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Around & About FEBRUARY


The Valentine’s Dance Party: Totally Tiki Luau, 6-9 p.m., features an all-you-can-eat dinner and dessert bar, photo opportunities and a professional DJ at Ben Robertson Community Center’s Banquet Hall in Kennesaw. All adults must be accompanied by a child, and all children must be accompanied by an adult. Tickets are $15 per person, and can be purchased in advance online, or at the community center. https://bit.ly/3fEDU3b.


Join NorthStar Church for a drive-through Night to Shine experience. The special-needs prom event is 6-8 p.m., with interactive stations featuring princess encounters, crazy characters, walking the red carpet, playing hands-on games, snapping memories at photo spots and more. Guests and caregivers will receive swag bags with special gifts inside. https://northstarchurch.org/special-needs/#nighttoshine.


The Great Backyard Bird Count is back, and people from around the world will come together to watch, learn about, count and celebrate birds for four days. For more information on how to share your bird sightings, visit www.birdcount.org/participate.


The 13th annual Special Olympics Georgia Polar Plunge, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., is one of the “coolest” fundraising events around. The event returns to Acworth Beach at Cauble Park. All proceeds go to providing 26,620 Special Olympics Georgia athletes free year-round sports training. For more information, and to register, visit polarplungega.org.


Offering Moms Support Club, 5 Moms Acworth chapter, meets 10 a.m. at North Cobb

Regional Library. The Kennesaw chapter will join in; everyone is welcome to mingle and share ideas. For more information, visit kennesawmomsclub.weebly.com. Touch-a-Truck, hosted by Kennesaw Parks and Recreation, runs 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Adams Park, 2600 Park Drive, Kennesaw.

The sixth annual Marietta Shamrock 12 Shuffle 5K, a Peachtree Road Race Qualifier benefitting Marietta’s Police Athletic League, 9 a.m., at Marietta Square. Dress accordingly for this St. Patrick’s Day-themed race. https://mariettashamrockshuffle.com.

Georgia Food + Wine 24-27 The Festival, benefitting MUST

Ministries, is coming to Jim R. Miller Park in Marietta. Celebrate the best of Georgia and the South, from its culinary superstars and beverage experts, to farmers, artisans, live musicians and more. https://georgiafoodandwinefestival.com.

are underway for “Seven 25-27 Rehearsals Keys to Baldpate Inn,” a serious

comedy thriller, adapted by Paul Thain. Directed by Suzzune Husting, the play’s plot revolves around a bet to write a novel in 24 hours, with political intrigue, bribery, blackmail and a missing $1 million. On March 27, the show is at 3 p.m. All other shows are at 7 p.m. Keep an eye out for tickets at www.acworthculturalarts.org.

Plungers from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation wade through the frigid lake during a past Polar Plunge. Photo by Ed Selby. 24

AROUND KENNESAW | February 2022

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