Plain Guide to Political Terms (PUP Edition)

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Introduction This guide is base on the Plain English Guide to Political Terms (Ireland) by the National Adult Literacy Agency` The guide aims to help in increasing the voter turnout in the PUP Student Council Elections by helping the students become more familiar with some of the most common political terms. It is undeniable that every year, only a small percent of students vote in the Local and Central Student Council Election. Because of the lack of knowledge on the importance of political participation, students tend to be apolitical. The rampant irregularities every SC Elections also contributed to the increasing number of apolitical students. We hope to encourage the students to be involved in political activity – to increase their literacy and political participation. We believe that a genuine change in the current political system in our university will only happen if the students practice their rights of suffrage. We are also inviting you to drop us some feedback. You can contact us on our facebook page for comments and suggestions.

Aa Activism The act of taking action for a social or political cause

Activist A person who takes up and campaigns for a social or political cause

Admin Intervention A direct campaign and command of any faculty member to vote in favor of any political party or individual candidates

Agenda A list of things to be done

Air-War The act of campaigning on different social media platforms

Alliance A type political party whose membership could either be individual or organizations

Alternative Politics A transgress from traditional student politics

Assembly A group of people gathered together for a special purpose

ASTIG CCIS An independent party based at the College of Computer and Information Sciences

Bb Ballot A way of voting, usually using a ballot box and ballot paper See also ballot box

Ballot Box A container for storing completed ballot papers during an election and only opened when votes are ready to be counted

Bangon PUP A Christian political coalition whose focus is to serve the students; believes that only a changed student can change the campus

Bandwagon Effect The tendency for a candidate or proposal that seems to be

winning to gather extra support simply because of being ahead

Base Place where a party usually gathers a big amount of support

Bias cause to feel or show inclination or prejudice for or against someone or something

Cc Campaign An organized competition for votes by people who are seeking a particular result from an election or an organized course of action to achieve a particular goal

Campaign Manager A person assigned to coordinate the campaign’s operations

Candidate A person who runs for a position in the Student Council

Centre The middle point of the political spectrum, ranging from 'extreme left' (communism) to 'extreme right' (fascism)

Centre-Left An adherence to views leaning to the left but closer to the centre on the left-right political spectrum than other leftwing variants See also political spectrum, ideology, Social Democracy, and LeftWing

Centre-Right Politics that lean to the right of the left-right political spectrum, but are closer to the centre than other right-wing variants See also political spectrum, ideology, Liberalism, Conservatism, Christian Democracy, and Right-Wing

Centrist A person with moderate political opinions and policies

Certificate of Candidacy A proof that an individual or a party is participating in the SC Elections

Change To transform or convert

Charlie Charlie del Rosario building, also known as Student Center

Christian Democracy A political ideology which emerged in nineteenth-century Europe under the influence of conservatism and Catholic social teaching

Coalition A party composed of various organizations coming from different persuasion and tendencies

Collective Done by people acting as a group

COMELEC A regulating body composed of elected commissioners that is tasked to ensure a fair, orderly and honest election See also Student Council Assembly

Commissioner People elected by the Student Council Assembly to be part of the Commission on Elections

Communism An economic and political system put into place after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917 in which people share the ownership of all goods and property; also, a system, such as in the former Soviet Union, where the government

controls every aspect of a citizen's life and denies political freedoms

Communist A person who supports communism

Conservatism The disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change

Conservative A person or political party who wishes to keep things the way they are, supports traditional values and opposes government interference; known as 'right', 'right wing' or 'right of centre' in politics

Councilor A member of the student council seated either by election or appointment

Dd Defamation Saying or writing something false about a living person that is proven to damage their reputation in the eyes of rightminded people

Democracy A society that favours equal rights, fair trials and freedom of speech and in which people govern themselves (direct democracy) or are governed by elected officials (representative democracy)

Democratic Rights Rights to political or social equality for all

Democratic Socialism A political ideology advocating a democratic political system alongside a socialist economic system

Demonstration In political terms, a public show of protest against or sympathy with a particular cause

Deputy Commissioner A student appointed and deputized by the COMELEC to ensure a fair, orderly and honest election

Destructive Activism The act of taking action for a social or political cause in a destructive way See also Intelligent Form of Activism

Dirty Politics Unethical and illegal methods to gain political advantage

Disqualification The state of being disqualified

Domicile A place of residence; abode; house or home

Dynamic Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress

Ee Election Choosing a person or a government by voting

Election Cook-Off A term first heard in the 2014 Student Council Elections; it means that there’s a conspiracy happening in the SC Elections

Election Day The day when the election takes place

Elector A person who votes or has the right to vote

Empowerment Making it possible for students to understand and exercise their powers and responsibilities

Ethics Studying what is right or wrong

Extreme-Left Left-wing politics that are further to the left than mainstream centre-left politics

Extreme-Right Right-wing politics that are further to the left than mainstream centre-left politics

Ff Fascism Originated in Italy during World War I, combining more typically right-wing positions with elements of left-wing politics, in opposition to liberalism, Marxism, and traditional conservatism; also sought to unify their nation through an authoritarian state that promoted the mass mobilization of the national community and were characterized by having leadership that initiated a revolutionary political movement aiming to reorganize the nation along principles according to fascist ideology

Fascist A person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism

Failure of Election Unsuccessful conduction of election due to various reasons like force majeure, violence, and fraud

Fraud All election activities, such as filing requirements, done by deceptions, tricks, and lies

Freedom of Speech A right to speak freely on social and political matters without fear of forced silence

Gg General Plan of Actions General plans of a political party; also known as GPOA

Ground War The act of campaigning personally in contrast to Air War

Groundwork something that is done at an early stage and that makes later work or progress possible

Ii Ideology A set of connected ideas, usually about a political system, or a way of looking at something

Implement Do things to make something happen

Incumbent A person who currently holds a post or office

Independent Someone who doesn’t belong to a mainstream political party


The power to change the behaviour of someone or something

Intelligence People employed in the collection of political information

Intelligent form of activism A form of activism that deviates from destructive activism; thinking of the consequences of their decisions; and upholds intellectual and critical participation

Irregularity A breach of rules, customs, etiquette, morality, etc

Kk Kabuti Mainstream political parties who only shows up every Student Council Elections

KILOS PUP A Socio-Political organization inside the university composed of Liberals; often advocating for academic excellence and promoting the spirit of volunteerism

Kunsomisyoner A COMELEC Commissioner with questionable ethics; also a commissioner who is not doing his job properly

Ll Laban COC A transformative and progressive student political formation in the PUP College of Communication that upholds intellectual and critical participation of the students, for the students

Lakas CSSD An independent political party and a dynamic leadership and service formation based at the PUP College of Social Sciences and Development; delivering campaigns, services and activities relevant to the needs of CSSD students

Landslide An overwhelming majority of votes for one party in an election

Leadership The action of leading a group of people or an organization

Left-Wing Political positions or activities that accept or support social equality, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality


A member of the political Left or a person sympathetic to its views

Legal Representative A person who is given the authority to act on behalf of someone else

Libel A published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation

Liberal Of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party

Liberal Democracy A form of government in which representative democracy operates under the principles of liberalism, i.e. protecting the rights of the individual, which are generally enshrined in law

Liberalism A political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty (which is especially stressed in classical liberalism) and equality (which is more evident in social liberalism)

Lobby Trying to influence public opinion to change laws or certain actions, for example by writing letters, making proposals or meeting decision makers; originally comes from the UK, where people waited in the lobby (entrance hall) or corridors of parliament to talk to Members of Parliament

Lobby group A group that tries to get support for a particular cause to change laws or certain actions

Lobbyist A person who lobbies

Local Election Student Council Election held in a college to elect officers for the college Student Council

Luto A Filipino slang term meaning game-fixing or cheating; also known as ‘Election Cook-off’

Mm Magic A term used to describe a situation where a political group uses dirty tricks like tampering with the election results to get the upper-hand

Majority A number of voters or votes, jurors, or others in agreement, constituting more than half of the total number See also Minority

Member A person who belongs to an organization or body

Minority The smaller part or number; a number, part, or amount forming less than half of the whole

Movement A group of people working together to advance their shared political, social, or artistic ideas

Mudslinging Casting malicious slurs on an opponent, especially in politics

Nn National Democracy A political ideology that uses Marxist-Leninist-Maoist principles for social analysis and in carrying out people's democracy or national democracy

Nonpartisan A person who has a lack of affiliation with a political party See also Partisan

Oo Office A position of authority, trust, or service, typically one of a public nature

Organization A group of persons organized for some end or work

Pp Pacifism A belief that violence, especially war, must be avoided when resolving disputes

Paralegal A person trained to undertake legal work

Partisan A person who strongly supports a political party or cause

Petition A document, usually containing signatures from many people, that is presented to a person or group in power by those asking for action on a matter

Platform A political party's written statement of its principles and policies on a number of topics, which is published during an election campaign

Plebiscite Any expression or determination of public opinion on some matter

Political Freedom A person's right to express their political beliefs freely and to vote as they want See also Political Rights

Political Ideology A certain ethical set of ideals, principles, doctrines, myths, or symbols of a social movement, institution, class, or large group that explains how society should work, and offers some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order

Political Literacy An awareness of political values, attitudes, arguments and institutions that allows a person to make an informed vote and take action on issues

Political Participation Any activity that shapes, affects, or involves the political sphere

Political Party An organization of people which seeks to achieve goals common to its members through the acquisition and exercise of political power

Political Rights Rights that allow a person to take part in political life, including the right to vote, hold particular political views, and join a political party

Political Spectrum The range of political thoughts, policies and approaches from the right to the left

Politics The practice and theory of influencing other people on a global, civic or individual level

Poll Asking and recording the opinion of people, for example in a survey or at an election

Poll Watcher Campaign personnel of a political party assigned to observe activities at a polling place to guard against illegal voting, fraudulent counting of ballots, and other violations of election laws

Populist A person whose public views reflect the interests and concerns of the average person

Precinct A polling precinct where students can cast their votes

President The highest position a candidate can get in a Student Council election

Progressive Something or someone that is concerned with reform, improvements and making progress

Propaganda Information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, etc.

Protest A public statement or demonstration against a situation or the actions of others See also Demonstration

Rr Radical Something very different from the usual or traditional or a person who favours major political or social change

Reactive Acting in response to a situation rather than creating or controlling it

Rebellion Open, organized, and armed resistance to one's government or ruler

Reform Make changes in an institution or practice in order to improve it

Reformer Someone who seeks to bring about change, especially political change

Representative A person chosen or appointed to act or speak for another or others, in particular

Resolution A plan to do something or encourage others to do it

Revolution A fundamental change in power or organizational structures; can be a violent or nonviolent revolution


The conservative or reactionary section of a political party or system See also Conservative and Left-Wing

Ruling Party The political party that controls the government

Ss Sabotage Deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage

SAMASA The oldest and broadest political alliance in PUP System; mainly composed of National Democrats and Communists

Slander Something said about a person that is proven to be false and damaging to their reputation See also Defamation and Libel

Social Democracy A political ideology based on three fundamental values: Freedom, Justice, and Solidarity

Socialism A social and economic system characterized by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system See also Communism, Left wing and Liberalism

Socialist A person who believes in and promotes the values of socialism

SPEAK PUP A political party based at the PUP - College of Tourism, Hospitality and Transportation Management

Spoiled Vote A vote that is ignored when counting all votes in an election because the voter has filled in their ballot paper incorrectly or has written their name on it

Spy A person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor

Status Quo A situation that is unchanged or is as it was before a recent change

Student A person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school or college

Student Council The highest student governing body of a college or a university

Student Council Assembly An assembly of Student Councils in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Student Empowerment Regarding the primacy of democratic consultation and popular participation and advocating it as the basic foundation in addressing student rights and welfare

Suffrage The right to vote

Swing Voter A person who votes but whose support can switch from one political party to another, depending on the issue at stake

Tt Threat A person or thing likely to cause damage or danger

Tibak A play on the Filipino word, aktibista (activist)

Tinig CAL An independent party based at the PUP College of Arts and Letters

Transform To change in condition, nature, or character; convert

Transgress Infringe or go beyond the bounds of (a moral principle or other established standard of behavior)

Transparency The right and the means to examine the process of decision making

TRAPO Traditional politics and politicians

Uu University An educational institution designed for instruction, examination, or both, of students in many branches of advanced learning, conferring degrees in various faculties, and often embodying colleges and similar institutions

Vv Values A person's principles or standards of behavior

Vice President Second highest member of the Student Council

Violence Behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something

Vote A formal expression of a choice, such as putting one's hand up or marking a ballot paper See also Election

Voter A person who votes or has the right to vote at an election See also Elector

Voter Turnout The number or percentage of all voters who cast a vote in a given election

Ww Whistleblower A person who informs on a person or organization engaged in an illicit activity

The PUP Archiving and Research Society is a researchfocus student group based at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines that aims to gather information relevant to the needs and interests of the students.

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