Issue 3

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Renton High School 400 South 2nd Street Renton, WA 98057

Motivational speaker and Florida State University football player Clarence Lee completes a push-up with senior D’Andre Glaspy standing on his back in the main gym on Monday, Jan. 10. Lee and his partner Keith Davis motivate students across the country by providing physical and metaphorical examples of strength and endurance. “I haven’t had that feeling in a while, where I was carried off the floor,” Glaspy said. “When I was lifted off the ground, I was like ‘Weeeee!’”


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The Word

Notable Contributors

E.I.C to you.

Dear Wonderful Readers,

Name: Vanessa Abenojar Position: Online Editor/ Copy Editor Notable For: Vanessa wrote a 3,000 word first draft. This includes information on aggression in the halls. (Pages 10 and 11)

Name: Tristan Cawagas Position: Art Staff Notable For: Tristan wrote 3,000 words on music in our hallways, with stastical grammar and lots of interesting and thought provoking quotes. (Pages 12 and 13)

Name: John Lon Position: Co-Art Editor Notable For: John found someone sleeping in the hallway and interviewed him after he woke up.

“Bird Noises”

“What? I can’t hear you.”

If I could change one thing about the world...I’d make it so my family wasn’t so far away from me because I miss them so much. Not make the world smaller, just have them closer.

If I could change one thing about the world... Infinite numbers of food. Dinosaurs would come alive and would be nice herbivores.

If I could change one thing about the world...I would change hate. “Forgiveness is more manly than punishment.”-Ghandi

If I were in a coma for a year...I would go to the people I’m closest to, let them inform me of everything I missed, go to an alternative school to get my credits back and try to start where I left off. A year isn’t so long compared to a life time. If I could offer only one piece of advice to a newborn child... Don’t grow up too fast, you’ll regret it. Never forget to smile every day, no matter what.

If I were in a coma for a year...I would realize I’m in a coma and dream about beating Anthony Hill at Pokemon. If I could offer only one piece of advice to a newborn child...Don’t be stupid. Also, don’t sluff when you get into school. Lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? I would lose all of my memories, because I’ve only had bad memories so far, I haven’t really got anything to lose.

“Don’t die wondering, I guess.”

If I were in a coma for a year...I would want to be pulled off of life support. I wouldn’t want my family to watch me suffer. I wouldn’t want to suffer. If I could offer only one piece of advice to a newborn child... Do good in school. Lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones? I’d erase old memories and I’d create new ones, to remember.

Derek Smith is grading papers about Facebook.....................................................................................Adviser Olivia Fry is ready to be in Niagra Falls with her mom and boyfriend...............................Editor-in-Chief Devante Swann never asked her to Tolo.........................................................Managing Editor/Bars Editor Alyssa Antonio Welcomes all new upcoming ARROWHEADS! :D..............................Know More Editor Bryan Diaz cheated on my fears, got engaged to my faith, marrying my dreams....Play Hard Editor Mark Mariano has salmon breath! But man did it taste good, thanks Mona.......................Intro Editor Mindy Saeteurn hates combat boots..........................................................................................Portraits Editor Darren Briggs She’s the answers to all my questions, I call her Google...............................Faces Editor James Enebrad Leggings being banned in schools in WA..........................................................Bars Editor Cindy Nguyen What does class of 2011 have in store for their senior prank?.....Perspectives Editor Kaylah Grady My legs are hurting because of dance practice!...............................................Vocab Editor Gabriel Dominguez is asleep...................................................................................................................Intro Staff Katie Reynolds What’s this thing called sleep that everyone is talking about?................Copy Editor Mona Orejudos You want a knuckle sandwich!?.............................................................................Photo Staff FINE PRINT ARROW is an open forum produced by crazy-creative-unique students who eat Hot Cheetohs inside of cream cheese bagels while having dance contests to old Fresh Prince of Bel Air songs. Awesomely enough, they all go to Renton High School at 400 S. 2nd St., Renton, WA, 98057. EIC Phone number: 425457-0195 ARROW is printed six times a year by Pacific Publishing Company in Seattle, Washington.

Word processing, graphics and layouts are created on Microsoft Office 2007 and Adobe Creative Suite 3 programs. ARROW has a press run of 2000. The staff welcomes letters to the editor and will publish letters which meet our standards of good taste (as space permits). Letters must be signed. ARROW reserves the right to edit letters, though every attempt will be made to preserve original content.

Name: Gary Nguyen Position: Know More Staff Notable For: Gary wrote an article on his split personality between the classroom and hallways (Page 23)

Name: Joe Vo Position: Co-Photography Editor Notable For: Joe took tons of pictures this issue. Find his most creative photos of Vinnie Nguyen (Page 15)

“I go to Earth when Mars get’s boring.”

“Food is good for you!”

If I could change one thing about the world...I’d make guns legal, but each bullet would cost $1000 If a criminal is willing to take someone’s life, they better have bullet tuition saved up. If I were in a coma for a year...It would give me time to think. It would suck though because all of the great ideas I probably wouldn’t remember. I also want to wake up with loved ones around, not doctors and beeps. If I could offer only one piece of advice to a newborn child... If you play a sport for 3 hours, 5 days a week, for 10 years, you can go pro.

If I could change one thing about the world...I would make it so that everyone was happy about themselves and others. The only worry there would be is having any worries. If I were in a coma for a year...I would want everyone who I was close friends with and family, even the ones I haven’t met from Vietnam, to see me at the hospital. I would want so many people that it would fill the hospital floors all the way out through the entrance. If I could offer only one piece of advice to a newborn child...Have fun, take advantage of every minute of life you have.

Hamilton Carter Who’s ready for the talent show!.....................................................................................Portraits Staff Malik Roper I’ve been sick for weeks, feels like there’s a little man scratching my throat.........Play Hard Staff Farid Ahmach I feel like my life is falling........................................................................................................Art Editor Staff Drako Glaspy is currently unavailable...............................................................................................................Portraits Staff Dominique Brooks is nowhere to be found.........................................................................................Perspectives Staff Brian De La Torre Loading...........................................................................................................................Perspectives Staff Jasmine Marley Time to get in shape before track season sneaks up on me ..............................NUM83R5 Staff Aaron Garcia You are so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine...........................................Vocab Staff Mohamad Abdullahi Steelers are going ............................................................................................................Faces Staff Kenneth Orejudos You’d commit suicide trying to read my mind..................................Co-Photography Editor Gerald Reddy is currently unavailable............................................................................................................Play Hard Staff Tony Le CTE contest winner TONY LE!...................................................................................................Remarks Editor Max Bureau Without lying, chillin’ and sleepin’, purpose of the human being...........................Co-Faces Editor Eli De los Santos Where’s my wallet?.........................................................................................................Know More Staff Unsigned editorials and editorial cartoons represent the majority view of ARROW editorial board and do not represent the views of the Renton School District or RHS. Opinions, commentaries, satires, and perspectives are the views of the writers and artists, not the Renton School District or ARROW editorial board. ARROW is financed by advertising based on size-determined rates. These range from $20-$80.

It’s finally Issue 3 and I don’t think you’re ready for this one. This has got to be one of our best issues, with many different faces and lots of different stories. Our theme this issue is “What Happens in the Hallways.” This means, you get the stickycrazy-drama-filled-action that comes from the hallways. Once people cross that line from the classroom into the sacred, people-filled hallways, some people change. Not only that, but some people like to just stick in their headphones and keep on moving. Other people like to sluff their way to class, keeping their ears open to anything going on, just so they don’t have to go to another hour of class. On the opposite end, others like to keep the tone fast-paced and keep on moving through our wonderful but crowded halls. To some, the hallway is a place of transition, just a place to get through to go to class. To others, it’s a place of relaxation, you know, like those 5 minutes just let you breathe, stretch and goof around with your buds while you lay against a locker. Most students claim that they “own” the hallway. It’s their territory, they get to act the way they want and do whatever they want. That’s not always necessarily the case though. The hallways are monitored by guards and adults around the building. They may let some things slide, but for the most part, they make sure the rules are followed all the same. This issue, you get to meet lots of new people. There are now 24 different pages to browse and study, including two in-depth articles - one about aggression in our hallways and one about music in the hallways. These both have information that you may have never even known. Those surveys you may have taken in advisory a few weeks back? They helped write these articles. You may be in them. So thank you for adding to our wonderful creation. Hope you enjoy! Your compassionate Editor-in-Chief, Olivia Fry. Every issue, the editor-in-chief explains the magic and maniacal torture behind the ARROW scene. If it’s less than (or especially) magical for you, let her know at rhsarrow@

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Know more

THE PAGES OF ANNE FRANK NAZI IN THE ANNEX: Two years after living in the warehouse attic, the Nazis come and threaten to shoot if the Franks, the Van Daans, and Mr. Dussel don’t leave the attic and go to the interment camp. “I felt like the swastika was burning a hole in my arm, and that I was going to hell for just wearing it,” Nazi (Jacob Hires) said. “But, I still enjoyed the role, because I got to yell at people.”

Katie Reynolds photos

FIRST KISS: Peter Van Daan (Nick Hyett, LHS) holds Anne Frank (Binayug) in the attic, just before they kiss.

DEAR DIARY: Anne Frank does a diary monologue about how much she dislikes her mother and how she practically raises herself. “I pushed myself into my audition piece. I persevered,” senior Chrysanthemum Binayug said. Binayug played the lead role, Anne Frank.

UNFORGETTABLE MEMORIES: The Frank family, the Van Daans and Mr. Dussel, a dentist, all live together for two years in attic rooms above an Amsterdam warehouse, and leave with unforgettable memories, especially an unforgettable Hanukah. “Please don’t let that candle fall off and set the table on fire,” Mr. Frank (Jeremy Odden) said.

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Rob Conway and David Rolandson received a Circle of Giving grant from the Renton Community Foundation. Both received $1000 from the grant. John Mehlhaff, Rakib Mirza and Jessica Schmitt are currently competing in the Washington Scholars Program. Principal Damien Pattenaude was recently selected to testify before the state legislature’s House Education Committee that is currently working on K-12 legislation and budgets. The Washington State Legislature’s revised budget means Renton schools will face an additional $850,000 cut. Because students missed school on Nov. 23 and 24, students will return on Friday, May 27, Tuesday, June 21 and Wednesday, June 22, a half day for all students except staff. This is to make up missed hours from the early snow and ice storm back in Nov.

After an interview on the Renton campus, eleven students were offered admission to Washington State University. WSU visited Renton specifically for these interviews. The Thurston group black college tour will take place in the Career Center from 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. on Feb. 1. The Renton Rotary Youth of the Month will be in the main office conference room from 11:30 – 1:00 on Wednesday, Feb. 2. Eastern Washington University will be in the Career Center during advisory on Thursday, Feb. 3. There will be a freshman introduction during advisory in the Career Center on Thursday, Feb. 3, 7, 10 and 28. Feb. 3, 7, 10 and 28 during advisory there will be a sophomore virtual college in the computer lab.

The Dream Project for the juniors will take place on Thursday, Feb. 3 during advisory in the staff lounge. The Valentine’s Dance will take place in the commons on Feb. 4, 8:30 – 11:30 p.m. Tickets cost $6 single with ASB and $8 single without, $10 couple with ASB and $15 couple without ASB, $12 for a couple, one with ASB and one without ASB. On Feb. 7, there will be a PTSA meeting taking place in the Career Center at 6:30 p.m.

The same “Making It Count” activity will take place for seniors in the IPAC on Thursday, Feb. 10.

Spring Break is on Feb. 21 – 25. There will be no school on these days.

On Feb. 10 and 17, freshman grade checks will be in the computer labs during advisory.

Upcoming SAT DATES: March 12, May 7, and June 4. Register online at www.collegeboard. com. Free SAT prep: www.sat.

There will be a Senate meeting during advisory in the cafeteria on Thursday Feb. 10. The Talent Show will take place in the IPAC at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 11. A lockdown drill is scheduled for 4th period on Friday, Feb. 11.

The consumer competency test will be on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m.

ACT Testing will take place on Saturday, Feb. 12.

The American Math Competition will be in the cafeteria from 8:50 – 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 8.

Attention freshman: The Ignite Program M.2.M. will take place on Monday, Feb. 14 during advisory.

On Tuesday, Feb. 8, “Making It Count” will take place in the IPAC during advisory for juniors only.

The Ignite celebration will take place during 1st and 2nd periods in the cafeteria on Friday, Feb. 18.

The SAT for Mar. 12 at RHS is full. If you have an update for BITES, contact ARROW editors at, or on Facebook @rhsarrow.

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FOR MLK ASSEMBLY, MEN OF METAL Former football players and motivational speakers Keith Davis and Clarence Lee show off some muscle and demonstrate what happens when students stick to their dreams.

The Beat


Joe Vo and Kenneth Orejudos photos

TOP: Special guest Davis (as seen on ESPN, ABC, USA TODAY, and SPORTS ILLUSTRATED) showed what the results are when students stick to their dreams and bent a steel rod with his teeth. FAR LEFT: Lee used the steel rod to lift to female students. LEFT: Lee proves to students what happens when they stick to their dreams by flexing his chest. BOTTOM LEFT CORNER: The junior class raised their hands eagerly to volunteer to make the MLK assembly one of the most memorable. Both Davis and Lee’s goal was to inspire the students to reaching their full potiential and accomplishing their dreams.

|Katie Reynolds |Copy Editor Renton High received Boeing’s John D. Warner Excellence in Education Award on Dec. 4, 2009. This is an award given to only one school that has shown excellence in teacher quality, leadership, and student learning. A model of a 777 jet airliner and $25,000 were presented to Principal Damien Pattenaude that morning. Pattenaude and a portion of the rest of the staff were surprised by several Boeing administrators that friday morning. John D. Warner was also present. “The nice thing about having a grant like the one we got is that we can pretty much spend it on anything. So what I have been trying to do is provide for additional support, like the after school tutoring, and then, kind of as needs arise,” Pattenaude said. “That’s part of the reason to not rush out to spend it right away then we can then apply that money toward where the needs are.” Even though this is a big deal to our school many students are not aware of the details. Some students have had their ideas on what the school spent the grant on. “I think they spent it on new chairs or funding for the new weightlifting gym,” senior Angel Gabuat said. But the assumption changes from person to person depending on what facts and details they know about. “We got a plane, but I don’t know what we spent it on,” senior Gabby Saechao said. The money has been used to pay some of the teachers to stay after school for tutoring, math specifically. Rather than spending it on things like new computers or a copy machine, Principal Damien Pattenaude has been putting the funds directly toward student learning. Math has been focused on specifically for improvement because it’s one graduation requirement the school has struggled with over the years, especially on the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL), which is now known as the High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE). All that is left to do is up to the students to take the opportunity to get the extra help they need even though they are unaware that the option was generiously given by Boeing and Principal Damien Pattenaude. Improvement will show in HSPE scores. Every month, The Beat explores the latest news going around the school. Everything from dress-code offenses to school-wide events. Breathe deep. Clarification on school news has finally arrived.

Play Hard

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At the Evergreen vs. Renton home game, Indians win 63-43. Fans leaned forward as players’ feet lift off.

Kenneth Orejudos photos



Blades Cut Through Ice | Katie Reynolds | Copy Editor The world is quiet, cold and dozing. Adrenaline races as jagged ended blades slash through the silence. Swoosh swoosh on the ice. In a way, this is home, this is where sophomore Jenni McDowell knows a part of her belongs. McDowell started ice skating at about seven years old. “At Castle Ice, in the Highlands, I started taking the Learn To Skate Lessons. After that I started liking it a lot, and so I started doing private lessons with my coach for seven to eight years.” McDowell said. As a young girl, competitions weren’t that complex. Being able to stand on one leg for example. McDowell faired quite well at these beginner contests. After that however, she didn’t do as well. Being more of a creative skater rather than a technical, she started entering into interpretive skating. In 2005, McDowell went to California for a competition called ISI World. Unfortunately, she didn’t succeed very much there, but she does have a blue ribbon from a smaller competition. Skating started getting expensive for McDowell, so she stopped liking it for the competition, but more for the fun of it. After a couple months of free skating, she slowly stopped. Last year in February, McDowell went with her friends to go skating for her birthday, and she had realized just how much she truly missed it. Now she is starting back up, relearning jumps and

spins and getting back into the flow and rhythm, and hopefully competing with a couple of show cases, and possible ice theatre McDowell went to a recent Relay For Life ice skating event at Castle Ice with her friend, Maddy Martin, who goes to Hazen and has a similar past with skating. “It’s like walking for me, like second nature,” McDowell said “You feel like you’re at home. At peace.”

I dribble, I shoot, I score, I play basketball, I am his ballin’ brother

Name: Grade:

Kendrick Billon Senior

Oliver Billon Junior

Evan Pienh Junior

Justin Pienh Sophomore


T Mac

Hyper Dunks

Pro Models

Hyper Dunks

Most Influence Player:

T Mac

Dwyane Wade

Kevin Durant

Derrick Rose


24 points PBL game (Philippine Basketball League)

16 Points AAU game (Pacific Northwest League)

15 points Renton game (Renton High School)

30 Points Summer Church Tournament (Reign City VS MEC)

Years Played at Renton High School

3 years

2 years

3 years

2 years


About your brother

Oliver is a strong player he’s Kendrick is good, I learn from Justin is better than me in the Seeing Evan play as a viewer, really good at taking it in the him when he plays, I try to do hoop game, but he needs to watching his mistakes I learn paint and good at team work. the same thing as him. realize school is important. Oh, from it. I also like the way he but I can shoot better. plays defense. Tony Le graphic


| Kizztophe Uhtalan | Author I learned to play basketball as a baby because that’s when I started dreaming. I learned it as a child, as if I was grown but also sucking on my thumbs inside my mom`s belly. A beautiful creation indeed: the first time I saw a basketball. It was orange, and it had the skin of a lizard, hard and bumpy. I grew up in the Philippines, and it was there I held this all-American item shaped like a globe, played internationally, bouncing like a fat man’s belly. I was influenced by the big men on my television running back and forth on the smooth wooden floors. The basketball I have now is in poor condition. I play a lot, so the lizard skin is as smooth as human skin with lotion, and no pimples. The grip is fading, and this shows my hard work, my sweat. It makes me think about how much better I am now than on that first day day I got it. I like the feeling of that rough lizard skin turning smooth. Oh, my best friend, by the way, is the ball. The color is red mixed with orange. I guess we could throw in a little bit of yellow and the sunset in the valleys of Arizona mixing these colors together. Just looking at that sunset defines the color of this ball. The sky spreads thousands of miles. Those who agree with me know exactly what this small bouncing circular piece of art may be, or what it means to someone who has the passion for it. I bounce, I play, I shoot, I smile, I am legend. If I can’t be a legend to everyone, I can be a legend to myself. I can surpass anyone, and I will score until unbeaten records are beat. I’m holding a ball, lizard skin-like roughness, the smell of fresh rubber like brand new shoes bought from Foot Locker. This ball has the taste of victory, and I can hear the ball’s future, bouncing and making a “swishing” sound when it hits that net. I love everything about it. I love the fact that I’m blessed with it. I love basketball, I love the net, I love the wooden floors and the sweat I produce from the hard work I lay out on it. Basketball teaches me a lesson every time I miss a shot; it makes me wonder what the future holds; it tells me who I am as a person; it defines my skin. Every month, The Sidelines provides a first-hand account of a sporting event or activity with the sweaty, sticky details in tact. Relive the experience with the greatest glory, and maybe a few laughs.

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Blood boils. Fingers curl into tight fists. Students stop, double-take, walk back and stare. Before the bell rings, just as the crowd comes together: Is this right? Is it worth it? Whether they knew it was coming or not, the first swing has swung and everyone’s waiting for the comeback. Hair pulled, weaves out. Act on it or leave it alone. Poverty and gold flats. Environment outside of school. Her fault. Tables and chairs, flipped. Silent. Loud. Forget the guard. Tell a guard? Best friends and the tile floor. Voices. Fists. Passively watch. Enemies. Tan lockers. He did it. Crowded intersections. Move it. Stand up. Beat up. Your mom. Then, be polite. Everything will be okay. Purses and backpacks. Verbal attacks. Ho. B***h. Walk away, be the better person.

Swing back. Play it off in front of the staff. Friends for back up. Remarks ready. Insulting humor. Papers and pens. Players. Clicks. Ethnicity. Jealousy. Relationship problems. Trouble in paradise. Words that cut deeper. Get to class. Aggression. In a recent survey, six percent of students said they tell a guard when they see aggression in the hallways. More than half of the students say they passively watch when they see it in the halls. Additionally, 75% of students agree: aggression in our hallways is mostly verbal. Sometimes aggression is purely physical, sometimes it is purely verbal, and sometimes it is both at once.

ARROW reporters surveyed 203 students on Thursday, Jan. 13. Our margin of error is 2.3 percent.

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DIG FOR THE MEANING Not everybody agrees on a definition for aggression. Some people define it as physical action, like senior Jonathan Davis. For him, it’s when people are “pushed out of the way.” Sophomore Phillip Jones: “Someone gets real physical… Kinda like super anger.” Sophomore Hannah Franceschina: “Hitting and punching… Two people fighting, or about to fight. Going into violence to get what you want and winning.” But Franceschina also says there isn’t much of that here. She says aggression here is mostly “people cussing at each other and people who just want to be right all the time.” Computer tech teacher Jeffery Dowd has an open definition of aggression: “Hostility towards others. It is seen as the opposite of cooperation.” In short, aggression might be verbal or physical, in the walls of your home, your school, or in the dynamics of your past relationships with friends and family.

SCRATCHING THE SURFACE In the 2007-2008 school year, 68 students got caught fighting in the hallways. In the 2008-2009 school year, 24 got caught and in the 2009-2010, 16 got caught fighting in the hallways. Three years in a row, physical fights declined. Language Arts teacher and Ignite mentor advisor Athena Nadeau’s classroom is located on the 3rd floor above the IPAC entrance. “Last time [I saw a fight] was a long time ago, last year,” Nadeau said. “[There are] none in our hallway because all the teachers are out of their classrooms and Mr. Pattenaude is around in our hallway.” WORDS ARE LOUDER THAN ACTIONS Seventy-five percent of students who took the survey agree that aggression in our hallways is mostly verbal. “We got into an argument not too long ago,” Freshmen Karen Portillo said, recalling a recent spat with a friend. Portillo’s golden flats were no longer in her possession. “I had her shoes and..” freshmen Maria Mora said. “She wouldn’t give them back.” Portillo said. These golden flats were special because Portillo’s mother gave them to her. Portillo confronted Mora saying, “Where my shoes at?” Eventually she gave them back and they went shopping the next day. Jones finds peace in our halls during the short but sometimes long five minutes the school gives students to pass from one class to another.

“It’s not very serious. People just keep messing around. It’s high school, people mess around. Let it be,” Jones said. “My stand point? I don’t even see much.” HEY, LOOK OVER THERE Again, sixty percent of students say they passively watch when they see aggression in the halls, and 6 percent tell a security guard when they witness it. Some stop and stare. Some look back. Some instigate. Some make peace. Franceschina doesn’t do any of those things. “I just walk by,” Franceschina said. “I once saw two people arguing with each other. They were cussing. Nothing physical.” Whenever there is conflict it is “disturbing because people always want to see it,” freshmen Vincent Servito said, “just in case there’s a fight.” Phillip Jones doesn’t find it much of a big deal. “It’s just high school immaturity,” he said. “Just chill out.” TAKE IT OUT THERE Franklin High School sophomore Michael Bagaoisan’s channels his aggression with Ultimate Frisbee and poetry, and that helps him maintains his calm attitude throughout the day.

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University of Washington Junior Guloy does much the same. “Growing up and having feelings of aggression, I’ve found an outlet for me via poetry and basketball,” Guloy said. “When I’m just pissed and I don’t know what to do, I go to poetry and when I’m mad – like, man, I want to punch something – I go to basketball.” Basketball to channel his physical desires. Poetry to channel his emotional desires. WE ARE EQUAL Don’t forget to keep the boys away from cartoons. A study published in “Pediatrics” shows that preschool boys who view television programs with violent scenes act more aggressively as they grow older, but that girls who viewed the same violent scenes showed less violent behavior. This violence included insubordination, destruction, lack of guilt, and meanness. In our survey, thirteen percent of girls said they are aggressive, and that their friends think of them as aggressive too. Forty-six percent of girls said they are aggressive on the inside but that others think of them as nice (compared with 20 percent of boys). To say that violence is not lady like, that girls shouldn’t speak so loud, that girls cannot fight – that is mistaken. Girls can be just as aggressive as guys. “I used to be a softy when I was young,” senior Naiomi Corsi said. “I got aggressive when I got older.” Corsi’s past experiences made her who she is today. Without the things she was put through as a child, who knows. She could have still been that softy. It is easy to push a girl over the nice edge, or fail to notice that she fell into a mean plane in the first place. Sometimes enough is enough. Corsi faced her enemies head on. “[I am very aggressive now] because of the girls I was around. I wasn’t ghetto enough. I toughened up after that,” Corsi said.

RISES “Aggression is only triggered when someone brings it forth,” Jones said. “This guy came, he came talking s**t and I wanted to slam him against the lockers.” Stress can make a person lose control, resulting in conflicts with others who are not looking for trouble but somehow found it anyway. “There’s more aggression now than back then as a teen,” Nadeau said. “There’s less attention, more pressure for you guys than before. Full time lives, jobs, school and stuff like that.” And home. In our survey, 6 percent of students called their home-life “aggressive.” Another stress could be social relationships and gender expectations. Davis is aggressive to his friends but not to people he does not know “to show that I’m not weak and you can’t push me around because of your size or where you’re from.” There are people out there who seek to find weak points. Davis hides his weak points with the help of a tough guy image he created with his friends. Some students survive these stresses peacefully. “I’m not aggressive,” Franceschina said. “People are aggressive to get what they want. You could always stop being aggressive and have self-control.” IN THEIR HALLS (NOT OURS) Guloy didn’t get into many conflicts during high school because it just wasn’t his thing. He was the chill guy, the one who knew it’s hard to change people whether they are liked or not, so don’t try. “I didn’t experience too much. I saw a lot of it. Though, of course, I went to Garfield,” Guloy said. Garfield High School’s students, just like students at every other high school, are not perfect. “Usually I would be sitting in the hall, outside and two people, randomly just come out of nowhere, getting up in each other’s faces for a reason I don’t know,” Guloy said. Even then, he understood the tendency. “It’s a natural part of people. Being in the same place day by day, year by year. It’s natural to not see eye to eye. It’s natural to get mad at each other,” Guloy said. “But it’s an unnecessary thing to yell and fight.” Guloy has found a different environment in college. “It’s a pretty big difference. UW is just bigger and there

are so many people you don’t know walking around. There are not so many hallways because you’re in different buildings,” Guloy said. “I maybe see one person a day I know, and everyone else is just random. Everyone just keeps to themselves.” Bagaoisan said Franklin’s halls are mostly calm. “People are chill and handle their problems without conflict.” BEEN THERE, DONE THAT Aggression can be handled any way the beholder wants to handle it. Channel it into something productive – or into another person. Hold it in or let it out. “A freshman was talking about my family. Basically he said things like ‘f**k your family’ and ‘You’re a b***h, you won’t do nothing,’” sophomore Medearis Dixson said Instantly, Dixson felt the need to make him pay. “I fought him and.. I lost. I was angry and upset,” Dixson said. “I pushed him and I got socked in the eye, busted a capillary in my eye.” Dixon refused to say anything more. “I believe that people should protect themselves so people like bullies won’t mess with them,” Dixson said. Junior Chalisa Thompson said she currently has a problem with a girl in school. “This girl was talking s**t, walking down the hall. We were about to fight but we didn’t,” Thompson said. “You know, girl problems. [We just do] not like each other.” “We’re fighting over a friend,” Thompson said. “We don’t want to share the same friend. I’m irritated because it’s for no good reason. We should all just be friends.” Believing in friendship in this circumstance shows maturity. But still. “I didn’t want to fight,” Thompson said. “She wanted to fight me about it.” There is always a choice. The right one isn’t always clear, but it’s not so hard to figure out.

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Harmonic Halls


TRACK 1: Music Hallway Trend In a school where students rap battle in the commons, recruit friends and family to sell-out the bi-annual talent show, and attract attention for their rap and dance prowess from Q13 Fox, music is popular. A recent survey shows 87 percent of Renton High School students listen to music in the halls. Over 70 percent of students listen to up to 3 songs in a single five-minute passing period; 26 percent of students listen to 4 or more songs; 4 percent don’t listen to music at all. It’s only 5 minutes, but these people don’t mind. They’ve got a few awesome songs in their music player they really enjoy. “Without music, I can’t make it through the day. I feel naked without it,” junior Adama Diqvan Mcrae said. Freshman Jeniffer Corellana agrees: “I’ll listen to music everywhere, anytime, 24/7,” freshman she said. TRACK 2: Trend reasons Maybe the meter of the music helps teens process stress. “When people listen to or play music, they experience beneficial physiological effects such as less tension, a lower heart rate and blood pressure, and a reduction in anxiety levels,” University of Illinois Professor Genevieve Van Wyden wrote in “How Music Benefits People with ADHD,” a 2010 article. In fact, the article says music therapy can help alleviate symptoms of ADHD. But the article does not say whether listening to many songs in a short amount of time helps or hinders ADHD students. In theory, listening to short bursts of sound could fragment the mind, while listening to longer pieces of music could assist one’s ability to think. Cal Tech graduate student Virgii Grifith recently published a graphic correlating music preferences with SAT scores (“Music That Makes You Dumb?”). Students whose favorite musician was Beethoven showed an average SAT score of 1371 out of 1600. The graphic does not state if the relationship is causal – that is, if listening to Beethoven actually causes students to perform better on the SAT – but it does show that there’s some correlation. TRACK 3:Feeling the Music Maybe the lyrics to love songs make listeners long for love. Or make them love the love they’re in. Or feel lonelier than ever. Maybe hip-hop music makes listeners feel on top of the world – and ready to enter classrooms ready to learn. Maybe for some music fans a busy hallway feels fearful or nervous, and music provides them protection, a safe barrier between them and others. Whatever it is, emotions are involved. University of Washington Professor Patricia Shehan Campbel conducted a 2008 study on this based on responses by 1,155 teens who participated in an online contest with Teen People. One of the findings of the study is that “music helps adolescents release or control emotions… such as peer pressure, substance abuse, pressures of study and family, the dynamics of friendships and social life, and the pain of loss or abuse.” In some cases, the music creates the feeling. In other cases, the feeling finds the music, the right song to match the mood. Loud tunes drown out the provocations of the hall. Soothing tunes can sometimes calm the mind and body. The slow/smooth beats give that kind of peaceful state of mind where feels like it’s just you and your own little world TRACK 4: DANCING WITH MYSELF Survey results show that half of students have danced in a school hallway – either behind the scenes or in front of people. Some guys and girls are capable of expressing themselves by rocking out to the beats either in public or in some deserted hallway. Some people can dance in a crowd with ease; others might be suppressed by insecurity or some other condition. Some might wonder: Why dance if you’re dancing for to no one? One thing is for sure: Students here not only rock their mp3 players between classes, they shuffle their feet as well. It might be Jerk, or any number of different dances. “I see people doing the Dougie and the Soulja Boy in the hallways,” junior Francis Edoria said. ARROW staff members conducted a survey in advisory classes on Monday, Jan.17. For these 208 surveys, our margin error is 2.3 percent.





|Cindy Nguyen |Perspectives Editor Sophomore Rodney Guess peers through the thick classroom window and spells out M-E-X-I-C-A-N with his fingers while mouthing the word. “Mexican,” was Guess’s signal to freshman Stephanie Rivas, offending her. “That’s so mean, I’m not even Mexican!” exclaimed Rivas. Guess has been kicked out an estimate of 10 times last semester and no matter how many times it happens, he just can’t help but to keep on socializing. “He just sits there just like that,” sophomore Narcisa Linares said. “Sad and doesn’t know what to do and has that sad ‘I didn’t know what I did’ look and he starts talking again and he’ll do anything to get back in the classroom.” Being kicked out of class has its’ perks, like the thick, sheetrock walls and oak doors separating you from endless lectures and superior voices. As desolate as the halls look during instruction time, you will always be able to find a student on an adventure, with nothing better to do.

Olivia Fry Photos

|Olivia Fry |Editor-in-Cheif Blood gushed from her face and onto the floor as the room rushed around frantic and the surrounding area spinned for junior Ashlee Tofteland. “I was sitting on the table in the band room talking to Thomas and all of the sudden, this ball hits me in the face,” Tofteland said. Thomas Mulliner clears up the story. “My friends from band were throwing around a pink ball, I felt really bad because I was throwing it too, but only once to Jonathan,” Mulliner said. “Anyways, Jared threw it at Casey and started laughing, so Casey picked up the ball, released Michelle’s hand and threw it really hard at Jared. Jared ducked out of the way, and it smashed Ashlee in the nose.” She ran out in the hallway, red face, in tears, and not to mention the blood all over, looking like she just came out of a horror movie. She finally found some guidance. “I walked out into the hallway and found Mr. Rolandson and Mrs. Diaz. He told her to take me to the nurse,” Tofteland said. “I just started crying even harder because I mean, there was blood, just dripping out of my face and it was all over my shoe and the floor.”

Although all seemed bad, she had a little comfort by her side. U.S and World History teacher Jeffery Wiser had followed her to the nurses office to give her a little distraction. “When they took me to the nurse I was sitting there and I had a napkin on my face. All of the sudden Mr. Wiser walked in and starting talking to me about the SU vs. Oregon state game. I finally decided to go back to class.” Tofteland said. A little comfort can always give a world of help. “She had a large amount of blood and tears running down her face. I thought I should make sure she was alright but I also didn’t want to embarrass her more,” Wiser said. He even shared his own embarrassments. “I tried to let her know that as a kid I had chronic nose bleeds and I was always the guy who was looking the other way right when the basketball was coming towards my face.” Wiser said. A little lightening up can always help a situation, especially when you’re talking to someone who can relate. In the end, nothing was broken and she finally got an apology.



|Mona Orejudos |Photo staff Sophomore Kiana Hearn, loves to have her way. “She’s a great kid. Its not like I don’t want her in class,” science teacher Stephanie Norton said. Hearn’s freshman year, Norton sent her into the hall for instigating between a conversation between a student and Nortan “I don’t even know why she sent me out! I never do anything bad,” Hearn said. “I don’t think she’s done anything that bad,” sophomore Vianca Lazaro said. An argument occurred in Norton’s third period class. “I was getting heated at that point,” Norton said. Hearn was feeling careless and bold in the hallway for a few minutes. “The only reason I send students out of class, is to understand the conflict better than what my eyes can show me.” Norton said. Since then she hasn’t gotten sent out since.

|Katie Reynolds |Copy Editor During a wrestling match, junior Emmanuel Martinez’s opponent tried a move that went wrong. Now with a broken ankle, Martinez has to walk around with crutches. Martinez still helps his team mates when he can. “Every match, every practice,” wrestling team manager Phe’ Shay Page said. Many students who roam the halls during passing period do not notice him. “It’s frustrating,” Martinez said. “People just stop in front of you and talk.” Martinez is not rude of course. He doesn’t yell at them to move. He just waits. People aren’t his only obstacle. When it rains, his cruches get wet. “I almost fell like five times,” Martinez said. With it being winter, and being located in the Pacific Northwest, avoiding rain is difficult. Even a little moisture on his cast or crutches can complicate his day.

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|Mark Mariano |Intro Editor Senior Velislav Charakchiev explains why and how he slow-walks on a daily basis: “by habit.” To Charakchiev, first period is the class he doesn’t mind being late to. “I just don’t care,” Charakchiev said. Charakchiev usually stops and talks to friends he runs into, saying things like “Wus’ hann’n,” and if there’s any free time he goes to the bathroom and “lightens the load.” Christian “Two Fingers” Aquino, is also a hallway sluffer. They hang out in front of the lockers by math teacher Maria Duque’s room. “He’s a homie, and we got the same class, ” Charakchiev said of Aquino. “I want someone to talk to, and I won’t be bored as fudge.” It is convenient for Charakchiev to have a friend accompany him as he walks through the halls. Being a hallway tortoise is a daily thing for him.

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|Joe Vo |Co-Photography Editor Taking an instrument and practicing in front of a random spot doesn’t always seem to be the best place to hear the real sounds of your music. Senior Vinnie Nguyen has found some of the best acoustic locations in the building. Last year, Nguyen found these spots with friends: senior John Lon and graduates Scott Saephan, Alex Williams and Daerell Lagmay. These spots can be found in front of teacher Vanessa Del Fierro’s room, the staircase next to biology teacher Lance Winmill’s classroom and the area next to the library. “These places have the best acoustics in all of Renton high school!” Nguyen exclaimed. As Nguyen plays a quick song on the staircase next to Winmill’s classroom, passersby hear the sound of the music echoing through the halls. “I think they’re pretty good,” senior Bao Heng Ling said. “I hear them playing in the hallways, but I really I don’t pay much attention to them.”

Some people have other opinions. “I think most of the ukulele players are pretty good. But sometimes I don’t like how some people bring one and not play it, just so they can ‘fit in,’” freshman Andrew Saechao said. Nguyen has had his experiences with rude people. “I’ve had students come to me saying that the music we played was good, but sometimes I’ve been told it’s annoying or to stop playing,” Nguyen said. “It’s alright, though, they can just go and hate!” Even so, Nguyen hopes to influence a legacy that will come up from the underclassmen. “I recommend to anyone use this spot when they’re playing anything,” Nguyen said. But then there is a warning borrowers of the spot must heed, a word of advice from one of the men who found the spot in the first place. “It’s best to practice after school, you sort of get more privacy,” Nguyen said, “and make sure you watch out for Mr. Cheatham!” Nguyen hopes to see that musicians here will take advantage of their potential to get better. “It’s always a great bonding experience just to hang out with my bros. You should always play with others,” Nguyen said, reflecting on his favorite spots. “It’s just fun just to have a jam session with friends.”



|Mindy Saeteurn |Portraits Editor For five years, class to class, up and down the stairs and elevators, night custodian Albert Gulang picks up and takes out the trash, sweeps and vacuums the floors, and cleans the bathrooms for eight hours, five days a week. “Messy kids,” Gulang said. “Doing some impossible things in the school.” While hearing the laughter of his co-worker, he explained a few of the strange things that he’s found while he works. “There’s poop,” Gulang said. “I found poop on the ceiling and the walls near the gym.” No matter what unexpected things the students leave behind, or maybe even the staff, he still loves what he does. “I love my job,” Gulang said. “No options.” He enjoys his job and has fun with co-workers. “They are amazingly happy,” world history teacher William Ruehle said of Gulang and his co-workers. “They sometimes make me question if I have the right job.”

|Farid Ahmach |Art Editor Huffing and puffing, senior John Mehlhaff runs and sprints around the school, almost bumping into people. Still huffing and puffing, he speaks to friends while holding his breathing from his daily sprint. “He hides his huffs and puffs,” senior Amy Tat said. “John is not always late he’s just slow getting to class.” Mehlhaff is a hallway sprinter. He’s also Harvard bound. He runs to class to be on time and be prepared for class. “Getting to class on time makes me feel like a beast,” Mehlhaff said. “I’m on a mission.” Whatever minute it is on the school’s clock, Mehlhaff ’s watch is 40 seconds early. So, basically, when it is 2 minutes before the bell rings John’s watch shows 1:20 seconds left - so that he thinks he nearly late to class and is assured a timely arrival to wherever he is headed. Day after day, his mission is completed.




|James Enebrad |NUM83R5 Editor During lunch, senior Kylie Staples goes to the student store and buys herself a refreshing frappuccino. If her cravings for coffee are not met at the student store, then she chugs over to Mcdonalds. “I get it for lunch but I don’t drink it for lunch and I just start drinking it in the halls but I finish it in class,” Staples said. The only way to finish it in class where the teacher strictly says no fluids except water is if the teacher doesn’t see. “I ask Mcdonalds to put it in a non see through cup,” staples said. Now she is able to start drinking her caffeine and finish it in the class room undetected. “When you need something and you don’t have it, it’s a problem,” Staples said. Without coffee, Staples doesn’t perform the way she wants too in school and that’s why she gets her daily dose of her frap or McCafe coffee.

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|Max Bureau |Photo staff “Alex is the kind of old-fashioned guy. He is a gentleman,” senior Denice Calsado said. “That’s what I like about him.” They have been dating since March 10, 2009. “He escorts me to all my classes,” Calsado said. Or according to Alex “walk her to all her classes”. Marketing. Algebra 3-4. Spanish. AP Gov. LA. Physics. All. “We have pretty much the same subjects, so we talk about how each class went,” Calsado said.Yeah, they are perfect sweethearts. “I not only feel the need I have to but as her boyfriend I want to,” Martinez said. “Our classes are really close, and I want to see her as much as I can, so why not?” And for Denice, 4’11” at the last measure, it’s not an easy task to get through the crowded hallway at peak lunch times. However Alex, seven inches taller, tries to always be here to protect her. And after an intense brainstorm, he came up with the idea of the century. Okay maybe the decade. Okay maybe not. It’s still smart though. “It’s so, so funny. Alex will roll his eyes when he sees it’s crowded in the hallway and he will ask me “ready?” That’s the signal for him starting to shield me to get through it” she

said, with a big whole smile on her face. “So my hero boyfriend always make himself as a shield so no one can hurt or bump me,” Calsado said. It’s kind of like the princess and the charming prince. He always has her back, and she loves it. A nice boyfriend like this is rare in high school. And she knows it. “I really feel safe with Alex. It’s so sweet when he protects me. He’s doing everything he can just to make me happy,” Calsado said. “Everything seems so great every time I‘m with him.” She feels doubtlessly “lucky to have a man like Alex Martinez in her life.” And the students think the same way. “These two guys are simply the cutest,” junior Crissabeth Santos said. “I see them a lot by the hallways and just by looking at them you can tell it’s a happy couple: they always smile.” Even after high school -- both graduate this year -- their plans are already set up. “I’m going to Washington University to study law and she wants to be a nurse: UW has a great medical program,” Alex said. “As you can see, things are working out.” With a cute story like this, it’s tough to conclude. Let’s just use Denice’s words to close. “My heart beats Alex, thug. Alex, thug and Alex’s heart beats Denice, thug, Denice, thug,” Calsado said.



|Jasmine Marley |NUM83R5 staff “Noooope. But I bet you it’s more than ten,” junior Andre Lee-Villagomez said. Villagomez is late to her fourth period chemistry class, almost every day. “When I walk down the stairs I meet up with some friends and we get into good conversations,” Villagomez said. “Next thing I know, I got one minute to get to class.” “When Andrea and I realize it’s time for her to go to class, it’s five minutes later,” Omar Martinez said. “Andrea always tells me about her being late to chemistry, AGAIN. But I just laugh because it’s always the same story,” Another friend of junior Mirrisa Hunter said. “I would have to say that I kind of don’tcare in being on time to chemistry,” Andrea said. Andrea said she wants to start being on time to chemistry but just not now.

|Darren Briggs |Faces Editor “He walks me to class and waits for me outside my class… because he loves me,” senior LaRelle Hill said. Some would rather see couples walking to their next period than seeing them eat each other face’s out. “I try not to pay attention when I walk past them, but their always hugging, boo’d up and stuff which I think is very cute,” sophomore Angelica Chu said. Then there goes the school security guard Earl Cheatham splitting people up. “Sometimes people stare, but it doesn’t bother me. When people walk in between us, its kind of annoying,” Hill said. We notice how different couples are in public. “I think it’s a gentlemen’s move to treat his girl with manners and walk his girl to class,” junior Colton Hafey said. Small gestures can show love in a big way. “I do things for LaRelle because I enjoy making her smile, Zane Brown.

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|Olivia Fry|Editor-in-Cheif |Mindy Saeteurn| Portraits Editor From school to school, Lindbergh high school senior Alex Mahn comes to Renton to give a different perspective of the halls. “I like the windows here. It feels less like a prison,” Mahn said. “It’s definitely more spacious, since Renton is bigger.” Many may know that here there are very cramped halls during passing times, but for Lindbergh students it’s worse. “Whenever I walk around I always see someone making out in the circle of the hall,” Mahn said. When these types of situations pop up in the halls it makes it hard to decide on what to do. “I hate when you’re in front of someone and a girl is like ‘OMG Lacey!’ then Lacey hugs the girl,” Mahn said. “and then you’re stuck standing there.” Every corner you turn in the halls of Lindbergh there will be at least one couple making out. But in Renton you rarely see any PDA. “It’s very dusty,” Mahn said. “I never see the janitors cleaning.” Both schools may vary in cleanliness, but the Renton custodians seem to keep the school in a very clean state. “One time the cart was unattended and I wanted to ride on the cart,” Mahn said. “There were clothes from the lost and found and a really nice hat I liked.” Unlike here at Renton where the lost and found is located in the attendance office, theirs is located in the security office. “I’ve been in there before and I was there to look for my lost glasses,” Mahn said. “it’s as small as a stall in the bathroom and the security guard just sits there watching his little monitor.” Both security offices have similar sizes. The

cafeteria is no different. During lunch hours the students decide to rap. “It’s exciting seeing people,” Mahn said. “Sometimes during lunch people have rap battles in the hallway. I tried to join in but I’m not good at free styling, they laughed at me.” During rap battles in the cafeteria and hallways they always have a serious expression on their face. Teachers are also there to supervise and break it up if it seems to get too aggressive. “When they’re done they tilt their heads back and they put their hand over their mouth and they rock back and forth and go ‘ooooh’,” Mahn said. After lunch students head back to class. “Kids who act rowdy in class act the same in the hallways,” Mahn said. According to Mahn, many of the students over at

Lindbergh don’t seem to have the ability to be loud and and boisterous in the hallways then switch to the role of hardworking student in the classroom. Much like Renton. “The guys in the hallway be “schlapping” they music,” Mahn said. “and up in the second floor with this big mirror near the main office, the girls be schlapping pictures of they selves.” A bit unsure of himself, Mahn believes that schlapping is the use of electronic devices. Lindbergh high school is like a circle. Renton is more like being in a box. Lindbergh is smaller than Renton. “I wish I went here.” Mahn said. “because it’s easier to get around and my girlfriend, junior Alyssa Antonio goes here.” Both Renton and Lindbergh have crowded hallways full of interesting, different people. Olivia Fry photos




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Percentages in the Passing Path




| Cindy Nguyen | Perspectives Editor | Gabriel Dominguez | Intro. Staff Our most recent survey revealed surprisingly positive results. To be honest, we kind of thought we would confirm a suspicion that students in the halls wander aimlessly and waste precious time, skip for the sake of skipping, and sit in stalls texting away their lives, but apparently, it seems that students are actually taking an interest in learning. 83.6% of students said they feel safe in the hall. The security system we have involves many staff members patrolling halls. For example, the lunch room has been plagued with linecutting students for the past whoknows-how-many years, but in the last few weeks, security guard Rashaad Powell has been keeping an eye out for those sneaky creepers. 70.7% of students reported doing what they said they would do when they get a hall pass. Despite a popular mythology of skippers and hallway roamers, this percentage tells the true story that a majority of our students are honest with their teachers. 65.2% of students reported asking for a pass once a month or less. Perhaps students realize that missing information in class is not worth using the bathroom during instruction time. (Or, perhaps teachers have gotten more stingy with passes, or offered more reward for not using them.) 61.5% said they act mostly the same in the halls as they would in the class. It does not matter where they are, their behavior stays the same (unlike senior Gary Nguyen - see page 23.) 32.5% said that if they do act differently in the halls, they are only a smidge louder. There are friends, acquaintances and enemies lurking the halls, so I suppose students just cannot help themselves to a little bit of fun and laughter. [FINE PRINT: Arrow staff members conducted this survey in Advisory classes on Monday, Jan. 17. From these 240 surveys our margin of error is 1.5 percent.] The Meaning offers the interpretation to the numbers you see to your left. The percentages you see are based off of surveys given out during advisories and have been mathematically calculated.


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SLANGTIONARY: \noun\ n. (Suh-lang-shuh-nair-ee) An informal collection of slang words students employ in hallway interactions that be havin’ teachers guess, like, “What are these youngsters sayin’ nowadays?” You’re mad \phrase\ ph. (Yo-or-m-aa-d) 1. To make a person madder than they already are. 2. To make a joke out of someone. Example: “Ah, you’re mad aren’t you!!!!,” “Yeeaah, she’s mad.”

Bad One \noun\ n. (Baaduh-wa-nh) 1. To be very good looking 2. To be so great looking people and spectators feel compelled to comment Example: “OOOO, BAD ONE!,” “Do you see that bad one right there, girl?”

Keyed \verb\ v. (Kee-d) 1. When one is completely high from substances. 2. To feel utter excitement. Example: “Man, I was so keyed those double cheeseburgers were hittin’”

Head up \noun\ n. (He-ad-uh-p) 1. The feeling of anger towards a person you don’t like to the point where you want to fight them. 2. A phrase used in the middle of an argument to let a person know you want to fight. Examples: “Bro, see me head after school,” “I’m tired of you talking, let’s go head up.” You’re off that \pronoun\ pron. (Yohr-auhff-th-at) 1. Said to signify you feel you are being disrespected. 2. Said to signify discomfort. Examples: “Wow, really? You’re off that,” “Uhmm, I’m not trying to be here. People are off that.” Get on their shower cap \verb\ v. (Geh-ttouhn-thehr-sha-wer-c-aa-p) 1. To confront someone about something they did that you didn’t like. 2. To call someone out when you feel they are doing something wrong. Examples: “I’m about to get on their shower cap,” “Urgh, man just get on their shower cap right now.” Giggin’ \verb\ v. (gi-gen) 1. To dance at a party with lots of movement. 2. Going dumb or acting spastic. Example: “I saw you at the party last night. You were giggin’!” What’s the move \phrase\ ph. (Whu-sshduh-moo-v) 1. To develop a plan for the day with friends. Example: “Aye, what’s the move for the day?” Bow \interjection\ int. (Ba-ow) 1. An exclamation made when one has a good feeling about something. 2. When you’re in a middle of a dance move and you tilt your head and yell the word. Example: “Ooo, Bow! Okay I see you.”

Greasy \ adjective\ adj. (Gre-zey) 1. Used to describe a wrong or shady action by another person. 2. Similar to the word “janxy,” to do something that isn’t right. Example: “Bro, they robbed John. That’s so greasy.” Get on his kuffi \verb\ v. (Ge-t-ouhn-hiskoo-fee) 1.When you are talking about someone or making a joke about another person. 2. Said by an instigator when they want you to continue talking about the other person. Example:“You were getting on his kuffi.” Whussh hannin \verb\ v. (Whu-ssh-ha-nnin) 1. Term used to say hello or what’s up. 2. Greeting to someone. Example: Person 1: “Hello!” Person 2: “Whussh Hannin?” Slappin’ \adjective\ adj. (sah-laa-pen) 1. Tasty food or beverage that is very delicious. 2. To hear a good song that you have never heard before, with a nice beat. Examples: “This food is slappin’ bro!”, “Aye, whose this song by? This beat is slappin’, son.” Rached tracks \adjective\ adj. (Raa-ch-edd-ter-acc-ss) 1. When your weave/tracks are bad. 2. They’re not glued/sewed in correctly and your tracks are showing. Example: “You got Rached tracks!” Mollywhopped \verb\ v. (Mah-lee-wawhpp-dd) 1. Meaning, I’m going to punch you in your mouth. 2. To physically abuse someone. Example: “He got mollywopped, kid!” She got broke \phrase\ (shh-ee-goh-tt-ber-ohcc) 1. When dancing with someone in a competition the first person not to know what to do ‘Got broke.” 2. To dance with someone and get tired before the other person. Example: “I was dancing with her last night, and she got broke.”

Fo’Sho \phrase\ ph. (Fah-shh-oh) 1. Agreeing with what is being said to you or another person 2. Being sure about something Examples: “Oh really…Okay then. Fo’Sho,” “Yupp, fo’sho!”

Swagger \adjective\ adj. (Sw-aa-ger ) 1. A way a person dresses in style to where everything matches together. Their outfit goes together with everything, from clothes to jewelry. 2. A type of mood, feeling, or emotion. Examples: “OH MY GOSH! I love your swagger!,” “I’m feeling my swagger today.”


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The Corridors of My Mind

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When I Reached For My MP3 Player... All I Found Was The Other End of My Headphones

| Gabriel Domingez | Intro. Staff Sophomore year, I had a really nice iPod classic. Black, 64GB, pretty good case, and it had enough to hold all my music. I had it on me all the time, everywhere I went. I thought I could keep it safe. Back when we had block periods, the halls seemed a lot more crowded than usual. I was just listening to another epic Slayer song when suddenly, my music cut off. I was just thinking that it probably died so I checked my pocket, and what did I find? I found the pin jack at the other end of my headphones. I quickly turned in every direction trying to look for who done it, but there were too many people. Right then, I was just overwhelmed with all this anger and frustration. The thoughts that clouded my head that instant were dark, too dark to describe. I just wanted to find the person who did this and beat the life out of them! I couldn’t handle it anymore. My anger started to consume me. I went straight into the nearest boy’s bathroom and just started punching the wall as hard as I could. I tried


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not to scream out in anger or anything, or people would investigate. I kept it quiet and just continued to punch the wall with everything I got. The results were horrible. I shattered my 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bone (index and middle finger bones) and I had to get surgery on

my hand. I can’t explain how my parents reacted to the whole situation, but let’s just say that I won’t be playing any video games for awhile. I never did get my iPod back. Neither my hand nor my hatred has healed.

Why Yes, I Do Happen to Be the Jackal & Hyde of the Hallways | Gary Nguyen | Know More Staff There are certain things that strictly stay in classrooms. My class work, reading skills, and people actually seeing me write something down. What happens in the hallway, stays in the hallways. “Gary, stop getting up so much and stay in your seat!” is all I hear from my teachers. In that tiring box of depression we all call the classroom, I try my best to put on my game face and do the work. Do all the work and all the writing while being lectured for what seems like hours. I stay quiet and never talk to another student unless it

The Heat

is about sports. Other than that, I remain seated and quiet. Face looking like my mom forgot my birthday. We all have to put up with it until you hear that bell. I sit in class as a lifeless zombie until I see, we have five minutes left. Smile. I pack up all my things regardless if done or not. I am just so eager to leave class. When that heaven sent bell rings, the full transformation begins. Walk out the class ASAP and immediately turn my iTouch, to the max. Right ear filled with Lil Wayne, J. Cole, Wiz Khalifa while the left ear is socializing with my closest acquaintance from the last class

period. “Look at this mother f***** Gary!” says senior Max Dang after all my class periods. We teenagers can’t help but be loud and obnoxious to each other. That is just how we communicate. The guys will play fight, throw up signs, and curse while the girls do make up, gossip, and cuss as well. It is just all natural for teens nowadays. I do not know if everything we say is alright in front of adult authorities, but it fits the usual stereotype of teenagers. I’m positive the way we say it will definitely get us Friday school. I yell and play fight with my friends

until security guard Earl Cheatham catches us and tells us the business. “Come on man, clear the hallways and get to class before I write you up,” he says. After a brief discussion with fellow peers it ends with a complicated handshake that includes lots of fast finger moving, a hard slap followed by a battle cry my friends and I made up, which teachers look down upon. Then, it is off to the next class. Each seems shorter than the last, but just as depressing as the last. Now it is off to zombie land with my only weapon, a .7 blue Bic lead pencil. I cannot wait ‘til 2:03.

Joe Vo photos

| Hamilton Carter | Portriats Staff We used to be together, but it was complicated. We never speak a word to one another even when we bump into each other in the hall. Every once in awhile when we do run into each other, it gets a little awkward: “OH. MY. GOSH. Every time I see her I just want to say hello, but I’m too nervous. I don’t want to be ignored,” I say to junior Gerald Reddy. Those random moments when we bump into each other in the halls makes me miss being friends. Always being able to talk was one thing that made our friendship better because we would share everything with each other, like annoying family problems. We could even vent about our bad days and tell each other about how we slept, even our dreams. Makes me miss those mornings when I would come to see her for an hour before school started. We would go grab something to eat for breakfast with each other. All of the good morning texts sent back and forth. All those night times spent together when we had nothing better to do but late night texting conversations where we just talked about anything that came to mind. Even when we hung out we did random things like the time she came over and we played Guitar Hero and I kept on getting smacked. Then there were those awkward moments we had like when I first told her I had feelings towards her and she did not feel the same way. I sometimes would wonder what made us stop talking and we would always find a reason to come back to each other. Then the real feelings began leaking out after we gave a relationship a try and it just didn’t work out. All the drama I went through in my life during this time - depression from my grandfather passing away, doing bad in school didn’t help my situation get better. When I run into her I wonder if she even notices me or if she even thinks about saying anything to me. When we pass by each other in the hall it seems like she’s trying to avoid saying hello. I wonder if I’m a ghost that just goes past her because she doesn’t act like she cares unless I try to make things up by saying something first.

This month, The Heat showcases the opinions and thoughts of a reporter willing to tell his personal truth. Or make your lower lip tremble. Enough reality to inspire action in you, our reader.


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That’s Your Girl? / I Seen Her In The Hallway Managing Editor Devante Swann / ARROW stays in the hall from day to dawn / We know everything, have no fear / It starts right here:

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