7 minute read
Susan Schulz
Wreaths are placed to honor the veterans laid to rest at the Georgia National Cemetery.
This Christmas, Let’s Live Up to Their Legacy
Most of us have a desire to remember the fallen, honor those who have served and teach our children the value of freedom. One meaningful way to do that this Christmas is to get involved with the Wreaths Across America project. Local volunteers at the Georgia National Cemetery (GNC) Advisory Council are working hard to ensure veterans laid to rest at GNC are honored.
This year’s wreath placement, held across the country at more than 2,500 locations, will be Dec. 17-18. The event is open to the public, 9 a.m.-noon Friday and 10 a.m.-noon Saturday. After placement concludes, a ceremony will begin at noon Saturday. This event helps educate the next generation, as well as community members and visitors, about the services and sacrifices of our nation’s military men and women.
This year’s theme is Live Up to Their Legacy. After a couple of challenging years, Wreaths Across America gives us a way to redirect our focus during the holiday season. The council’s goal is to memorialize 18,000 patriots with a fresh balsam wreath this season.
“The response we see from the community for Wreaths Across America reinforces our commitment to honor these veterans and their families. The wreath program is truly worthy of our combined efforts. This year we are raising approximately $200,000, and 100% of the funds go toward purchasing wreaths. Any incidental expenses are covered by the GNC Advisory Council’s general fund,” Chairman Russ Seltenright said.
The cost to sponsor one wreath is $15, or $10 each if funding more than three. There is a critical need for donors to sponsor 10 wreaths for $100. Visit ganationalcemetery.org for opportunities to support the program. The GNC Advisory Council receives no state or federal funding as a volunteerrun 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible, and funds raised support community programs, projects and events, such as Wreaths Across America. Follow #LiveTheirLegacy2021 for nationwide stories.

Susan Schulz is a Bible teacher and mentor who lives and plays on the Etowah River in Canton. Connect with her on social media or at susanbrowningschulz.com.
Lend a Helping Hand
As Christmas approaches, the needs among local nonprofits have increased as the directors and volunteers are working to make sure everyone has a great holiday season. Here’s a list of organizations devoted to helping others. Please do what you can to pitch in, whether it’s donating money or time. While you’re at it, consider bringing a basket of homemade goodies, fresh fruit or colorful flowers to show your appreciation for the staff and volunteers at these nonprofits.
Acworth Police Department Christmas Shoppe
Every year, the Acworth Police Department invites parents in need to come and select holiday gifts for their children at the station’s Christmas Shoppe. The community can assist the Christmas Shoppe by donating new, unwrapped toys and clothes for school-aged children. Donations can be dropped off at the police department anytime before Dec. 15. 770-974-1232, Ext. 1115.
Encompass Ministries
Encompass Ministries and its food pantry offer year-round food and stability, as well as life-skills training assistance. Special holiday needs: donations of turkeys, ham and nonperishable food items. A list of the top 10 food needs is kept up-to-date on the website. Tax-deductible donations also are accepted on the website. For more details, call 770-591-4730.
Cobb Christmas Stuff-A-Bus
Help the Stuff-A-Bus program brighten the holidays for local children in need by donating new toys, food or monetary contributions to Cobb Christmas, a nonprofit, nondenominational organization that helps low-income families during the holidays. It is 100% run by volunteers, so all donations go directly to help the community. Cobb Christmas provides a minimum of three age-appropriate toys to each child, ages infant-15. Families go through a qualification process. Check the website to find a donation location near you, or drop off donations 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Dec. 8-10 at the IAM Lodge 709 (1032 S. Marietta Parkway, Marietta). Cobb Senior Services
There are several opportunities to contribute to the Cobb Senior Services programs. Financial donations are accepted year-round for the Senior Care or Meals on Wheels programs, in addition to the Senior Santa program. Tax-deductible donations are used to assist Cobb County seniors in need of meals, transportation, emergency assistance, utilities and more. There is an ongoing need for grocery gift cards for seniors, and volunteers always are needed for Meals on Wheels and in the senior centers. 770-528-5355.
Family Promise Cobb County
Family Promise serves housing insecure families with children, by providing shelter through community faith partnerships. While the family has shelter, the day center staff stays busy working to help the adults find jobs, learn budgeting, connect with benefits and services that will help them. Donations of gas cards and Walmart, Publix, Kroger or Target gift cards are requested to help the families being served. Donations of new bed pillows, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, paper towels and toilet paper are always needed.
Goshen Valley Foundation
Goshen Valley Boys Ranch attempts to provide a memorable Christmas experience for foster children, with the community’s help. This includes building traditions, talking about the true meaning of Christmas, as well as fulfilling young people’s wants and needs through gift giving, to teach them that they are loved. With 42 kids to purchase gifts for, Goshen Valley relies on the generosity of the community to fulfill these wishes. A list of gifts has been compiled on Amazon through a charity wishlist. For details, visit http://goshenwishlist.org, email Executive Director Stacy Cooper at scooper@goshenvalley.org or call 770-796-4618 for a clickable link to view gifts the boys have requested.
The Hope Box www.TheHopeBox.org
The Hope Box, a nonprofit dedicated to rescuing abandoned babies and toddlers, needs donations via gift cards to Walmart, CVS and Target to cover the costs of car seats and other needs of mothers and infants in crisis. Mail gift cards to 3330 Cobb Parkway, Suite 324/180, Acworth, GA 30101. For more information, call 770-765-6301.
Jerry Worthan Memorial Christmas Fund
Each year, Kennesaw Police Department (KPD) hosts the Jerry Worthan Memorial Christmas Fund, which ensures Kennesaw children don’t go without Christmas gifts. The KPD is accepting monetary and toy donations. Drop off all donations at the police department by Dec. 14. To adopt a family for Christmas, contact KPD_PIO@kennesaw-ga.gov or 770-429-4532.
KSU CARE Services
The Campus Awareness, Resource & Empowerment (CARE) Services office offers program support to students who are experiencing homelessness, food insecurity and/or the foster care system. Monetary donations to the fund can make a huge difference in the lives of students, and their academic careers. There is an online shopping gift list for granting holiday wishes to students within this special population. For details, contact CARES at careservices@kennesaw.edu or 470-KSU-5260.
MUST Ministries www.mustministries.org
MUST Ministries long has been a source of help and hope to those living in poverty. To help your neighbors in need, MUST always is in need of donations of nonperishable food items. Visit the website for the most current list of needed items. The Donation Center accepts donations of nonperishable items Tuesday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., at the MUST Ministries Donation Center located at 1280 Field Parkway, Marietta, GA 30066. For more information, email Gabe Fleming at gfleming@ mustministries.org.
Never Alone
The food pantry is seeking partners to help fight hunger in the community. The pantry provides more than 126,100 meals to approximately 800 households each month. Never Alone’s partnership with the Atlanta Community Food Bank allows it to purchase food at greatly discounted prices. Tax deductible donations can be made online at www.NeverAlone.org, or by check, made payable to and mailed to: Never Alone Outreach, P.O. Box 1904, Woodstock, GA 30188. North Georgia Angel House
The organization has served girls since 2006, by providing shelter, life skills, job readiness services, family support and more, for up to 40 females at a time. Current needs include: MP3 players, earbuds, gift cards for clothing or activities in the area and journals. Visit the website to donate, or shop on Amazon Smile and select North Georgia Angel House Inc as your charity to support.
Simple Needs GA
The Spirit of Christmas program helps school- and agency-referred families who were unable to register for other local programs, such as the MUST Toy Shop, Cobb Christmas and Toys for Tots. Volunteer opportunities include buying requested presents, wrapping gifts, making deliveries, sorting and organizing and more. For more information, email brenda@simpleneedsga.org.
Toys for Tots www.toysfortots.org
Toys for Tots is a national program started by the Marine Corps. Toys for Tots collects new, unwrapped toys year round to distribute to children in need during the holiday season as a way of spreading joy to the less fortunate. Visit the website for the most updated list of collection sites in Kennesaw.