Enter for your chance to win up to
in cash and other mystery prizes Enter the Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW raffle and support people living with these conditions. Every ticket sold will allow us to help improve their quality of life.
1st prize $3,000 Cash
2nd prize $1,000 Cash
3rd prize 2x chances to win $500 cash
Plus mystery prizes! Please complete the form on the back and send to: Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW, Locked Bag 2216, North Ryde NSW 1670 or visit our website at www.arthritisnsw.org.au or contact 1800 011 041
5 tickets for $10
20 tickets for $20
50 tickets for $50
100 tickets for $100
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Membership no. (if known) Address Suburb State Postcode Phone Email Please find enclosed my cheque/postal order made payable to: Arthritis NSW or please debit this card:
Credit Card No.: Expiry Date:
Name on card: Signature(s): Once you have completed all the details on this form, place it along with your payment in the enclosed envelope and return to us at Arthritis and Osteoporosis NSW, Locked Bag 2216, North Ryde, NSW 1670. Locked Bag 2216, North Ryde, NSW 1670. Phone: 02 9857 3300 | Fax: 02 9857 3399 | Toll Free: 1800 011 041
WWW.ARTHRITISNSW.ORG.AU Terms and conditions: The Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW raffle is open to all Australian residents however, all prizes have been organised in NSW and Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW will not provide any travel assistance for prize winners travelling to collect prizes. Raffle ticket sales close: Thursday 24th April 2014 at 5.59pm. This raffle is run by Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW for fundraising purposes and complies with the NSW Charitable Fundraising Act (1991), Lotteries and Art Unions Act 1901, the Lotteries and Art Unions Regulation 2007 and the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing (OLGR) raffle regulations. Customer details provided for this raffle remain the property of Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW and will only be used for the purpose of fundraising and other activities associated with Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW.
Proceeds will go directly to Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW. If you do not wish to be contacted for fundraising purposes please contact Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW on 1800 011 041 or info@arthritisnsw.org.au before the draw date. The raffle will be drawn on Monday 28th April 2014 at 10.00am in the office of Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW. All cash prizes will be payable by crossed cheque to the name of the prize winner and mailed out or, if the prize winner requests, by electronic funds transfer (EFT) to an account nominated by the prize winner. All mystery prizes will be mailed to the winners. Prize winners will be notified by phone after the raffle draw. Arthritis & Osteoporosis NSW staff, relatives & suppliers are not eligible to participate in the raffle. Authority to fundraise for charitable purposes CFN: 12845