Cherokee County Board of Commissioners Feb. 16 meeting highlights.
Four public hearings will be held at 6 p.m. March 16 in the ballroom of the Cherokee County Administration Building. The hearings will concern: the possible extension of the moratorium in Hickory Flat until June 15 or until the adoption of the Hickory Flat Area Plan; rural subdivisions, a topic that was discussed at the Board of Commissioners’ annual planning retreat in January; changes to the county’s development regulations, and changes to the county’s tree ordinance.
Commissioners also:
• Proclaimed Feb. 23, 2021, as Rotary Has Heart Day and Rotary Day in Cherokee County. Canton Rotary Club President Shane Moore and Towne Lake Club Immediate Past President Erika Neldner were present to accept the proclamations on behalf of their respective clubs. Feb. 23 is the Rotary’s 116th birthday. • Approved the purchase of 20 tasers along with holsters for the Cherokee Sheriff ’s Office in the amount of $28,356.20. • Adopted an ordinance related to a new seal and logo for the county. The ordinance provides guidelines for enforcement and penalties for the use of the seal and logo without approval. • Approved a proposal from GDOT for the acquisition of 1.655 acres of right of way for the Ga. 20 widening project – Ga. 369 to Ga. 371, from the county-owned library parcel at Old Mill Road in the amount of $248,300. County Manager Jerry Cooper asked commissioners to allocate the original amount paid for the property back into the SPLOST line item for the Sequoyah Regional Library System.
• Approved a new senior deputy clerk position for probate court. • Approved paying $8,881.81, to install flashing lights at the crosswalks on Ga. 140 and Ga. 108 around Reinhardt University. Reinhardt University, Cherokee County, and the city of Waleska are splitting the cost of the total project to be completed by the Georgia Department of Transportation.
During the Feb. 2 meeting, comissioners:
• Approved a $94,500 agreement for engineering design services to be provided by Kennedy Engineering and Associates Group to complete sidewalks on Hickory Road between New Light Road and East Cherokee Drive, and Stringer Road between Hickory Road and Ga. 140. The project, originally to be completed in two phases, now will be done in one phase. • Approved a request by Jonathan Grigg and Maurita Johnson for a Special-Use Permit for a woodworking shop on 3.33 acres at 5505 Bells Ferry Road with conditions that the permit was for Grigg and Johnson only, and future occupants of the property would have to complete the Special-Use Permit process if they choose this type of use. An additional condition included use of equipment to mitigate dust and fumes. • Remanded back to the planning commission a request by Manor Restorations to rezone 73.79 acres at 7351 Knox Bridge Highway from Agriculture to R-20 Single Family Residential for a residential conservation design community. • Approved appointing Buzz Ahrens to the Cherokee County Board of Health to fill the remainder of a term expiring on Dec. 31, 2022, previously held by Russ Flynn.
AROUND CANTON | March 2021