Syllabus Feb 2013

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Teacher Training Institute Course Name: Curriculum and Instruction Instructor: Christianne Cowie Email: Course Description The course will focus on understanding how children learn, what factors influence learning and how teachers can facilitate a deeper understanding of their subject area.


The curriculum and instruction course introduces participants to educational theories that are influencing contemporary education. As teachers we must continuously strive to improve our methodology, seek new ways of engaging our students and discover the means to satisfy each individual´s needs. We must become conscious of the importance of developing lifelong skills in our students, as well as critical thinking and problem solving skills. We must stretch our creativity as we attempt to modify the existing program and methodology so that we can successfully implement our plans in real life instructional settings.

Course Objectives As a result of successfully completing this course you will be able to do the following: • • • • •

Understand the basic principles of several different schools of thought and how they have influenced education. Plan and develop an academic unit using a variety of instructional models among them Backwards Design. Apply knowledge of Bloom´s taxonomy, Gardner´s multiple intelligences, Maslow´s Hierarchy and differentiated instruction to prepare lesson plans. Use research skills in order to complement the class readings and offer oral presentations. Describe the characteristics and steps involved in implementing a variety of instructional models.

Required Texts: Students will find the articles for the course in the Curriculum and Instruction folder on the course website and also in the dropbox folder Course Requirements: • Attendance Students arriving 15 minutes late or leaving more than 15 minutes early from class will be counted as being absent for a full hour. Missing more than 4 hours in a course can put your grade at risk of failing. Missing 8 hours will automatically cause you to fail the course. Medical or employment excuses and doing extra work do not erase absences. Curriculum and Instruction – TTI 2013 Christianne Cowie

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