3 minute read
Wayne Dennard

Acworth Thrives Despite Pandemic
BY WAYNE DENNARD would be very difficult to complete a traffic stop or to
When our police department headquarters was under are truly heroes. They arrived at work each day to construction, I wrote a note and tucked it away inside provide a vital service, knowing that they might be a wall. For me, it was a way of creating a mini-time exposed to a potentially deadly virus. They know that capsule, a message to future generations. our country depends on them to provide for the public’s
As I think back on the sense of hope I had as I safety, and to ensure that the needs of society are met. placed that note in the wall, I can’t help but feel the I could not be more grateful for each and every one of same level of hopefulness now. Crisis situations have these incredible men and women. a way of honing our focus on what is most important. Our local schools faced a challenge similar to that When we are in survival mode, the of our administrative staff — little things seem less important, and our efforts are focused on our needs As a community, continuation of services. Teachers and administrators worked tirelessly to rather than our wants. The pandemic, we are not just ensure that students were educated, the quarantine, the reopening efforts, and the anticipation of another wave working to survive, continued to provide meals to students in need, and even found meaningful of the virus have been challenging but we are working ways to provide graduating students for everyone. Life doesn’t look the same as it did a year ago, but there to thrive, and we are with end-of-year experiences to culminate their elementary, middle are sparks of resilience and hope achieving success. and high school years. All school everywhere. As a community, we are employees are rock stars! not just working to survive, but we The success of our schools has are working to thrive, and we are achieving success. as much to do with our students as it does with our
When the pandemic started, our staff met to teachers. I have been beyond impressed with the develop a plan to meet our new challenges. In the versatility, flexibility and positive attitudes of students past, we have established mobile operations centers in our community. They have faced this unprecedented and mobile command centers for inclement weather challenge practically unfazed. They found new ways to and large events, like Independence Day. So, we were interact with their friends and new hobbies to explore; blessed to have a lot of the equipment that we would many spent more time outside than they had in years, need to establish processes and procedures for our and they helped ease the burden on their parents. I am administrative staff to work from home and enable simply in awe of them. them to provide services to the public. Unless you I know that we still have challenges to face, and our task stopped by the police department, you might not of fighting this virus is not complete. But, I know that our have noticed that our front lobby was closed. If you community is strong. We are united, and we can do this called or emailed for a report, or to speak with an together. We are hopeful, we are willing to do the work to officer, our staff was working from home to ensure that survive and thrive and, ultimately, this, too, shall pass. you received the same great services that we always have provided. I am so proud of and grateful for our administrative staff, who worked efficiently, effectively and optimistically to make it happen. Wayne Dennard has served as chief since
Our patrol and detention officers are essential 2012 and has lived in this community for more than 40 years. workers. They were not able to work from home; it supervise inmates from home. These men and women