2 minute read
Jennifer Bonn
The end of one year and the beginning of the next always is a time of renewal. When working on our computers, if something we were expecting to appear isn’t visible, we hit the refresh button. We can learn from our experiences from the past year, and make new goals for the future. Here are a few ways to hit the refresh button as we start the new year. Reflect on the past year. What worked for you in 2021, and what didn’t? What did you learn? Make a list of the major events in your life last year, how they affected you and your response. Make a vision board. This is a visual expression of your goals. Put photos and descriptions of your dreams and expectations for the new year on a bulletin board. Then, put it somewhere you can see it, and be reminded of what you would like to achieve. . Do something epic. A friend who has always wanted to do an ultra-marathon told me, “This is the year I do something epic.” I thought that was an amazing goal. Don’t let fear hold you back from something you have wanted to do. It seems only impossible until you do it. What does epic mean to you? How will you grow? List three things that will help you grow. What would you like to improve? Make a plan for how you can make it happen, but be realistic. You cannot lose 100 pounds overnight, but you can lose it gradually. Keep your goals achievable. Step out of your comfort zone. My youngest is one of the kindest, sweetest people you can meet, but she would be happy if she could just be a hermit. Making small talk, and meeting new people is difficult for her, but once she takes that step, she is glad she did. What is holding you back? We all have something that gets in our way of being the best we can be. How can you clear your path? Evaluate your relationships. Are you surrounded by people who love and support you, or are there toxic people saying hurtful things? Do you dread your job, or do you look forward to waking up to a fresh start? Do you need to be healthier? Evaluate what you need to be the best version of yourself, and make it happen.
As we hit the refresh button, I hope what enters your life carries more blessings than burdens, that the burdens are light, and that 2022 brings you closer to accomplishing all your dreams.
Jennifer Bonn is a freelance writer in Kennesaw and a recently retired 40-year educator. Her book, “101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden,” was recently released and is available on Amazon.