==== ==== The Exact System That Will Turn You Into A Successful Kindle Publisher In Minutes! http://tinyurl.com/c6tzze8 ==== ====
Amazon's Kindle platform has made writing and publishing a book a breeze. Everything is in your hands. It's never been as easy to become an author. Let's look at why Kindle publishing may be in your future. Here are the primary reasons. 1. Traditional (Also Known As "Legacy") Publishers Are Hurting Margins are dropping throughout the industry. eBooks may, or may not, save traditional publishers. This means that at this time, you need to be wary of signing contracts with companies which may not be in business a year from now. When a company winds up, it's a long process. After you've signed a contract, you've made a deal. It may be years before you can legitimately publish your book elsewhere if you're caught up in a company collapse. Additionally, book publishers are mere shadows of what they used to be. It's hard to get a contract, and trying to get a contract can take years. 2. A Huge Market for Your Book: Millions of Keen Readers Own E-Reader Devices The big benefit of eBooks is that you can read them on any digital device. You don't need a Kindle. I own a Kindle, but I prefer to read my purchases on my iPad, iPhone and computer, using Amazon's apps. Most readers believe that they need a dedicated e-reader, but this just isn't so. As buyers become more comfortable with reading anywhere they choose, the already huge market will expand. Interestingly, Amazon reports that sales of print books, both softcover and hardcover, have risen too. The eBook market isn't cannibalizing print, it's expanding the book market. For me, and for many other writers, the huge market for eBooks is the primary reason we selfpublish. 3. Publishing Your Books Is Simple on the Kindle and Other Platforms New writers worry about formatting for e-readers, but it's simple. Basically, write your book in Microsoft Word, or any other word processor which can create DOC files. You need a couple of additional steps, these are described in Amazon's Help files.
For most books, formatting will take around half an hour, depending on the speed of your computer. If you don't want to format your manuscript yourself, you can hire someone to do it very cheaply. Just email your manuscript, and you'll receive a beautifully formatted eBook in return. 4. Self-Publishing Is Profitable The market's huge, which means that there's room for you, too. Top-selling authors are making millions of dollars. You may never reach these heights, but you can make a decent income, and most importantly, your book will be published. If you want to write a book, the world has changed. Is Kindle publishing in your future? It's in mine.
Become an eBook entrepreneur. Angela Booth has been selling information products online for years. Discover her secrets at http://www.infoproductmaestro.com/package.html -- her new package shows you how to build the perfect business. Angela writes about many ways of making money from your writing in her free weekly ezine: http://www.freelancewritingezine.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angela_Booth
==== ==== The Exact System That Will Turn You Into A Successful Kindle Publisher In Minutes! http://tinyurl.com/c6tzze8 ==== ====