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Senior Events
Senior Activities
Covenant Presbyterian Church 2881 Canton Road, Marietta 770-722-7641 www.alohatoaging.org Parkinson’s Disease Support Group
Meets the first Tuesday each month at 2 p.m. Group discussion, for the person with Parkinson’s and their care partner, on helpful tips and resources that provide comfort and encouragement.
Dementia Caregiver Support Group
Meets the first Monday each month at 2 p.m. Open to family members who are assisting an aging loved one, in or out of the home. Care provided during the meeting, but must RSVP in advance.
North Cobb Senior Center 4100 S. Main St., Acworth Meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. Join veterans for an informal get-together with coffee, doughnuts, camaraderie and special guest presentations at the North Cobb Senior Center. Call Mike Nichols at 770-528-1448 for more information.
Registration is required for all activities; no walk-ins allowed. Call 770-975-7740 to register, or visit www.MyActiveCenter.com.
West Cobb Senior Center
4915 Dallas Highway, Powder Springs 770-528-8200 www.cobbcounty.org/ public-services/senior-services
Jan. 14
Reel Good Movies. 1-3 p.m. On the second Friday of the month, see a new-release movie. Call for the movie title. Jan. 19
Fancy Fold Cards. 10 a.m.-noon. Create fancy fold cards perfect for special people. Jan. 24
Lunch & Learn: Money Smart.
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Plan ahead, and learn to identify and prevent financial exploitation, including identity theft, scams and homeowner mortgage schemes. Cost is $5. Jan. 25
Peace of Mind Checklist. 1011 a.m. Learn about important documents, including wills, power of attorney, Georgia directive healthcare and pre-planning documents. Jan. 26
Walk West Cobb: Allatoona
Creek Park. 9:30-11 a.m. Meet up and explore the trails at Allatoona Creek Park in Acworth. Jan. 28
Tech Talk: Getting to Know Siri.
10-11 a.m. IPhones are equipped with a digital personal assistant that handles questions, tasks, reminders, directions and more. Learn how to talk to Siri, and discover all the tasks she can help complete. Jan. 31
Google Feud. 2-3:30 p.m. Try a spin on the classic television show. Instead of guessing what the survey says, guess what people searched on Google.
4100 S. Main St., Acworth 770-975-7740 www.cobbcounty.org/ public-services/senior-services
Jan. 11
Culinary Creations: Mad About
Mushrooms. 1-2 p.m. Learn about mushrooms and their nutritional content, watch a cooking demonstration, and experience a delectable recipe. Cost is $3. Jan. 12
Using Uber. 10-11 a.m. Learn how to use the app that makes getting around the community as easy as tapping a button. Jan. 13
Armchair Travels: Zambian Safari.
10:30-11:30 a.m. Discover the world without going anywhere. Often described as one of Africa’s last true wildernesses, Zambia is known for its beautiful scenery, walking safaris and abundant wildlife. Jan. 14
Use Your Noodle. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Use your noodle to exercise. Join the fun for a new way to play your favorite game. Jan. 18
Tuesday Trivia. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Wear your warm sweater, and join a game of winter trivia that will put your knowledge to the test and teach you fun facts about winter, too! Jan. 19
Crafting Corner: Jewelry Making.
10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Explore your creativity as Evelyn Patrick guides you in making unique pieces of jewelry. Cost is $5. Registration deadline is Jan. 12. Jan. 20
Art-ivity: Zendoodle Wrap. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Turn a recycled can into a pen and pencil holder. Bring a 15-ounce empty and washed can. Jan. 25
Learn a New Game: Backward Rummy.
10:30-11:30 a.m. Join a fun and addictive card game where you will compete to have the lowest score by the end of the game. Jan. 28
Tooth Be Told. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Learn about common causes of cavities in older adults. Join Dr. Yen Tran with Acworth Premier Dental Care to hear how to keep your teeth healthy and disease free.