Congratulations! Children’s Book Donated to Libraries
For the sixth consecutive year, the Georgia Foundation for Agriculture (GFA) and the Georgia Electric Membership Corporation (EMC) are jointly promoting agricultural literacy by donating copies of the children’s book “Tales of the Dairy Godmother: Chuck’s Ice Cream Wish” to the more than 400 libraries in the Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS). The GFA and Georgia EMC have given each county farm bureau in Georgia enough books for every public library in each county. Cherokee County Farm Bureau recently delivered a copy of the book to the following libraries: Ball Ground, Cherokee County Law Library, Hickory Flat, R.T. Jones, Rose Creek and Woodstock.
From left: John Bennett, vice-chairman board of directors Amicalola EMC in Jasper; Shirley Pahl program coordinator/office manager for the Cherokee County Farm Bureau, and John Rodgers, community engagement manager at the Sequoyah Regional Library System.
Woodstock resident Craig Kramer has been named CEO of Gulf Georgia. Kramer has more than 30 years of experience in the oil industry with small companies and larger brand names, serving in roles ranging from consultant to regional manager. Craig Kramer
Canton Piano Student Earns National Award Ephram Key of Canton is a winner in the National Guild of Piano Teachers Guild auditions, which recognizes accomplished students at all levels of piano achievement. Ephram performed a 10-piece memorized program before a professional adjudicator, chosen by the national organization. The adjudicator scores the student based on his or her performance in the areas of accuracy, continuity, phrasing, pedaling, dynamics, rhythm, tempo, tone, interpretation, style and technique. Each winner is awarded a certificate, a pin and a report card that acknowledges their areas of achievement and areas that might need additional effort. They also gain membership in the National Fraternity of Student Musicians. Ephram is a piano student of Anna Lee Moss of Canton. Anna is a member of the American College of Musicians.
Novel Written to Help Youth
Former school psychologist and Cherokee County resident Dr. John Poidevant has written an adventure novel that addresses challenges faced by youth that often exceed their coping skills. Depression, anxiety and suicide are on the rise with tragic results. “Into the Vortex” is intended to promote hope and resiliency for teens and tweens (ages 1115). The story/plot is drawn from the author’s 30-plus years as a school psychologist and mental health consultant working directly with elementary, middle and high school students; many of whom faced life’s most difficult challenges. The story is fiction, but based on a series of real-life events.
Ephram Key with piano teacher Anna Lee Moss.