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Kyler Rae’Den
Age 5 on Nov. 24 Happiest birthday, sweet boy! Love, Mommy, Daddy and Kollier
Kollier Rae’Jon
Age 8 on Dec. 12 To our big boy on his birthday, we love you and are so proud of you. Happy birthday, KRae. Go Niners! Mommy, Daddy and Kyler
Age 2 on Dec. 19 Happy birthday, Briley! We love you! Mommy and Mama
Happy fifth birthday, Hawk! I am so grateful you are my grandson. Love always, Dad, Jourdan and GMom
Kyle Tipper and Emily Light
Etowah seniors Kyle Tipper and Emily Light on homecoming court.

Dominick James Bruley
Age 7 on Dec. 25 Happy birthday! We love you! Mama, Daddy, Nana and Aunt Linda

Madison Cornwell and Jackson Shaw
Congratulations to Madison Cornwell and Jackson Shaw on their recent engagement.

Anslee, 27, Madison, 21, and Chandler, 16
Happy birthday to our three amazing daughters! We are so proud of each of you and thank God for the blessings he gave us when he gave us you three! We love you to the moon and back!
JoAnna O’Laughlin
Age 13 on Dec. 3 Happy birthday! Enjoy your teen years. Love, Mom, Grandma, Jayce, Auntie, Tab and John
Happy eighth birthday, James! You bring us so much joy. We love you! Mom and Dad

May God continue to keep you happy and healthy. Happy birthday, sweet daughter! Love, Mommy, Dad and Mikaela
Charlotte Collins
Happy third birthday! We love you so, so much! Mommy, Daddy and Ava
Happy 14th birthday to our beautiful, Christmas princess! We love you, and may God bless you always! Mom, Dad and your brothers