6 Tips to Improve Bladder Control BY JAMES HALEY, MD, FACOG, FPMRS
According to the American Urological Association, the definition of urinary incontinence (UI) is the involuntary loss of urine. It’s common in women of all ages and is typically caused by childbirth, aging, hormonal changes or even a persistent cough. Incontinence can have a profound impact on a woman’s life, causing sufferers to avoid social situations and shy away from their favorite activities. Some of the simplest things can trigger bladder leakage, such as laughing, coughing, sneezing, jogging or picking up your baby. Fortunately, there are some simple tips that can be implemented to help you stay in control, so you can enjoy a stress-free life.
1. Drink up (but not too much). Drinking enough fluids is important to avoid concentrated urine, which can be irritating to the bladder. But, drinking too much water can wreak havoc if you have UI. Aim to drink about two quarts (eight cups) of water daily to keep your bladder and kidneys healthy. 2. Skip the caffeine. Cola, chocolate and coffee, oh my! Yes, we do love our caffeine, but you’re doing yourself no favor by drinking products with caffeine. It can be hard to avoid altogether, so try to cut back. 3. Stick to a schedule. You may not feel like you have to go, but you should try to head to the bathroom on a regular, more frequent schedule, because empty bladders can’t leak. Shoot for every two hours and adjust as you go to fit your schedule. 4. Squeeze before you sneeze. Kegel exercises can help strengthen your pelvic muscles and, in turn, help prevent accidents. Aim to do them regularly throughout the day; the more you do, the stronger you’ll make your muscles. 5. Discuss medication side effects. The medication you are taking may have diuretic effects, and you may not know it. Talk with your physician to make sure you’re not taking any prescription or over-the-counter drugs that could be making your UI worse. 6. Lose weight. Extra weight on the abdomen means more pressure is applied to the bladder; losing weight can help control UI. If you are affected by UI, talk to your doctor. UI is more common than people think, so don’t be shy! Your doctor can help you find the best treatment, and the solution may be simpler than you think.
DirecteD by NaNcy JeNseN February 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 SHOWS/SHOW DATES (TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
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Friday/Saturday - 8 p.m. • Sunday - 2:30 p.m.
Adults – $18 | Member Discount – $15 Groups 10 or more - $13 | Senior/Student/Active Military – $15 P l ay i n g at Canton Theatre • 171 E. Main St., Canton, GA
James Haley, MD, FACOG and FPMRS, is an OB-GYN and urogynecologist with Cherokee Women’s Health in Canton and Woodstock.
Box Office 770-591-0282 | info@cherokeetheatre.org Cherokee Theatre Company PO Box 5885 • Canton, GA 30114 TOWNELAKER | January 2022