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Retained Interests
We’ve wanted a transparent scale of retained semen interest that we can refer to and is easily understood by everyone, thus resulting in no behind the scenes deal that benefits one bidder over another. Please refer to the retained semen interest levels below. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call.
Level 1 - Up to $19,999 we will retain 50% semen interest
Level 2 - $20,000 to $39,999 we will retain 33.3% semen interest
Level 3 - $40,000 and above we will retain 25% semen interest
The buyer has the option to buy out our retained semen interest at the time of the sale if so desired. In the case that the buyout of seller’s retained semen interest happens, we retain the right to collect semen on the bull at our own expense for in herd use only. The formula we use to calculate the semen interest buyout is as follows:
[Purchase price = semen rights already purchased (60% of purchase price) + pasture rights (40% of purchase price)]
Volume Discounts:
We will be offering the following discounts for volume bull buyers:
3 head – 3% off total purchases
4 head – 4% off total purchases
5 head or more – 5% off total purchases
When semen is collected on a CDI bull with the intent to market:
We would like to visit with you before the sale if considering purchasing and marketing semen on a CDI bull. In a perfect world we would gladly share in all the collection expenses and promotion, then split revenue accordingly, but given the bookkeeping nightmare that can arise when trying to keep track of multiple different bulls per year, we are forced to narrow down our list of bulls each year that we move forward with, collecting and promoting. That being said we realize that you may see something that we are missing, or believe that a herd bull may have potential to sell semen. In the instance that you want to collect semen to market, we give you the go ahead to do so, we only ask that once you’ve recouped your expenses with semen revenue that we can then discuss a portion of the semen revenue be returned to the original breeder. We understand the complexities that can arise and only ask that you keep an open dialogue with us in your plans moving forward. We reserve the right to “opt out” of the expense sharing, but also understand that you will receive the revenue from semen sales till your expenses are covered.
Docility Scores (Doc):
Please note the docility score for each animal. We use a scoring system from 1-6 with lower scores indicating calmer, gentler cattle: 1 – Docile; 2 – Restless; 3 – Nervous; 4 – Flighty; 5 – Aggressive; 6 – Very Aggressive. Most of the bulls will fall in the 1 or 2 category, with an occasional 3. Anything above a 3 is automatically culled from the bull pen. Please use this as a relative gauge for your operation. If you have a lot of help from your family or inexperienced workers while working with your cattle, we recommend buying 1 and 2 scoring cattle. 3’s are completely manageable but have at times shown to be more nervous. These scores are based on our daily interactions with the bull to date. Keep in mind, as an animal gets older, or with different handling, its attitude can change.
All value creation starts with great genetics and every genetic purchase must provide the potential to enhance pro tability to this industry. With the expansion of our genetic improvement and customer service opportunities, the Allied mission continuously improves and moves closer to its goal of making our customers more successful and the beef business a more pro table and thus sustainable industry for the future.
You can count on genetics purchased from Allied partners to be the very best in this business, backed by a growing family of Allied service o erings to back that value proposition.
Allied Feeding Partners, LLC and Feeder Cattle Marketing: Cattle generated by Allied owner’s customers just have more genetic potential to create pro t and we are committed to proving it. Contact Clint Berry 417-844-1009 at Allied Feeding Partners for more information on how to participate in AFP or take advantage of Allied’s growing feeder cattle marketing services and value creation opportunities.
All Beef, LLC and Allied Semen and Genetics: Check out our Allied Sire Directory and our industry partner o erings of All Beef sires. Simply the most comprehensive and commercial focused line-up of SimGenetics available. See too our growing list of prime Red Angus and Angus options. Rocky Forseth 406-590-7984
Data Genie: Fast, e cient data services from an experienced data manager can be among the most di cult to access in this business. Talk to Leoma Wells 559-696-4941 about her options for proven information services.
Allied Seedstock Marketing: Corey Wilkins 256-590-2487, Julie Murnin and rest of the genetics marketing team provide the most professional and customer focuses seedstock marketing options available, all backed by the growing list of Allied commercial customer service options.
RightMate, RightChoice and Future Focus Genetic Planning: New and game changing genomic technology powered by Top Genomics LLC combined with experienced consulting to get the most from these options and your genetic investment. The future will demand better genetics, so let’s make a plan. Contact Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 for great opportunities.
At the core of the Allied family of businesses is access to the very best genetics and customer service in the beef industry. Becoming full service genetic providers has always been our goal, because it’s always been important.