The installation, Sonnesgade / portfolio

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Árný Árnadóttir, Arkitekt MAA Klostergade 19 8000 Aarhus tlf. 4223 0607

Por tfoli o/ 9. semester

Studio Constructing an Archive Claudia Carbone, Anne Elisabeth Toft og SLETH Arkitekter Maskinen. The installation, Sonnesgade. Title: 03-05-13-17-00-56-8-59-97-10-11-41-05 Installationen refererer til min proces og indeholder elementer fra mit tidligere arbejde i løbet af dette semester, februar til juni 2013. Den stammer fra en konstruktion jeg monterede i en bygning på Sonnesgade. Konstruktionen bruger flere projektioner at fordreje og transformere sig selv. Solens projektion ind i rummet bestemmer retning og punktet for forvrængningen. Denne installation er en oversættelse og transformation af en frossen øjeblik i tiden, dette øjeblik kommer aldrig igen. Solens position, et bestemt sted, årstiden og så videre. Den 3. april. 2013 kl 17.00. Breddegrad 56 ° 8’59 .97 ”N. Længdegrad 10 ° 11’41 .05 ”Ø Efterfølgende beskrivelse er på engelsk da undervisning og aflevering var på engelsk for dette semester.

9. semester 03-05-13-17-00-56-8-59-97-0-11-41-05 In the beginning of my ninth semester I wanted to learn more about perspective as a constructed representation to get a better understanding about it. I realized that perspective has many angles. Fx one- or twopoint perspective, multiple view perspective, differs depending on the location of vanishing points and it also includes different types of distortion projections like Durers perspective machine. anamorphosis. Ames chair demonstration interested me as well and opened my mind to the possibilities of perspective. But what influenced me the most was Dßrer’s perspective machine from the Renaissance, which laid the foundation for my machine. I used his idea of physically positioning the strings from one viewpoint to each point of what was being projected. All the strings where positioned at once. Through experimenting with the principle of the perspective I built a machine to collect data. I used messing wires to cast the data from the machine. The wire construction was a transformation/distortion of the information collected through the machine. The construction had joints of different kind which made it flexible up Illustration from the site, showing the fish string from to a certain extent. I analyzed this ability two angles. to examine the limitations of the structure. The material used in the structure added some attributes. For example the wires are bendable, thinner wires bend more than the thicker ones. I tested and used the tension in the material, for example by making one thick wire short and at each end connecting with a joint to a thinner longer wire, this makes the longer thinner wire bend a lot while the thicker doesn’t bend much. In comparison if I make the same experiment but instead of the thick short wire I use a thin short wire, this would result in both wires to bend, resulting in a completely different structure with different abilities.


Close up Illustrations from the wire structure, showing examples of connections and joints.

I chose one position from the wire construction to work with. I studied the hierarchy in the wires by tracing a photo of the position in illustrator, the wires in front became thicker than the wires in the back. I analyzed the characteristics this position possessed and used them in my installation, in that way I told the story of my project through my installation in my final results.

The images illustrate the chosen position. The image above is from the side angle and the image on the right is seen from the front.

The installation refers to my process and includes elements from my previous work during this semester. February till June 2013. It originates from a device I setup in a building at Sonnesgade. The device uses multiple projections to distort and transform. Sun projection entering the space determines extraction points for the final distortion. This installation is a translation and transformation of a frozen moment in time, this moment will never come again. The sun position, specific location, time of year and so on. The 3rd of April at 1700 hrs. year 2013. Latitude 56° 8’59.97”N. Longitude 10°11’41.05”Ø In the installation I’m working with combinations of forms, joints and connections, using messing wire and transparent fish string. The wires differ in thickness and should interact with the window frame. The installation is ever changeable and transformable. The structure will be changed throughout the exhibition. Some structures are designed to interact with a specific background from a certain angle. Their appearance alters depending on sunlight and viewpoints.


The images illustrate the chosen position. The image above is from the side angle and the image on the right is seen from the front.

The installation refers to my process and includes elements from my previous work during this semester. February till June 2013. It originates from a device I setup in a building at Sonnesgade. The device uses multiple projections to distort and transform. Sun projection entering the space determines extraction points for the final distortion. This installation is a translation and transformation of a frozen moment in time, this moment will never come again. The sun position, specific location, time of year and so on. The 3rd of April at 1700 hrs. year 2013. Latitude 56° 8’59.97”N. Longitude 10°11’41.05”Ø In the installation I’m working with combinations of forms, joints and connections, using messing wire and transparent fish string. The wires differ in thickness and should interact These images are a part of the installation exhibited in Sonnesgade. They illustrate the characteristics of the material. with the window frame. The installation is ever changeable and transformable. The structure will be changed throughout the exhibition. I would like to use this method in my final project. I want to translate the data retrieved I would likeby to building use method in my final project. Iconstructions want to translate the retrieved from the site wire to constructions. These will then become a tool Some structures arethis designed interact with a specific background from adata certain angle. from the site by building constructions will then of become a tool for further investigation inwire my constructions. design I willviewpoints. analyze the elements each strucTheir appearance alters depending on process. sunlightThese and forthrough further investigation my limitations design process. I will analyze the elements of each structure the flexibilityinand of the material. ture through the flexibility and limitations of the material. These images are a part of the installation exhibited in Sonnesgade. They illustrate the characteristics of the material.


A collage demonstrating A collage demonstratingthe thelocation locationofofthe theinstallation installation at Sonnesgade. Sonnesgade.


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