HOWDO 18 feb/mar 2020

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Dress up for Carnival in Eindhoven! Prepare yourself for the most colorful party of the year: Traditionally


Carnival will be celebrated from Saturday until Tuesday. 15.11 Although traditions vary from town to town, Dutch Carnival usually

The start of “Salon op ‘t

includes a parade and a “Prince Carnival” plus cortège. During these

Plein” at Wilhelminaplein

days Eindhoven turns into “Lampegat”. Because in Eindhoven lies the


origin of the Philips Production of the light-bulb “gloeilamp”. Everyone is dressed up in all kinds of costumes, enjoying music and drinks.

15.30 Various carnival

Friday the 21st of February we announce the most colorful entrepreneur


of Eindhoven. Do you want to be part of the celebration and meet other people? Then come to “Salon op ’t plein” and enjoy Carnival.

16.00 Announcement of most


colorful entrepreneur

Salon op ‘t plein, Wilhelminaplein Eindhoven

“Lampegatse Bons 2020”

Join us!


Do you want to experience Carnival?


Then you’re more than welcome to join us! Entrance is free. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information and send an email to

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