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WTC/e: Dress up for Carnaval in Eindhoven

Dress up for Carnival in Eindhoven!

Prepare yourself for the most colorful party of the year: Traditionally Carnival will be celebrated from Saturday until Tuesday.


Although traditions vary from town to town, Dutch Carnival usually includes a parade and a “Prince Carnival” plus cortège. During these days Eindhoven turns into “Lampegat”. Because in Eindhoven lies the origin of the Philips Production of the light-bulb “gloeilamp”. Everyone is dressed up in all kinds of costumes, enjoying music and drinks.

Friday the 21st of February we announce the most colorful entrepreneur of Eindhoven. Do you want to be part of the celebration and meet other people? Then come to “Salon op ’t plein” and enjoy Carnival.

Location Salon op ‘t plein, Wilhelminaplein Eindhoven

Join us! Do you want to experience Carnival? Then you’re more than welcome to join us! Entrance is free. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information and send an email to info@wtce.nl


15.11 The start of “Salon op ‘t Plein” at Wilhelminaplein Eindhoven

15.30 Various carnival performances!

16.00 Announcement of most colorful entrepreneur “Lampegatse Bons 2020”

17.00 Finish!

Lugar and Primi

On the edge of Eindhoven, in Waalre on the Gestelsestraat you can find a beautiful historic building. The first floor is home to the à la carte luxury restaurant Lugar, on the second floor you can find the personal and authentic Portuguese restaurant Primi.

Lugar is the perfect place to enjoy exquisite food in a comfy surrounding. The best quality food with a homey feel to it! Primi will give you that mediterranean feeling as if you are in Portugal right now.

Both restaurants serve traditional cuisine as well as modern delicacies! You can have a very intimate meal in both restaurants or have a group dinner either way, the real foodies among us will be served . You can enjoy lunch and dinner, monday through friday, and dinner on weekends. Feel free to order à la carte or be amazed by a “chef's choice” menu.

Whether you like lavish oysters, lobster soup or Prato domar cataplana at Lugar and Primi you can find everything you could wish for!

Jeroen and Emidio are a match made in heaven and you are missing out if you have not enjoyed their cuisine or their joyous hospitality. The best spot also for business lunches or dinners..make sure your clients and associates get the best there is to find, just like your family and friends.

Lugar and Primi Gestelsestraat 2 Waalre T 040 221 8989 www.lugar-primi.nl

Eindhoven Sport

Everything you want to know

about sports in Eindhoven:

Eindhoven Sport is a department within the municipality where people from Eindhoven can address questions about sports and exercise. Young and old, active and recreational, teams and individuals, amateurs and top athletes: everyone’s questions are welcome. If you would like to join a club, want information about recreational swimming, or are looking for a sports hall that you’d like to rent; Eindhoven Sport is the place to be.

So called “sports directors” from Eindhoven Sport work in the various neighborhoods in Eindhoven. They help residents with their sports questions and pay extra attention to specific target groups for which movement stimulation is important. Ben Wiermans is one of those sports directors: “I work in Gestel and Stratum, and I am also the contact person for internationals in Eindhoven. Together with my colleagues I inform internationals about sport and exercise options in Eindhoven. We also work together with organizations such as the Holland Expat Center South and the Hub.”

Ben continues: “If you have just arrived in Eindhoven and don’t speak the language yet, it can be a challenge to figure out what sports possibilities are available. Cycling and jogging is easy, but joining a sports club is often more difficult. We’ve experienced that people really have to cross a threshold for this. Our most important task, therefore, is to bring internationals into contact with sports providers. Commercial providers are often found,

but associations with team sports such as soccer, hockey or basketball are more difficult to find. And especially team sports have a number of positive side effects for people who have just arrived in the Netherlands. Automatically you improve your Dutch and, for example, through volunteer work within the club, you increase your circle of acquaintances. At the same time, it is also nice for your Dutch teammates to get to know you and your culture. Sporting together bonds!”

the team sports have a number

of positive side effects for people

who have just arrived in

the Netherlands

Removing language barriers In addition to residents, Ben and the other sports director also support associations in promoting their club and making their offer more visible. That way they can help internationals even better. Wiermans: “The website of many associations is not yet available in English, and we can help them with this. We work together with the Expat Spouses Initiative; they help with translations and advise on which information is important to mention on the website. Furthermore, as Eindhoven Sport we can support a trainer if he wants to increase his language skills in order to be a better coach to his players. Think of, for example, an association organizing a language cafe. People from the neighborhood can join in, but also the trainer who wants to improve his English. This way, you kill two birds with one stone.” Sport Lounge Twice a year Eindhoven Sport organizes a Sport Lounge. Ben: “Around twenty sports clubs are given the opportunity to introduce themselves to internationals through presentations and workshops. The results from these meetings are very good. Visitors are usually already interested in a specific sport. If this sport is represented at the Sport Lounge, the visitor often becomes a member of the association. Certainly when it comes to a sport that is relatively unknown in the Netherlands. But Dutch sports such as soccer and hockey are just as popular though.”

More information Would you like to know more about Eindhoven Sport or the work of the sports directors? Or would you like to join a club or one of the activities such as the Sport Lounge?

Look at eindhovensport.nl and click on ‘translate’ in the righthand corner of the website for a language of your choice. You can also contact sports director Ben Wiermans (06-1834 7825) or b.wiermans@eindhoven.nl.

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