12-21 Around Canton webfinal.pdf

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Flowers blanketed the Schug family lawn as word traveled throughout the community of the passing of our sweet Chasity Schug on Nov. 4. Since August, many have followed Chasity’s difficult journey as she bravely fought the complications of COVID-19. A memorial on the Shug family’s lawn in memory of Chasity, right. Our community rallied to support Chasity and her family through prayer chains, meal trains, prayer circles on the hospital grounds, T-shirts, On Aug. 24, she went to Wellstar logos and meals for the ICU nursing staff. Chasity’s painful Kennestone’s emergency room journey had a way of jolting life back into its proper perspective; with a high fever and was treated causing us to forget about all that never really mattered. We loved for pneumonia, a bladder infection just like Chasity taught us to love. We followed her journey and and dehydration. The next day, her desperately prayed for a different outcome. condition worsened, and she was “Today [Nov. 4] was the worst day of my entire life. It is with moved to the intensive care unit, a heavy heart that I let you know that my angel on Earth has where she remained for 72 days. She become an angel in heaven,” Scott wrote on the Prayers for quickly went from a ventilator to Chasity Facebook page, which has more than 1,600 followers, the addition of an ECMO machine, and a GoFundMe page. which pumps and oxygenates a patient’s blood outside the Chasity Schug, 44, wife of Scott and mom of Carter, 15, body, allowing the heart and lungs to rest and recover, as well and Preston, 13, spent her life selflessly loving and caring as dialysis and a trachea. Chasity fought so hard, however, for everyone she met. She had a special way of seeing others blood clots, bleeding, pneumonia and infection made recovery with her heart and not her eyes, her love genuinely deep and impossible. unconditional. During her 72 days in the ICU, the doctors and ICU team “Chasity planted the seed of love, empathy, kindness, made a personal connection with Chasity; their love and selflessness, generosity, fellowship, loyalty and friendship to all care for her was amazing. “The team at the hospital has been she met,” said her close friend, Suzy Gebhart. She was heavily fantastic. They are making miracles happen every day and involved in her boys’ school and many sports activities. She deserve our respect and praise,” Scott said. Chasity’s younger always was volunteering, cheering for every child and building brother, Will, joined her on the ICU floor, also fighting the relationships that turned friends into family. Her love for virus. Please continue to pray for their sweet family, and for a children was one of the many gifts that came naturally to her. full and complete recovery for Will. She kept children in her home while her boys were younger, As Scott faces his future without his wife of 20 years, he and later served as the lead infant teacher at Hillside Preschool also faces the reality associated with ICU co-pays, funeral and Academy. In Chasity’s memory, the family set up a fund costs, and stepping into shoes that no one can fill. Let’s at Hillside United Methodist Church to make playground support the Schug family and keep them in our prayers. improvements for the children she deeply loved. Chasity made Everyday Angels wishes our amazing community a safe, us better and our community better. healthy and peaceful Christmas season. May we all love and Everyday Angels was first introduced to the Schug family be as loved as Chasity Schug! in 2016, when Chasity’s husband, Scott, then 39, was battling papillary cancer. During that time, Chasity bravely cared for her husband and her young, active sons. It did not take long to Everyday Angels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving Cherokee County understand why everyone loved this sweet family. since 2000. To make a tax deductible donation, visit www. Fast forward five years to find Scott and Chasity’s roles everydayangels.info to donate via Paypal, or send your donations to: Everyday Angels, PMB 380, 1025 Rose Creek Drive, Suite 620, reversed. On Aug. 18, Chasity, tested positive for COVID-19. Woodstock GA, 30189. One hundred percent of your funds will Since the beginning of the pandemic, Chasity diligently go to the family you specify. If you know of a special need in your protected herself, her sons, and especially Scott, whose immune community, email aaeverydayangels@gmail.com. system was compromised. 42

AROUND CANTON | December 2021

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