Issue 6

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ARROW Renton High School 400 South 2nd Street Renton, WA 98057

“I had to keep my composure and act like the comedian, and keep everyone laughing and not all sad,” junior and soon-to-be senior Malcom Hagler (pictured center page) said of the Moving Up Assembly. Highlights of the assembly included this year’s leaders passing the flame from red to white candles to next year’s club and ASB officers, and sports representatives. After the cheerleaders and the dance team performed, each class transitioned to their new quarters in the gym, with music played by the D.J. “I really felt like crying because some of my friends are seniors and they were leaving,” Hagler added. “You had to have been there to understand.” As teachers lined up to hug and high-five departing seniors, the sounds of cheerful excitement and beating drums were contrasted by the quiet but noticeable sounds of sobbing. Outside the large gym and hallways, and into court yard, students gathered to exchange hugs and dance in an impromptu drumming session, withholding emotions and fearlessly exposing them.


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Olivia Fry photo

blueprint 9 The Word


In your hands is the last issue of ARROW for the year. I don’t know if I’m proud of it. This is supposed to be the accumulation of all our hard work. It’s supposed to be our best issue ever and, at the time I write this, there’s no way for me to know if it is. See, I wasn’t there for the last (and most important) day of production. Where was I, exactly? I was watching white people grind on each other at Kentwood’s prom. Correction: white people not-grinding on each other at Kentwood’s prom since no backto-front dancing is allowed. A Whole New World. I guess I just have to have faith in my staff and their capability to do a good job. I am comforted by the fact that I know that ARROW will be lead next year by two passionate people, Devante Swann and Olivia Fry, who are scared to let me down. Hopefully. I guess the one thing you can take from this letter as you go off to have pseudo sex on a beach this summer or toil away at a theme park that might as well be named Pedophile Paradise, or as some say goodbye to their old lives and embrace new ones, leaving behind the crack candy that is high school: Know when to let things go. Even if you’re scared to. There’s more to life than any of us could possibly know. Now that I’m off my not-too-groundbreaking-philosophical kick, I will tell you what you can expect this issue: •Screw Facebook. Get on CeeVu. Andrew Vu talks about the social networking site he created. • It’s hard out here for a third-grader: a first-hand account of an ESL student. • Lastly, on the back page you will see a tribute to Alajawan Brown who died tragically last month. He was an eighth-grader at Dimmitt Middle School. We have chosen to honor his memory through our publication not only because he is a member of our community, but because Dimmit has no student newspaper of their own. This page is a small token of remembrance. Old radio host signing off, Ajane’ Burnley P.S. We are flattered that the Yearbook liked our font so much as to use it. Every issue, the editor-in-chief expresses successes, insecurities, and useless nonsense about some of the mechanical processes behind the magic of ARROW. If it’s less than magical for you, let her know.



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Ajane Burnley “Our fashion designers go to Africa and kill 20 somewhat tigers”..................................................................Editor in Chief Brenden Dowd is tired of high school and it’s immature inhabitants...........................................................................................Layout Editor Shaheed Rashid loves it when her eyes glisten my way..............................Story Development & Packaging Editor, Portraits Editor Hayley Brunk is zombiesaurusrex, FTW <3................................................................................................................................................Copy Editor Vincent Warren is addicted to distortion........................................................................................................Copy Editor Staff, Public Relations Rysan Binayug Kite, beach, ice cream, music, thanks Jesse.......................................................................................Ads Manager, News Staff Karyn Johnson is going to Las Vegas baby! Bow wow, yippee yo yippee yay!.......................................Business Manager, Faces Staff Thao Nguyen watched ‘Shrek’ 4 and loved it..........................................................................................................................................Portraits Staff Irene Muller could really use a wish right now.......................................................................................................SD&P, F&T Editor,News Editor Anthony Saelee is “Babysoft” no more? What happened?....................................................................................................Perspectives Editor Alyssa Antonio Goodbye class of 2010! ily & I’ll miss you! ;_;..................................................................................................Opinions Editor Tu-Anh Dinh believes there is no formula to bring us closer to God..........................................................................................Features Editor Bryan Diaz has Too many times i’ve been wrong, i guess being right takes too long................................Arts & Entertainment Editor Kaniesha Bray How you think I got you, somebody got laid off................................................................................A&E Staff, Tribute Editor Onna Giddens We’re on the road agian..............................................................................................................................................NUMB3R5 Editor Ron De Leon Missing in Action.....................................................................................................................................................................Opinions Staff Ann Bucher Veni, vidi, vici.................................................................................................................................Perspectives Staff, Copy Editing Staff Angel Gabuat is ready for hempfest!.............................................................................................................................................................Faces Editor Kaylah Grady I can’t wait until prom next year!.....................................................................................................................................Features Staff Shanay Echols is thinking about what I’m going to wear to graduation. Whoop! Whoop!..................................................Lessons Staff Mindy Saeteurn thinks this will be the best summer....................................................................................................................Play Hard Editor Kenneth Orejudos I’m still fly, I’m sky high..................................................................................................................................................Photo Staff Rochelle Mascey can’t wait to be be EMPLOYED!...............................................................................................................................Lessons Editor Olivia Fry says “What do you say we leave for california”........................................................................................................Photography Editor Devante Swann is in California..........................................................................................................................................................................Photo Staff Julian Staples can’t wait for the summer..........................................................................................................................................................Art Editor Farid Ahmach I need a license and a car!..........................................................................................................................................................Art Editor Yoonis Arale Missing in Action...................................................................................................................................................Play Hard Staff Eli De Los Santos has the cutest dimples!....................................................................................................................Features Staff, Tribute Staff Derek Smith ate three bananas.................................................................................................................................................................................Adviser

FINE PRINT ARROW is an open forum produced by sweating people who jump like ballerinas across the room. Amazingly enough, they all go to Renton High School at 400 S. 2nd St., Renton, WA, 98057. Phone number: 206-778-9540.

good taste (as space permits). Letters must be signed. ARROW reserves the right to edit letters, though every attempt will be made to preserve original content.

ARROW is printed six times a year by Pacific Publishing Company in Seattle, Washington. Word processing, graphics and layouts are created on Microsoft Office 2007 and Adobe Creative Suite 3 programs. ARROW has a press run of 2000.

Unsigned editorials and editorial cartoons represent the majority view of ARROW editorial board and do not represent the views of the Renton School District or RHS. Opinions, commentaries, satires, and perspectives are the views of the writers and artists, not the Renton School District or ARROW editorial board.

The staff welcomes letters to the editor and will publish letters which meet our standards of

ARROW is financed by advertising based on sizedetermined rates. These range from $20-$80.





What untold mysteries, what uncertain adventures and unknown paths await the graduating class of 2010? Only the elementary school fortune teller knows. Use the instructions below to make one for a senior or for senior friends. Fill it with only the best fortunes. And of course a few creative surprises of your choosing. Step 1: Take a square piece of paper and fold into fourths (four squares).

Step 2: Fold paper diagonally in both directions and flip it over.

Step 3: Once step two is finish, fold each coner and make a small square.

Step 4: After step three fold your square into a hotdog fold (as shown in the picture in your right)

Step 7: Unfold loose outer flaps and slip your index finger and thumb of each hand in. Now you have a fortune teller.

ADDYSON STOWERS Her fortune is... a full scholarship to Gray’s Habor College to play basketball and to major in Mathematics to become a teacher.

LIO SAECHIN Her fortune is... be a student at Bellevue Community College and to major in everything she needs to marjor in and to find a job.

TAYLOR WILLIAMS Her fortune is... go out for sports at University of Washington and also to get her master’s in teaching or civil engineering.

ARON ROBERTS His fortune is... culinary arts at Renton Technical College and mechanics. Or join the military.

KIERRA COPPER Her fortune is... art institute of seattle and to travel to France,Brazil and to open a interior design boutique in France.

TRI’ASH MOORE Her fortune is... to attend Greenriver Community College and major in sociology and later transfor to Pacific Luther University to finish sociology.


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2010-2011 Associated Student Body Officers

President Zane Brown

Secretary Sueanne Phan

Activities: Football and Basketball

Activities: FBLA, Key Club, Ignite

High School Accomplishments: Honorable mention for football freshman year and freshman MVP for football.

High School Accomplishments: FBLA officer for going on three years now, Student of the month and Executive mentor for Ignite.

Reasons for running: I want everyone to have the best centennial year they could have.

Reasons for Running: I wanted to be a part of ASB, because I’ve seen ASB for four years and I really wanted to be a part of that, and I think I’m qualified. I’m good at expressing ideas, organized, a natural born leader and I’m sociable.

Treasurer Maria Young

Anne Buchan photo

Vice President Meykia Smith

Activities: Volleyball, softball, Ignite, snowboarding and running.

Activities: Speech and Debate, FBLA, Class office and ASB, blood drives, run marathons.

High School Accomplishments: Varsity in volleyball and softball

High School Accomplishments: Department award for Language Arts, state in Student Congress, Debate, Impromptu and...nationals this year in Extemporaneous.

Reasons for running: I ran because I wanted to be more involved in my school and I wanted Reasons for running: I’ve always had to go out with a bang and make my mark at a passion for leadership...I love being Goals: Raise money for the school, for one. RHS. somebody’s right hand man. And to make sure people want to come to dances and assemblies. I want to do what the Goals: Keep the ASB budget under control Goals: Student involvement. Also, to help people want, not just what I want, and make and raise more money for the school. Goals: To hear everyone’s ideas and concerns improve Renton’s reputation throughout the sure all these events reflect the school motto community. of Pride, Tradition and Excellence. Final Thoughts: I ran unopposed so people Final Thoughts: Thank you to everyone who kind of had to support me... supported me and believed I could do it. I’ll do Final Thoughts: I really look forward to next Final Thoughts: I would like to thank year; I know that it’s going to be fun, a lot of everybody who voted for me and also everyone my best to make it happen. hard work, but worth every ounce of sweat, who hated on me for being president. That blood and tears that I will shed. just motivated me to do better.

Hayley Brunk interviews

Want to learn more about your new ASB officers? See pages 10 and 11.

Budget Cuts Hit Renton District From swimming pools to printer paper, here are just a few places to look for changes in the Renton Schools next year. CLEAN TEAM



Cut: “Custodial Reductions”

Cut: “Athletic Program Reductions”

Cut: “Office Supply Budgets”

Example: Cuts equivalent to two custodial staff positions means less hands and time spent cleaning the schools.

Example: Reduced coaching positions throughout all sports programs, cut golf program and possibly combined Lindbergh and Renton swim teams.

Example: Cutting down on common school supply items, such as printer paper and ink.

Translation: Rats. Renton High School’s rat problem earlier this year was mostly a consequence of students leaving out food trash that wasn’t cleaned up right away. Fewer custodians to keep up with the same number of messy students means more scurrying little friends.

Translation: Less individual time with coaches for athletes athlete. Merged swim teams means more backup in the pool (think 5 o’clock traffic in Seattle, except with boys in jammers).

Translation: Currently, teachers are alotted 750 copies per month. If they are given less, students will be required to get more assignments off of the class website or print their own copies from the library or elsewhere.


SENIORS June 9, Wednesday - Senior Finals (1, 3, 5) June 10, Thursday - Senior Finals (2, 4, 6) June 11, Friday - Senior Check-Out Forms June 15, Tuesday - Graduation at 12 PM EVERYONE ELSE June 14, Monday - RHS Poetry Slam at Harambee 6:30-8:30 PM June 17, Thursday - Finals (School starts at 9:30 AM) June 18, Friday - Finals (School starts at 9:30 AM) June 21, Monday - Finals (School starts at 9:30 AM) June 22, Tuesday - Last day of school

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Be Creative, Be Heard: ‘Cry Out’

Studio and mentoring program turns “hanging around” after school into a venue for youth empowerment through music.

The Beat


Irene Muller photo

MAKING IT HAPPEN: Renton High School Sophomore Dauvee Keith records a friend in the Cry Out studio while program leader Celestine Ezinkwol and friend Christopher Robinson look on, offering the occasional suggestion. Robinson and Keith are just two of dozens of youth who come through the downtown Renton location every week during their after-school program hours. | Irene Muller | News Editor The latest addition to Harambee, music and youth empowerment program ‘Cry Out’, gives kids from all over the area an opportunity to be heard. “We have these four kids who saw the news clip and they’re really committed. They come all the way from Maple Valley.” program leader Tara Ezinkwol said. ‘Cry Out’ is a newly built recording studio connected to the Harambee building in the heart of downtown Renton. Celestine Ezinkwol and his wife, Tara (quoted above) started the program because they wanted to give high school age kids a chance to both express themselves and become better people and musicians. “The heart of Cry Out is to empower youth leadership and eventually provide the youth with a platform to learn a trade and do what they love doing, and make money doing it,” program leader Celestine Ezinkwol said. “The other aspect is, we wanna help kids process and teach kids to handle life issues and difficult situations.”

All kinds of music are welcome in the studio. As the sound of a recording being played back drifted out of the studio booth and into the couch-filled lounge area, Renton High School Freshman Amber Renek smiled proudly. “That’s me! I wrote that hook myself,” Renek said. High school age students are welcome any weekday afternoon. Twice a week, the studio area is closed and tutors come in to help the kids keep up with schoolwork. “We offer tutoring...for kids who spend so much time in the studio, because we don’t want it to be a distraction.” Celestine said. ‘Cry Out’ is new this school year. In just nine months it has drawn attention from several media sources, including the Renton Reporter and Fox News TV. While it is, obviously, a welcome and glowing addition to the community, there have been a few setbacks. “One of the problems we’re running into is that people just wanna come in here and record, but it’s more than that,” Tara said. “It’s about being a voice for specific

issues.” Keeping the music, rap and poetry world-issues and empowerment related isn’t the only challenge. Like any venue for adolescent activity, ‘Cry Out’ has rules to keep everyone safe and happy. “We try to emulate rules at school. No cursing in the studio, be respectful.” Celestine said. “The only challenge is that the program before us didn’t do that.” Small complications aside, the program has amassed innumerable supporters all over the community and beyond, while giving voice to dozens of talented high school students. Tara and Celestine have created a stage on which the leaders of tomorrow can step up and take the mic, changing the world one verse at a time. This has been quite the experience for both of them, along with everyone else involved. “It’s amazing, starting a little project and watching it grow. Watching a lot of unexpected interests and resources surface just because we were passionate about what we wanted to do.” Celestine said.

| Farid Ahmach | Art Editor The rumors are true; there will be a new schedule implemented beginning next year, with no block days. “There will be a new schedule because the staff voted on wanting a planning period every day.” Damien Pattenaude said. “They weren’t really voting to change the schedule, they were just voting on whether or not they wanted to have a planning period every day.” Pattenaude said, “So now that the decision is made, I have to change the schedule.” While some people in the building are still back and forth on the subject, the debate is really over. “It’s not the matter whether I agree or not. It’s part of their contract. I have to make them their planning period every day.” Pattenaude said, “I think there are pros and cons to every kind of schedule.” There are teachers on both sides of this issue, and some still undecided. “I think that block periods can be really valuable…especially for Language Arts, because, if we do [have them], students have to do presentations or they’re working on projects. It also allows me to implement SSR (Silent Sustained Reading).” Language Arts teacher Dee Draven said. She has her own doubts, though. “It is very challenging not to have competent planning every day, and with our block schedule we didn’t have planning. On the block days I feel that it’s hard for students to stay engaged for that length of time, and It seems challenging for teachers, who need enough activity to keep the students engaged.” The schedule is changing, but Renton’s teachers are still putting their students’ learning first. “In some ways, I’m against it. In fact, I teach science, so it is nice to have block periods to do extended labs, especially labs that might require more than a 55 minute period to perform,” Biology teacher Lance Winmill said. “I am for it because I’m trying to teach and learn. It’s nice to have the consistency of every day being in the class room.” Overall, there are no huge changes. Only a timing shift. “There are no more block periods and all day the periods will be the same length.” Pattenaude said, “We’ll have advisory next year. We will have late start next year.” Every month, The Beat explores the latest news going around the school. Everything from dress-code offenses to school-wide events. Breathe deep. Clarification on the rumor mill has arrived.


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Facebook? Twitter? Myspace? No, CeeVu |Olivia Fry |Photo Editor Do you like myspace and facebook but hate the amount of immature children posting random drama and half nude pictures of themselves? Then check out, where you can mold your personal experience to whatever you would like it to be. If you need to know the answer to a question or want to know a good book to read, maybe even some new music for your listening enjoyment, ceeVu has anything and everything at your disposal. Andrew Vu, a Senior at Renton High School, attending Bellevue College has created a social networking site to end all social networking sites. It incorporates many features from multiple sites that are spread around the web and molds them into one cohesive working structure. “I created ceeVu with the vision to create a community that is accessible to the entire world where people can gather in a professional and mature community to be able to comfortably convey their thoughts, ideas, about anything and everything they want. Users can convey their ideas through

our forums, galleries, and blogs. There is no limit and no censorship as long as their content follows the site regulations which in essence is very basic and non-obtrusive,” Vu said. The website also includes administration and staff which controls and keeps rules and regulations followed. The staff is made up of a collection of creative and responsible individuals. The site includes titles such as Senior Officers, Officers, Staff, Interns and Contributors. We asked another member of the website, Sean Fry who is currently a Senior at Renton High School about his role on the site. He is a website administrator and is currently a Senior Officer. “Basically the job of a website administrator is enforce the website rules and policy and to ensure a higher quality experience on the site for our users,” Fry said. CeeVu is, essentially, in the simplest of terms a Disneyland of the internet, there’s a ride for everyone. It’s an ever growing community, suitable to whatever you can think of. If any of this happens to interest you then check out and get your friends and family in on the experience. “Anyone and everyone is welcome to join ceeVu and I hope to see you there! I would like to also thank all my current staff and members for getting us this far. Register and join now at

Olivia Fry photo





• Different angle • Square • Add attachment

• Square head shots • More professional

• Candid photos • Random pictures


• Videos • Ads • Friends • Variety backgrounds • layout format change

• simple • friends • interest • schools • groups/ clubs

• plain • topics • live chat room • forum • lifestyle • entertainment


• subject • long body • send a request

• Longer • More personal

• Poems • Thoughts of the day


• Customize • Add pictures • Information and background

• Updated • More organized

•Profile Picture • Quotes and comments


The Training Revitips ew& team building techniques

The to take your Pokemon on to the next level. Review MOSH PIT.

| Ajane’ Burnley | Editor in Chief Opening Act: The pit wasn’t that severe, although one kid got hurt. A lot of kids were getting taken out of the pit though, because they got too hot. Their faces were turning red and they could hardly breathe; one woman dragged her daughter out of the pit. She was a big lady and she had her daughter trailing behind her and was swearing at people telling them to get out of her way. When she was shoving people she created an opening, so my friend and I squeezed through and we got closer to the stage. Anyone who crowd surfed rode the wave to the front and got tossed down into this gate that separated the audience from the stage. Then a little security crew in there would escort them somewhere.

| Devante Swann | Photo Staff While you play the game you might get really obsessed with leveling up your “Team” which consist of six Pokémon of your choice. Once your Pokémon becomes over level 70 the game is rather easy battle wise. I have over 200hrs of game play, this is average compared to some other gamers. This is where things get more competitive; you’re facing really hard trainers compared to the gym leaders and Elite. You should begin thinking of your “team” because about now I’m sure your team consists of random high level Pokémon you think are strong. “Trying to catch the legendary Pokémon without Master Balls” junior John Mehlaff said. Legendary Pokémon (Only one of them in the game and you can’t breed it) are generally banned as well. Never go by the book; it can only be used to a certain extent. Never let a strong Pokémon faint, that should never be an option. It’s usually better to switch to a different type for your advantage. Type selection is important in Pokémon battling; it determines the moves each Pokémon will have access to, its weaknesses, resistances and general characteristics. Generally, having teams of different types is preferred over teams with a single type. However, same type teams can be possible but their selection must be made among types that have a wide variety of Pokémon. Remember that same type teams have the same weaknesses but this can be worked out if you pick dual typed Pokémon for this. To summarize, it’s good not to have a major weakness to a particular type. Players commonly make the mistake of making a sweeper (Pokémon who inflicts large amounts of damage in a short time “Scizor” for example) only team. I’m not saying that Sweepers are bad. They are the ones who finish off the battles. However, Sweepers also need Tanks to back them up. Having a team containing a Physical Sweeper(Attack), a Special Sweeper (Special Attack), a Tank (High Health & Defense), a Shuffler (Inficts status change then forces switch with Roar), an Annoyer (High defense w/ Toxic, Confuse Ray, etc.) And possibly an additional Sweeper, is usually considered a well balanced team. Remember that you are creating a team; that means that Pokémon will fight better by supporting each other.

Intermission: People shouted in exclamation as this black man, who was a security guard, was throwing water bottles Julian Staples Graphic into the crowd. He enjoyed this task very much; he smiled as he got to Study your opponent! If you already know what their team is, pour water into the parched throats then counter it. Try to figure out the quickest way to beat him. of pretty girls’ mouths. Now that you have your “team” picked out, it’s time to start Everyone was excited when he training. The most important thing in training is EV points, or Effort threw out water because it was so Value Points, these are “Hidden” points you get when you defeat a certain damn hot. People were like dripping with sweat and everyone was so close Pokémon, Magikarp, for example, gives you one EV. Every four EVs you get +1 on that stat when you level up. This may be together that you felt someone else’s sweat too; girls and guys were taking confusing because there is no way to check your EV points without using their shirts off. an Action Replay (Cheating). You will have to go by heart when training

your Pokémon for a certain stat. Move sets are one of the most important qualities. For example , Pikachu should have moves like “Thunder Bolt, Volt Tackle,” etc. This is because Pikachu is an electric Pokémon, so he gets electric moves. Depending on the role of the Pokémon (Sweeper, Tank etc.) different moves are required; Tanks tend to have moves that restore health and then one or two moves that damage the opponent. Sweepers should have moves that either boost attack or deal large amounts of damage shortly. There are tons of items that differ in effect and help you, for example, “Leftovers” increases your health every turn making it harder for you to faint. Sites like , and pokemon. have information on stats, items and locations of Pokémon, among other things. This is when Wi – Fi comes in; people trade friend codes all the time on Unfortunately, without Wi – Fi you are forced to play locally with friends, which isn’t very competitive compared to playing random people. “When I was little I didn’t know about cheats but when my friend gave me his game I could walk through walls and stuff,” sophomore Alex Yoshioka said. Cheating is accepted to a certain extent. For example, If you cheat to get a certain Pokémon that you can’t catch in the game people generally accept this, unless that Pokémon is from an event. It’s 100% unacceptable when you remove the limit for EV’s which makes your Pokémon impossible to defeat. It is also unacceptable to cheat during battle (One hit K.Os, 100% Accuracy, Stealing people’s Pokémon).

The Main Act: The main problem was pushing. These two drunk girls were gyrating on everybody and pushing hella hard, trying to get to the front. One of them, a brunette, made her way through some dancing couple. She began pushing the girlfriend, a tiny blonde woman, to the side, trying to get in front of her. Then the drunk brunette decided to provoke everyone, by screaming in people’s ears and rubbing her jiggly boobs on them. The whole crowd started to push the drunk brunette; she thrashed wildly around and knocked over this little boy who looked about 12 years old. I was super pissed, and the mosh wasn’t even real crazy. I experienced like, a baby mosh. I don’t think I’ll ever go to another rock concert, if I do I definitely won’t mosh. Every month, The Review condemns or lavishes praise upon some local or cultural artifact, from fro-yo to drinking fountains, local park swings to Safeway Chinese. Love it or hate it. That’s what we do.


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|Karyn Johnson |Business Manager Rule: Don’t give away your friends number without your friends’ permission Example: “Hey! I like your friend Annie. Can I have her number?” “Aw! Yeah! Sure. I hope things go well! (425) 555-1234



Bryan Diaz photo


Bryan Diaz photo

Rule: Don’t send the lyrics to a song dedicated Rule: Don’t break up over text. to the person you are stalking. Example: “I’m sorry. It’s not you, it’s me. We Example: “I love you, you love me. We are a just don’t click.” big happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Why don’t you say you Explanation: Breaking up over text is a bad love me too? Please love me!” thing to do and it’s just plain stupid. It’s almost like saying “We need to talk” over text. Explanation: Let’s say that you met some guy If all it takes is just one simple quick text to or girl and you guys hit it off pretty well as end the relationship, the relationship probably friends, but then they start getting clingy, they didn’t mean much to them or it would seem won’t leave you alone, and they start texting like that person is inconsiderate, idiotic and you every day; morning, afternoon and at wouldn’t think twice about something before night constantly sending you love songs and doing it. It’s as if they don’t think about confess that they love you. Wouldn’t it be kind anyone else’s feelings but themselves. of creepy? Wouldn’t you think that it would push that person away rather than it would bring them closer to you?

Brian Diaz photo

Olivia Fry photo

Explanation: Usually, you would tell your friend if you don’t like a certain person. So, if your friend tells that person your number when you didn’t want to talk to them, they wouldn’t be a good friend. If you enjoy awkward situations, this is the perfect scenario for you. Otherwise, you should pass up this option. It’s sometimes annoying when you get a random text from an unknown number, which happens to be someone who you don’t like at all. So to avoid yelling at your friend you should altogether avoid giving out numbers without their consent. Asking for permission makes communications between people better for friendship and relationships.


Bryan Diaz photo

Rule: Don’t text your parents you’re pregnant Rule: Don’t constantly text or resend the same and you’re running away. text over and over if your friend doesn’t reply. Example: Mom. Dad. I couldn’t do this in person…I’m pregnant and I’m moving with my baby’s daddy to Illinois.” Explanation: First of all, you probably shouldn’t have gotten pregnant. A scenario like this wouldn’t have happened if you thought of the consequences in the first place. Second of all, you’re going to leave behind the ones that have loved and cared for you your whole life. Don’t they have a right to know? Just leaving them behind would be devastating. It wouldn’t help you, your baby, your parents, your baby’s daddy or his parents; they could’ve helped you.

Example: “Hey, what are you up to?” Five minutes later... “Hey, what are you up to?” 5 minutes later... “Omg! Why aren’t you answering me?” 10 minutes later… “Hello..? Okay ttyl!” Explanation: Napping, babysitting, doing homework, jobs. These could all be reasons why they don’t text back. Or maybe they won’t because of laziness. Whatever the case you can just wait patiently and hopefully they will text you back when they’re ready.



FACES We All Have... ick Tolden

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Senior Steven Kerny


“With great power comes great responsibilit y” -Unknown re Millais

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Meykia Smith| Avid Dreamer | Vice President | Mindy Saeteurn | Play Hard Editor “My most recent dream was when me and my best friend were at Wild Waves and the entire place was empty,” Meykia Smith said. “Then me and my friend were being taken away somewhere and got locked up but then I woke up so I don’t know what happened.” When it comes to dreams Smith has had many, and some weird ones. She has dreamed some of the most unusual things too; her most recent dream about her friend and her at Wild Waves. Although this is her most recent dream she has had many other really random dreams.


“I had a dream about how I was at school with some of my friends and we were sitting in class and there was a zombie attack and then we were running around the school,” Smith said. “Then we hid in the janitor’s closet and then the zombie stormed in, broke the door down, and then I woke up as it was grabbing us.” Along with her strange dreams always follows an unclear or foggy ending.

“I know her and she is cool and pretty laid back. She seems responsible too so I voted for her,” junior Ross Koler said.

“She did well in Speech and Debate and she could work well with others and still handle business,” freshman Jordan Bowens said.

“I think she’s awesome and really serious. When she has an idea its usaully really good and she will follow through with it,” junior Lei Ana Doley said.

“I know her really well. I know its not a popularity contest, but I also know how she will react in situations like that,” junior Gabby Saechao.

“I know that she is a nice person and a cool person. She shows leadership too,” sophomore Theresa Vo said.

“I voted for Maria because she seems committed to one thing and responsible,” sophomore Loan Nguyen said.

Sueanne Phan| Baby Soft| Secretary

| Hayley Brunk | Copy Editor ASB secretary Sueanne Phan is social able, intelligent, hard working, organized and commended for the texture of her skin. “Meykia told me that I’m very soft,” Phan said. Phan is known to her friend, Meykia Smith, as ‘baby soft’ because of her notoriously soft skin. The nickname was given to her by Smith during a typical “Girl’s Night In.” “I was at her house and we were watching a movie, I do not remember which movie, and I went to poke her and she grabbed my arm,” Phan said, “she like, touched my arm and

told me I was soft, like a baby.” Smith allegedly calls Phan “Baby Soft” all the time now, taking full advantage of the perfect fit and how well it has stuck. “It was random because she came out of nowhere with it,” Phan said. However random, Phan is stuck with the name for the rest of her life. Whether she enjoys it or not, however, is still unknown. “So that’s how I got the nickname ‘Baby Soft,’” Phan said. The next time you see Phan in the hallway, take the time to brush against her arm and you will see that she is, in fact, smoother than a baby’s bottom. Baby Soft.

Maria Young| Neat Freak|Treasurer | Julian Staples | Art Editor “I have subjective OCD’s,” Maria Young said. “Everything must be straight” Young spends parts of her day just fixing things that are crooked, such as desks or the items on a desk. “If the paper I’m using isn’t right I won’t write on it,” Young said. Even with the slightest imperfection on a piece of paper, Young throws that one away and takes out a new one. “Things have to be the same on either side,” Young said. “I have to have silverware on both sides.”

When Young is drawing something she can’t ever doodle. She must always make a complete drawing “I can never just sketch something out,” Young said. “I always take my time.” Everything on Young’s desk has to be on the left side and she always eats her desert before her dinner when she’s at home. “I don’t like to wear matching socks,” Young said “[and] I don’t like to tie my shoes.” “Sometimes I ask her if she knows how to tie her shoes or not,” friend Nhu-san Nguyen said.


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HE BADGE Julian Staples graphic

| Hayley Brunk | Copy Editor “The most random compliments I ever get are from girls, they always tell me I have pretty eyebrows,” Zane Brown said. Brown’s OCD is that his facial hair always has to be groomed just right; perhaps that is why he is constantly being complimented for his “pretty” eyebrows. “I never heard that until I got to High school,” Brown said, “Like, what guy has pretty eyebrows?” Brown’s appalled reaction to this random compliment is expected. “They always ask ‘oh, do you get your eyebrows done?’” This, of course, he begins to deny- but he doesn’t get far. “Well, when I was little, like four, I used to put hair grease on

my eyebrows to arch them how I wanted them to be,” Brown said. This could be the reason behind Brown’s “pretty” eyebrows. “They’ve been like that my entire life,” Brown said. Any and all rumors of Brown waxing or styling his eyebrows to date have officially been disproven. His second OCD is that he needs to shower every day, these high standards of daily cleanliness surely make him very popular with the ladies. Brown’s winter performance of the ‘Dougie’ seemingly isn’t the only action of his the audience loves.


Zane Brown| Pretty Boy| President “I picked Zane because I thought his speech was really cool and he seemed like a cool person,” freshman Felicia Leathley said.

“Well I dont really know Nhu-san, but I knew that Zane was cool so I voted for him,” sophomore Chris Robinson said.

“I picked Zane because I think it would be cool to give someone else a chance to be in that position,” junior Malcolm Hagler said.

“I like his speech alot and it was actually the only one I could really hear,” freshman Amber Renek said.

Features MAN LAW:



”It’s actually called Man Laws, with an ‘s,’ because there is more than one law,” sophomore Angel Terriquez said. “Don’t talk to a female about something you talked to another man about. Don’t call another dude for no reason. Don’t use the urinal next to another man, if you can prevent it.”

Shaheed Rashid photo

|Shaheed Rashid |Portraits Editor 1. Choose the right urinal. You are guy number one and rush into the restroom to find five empty urinals. The urinal closet to the door is labeled number one and the urinal on the opposite end is labeled number five. Because you are the first pisser to come in, you take urinal number five. This is to ultimately avoid the incident where another dude comes in and accidently bumps into you. The second guy comes into and takes urinal number one, for obvious reasons: to put the most amount of space between the two. A third guy comes in and takes the third urinal, the one in the middle of the five. Again, this is to keep the space between everyone. Now for the fourth guy, unless he comes through the door with his pants half down and his junk in his hand, he cannot, under any circumstances, relieve himself next to another guy on urinals two or four. He will wait until someone finishes to occupy an empty urinal. Otherwise, penalties and consequences shall be rendered. “I right off the bat feel creeped out by the person. After that though I will treat you like a little infantile child and will politely ask you to go to the

women’s restroom; you obviously aren’t a man yet,” Terriquez said. Choosing the right urinal is the first impression of what kind of man you really are, or if you’re a man at all. After you’ve picked the correct urinal, don’t let your eyes wander. 2. Stare straight ahead. Suddenly the tile in front of you will become very interesting; so much that it wholly takes up all of your attention and you won’t take a peek in either direction. In fact, there isn’t a reason that you should have to look anywhere than the tile in front of you. To be frank, it’s an act not to be tolerated by any man. “I’d just tell them to stop looking at me. There really isn’t much you can do after that, except leave if they don’t listen,” Terriquez said. There really isn’t much punishment for breaking this part of the law but it’s more of a respect issue. Have an automatic respect for your fellow male counterpart and not take a glance at their junk. Imagine you’re having a jolly time pissing and someone comes in next to you and just looks over to flash a smile. Well for one, they broke law by pissing next to you, so in your head you already feel uncomfortable. To make matters worse they have the audacity to flash you a smile or even

just slightly shift their eyes your way. This is what is meant by awkward and disrespectful. Once you have taken the utmost of deliberation to decide the correct urinal and you have locked your eyes on a single tile placed in front of you, shut up. 3. Do not speak. The moment your finger has touched the zipper, to unzip your pants, your mouth will close at the same rate. No talking is allowed near the urinals. “Peeing is a serious business. It is not a time to chit-chat with your neighbor. No questions, no laughing, not even a quick hi. This one time I was taking a piss and [my friend] Yoshi came in to take a piss too. I knew it was Yoshi but I still didn’t say anything to him. Afterwards though I said ‘hey’ and we went to lunch,” Terriquez said. It doesn’t matter who it is, even a best friend who stole your lunch money and you really what your money back, even if you’re being bitten on the ankles by a large sewer rat, even if the damn building is on fire; no talking whatsoever. It’s that extreme. Even if they ask you a really important question, don’t answer. “I don’t say anything at all because that is just weird. Like seriously, why would you talk while doing something like that,” Terriquez said.

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Are You An Annoying Girlfriend? Equip yourself with a pen or pencil and cirlce your answers. Be sure to be honest too, or else the margin of error will rise. When finished, tally up your answers and flip the paper and check out what kind of girlfriend you are.

|Olivia Fry |Photography Editor

1. Your boyfriend goes out for the night, you:

6. Your boyfriend calls you upset, needing someone to talk to but you’re a little busy, you:

A. Leave him alone, let him spend time with the boys. B. Call once or twice, maybe a text or two to check up on him. C. Call over 10 times and text him the whole night. D. Try to go with him wherever he goes, and if you can’t, accuse him of cheating.

A. Talk to him anyways, if he needs you, you’re here. B. Talk to him for a little bit, text him the rest of the night. C. Tell him to stop whining, and call his mom, crying isn’t meant for boys. D. Break up with him, you don’t put up with whiny boys.

2. Your boyfriend gets a horrid cut up, plaid shirt and you hate it! What do you do?

7. Your boyfriend starts listening to a new kind of music that you hate! You:

A. Compliment it anyway; if he likes it, you like it too. B. Compliment it, but also make a suggestion on what else would be nice. C. Don’t compliment it at all, tell him to go change and you aren’t leaving the house with him looking like that. D. Rip off his shirt and say “Oops sorry, looks like you’ll have to change.”

8. Your boyfriend gets grounded and gets his phone

A. Go along with it, maybe you’ll learn to love it too. B. Listen to it for a little while, then change the station C. Change it, delete it all off of his ipod and say “No way” D. Tell him that he either changes his music or you’ll change boyfriends.

taken away, you: 3. Your boyfriend wants to go to Chuck E. Cheese for your weekly date night, you: A. Go with him, have a good time anyways, its cute seeing your boyfriend back in little kid mode. B. Go with him, but say nicely that you’re picking the place next time. C. Say he’s not allowed to go there, you will NOT be embarrassed by him. D. Say he’s stupid and tell him to grow up and that you’re picking the place.

9. Your boyfriend’s new shift at work starts at 4pm and ends at 1am, you: A. Decide to text him during breaks and in the morning, it’s money so who cares? B. Get really pouty but try to text him as much as you can. C. Text and call him ALL throughout work, you just miss him way too much D. Go visit him at work, tell his boss that they should compromise hours.

4. Your boyfriend is going away on vacation for two weeks you say: A. “Have fun babe! I’ll miss you, text/call me when you have time.” B. “Have fun, think of me, remember to text/call me.” C. “You should ask your parents if I can go! That would be fun right sweetie!!!” D. “I’m going.”

5. Your boyfriend apologizes and says he doesn’t have enough money to pay your way for dinner tonight, you: A. Say it’s okay and pay your way for dinner, enjoying the rest of the night. B. Pay your way for dinner, only a little disappointed . C. Get pissed off and don’t accept his apology, he was dumb for not bringing enough money. D. Tell him to go home and get some money, say you’ll wait.

A. Wait it out, miss him, write out a letter to him B. Wait for his grounding to be over, but try to send a couple emails C. Call his house phone and try to talk his mom or dad out of it. D. Call his house phone, Go over to his house, Get pissed off and yell and say that he’s stupid for getting grounded

10. Your boyfriend decides things aren’t going too well and you should take a break, you: A. Take it gently, let him know you see what he’s saying and take the break. B. Pout, but take the break anyways, you dislike it but you’ll get through it C. Cry and whine and start pointing out all your bad qualities saying how it’s your fault and you want to be a better girlfriend and you’re so sorry. D. Slap him in the face and break up with him.

| Rochelle Mascey | Lessons Editor After a recent autopsy, doctors say the cause of Reality-Dating TV’s death was a fatal heart attack. She was found in her LA home, on the floor, in the kitchen at about 6:30 a.m. A source claimed she was getting dinner at the time, there were shards of glass over her dead corpse. Her death was surprising to some, most knew it would happen sooner or later due to her long career. “I felt at times she would cause a lot of controversy for no reason,” her father Talk Shows said. “But I think it was mostly due to the fact that she was so stressed out.” A lot of people saw her life and career as a publicity stunt and often got sick of her repetitive ways. “After a while it was annoying to see celebrities break regular day peoples’ hearts,” her distant cousin Soap Operas said. “Especially since they never ended up together.” Many people watched her grow and mature even into her early 60’s when “Flavor of Love” debuted in early 2006. She then continued her career until it slowly started to fade away in early ’08. People started noticing her repetitive patterns and began to ignore her around the time “I Love New York” came out, so she decided to retire at the age of 62. Shortly before her death some of her family members noticed her strange constant mood swings. “She always seemed mad about something and I rarely saw her happy,” her daughter Teen Pregnancy shows said. Many celebrities recognized her long career and inducted her into the TV hall of fame in 2008, just a few months before her shocking death. She ended up winning in several categories for ‘Best on TV Controversy’, ‘Best on-screen fight’ and ‘Best on-screen love triangle.’ She even made a short speech at the award show. “Thanks to all of my fans especially the ones who have watched me throughout my whole career,” she said, “I really do appreciated it.” A memorial parade will be held in New York City. Ray J. will be performing live and a lot of other celebrities will come out to support her. The funeral service will be held and many of her family members (like Sitcoms, Cartoons, and etc.) will attend, along with various celebrities like New York (from I Love New York) and Flava Flav. The public airing of this event will occur sometime in the middle of June on VH1, MTV and BET.

Every month, The Obit celebrates the inevitable death of a tired or trite cultural trend by pretending it’s dead already. By writing the obituary early, we hope to speed up the process.

Mostly A’s- You’re a really chill girlfriend, you know when to give your boy some time and when to give him the attention he needs. You are an awesome person to be with because things usually go smoothly. One problem is that guys may take advantage of that quality and they could easily lie to you. Mostly B’s- You’re pretty good at keeping calm but you have a few slight outbreaks, you don’t mean harm, you just really care about your boyfriend and always want him around. This is a pretty good place to be, you know what you want, but you also let them have a bit of space when they really need it. Mostly C’s-You’re a really annoying girlfriend. You like to control your boyfriend and tell him what to do. You may really love your boyfriend, but being this way is just frustrating. Your boyfriend does not need another mother figure in his life. You are way too picky and like to get your way too much, you really need to stop. Mostly D’s- You’re just some psycho maniac. You are controlling, rude, you want everything your way, you’re picky and frustrating and the only reason your boyfriend is with you is he likes being controlled or he’s just straight up scared of you. You really need to stop before you’re sent to some mental facility, this is NOT okay. Answers:


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EIGHTY-THREE DAYS UNTIL A NEW SCHEDULE. HERE, OUR SAY ON THE PENDING CHANGES. On Power Hour, And Making It More Efficient in the Future |Anthony Saelee |Perspectives Editor When I wake up on Wednesday morning, the first thing I say to myself is, “this is going to be the longest day ever.” Not only does this happen on Wednesdays, but Thursdays also. The reason may be pretty obvious; Block days. These are the longest days of our week and it’s almost too hard to bear sometimes. For this reason, I’m grateful for our one hour of down time: Power Hour. This hour gives us time to work on homework, projects (especially the senior culminating portfolio), and to just relax. Just to point it out, not everyone takes the opportunity to be as efficient as possible, and honestly, we should be. I’ll agree that procrastination is a major factor and sometimes we students like to chill with our friends rather than work during our free time. Who doesn’t want to hang out with their friends? It’s not like we see them every day of the week. Joking aside, we should be taking advantage of this time to get on track or even ahead. Let’s face it, when we say, “I have nothing to do,” most of the time it’s not true at all. There’s always work complete, or at least improve. Here are a few ideas I believe can make Power-Hour more efficient. Instead of having an hour of chill time, advisories should be split into two segments. The first half being the senior culminating portfolio and the other half being homework time or vice versa. Splitting the hour into these two times would encourage students to work specifically on these two things. This would give students an extra hour to do homework and the portfolio each week. Not being efficient enough during this time would mean there’s something

else that must be the issue. If not all students are being very efficient with the time given, advisors should give them a little push. Not saying that advisors aren’t doing their job, but if students aren’t working to the best of their ability, teachers should tend to those who aren’t using their time wisely. Not all students are willing to jump into power-hour and be prepared to work. Small reminders and check ups could be done to determine whether or not work is being completed, especially if some of that work is required to graduate fully and on time. Advisors should also be stricter about deadlines for the senior culminating project. Students may not enjoy these deadlines but in the end, it’s for the best. If students aren’t meeting these deadlines, consequences should be an option. Consequences may sound a tad too harsh, but that should encourage them to actually do the work. When the moment of truth crashes in, they’ll be thankful. Take it from someone who’s been there and didn’t have everything prepared. You don’t want to scatter for last minute entries to present. Let’s face it: Power Hour isn’t what it’s meant to be. Not all students are exactly efficient in Power Hour, at least from what I know and experienced. The hour seems more like free time rather than work time. My opinions on this topic shouldn’t be taken to heart but the matter should at least be acknowledged. These are just a few ideas that could possibly help make Power Hour a little more efficient for the years to come and there may be a wider range of ideas.

Five Reasons Why It’s Good For Student Learning To Do Away With Block Days

|Rochelle Mascey |Lessons Editor As most may have heard, there won’t be any block days for next year. Whether you liked them or not, there are some benefits: • Teachers will be able to have a planning period every day. If a lesson plan is properly thought out and organized based on the length of each class period, everything will be less chaotic and students will have the opportunity to learn more. This will make class flow better and you won’t have so many awkward pauses in class. • Students will be more likely to go and get help every day. Since we only see half our teachers on block days, if we need help we will probably have to come in after school because we didn’t have that teacher that day. Students may be more likely to go and visit Ms. Nadeau for help on their Othello packet if they have her that day. • It will help some students manage

Olivia Fry photo

time better. Most people wait until last minute to get work done because they know they won’t have a certain class that day due to block days. Some then slack off because they don’t have second period so they don’t have to worry about that Biology packet somewhere at the bottom of their backpack. • You may forget what you learned. Without block days, we’ll go to all of our classes on a daily basis so you probably won’t forget a certain topic you went over the day before. And maybe this way students will most likely take the initiative to get work done to the best of their ability. • You’re class won’t get interrupted if you have first lunch. You wouldn’t want to be in World History for 50 minutes then have a break for lunch and have to come back for like a whole other hour. It would be much easier to listen to your teacher’s tedious clear-eye guy voice in one full chunk of class than having two parts because of lunch.

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The Heat ANNOYING. | Mindy Saeteurn | Play Hard Editor

Bryan Diaz photo

If you’re a wannabe, and you don’t want to be, you might want to be reading this. |Olivia Fry |Photo Editor What’s the deal with wannabes? There are three types. First, there’s the “Copy Cat,” the one who does every single thing you do. Maybe they do it because they think you’re extremely awesome and want to be exactly like you to the point where it gets so difficult to deal with them that you want to run to a foreign country and change your name, but even then you think they’ll copy that too! A copy cat could also do it because they just want somewhere to fit in, and they think you’re the key to it all: Everyone likes you so, of course, they will indefinitely like them too … but ... they’re wrong.

Then there’s the “Sneak Ins” they are EXACTLY how they sound. They slowly creep into your life and their style sluggishly pulls into a stop right next to yours. You may not notice it at first, but what happened to the white, preppy blonde kid who used to wear Abercrombie and Aeropostale clothes all the time? Why is he wearing saggy pants and gangster SpongeBob t-shirts and sideways hats? You then realize that they have adapted to your style to exact detail. Then there are the “Posers” who sing “Anything you can do, I can do better.” They do just that, they think they can do everything that you do better than you. At first, they do what the copy cats do, but after they have gained a

decent amount of friends, and have taken all of yours away, they try to “one up” you on everything. They have better hair, better clothes and well, just about everything. They’re the kind of people where they’re exactly like you but basically the “Evil Twin” of you. Honestly, people need to be themselves. That should be a “Should have had a V8” moment. Acting like someone else takes away who you are, even if you think you are no one. If everyone was a clone the world would be boring. You might as well just take away your name since everyone would be exactly the same. Do something that YOU love, and if that’s copying someone else, then do so, but know that it’s just plain stupid.

Have you ever had that time when your friends run up to you and they are like “oh my god... I know who likes you” and then that’s all they say? When I hear that it gets me so irritated and it’s like you just want to tell them to shut up because they won’t tell you after so much begging or persuading. They never tell you who it is because of one or the other excuses they can come up with. “I can’t tell you, it’s a secret” or “no, I want them to tell you themselves.” Well if you can’t tell me then don’t even say anything in the first place. When you first see your friends frantically running up to you, instantly you think “crap, what’s going to happen?” Then they tell you those five words “I know who likes you” and they don’t tell you who that person is. That seriously pisses the hell out of me because it’s like “ok, you know who likes me, then tell me.” If you are not going to tell me then shut up and don’t say anything in the first place. All that is going to do is make me super suspicious of the people that I hang out with. Next thing you know I’m turning around looking at people and going crazy. Do you really want me to look like a maniac staring at all my friends saying “DO YOU KNOW?” Then my friends would be like “what?” and “I want to know, tell me.” but you can’t because that one/few friends won’t tell you. I know there are those people who don’t really care that much, but there are also those who would be just as annoyed as me and want to know all the information. It’s like if they don’t know then they will die from not knowing that information Whenever my friends tell me that I instantly go “WHO?” Then they are like “sorry, I can’t tell you haha!” That’s when I get really pissed because it’s like your best friends keeping secrets from you and they won’t say anything. If you are one of those people who do that then know the consequences because there will be a day when you do that again and you will eventually have a friend or friends who will annoy you to the point that you will crack on the spot.

Every month, The Heat showcases the hot opinion of a firedup reporter willing to hold your feet to the flames. Or set you on the burner. Enough fire to inspire action in you, our reader.


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Life started here in the Phillipines. Then this third grade girl moved to Seattle and transitioned from a shy child with a language barrier and a “dreadful” outfit to a multi-layered young woman. To this day, she harbors nightmarish memories of the words she spoke and the clothes she wore during her first days in America.

|Chrysanthemum Madyllene Foronda Imperial Reyes Binayug | Ads Manager My first day in an American school is not something I’ll ever forget. I believe it was February of 2002. I remember the pink, longsleeved shirt I wore with a sparkly floral print all over it. I was excited that chilly morning, determined to make friends. I stood, staring at the brown bricked building, my breath so thick it practically formed a cloud in front of my face. As I entered I was no longer excited. I was cold, scared and eight. I stepped into the classroom with my mother beside me and about thirty sets of eyes dart at me. The silence made me cringe. Their eyes, hair and skin were all different, not only from one another but also from what I’m used to. Mr. Gellar, a tall white man who wore glasses, introduced me to the little strangers while snickers, giggles and whispers filled the background. I think I preferred the silence. I was seated next to an Asian boy who wore a white turtle neck. I later learned his name was Steven. I look around and it seemed like the majority of them were all wearing white shirts; there was a dress code. Definitely not the mosscolored skirt and collared shirt uniform we had back in my old school. Time passed by and I barely understood what I was supposed to be learning. My teacher seemed to chew words at me and I couldn’t understand what he was trying to say. When it was time to learn Language Arts, I and a few others were sent out to a separate portable labeled ESL. I didn’t quite belong there either because people spoke other languages. When you misbehaved, they gave you a time out or made you face the wall. In the Philippines, you got whacked by bamboo sticks or had to squat

while balancing a book on your head for an hour. I missed my old school. I missed the Philippines. The blistering heat and tan people smiling at me speaking words that weren’t chewed. I longed for friends. A girl, Christian, decided she wanted me to be her dancing monkey so she introduced herself and pretended to be nice. She was part Laos and part white. Christina had two other friends, Liezle, who was Filipino, and Sierra, who was part Japanese part Filipino. It didn’t take long for me to realize they were evil. They kept a secret journal, only for our group to read. They passed it around in front of me, shunning me from an important part of their friendship. They told secrets in front of me, not caring, knowing I was too meek to make use of it and I wasn’t about to lose my new friends. They spoke in slang and laughed about it because it was yet another language I didn’t understand. They made fun of my outfits until I wanted to burn all the clothes I owned. It was never enough until they knew they broke another part of me inside. I distinctly remember Sierra, the unsaid leader of the group, always pointing out the fact that my shoes were too ugly and cheap. Most of all, they made fun of how I spoke English and the hard-tongued accent I possessed because I didn’t know how to chew words like they did. They dared me to do humiliating things, like be silly in front of certain boys. They made me dance like a monkey. I knew I wasn’t in a place I should have been. I knew I should’ve stopped hanging around them. I knew I was a hurt child. I have to admit, I preferred humiliation to having no one. Besides, I was stuck. I was sure the teasing would worsen once I turn my back on them.

At one point I felt I had built a real connection with them. I thought I’d earned their respect because I’ve done almost everything they’ve asked, so as a show of trust, I wrote in our secret diary only for the four of us to see. I decided I was part of this group, not just some entertainment. So I wrote about one of my deepest secrets. I wrote about the huge crush I had on a boy I sat next to, Steven. I gave the notebook back to Christina and she read on. She seemed shocked and stoked about the whole thing. She showed the other girls and they giggled and squealed about it. I giggled along and we were all excited. For a moment, I was part of the group. It was recess and I walked out to see Steven and his group of friends surrounding Sierra with the notebook turned to the page I wrote on. Laughter and cruel comments surround me, girls behind me laughed hysterically and I turned to see who they were. My “friends.” I ran to the bathroom, vision blurred with tears. I sat in a stall crying, sobbing, alone, swearing to myself this would never happen again. I looked around the four walls that separated me from outside my crying area and I saw smeared cuss words and drawings of genitals. I swore to myself at that moment, I would learn this language’s literature, I would rule my own social circle, I would make people accept me, my outfits would look great.

That Girl Now


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... of students say waking up in the morning is easier than going to bed at night. Out of the remaining 55%, who said going to bed is easier, ...


say lying in bed whelps them go to sleep




say staying up late helps them go to sleep

say reading helps them go to sleep

say talking on the phone helps them go to sleep


say other things help them go to sleep, like...

drinking warm milk & listening to music

139 studentes were surveyed during the week of June 1-4.

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play hard

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Skater Alex Presnell stops by Liberty Park every time he has the opportunity. No matter when he goes, different faces greet him.While the typical crowd is made up of 12-20 year old people, sometimes there is a face that truly stands out: that of a two year old child wobbling around or a 60 year old man just taking in the sights. “I met a whole lot of different types of people and it opened me up to newer things,” Presnell said. Meeting all those people brought about a change within Alex and in his skating. “Basically sophomore year I improved a lot,” Presnell said. Presnell has dedicated his time skating at Liberty Park to bringing people from school to teach them, wanting to share what he has learned with others, and to improving his own skating, showcasing his passion for the sport.

“That was sketchy”

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Sports Highlights


Sidelines CHARYUT!

Name, grade and sport played

Alina Chuong, 10th grade, volleyball

Harmony Langmack, 10th grade, cheer

Darren Brigs, 11th grade, boy’s basketball

What was the most memorable moment during your season

The home game versus hazen and it was the last 20 points to win. I was the one to spike that last point to win that match. I spiked the ball and broke my leg.

At our game at state, we had barely any fans then the people for the game after us started coming in. The school’s name was Glacier Peak and they were amazing. They cheered on our team. I honestly think they were the reason we won and we had a huge crowd.

My most memorable moment was when we beat Capitol Hill during state and I had 19 points, 22 rebounds and three steals.

Why is this your most memorable moment?

I broke my leg and had to drag Because even though they didn’t When I took a charge and it around school for three months. It even know us they were willing to Hollis jumped and attempted to was also the first time I had broken cheer on our team with us. Plus our dunk on me during practice. any bone in my body and I had to cheer squadl still keep in contact. stay out for the rest of the volleyball season.

| Hayley Brunk | Copy Editor Psst.... That means “attention....” First walking in to the dojang [school] located on south Third Street, you are hit by a chaotic array of six to twelve year olds running around, screaming and throwing paddles as the class waits for their instructors. The class begins children kick the same paddles they were throwing around, punch the air, yell and continue on with their antics. However rambunxious they are, the children always demonstrate respect for their instructors, parents, teachers and peers by reciting and abiding by the “Children’s Home Rules.”

Every month, The Sidelines provides a first-hand account of a sporting event or activity with the sweaty, sticky details in tact. Relive the experience with the greatest glory, and maybe a few laughs.

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ALAJAWAN SHAKUR BROWN July 8, 1997 - April 29, 2010

Recollections From a Mother, a Brother and a Friend, in Their Own Words

Louis Brown - Brother

My most memorable moment with my little bro was on New Year’s Eve 2010. This year it was only me and him. We went downtown to Seattle on the 106.The fire work show started as soon as we got off the bus so we ran to the Space Needle and started to record the fireworks show. My brother started telling me what he was looking forward to the most in 2010 which was being with his girlfriend. That day I actually bought him some food, which was weird because I rarely do that. I was just in a good mood that day to spend time with my brother. We had a lot of fun and took tons of pictures.

Ayanna Brown - Mother

There are so many. Anytime we had alone time, whether it was laying down cuddling or just the conversations that we had. My baby was such an undercover mama’s boy; he would get mad whenever he didn’t get his alone time. He would grab a cover and find an episode to watch like ‘Everybody Hates Chris.’ I remember being at the house always dancing and clowning around. See, Alajawan has always, always, always brought laughter into my life and it’s been that way ever since he was two years old. With Alajawan you can always expect the unexpected because with him anything goes. See, I have four children and he is my baby. Whenever I needed a hug and a kiss it was Alajawan I called.

Deyche Heidelberg - Friend

When I first met him, I was like, “Louis, who is this?” He said, “This is my little brother.” I remember looking him up and down and was like, “Oh really? How old is he?” He was ten then. I looked at him like, “Are you serious?” and then I heard my sister say, “Nay-nay, where he get them muscles from?” I remember Alajawan was real built for his age. Alajawan was definitely hard working because he worked a lot in the yard; he stayed paid. memories compiled by Kaniesha Bray

photos courtsey of Louis Brown

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