Why Annual Gynecology Exams are Important BY CHEROKEE WOMEN’S HEALTH SPECIALISTS, PC
It’s a common misconception that women don’t need an annual checkup from their gynecologist. In fact, women do need a checkup each year, especially for pelvic and breast exams. These exams are important to maintaining overall health.
What is the difference between a pap smear and a pelvic exam?
A pap smear and a pelvic exam are not the same thing. A pap smear is a brushing of cells from the cervix or opening of the uterus. These cells are evaluated by a laboratory to look for signs of precancerous diseases of the cervix that, if successfully treated, can prevent cervical cancer. Pap smears do not test for uterine or ovarian cancer. A pelvic exam usually occurs after a pap smear at your annual checkup. Your doctor is checking for any suspicious lesions that could indicate skin cancer or vulvar diseases. A manual exam also will be performed. During this process, your doctor is checking to see if the organs have changed in size or shape. If your doctor determines your uterus or other organs feel enlarged, he or she may order an ultrasound to check for fibroids, cysts or other inconsistencies.
Do I need a pap smear every year?
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggests certain women do not require a pap smear every
year. Women over the age of 30, in a mutually monogamous relationship that have never had an abnormal pap smear, may not need a pap smear each year. Also, if you’ve ever had a hysterectomy that was not done for an abnormal pap smear, your doctor may suggest you only need a pap smear every three to five years. However, any changes to your menstrual cycle, abnormal bleeding or vaginal pain or discomfort should warrant a call to your gynecologist.
Do I need a pelvic exam every year?
It is imperative you do not skip your annual pelvic exam, even if you have had a hysterectomy with removal of the uterus and ovaries. Your annual well visit not only includes a pelvic exam, but a breast exam, as well as an opportunity to talk to your doctor about any other concerns. If you haven’t had your annual exam yet, schedule it now. Annual pelvic exams, in addition to your yearly well-woman exam, are essential for maintaining your overall health.
Cherokee Women's Health Specialists, PC has seven physicians with offices in Canton and Woodstock. 770-720-7733. www.cherokeewomenshealth.com.
AROUND CANTON | December 2021