2 minute read
Tommy Allegood
A Message from the
As we settle into September and a different kind of school year, I’d like to encourage everyone to take a moment to pray for our children’s educators. Teachers, students and families are facing new challenges brought on by the public health crisis, and it’s good to remember that everyone is simply doing their best to keep our community safe and healthy in body, mind and spirit.
Whether your child or grandchild is going to school, learning online or some combination of the two, you are in my thoughts and prayers. The patience needed to adapt to this new normal is great, and we all must support one another with grace and kindness. Our teachers face new challenges every school year. This year is like something none of us could have imagined. I have nothing but admiration and gratitude for these dedicated educators. Thank you for nurturing our children through these difficult times.
Many local organizations are also continuing to nourish our community through food assistance. The good people at the Northwest Family YMCA, NorthStar Church, Freedom Church, MUST Ministries and so many others are working diligently to help families in need. If you have the time or resources, please support these organizations as they continue to serve our communities. A great way to get involved is to follow your heart to the cause that inspires you and reach out through online outlets. Service organizations need volunteers and charitable giving now more than ever.
Businesses continue to adapt in the face of the pandemic. It’s important to support our local restaurants, shops and services as they safely operate. This support can take place at your own level of comfort. Whether it is through curbside services, wearing a mask and maintaining social distance, or simply purchasing a gift card for future services, these acts are crucial to keep our neighbors in business. These folks have invested so much in our community; we need to help them reach the other side of this pandemic.
In an abundance of caution, the city of Acworth, along with our organizing partners, have cancelled or postponed many events that were going to be held in-person. We look forward to a future when we can welcome our partners and visitors back to the community for festivals and events. In the meantime, our city team continues to find new ways to bring safe programming and events to Acworth.
Last month, Acworth hosted the M2R Traveling Fence Gallery art exhibition. It was awesome to see all of the great artwork displayed on fences throughout our parks and downtown. This month, Sept. 4-25, we will host the first “Take a Photo” Acworth photography show. This interactive photography exhibition will be on display at Frana Brown Park and will feature Acworth themed images from local professional, semiprofessional and amateur photographers. Visitors will be encouraged to not only admire the photos on display, but to physically take one home as a keepsake. It will be a really neat way to celebrate Acworth. For more information on this event and others, please visit www. acworthtourism.org, “like” Visit Acworth on Facebook, or follow us on Instagram at @VisitAcworth.
God bless, Tommy
Tommy Allegood was elected to Acworth’s city council in 2000 and has served as mayor since 2002. He is a community builder who is purposed to make it count!