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ARCHITECT IVAN ANDRES CRESPO BUSTAMANTE Email: • Tel: +593 2899161 • Movil: +593 985438479

PROFILE: Responsible, with discipline, passion for being active, in constant search for more knowledge, Great software skills, great at working with groups. Languages: English Second Language great level of spoken and written. Spanish native, French intermediate. Computational Knowledge:

Autodesk Revit high-level User. Autodesk AutoCAD high level User. Autodesk 3dsMax, High Level user. Lumion High Level User Microsoft OFFICE high level User. Outlook Email, Spreadsheet, Presentations, speech processor, Project Management, ADOBE SUITE, Premier, Photoshop, Illustrator, high level User Audio Editing, Image Editing, Video Editing, Special Effects, Other Skills > 3D Modeling, design Animation, Content Management, Social Networking management, , Computer Aided Design, Simulation. Cities of preference: Auckland 1rst, Wellington 2nd

E D U C A T I O N: 

Universidad San Francisco de Quito ( Ecuador ) June 2007 - May 2015 Bachelor of architecture , Architect

Digital tutors (United States ) January 2013 - November 2013 Autodesk Revit certificate

Digital tutors (United States) January 2013 - November 2013 Certificate using various software

WORK EXPERIENCE: 1. Peña Solos Arquitecto (Ecuador) Jan 2016 - Present Associate – Project Manager, Draftsman, BIM Specialist, Designer, Invited to become partner of the firm. Main role is architect, BIM Designer Project manager. Main. Work has been to manage 12 projects. Projects range, 9 residential designs, 1 medium size housing complex, 1 hotel 1 landscape park design. Drafting, modeling, scheduling of quantities, representation and documentation are the domain of the work. Projects are in the artistic spectrum, housing varied from concrete modern to traditional log housing with lots of artistic details, Landscape project are design as caves and restrooms are to be buried so the landscape is not altered. 2. Personal Commission for a restauration and remodeling of House CR. Self directed architect (Ecuador) Nov2015 – Jan 2016 Construction Administrator -Project Architect, Project Manager. In November 2015 Client Ramiro Vega ask a special commission to me, He ask that I handle handle the restoration of his residence. The project took 6 months. Budget was $75,000 USD. Project was 320 Sq, Meters of constructed area plus 1700 sq. Meters of Property to be retrofitted. Took 1 month of planning. And 5 months of execution. Process ranged from building exterior fencing Wall to the retrofit of the entire rooms and bathrooms with new piping’s and tiling’s External contractors were hired and 4 builders. Design Highlights: Custom made entrance doors with plasma and water jet cuts for metal sheets were made with brilliant results. Pergola design and construction. Extreme luxury Floor restoration with great result. 3. Londoño & Mantilla Arquitectos (Ecuador) May 2015 – October 2015. Draftsman, Model Maker, Visualization Artist, Project manager. Short Period of working time there. Around 6 months. Quit because got a first commission. My work there was to handle different projects. Mainly residential houses, around 4, parcel designs for landowners, around 2, and 1 big urban project. Main project highlight: is the Project Napoles which was managed entirely by me. Project was to propose the municipality to change the land use of a agricultural land of 90 Hectares to a Mixed used project. It 10 Hectares of diverse parks, main street commercial zone and medium height buildings, 5 suburban housing type zones. And 8 medium height vertical housing units. Managing these project gave me experience in urban design plus managing client and municipality requirements. It was berry big and computer tend to lag. Software work around and problem solving was key to do work at dead line time. Doing visualization was very time consuming. But with beautiful results. 4. Simon Dice Studio (Ecuador) January 2014 – Jan 2015 Project Builder,Founder, Manager, Designer. With other Partner we founded a Fabrication Lab- Studio. The goal was to make the people be at reach of the fabrication technology. To do so we gave a spin to the business model that the market had settle. Market had put that the price of using the machinery( CNC, LASER CUTTER) was $ / minute. That did not helped the people to explore design ideas because of limitations of budget. SO whe settle a subscription based model that help to have unlimited creativity. As side business we entered the Architectural visualization market. The project ended in two years after its creation, because we propose to close to focus on the graduation project for the bachelor diploma that required lot of time and attention. We 5. Taller Andino (Ecuador) March 2013 - January 2014 Draftsman, Model Maker, Visualization Artist. During that 9 month period of the working time we handle two big projects, with a short team. The office consisted on two bosses and me. We made 1 hotel, 24 bedrooms, and one 1 urban project of a long Deck and hardscape Pier of 8 km for a city in front of the sea. My work was to project, draft, design make the models animations.All the product were to be presented to the municipality, strict laws and regulations had to be overcome. 6. Arquitectura Hernan Castro (Ecuador) Enero 2012 - March 2012 Drafstman 2d, 3d designer Intern In the office of Architecture of Hernan Castro. I was employed for a short time, my job was to handle a municipal contest project. I was in charge to translate the architect sketch to a CAD, 3D MODEL and visualization. To be preseente to the contest. It was the 911 traffic surveillance center. We 1 month to realize the fully project and submit it. Took two week to have the results. We won. The following 2

months the office perfected the design to the next submission for construction drawings. Then I left to continue the studies. 7. Arquitectura de Jose Pio Escudero (Ecuador) May 2012 - Agosto 2012 Junior Building Manager. Worked as a Intern during my studies, The project was commissioned to Architect Jose Pio Escudero. It was the Remodelation and Extensions of the science lab and the Library. Plus some minor works on Hardscapes and walkways. The Client was the French government school, at the Capital Of Quito. We had the summer to deliver the project before class. Two main experiences were learn, How to do welding, tiling, masonry, piping,electric works on the site r. The other experience was the learning of the management of the construction.

P E R S O N A L:

I am a person whose interests are aligned with the nature and the environment. I am a conscious awareness person who live with the permanent idea to lower the carbon foot print. Like to spend time reading, observing material that bring more learning experiences. I have no vicious addiction, I practice yoga, meditation daily, I am a vegetarian. Most influential teachings come from the current office and from the book that states the design principles of Cradle to Cradle. I work now at a Cob/Adobe Office in complete surrounding with nature. The building is layout close to the gully, with a microclimate close we have a workshop with solar panels, solar water, waisted is saved in a latrine, water waisted is keep in a special chamber to be converted to nitrogenous water to be used in the irrigation system. We keep bees for nurturing the surrounded landscape too.

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