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Senior Events
Senior Activities
Covenant Presbyterian Church 2881 Canton Road, Marietta 770-722-7641 www.alohatoaging.org
Parkinson’s Disease Support Group
Meets the first Tuesday each month at 2 p.m. Group discussion, for the person with Parkinson’s and their care partner, on helpful tips and resources that provide comfort and encouragement.
Dementia Caregiver Support Group
Meets the first Monday each month at 2 p.m. Open to family members who are assisting an aging loved one, in or out of the home. Care provided during the meeting, but must RSVP in advance.
North Cobb Senior Center 4100 S. Main St., Acworth Meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. Join veterans for an informal gettogether with coffee, doughnuts, camaraderie and special guest presentations at the North Cobb Senior Center. Call Mike Nichols at 770-528-1448 for more information.
Registration is required for all activities; no walk-ins allowed. Call 770-975-7740 to register, or visit www.MyActiveCenter.com.
North Cobb Senior Center
4100 S. Main St., Acworth 770-975-7740 www.cobbcounty.org/ public-services/senior-services Dec. 8
Jingle Bell Bash Crafts and
Cocoa. 1-4 p.m. Join the holiday fun by spending time together making crafts, tasting creations from the hot cocoa and dessert bar and visiting with Santa. Cost is $5.
Dec. 10
Art-ivity: Clowning Around
Hand Art. 1-2 p.m. Use your hand as a template to learn how to create a neat optical illusion with straight and curved lines, as well as color.
Dec. 13
Learn a New Game: Naughty
or Nice. 1-2 p.m. Can you get everything you want for the holidays, or avoid getting what you don’t want? Dec. 15
Culinary Creations: History of
Cake. 1-2 p.m. Learn about the origins of cakes around the world and how different cultures influenced cake made in America today. Learn how to make cake pops, a modern twist on cake. Cost is $3.
Dec. 16
Healthy Holiday Side Dishes.
10:30-11:30 a.m. Whether you love roasted root veggies or peppery salads, there are many healthy side dishes full of irresistible flavors. Join a discussion about healthy side dishes for the holidays. Dec. 16
Age in Place: Preparing for Safe
Adult Living. 12:45-1:45 p.m. Learn how to prepare your home by eliminating potential safety hazards, what modifications your home may need, tips for decluttering and how to prepare your home to sell.
Dec. 22
Armchair Travels: North Pole.
10:30-11:30 a.m. Discover the world without actually going anywhere. Head to the North Pole, a strange and mystical world of ice, snow, land and water, the largest wilderness on earth. Dec. 28
Tuesday Trivia: Holidays are
a Circus. 1-2 p.m. Test your knowledge to see how much you know about December and the greatest show on earth.
West Cobb Senior Center
4915 Dallas Highway, Powder Springs 770-528-8200 www.cobbcounty.org/ public-services/senior-services Dec. 8
Staying Healthy for the
Holidays. 10-11 a.m. Space is limited to 15 people. The holidays are the perfect time for your taste buds, but not so good for your waistline. Learn how you can enjoy this holiday season while staying healthy. Dec. 13
Tech Talk: My Active Center.
10-11 a.m. Space is limited to 15 people. Learn how you can register online for senior center classes and activities with My Active Center. Dec. 15
Fancy Fold Cards. 10 a.m.-noon. Space is limited to 15 people. Create fancy fold cards perfect for the special people in your life. Dec. 17
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Drive Up. 11:30 a.m.-noon. Space is limited to 50 people; call to reserve your spot. Pull up to the front doors, roll down your window, and Santa and his reindeer will hand you a boxed lunch.