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Everyday Angels
We have written about addiction many times. The effects of someone’s struggle with drug addiction stretch out far beyond them. Their immediate family also feels the impact when their loved one has a drug or alcohol problem. Whether it is a child, parent or spouse, addiction alters the lives of anyone who loves the person. As we begin 2022, we share a plea for help for a neighbor whose life has been rocked by addiction.
Everyday Angels would love to assist this sweet couple during a difficult season. We will accept grocery and gas cards to help with the costs of caring for extended family and to help with the daily commutes for treatment. We pray for healing for both the grandpa and daughter and for strength for the sweet wife and grandmother. We look forward to sharing a victorious followup story.
Everyday Angels is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving Cherokee County since 2000. To make a tax deductible donation, visit www.everydayangels. info to donate via Paypal, or send your donations to: Everyday Angels, PMB 380, 1025 Rose Creek Drive, Suite 620, Woodstock GA, 30189. One hundred percent of your funds will go to the family you specify. If you know of a special need in your community, email aaeverydayangels@gmail.com. “Nobody stays recovered unless the life they have created is more rewarding and satisfying than the one they left behind.” - Anne Fletcher

Dear Everyday Angels:
I write to you out of concern for dear neighbors and friends who have been dealt with more than their fair share over the years, especially recently.
Throughout the past 20-plus years, I have lived a few houses down from a wonderful couple with three children. One of their kids struggled with serious addiction issues that created turmoil in what was supposed to be the golden retirement years. They tirelessly tried to get help for their daughter over the years and kept her children while she spent months in and out of rehab facilities, and then, long term when their daughter was incarcerated. During this time, this wonderful Christian couple reverted back to parenthood while in their late 60s, praying that this time, things may be different when their daughter returned. I have always admired their dedication to their family no matter how unfair it seemed.
I recently learned that the husband, dad, grandpa was diagnosed with prostate cancer, stage 3. His treatment began before the holidays. A group of neighbors got together and are planning to assist with meals for them, since the grandmother is busy caring for her husband and two young grandchildren. She is tired and weary. It saddens me to see such wonderful people having to endure this all at once. They are allowing us to help them but would have never asked. We are doing as much as we can for them, but I would love to do more. We would love to help pay some of their bills, groceries, gas, etc. and relieve some of the stress from their hectic lives. They do not deserve all they have been through and continue to go through. Any little bit of assistance you can provide would be great encouragement for them.

The team at Veracity Capital.
Boutique Approach Allows Firm to Serve
Clients’ Individual Needs
As an employee-owned, registered investment adviser, Veracity Capital offers its clients a boutique wealth management service through comprehensive financial planning and investment management.
Two of the firm’s distinctions are:
— A philosophy that financial planning drives investment decisions. — The founders have an extensive background at a large investment bank. In 2018, Michael Collopy and the other founders left a large investment bank to start Veracity Capital, with the goal of tailoring their services for their client niche: Goaloriented clients who need personal financial advice and investment management.
“We felt we had the experience to build a service that was an improvement for the clients we serve,” said Collopy, who is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®). “We also wanted the challenge and excitement that comes with starting a business. It was the perfect recipe and timing for our team to create Veracity Capital.”
This thorough, truthful and time-sensitive approach allows Collopy and his partners to dive deep with each client to meet specific needs. The Atlanta-based company has offices across the country; advisers generally work with clients who fall into one of three categories.
1. The typical client is a corporate employee with employee benefits that they need help navigating, such as RSUs (restricted stock units), stock options and deferred compensation plans, among other benefits.
While valuable, benefits often are confusing. “We find that, sometimes, employees are not maximizing their benefits because they don’t understand the plans, so we spend time helping clients maximize their benefits, building investment portfolios and a financial plan to meet their goals,” Collopy said.
2. As a natural progression, retirees seek advice from
Veracity Capital. When clients who are corporate employees and business owners reach retirement, they can count on Veracity Capital advisers to help them through financial planning and investment management.
3. Veracity also works with business owners, another demographic that is served best by a holistic approach.
“Owning a business comes with a certain set of risks and complications,” Collopy said. “As business owners, that’s an area we’re comfortable giving financial advice.”
Meeting Needs Now An Eye on the Future
The uniqueness of the employee-owned firm allows flexibility, which Collopy said is appreciated highly by clients. Veracity advisers meet with clients regularly to discuss their goals, financial plans and investment portfolios. These meetings can be in person at the client’s home, in the adviser’s office, or online via a webinar, an option that has become popular.

Having a variety of meeting options is important for businessmen and women who are busy with careers, juggling a family and other priorities.
“We could meet in person for breakfast on a Saturday morning at a local restaurant, or hold a virtual meeting on a Thursday evening after dinner,” Collopy said. “That sort of service is tough to find in general, and certainly tough to find within a larger corporation, which is part of the reason we built the firm this way.”
The firm’s holistic approach gives advisers a chance to pull together the big picture for each client, and identify gaps that may adversely affect the future. For example, a client may have a great investment portfolio, but if they don’t have the proper insurance coverage, or if they don’t have a will and other estate planning documents, they have gaps in their financial plan.
In addition to building a holistic financial plan, the ongoing management is a key to success. “It’s common to have tax planning opportunities and portfolio adjustments during any given year. These are areas we feel add value, and are easier to quantify for clients,” Collopy said.
Attention to detail, viewing the bigger picture and safer investments have paid off for the relatively young company.
“We strive to help clients achieve financial confidence and peace of mind, and we are thrilled to be serving our local community to that endeavor,” Collopy said. “As we’ve all seen, this community has had tremendous growth over the past few years, and we feel fortunate to be a part of it.”