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Clubs & Orgs

Clubs & Orgs

Letter From the Editor

One of the goals I have for each issue is to share stories of our neighbors who are doing great things, small or large deeds, to help their neighbors and friends, or folks they’ve never met who live around the world.


Izetta Stoner is one of these inspirations. At 93, the Woodstock resident crochets an average of two hats per day for a nonprofit called The Encouragement Project, which sends hats and scarves throughout the United States and around the world. It’s tough to give an update on the number of hats she’s produced so far, because it changes daily. At press time, our best count is more than 2,800.

Apparently Izetta’s story prompted a reader in Holly Springs, Jennifer, to contact The Encouragement Project to learn how to help. Jennifer leads a group of knitters/ crocheters at her church, and the members were looking for new places to donate. In addition to giving 100 items, the group is helping with other projects for the nonprofit.

“As a result of the article, we have also heard from one other lady who wants to volunteer in an elder care home,” said Stephanie Cervantes, founder of The Encouragement Project. “I have gotten her in touch with a place in Canton.”

Another reader decided to volunteer at the Circle of Friends coffee shop at The Circuit, after reading Susan Schulz’s February article about the nonprofit, which opened the coffee shop to offer job opportunities and a level of independence to young adults with disabilities.

I am sure - at least, I hope - there are more stories like these that I haven’t heard about. If you’ve been inspired by the people you meet on our pages, I’d love to hear from you. It’s inspiring to me to know what we do each month is making a difference in the community.

Our friends in Canton recently established eight Little Free Libraries throughout the city. I’d love to think that our May article about these fun, free-standing libraries prompted the expansion, but I’m just happy to hear that it happened. Especially since it ties into our Kindness Challenge for July.


Share a Book or Two. If you have a favorite book, consider passing it along to a friend, or someone you know who loves to read. Find a Little Free Library in your community and make regular visits to keep the shelves stocked. Check www.littlefreelibrary.org to find one, or look for Candy Baylor’s article on the subject in our May 2021 issue.

Candi Hannigan is the executive editor of Aroundabout Local Media. She has lived in Cherokee County since 1987. Send your comments or questions to Candi@AroundaboutMagazines.com.

What’s Coming

The TowneLaker’s parent company, Aroundabout Local Media, is launching a new magazine, Around Kennesaw, in August! Our team is excited to serve our Kennesaw neighbors with a full-color, 60-page publication that highlights the news and events in the community, and supports the local businesses that make Kennesaw great. Please contact Patty Ponder at patty@aroundaboutmagazines.com or call 770-615-3322 for more information. Charlice Byrd, a contributing writer who represents District 20 in the Georgia House of Representatives, captured this beautiful image during Woodstock’s Memorial Day commemoration. Guest speaker Sergeant at Arms Theo Williams, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret.), was one of four who released doves at the end of the ceremony. Purple Mattress Outlet will open at The Outlet Shoppes at Atlanta. Opening date wasn’t available at press time.

Your Serve Tennis is opening at 134 Woodstock Square Ave., Suite 415. An opening date wasn’t available at press time. For more information about the company, visit www.yourserve.com.

What’s Growing

Jaipur Living, a provider of handmade rugs and home furnishings, has begun a 192,072-square-foot expansion to its existing 179,727-square-foot headquarters in the Cherokee 75 Corporate Park in Southwest Cherokee. The project is expected to create 64 jobs. What’s Back

Gobble Jog, a Thanksgiving tradition for many families, will return to Marietta Square in November. The annual event, benefiting MUST Ministries, is one of the largest 10K races in the country, with more than 10,000 runners. MUST serves Cherokee County residents from its Canton office, on Brown Industrial Boulevard. For more information, visit www.gobblejog.org.

Around Acworth | Around Canton Around Woodstock | TowneLaker

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Helping local businesses grow and prosper by offering affordable advertising opportunities in a quality publication that provides positive, relevant information to our readers.

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“Working with the TowneLaker magazine has been an excellent experience for our business. Their staff is extremely professional, and the quality of their work is top-tier. We received a substantial amount of new business as a result of being on the front cover of the magazine. I wholeheartedly recommend the TowneLaker's platform as an opportunity for businesses small and large to build your local reputation and to get the attention of new and existing customers!” — Tim McWhirter, Canton Termite & Pest Control, Inc.

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Patty Ponder, ALM President 770-615-3322 Patty@AroundaboutMagazines.com

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Publisher Aroundabout Local Media, Inc. www.aroundaboutlocalmedia.com

ALM President Patty Ponder 770-615-3322 Patty@AroundaboutMagazines.com Executive Editor Candi Hannigan 770-615-3309 Candi@AroundaboutMagazines.com Managing Editor Katie Beall 770-852-8481 Katie@AroundaboutMagazines.com Assistant Editor Jessica Forrester 770-615-3318 Jessica@AroundaboutMagazines.com Art Director Michelle McCulloch 770-615-3307 Michelle@AroundaboutMagazines.com Page Designer Laura Latchford Laura@AroundaboutMagazines.com Controller Denise Griffin 770-615-3315 Denise@AroundaboutMagazines.com Social Media Manager Kathryn Holt Kat@AroundaboutMagazines.com Market & Advertising Specialist Michelle Smith Michelle.Smith@AroundaboutMagazines.com Copy Editors Bill King, Eliza Somers

TowneLaker, a publication of Aroundabout Local Media, Inc., is a monthly community magazine. The magazine’s goal is to help local businesses grow and prosper by offering affordable advertising opportunities in a quality publication that provides positive, relevant information to our readers. It distributes a total of 16,400 free copies. Approximately 15,620 are direct mailed to homes and businesses and an additional 780 are placed in racks in the community.

TowneLaker welcomes your comments, stories, and advertisements. Editorial deadline is the 1st and advertising deadline is the 5th of the previous month.

Subscriptions are available for $24 per year. Send check or money order to the address below.

The viewpoints of the advertisers, columnists and submissions are not necessarily those of the Editor/Publisher and the Publisher makes no claims as to the validity of any charitable organizations mentioned. TowneLaker is not responsible for errors or omissions. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the Publisher. All rights reserved. Copyright 2021.


1025 Rose Creek Drive, PMB 380, Suite 620 Woodstock, GA 30189

Volume 26, Issue 2

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