moderate income in affording health insurance purchased through the Marketplace. When you apply for coverage through the Marketplace, you will be informed of the amount, if any, of the premium tax credit for which you qualify. You can apply some or all of this credit to offset your monthly insurance premiums. This is called an advance payment of the premium tax credit. Keep in mind, your credit will change if your income or family size changes. You should contact the Marketplace right away with any such changes to determine how the change affects you.
You should seek the advice of a qualified tax professional to ensure you are following the rules associated with the Affordable Care Act. Open Enrollment for 2016 ends January 31, 2016 (however, coverage won’t start until March 1, 2016). To enroll for coverage or to obtain more information, visit Evelyn M. Joiner, CPA, CDFA™ is a partner at the firm of Sparano, Vincelette & Joiner, CPAs in Wilmington. She started her accounting career in 1999, obtained her Master’s degree in Taxation, and is the only CDFA™ in Delaware who is also a CPA. You can find her on LinkedIn at
302.999.7300 I
How Much Is the Penalty?
The calculation of the penalty can get a little complicated. The penalty for 2015 is paid when you file your tax return in 2016. It will be the higher of two possibilities: (1) 2% of your household income or (2) $325 per adult and $162.50 per child under 18, with a maximum penalty of $975. If 2% of household income is higher than the $975, the penalty will be the higher 2% amount.
Premium Tax Credits
You must file a tax return and complete the required forms if you receive an advanced payment of the credit or to claim the credit on your tax return.
We help our clients understand complex accounting and tax issues so they can turn that knowledge into real value.
Our clients get professional assistance to ensure their long-term business and financial success. We help them maximize their cash potential, increase efficiency and minimize their tax liability.
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Sorry, But You’re Too Late! B
ut you don’t have to be! It’s within your power, within your control to make sure it’s not too late. Remember Robert Burns phrase from “To a Mouse?” It says, “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” It means you can plan, plan, and plan again and something still might go wrong. But again, it doesn’t have to be that way; it’s within your control. This particularly applies when a loved one dies and you are responsible for settling their affairs. This is the time proper estate closure is so important. There are a multitude of loose ends, and many people are not even aware they exist. Not knowing what to do or not taking the correct steps can lead to protracted and prolonged business and legal situations. Trained, certified professionals can ensure you don’t land in a quagmire wasting valuable time, energy, and money, at the very time your thoughts should be on the happy moments you shared with your loved one.
Tying up all of the loose ends of a person’s estate requires the knowledge and experience of a trained, certified professional. Don’t be fooled by advertisements that promise quick results for very little money. Always research the background and credentials of the provider you are interested in. Write down all of your questions before you pick up the phone to call them. You can do some of your own Internet research and ask for referrals from family, friends, and co-workers. And remember – each estate is different. What seems like a small estate at first blush might turn out to be extremely complicated. Do your homework before you choose and know exactly what you are looking for. You won’t know everything you will need, that is the professional’s job. You just need to know the company you ultimately select will do a thorough, professional job handling the final business matters of your loved one.
In addition to losing a loved one, you are now faced with handling business matters that might be totally foreign to you. Moreover, you have your family, work, social commitments, and other activities you are involved with. Where will you find the time to assume these obligations and handle them correctly? Final Business Matters, LLC, (FBM) is a professional service provider that knows what to do to close out all of a deceased’s business and personal affairs. You will be able to continue your dayto-day activities without having to worry about handling the final business matters of someone you love.
This is just a sample of some of the tasks Final Business Matters can take over for you: • • • • •
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Assist with Thank You notes Collect and organize important documents Contact and notify organizations that need to be informed of the death Identify appointments or services that need to be cancelled Identify items that need to be returned, e.g. passport, driver’s license, medical equipment, cable equipment, etc. Close safe deposit boxes and return key Sort boxes, desk drawers and filing cabinets – identify important versus nonimportant paperwork; sort and catalog important papers, shred non-important papers Cancel memberships, cable service, credit cards, request any refunds, transfer reward points Research and identify all life insurance policies Search for lost accounts, unknown policies; contact state for unclaimed assets Cancel automatic prescription refills; notify all doctors’ offices Remove the “Internet footprint” from email, Facebook, and other online accounts
By Sheronda Wesley
Mrs. Wesley brings 27 years of experience in the income tax services, banking and accounting fields. She has owned her own tax preparation firm since 2007 where she also practices tax litigation and representation as an Enrolled Agent. She holds a dual Master’s degree in Accounting and Financial Management as well as a federal license to represent taxpayers before the IRS. Working with clients in such a highly confidential capacity, she often found herself there to assist families during the loss of their loved one. This was a natural transition to her current role as an estate closer since she was already a valued and trusted asset to the family. Mrs. Wesley currently serves in the role of Estate Closer and Daily Money Manager with the purpose of assisting families through the challenge of having to deal with a loved one’s business matters, while going through their period of grief.
“Sheronda Wesley was there for my family at a time of great loss after my wife passed away from cancer. Her word is her bond. If she doesn’t know the answer, she finds it. She is extremely gifted and guided my family when they didn’t know where to turn. May God Bless her and her new business so she can help other families like mine. Thanks, Chris Roberts” “Sheronda Wesley has been my tax accountant for a number of years. She took over when my taxes got too complicated to do them myself. I am extremely satisfied with her knowledge and experience. I am excited for her new business venture, Final Business Matters (FBM), and have referred her to a co-worker whose mother recently died. The co-worker lives in Pennsylvania and her mother lived in Florida. My co-worker just had to take two weeks off to go to Florida and try to handle some of her mother’s business matters. FBM will be a big help for her.” 54
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A 50 And Over Guide To Getting Married: Two Simple Steps To Protect Yourself, Family And Future Intended F
or those who find love in their 50’s, the future brings both adventure and risk. Marriage at any stage requires practical consideration, but for adults in midlife, the challenges increase. At this age, you are likely to have older children who may be attending college, or working, with spouses and children of their own. You are also likely to have accumulated assets and liabilities. The following article sets out two steps you can take to protect yourself, your family and your future spouse.
By Samantha E. Cole, Esq.
be consistent with your wishes for yourself, or your existing family. With a well-drawn Prenuptial Agreement, however, you and your future spouse may designate what will be treated as “marital” and what will not. For instance, a Prenuptial Agreement can dictate what happens to the real estate that you owned prior to marriage, or even purchased during the marriage. You may want to ensure that your spouse will have a place to reside indefinitely, in the event of your demise; alternatively, you may not want to share that residence with him or her in the event of divorce.
In addition to a Prenuptial Agreement, you should update your Will, Power of Attorney and Health Directive or Living Will before taking the plunge. A comprehensive Estate Plan is the perfect mate to a solid Prenuptial Agreement. As you approach age 50 and beyond, you will need to give serious thought to retirement and how you want to enjoy your Golden years, particularly with your new spouse. Your longterm care needs, and social security benefits, are further topics that should be discussed and addressed prior to marriage. For instance, one question to ask is whether your
new spouse is the best person to make certain decisions on your behalf in the event that you become incapacitated or unable to make sound health and financial decisions for yourself. Again, the importance of a proper Estate Plan, including a Will and Power of Attorney, cannot be ignored at this stage and should go hand-in-hand with a Prenuptial Agreement.
A second (or third) trip to the altar presents unique obstacles that should be tackled before you tie the knot. Perhaps the most common concerns among these are divorce and death. There are two steps that you can take Your upcoming nuptials mean a new beginning with the love of your life. to carve out and protect In order to insure that this is a happy and stress-free experience, you what you have saved, in cannot leave it to chance. Take control of these important life changing the event that your happily matters now, and protect yourself, your family and your new love. ever-after isn’t either A comprehensive and well-drafted Prenuptial Agreement, together with “happy” or “ever-after”. a current Estate Plan, offers you, your family and your new spouse the The key to preserving all peace of mind that you deserve. Please call me at (610) 444-6216 or a portion of your estate in to discuss your goals and together we can put a plan in place. the event of death or divorce involves two integral steps: first, you need an air-tight Prenuptial Agreement; second, you need an updated Estate Plan. A Prenuptial Agreement allows you to distinguish between separate, nonmarital assets and marital assets. Generally, after marriage, the income, assets and debts you accumulate are treated as part of the “marital estate”. In other words, by operation of law, your spouse automatically acquires an interest in your estate on the date that you marry. These rights may not
(610) 444-6216 •
Samantha E. Cole practices exclusively in the area of family law, handling sophisticated and complex divorce, custody and support matters. She regularly handles contentious disputes, including custody relocation occurring within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and throughout the country. Samantha also assists clients in negotiating and preparing prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, marital settlement agreements, and custody and support stipulations. Samantha is a graduate of Ursinus College and Villanova University School of Law, and a native of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. Samantha currently resides with her young family in North Wilmington, Delaware.
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What Happens When Good Employers Go Bad? (Part 2) Delaware Workers’ Compensation Law never officially accepted her claim, and that she was out of luck. The insurance company told the injured worker during the two years following her work accident that they were “investigating” her claim, however all they were really doing was waiting for the calendar to turn so they could slam the door shut on her and deny her the workers compensation benefits that she would’ve otherwise been entitled to. Please, do not let this happen to you!
By Heather A. Long, Esq.
othing lasts forever, especially your statute of limitations. Here in Delaware, we only have two years from the date of your valid work injury to have your claim accepted. Once your claim is accepted, you are graced with an extended five year statute of limitations, which automatically extends every time the insurance company pays a medical expense on your behalf. What this means is that if you don’t push your employer and their insurance company to properly accept your claim before your first two years are up, your claim will be lost forever and you will not receive any benefits that would otherwise flow from it. This is what we call a “bright line” rule, meaning that there is no, I repeat, no wiggle room. Recently, one unsavory employer tricked an employee into thinking that her claim had been accepted, when in fact, it had not. That employee’s medical bills were being paid, but with fine print that said essentially that just because the insurance company is paying this bill doesn’t mean that they’ve accepted the claim. This went on for 70 payments over the course of two years. Once the two years was up the employer revealed its true colors and told the injured worker that it had
If an insurance company indicates to you that they are “investigating” your claim, then you’d better have someone on your side, ready to fight to get you the benefits you deserve. If you fail to get the case accepted in two years, you too will have the door to your workers’ compensation benefits slammed in your face. I cannot stress enough how important it is to read the fine print, and act promptly when injured at work. An attorney skilled in these types of cases can explain all the benefits that are due to you, and will fight to make sure that they get paid promptly and correctly. All of the attorneys in my office offer free consultations and don’t charge any fee up front. We get paid only when you get paid. Know your rights and do not let the statute of limitations pass you by!
Heather has been an attorney for over ten years, and is currently practicing Workers’ Compensation and Personal Injury Law at Kimmel, Carter, Roman, Peltz & O’Neill, P.A. with offices in Newark and Wilmington. Heather worked her way through law school as a paralegal in a personal injury firm. After passing the bar exam, she spent several years working as a defense attorney, representing local, regional and national companies. With the knowledge gained about the inner-workings of these companies, she now represents injured workers and personal injury plaintiffs. Heather is a graduate of Widener University School of Law, and the University of Nebraska- Lincoln. Prior to attending law school, she
was licensed as a paramedic and spent time volunteering for her local ambulance corps. She is also active as a mock trial coach for Salesianum High School.
Heather is licensed to practice law in Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
For more information, or to schedule a free consultation, please call (302) 565-6132 or e-mail her directly at HLong@
Testimonials: Excellent Lawyer — 5.0 stars “Heather has been amazing throughout this entire ordeal. When I thought I had no options, I came into contact with Heather and she not only took on my case when others wouldn’t, she handled it professionally and was honest and reassuring with me.” ~ Michelle The Best Personal Injury Lawyer in Delaware — 5.0 stars “Heather Long kept her word. When I thought I was ready to give up, she said she would make them pay or take my case for free. Ms. Long got me into the right therapy and made sure that I was taking care of myself while filing paperwork and taking over my case. My case is still ongoing but let me say Ms. Long is holding my hand each day. I love her and her assistant, they really know how to make you feel like they’re there.” ~ Stephanie
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Morris James Llp Welcomes A New Attorney To Our Personal Injury Group Rising Stars List by Super Lawyers from 2013-2015.
Steven L. Butler, Esquire
he Morris James Personal Injury Group welcomes a new associate attorney, Steven L. Butler, who will be bringing Social Security disability representation to the group and will assist us with plaintiffs’ personal injury cases. Steve brings over a decade of experience representing disabled individuals before the Social Security Administration. He has been recognized for his work in this area by being selected to the Lawyer’s Choice List as a Top Lawyer in Social Security Disability from 2013-2015, and being selected to the Delaware
Steve enjoys that his Social Security disability work allows him to directly assist individuals that have become unable to work because of serious medical conditions and injuries, and provide them with guidance during a difficult period of their life. He is excited that by joining our group, he will be able to continue to work in this area, while also expanding his practice to new areas so that he can help additional people and provide more services to those most affected by injuries. He enjoys spending time with his wife and children, running, rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles, and listening to live music. Steve’s philosophy about representing clients is to treat each client with the honesty and respect that he would expect if he were in
their position. His goal is to understand his clients’ problems and expectations, and to provide them with the best guidance for a positive resolution of their matter. Our entire Personal Injury group of attorneys are very excited to welcome an experienced new team member who provides us with an opportunity to expand services offered to our clients and who shares our guiding principle of being a compassionate listener and striving to achieve the best result possible for our clients. The Delaware personal injury lawyers of Morris James LLP understand that being injured in an accident can be a frightening experience, especially when someone else’s negligence caused your injuries. You may be facing medical bills, lost wages, and other significant expenses, all because of someone else’s
Auto Accidents and Injuries at Work
carelessness. We frequently see victims who are injured because another driver was using a mobile device, disregards a red light or stop sign, is distracted by passengers, speeding, or is otherwise inattentive. At the Delaware Personal Injury Group of Morris James LLP, our compassionate attorneys understand how difficult it can be to live with an injury. That is why we have dedicated ourselves to getting our clients the money they and their families need and deserve. If you have been injured in an accident, we will carefully review with you all insurance benefits to which you are entitled. If you are unable to work because of your injuries, or any other serious medical condition, we will review the Social Security disability process with you and help you navigate through the application process.
By Susan D’Alonzo Ament, Esquire
“Feel Confident in Choosing One of the Most Experienced Law Firms in Delaware Since 1931”
Susan D’Alonzo Ament
Steven L. Butler
Clayton E. Bunting
Kevin G. Healy
Free Consultation No Fees Unless We Win Day, Evening & Weekend Appointments Home and Hospital Visits
VISIT OUR WEBSITE to request a complimentary copy of our book, Anatomy of a Personal Injury Claim
Keith E. Donovan
Francis J. “Pete” Jones, Jr.
Michael G. Owen
Five Locations to Serve you: Newark 16 Polly Drummond Hill Road Newark, DE 19711 302.368.4200
For more information visit our website
Meet Our Personal Injury Group Attorneys:
Wilmington 803 N. Broom Street Wilmington, DE 19806 302.655.2599
If you or a loved one is injured due to another person’s negligent or reckless conduct, or is unable to work because of a serious medical condition, you need to know exactly what claims you can present to insurance companies under Delaware law, and whether you have a claim for Social Security disability benefits while you are unable to work. Do not let your rights be taken advantage of. Discussing your case with a dedicated Delaware personal injury attorney to become educated concerning your rights may be your first step towards securing justice and compensation.
Dover 29 N. State Street Dover, DE 19901 302.678.8815
Georgetown 107 W. Market Street Georgetown, DE 19947 302.856.0015
Rehoboth Beach 402 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 302.260.7290 Se habla Español 302.651.3589
Susan D’Alonzo Ament is a partner with Morris James LLP and has practiced for 32 years representing personal injury victims. Over the years, Mrs. Ament has found that some women don’t understand the crucial need to have adequate automobile insurance coverage in the event of a serious accident. Susan Ament educates women on these needs every day in her practice and in seminars that she presents throughout the year.
Download our phone app, available for iPhone and Android users, that provides access to the tools and information you will need in the event of an accident. The app features a Live Chat component, allowing you immediate contact with a live person 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Locate our app by searching “Morris James” in iTunes or Google Play.
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Gyrotonic Training only Gyrotonic instructor in the State of Delaware and her business Forever Fit Foundation is the only place to train. “Gyrotonic is a three-dimensional fluid system of exercises in limitless directions. This allows a person to stretch, bend, twist and turn muscles with minimal effort and there is no stress on the joints.”
By Nancy Hawkins Rigg Founder and Owner, Forever Fit Foundation
hat is the Gyrotonic Expansion System? Breaking down the word Gyrotonic, Gyro-means spiral or circular and Tonic-means to tone or invigorate, we have a system of movement based on yoga, swimming, ballet, Tai Chi and gymnastics. “It’s like swimming on land”, touts Gyrotonic trainer Nancy Hawkins Rigg. Rigg is the
Most traditional pieces of fitness equipment segment the body such as: chest, back, biceps, abdominals, etc. The Gyrotonic Expansion System provides a flow workout for the entire body, not just certain parts of it. Gyrotonic exercises improve cardiovascular and aerobic stimulation and neuromuscular rejuvenation.
shoulders to hips. Several of our clients have neurological conditions such as: Multiple Sclerosis, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and brain trauma. We train professional athletes who really improve their sports performance. The golfers can’t seem to live without it.” Gyrotonic movement can be used to enhance other mindbody practices including yoga and Pilates. It also provides a gentle cardiovascular and strengthening workout option for injury rehabilitation and recovery. It is a unique, fun and very effective training modality.
The technique is used for sports specific, therapeutic and general body conditioning. “We have a wide variety of individuals who are trained on the Gyrotonic. A lot of our clients are recovering from injuries ranging from back to
The main benefits of Gyrotonic training are: • Stretches & strengthens musculature • improves posture • releases the tension in the body • increases flexibility • increases range of motion • develops body alignment awareness • develops coordination • articulates the spine • puts no stress on the joints • creates balanced support system for the skeleton • improves circulation • reconditions the nervous system. 58
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New Year; Do YOU!
“mini workout”, and check out the Burst! workout book for 10-minute high-intensity interval trainings that can be done anywhere.
Tip 1: Return to whatever eating habits were easy for you before the holidays.
They will become familiar again. Put time back into planning and preparing your own nutritious (and delicious) meals, even though the easier thing is ordering take out. If you drank more alcohol over the holidays, maybe it’s time for a dry spell. By Marcellus Beasley
appy New Year! A perfect time to restart and refocus! What I find is that most people put themselves lower on the totem pole of life. Work, spouse, children, parents, education and even friends come before you, but, in order to be around to take care of everyone else, you need to DO YOU first! Your health and wellness is a lifelong commitment and it’s time to take it serious. Make an investment in yourself. You are all you got! Start with these three tips and go from there:
Be real. Set realistic goals.
The holidays were not just a few days; they essentially span over an eight-week period. Give yourself compassionate and realistic goals. Goals that you can stick to.
Tip 3: Be positive. Health and happiness go hand-in-hand.
Work with your brain, not against it. The brain learns habits pretty slowly after repeated experiences. Give your brain the experience it needs to learn with any effort you can squeeze in today. Taking even a small action is information for the brain to learn and repeat.
Tip 2: If you feel like you’re starting over with exercise, try incremental short bursts of activity – what you can do without quitting on yourself.
Simply 10 minutes of exercise at a time can have positive physical and mental health benefits. Stop worrying about the “not long enough, not hard enough” stuff. Anything is better than nothing. Get used to that and increase activity incrementally. Learn simple tips to master the
The mind and body must be in unison to create a healthier and happier lifestyle. If there’s one thing we can’t “fake”, it’s positivity. It must be authentic. If you need a mood boost, cultivate it. Get some help! Hire a trainer as someone to hold you accountable for your goals. At B.-FIT we specialize in motivational therapy. Mr B.-FIT will design an exercise program specifically tailored to your individual needs. He will provide expert guidance to assist you with your fitness journey. Call me now at 302-753-4125 or at the office 302-292-1785. “I have had an amazing time working out with Marcellus!! I have been to a few ‘personal trainers’ and not one of them has made me actually WANT to work out and even look forward to it!! Now I‘m not saying that working out with Marcellus is easy but he definitely makes it fun and before I know it the hour is over. I was born with
a disability called Spina Bifida and was told by many people ‘You shouldn’t do this, or you CAN’T do that’ but Marcellus tells me I CAN do this and I SHOULD do that!!! He knows exactly what exercises work for me & how to motivate me. We have set some long term goals for me that I know as long as I continue with him these goals and quite possibly much more CAN and WILL be reached!!” - Jeralyn Quinlan “Passionate, energetic, driven, empathetic, just a few words to describe Mr. B-Fit. My world has been a whirlwind. Born as an above the knee amputee, and having my world rocked by a hideous car accident that left me with a broken back, my outlook was dim. Until one day, I saw an advertisement for Mr. B-Fit. One look at his testimonial and his presence, I knew this was the trainer to see that would help me achieve my fitness goals. Upon our meeting, and a few discussions, what sticks out the most are his words, ‘We got this’ . . . this I believe to be true. I know regardless of the day or days that go by, I know that what I desire to achieve, with the support and guidance and knowledge that Mr. B-Fit shares, I’ll be right where I need to be.” - Rhonda D.
two locations... 302-292-1785 Suite 23-26 35 Salem Church Rd Newark, DE or 302-753-4125 Independence Mall Suite 27 1601 Concord Pike Wilmington, DE
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The Four Gifts Of Shamanic Medicine Kaya Wellness & Yoga 43A Rehoboth Avenue, Rehoboth Beach For Appointments: 302-227-3450 or email For Information: Enter Kaya to open your practice & still your mind... and avoid every discomfort, your life changes in profound ways. Most importantly, you will gain trust in your life’s path and live each moment with joy and gratitude.
3. Be able to go with the flow By Nate Metz The Green Shaman
lthough there are many reasons to pursue a spiritual practice, the support of a shamanic healer produces four very important gifts that will benefit your healing journey and wellness goals. Receiving shamanic healing is not a casual interaction like going out to dinner or picking a movie. When you are serious and committed to healing, you are ready to receive the gifts of shamanic medicine:
1. Insight to unlock new understanding
The spiritual guidance received during a healing service is unlike any advice you have received before. That’s because I do not tell you what you should do. What I do counsel is the how and the why behind your actions and attitudes. When you focus on how you are living your life (primarily incorporating spiritual practices) and identify the why underlying it all, the what always just falls into place. Think of it this way - knowing why chocolate is your favorite food and looking at how chocolate is part of your life is far more valuable than identifying chocolate as the what. Most diets look at what you eat; exercise plans tell you what movements to do and for what amount of time; a physician can tell you what pill to take and what part needs surgery. The shaman helps you to see the whole.
2. Learn to sit with discomfort
A good shaman will not focus on relieving all of your symptoms right away. Pain is a very powerful and effective teacher. Sometimes, you have to accept the discomfort at face value. Most shamans experience a near fatal wounding during their lifetime. It is through self-healing that the shaman gains his power and wisdom. This means that the shaman knows how to sit with discomfort, to learn and grow from it for a better life. True healing is so much more than treating the painful symptoms. If this sounds like tough love, it is. When you stop attempting to escape, minimize
You know what it feels like when everything just seems to go well and things fall into place. It is more than the perception of life being kind to you. When you are in the flow, you are living totally present with your life through both good and bad life circumstances. Shamanic healing fosters that grace within you so that you remember your connection to Spirit. Upholding your spiritual truth allows the mundane to ebb and flow naturally. You will intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle you.
4. Live authentically
It seems commonsensical to be you and only you, but everyday I meet people who are unhappy, are uncomfortable and experiencing disease in a myriad of ways because they are not living authentically. Unfortunately, our egos and cultural norms help rationalize, justify and otherwise dismiss any incongruities between your values and your actions and beliefs. Shamanic healing exposes these differences, then empowers you to make the necessary changes so that you are wholly authentic. This exemplary life is marked by clearly defined values that are grounded in spiritual truth. I offer a range of shamanic healings including: chakra balancing, soul retrieval, crystal therapy and a unique destiny retrieval called STAR Healing. On this page you will find a coupon for 50% off your first healing service with me at Kaya Wellness Center. Kaya Wellness Center also offers body work (Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Cranial Sacral), acupuncture, reiki, and both public and private traditional floor and aerial yoga classes. Many warm blessings to you!
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Did You Know That Doctor Means Teacher In Latin? T
he Life Restoration Program at PATH INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CENTER in Chadds Ford, PA combines in-depth laboratory testing and analysis with Dr. Rooks’ unique and compassionate viewpoint, diet and supplement regimes that help reverse health symptoms and conditions, increase vitality, and provide patients with independent control over their health. As you go through the program, we try to optimize every system of the body so ultimately you can finally be healthy.
once they have that extensive type of knowledge. Our Life Restoration Program includes direction for exercise and different types of training so you can begin to learn what type of fitness is best for your body.
This is composed of in-depth laboratory testing, whether it be saliva, urine, blood, fecal, hair – whatever it takes to find out what is actually causing someone’s ailment.
Education For Independent Health
In-Depth Lab Analysis
After laboratory testing, we bring people through a curriculum, learning about gut health and detoxification, how to eat right, and more. We provide different classes to make it so people can be independent in their health for life
The detox helps prepare you for what happens about three-and-ahalf weeks into the detox, which is when we give you your true life restoration program. We’ll do something for our patients that no doctor ever does, and no doctor
Finding The Source of the Symptoms
will probably ever do again. We will create an in-depth lab analysis of everything. We’ll spend hours on this to break down everything that is going on inside someone’s body. Details are provided on what and why it’s happening. Hormonal imbalances are identified and the appropriate steps that need to be taken in order to improve their health, strengthen their immune system, rid them of their symptoms and poor health conditions all together.
Healthy Detox Every patient in the LifeRestoration Program participates in a healthy detox. The detox is a four-week-long program that’s not about drinking vegetable juice all day or miserable fasting. Our detox program is about eating tasty foods that are healthy for you. You will drink a smoothie each day and will have a supplement pill with each meal that will help clean out your liver and gut tissue.
Supplementation, Diet & Personal Growth After the analysis, patients will receive specific supplementation, a personalized diet, and stressreduction techniques to implement. Then, week-by-week, patients continue going through classes to learn the foundations of how to be healthy and how to take care of
Dr. Heather Rooks, DC, Executive Director PATH Integrative Health Center Dr. Rooks is skilled and experienced at finding and addressing the root physiological, biochemical, hormonal and neurological imbalances causing the poor health status of people today. In the current health tragedy most people find themselves in, she has found an emphasis in Metabolic disorders like weight gain, pre diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, digestive disorders and Hypothyroidism, but she works with all kinds of conditions.
Dr. Heather Rooks, DC PATH Integrative Health Center Suite 3, 98 Wilmington-West Chester Pike (Rt. 202) Chadds Ford, PA 1931 484-775-0550
Has Your Doctor Ever Taught You How To Restore And Maintain Vibrant Energetic Health?
themselves for life. As an individual goes through the program, follow-up laboratory testing will be performed to assess how the body is improving. We’ll decrease the supplements and alter diet as they go through the program. The appropriate long term supplements needed will be prescribed. We want people to be able to keep themselves healthy, educated, and create an independence from our traditional sick care model of symptom treatment called “Health Care”. . AT PATH Integrative Health Center in Chadds Ford,PA we emphasize the importance of improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of or cure chronic disease including diabetes, hypothyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, auto-immune diseases, inflammatory pathologies and more!
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Easter Seals In-Home Services Fills The Gap For Senior Citizens G
rowing older can be scary, but navigating the path alone can cause even more trepidation. After his wife passed away, 82 year-old Frank of New Castle, found himself with no family around to help support his needs. Missy, his friend and neighbor, recognized he was struggling and stepped in as his full time caregiver. Missy soon realized that being a caregiver is a huge undertaking that she could not face on her own. She turned to Easter Seals In-Home Services and that decision has made all the difference. “When I became primary caregiver to Frank, I realized very quickly that he needed way more assistance than I was capable of providing. Easter Seals came to the rescue,” Missy says. “It is no secret to anyone who knows me how much I love Easter
Seals, and even more so now that I am caring for someone.” According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, there are more than 66 million family caregivers, like Missy, in the US – nearly 40% of the US adult population. One of the greatest needs of these caregivers is respite or a temporary relief to caregivers and families who are caring for adults with disabilities, chronic or terminal illness or the elderly. That is where Easter Seals In-Home Services steps in. The program provides services to the elderly, persons with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease and persons with disabilities who need support to remain safely in their homes. In-Home Services helps families
by providing assistance with meal planning and preparation, dressing, light housekeeping, laundry, bathing needs, companionship, transportation to appointments and more. “The process was smooth, easy and complete. They matched him up with the perfect companions and he couldn’t be happier,” Missy says. “Easter Seals staff has truly changed his life. “I know they are “just doing their job”, but for my friend, Frank, they have given him back his independence and dignity, and given me peace of mind that he is cared for by compassionate, encouraging and supportive people.” Frank, who enjoys going to church, watching old movies, gardening, eating meals out and spending time with Missy and her family, was paired with two “caring partners” who are with him five days a week. Brittany helps him three days a week running errands, taking him to appointments and housekeeping, while Tira is with him two evenings a week to help him prepare meals.
“I love Easter Seals! Missy must love me very much to set me up with the wonderful ladies from Easter Seals who help me live independently in my own home,” Frank says. “Without Easter Seals, I fear I would be forced to move out of my house and into the kind of place I refused to place my late wife, Evelyn. I do not want to be a burden, but really want to live out my days in my own home. The help I get from Easter Seals gives me hope that I can do that.” It is easy to get started. Each person’s needs are different so Easter Seals offers a free, confidential in-home evaluation involving all concerned family members. This meeting will establish an individual plan of care as well as address: routines, health needs, cost of services and transportation requirements. A suitable caring partner will be paired based on the needs of the person. All caring partners are employees of Easter Seals, are carefully screened, undergo thorough background checks, are bonded, insured and have current First Aid/CPR training.
Frank & Missy
For more information about Easter Seals In-Home Services program, contact Beth Altemus at 302-221-2060 or
Along with the In-Home Services program Easter Seals offers a range of services, including children’s therapies, assistive technology, recreational camping, day programs for adults with physical or intellectual disabilities and respite services for caregivers. For more information on all of their services, contact 1-800-677-3800 or visit 62
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For more information contact Corinne Zoscak, Managing Director
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Meet Trish Mcfarland, President Of The Delaware County Chamber Of Commerce
ince the appointment of Trish McFarland as Chamber President in March of this year, we have seen a whirlwind of activity at the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce. Trish brings a wealth of experience and is a tremendous advocate for business within the County, having previously served as Vice President of the Chamber as well as serving on local workforce development initiatives with Career Link. As the Chamber’s first female president, Ms. McFarland brings her twelve years of experience in business leadership, marketing and communications, government/public affairs, and community relations across various levels of businesses in the private and nonprofit sector and in government agencies. Delaware County has been Ms. McFarland’s home since childhood. Trish’s grandmother, Catherine Dowd Judge, was recently inducted into the county Women’s Commission Hall of Fame. Mrs. Judge was a woman who exemplified the role of a strong wife, mother and compassionate community participant. Trish continues that legacy with her dedication to the county and leadership of the Chamber. An active mother of three girls, Trish coaches girls basketball and serves as the President of Home and School Association at the Springfield Literacy Center.
She understands how a small business owner’s personal life intersects with their entrepreneurial goals. Ms. McFarland is currently involved in developing community-based partnerships through SCORE of Chester and Delaware Counties, the Delaware County Human Resources Association, and the Widener Small Business Development Center, among others. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Community YMCA of Eastern Delaware County, Delaware County Transportation Management Association, Delaware County’s Workforce Development Board, Voices, Inc., Delaware County’s advisory board for the United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern New Jersey, Temple University’s Center on Regional Politics Board of Fellows, Springfield Zoning Board and Delaware County’s Run for Heroes.
With more than 1,100 members the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce assists local businesses with resources, contacts, and business development tools. Please join us at an upcoming event and meet Trish in person. Visit for more information.
Your Success Is Our Business SCCCC is dedicated to strengthening the success of its membership, supporting economic growth and development, and contributing to quality of life in our region. Try us on for won’t be disappointed. Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce 217 W. State Street Kennett Square, PA 19348
610.444.0774 64
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Entrepreneurial & Business Women’s Expo Wrap-Up
he 25th annual Silver Anniversary Entrepreneurial & Business Women’s Expo played to a sold out audience this past November. This popular event provides educational opportunities for attendees while expanding foot traffic for sponsors and vendors. The Expo is designed to motivate and inspire businesswomen at all levels, build lasting relationships, and embrace all opportunities! Attendees, exhibitors and Susan Leath sponsors are provided with endless networking opportunities, outstanding educational workshops, a business resource center and motivational programs. The house was filled at Chase Center on the Riverfront with over 120 exhibitors, three engaging morning workshops and Susan Leath, the first female President and Publisher of The News Journal Media Group. Ms. Leath wowed the lunch crowd with her story of hard work, big breaks and perseverance launching her to the top of her field. The Chamber was also pleased to award the Entrepreneurial Women of the Year Award to Dr. Traci Bolander, Clinical Director and founder of Mid-Atlantic Behavioral Health and the Business Woman of the Year Award to Donna Duffy, CEO and Founder of 3E Marketing Solutions. Planning is already underway for the 26th Annual Women's Expo. See you on November 17th, 2016 back at the Chase Center! Thank you to our 120 sponsors and exhibitors for their fabulous and interactive displays!
Thanks to the 2015 Women’s Expo planning committee and to Pamela Mayse and Heather Fisher, the Events Team at the Chamber, for all their hard work organizing this fabulous event
Last year’s Business Woman of the Year Award winner, Amy Eschenbrenner (L) from Blue Hen Bed & Breakfast, presents Donna Duffy of 3E Marketing Solutions with the 2015 Award.
Past Entrepreneurial Women of the Year gather for an annual group photo. Congratulations to this year’s winner, Dr. Traci Bolander, Clinical Director and founder of Mid-Atlantic Behavioral Health. 67
The morning workshop presenters gave informative and engaging presentations. (L-R) Caren McCabe, McCabe Training & Consulting, Dr. Robin Odegaard, Champion Performance Development and and Angela Jo Manieri,
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Women’s Journal What our advertisers say about The Women’s Journal: “I just wanted to let you know that the editorial that we did last issue was a great success for us. It brought us customers that were selling and gold that otherwise we probably would not have had. Our Gold / Silver buying aspect of our business is VERY important to us. We had a great response!” - Jewelry Exchange of Delaware The Women’s Journal has proven time and again to be the most “ advantageous and well-rounded business builder for the salon comparenone. Each new issue brings a sharp uptick in our referrals sometimes reaching 60 new referrals per article. The editors are fair, customer-service focused, and continuously improving on the paper year-after-year. We will contribute as long as they’ll have us.” - J Christian, J Christian Studio
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I have been in practice for over 22 years and always relied upon my patients and colleagues to refer new “ patients. I am honored by the trust these individuals place in me by referring friends but in recent years I realize that this is not enough. I knew I needed an ethical and tasteful way to let my community know about my ethics, practice philosophy and training. I found such a vehicle with The Women’s Journal. I feel good about helping to inform the readers about important health issues while simultaneously allowing them to get to know us. Many wonderful patients have found us as a result of our Women’s Journal articles.” - Anna C. Giacalone, DMD, Artist in Cosmetic Dentistry
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Our 7 Favorite Faucets
A faucet can set the tone to any kitchen or bath. Despite its size, a well- designed faucet has the power to alter the mood and appearance of your space. These are seven of our recent favorites:
Katy Wolfington, President
Waterworks Highgate single lever lavatory faucet three finishes - $700 We love the simplicity of this faucet. Great for both modern and traditional styles. The proportions and lines make this faucet a favorite.
Kohler Artifacts lavatory faucet with bell spout and lever handles - six finishes - $500
Kallista For Town Bridge Faucet by Michael S. Smith three finishes - $3,280 This faucet is my personal favorite. This is a piece to design a home around. It’s large in scale, timeless and classic. I promise you, it’s worth the investment.
Grohe Parkfield single lever lavatory faucet - two finishes $219 This faucet is a new favorite of ours. A mix of modern and classic lines create an effortless look within most budgets.
This is one of Kohler’s best. Timeless and elegant. Looks pricey but is very reasonably priced.
Herbeau Estelle single lever kitchen faucet five finishes - $1,500 This faucet is the center of attention in any kitchen. Its large scale allows you to pair it with large farm sinks. The mix of wood and metal makes it unique.
Rohl Perrin & Rowe Traditional kitchen faucet with side spray five finishes - $1200 This faucet is not only great looking, but performs well. With a metal side spray and a spout that swivels, this kitchen or bar faucet will last for years.
“Waterbury Design offers expert design and quality craftsmanship from start to finish. The staff takes price in their work that results in a beautiful product. Katy listens to her customers, producing a design project that compliments and enhances our home.” ~ Marie D. “My kitchen and master bath have both been redesigned by the team at Waterbury. I am an avid reader of Houzz and home magazines and Katy and her team took my initial ideas and wish list and turned them into beautiful, functional rooms that
elevate the spaces. I enjoy every minute cooking and entertaining in my kitchen/gathering room or pampering in the bathroom. Many thanks to the team at Waterbury who were great to work with and deliver above and beyond expectations.” ~ Fiona K. “Thanks to Waterbury I have my dream kitchen. I love to be in my kitchen and I truly enjoy how it all turned out. The design was exactly what I wanted and Katy turned it in to a reality. I enjoyed the process and have many friends who admire it.” ~ Adrian D.
Kohler Artifacts Gentleman’s Bar Faucet - three finishes $525 This new faucet by Kohler is another example of great design. It was inspired by vintage spigots. With a single lever handle and oversized proportions, this faucet will make quite a statement in any bar or kitchen
Waterbury Kitchen & Bath helps homeowners create exceptional lifestyles in their own home by bringing your vision to life without any headaches. For more information on how we can transform your bathroom into your retreat please visit our website at or visit our showroom at 818 East Baltimore Pike in Kennett Square, PA.
610.444.9190 70
818 East Baltimore Pike, Kennett Square, PA,
LOCH CLUB LOCHNAIRN NAIRN GOLF GOLF CLUB “A Country” “AJewel Jewel In In T he Country”
a unique facility featuringambience, ambience,beauty beautyand andstyle style . When entering charm of country LochLoch NairnNairn is a isunique facility featuring enteringthe theproperty propertyone oneis isstruck struckby bythethe charm of country gardens & lovely buildingseach each withit’sit’sown owncharm charmand andpersonality. personality. Each of of dining. warmth of fireaths,paths, gardens & lovely buildings with Eachoffering offeringa adifferent differentstyle style dining.TheThe warmth of fire places, interesting architecture,lovely lovelyviews views, many , manyinteresting interesting artifacts artifacts && lovely dining , Fine, Fine dining or o laces, interesting architecture, lovelylocal localart artadorn adornthetherooms. rooms.Tavern Tavern dining dining Events, the food & service is unparalleled.A Asubterranean subterraneanwine winecellar cellar with with Chef’s wayway to celebrate any any eventevent . vents, the food & service is unparalleled. Chef’sTable Tableisisaawonderful wonderful& special & special to celebrate Attention to detail is evident throughoutthe theproperty propertymaking making Loch Loch Nairn Attention to detail is evident throughout Nairn your yourfirst firstchoice choiceforforentertaining entertainingof all of occasions. all occasions.
The Farmhouse
The Farmhouse
The Tavern
The Tavern
Relaxed DiningAt At Relaxed Dining The Tavern & Round Room Relaxed At Room The TavernDining & Round In The Greathouse:
In The Greathouse:
Relax in a very interesting ambience The Tavern & Round Room fromceiling toa floors. Sporting a generous in very interesting ambience from InRelax The Greathouse:
menu, interesting foods, assortment ceiling very to floors. Sporting a generous menu, very interesting foods, assortment of seasonal beers, of seasonal draft beers, finedraft wines, Relax in a very interesting ambience from fine wines, full bar service & great prices Add a a bar service &a generous great prices. Add ceilingfull to floors. Sporting menu,. very crackling fireplace & friendly service. Whlaa !! crackling fireplace friendly interesting foods, assortment of & seasonal draftservice. beers, Nightly Specials, Tuesday Ladies Night With Live fineWhlaa!! wines, fullNightly bar service & great prices . Add Ladies a Specials, Tuesday Music. crackling fireplace & friendly service. Whlaa !! Night With Live Music. Nightly Specials, Tuesday Night With Live OPENTO TOLadies THE PUBLIC OPEN THE PUBLIC Music.
To Tour the property or make an appointment Barbara Carolyn To Tour the call property orormake an appointment 610 0824 610 268 2235 call268 Barbara or Carolyn 514610 McCue 19311 268 Road 0824Avondale, 610 268 PA 2235
514 McCue Road Avondale, PA 19311
Wine Cellar
Wine Cellar
Fine Dining Fine DiningAtAtThe TheFarmhouse: Farmhouse:
Remember when when dining outout waswas special. You were Remember dining special. You Farmhouse Fine Dining At The greeted by a mature professional smiling face,smiling seated: were greeted by a mature professional dining outwith wasinflickering special. You at aRemember table dressed in crisp linens can- were face, seated atwhen a table dressed crisp linens dles withbyfresh flowers, your fresh food was masterly acandles mature professional smiling face, seated withgreeted flickering and flowers, your prepared by talented chefs & served by professional at a table dressed in crisp linens with flickering canfood was masterly prepared by talented chefs servers who’s focus was you. These niceties are dlesby with fresh flowers,servers your food was masterly & served professional who’s focus hard to find in todays world. We have it at the prepared by talented chefsare & served byfind professional was you. These niceties hard to in Farmhouse . who’s “Food focus and service of rareThese excellence “ is are servers was you. niceties todays world. We have it at the Farmhouse . our motto . When you are ready to experience this find in todays world. We haveisit our at the “Foodhard andto service of rare excellence” lost art Call Ms. Haaf she delights in overseeing her Farmhouse . “Food andready servicetoofexperience rare excellence “ is motto . When you are guest dining experience. our motto When you are ready to experience this lost art .Call Ms. Haaf. She delights in this lost art Call Ms.guests’ Haaf shedining delightsexperience. in overseeing her overseeing her guest dining experience.