HOWDO magazine 37

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T H E M AG A Z I N E F O R I N T E R N AT I O N A L S | E I N D H OV E N A R E A 2023/2024 December / January



Dynamo presents Cover photo: Anne Pluijms | Annenas Photography

‘Step in the Arena!’ Studio Paul Raats Artificial Intelligence in art New Office Holland Expat Center South Angel Tree Project: Bring joy this Christmas! Wonka Podia: No Dutch required

ANGEL TREE PROJECT for the children

Sweet Dreams Bakery has partnered with Eindhoven non-profits to set up the Angel Tree Project for the children. Our goal is to bring the community together so that every child is sponsored.

Refugee numbers are growing in Eindhoven, the news from Israel is heartbreaking, and there is an increasing number of people living under the poverty line—but there is some uplifting news, we can come together as a community and lift up each other.


Due to the rising cost of living and energy prices, the number of families living below the poverty line in Eindhoven has increased. Take a look at the Voedselbank. According to their annual report, they saw almost 40% increase in the number of families that qualified for their help. That is an increase of 200 families in Eindhoven. Our city. Our neighbours. According to a study done by the RIVM in 2022, more than half of the young adults in The Netherlands experience mental health issues. The need in The Netherlands may not be as blatant as shoeless children, but it is present. It’s just behind closed doors. Since our start, we wanted to build a business that connects with the community. We can’t think of a better time to put our heads together and think of ways to help than right now. In conversations with local Eindhoven leaders, we are figuring out how and we know that showing up for each other is a good start.

That is why Sweet Dreams Bakery has partnered with various non-profits to set up the Angel Tree Project for the children. Each tag on the special Christmas tree will have the name, age, and clothing size of a child whose family is below the poverty line. Our goal is to bring the community together so that every child is sponsored. The Christmas tree will be available in SDB from November 1st and all are welcome to participate. The gifts that are collected will be presented to the children on December 12th during a very special Christmas Dinner hosted in Dynamo by City Life Church Eindhoven. If you want to know more about the non-profit groups we partnered with, visit our website or come to the bakery! We invite you to sponsor a child, donate, or volunteer your time! If you are interested in this project or have any questions, you can email us. Aralys and Amar are coowners of Sweet Dreams Bakery. An American bakery serving homemade brunch, freshly baked Cinnarolls, cookies and more! Location: Jan van Lieshoutstraat 14, Eindhoven website: email:

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index 6





Visit Valkenswaard


Eindhoven Airport


Eindhoven Library




Financieel Adviescentrum


Miriam Frosi


Eindhoven’s Finest




International Women’s Club Eindhoven


Holland Expat Center South


Expat Kids


Eindhoven Airport


Regina Coeli


Wonka Podia


Visit Brabant


Counsell Global Consulting


Lynn’s Look on... City Slickers


Eindhoven News


International Creative Women


Eindhoven Sport


Holland Expat Center South


Book review by Rebekah Villon


Expat Spouses Initiative





HOWDO Magazine is a bimonthly publication by Uitgeverij RAWN Publisher Fred van Deurzen ( Editorial Office Thomas Meulenbroeks, Lynn Fletcher, Siem de Bont, Fred van Deurzen Social Media Silvia Ardila Advisor Jan Michielsen Creation Thoros reclame en ontwerp Magazine Launch Karishma Vij Supriya Vij Photography Frans Claassen Fotografie Distribution Tour de Ville Flyerman Contact Copyright and Disclaimer All materials and content are protected under article 15 of the Copyright Act. Copying is prohibited © 2023 HOWDO Magazine HOWDO Magazine is not liable for the content of the columns and possible inaccuracies and/or typographical errors. Many thanks to the contributors of this edition: Silvia Ardila, Monique Arts, Beena Arunraj, Monique van den Berg, Yolima van den Berkmortel, Olivia van den Broek-Neri, Monique Coolen, Daniela Cruz, Constance Deelen, Marco Denis, Ethem Emre, Tamara Ernst, Lynn Fletcher, Josine Frankhuizen, Miriam Frosi, Kara Frost, Mirjam van Gogh, Peter Kentie, Jean-Paul Linnartz, Heidi Los, Monique Mols, Patricia Raats, Saskia Reuhman, Janine Ritzen, Ariel Slaughter, Emre Tokgozlu, Rebekah Villon, Gijs Vrenken.

At the end of the year it is always nice to look back. Not just to look “how fantastic it all was” but also to see what could be improved. Becoming aware again of what things are important and what makes us happy. We are certainly happy when we look back with HOWDO Magazine: for us, it has been a great year. We received many positive reactions about the magazine. We are of course very happy with that, but the credits go to all the people who contributed this year to creating a must-read magazine for internationals in the Brainport region. Whether it is the representatives of strongholds in the region, the chairs of the many international organizations, (not to forget our advertisers): without you there would be no HOWDO at all! Thank you all very much and hopefully you’ll support us again in the coming year. Continue to provide us with tips and advice on matters that are of interest to the international community! Happy Holidays! P.S. Thank you, Godrive for your cooperation!


Eindhoven EOY= Eindhoven EHVE

Ideally a city wants and must be vibrant, all your

center in a spectacular fashion. And it serves a

long. 365 days of action and entertainment! Or is it?

purpose too; to stop the private usage of fireworks in

Not really and for apparent reasons. Events and

our city.

especially large-scale gatherings of people require a


serious organizational effort and public investments

So instead, come together on this evening filled with

together with sponsoring to make ends meet.

live music from Fresku and DJ Fuente and the spectacular firework show, we’ll take you on a

And as it turns out, focusing on specific periods for

journey that exceeds all your expectations. It will be

events and large-scale gatherings has proved to be

a tribute to our amazing city!

ideal for the promotion of the city of Eindhoven as an eventful place. Especially starting in the third

On December 31st from 10:00 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. De

quarter of the year, the calendar of events is

Lichttoren in the city center will serve as the radiant

steaming. Lichtjesroute starts the darkening period

heart of this evening, infused with will showcase its

of the year. Next up is the Marathon Eindhoven and

musical diversity, spectacular light, and video

two weeks later followed by the Dutch Design Week.

projections. And then, at the peak of the night, we

Again two weeks later the light and art festival Glow

ignite the new light, a beautiful symbolic moment to

Eindhoven is the most massively crowded event.

be witnessed together. And step into the new year

Eight days of activities and culinary side events.

with magnificent and breathtaking fireworks shows. Welcome to the new Eindhoven tradition; New Years

New Year’s EHVE


To wrap up the year there is ‘Wrap up the year’ for the festive season, looking forward to the new year.

Everyone is welcome to join. New Years EHVE is free

And to top things off there is a new event to

of entry, a gift to all the residents of Eindhoven. So

celebrate New Year’s EHVE together. No, this is not a

do not bring fireworks, just bring yourselves,

typo. Actually, EHVE is a combination of EHV – the

friends and or family and enjoy the EHVE.

informal abbreviation of EindHoVen – and the word EVE. The city of Eindhoven wishes to celebrate the start of

Peter Kentie,

the new year together with the citizens in the city

managing director Eindhoven365



Rondom DE Lichttoren


22.00 - 01.30

Gratis Entree


Eindhoven Airport

In time for


Is that just us or did the year fly by? Many foreign workers in the region of Eindhoven will fly home soon to celebrate Christmas with their family and friends. What is important to take into consideration when traveling during this business holiday period? We have a few tips for you to come prepared, catch your flight easily and even have time for a relaxing coffee.


Eindhoven Airport is a regional airport mostly serving

serve as hubs for the many workers from abroad we

European destinations. It’s sufficient to arrive two

have around Eindhoven. If you’re one of them, we can

hours before the departure of your flight. Keep in

imagine you like to bring gifts home for Christmas.

mind that the terminal closes during the night: the

Eindhoven Airport has modern scanners and you

earliest you can enter the airport is 4.30 AM. To ensure

don’t need to take any items out of your bag. This will

you make your way through security smoothly, we

save a lot of time! Furthermore, check the size and

recommend you to book your free(!) security timeslot.

kilo limits of your hand luggage to ensure speedy

It gives you a window of 15 minutes in which you may

boarding. Wearing low shoes also helps as you don’t

proceed to the security check quickly and guaranteed.

have to take those off in the security process.

Check our website to book your time slot. So you’re all set for a smooth process and will London’s calling

probably even have some time left for that nice coffee

Curious for which destinations will be most popular

we spoke about. But where? Starbucks on floor 1

this December? Of course that’s a guess for us as well,

always has special Christmas-themed coffee treats

however we checked the stats of last year.

you might enjoy. Otherwise a stronger Irish coffee in

London takes a number one spot and it has done so

The Bar, also on floor 1 might be more your cup of

for years. The British Capital, however, is not only a

tea? We wish you happy holidays!

popular business destination but if you’re looking for a magical Christmas getaway, this could be a good pick too. It also has multiple flights daily. Furthermore the top 10 consists of some Spanish destinations popular with local citizens to escape the

Gijs Vrenken, Manager Communications

Dutch winter and Eastern-European destinations that



Dutch In my columns I refer a lot to ‘The Dutch’. There is one thing I forgot to tell you until now: we are not a homogenous group. Perhaps it is time to take a closer look at THE Dutch.

Rotterdam, only a few kilometers south, is totally different. Down to earth, work hard, play hard. They cannot pronounce the word Amsterdam so they refer to it as 020. There are three official regional languages in the Netherlands: Low Saxon, Frisian, and Limburgish. I am

Our country is only some 42,00 km2 (of which 33,500

from Limburg myself and I speak the dialect. That is to

km2 is land), has about 18 million inhabitants who live

say, I speak the dialect of my home village, which is not

in one of the 12 provinces. Quite a small country and

the same as the dialect of another town 5 km away. In

you would think that in this tiny space, people would

fact, I hardly understand the dialect spoken in the

be more or less the same.

northern part of the province as I am from the south. And of course, proud to be from the south.

Well, no. There are many differences, some more

So there is no such thing as THE Dutch. And I truly

obvious than others. If you really want a good cup of

believe that is wonderful. You have a choice and you

coffee with more than just one tiny biscuit: go to

can pick the people and places that suit you best. I

Limburg. Nowhere else. For outdoor activities, lots of

also believe that for you, internationals, this is good

wind and sailing with little conversation: Friesland. If

news. By joining us, you are adding new types of

you are looking for a party, Brabant is the most likely

Dutchness to this already huge variety of people.

place to be.


And then there are the cities. Amsterdam, well Amsterdam is…. Amsterdam. Many Dutch people who live there were born in small villages and now pretend to be cosmopolitans. They completely forgot what the country looks like beyond the A10 motorway.

Monique Mols Media relations, ASML




Have you heard that you should come to ‘the Nuns of Vught’ if you want to learn Dutch really well? Regina Coeli is the language institute when it comes to learning languages in a short time. The institute is founded by the Sisters of the Holy Order of St. Augustine. You can follow intensive language training at our institute in Vught, but you can also join one of our training courses in Eindhoven. These small-group lessons are for people with an international background—a wonderful opportunity to learn or improve your Dutch! With our courses, you can easily learn Dutch alongside your work. And thanks to the different entry levels, you can map out your own learning trajectory. A MANAGEABLE WORKLOAD Our courses in Eindhoven last six weeks, with two 2-hour meetings each time. You also do homework (3 to 4 hours a week) and put the language into practice. In combination with your work, it is an intensive programme, but with the help of our language trainers, you’ll surely do well! LEARN STEP-BY-STEP If you want to keep learning after a course, you can take next one. Each follows seamlessly on from the one before. At least, it does when you’ve done your homework like you’re supposed to... IN SHORT � Dutch for internationals at 4 different levels � Small groups of approximately 4 people � 6 weeks of 2 evening lessons a week of 2 hours each � Led by a native speaker � Training in the Vitality Hub on the High Tech Campus (HTC 85)


More information Give us a call 073 - 684 87 90 Send an email



WHAT AN EXPERIENCE TOUR: LOW STRESS AND LOTS OF FUN FOR INTERNATIONALS Did you join the Valkenswaard Experience Tour ‘Hop on if you dare’ on October 7th? You missed it? No worries, you can always enjoy the photos! In the morning of October 7th we picked up our guests at High Tech Campus for a day full of adventure in the leisure municipality of this region: Valkenswaard. Valkenswaard -just 4 miles from the High Tech Campus- is a must visit if you want to go offline in the Brainport region. On board of our classic bus were internationals from all parts of the world. And what a joy it was to meet them! Hosts and tour leaders of the day were Mayor Anton Ederveen and Egbert Buiter, Chairman of Valkenswaard Marketing. Anton Ederveen: “The enthusiasm was really heart-warming!”

Valkenswaard gives you peace, space, nature and a great range of adventure sports and activities. You can visit an event or relax on our cozy market in one of the nice restaurants with international cuisine. Or just grab a beer in a real Dutch pub and meet the locals: fun is guaranteed! Would you like to organize your own Valkenswaard Experience Tour with your family, colleagues or friends? Check out and create your own adventurous program. See you soon in Valkenswaard!







Eindhoven Airport:

for everyone in the Eindhoven region


Eindhoven Airport is back on track: after two years dominated by corona and a year in which the recovery was hampered by problems in the workforce at and around the airport. Travellers from the region know where to find Brainport airport again.

Gijs Vrenken, Manager Communications: “And in turn, the airport can focus more closely on its regional role: in the first instance by continuing to work on a network of destinations that suits the region. That starts with the needs of and insight into the passengers who travel through the airport.” “We wrongly have the name that we are a holiday airport with only beach holidays in southern Europe. Our figures show that ‘only’ 51% of travellers choose a holiday destination. However, the fact is that last year almost two million travellers, a third of all passengers, chose one of the 27 Eastern European destinations or flew from there to Eindhoven. It says something about the reflection of the internationals from our region. The people who come from there but live and work here will recognize that.”

From Eindhoven Airport, many internationals are back home in a few hours Gijs continues: “Why do people fly? That’s another question we always ask ourselves. We are constantly researching this. We see that just over half of our travellers travel for leisure purposes. Think of a city

Eindhoven Airport

trip. This is followed by the group of people who visit


family or friends. That is 30% and a clear characteristic for travelers from an international region such as Brainport. Most internationals in this region have roots in Europe. Via an airport around the corner, they are able to be ‘home’ within a few hours. For Europeans, this makes the business climate in the Eindhoven region a lot more attractive.”

Raising awareness of the role that internationals have in this region “Our focus on internationals goes beyond connecting

This foreign engine of Brainport deserves just as

internationally,” says Gijs. “Connecting locally is just

much attention and has just as much right to a good

as important to us. Not only through initiatives such

living environment as anyone else. We see this group

as HOWDO Magazine. We have good contacts with

every day in our terminal. That is why we join and

organizations as the Holland Expat Center and Expat

are open to initiatives in which our internationals

Spouses Initiative. They see to it that people who

are central. If you know something, let me know!”.

land here, actually land. Where possible, we play a role in this. This starts with raising awareness of the role that internationals have in this region. Not only the knowledge workers, but also the many people who work here in the chain who support the

Gijs Vrenken, Manager Communications

high-tech industry. Or work in the agricultural sector.

On adventure nearby

this autumn and winter in North Brabant


Winter Efteling @Efteling Themepark

North Brabant is a world filled with new discoveries, with adventures for sleuths, daredevils, urban sporters and inventors. From rugged outdoor living to an active city break. North Brabant brings you closer to those memorable moments with the entire family. Also in autumn and winter!

Closer to a winter fairy tale Winter Efteling at Efteling theme park For the little ones and the daredevils: from 13 November up to and including 28 January, the Efteling theme parks will once again be transformed into a winter fairy tale. Staying overnight in the holiday parks or the Efteling Hotel means even more enjoyment in the Fairy tale forest and the breathtaking attractions.

VisitBrabant Closer to Africa Beekse Bergen Safari Park Experience an unforgettable adventure this winter during the very first edition of Light Safari at Safari Park Beekse Bergen. As the animals retreat to their shelters for the night, a beautiful rainbow of luminous animals, flowers and plants comes to life along the walking safari. Experience the power of colour in nature. Walk through one of the 12 magical colour zones and learn more about the meaning of colour in nature. For instance, why are many

Light Safari @Beekse Bergen Safari Park

poisonous animals yellow? And how does a rainbow actually form? By immersing yourself in a new colour

colour like never before with 3000 luminous animals,

zone each time, you will experience the power of

plants and flowers. This will be a unique experience!

Closer to nature

and a Gnome Forest with a real adventure intended

The secrets of De Maashorst

for children from 4 to 7 years of age. Take a break at

There are opportunities for adventure in this most

the restaurant De Boschwachter and then enjoy

exciting nature reserve in North Brabant, close to

yourself in the play forest across from Bouvigne

‘s-Hertogenbosch. The wooded areas provide cover


for wild inhabitants, like aurochs and European bison. The Herperduin observation tower and the

Autumn fun in the Oisterwijk Forests and Fens

nearby play forest provide plenty of fun for an

Spot mushrooms and leap over puddles in the

amazing day outdoors. In the south, it is possible to

Oisterwijk Forests and Fens close to Tilburg! The

explore the Maashorst, starting from Heeswijk Castle

Oisterwijk Visitors’ Centre is the start of a children’s

– an enchanting castle with many secret

route filled with extraordinary nature facts and

passageways and stories.

assignments. When you return, you can enjoy a cup of hot chocolate at the forest restaurant Groot Speijck, with OERRR, a natural playground, right next to it.

European bison (Wisent)

Gnomes in the Mastbos The ancient Mastbos lies on the outskirts of Breda, with adventurous forest paths, a wooden walkway

Oisterwijk Forests



Area 51 - Eindhoven Getting closer to rugged city living

Grab your skateboard for an afternoon of urban

Doing stunts and playing in skate parks

sports at Ladybird Skate Park in the Spoorzone in

A kickflip, slide or simply freestyling: children can

Tilburg or the World Skate Centre at the Tramkade in

have fun in one of the indoor skate halls to be found

‘s-Hertogenbosch. Area51 in Eindhoven is one of the

at the best locations in the North Brabant cities.

largest indoor skate parks in Europe.


Blind Walls Gallery - Breda Closer to the most beautiful places

past (on foot or bicycle) the most colourful artworks

Street art in the Blind Walls Gallery

of the Blind Walls Gallery. Have your camera ready!

A city tour where no one gets bored? In Breda, there

Along the way, you will not only have fun exploring

are more than 140 wall paintings that tell the story

the history of the city, but you will also visit the most

of the city. With a guide or a handy app, you can go

beautiful places.

For more inspiration check


Buying new construction in the Eindhoven area

Are you thinking about buying a new construction home? Or would you like to build a house yourself? Then it is useful to know all factors involved. There are several new construction projects in the Eindhoven area. So plenty of opportunities! One of those projects is The Caai which is being built near the center of Eindhoven by one of our partners BPD. However, buying a new home works a little differently than buying an existing home. Daniek van der Zanden and Els van Setten van der Meer from the Rabo Expat Desk are happy to tell you all you need to think of and help you on your way.

mortgage products for new construction. For example, with the ‘Rabo Groenhypotheek’ (type of mortgage for an energy-efficient new-built house) you can get a discount on your mortgage and the ‘Rabo Bouwdepot’ (construction deposit) has a term of two years. This is useful if construction takes a little longer.” Els: “Are you buying an energy-efficient Els: “Because a new construction home often has yet

new-built home? It saves on your energy costs and

to be built, you use your mortgage largely for the

also contributes to a better environment. That’s why

purchase of the land and for costs during

we give you an interesting discount on your

construction. With new construction, the cost of

mortgage interest rate. Do you also have an active

construction is paid from a construction deposit.”

current account at Rabobank? Then you will receive

Daniek adds: “A construction deposit is a special

an additional discount. So you benefit from lower

account with your mortgage that allows you to pay

mortgage costs every month.”

bills from suppliers. The amount of your mortgage and the interest rate determine your monthly

Do you want to take the first step towards a

amount. The interest you pay is equal to the interest

new-built home? Contact us at

you receive on your construction deposit. The term or

of the construction deposit with Rabobank is a

telephone number (088) 722 66 00.

maximum of two years. So plenty of time to get your home built.” Mortgage products for new construction Daniek continues: “Rabobank has interesting




Unlocking global business opportunities with

Counsell Global Consulting 26

Mr. Ethem Tokgozlu (Managing Partner, left) and Mr. Ethem Emre (Founding Partner)

“Embark on a journey to seize global business opportunities with Counsell Global Consulting, your trusted partner for Mergers & Acquisitions, international investments, and strategic growth. Explore new horizons beyond the Netherlands and delve into the world of international business success. Join us as we facilitate connections between investors and businesses, transcending borders.”

Are you part of the vibrant expat community in the Eindhoven region of the Netherlands, or perhaps a business owner seeking international expansion? If so, you’re in the right place! Counsell Global Consulting, headquartered in Rotterdam, is your trusted partner in the world of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A), investment, business development, and tech startup empowerment. Our seasoned team of experts specializes in managing M&A projects, connecting you with investors from around the globe, exploring the dynamic markets of the Netherlands, Benelux, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), and Türkiye, and facilitating collaboration between tech startups, venture capital funds, and angel investor networks.

Counsell Global Consulting Why Choose Counsell Global Consulting?

startups in the Netherlands, Belgium, Türkiye, and

Working with Counsell Global Consulting opens up a

beyond. Our expertise in identifying innovative

world of opportunities for your international

companies ensures your investment efforts are

business ventures. Here are just a few of the

both fruitful and impactful.

advantages we bring to the table: • Expertise at Your Fingertips: Our in-house team of

Why Look Beyond the Netherlands?

Dutch and Turkish professionals boasts extensive

It’s essential to recognize that numerous investors

experience in strategic acquisitions and

worldwide are actively seeking opportunities in the

investments. Rest assured, you’re in capable

Eindhoven region and the Netherlands as a whole.

hands from project initiation to completion.

The region offers a favorable business climate,

• Strategic M&A Management: Mergers and

robust infrastructure, and a skilled workforce. As a

acquisitions can be complex and challenging. We

member of the expat community, you have a unique

simplify the process, ensuring a hassle-free

advantage – you bring a wealth of international

experience as you navigate these pivotal business

experience and connections to the table.

moves. • Global Investor Network: We connect you with a

With the assistance of Counsell Global Consulting,

vast network of investors from various regions. In

your journey doesn’t stop at the Dutch borders. We

today’s interconnected world, international

encourage you to explore international business

investments are abundant, and we’re here to help

development and tech innovation. There’s a world of

you seize those opportunities.

lucrative opportunities outside the Netherlands,

• Market Exploration: Whether you’re eyeing the

especially in the form of strategic acquisitions and

Dutch, Benelux, CEE, Turkish, or other international

partnerships waiting to be tapped into by

markets, we provide thorough market research

companies with a global mindset. Let us be your

and analysis to identify promising target

bridge to these opportunities.

companies. Our global reach extends far beyond

Are you ready to embark on your international

the Netherlands.

business journey? Visit our website for more

• Partnerships and Joint Ventures: We facilitate

information and to get in touch with our team.

partnerships and joint venture agreements to

Together, we’ll make your international business and

expand your business horizons. Collaborating with

tech startup aspirations a reality.

local and international entities can lead to exponential growth. • Greenfield Investment Projects: If you’re looking to start from scratch, we’ll help you plan and implement greenfield investment projects that align with your business objectives. • Tech Startup Empowerment: We recognize the immense potential of tech startups. Leveraging our extensive networks in the regions we operate, we connect startups with venture capital funds

Counsell Global Consulting

and angel investor networks. This is your


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Sinterklaas is almost on


his way…

For those of you who don’t know Sinterklaas yet, here is a chance to meet him! Sinterklaas visits the Netherlands once a year to celebrate his birthday. Nobody knows how old he is, it seems that he has been there forever. His birthday is on the 5th of December. Instead of receiving presents for his birthday, he gives presents away to all the children. This year Sinterklaas arrives in the Netherlands by boat on the 18th of November, along with many many helpers, called ‘Pieten’. Once he has arrived he continues his travel on his horse Ozosnel towards the residence where he will stay to prepare all the gifts for the children which, you can imagine, takes a lot of time; the big red book of Sinterklaas contains all the names of the children, how they behaved and what they have on their wishlist.

This year will be a big party! Not only do we

Did you know that Sinterklaas and his helpers deliver

celebrate Sinterklaas’ birthday but also the 5-year

the presents through the chimneys of the houses,

lustrum of the Sinterklaashuis Eindhoven. Yes, for

the Pieten need to be real acrobats to do that. The

the fifth year in a row Sinterklaas will stay in the

kids can follow a route over roofs and can crawl

Steentjeskerk in Eindhoven, an old church,

through the chimneys, try to stack packages and in the end they will receive a real “Pieten certificate”

which is the perfect venue for all the things that

signed by Sinterklaas and the Chief Piet themselves!

Sinterklaas and his helpers need to do. The Sinterklaashuis is open from Saturday 18 November

The highlight is of course the meeting with

till Sunday 3 December. Children (and their parents/

Sinterklaas, children can have their photograph

caregivers) will be so excited to visit the

taken while Sinterklaas reads from his big red book.

Sinterklaashuis. A tour through the house will lead you to the Post Office where all the drawings and

It‘s a wonderful and exciting outing for the whole

wish lists made by children for Sinterklaas are being

family. The tour takes about 50 minutes after which

collected. You get to see the bedroom where

children are invited to dance with the Pieten in the

Sinterklaas can do his necessary nap, mind you, he

disco while their parents/caregivers can enjoy a

is already very old! The bedroom where the Pieten

drink and a snack.

can rest after their hard work; the room where all the presents are being packed; the bakery/

For more information please check the website:

peppernutmachine for the famous Dutch peppernuts

www.sinterklaashuis where you will

where children can follow an interactive process of

find all the information as well as a direct link to

peppernut baking.

reserve your tickets.

One last thing: don’t mix up Sinterklaas (also known as Saint Nicholas) with Santa Claus! Because Sinterklaas resides throughout the year in Spain whereas Santa Claus goes back to the North Pole after his visit at Christmas. And where Sinterklaas rides his horse when on Dutch soil… Santa Claus takes a sleigh and nine flying reindeer (including Red-nosed Rudolph).


Lynn’s look

on... Haarlem

Lynn Fletcher


Fabián and Marina,Intrepid travelers, arrived here from Brazil at the beginning of 2023. Never having visited Europe before, it was quite a challenge.


City Slickers

Nevertheless, instead of sitting at home watching Netflix with a family tub of ice-cream at the weekends, this adventurous young couple decided to go exploring. They now visit one new town every Saturday, using only public transport and pedal power. In no particular order, here are some of their insights on a selection of places they have explored.

No car? No problem! You are lucky enough to be living in a country with an incredible rail network, bus service, tramlines and bike hire service to help you get to wherever you want to go, on time, on point and, most importantly, on budget! In this edition not my look on things, but from two Brazilians, Fabián and Marina.

Haarlem Famous for its surrounding tulip fields, this is the perfect city to cycle around whilst taking in the historic buildings, cobblestone streets, canals and windmills. Weather permitting, it is only a short cycle to the beach. And, despite being only a stone’s throw from Amsterdam, it has a relaxed atmosphere with more than two hundred restaurants and ninety bars for a spot of people watching after a long day of sightseeing. Rotterdam Easily the best place we visited. Not only were some of the buildings huge, the architecture was unlike anything we have ever seen...and a little but crazy! Getting around was fun, as Rotterdam boasts the largest public aquatic transportation company in the Netherlands and a return trip to see, for example, the windmills at the famous UNESCO heritage site, Kinderdijk, is under 10 euros. Whilst exploring on foot, there were things to see and do around every

Lynn’s look on...


Utrecht - Marina and Fabián


corner, from fossicking in the Markthal (market hall),

to the German border, the city suffered a lot during

strolling along the many canals, to having a beer

World War II. Nevertheless, some of the old buildings

whilst watching the huge boats sail by.

were able to be restored, like the Boterwaag in the Grote Markt, which today houses a delicious


restaurant that is well worth a visit. If you visit in

Amazing place, and totally opposite to places like

July, Nijmegen hosts the Vierdaagsefeesten - a week

Rotterdam or Amsterdam. A tiny medieval city, with

full of music, parties, and dancing around the city.

narrow canals and super cozy cafes and restaurants.

If you fancy a challenge, you can also take part in

The city is surrounded by many historic land and

the 4Days Marches, the world’s largest walking

water gates that used to control the city. It also

achievement event.

boasts a 7157 kg (about twice the weight of an elephant) boulder that was dragged into the city by

Other cities that Marina and Fabián have explored

some 400 citizens in 1661, having been incentivized

include, of course, Amsterdam (months’ worth of

by much beer and pretzels. Marina and Fabián noted

things to do and see), Tilburg (similar to Eindhoven),

that this was the only place so far that seemed

‘s-Hertogenbosch (try the Bossche Bollen!), Nuenen

surprised to hear them speaking Portuguese!

(perfect for Van Gogh enthusiasts) and The Hague (the windy city). Next on this intrepid duo’s list is


Maastricht, a beautifully historic town in Limburg

Definitely in the top three places visited. On arrival,

with a young person’s vibe and superb café culture.

the central station seemed like an airport, super fancy with a lot of shops. What was unique about

Apart from being interesting places to visit, all these

Utrecht was how close the canals are to the

places share one thing in common- they are easily

restaurants, so we had fun watching the ducks play

accessible by public transport. So, what are you

in the water as we had our lunch. Because of its

waiting for when you have all this on your doorstep?

proximity to Amsterdam, there was definitely an

Not the next Netflix box set, surely!

expat vibe, and the restaurants served a variety of

Thank you for sharing, Marina and Fabián.

cuisines. We plumped for Argentinian, but not the

Happy travels and we wish you well.

best choice for any vegetarians out there! Nijmegen

Tip for tickets:

Nijmegen is the oldest city in the Netherlands

NS Flex Weekend Vrij:

traversed by the Waal River. Because of its proximity

unlimited travel during weekends | NS

31 is the new, all-in-one and affordable alternative to car ownership. No need for huge investments and complicated contracts. Straightforward, flexible and transparent, for a fixed monthly fee, and a guarantee there are no hidden costs. All that’s left is a short trip to the petrol station, and off you go!


What impacts your maximum mortgage? As an expat, buying a home in the Netherlands might be on your agenda. In this article we will help you understand the factors that negatively affect your maximum mortgage. Our goal is to make it easier for you as an expat to navigate the Dutch mortgage landscape. Feel free to contact us or calculate your maximum mortgage yourself with our online calculator on

EU vs Non-EU residency

Credit History and BKR

Your mortgage opportunities in the Netherlands are

In the Netherlands, credit history is managed

influenced by whether you’re a resident of an EU or

differently than in countries where accumulating

non-EU country. EU residents usually find the

debt to build credit is common. Here, credit histories

mortgage application process more straightforward

are maintained by the Bureau Krediet Registratie

due to shared financial regulations within the

(BKR). Lenders often check credit registrations from

European Union. However, for non-EU residents,

other countries.

including Britons post-Brexit, the requirements can be a bit more stringent. For example a British expat

Financial obligations incurred within the

now needs to prove a residence permit.

Netherlands, like personal loans and also car lease, are registered with the Bureau Krediet Registratie

Income and contract Type

(BKR) and can impact your maximum mortgage.

The kind of employment contract plays a significant role in your mortgage eligibility. For those with a


permanent contract with a Dutch employer and a

The ability to secure a mortgage in the Netherlands

residence permit as a knowledge worker, the process

and the amount you can borrow are influenced by

is often smooth. However, if you’re a freelancer or

various factors. These include your EU or non-EU

have multiple sources of income, your financial

residency status, the nature of your employment

situation may be assessed differently.

contract, any income from outside the Netherlands, and your credit history as recorded by BKR, including

Income from outside the Netherlands

existing financial obligations like loans and car

If your income is in a currency different than the

leases. Given that each situation is unique, obtaining

euro, it can negatively affect your mortgage

professional advice tailored to your specific

application in the Netherlands. The mortgage

circumstances is highly recommended.

providers always will take a security for fluctuations in the rate of the currency.

Are you still looking for independent mortgage advice? Request a non-binding free of charge consultation online or onsite straight away! We are specialized in expat mortgages and happy to serve you. Marco Denis Tel. 06-1135 4579



Patat, Paraplu, Piazza & PSV The year is almost done; it’s already time to reflect on the year and start looking at throwback Thursday content. We saw the painful war in Ukraine inching and etching its way past twenty months. The Turkey and Syrian earthquakes shook our hearts while the Israeli-Hamas conflict scattered our physics and we‘ve loomed over the threat of AI making some jobs redundant. Through the turmoil, we did see a positive

lights come out, and so do the Christmas markets.

movement towards clean energy, from harvesting

Who could resist the ‘oliebollen’, wafts in thin cold

Arctic solar energy to a huge increase in electric car

air. It’s time to celebrate the differences and glow in

sales. The UN reported on the expected healing of

the spirit of oneness.

the ozone layer in four decades. But amidst the hits and misses, the most prominent was the missing

Probably, you’re debating (this year, too) if you

autumn colours and the demissionary cabinet. Not

should buy a live Christmas tree or use a reusable

again! cried the brain waves of the Dutch citizens.

plastic tree and whether it is sustainable in the long run. How many litres of water did the live tree use as

Even amidst tantalizingly teasing times, the festive

opposed to the reusable plastic? What about the

season brings cheer and hope. Sint sets foot, the

carbon footprint in transporting these live trees…

Eindhoven News Facts rescue opinions or embolden them but why do

the birth of Jesus. Dutch families have a unique way

people even put up a Christmas tree? How did the

of splitting the Christmas holiday between family

tradition start?

and friends, usually Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are for family while the second day of Christmas

The use of evergreen plants and trees to celebrate

(26 Dec) is fun time with friends. But when/if you’re

winter festivals can be traced back to ancient

invited don’t forget to ask “what can I bring”?

civilisations. In Egypt, they used palm branches to mark the solstice. At the same time, the Romans

The ingrained habit in us seeks familiar cheer and

decorated their homes with evergreen boughs

joy so if you’re used to celebrating Christmas with a

during the Saturnalia festival. The Viking and

tree it’s hard to break that habit. After all, the joy of

Germanic people also are said to have followed

putting up the decorations, posing for pictures,

similar practices. The tradition of Christmas gained

scouting for presents on Christmas morning,

popularity during the protestant reformation in the

complaining about shedding pine needles and

sixteenth century.

disposing of the tree wisely are various timelines of the festive period. Christmas tree tradition could

Legend has it that Martin Luther King, the protestant

have originated from Christianity, but it has crossed

reformer was the first to add a lighted candle to the

all religious barriers to bring cheer, warmth and joy

Christmas tree which was an inspiration from the

into this world with a promise of hope.

starry sky. By the 17 and 18th century the Christmas tree tradition spread to the whole of Europe, including England. It’s believed that the Germanborn Queen Charlotte (yes, the Netflix Shonda


Rhimes Queen Charlotte) introduced the Christmas tree to Britain. However, this tradition gained popularity only after Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of German descent were depicted in an illustration in 1848 standing near a Christmas tree with their children. The influence of American culture and the colonial presence of Britain have taken the Christmas tree tradition beyond the boundaries of the Christian world. Now Christmas tree farming is a specialised sector of horticulture. It’s an economy on its own. The growing of trees to harvest in the Christmas season provides employment; Christmas tree farms act as carbon sinks and preserve open spaces and wildlife. Roughly the Dutch buy 2.5 million trees every year.


Beena Arunraj is the editor-in-chief and In the Netherlands, a tree topper is usually a star or

director of Eindhoven News. She is a freelance

an angel. The practice of placing cadeaus under the

writer, creates powerful web content and inks

tree on ‘kerstavond’ (Christmas eve-24 Dec) is also

brand campaigns for her living. The most

similar to many other cultures. Many Dutch families

important principle in her life is «equality and

set up a nativity scene below the tree to represent

fairness» so, a natural fit in the Netherlands.

Miriam Frosi:

A Guiding Light

for Internationals

in Eindhoven


Miriam Frosi, a global citizen with roots stemming from the charming vicinity of Milano in Gorgonzola, embodies a beautifully interwoven narrative of a life split between Italy and the Netherlands. Having spent 24 and a half years in both countries, she exudes a rich blend of cultural experiences, carrying the warmth of her Italian heritage while embracing the vibrant “gezellig” Dutch lifestyle. This exceptional journey began after her studies in economics and political science, propelling her towards the heart of the Netherlands, where she now resides with her husband, three children, and her faithful companion, Pepe the dog.

bills. The streets of Eindhoven echoed solely with Dutch and Brabantian dialects, making the assimilation into this new world a profound experience for Miriam. However, witnessing the evolution of the world has been an extraordinary journey. In today’s Eindhoven, the city center resounds with a polyphony of languages, emblematic of its cosmopolitan evolution. The magnetic pull of Brainport, coupled with esteemed educational institutions, magnetizes thousands of brilliant minds worldwide. Miriam stands as a proud advocate for the advancements of Brainport, serving as a council member for the CDA

Transitioning to the Netherlands was a leap of love, a

in Eindhoven, specifically championing the cause of

romantic pursuit that predated the digital age. In a


time void of digital meeting spots like Facebook or WhatsApp, connections with home relied on the

Miriam’s empathy stems from her own struggles in

eloquence of traditional letters or distant calls, each

adapting to a new culture, cuisine, and customs. Yet,

arriving at her doorstep in the form of hefty phone

through her determination, she mastered the

Miriam Frosi

Miriam with mayor of Eindhoven Jeroen Dijsselbloem

language and cultivated a robust social network,

Her upcoming local-international gathering on

drawing strength from her work, the amiable

November 30th at 7 PM. in Blixembosch serves as a

neighborhood, and voluntary engagements. Her

testament to her dedication to building a cohesive

aspiration remains steadfast – to nurture a sense of

community. This will be followed by numerous

belonging for new Eindhoven inhabitants. The

political cafés aimed at nurturing a more

landscape has transformed drastically over the past

interconnected society.keep connected.

24 years, empowering newcomers with digital platforms for seamless integration. Queries

A compassionate soul, Miriam’s heart resonates with

concerning bureaucratic hurdles or settling into

the issues of poverty, homelessness, existential

routines find swift resolutions through chat boxes,

security, and exploitation. She wants to give the

while Artificial Intelligence lends a guiding hand to

voice to the voiceless. In response, she championed

both young and old in their daily lives.

the establishment of a center to address and report instances of exploitation, providing a haven for its

Nonetheless, Miriam’s vision surpasses these

victims. This is at the municipality of Eindhoven, the

technological innovations. She ardently supports

first local report point of exploitation.

international organizations that build bridges between locals and internationals. Notably, amidst

Join us on November 30th, an evening where you can

the challenges posed by the pandemic, Miriam

meet our international beacon, Miriam Frosi, an

conceived the “Feel Home in Eindhoven” platform on

ambassador for internationals, embodying the spirit

facebook, fostering connections and understanding.

of unity and understanding in Eindhoven.


Bringing Cultures Together:


The Cultural and Creative Winter Market Eindhoven, a vibrant tapestry of cultures, is set to host an extraordinary event this winter – the Cultural and Creative Winter Market. Beyond its festive façade, this market signifies far more than a seasonal celebration. It stands as a beacon of social cohesion in our multicultural city, fostering connections, understanding, and harmony among diverse communities.

In partnership with the Holland Expat Center and

converge. It acts as a catalyst, breaking down social

Muziekgebouw, we are delighted to unveil our

barriers and encouraging meaningful connections.

collaborative initiative – the Creative Winter Market

In a city enriched by multiculturalism, this market

set to take place on December 9th at Muziekgebouw,

becomes a space where individuals can engage in

Eindhoven. Our dedicated team has been hard at

dialogue, fostering empathy and acceptance.

work since April, meticulously co-creating an

These interactions are vital in strengthening the

inclusive, diverse, and vibrant event that truly

social bonds that tie our community together.

captures the essence of our city. Our goal is to foster an atmosphere where internationals and Dutch

This event is more than just a platform for our local

locals can come together, sharing in the joy of

entrepreneurs to shine; it’s a unique opportunity to

cultural exchange and mutual appreciation.

broaden our horizons and immerse ourselves in the richness of diverse cultures and their representations

Diversity at the Heart of it All

throughout the market. Here, you’ll discover a variety of

Our traditional Winter Market serves as a lively hub

remarkable cultural organisations and communities,

where people from various cultural backgrounds

among them the Romanian, latin and Bulgarian, who

International Creative Women

Photo credit: Nimita Patil

will proudly share their cherished traditions. Visitors

Our Winter Market is more than just a place to shop

can join different workshops and embark on a global

for unique gifts and savour delicious food. It is a

culinary journey without ever leaving the venue, from

celebration of diversity, a way to celebrate our

Mexican tamales to Turkish manti, Chilean empanadas

heritages, and a means to foster cultural exchange

to Brazilian brigadeiros, our entrepreneurs will present

and understanding. This market brings people from

an assortment of international delights. The tempting

different corners of the world together in a spirit of

aroma and visual appeal of these mouthwatering

unity and peace, making this experience a meaningful

dishes will be impossible to resist. And of course, all of

part of the multicultural country we live in.

these experiences take place in an environment that warmly embraces Dutch culture- a culture that holds a

So, this December 9th, immerse yourself in the

special and cherished position in our international

enchanting world of the Winter Market and be part


of a global celebration that bridges our cultures and creates lasting connections

Cultural Exchange and Understanding What sets the Eindhoven Winter Market apart is its

Daniela Cruz

unique ability to bring together internationals and

Communications partner

Dutch locals in a shared celebration of diversity. It

International Creative Women

becomes a vibrant melting pot where stories from distant lands blend seamlessly with local traditions, creating an atmosphere of unity. Here, internationals find a welcoming space to showcase their heritage, while Dutch residents have the chance to explore cultures from around the globe. These interactions are crucial to break down stereotypes, appreciate our differences and foster a sense of global unity and identity. This is what makes the Winter Market an invaluable asset to Eindhoven’s social fabric.

International Creative Women | ‘T College 22, 5611EH Eindhoven |


Every year our big brother (the magazine LICHT op Eindhoven), has a playful marketing campaign, where they promote their favourite companies/ shops in different categories: ‘Eindhovens Beste’. A number of them are certainly interesting to the international community in the Brainport region, and therefore we present them to you as ‘Eindhovens Finest’. A visit to them will not disappoint you!

Liquor Store

40 In the bustling De Hurk industrial estate in Eindhoven, there is a true treasure trove for specialty beer lovers: Het Borreluur, Eindhoven’s Finest Liquor Store. For more than a decade, this liquor store has been the place to be for beer connoisseurs, both local and international The expert staff is always ready to share their knowledge and help you find the perfect beer. What makes this liquor store special is the mega range of gift packaging and local gifts. Great for the holidays! Het Borreluur is not only a place to buy beer, but also has a wide range of wines, whiskeys and other distilled spirits! Cheers to Eindhoven’s Best Liquor Store, where every beer lover feels at home! Het Borreluur Hurksestraat 44 Eindhoven (Next to Nettorama) 040 252 5856

Eindhoven’s Finest

Foodtruck De Broodjesbus: The Ultimate Food Truck Experience! Looking for a tasty and quick lunch? The Broodjesbus is here for you, and we are proud to announce that we have been named the best food truck in the region for the 9th time in a row! Come by and find out why! When: Every working day. Where: Mediamarkt Ekkersrijt Our deliciously filled baguettes are a real pleasure

to reserve the Sandwich Bus for your next event. Let

for your taste buds. We only use the best ingredients

the Sandwich Bus start your tasty journey!

and prepare everything fresh on site. Follow us on social media for updates and special The Broodjesbus can also be rented for parties and


celebrations. Do you want to treat your guests to the

Facebook: @DeBroodjesbus

tastiest sandwiches in the area? Let us take care of

Instagram: @DeBroodjesbus

the catering and turn your event into a culinary


feast. Don’t wait any longer and visit the Broodjesbus at Mediamarkt Ekkersrijt. Or contact us

See you at the Broodjesbus!

language hub At Una Paloma Blanca Language Hub, we live by a

connections. Una Paloma Blanca Language Hub is

simple yet profound belief: We are what we love,

where language lessons become lively conversations,

and we love what we do. Our language hub isn’t just

and where lifelong friendships are forged.

about learning; it’s about falling in love with the process of language acquisition. We call it a hub

So, if you’re ready to unlock the world through

because it’s more than just a place to learn; it’s a

language and do it in a cool and professional

central point for linguistic exploration.

environment that truly lives up to the name HUB, join us at Una Paloma Blanca. Let’s make your

Our mission? To provide a dynamic and exciting

journey to fluency as exciting as the destinations

language learning experience that is both fun and

you’ll reach with your newfound skills.

professional. We want our students to say “houdoe” to dull, conventional classes and “hoi” to an educational adventure like no other. We’re all about being cool, friendly, and engaging while maintaining a high level of professionalism. When you walk through our doors, you are part of a community that celebrates diversity and global




Meet the barbers in crime. For the fifth year now, Mo

welcome you with open arms. Welcome to the world

& James are the barbers in Eindhoven that you

of Barbers & Brothers!

should definitely visit! The two qualified barbers, with more than 15 years of experience, have built a community together to do what they do best: to give you an unforgettable experience. Get ready to step into a new world and be surprised by their creativity, energy, charisma and joy. The barbers are happy to

Barbers & Brothers Vrijstraat 15A | Eindhoven

Eindhoven’s Finest

Beauty Salon


The gentlemen of Barbers & Brothers don’t just stop

Welcome to the world of Beauty by Brothers.

at the Barbershop. The new era of the Beauty World

We have a number of vacancies for various positions

starts at Beauty by Brothers. With professional hair

for both Barbers & Brothers and Beauty by Brothers.

designers, beauty specialists, nail stylists and

If interested, email:

healthcare professionals, you will feel like you are in a true spa. In this beautiful place, in an ambiance of luxury and tranquility, you are very welcome for true relaxation and variety treatments from head to toe.

Beauty by Brothers Vrijstraat 28 | Eindhoven

Eindhoven Sport

Balletstudio Tamara Dansant

Though born Dutch, Tamara always has had an international interest. She chose to complete her secondary school bilingually (Dutch-English), studied Spanish at Radboud University Nijmegen and she lived in Spain for half a year. Back in the Eindhoven area, she started teaching ballet at the International School Eindhoven on Tuesdays, as she still does with lots of joy. Not so long ago, her own ballet studio was started: High quality ballet classes, in small groups to give each pupil personal attention, in an

Balletstudio Tamara Dansant is a Royal Academy of 44

international, friendly and positive atmosphere.

Dance balletschool, run by Tamara Kalkman-Van Lint, in Stratum, Eindhoven. Joy for ballet and high

Ballet classes are on Mondays, Thursdays and

quality classes come together here.

Fridays (and to be expected: Saturday mornings toddlers dancing, together with mum or dad!).

Tamara is a passionate ballet teacher, who’s

Classes are bilingual English/Dutch, for girls and

registered to the Royal Academy of Dance, a

boys aged 4 and above. There is also a new

worldwide recognized dance organisation. She is a

international adult class on Monday night. A trial

Master of Arts too. Dancing and teaching ballet have

class is for free. Welcome to enjoy the benefits of

been essential all her life. She started dance classes

ballet dancing! In the dance studio with ballet barre

at the age of 4, followed by training the Royal

and mirrors inside the Indoor Sportcentrum

Academy of Dance graded exams in classical ballet

Eindhoven, Theo Koomenlaan 1, Eindhoven.

at the Junior School of Dance led by Minouche

Free parking in the parking garage.

Meijer-Moers. Tamara achieved several RAD Vocational Ballet Exams. She also danced intensively

Contact details:

in a show- and garde dancegroup and with this

Tamara 0031 6 48521337 /

dance group she was named European Champion /

twice. Later she did dancing exams in Ballroom and

Latin, and achieved Topklasse 4 in Latin dance. However, classical ballet has always been her greatest passion. In 2022 and 2023 she passed two more RAD ballet exams, both with Distinction. Also the pupils she prepared for RAD ballet exams for so far, all passed their exams successfully with (High)

Eindhoven Sport Is part of the

Merits or Distinctions.

municipality of Eindhoven

The festive months are coming:

Wijnmeester is ready for you!


It is always fun to give a nice bottle of wine as a gift during these holidays. We know how to make a beautiful package for you, whether it is a small personal gift or a complete Christmas box for your employees: Wijnmeester has a suitable creative solution for you, like a beautiful quality wine in a stylish gift box. We have a very nice and complete range of French champagnes, in various price categories. If it doesn’t have to be champagne? Of course we have various beautiful sparkling wines from Germany, Austria, Africa, etc., and these for a very

Kerkstraat 13, Eindhoven

pleasant price. Everything is custom-packaged for you, so don’t hesitate and make sure to visit us on time.

OPENING HOURS: Monday to Friday from 10.00 - 18.00 Saturday from 12.00 - 17.00

Happy holidays and a prosperous new year.

Follow us on Instagram:


Connecting Internationals is a Favorite Part of My Job! By Olivia van den Broek-Neri

My job at Holland Expat Center South is basically to help make internationals feel welcome in Brabant. Anyone who knows me understands why I enjoy this job and how passionate I am about helping internationals settle into the region, but I am not the only one. There is a huge network that is ready to help them, too!

A supportive network for internationals We are fortunate to have many great groups and organizations in the Eindhoven region that support the international community. Some of these have been around for 20 or more years, while others have been around for only a few. Regardless, they each started because there was a need and now, we are spoiled with options! There really is something for everyone! These groups and clubs are mostly run by volunteers who offer their time to help others! They are great resources that can help make your journey of settling in a bit easier and offer the opportunity to

Holland Expat Center South build your social network. These clubs are run by

Let us know! Please note that the group does not

people who have been in the same situation as you

have to be exclusively for internationals. We want to

and were searching for the same answers.

encourage internationals and locals to mix and

Why search for answers when someone else has

mingle instead of staying in their own bubble. This is

already found them for you? All you must do is ask!

most important for the overall betterment of our

The role of a connector


Everyone in the international community is used to

Holland Expat Center South is a nonprofit

being asked three questions:

governmental agency that assists internationals

1. Where are you from?

living and working in the province of Noord-Brabant.

2. How long have you lived here?

Internationals are welcome to contact us with any

3. What brought you here?

questions about settling in and living in the region:

I have been asked those questions too many times to count, but I am also guilty of asking them when meeting someone who has just moved to the region! The reason that I ask them is because I want to help connect theperson to the local community. Perhaps I know someone from their home country that I could introduce them to or maybe I know someone who lives in their neighborhood. 47

Otherwise, I think of a club or group that I can tell them about so that they can meet people. Whatever it is, I am constantly thinking of how I can connect people so that they can feel more at home in the region. That must be why people have called me a connector!

Informing internationals about these groups My job at Holland Expat Center South is to inform the international community about important topics that could be useful to them, including naming groups and clubs that could help them. For instance, ‘The Expat’s Guide to Brabant’ includes a list of groups and organizations that can help internationals settle into the region. We also share that information on our website, and via our Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. Olivia van den Broek-Neri is Project We also want to connect with persons who run

Coordinator Communications & Events at

groups that could be of interest to internationals.

Holland Expat Center South.

Do you know a group that welcomes internationals?

Recently moved to Eindhoven? I’m bored on my own.

I want to meet people.


I miss my friends back home.

Concept by Heidi Los / Illustration by Kara Frost

Have a look at the International Women’s Club Eindhoven!

We are here for you!

Beat your loneliness and find connection. We are ready to welcome you.


Things That Might Have Been with Murakami’s 50

First Person Singular

Haruki Murakami is one of the most acclaimed and bestselling contemporary authors in the world. His novels have sold millions of copies and been translated into more than 50 languages, and he’s been winning literary awards for decades. His latest short story collection, First Person Singular, was published in Japan in 2020, hit the New York Times bestseller list in 2021, and was longlisted for the 2022 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Fiction.

As the title suggests, all eight of the short stories in this book are written in the first person singular, as though the author is relating a story from their life. Although the book is presented as fiction, the stories refer to places and events that may be autobiographical, and one story specifically refers to times and events in Murakami’s own life. However, as people familiar with his work might expect, the stories are also intermingled with his signature magical realism, blurring the lines between reality and imagination.

It wasn’t like I was sitting there, hoping someone would come and scrub my back, but I was afraid if I turned him down, he might think I was dead set against having a monkey ever scrub me down. It was a kind gesture on his part, I figured, and I

Book Review by Rebekah Villon

certainly didn’t want to hurt his feelings. So I slowly rose up out of the tub, plunked myself down on a little wooden platform, and turned my back to the monkey. - Haruki Murakami

Because so many of the details in the stories are biographical, and because so many of the events are plausible and might have happened, while some exceed reality and are impossible, it is tempting to examine each story from that perspective, trying to distinguish fact from fiction, trying to glean the

All of the stories take the form of the narrator

actual autobiography from the imaginative fancies.

describing an event in their past, often with a

But I think that it would be a mistake to read the

recurring incident or circumstance several years

book in that way. The deliberate blurring of reality is

later. Because of this air of recollection and

part of the goal; it’s a strategy Murakami is using to

reflection, and the quiet, meditative tone, the book

try to communicate something bigger and more

feels like a memoir. Murakami is in his 70s, and

important than facts. In fact, despite the recurring

certainly of the age where a person reflects on their

topics of music, poetry, love, and memory, this idea

life and their past, searching for meaning in their

of the strange and inexplicable, the human response


to the ambiguous and difficult, is the real heart of this book. Murakami describes these distinctive

I’ve heard it said that the happiest time in our lives is the period when pop songs really mean something to us, really get to us. It may be true. Or maybe not. Pop songs may, after all, be nothing but pop songs. And perhaps our lives are merely decorative, expendable items, a burst of fleeting color and no more. - Haruki Murakami

moments even as he creates them for the reader.

“Things like this happen sometimes in our lives,” I told him. “Inexplicable, illogical events that nevertheless are deeply disturbing. I guess we need to not think about them, to just close our eyes and get through them. As if we were passing under a huge wave.” - Haruki Murakami For people who already love Murakami’s work, this book will be a welcome addition. For people unfamiliar with him, First Person Singular is a great introduction: the short story format is more approachable, and this book is more grounded and less opaque than many of his novels. Either way, this fascinating book will make you think.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions for what I should read next? Let me know at


The Living In Program is part of the Municipality of Eindhoven - Holland Expat Center South. We help internationals to settle in and to feel more at home in the Eindhoven region. This time information about unique places in Eindhoven and meeting cultural organizations!

For more information about the Living In Program, please contact Josine Frankhuizen of Holland Expat Center South: Check all our free of charge events on our website eventpage: or follow us on Linkedin and Instagram.


Unique places in Eindhoven

September Square. De Blob was built by an Italian architect

Did you know that Eindhoven has a mini museum?

named Massimiliano

The insight museum in the old Spoelhuis on

Fuksas and the name

Dommelstraat is said to be the smallest museum

also has meaning:

in Eindhoven, but does have a large international

Binary Large Object. The glass, striking building

collection of paintings.

serves as a shop. When you walk to the

Philips’ first light bulb factory is a building at

Effenaar you will see a

Emmasingel 31 in the center of Eindhoven and is

small park next to it,

owned by Philips. This original building dates from

just behind the

1869. It is a rare example of a small-scale factory

monumental facade

building and is a national monument. On the street

of an old linen factory.

side it consists of two blocks, on the left with two gable roofs, on the right with a hipped roof. Between

The history of Eindhoven has been given a place in

the two blocks are the entrance and a chimney. The

the freely accessible bicycle shed under the 18

Philips Museum has been located in the building

September Square by replacing the Woenselse

since 2013.

Stadspoort (old city gate) and information panels. You may have seen the hatch near the statue of The eye catcher in the city is of course the Blob.

Frits Philips on the market. It is the entrance to an

The futuristic building is located on the 18

atomic fallout shelter.

Holland Expat Center South

Kazerne (“Barracks”) is housed in one of the first military police barracks in the Netherlands (1825) with service

Come and meet cultural organizations from Eindhoven and the surrounding area at the Winter Market!

rooms, stables and coach house (1898) and adjacent industrial shed for municipal cleaning

If you want to get to know all kinds of different

(1925). The 2,500 square meter complex is a

cultural organizations in Eindhoven and the region,

municipal monument. Thanks to many

you can visit the free of entrance Cultural &

contributors, the complex is gradually transforming

Creative Wintermarket! We have also managed to

into a special combination of meeting (restaurant),

attract the necessary artists, fun promotions and

exhibition (design) and hospitality (hotel).

free workshops to make it a success!

The Van Abbemuseum is not a traditional museum,

This year, the following cultural organizations are

but rather experimental. There are changing

participating among others: CKE (arts centre

exhibitions of modern art. A very pleasant place to

Eindhoven), Wonka Podia (5 theatres in Eindhoven

walk through, with lots of space and light. You can

and region), De Ontdekfabriek (discovery factory),

of course also take guided tours to learn more

Museum Helmond, Visit Valkenswaard,

about the museum.

UitinEindhoven (cultural agenda in Eindhoven ), Regioradar Eindhoven (regional agenda with things

The Strijp S district is the place where Eindhoven’s

to do), Muziekgebouw Eindhoven (concert venue),

two nicknames - design city and city of light -

Van Gogh Village Museum, Natlab (theatre/ballet,

perfectly come together. This district was once a

cinema), Art4U (arts centre Veldhoven), and

Philips site, where the factories were located. It is

International Theater Collective (theatre

still there, but Philips no longer works there. Strijp


S is now a vibrant, creative neighborhood where people live, work and where you can eat, drink and shop. Strijp S is industrial, robust, and it looks very attractive. The Evoluon is a discus-shaped building in the Dutch city of Eindhoven, designed by the architects Louis Kalff and Leo de Bever. The futuristic flying saucer-like dome measures 77 m in diameter and the concrete of the dome is held in place by 169 kilometers of tension cable. It was designated a national monument in 2018. It now houses an international Future Lab for design & technology, where it researches the nature of the future. The exhibition can be visited.

Hope to meet you there!


Empowered People, Empowered Cities The city of Eindhoven pulses with an original soundtrack of jumbled yet harmonious sounds, international people, regional and multinational companies, and institutions that are its essence and claim to fame. 54

Events too have a way of influencing and distinguishing cities from each other. You can’t attend any of Eindhoven’s city-wide events like Dutch Design Week or the Glow Festival and not feel surrounded by its unmistakable vibrant energy.

Community Empowerment

Beyond sponsorship, ESI supported participants with

At the Expat Spouses Initiative (ESI), we want to

WhatsApp groups posting helpful and informative

empower the international community to immerse

messages to keep them accountable and motivated;

themselves in the city, so they can feel at home,

a personalized goodie bag, including a shirt with an

integrated, and motivated to achieve their personal

original design created by a community member,

and professional goals. What better way to

Sonal Joshi; and arranged supporters along the

encourage that than the ASML Marathon Eindhoven,

routes with inspirational posters.

particularly under the banner of our newest initiative, Including You, which champions diversity,

More than a City

equity, and inclusion.

Our community was fully onboard and willing to support each other every step of the way. It was

“I know the power that the vibe at these events hold,

needed! Over the two-day event, sixty plus walkers

so I prompted ESI to enter a group for various

and runners from the ESI community experienced

distances in the marathon with the intention to

Eindhoven in a new light as they walked or ran

empower our community, get them out of their

throughout its urban landscape, surrounded by

comfort zones and place them in a new environment

crowds of cheering spectators on their way to the

where they can connect in a different way,” says

finish line. The whole city was awash with an electric

Meagin van der Westhuizen, the community manager

and uplifting vibe of solidarity, enough to make

at ESI.

anyone fall in love with the city all over again. And

Expat Spouses Initiative “Cities are more than just streets and buildings; they’re vibrant communities where every step you take is an opportunity to connect, to belong, and to understand. Participating in the ASML run which was sponsored by Expat Spouses Initiative was more than a race; it was a journey of integration, a chance to feel at home, and a new perspective on the beating heart of our city.” --- Nazanin M. Shafiee Building bridges to facilitate integration and inclusion was why ESI organized this challenge for our community. It is one we will continue to advocate for through Including You. Including You From research to manufacturing, Brainport is the the response from our participants was

hub of technological advancements in the

overwhelmingly positive!

Netherlands. It is the gathering point for thousands of people striving to create tomorrow’s technologies

“As an immigrant, joining this event was a game-

that will revolutionize lives and communities. Yet not

changer. I discovered hidden gems, proved to myself

everyone is able to partake in this dynamic scene.

I can dream big, and connected with people who

ESI has seen time and time again how highly capable

share my interests. It’s no longer just a city; it’s my

international professionals, like those of

home.” --- Shreya Surana

accompanying spouses and partners, slip through the cracks when it comes to finding employment

“We have been living in this city since March and


every day has been a new day here! Though life in a new country is challenging, I must say that the

The Expat Spouses Initiative will change that with

friendly Dutch culture and the support system made

Including You. Including You is the start of a

our stay pleasant. Soon I realized that attending or

movement that champions building a more inclusive

participating in Eindhoven-based events like the

professional ecosystem for migrating international

Marathon will help us settle faster.”

talent, who live in the Brainport region.

--- Karthikeyan Palanisamy

We encourage any business to join us and other leading regional organizations to take a proactive

Perhaps the next comment best summarizes how

role in creating a future-proof and thriving

many community members felt about the event:

ecosystem for everyone in the region.

If you are an international looking for support to get market ready, email ESI at They can help you find the job of your dreams.


Expat families Challenges and the Importance of Community Support for Kids and families in Eindhoven


Being an expat mama brings with it a unique set of challenges and joys. As we navigate the unfamiliar territory of living in a new country, the distance from our families can feel magnified. However, amidst these challenges, there are also numerous benefits for our children. In Eindhoven, Netherlands, we have come together as expat parents to support one another and provide a nurturing environment for our kids. Through regular meetings and events, we have found solace, friendship, and a sense of community. One of the biggest hurdles we face as expat families

to adapt to different customs, traditions, and even

is being far away from our loved ones. When our

food. The initial period of settling in can be

children grow up without the constant presence of

overwhelming as they try to make new friends and

grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, they may

adjust to a foreign educational system.

feel a sense of longing for the familiar culture and support system they left behind. This can be

Recognizing the challenges faced by expat families,

especially challenging during important milestones

we have initiated a series of meetings and activities

such as birthdays, holidays, or school events.

to foster a sense of community and support for both mothers and children so our families. We organize

Another challenge concerns the adjustment to a new

Playsori chats EKE bi-monthly meetups for expat

culture and language. Children sometimes struggle

moms and their kids to come together, share experiences, and provide each other with emotional support. These meetings have been instrumental in making us feel less alone in our journey and have allowed us to build lasting friendships. At these gatherings, we engage in various activities and discussions. We talk about the hurdles we face in raising our children abroad, exchange advice, and share cultural experiences. The children, too, could interact and connect, creating their own support

Expat Kids

system within our expat community. These shared

For our children, these meetings serve as a platform

experiences help us and our kids feel more

to develop their sense of belonging in this new

connected and understood, alleviating any feelings

country. They could meet other expat kids who are

of isolation or homesickness.

facing similar challenges and develop friendships that transcend cultural boundaries. They gain a

Our Family Day activities have been a wonderful way

broader perspective on the world and learn to

for us, as an expat family, to meet and interact with

appreciate the diversity that comes with an

other families who are also new to this area. These

international community. This exposure is invaluable

events have not only provided us with a sense of

in shaping their identities and equipping them with

belonging but have also allowed us to share our

the skills necessary to thrive in a globalized world.

experiences, learn from others, and build lasting friendships. As we approach the last family day of

Our regular meetings and events not only provide

the year, the Sinterklaas celebration on Sunday,

emotional support and friendship for us moms, dads

November 26th, we eagerly look forward to engaging

but also create a nurturing environment for our

in traditional Dutch festivities and strengthening our

children. Together, we are witnessing our kids grow,

bonds with fellow expat families.

bond, and develop a sense of belonging that transcends borders. As we continue this journey, we

Looking ahead to next year, we are excited about the

remain grateful for the challenges that have brought

planned Tea times with parents and continue with

us together, knowing that our strength lies in

our Parents school. These activities are carefully

supporting and uplifting one another.

designed to ensure parents feel valued and actively participate in the different aspects of our community life. By creating a range of family-centered activities, we hope to foster a vibrant and supportive environment where everyone feels included and cherished. The value of these meetings cannot be overstated. They give us an outlet to vent our frustrations, seek advice, and celebrate our successes. By supporting each other, we create a network of individuals who understand the unique challenges of expat life. This

Expat Kids in Eindhoven

support system extends beyond just the moms, as we are now in the process of organizing a general

To find out more about us, visit

meeting for parents. This forum will allow us to come and check out

together as a collective, addressing common

our Facebook page ‘Expat kids in Eindhoven’ or send

concerns and seeking solutions as a united front.

an email to


Lost in Translation:

Unraveling Some Cross-Cultural Idioms in English and Dutch radio linguist Bart Bruijnen (right) and host Jean-Paul Linnartz. Language is like a playground where different cultures express their thoughts and feelings in funny ways. 58

One delightful example is the disparity between the English and Dutch idioms “met de deur in huis vallen” and “to get right to the point” as well as “ergens omheen draaien” and “to beat around the bush”. Let’s embark on a whimsical journey exploring these linguistic marvels.

Imagine a Dutch person saying “Laat ik met de deur

way through a conversation. Do they address the

in huis vallen!” If you try to translate it word-for-

topic from all angles? In reality, this idiom means

word, it sounds like “Let me fall into the house with

avoiding a topic.

the door!” That might conjure up hilarious mental

In English, we have “to beat around the bush”. This

images of people tumbling through doors. But what

phrase brings up images of bushes and something

your Dutch friend really means is “Let me get

like a drum beating, which is quite noisy and

straight to the point!”

confusing. Instead of the (more or less) elegant dance

In English, the situation unravels differently. When

seen in the Dutch version, the English use a louder

someone suggests “Let’s get right to the point”

and more perplexing way to avoid the real issue.

it might sound like you’re journeying through a maze with a shortcut to reach the point of conversation.

Both English and Dutch employ metaphors to enrich

Or they’re skipping the sentence to get to that last

their language and make communication more

sign. In both cases they’re running through things to

interesting. Metaphors are like special tools in a

discover the same destination: brevity.

language that help convey ideas and feelings in a vivid way. However, the way each language uses

Our language adventure continues with the Dutch

metaphors can be quite different, and these

idiom “ergens omheen draaien” which translates to

differences can reveal a lot about the culture and

“to circle around something”. Picture a room full of

experiences of the people who speak them.

Dutch speakers gracefully twirling and waltzing their

These differences in metaphor usage are like

Photos by Lev Azarkh


colorful threads in the patchwork of language.

Certainly, there are regional differences. But at least

They add depth and richness to how people

we observe that Dutch idiom gives ingredients to let

communicate and provide a unique window into the

conversations sound friendly. Nonetheless, a BBC

culture and values of English and Dutch speakers.

report notices that straightforwardness is so intrinsic

When we explore these differences, we gain a better

in Dutch society. The Dutch even have word for it:

understanding of the fascinating interplay between

‘bespreekbaarheid’ (speakability) to convey that

language and culture, and how these metaphors can

everything can and should be talked about. However,

reveal a great deal about the distinctive perspectives

that seems particularly be appreciated in

and experiences of each linguistic community.

Amsterdam, whereas Brabant is often characterized by the word “gemoedelijkheid” (easy going). Anyhow,

So, next time you find yourself navigating English’s

the Dutch value honesty and sincerity. An American

maze-like idioms or waltzing through the subtleties

habit of overhyping is perceived as insincere.

of Dutch expressions, remember that language is more than just a tool for communication. It’s a colorful tapestry that tells the stories of cultures, one funny idiom at a time. Enjoy the comical confusion and embrace the delightful diversity of human expression! Are the metaphors also a reflection of culture? Cultural nuances play a big role in how languages develop. Dutch culture values precision and polite discussions, which is why their idioms dance around

Radio 4 Brainport is an independent radio station for

topics. English, valuing clarity and efficiency, creates

the international community in the Eindhoven

expressions that involve noisy bush-beating.

region. Programs are in English and can be heard via

Interestingly, we hear on the one hand that the

DAB+, 747 AM and via The station

Dutch are direct, sometimes even perceived as blunt,

also has volunteering opportunities and welcomes

while on the other hand the Dutch are known for

help in any form. Feel free to reach out to

diplomacy and politeness.



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learning at Volksuniversiteit regio Eindhoven

Dutch courses: Elevate and improve your speech, writing, comprehension and vocabulary with these courses. Grab your spot, don’t be late. • Morning course! Dutch level 1 (to A1) starts: Monday, December 4, 9 – 11.15 am, 16 lessons • Saturday course! Dutch level 1 (to A1) starts: Saturday, December 9, 9:30 – 11:45 am, 16 lessons • Dutch level 2 (to A2) twice a week starts: Monday, November 20, 7 – 9 pm, 18 lessons • Nederlands niveau 3 DEEL 1 - naar B1 starts: Monday, December 4, 7 – 9:15 pm, 16 lessons English-spoken course: Enjoy the beautiful poems of Nobel Prize-winning poet Seamus Heaney and improve your English language skills: • Poetry Circle starts on Tuesday, January 9, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM, 6 lessons

Do you need more information? Call: 040-7820810 (Mon-Thu 10.00-12.30) or email us:, or visit: 61

Music performances

Athreya Fusion Angel ArunA The Indian-Dutch Ensemble Music act curated by the Indian Embassy The Hague

Cultural performances

Fashion show – Six Yards of Love Natya Nectar: A Celebration of Indian Dance The Regional Tunes of India by Hamara Music Group



Madhubani painting Kalaripayattu Ayurveda Yoga

INDIA DAY For more info and tickets, check

And more

Bazaar Food from all regions Desi drinks Kids activities

Coming up in Effenaar Thursday 23 November


Saturday 25 November

Disco Inferno with Discophonic Orchestra Friday 1 December


Saturday 23 December


Christmas Sing-A-Long Sunday 31 December

We All Love 80’s 90’s 00’s 10’s NYE Saturday 13 January

Club Tropicana ft. WHAMANIA! Friday 26 January

Skinny Lister

The Tallest Man on Earth


Matteo Myderwyk

Sound & Silence piano concert neo-classical



Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Händel’s Messiah

Elgar’s unparalleled cello concerto

by Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin classical



Gregory Alan Isakov

Unique beld of folk, indie-rock, and americana

Choir of Clare College, Cambridge Sublime English choral singing classical




The Dutch David Bowie Tribute

An Irish Christmas by Celtic Steps world



India Day

Celebration of the Indian culture

Queen Must Go On

A tribute to the legendary band pop



Moya Brennan (the voice of Clannad) An Irish Christmas pop

The Tallest Man On Earth & Amsterdam Sinfonietta Swedish singer-songwriter with string orchestra pop & classical


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