Kindle Publishing - A Must for Every Author!

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==== ==== The Exact System That Will Turn You Into A Successful Kindle Publisher In Minutes! ==== ====

If you don't know how to publish on kindle, you might as well just stop being a writer. You will see that it is only a matter of time and people will not buy the printed books. This is the worst case scenario; however, it is one of the possibilities of what may happen in the future. Hard cover books are not in high demand as it used to be. Although many people will still prefer to buy physical books, they still buy the eBooks. According to amazon, in the year 2011 the number of 3 books sold was more than the number of hardcover books sold. This reached a ratio of 3:1. The paper back is not a trend anymore, as people prefer paper cover books due to quality of the printed material; PDF books are also not the most convenient books. The screen makes it hard to read from and when you print them, the ink and paper are expensive. This is what makes the kindle device so great. People will want to buy eBooks in the format of the Kindle device because it is easy to read and it is paperless. Hence, Kindle is very environmentally friendly. These will also extent to magazines and newspapers. To simply go to a stand and buy a magazine or a newspaper may be out. Why do all that when you have an electronic book-reader. Think of it, if you are standing at a bus station, would you rather hold a big ass paper trying to fold it against the wind until the bus arrives, or wouldn't it be comfortable to just use your kindle. This brings the article to the important part; the self publishing. It is free and it is a win-win situation. Through Amazon, kindle offer a publishing option for you in the most uncomplicated way. You just need to follow the instruction and you will be a published writer very soon. Here's a crash course on how to publish on Kindle: * Create an account on Amazon. * Use this account to access the Kindle Direct Publishing area. * There will be a few forms, fill them out. * Add a new title, but the name of your book and its descriptions etc... * Now upload the book and the cover picture (use HTML format). * pick the price of the book. * Now wait, in a few days your book will be up on Amazon for sale!

These are just simple headlines; you need to learn more about Kindle ebooks publishing to do well. Armin Vich is an expert in this field, and he can give you all the necessary information to successfully publish your ebooks on Kindle.

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==== ==== The Exact System That Will Turn You Into A Successful Kindle Publisher In Minutes! ==== ====

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