Experiences Foundation
A local version of Make-A-Wish meets Big Brothers, Big Sisters. BY SUSAN BROWNING SCHULZ
After dealing with their challenges of loss and heartbreak, Chad Blake and his wife, Cheryl, decided to make it their mission to help others. They co-founded Experiences Foundation, and through the organization provide experiences that are open for all individuals and families who have suffered a tough break in life.
Experiences Foundation recently delivered recess bags to Avery Elementary students. 32
“We think of ourselves as a local mini-Make-aWish meets Big Brothers, Big Sisters,” Blake said. “We offer a wide variety of events and programs, helping those who are struggling in our own circle of friends and those recommended through other community nonprofits. We have been doing ‘experiences’ that include mission trips for over 15 years, but made the foundation an official nonprofit in 2018. We want to make dreams come true, while lending a helping hand to do so.” Prior to the global pandemic shutdown, many experiences offered were sports-oriented. For example, they took special-needs clients and staff of Next Step Ministries in Woodstock to an Atlanta Braves game, which included lunch and snacks. “Everyone had such a wonderful time, and the staff was very appreciative of all [Experiences Foundation] did to make it run smoothly,” said Lori Baker, Next Step’s director. Without sporting events, the foundation made adjustments and got creative in serving the community. On one recent project, Experiences supplied an outdoor classroom with recess bags and picnic tables to enhance the students’ recess at Avery Elementary. Experiences also organized a drive-by parade to honor Aden Martinez, a young boy with a brain tumor. “I am at a loss for words,” his mother Sandy said after the event. “Thank you doesn’t sound like