11 minute read
International Livingroom The Hub by BANK15
The HUB by BANK15
The Hub is well established as the
international living room of Eindhoven,
where everyone is welcome.
We’re here to help you feel at home and build your (social) network in the city of Eindhoven. We organize lots of weekly events ranging from language classes to music and game nights as well as many recurring events, such as cooking workshops, jam sessions, pub crawls, and comedy nights.
Because we all need to belong, home is a comforting feeling that we all cherish wholeheartedly, no matter where we come from. For this reason, the feeling of “home” is something we only can achieve together.

The Hub is powered by Bank15 (social enterprise) and strive for the same social goals. Bank15 is a movement that inspires, supports, activates and motivates people and companies to benefit from social-minded business. Bank15 accomplishes this by merging economic models of companies, organizations and educational institutes in their social business model. We combine the ones who deserve opportunities with the ones who can provide them. The people with ideas with the companies that know how to realize them. We unite the ambitious and talented with the ones who are brave enough to take a risk.
The Hub by BANK15 aims to invite everyone to feel at home all over the world, including in Eindhoven.
So, this is what we are here for: to have fun, to help people and to make them feel safe in their home away from home. The Hub by Bank15 strives for an inclusive society that offers opportunities to

everyone. Because we believe that this is how we create a home for everyone. We open the cultural borders that unnecessarily alienate people. Cultural differences become reasons to meet, not to isolate. We are the pop cultural center for citizens all over the world, a melting pot in Eindhoven, where food, entertainment and a place to meet and bring people together in a modern, popular and welcoming atmosphere.

GET FIT IN 35 min.

Milon Circle Fitness Personal Coaching Functional Training Personalized Programs Yoga Sauna
Essink City Gym is a new premium sports club in the city center of Eindhoven. With our high-tech solutions like the Milon Circle, everyone is able to achieve their desired goals. At Essink City Gym we have welcomed many expat-members and are looking forward to coach you as well. You can book a free trial at essink.nl where we’ll discuss what you like to do, what your personal goals are, and how Essink can support you achieving them.
CITY GYM w w w . e s s i n k . n l MILON Circle
Faster A full body Milon workout takes only 35 minutes.

Easier Your personal Milon card automatically adjusts the machines to your measurements and l evel, how easy is that!
More effective Because of the state of the art technologies, Milon is the most time-efficient workout one can imagine.
Functional Training with newest equipment
Group Training 30 min. functional exercises
Yin Yoga - Vinyasa Yoga - Pilates - Sauna
Personalized workout
Milon is always a personalized workout depending on your personal fitness goals. Whether you want to lose some weight, improve your figure or become more energized, the coaches at Essink City Gym will make a goal-specific training program for you.
Asparagus in the Fields May 15th - June 1st

POP-UP RESTAURANT Starting from May 15th until June 1st, the sixth edition of Asparagus in the Fields will take place. A unique event where fl avour and excellent service will meet in good atmosphere in an extraordinary ambiance. During almost three weeks a stylish pop-up restaurant will arise in the middle of the asparagus fi elds in the rural area of Veldhoven. Every day lunch and dinner will be served to our guests, prepared by top-chefs and Michelin-star restaurants

and with the fresh asparagus directly from the fi eld. Are you planning a birthday party, a business meeting or do you have anything else to celebrate and are you looking for a special location in the nature? Would you like to experience a fantastic lunch or dinner in our pop-up restaurant? Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information and send an email to info@aspergesopdevelden.nl
The wisdom of my Grandma By Heidi Los
When I prepare Internationals for an International move to another country, I tend to introduce them also to the wisdom of my Grandmother. She’s not attending in person, unfortunately, although she would love to. It would be simply too much for her because she’s 99 now.
When you move to another country you face many challenges. You see the new place through your own set of eyes and what you see can be so different from what you used to see in your home country. You also value things in a way that most likely differ from the way the locals value the same things. The new people around you have a different set of behaviors, a different way of living. People may vary; people do vary from each other, especially when they come from another culture. You live your life with a certain set of expectations, your own, the ones you inherited from your parents and ancestors, and the ones from your own culture. Practically everything is new.
Now how do you react or reply to things (or people) that are really different? Things or behaviors that you may consider as being rude (the directness of Dutch people), dirty (wearing shoes in the house), wrong (what we do or don’t do in public) and so on. What is your first reaction to things like this? Many people have a quick opinion. What would your world look like or how would the situation change if you reply as my Grandmother does? She doesn’t speak out loud her opinion, instead she’s watching and observing. Searching for the why, on her way to finding the reasons behind it. That reaction is so powerful and yet so difficult at the same time.
Simply wanting to learn more about the situation you are in, without a meaning, just observing. Everything around it softens up; you’re more open and learning at the same time. This will lead you directly to more understanding about the situation, action or behavior that you -in the first placevalued as being wrong, dirty or bad. I am trying to put up this learner mindset daily, although it can be very hard sometimes. I wish this learner mindset to every single human being in the world.
Heidi Los Career coach for Expat Partners

I wrote this 2 days before my Grandma passed away. We all feel very fortunate to have lived with her for such a long time. I love you oma!
foto: Eddie Mol

by Rebekah Villon
2019 was Jeff VanderMeer’s year. One of the originators of the New Weird fiction movement, his work has crossed over and gone mainstream. The novel Dead Astronauts has been ranked one of the top books to read in 2020, while his novel Annihilation was adapted into a feature film that, while it wasn’t commercially successful, has garnered impressive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and MetaCritic. Although it was written in 2014, Annihilation’s environmental and psychological themes are particularly relevant now. In fact, a line from the book is featured right now as part of
a mural at Miami International Airport.
I am a huge fan of his work, and was excited to go back a bit into his roots for my book review this issue. The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases is not a novel, nor exactly an anthology. In this book, VanderMeer and co-editor Mark Roberts have curated a guide to curious diseases as described by some of the best contemporary authors. Authors like Neil Gaiman, Michael Moorcock, Alan Moore, Cory Doctorow, and others, have contributed to create a guide to fictional diseases. Each disease, with the symptoms, origins, and treatment methods, becomes something like a short story.

Example diseases include: • Ebermarcelasolerrochi Giglic, described as “a thematically archaic but dynamically modern affliction that causes a man to rapidly lapse into the doleful condition of trying too hard to impress a woman he has never met.”
• Poetic Lassitude, which eventually progresses to “the tertiary stage of Poetic Lassitude, [in which] the sufferer becomes completely useless as a human being, a drain on his friends’ and his family’s resources, and a cause of bankruptcy to his publishers. Unable to feed himself, he is at last only capable of dressing, arranging his hair, and perhaps applying a modicum of eye makeup.”
• Inverted Drowning Syndrome,in which “both medical science and the exciting branch of literature that specializes in the last words of eminent men (please see my anthology Either That Wallpaper Goes Or I Do, available in all quality booksellers) profited when Inverted Drowning Syndrome struck down the English neurosurgeon Dr. Thorpe Hall.”
The diseases are bizarre, frequently dark, and often funny. Woven with references to people, places, books, and events that may or may not have occurred, the diseases, taken all together, create an alternate history of the world, an alternate physiology of the body, and a strange, indirect portrait of Lambshead himself as reflected in his writings and the reminiscences of other characters about him.
The book as a whole is a sort of collage or montage of places and people, a story told in scrapbook-style. It’s an approach VanderMeer would later use to incredible effect in his novel City of Saints and Madmen.
The Thackery T. Lambshead Pocket Guide to Eccentric & Discredited Diseases isn’t the kind of book you pick up and read all at once, and it certainly isn’t for everyone. But for people who love speculative fiction, medical oddities, and offbeat anthologies, it’s an incredible experience.
Padel in Eindhoven since spring 2019 new exciting sport
Prinsejagt offers 2 sports for 1 membership: tennis and padel! 2 new beautiful padel courts, the first in Eindhoven:
you can play: internal competition, external competition, tournaments or simply just for fun, just invite others to join you and start playing!

Check the website for more info and sign in today! www.prinsejagt.nl