Annual report 2013

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CONTENTS President’s Message


Staff & Board of Directors


An Overview of Activities 2012/13




Annual Research Report


Developing Strategic Partnerships


Growing our brand and achieving regular and sustained income


A Strong Membership Base Across NSW


Summarised financial reports


Full audited financial reports Full audited financial reports are available to any member who desires to receive a copy, available from either Arthritis NSW or CIB Accountants & Advisers. Please contact us on 1800 011 041, email us at info@arthritisnsw. or visit our website at


Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13

A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT “2013 was a year of change, evolution and progress.” Today 1.4 million people in NSW have some form of arthritis. About half of those people also have osteoporosis. Without radical change in prevention and treatment, those numbers are expected to nearly double by 2050. As reported last year, the economic cost of arthritis is now estimated at $23 billion per annum. 24 per cent of absenteeism in the workplace is attributed to arthritisrelated conditions. No wonder arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions were included as one of the Australian Government’s eight National Health Priorities. During the year, our Board signed off on a new Strategic Vision and Plan for Arthritis NSW. Our Vision is for ‘A Community Free from Arthritis’. Our Plan aims to cater for the escalating needs of the arthritis and osteoporosis community in NSW by expanding our education and health promotion services, increasing contributions to research, growing our community-based networks of support groups and branches and by embracing the digital age in the coming years through our website, Facebook and Twitter and webinars. The Australian Government’s new National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) represents a major change to the health landscape, the detail and ramifications of which are still being assessed. Our initial assessment is that the NDIS appears to offer great opportunity for Arthritis NSW services. Arthritis NSW receives negligible government funding and must rely on its own resources and the generosity of members and benefactors. Our organisation needs to strengthen its financial position to provide for our community’s growing needs into the future. In 2013 we substantially reduced our operating loss. Further improvement to reach breakeven is essential if we are to maintain and increase our services and increase our contribution to research. To achieve this, we need the support of all our stakeholders. Our fundraising area is making great strides in diversifying our income stream with Kidsflix, appeals, events and community fundraising. William’s Walk, now into its second year, was again a great success. We thank William’s parents, David and Lauren Harris, for their great vision and initiative, and trust that we can repay them with increasing success, and increasing support for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) and arthritis in general. We thank Mr Wyatt Song for his fantastic effort in swimming the English Channel to raise funds for rheumatoid arthritis research. We would also like to thank Mr Dorset Sutton, who participated in the Cole Classic Ocean Swim in February, raising substantial funds for Arthritis NSW. We thank our support groups and branches and regular givers in funding our annual research grant. During the year, a campaign for an ideal JIA model of care was successfully launched with the assistance of Dr. Davinder Singh-Grewal. We will continue advocating for the adoption of this model by Government to provide first-class medical treatment for children with JIA.

Your Board extends its thanks to Chief Executive Officer, Karen Filocamo and the staff of Arthritis NSW for their dedication and commitment. Karen, who stepped down in July after five successful years, led Arthritis NSW through a period of great change to emerge as a more efficient and effective operation. Ably supported by Di Spragg, leading the Health Promotion Team, and Rob Novotny, leading Marketing and Fundraising, Arthritis NSW has a capable and hardworking team to take us forward. I would also take this opportunity to thank all the Directors of Arthritis NSW, all dedicated volunteers like so many of the supporters of our cause. In particular, we pay tribute to retiring directors Ben Marosszeky AM and Diana Aspinall, who have contributed so much over many years. Both retired at the end of 2012, Ben after more than 30 years on the Board and Education Committee, Diana after many years service to both Arthritis NSW and Arthritis Australia. We were delighted to receive the news that Ben’s great efforts were acknowledged in the New Year’s Order of Australia Honours list with an AM, closely followed mid-year by the award of an OAM to rheumatologist Dr. Siri Kannangara, and to 40 year volunteer Mrs Enid Monaghan. We also acknowledge the tireless efforts of so many volunteers in our committees, support group and branch networks, and throughout NSW. Finally, we extend a warm welcome to new Chief Executive Officer Annette (Nettie) Burke who commenced on 1st July 2013. Nettie has great experience in both commercial and ‘not-forprofit’ organisations and we look forward to this exciting next phase of Arthritis NSW in our quest for ‘A Community Free from Arthritis’.

Greg Monaghan Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13


STAFF & BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chief Executive Officer Karen Filocamo Manager, Health Promotion and Service Development Di Spragg Marketing and Fundraising Manager Rob Novotny Business Manager Michael Fazio Senior Health Promotion Officer Eloise Milthorpe Health Promotion Officer Alex Jaksetic Health Promotion Officer Jenny Ly Community Liaison Officer Nena Doyle Rural Education Outreach Project Officer Manu Arora Senior Fundraising Officer Bianca Elhage Communications Officer Nick Quirke Membership Officer and Warm Water Exercise Coordinator Melissa Denham Finance Assistant Clarissa Jones Receptionist and Information Officer Ingrid Player Executive Assistant Clare Riordan Board of Directors We are fortunate to have the support of a diverse range of dedicated people who fulfil the role of Board Directors in our organisation. These people are: Greg Monaghan, President Judith Cantor, Vice President Dennis Messner, Hon. Treasurer Evan Manolios, Company Secretary Doris Carrall Prof. Nick Manolios Cosi Pupo Peter Rickett Allan Ryan Neil Wildman (Resigned July 2012) Associate Prof. Jeno Emil Marosszeky (Resigned November 2012) Diana Aspinall (Resigned February 2013)

We would also like to thank the following people who have assisted the Board through their participation in Board subcommittees:


Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13

Finance Committee Dennis Messner Michael Fazio Karen Filocamo Greg Monaghan Diana Aspinall (Resigned February 2013) Research Committee Prof. Nick Manolios Karen Filocamo Matthew Jennings Prof. Kevin Pile Justin McNab Associate Prof. Tanya Meade Education Committee Cosi Pupo Dr. Jackie Chapman Verona Du Toit Kim Hamrosi Jane McDonald Eloise Milthorpe Patricia Norton Dr. Bethan Richards Di Spragg Marketing & Fundraising Committee Judith Cantor Rob Novotny Juliana Trifunovic Carol Vleeskens We appreciate all of these people giving their time so willingly to support our organisation. Volunteers Arthritis NSW could not function without our incredibly dedicated volunteers who work alongside us all year. The following people fulfilled various roles in the organisation and contributed to our ongoing success: Doris Carrall, Carina Gleeson, Lauren Harris, Toni Markovina, Elmo Meadley, Dianne Morris, Sung Won. We must also make special mention of all the volunteers who run our support group and branch networks throughout New South Wales. Many of these people have fulfilled these roles for more than 20 years and we are extremely grateful. To all our support group and branch executives we say a huge thank you for everything you do for the arthritis community. We would also like to sincerely thank all our volunteer warm water exercise leaders around the state. We could not provide these sessions without these dedicated leaders and pool captains.

AN OVERVIEW OF ACTIVITES 2012/13 2012/2013 ANNUAL REPORT HEALTH PROMOTION TEAM ACTIVITIES Community Seminars During 2012/2013 there were five community seminars. These were held at Albury, Castle Hill, Coffs Harbour, Lithgow and Young. Attendance at the seminars ranged from 55 to 120. Total attendance was 384 with an average attendance of 77 people. Thanks are extended to all support groups and branches that held and assisted with seminars. The Health Promotion Team would also like to acknowledge the generous support of the rheumatologists, orthopaedic surgeons and allied health professionals who gave their time to present. Without their support these important community events would not be possible. Community Education Sessions The team added to their repertoire of education sessions during the year by developing a new shoulder pain session. This brings the total to seven sessions available to the community. In 2012/2013 the team delivered a total of 66 sessions to a total of 1,267 people. Average attendance was 19 people per session. Community Webinars Webinars offer an alternative to face-to-face meetings and are now an integral part of our health promotion services. Four community webinars were conducted during the year. Topics covered were Osteoporosis and Back Pain, presented by physiotherapist Sally Castell; Shoulder Pain, presented by physiotherapist Judy Chen; Fibromyalgia, presented by rheumatologist Dr. Maxine Szramka; and Arthritis and Exercise, presented by physiotherapist Anna-Louise Bouvier. There were a total of 144 registrations for the webinars with an average of 36 participants per session. Arthritis Awareness Week Arthritis Awareness Week 2013 was held from 17th to the 23rd March. The focus of the team’s work during this week was to raise awareness by holding information stands in pharmacies at St Clair, Liverpool and Holroyd. Information Service The team increased the service from one day per week in the 2011/2012 financial year to two days per week this year. The service dealt with 676 inquiries during the year which represents a 3 per cent increase compared to the 2011/2012 financial year.

Camp Twinkletoes Camp Twinkletoes is an annual camp for children under eight years of age with JIA and their families. The 2013 camp was held from 1st to the 3rd February at ‘The Tops’ Convention Centre, Stanwell Tops. The camp was attended by 16 families (60 people), which represents a 23 per cent increase on the numbers who attended in 2012. Of these families, nine were attending for the first time. The camp was supported by four volunteers, who are thanked for their time, and four Arthritis NSW staff. Dr. Chaitow, paediatric rheumatologist, is also thanked for his generosity in giving his time to conduct a parents’ workshop at the camp. Camp Footloose Camp Footloose is a week-long camp held for children eight to 18 years of age with JIA. The 2012 camp was held from 24th to the 28th September at the Milson Island Sport and Recreation site on the Hawkesbury River. 34 children attended camp, of these 15 (44 per cent) were attending for the first time. Thanks are extended to the 12 volunteers who generously gave a week of their time to attend camp, and to Linda Nash who attended as the camp nurse. The camp was also supported by two Arthritis NSW staff and two Department of Sport and Recreation staff. Health Professional Events A health professional’s clinical update day, ‘Think Arthritis and Osteoporosis’, was conducted at the Kolling Institute, Royal North Shore Hospital on Saturday 16th March. The day was attended by 75 health professionals who evaluated the educational program very highly. Thanks go to the rheumatologists, orthopaedic surgeons and allied health professionals who presented on the day and made it such a success. A health professional webinar on arthritis, presented by orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Sol Qurashi was also conducted in December 2012. Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13


Rural Education Outreach Project The health promotion team commenced a new project in June which aims at increasing community and health professional education about arthritis in rural areas. The project will run until December 2013 and is being piloted in the New England area. Education sessions are being conducted in Armidale, Inverell, Moree, Narrabri and Tamworth. Healthy Lifestyle Programs The team continues to offer five different healthy lifestyle programs to assist people in the management of their arthritis and/or osteoporosis. During the year the following programs were conducted:

Challenging Arthritis Program Online or workbook self-directed learning supported by health coaching

Participants: 68

The year also saw significant progress with the Moving On program. This included the updating of resources in response to the recommendations from research evaluations, progress in the negotiation of leader training contracts with local health districts and entering partnership arrangements with Northern Sydney Medicare Local and Northern Sydney Local Health District to conduct programs. A research article on the Moving On program was also published online in BMC Health Services Research. Other Health Promotion Team Activities Other Health Promotion Team activities during the year included: • Participating in the University of NSW Medical Students Expo • Participating in the Active Canterbury Together Community Expo

Moving On Program 4 Programs (Hornsby Heights, Pennant Hills, Seaforth, St Leonards)

Participants: 40 Average:10

Osteoarthritis of the Knee (OAK) 3 Programs (Malabar, Narellan, Woy Woy)

Total participants: 36 Average: 12

Osteoporosis Program 2 Programs (Liverpool and Wagga Wagga)

Total participants: 14 Average: 7

Rheumatoid Arthritis Program (RAP) 2 Programs (Brookvale and South Hamilton)

Total participants: 28 Average: 14

Challenging Arthritis extended its reach interstate during the year with Arthritis Queensland and Arthritis South Australia adding the program to their range of services.


Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13

• Participating in the Lower North Shore Multicultural Community Expo • Conducting Combined Pensioner and Superannuants Association of NSW volunteer speaker training • Participating in the NSW Health, Health Professional’s Falls Prevention Network Forum • Participating in the Agency of Clinical Innovation (ACI) Musculoskeletal Network and associated working groups • Presenting on joint pain at the Pharmacy Guild Conference and the ACI Musculoskeletal Forum

A SUPPORT GROUP AND ROBUST NETWORK THROUGHOUT NSW 2012/2013 SUPPORT GROUPS AND BRANCHES Arthritis NSW has a thriving support group/branch network of 45 groups across the state. Over the course of the year new support groups in Armidale, Castle Hill, Kogarah and Tamworth have commenced. In addition a number of branches have transitioned into a less formal support group structure. As a result there are currently 26 (58 per cent) support groups and 19 (42 per cent) branches. Unfortunately the year also saw the closure of the Chinese support group and Turramurra branch. In 2012 Honorary Life Membership Awards were presented to: • Beryl Evans Long Jetty Support Group • Jennie Fisher Southern Highlands Branch • Joy Forge Penrith Branch

This year regional meetings were held in Albury, Barrack Heights (Warilla-Shellharbour), Bathurst, East Maitland, South Grafton, Taree, West Ryde (City Regional) and Woy Woy. A total of 242 members attended these meetings representing 30 (65 per cent) of all branches and support groups. These meetings continue to be a valuable opportunity for Arthritis NSW staff and members to interact and discuss relevant issues. An informative and well received shoulder pain education session was part of this year’s meeting format. Warm water exercise continues to be a significant part of support group/branch activity and a valuable benefit for members. Currently 33 per cent of support groups and branches conduct warm water exercise classes. Thanks go to the over 60 volunteer leaders across the state who make these classes possible. This year funding was received from Wenty Leagues Club, via the ClubsGrants scheme, to commence classes at Holroyd.

• Inge Husz Albury-Wodonga Support Group • Michelle Kirchner Holroyd Branch • Linda Nash Long Jetty Support Group • Betty Wood Parramatta Support Group Congratulations and thanks go to these dedicated members who have worked diligently to support Arthritis NSW over many years.

Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13


ANNUAL RESEARCH REPORT The Arthritis NSW Board in its strategic plan for the next five years has placed an important emphasis and priority on promoting and supporting research for the betterment of people with arthritis. As a specialist organisation we have a commitment to advance the special needs of our members. Although there are many millions of dollars available in national government funds (NHMRC, ARC) for use in research, the demand and need for such money nationally is also high and competitive and at the end of the year very little is available for arthritis research. Most of the money is given to other areas of need such as cancer and cardiovascular research. All the money that is donated and raised by Arthritis NSW for research is directed and spent on research. The Board has established an Arthritis Research Committee consisting of the CEO, Associate Prof. Tanya Meade (Psychologist, UWS), Dr. Justin McNab (Epidemiologist, Sydney University), Prof. Kevin Pile (Rheumatologist, UWS), Matthew Jennings (Allied Health Director, Physiotherapist, Liverpool Hospital) and Prof. Nicholas Manolios (Rheumatologist, Westmead Hospital). The aim of this committee is to provide a comprehensive approach to issues associated with arthritis and to promote both quantitative and qualitative research. The Board has agreed to establish a research trust account that will provide ongoing grants from the interest earned on the capital. In the last financial year $15,000 of the support groups and branches money raised was given to Arthritis Australia to support their research program. These funds were awarded to Dr. Sanaa Zaki from the Kolling Institute of Medical Research, Royal North Shore Hospital, at Sydney University for her study entitled ‘Investigating the Pain Mechanisms of Osteoarthritis’. In June 2013 the committee offered two ‘Grant in Aid’ research grants. One was specifically for rheumatoid arthritis, using funds raised by Wyatt Song from his English Channel swim. The second was from funds raised by support groups and branches and the Joint Initiative Regular Giving Program and was for a general arthritis project. These grants were awarded to Dr. Daina Sturnieks and Dr. Mark Hancock respectively.


Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13

The committee, which reports to the Board, plays an important role in maintaining a research profile and progress can be tracked on the website and in Arthritis Matters. This allows members to keep up-to-date with developments and directions of research by Arthritis NSW. Prof. Nicholas Manolios Chair - Research Sub-Committee

DEVELOPING STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Arthritis NSW works in partnership with many organisations in government and non-government sectors to improve services for people living with arthritis and osteoporosis. In particular, we collaborate with Arthritis Australia and Arthritis affiliate offices in other states. We would like to express our appreciation to the following groups for assisting us to raise awareness about the needs of people of all ages living with arthritis and associated musculoskeletal conditions: • The NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) and in particular their NSW Musculoskeletal Network • Pfizer Australia • NSW Accessible Transport Committee • Waverley Council • Hargraves Institute

We would also like to sincerely thank the following individuals who have given their time in the last 12 months to support our organisation: • Anna-Louise Bouvier Physiotherapist and media spokesperson • Dr. Davinder Singh Grewal Paediatric rheumatologist at The Childrens’ Hospital Westmead and Sydney Childrens’ Hospital • Dr. Jeff Chaitow Paediatric rheumatologist at The Childrens’ Hospital Westmead and Sydney Childrens’ Hospital • Prof. David Hunter Rheumatologist, Royal North Shore Hospital • Robyn Speerin Manager, ACI Musculoskeletal Network • Councillor Leon Goltsman Waverley Council and spokesperson • Dr. Ana Ananda Rheumatologist • Clint Paddison Spokesperson

Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13


Growing our brand and achieving regular and sustained income We received $40,000 from Western Sydney Local Health District under the Non-Government Organisation funding program. We gratefully acknowledge the support of NSW Health in providing this grant which contributes to health promotion activities. Pfizer Australia We thank our major corporate partner, Pfizer Australia, for their special grant. They have sponsored our webinars, seminars and health promotion programs, William’s Walk and the Afternoon Tea with the Governor. All British Car Club Once again this year, the All British Car Club has provided wonderful support to us with a generous donation from their annual display at The Kings School. We appreciate the ongoing support we receive from the car club which goes towards Camp Footloose. Macquarie Group Foundation We received a donation from the Macquarie Group Foundation in 2012. We would like to thank Macquarie staff and the Macquarie Group Foundation for this generous contribution. William’s Walk In its second year, William’s Walk has grown to two locations, Bondi Beach and Penrith. This year, we have seen a total of 840 people attend the walks and fun run. A total of $120,000 was raised, which is an increase from $103,000 in 2011/12. We thank all of our supporters and special thanks go to William’s parents, Lauren and David Harris. Afternoon Tea with the Governor In March, we hosted an afternoon tea with our patron, The Governor of NSW, Her Excellency, Prof. Marie Bashir at the QVB Tea Room. 90 special friends of Arthritis NSW attended this event.


Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13

Community Fundraising A total of $56,000 has been raised through community events such as City2Surf and our Inspired Adventures Cycle for Disability challenge. A special thanks to Dorset Sutton, who raised over $22,000 for the organisation. We also thank Kyle Eddy, the Four Fit Ladies and the Awesome Twosome from Victoria in contributing and supporting Arthritis NSW. Arthritis NSW raffle In 2012/13, Arthritis NSW ran its first raffle raising $38,000 for the organisation. Over 10,000 tickets were sold. Congratulations to all of the winners. Appeals Given the limited amount of government funding we receive, we could not function without the support from our appeals. In total, we raised $124,583 in 2012/13, this is up from $109,467 in 2011/12. This year we will continue with the same number of appeals and will continue to develop fundraising strategies for this area. Donors In these difficult economic times we depend on the generosity of donors to enable us to continue providing our diverse range of services. In total, we have raised $55,047 from general donations in 2012/13, up from $52,846 in 2011/12. A special thanks goes to those who have donated over $5,000.

Kidsflix Kidsflix continues to be a successful activity for children across NSW with juvenile arthritis or other physical disabilities. This year Kidsflix movie days were held at Entertainment Quarter, Ballina, Orange, Bathurst, Dubbo, Castle Hill, Penrith, Charlestown, Warringah Mall, Shellharbour, Miranda and Gosford.

Alison Watson Memorial Scholarship Award This year, three scholarships were awarded to Madaleine Didsbury, Francis Yeung and Amy Norman. This award is in memory of Alison Watson who triumphed over her crippling arthritis to help our organisation in its early days of development.

Kidsflix has generated $163,008 for Arthritis NSW in 2012/13, down from $186,588 in 2011/12. We sincerely thank everyone who has donated to Kidsflix and a special thanks to Clarissa Jones and Bianca Elhage for coordinating the activity. We also thank local branches, support groups and volunteers who gave up their time to help out.

Arthritis Matters Our magazine has gone from strength to strength focusing on the needs of our members. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the magazine.

A strong membership base across NSW Our membership total for 2012/13 was 5,441. This is a substantial increase compared to 2011/12 (with 4,704 members). The number of new members joining the organisation was 1,390 during the year, up from 581 new members in 2011/12. Our goal is to have 10,000 members by 2015.

What may be easy for some, is a struggle for others. Arthritis NSW can improve your quality of life.

Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13


Statement of Comprehensive Income FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2013













Education expenses



Marketing and fundraising expenses



Funds transferred to Arthritis Australia (Note a)



Other expenses



Loss before income tax







Changes in fair value of available for sale financial assets



Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax





Revenue Other income Employee benefits expense Depreciation and amortisation expense

Income tax expense Loss for the year Other comprehensive income:

Total comprehensive loss for the year

Note a - Executive Summary The deficit for the year was $560,947 (2012, $310,886).The result this year has been abnormally affected by the transfer of funds to Arthritis Australia of $243,208 for the Leanne Stafford Memorial Award. This amount was previously recorded as revenue of the organisation and has been shown as expenditure for the 2013 year.

Notes on Arthritis NSW Revenue

2013 $





Member subscriptions



Branches income






Services income



Fundraising appeals






Other revenue





Total Revenue



Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13

Statement of Financial Position AS AT 30 JUNE 2013

2013 $

2012 $

Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents



Trade and other receivables









Property, plant and equipment



Total non current assets



Total assets



Trade and other payables



Employee benefits



Total current liabilities



Employee benefits



Total non current liabilities



Total liabilities



Net assets






Retained earnings







Inventories Total current assets Non current assets Financial assets

Liabilities Current liabilities

Non current liabilities


Total equity

Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13


Statement of Changes in Equity FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 2013

Retained Earnings $

Fair value reserve (Note a)

Specific reserves (Note b)





Balance at 1 July 2012





Profit attributable to members of the entity

















Sub total





Balance at 30 June 2013






Retained Earnings

Fair value reserve

Specific reserves


Transfer on disposals Transactions with members in their capacity as members Net change in fair value of available for sale financial assets Transfers from specific reserves to retained earnings





Balance at 1 July 2011





Profit attributable to members of the entity





Transactions with members in their capacity as members Net change in fair value of available for sale financial assets





Sub total





Balance at 30 June 2012





Note a. Fair value reserve. The fair value reserve records revaluations of available for sale assets to market value at balance date. Note b. Specific reserves. The specific reserve records funds set aside for particular purposes in accordance with the terms of the income received.


Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13

Statement of Cash Flows





Cash flows from operating activities: Receipts from customers



Payments to suppliers and employees



Dividends received



Interest received



Net cash provided by (used by) operating activities



Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from sale of available for sale investments



Purchase of property, plant and equipment



Purchase of available for sale investments



Investments in call deposits



Net cash (used by) from investing activities



Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents held



Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year



Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year



Cash flows from financing activities:

These summarised financial reports are extracts from the full audited financial statements prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001. Full audited financial reports are available to any member who desires to receive a copy, available from either Arthritis NSW or CIB Accountants & Advisers.

A: Suite 6, Blaxland House 5-7 Ross Street Parramatta, NSW, Australia. 2150

P: PO Box 2492, North Parramatta, NSW, Australia. 1750

T: +61 2 9683 5999 F: +61 2 9683 6313 E: W: Arthritis NSW | Annual Report 2012/13


Arthritis NSW

Locked Bag 2216, North Ryde, NSW, 1670. Phone: (02) 9857 3300 Fax: (02) 9857 3399 Toll Free: 1800 011 041 Authority to fundraise CFN12845 ABN 64 528 634 894

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