Sunbat Pitch Deck

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SUNBAT The ecofriendly modular portable solution for electronic devices that leads all users of technology to a non dependecy of a electricity grid.


Problems In a globalized world like nowadays, there is a dynamic flow of people and information, and there no need to be in place to work and communicate. However, this depends on energy supplies, that mostly comes from non reneweable energy.

Environment 50,7% of the energy in Spain comes from non-renewable sources.

Connected lifestyle A 95% of the population in Spain uses at least one electronic devide every day.

Technology Power suppliers are not avaiable everywhere and also dependof the device used. 02

Reneawable energy The powerbank is supplied by photovoltaic energy from solar panels.

Handheld terminal Easy to handle device that takes the same space as a smartphone.

Modular multifucional Modifying the number of solar panels, the powerbank can charge multiple kind of devices


Solution The implementation of a technology focuses on a device that offers a power supply for a wide range of gadgets by using the energy of the sun

SUNBAT Solar powerbank (20.000 mAh) Suitable for most of modern devices thanks to various outputs (phones, laptops, tablets, smartwatches) Wireless and fast charging option Charging power defined by the annexed solar panels Protective cover with storage for four extra solar panels Waterprofness and flashlight included Personalization: color and logotype

15,5 cm

7,5 cm


Business planning 05/03/2020

Birth and pre-launch chronology The product is born as a class discussion idea in order to solve a wordwide actual problem that every team member faces frequently.

Pitch deck presentation 26/04/2020

Official take off 01/2021


Timing Reason 1 Constantly growing technological service market

Reason 2 Sustainability mind changing trend

Reason 3 Globalized connected world and digital nomad trend 07

95% of Spanish habitants uses an electronic device every day (98% phone, 50% laptop, 27% tablets, 16% others)

77% of the people want to learn how to live more sustainably Renewable energy is part of 17 UN-SDGs

Remote work has grown 140% since 2005 1.4 billion international arrivals per year Dependence of a electricity grid

Target Market People that makes an extensive using of electronic devices

High-educated professionals Meetings out of the office, congresses and business trips

Students and youths High usage of a wide range of electronic devices

Active travellers People outdoors (street, festivals, mountains, sea...)


Size the Market The company will be launched firstly in Barcelona and then spread all over Spain

Number of visitors 2019

9.12 M

Univeristy students 2019


Daily users of electronic devices


4.9 M

Size the Market The company will be launched firstly in Barcelona and then spread all over Spain

Number of visitors 2019

83.7 M

Univeristy students 2019

1.3 M

Daily users of electronic devices

30 M


Arnau Alarcรณn CEO & Co-Founder

Brimoresa Dhoro Co-Founder & Business and marketing

Mehdi Abdulov Co-Founder & Trade and sales



Business Model The company goes for direct sales, combined with a Click-and-Mortar Business Model Online 4.3% Direct sales 32.2%

Indirect and parterships 63.4%

The product, certified by CE, is imported in packs and stored in the warehouse of the company

There are three selling channels: online, direct sales in the streets and markets, indirect sales from partnerships with academic institutions, congresses and outdoor activities.

Marketing and publicity will be accure in social media channels, partnership and sponsorships




Expansion plan 1


3 15

Year 2

Congresses + Educational institutions + Catalonian campings

Year 3

Feria Abril + sumer in Sevilla

Year 4

Camino de Santiago hostels + Valencia + electronic shops

Direct Competitors

Indirect Competitors


Affordable price By having complex features costs only 30â‚Ź a pack.

Features The powerbank is solar, wireless, waterproof and includes a fast charging mode, multiple outputs, a light and a protector case

Everywhere-you-go power supply The powerbank can be charged either by photovoltaic energy or by electricity grid

Modular and customizable The user can decide the charging power (number of solar panels used) and the color of the case


Competitive Advantages

Environmental friendly Interested in green packages, eco markets and eco-friendly community

Competitor Approach

Quality assurance CE Certification and a one year warrantee

Dedicated sales Street selling and educationalprofessional business partnerships


Financial Highlights


Sales: 43.050€ Closing balance: 18.503€


Sales: 209.250€


Sales: 302.700€

Breaking point Month 10 of year two (Month 22 after launch)


Closing balance: 48.839€

Closing balance: 106.974€

D ec em be r

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O ct ob er

Se pt em be r

Au gu st

Closing balance

Ju ly

Ju ne


M ay

Ap ril

M ar ch

Fe br ua ry

Ja nu ar y

Year 1 annual Run Rate (€) Sales






21 D ec em be r

N ov em be r

O ct ob er

Se pt em be r

Au gu st

Closing balance

Ju ly

Ju ne


M ay

Ap ril

M ar ch

Fe br ua ry

Ja nu ar y

Year 2 annual Run Rate (€) Sales





D ec em be r

N ov em be r

O ct ob er

Se pt em be r

Au gu st

Closing balance

Ju ly

Ju ne


M ay

Ap ril

M ar ch

Fe br ua ry

Ja nu ar y

Year 3 annual Run Rate (€) Sales





Value and funding

Pre-launch stage 35.000€


Total investment of 20.000€ Money to invest: 10.000€ The investor will possess a 25% of the company, that will turn into a 10% after the investment is returned by the end of the second year

After first year 55.000€

After second year 90.000€

After third year 150.000€




+34 692511713

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