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Ronny Delrue Sculptures of Stones - Cahier 1


Sculptures of Stones, a series of drawings sculpting and questioning the perceived position of women in contemporary times

Ronny Delrue’s drawings invariably contain a handwritten note of the date and time they were made. The record is always placed next to his signature and forms part of the pictorial composition. But beyond this, the data also makes every drawing seem like a page in a diary, thereby opening up Delrue’s studio practice to the chronology of the world, to the historical present. Consequently, it anchors his oeuvre within a dialogical context as a receptive entity, one that is in constant negotiation with the social reality.

Delrue’s recent series of drawings, entitled Sculptures of Stones, can be situated against this backdrop. They speak to the protests in Europe and the US calling for the removal of colonialera public monuments, as well for non-discriminatory politics that focus on women’s rights and representation.

The Sculptures of Stones drawings depict female statues that are either made of bricks or covered with masonry-like patterns. They form a critical riposte to the heroic male statues of former leaders that are scattered around our cities. Furthermore, the forms also broaden our prior knowledge of the depiction and identity of figures in the public sphere. Delrue’s female figures are remarkable for being both idealized and de-idealized, both complete and broken.

The iconoclastic energy unleashed in Delrue’s recent work reflects the turbulent times in which we live. It situates his art as a symptom of tectonic changes, in which new idols emerge to replace those that are toppled. Delrue’s art not only reports on these changes, but it also contributes to them.

– Ory Dessau


Binding Paperback

Measurements 295 x 213 mm

Weight 0,66 kg

Language EN / NL / FR

Number of pages 160

€ 45,00 - ISBN 9789464002058

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