11-20 AroundAcworth webfinal

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Community Strength Stands Out in 2020 BY WAYNE DENNARD

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, and, even in a year as challenging as 2020, we still have much for which to be thankful. Challenging times provide us with vast opportunities. This year, we have had the opportunity to test our adaptability. Schools, teachers, students and parents learned they could adapt with little more than a weekend’s notice to transition to remote learning. While the process was not flawless, it was an incredible feat, and, most important, students continued to learn. Businesses learned to adapt their work models to fit pandemic restrictions, and, in many cases, they became more efficient and were able to provide better service. While some businesses are surviving and thriving through this time, we know there are others that are struggling desperately. This struggle creates an opportunity for others to help. Our city, among others nationwide, received CARES Act assistance, and I am grateful to our city leaders for steering some relief to our local small businesses. While government stimulus has helped, an incredible amount of help has come from local churches, schools, businesses, and individuals who have been providing food to those in need throughout the pandemic. This year has also been a challenge in terms of policing, and the outlook that society has on police officers. Because of this, our profession has had the opportunity to increase our coordination and communication within the community to ensure we have the best policies and practices in place. I am

pleased to report our agency was in compliance with the best practices, which have been advocated for at the national level, prior to their development within the police reform movement. I believe all agencies must continually re-evaluate policies and practices to ensure they are providing the best possible service to their citizens, as well as to their officers, and our agency does this regularly. Society’s outlook on policing has also given us the opportunity to increase our communication with community members who have felt marginalized. I have been grateful for the open and honest dialogue, and I am looking forward to ongoing discussions. I believe the first step in healing is simple, honest communication. Eleanor Roosavelt said it best, “You have to accept whatever comes, and the only important thing is that you meet it with the best you have to give.” Our entire world has been faced with unimaginable challenges this year; no one has been untouched. I know our community’s strength, and our ability to adapt and overcome, will allow us to emerge stronger, and even better than before. So, in this season of thanks, I am so thankful for all of you – each and every member of our community. We are all in this together.


I know our community’s strength, and our ability to adapt and overcome, will allow us to emerge stronger, and even better than before.


AROUND ACWORTH | November 2020


Wayne Dennard has served as chief since 2012 and has lived in this community for more than 40 years.

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