On Track 360º for Principals

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21st Century School Leaders for

p r i n c i pa l Feedback Guide

C o nte nts

Understanding Your Results


Principal Standards and Elements


Understanding What The Information Represents


Understanding the Rating Scale


User-Friendly Reports


Your Individual Standards Report


Your Feedback by Provider Group Report


Your High to Low Report


Your Perception Gap Report


Your Snapshot Summary Report


Your Turnaround Scale Report


Your Detail Report


Your Comments From Feedback Providers Report


Analyzing Your Results


Developing Your Next Steps


Planning for Improvement


Creating Your Individual Leadership Development Plan


Sample Documents


on track


Dear On Track 360° Participant, Thank you for taking part in the On Track 360⁰ leadership feedback process. This booklet is intended for your use as a personal guide through these reports and the interpretation of your data from the process. Before you begin interpreting your results, think about your frame of mind and consider the following: • Are you ready to accept this feedback as valid and accurate? • Will you receive this information constructively and with an open mind? • Can you use these data as a catalyst for change in your personal path toward leadership development? • Are you planning to use this information for positive growth and continuous improvement?


Understanding the Results Let’s get started by recapping the On Track 360º process

The purpose of the On Track 360° leadership process is to gather feedback from the people you come in contact with daily as you perform the challenging tasks of educational leaders. The On Track 360° collects survey data from several perspectives: · Self-Survey – Your own perspective about your leadership abilities. · Direct Reports – Those for whom you have direct supervisory responsibility. · Peers and Colleagues – Individuals with whom you have worked or with whom you have shared professional interests in or outside of the organization. · Supervisor(s) – As a school leader, the individual(s) to whom you are accountable may vary. These are individuals such as directors, superintendents, school board members, business and community members, or others. The On Track 360⁰ is an electronic feedback tool that does the following: · Provides feedback to leaders in an educational organization. · Produces results that are related to the standards and elements describing the leadership behaviors of school leaders. · Contains indicators that are descriptions of behaviors or practices followed by leaders in the performance of job roles and competencies outlined in the Standards for Principals. The On Track 360° allows you to do the following: · Develop a better understanding of leadership qualities identified by research as belonging to high performing educational leaders. · Gain a better understanding of the Standards for Principals and their alignment with contemporary leadership standards in a challenging environment. · See how others in various roles view you in terms of these leadership qualities and descriptors. · Focus on possible areas for improvement and create an action plan for your personal development of these leadership qualities. · Develop a three-dimensional view of how your leadership style, in combination with skills and behaviors, is perceived by others.


On Track 360Âş Principal standards and elements

Standard #1: Strategic Leaders Successful Strategic Leaders establish a vision for learning and set clear goals for ensuring progress towards achieving them. They also: 1.1) Develop and communicate the system’s vision for quality and improvement 1.2) Practice personal and professional ethics 1.3) Create a culture of shared beliefs among staff and stakeholders 1.4) Communicate effectively with multiple groups and perspectives Standard #2: Improvement Leaders Successful Improvement Leaders use proactive thinking to explore possibilities and engage groups in implementing solutions to bring about change. They also: 2.1) Serve as change agents to lead innovation and facilitate the change process 2.2) Select and implement research-based solutions to achieve goals 2.3) Demonstrate proactive thinking in decision making and problem solving 2.4) Use effective techniques to engage in meaningful dialogue for improvement Standard #3: Instructional Leaders Successful Instructional Leaders implement a high quality instructional system that supports the learning of all students and staff. They also: 3.1) Develop an effective assessment program for the needs of students 3.2) Select programs, strategies, and methods that meet the academic needs of all students 3.3) Create a culture of professional learning for staff members 3.4) Make informed choices for evaluating and monitoring teaching practice Standard #4: Collaborative Leaders Successful Collaborative Leaders organize and support teams that effectively plan and implement improvement strategies. They also: 4.1) Assemble teams that work cooperatively toward improvement processes 4.2) Establish multiple ways to communicate through open and honest feedback 4.3) Recognize and value the diversity of perspectives among group members 4.4) Utilize team-building skills to create collaborative groups Standard #5: Accountability & Systems Leaders Successful Accountability & Systems Leaders organize and integrate processes that support instruction and monitor progress. They also: 5.1) Create systems that link curriculum, instruction, and assessment processes 5.2) Establish clear expectations, monitoring implementation and progress toward results 5.3) Make effective use of technology to support the instructional programs 5.4) Optimize the use of resources to accomplish goals for student success 4

Standard #6: Advocacy & Political Leaders Successful Advocacy & Political Leaders establish coalitions among stakeholder groups that support school and district goals, while communicating needs and successes. They also: 6.1) Develop relationships with stakeholder groups 6.2) Create opportunities to advocate for the schools and district with stakeholder groups 6.3) Engage community members and groups in the education process 6.4) Communicate the needs and successes of the system with stakeholders

Next: Understand What the Information Represents

Through the process of analyzing your On Track 360° results, you will 1. Discover and confirm your strengths. 2. Find, accept, and act upon opportunities for growth. 3. Use information from the reports to create a plan for development. Perceptions are 100% accurate in the eye of the perceiver. The On Track 360° is a multi-rater feedback tool. It collects survey responses from members of each feedback group to describe their perceptions about each description of behavior. How confident are you about the feedback results you are about to receive? You chose the group of providers invited to give you feedback. So, in some ways, you have also influenced the kind of feedback you received. Be open to, and aware of the fact that you are opening the door to receiving both positive and negative feedback. What do you expect to see? The best information comes from a mixture of individuals who represent constituent groups – both formal and informal, and individuals who represent sources of influence from within your own staff and external groups with whom you interact. Select feedback providers who are committed to the organization (school/district), its goals, and respect your desire for honest feedback. What You Expect versus What You May Experience As you begin to interpret your results, remember that knowledge of intent can be different from knowledge of behavior. This understanding will impact you in two ways: 1. We tend to judge ourselves by our intentions (why we do things). 2. Others tend to judge us by our actions (what they see us do). This will provide you with an opportunity to receive feedback to evaluate whether those you lead perceive your actions to be an accurate expression of your intentions. 5

Understanding the On Track 360º Rating Scale

Ratings from your providers indicate the extent to which they see the presence of behavioral traits and characteristics in their daily interactions with you as an individual leader. They were asked to use the following scale for rating:

9 7 5 3 1

– – – – –

10 = 8 = 6 = 4 = 2 =

Extraordinary Strength Exceptional Strength Fully Acceptable Developmental Opportunity Development Needed

Notice that the scale extends from 1 (where an individual rater suggests that development of this trait is clearly needed) to 10 (where an individual rater observes that you, as a leader, display extraordinary strength in this area).

From Competence to Excellence Please keep in mind that the On Track 360° was created based on the most current research in managing change and the multitude of challenges necessary to work successfully with schools and communities in the current climate. Set aside previous definitions of “competency” or “satisfactory performance.” This scale was meant to stretch the level of our thinking and the dialogue around the expectations for what a “highly successful” school leader can be. Raters were encouraged to use the entire span of the rating scale and resist the temptation to think only in terms of “acceptable” performance. As a feedback receiver, the challenge for you is to seek out and use honest and varied views about your leadership abilities so that you can think in terms of your own personal development.

Exceptional leaders are differentiated from others in that they have a wonderful blend of personal humility combined with extraordinary professional will. —Jim Collins


User-Friendly Feedback Reports

I. Individual Standards Report provides consolidated feedback of all providers in a Total Group Average (TGA) along with your Self Ratings. II. Feedback by Provider Group Report provides feedback by your individual groups. Feedback from your direct reports, your peers/colleagues, and your supervisors, are each reported as a group. For each standard, and element within a standard, you will receive a Total Group Average (TGA). You will also receive your Self responses for comparison. III. High to Low Report provides a listing of all 24 elements rank-ordered from high to low based on the Total Group Average. The TGA does not include your Self feedback. IV. Perception Gap Report provides feedback on elements for which there are distinguishable differences (gaps) between the TGA and your Self perception. If your TGA is significantly higher (+1.0) than your self perception, the element may be considered a hidden strength. If your TGA is significantly lower (-1.0) than your self perception, the element may be considered a blind spot. V. Snapshot Summary Report provides highlights from feedback on several previous reports. It identifies your top four strengths, the top four needs (opportunities) for development, four hidden strengths (positive gaps), and four blind spots (negative gaps). All highlights are determined by your TGA rating given to each element within the standards for principals. VI. Turnaround Scale Report gives you an idea of the relative strength you display on a set of leadership behaviors currently thought to be most necessary for success as school turnaround leaders. This scale has ten items and a single composite total rating representing your relative strength on this particular set of skills. The illustration of your Turnaround Scale strength is shown in comparison to the Total Group Average (TGA) ratings given by yourself (Self ) and each of the other Feedback Groups. VII. Item Detail Report provides feedback on all 110 items on the survey, grouped within elements and standards. Item level data report the actual average ratings given to each indicator by yourself and each feedback provider group. This report allows participants to study the indicators used to describe each element and standard and may provide ideas to address areas of individual development work. VIII. Comments from Feedback Providers report provides any verbatim comments from your feedback providers. The intended purpose for this report is to assist participants with understanding how feedback providers viewed their strengths and opportunities for development by sharing of specific comments. Opportunities to add comments were provided at the end of each theme area. 7

How to Read Your Individual Standards Report

Reports from the On Track 360° display the ratings you gave yourself (SELF) in comparison to others providing feedback about you. Your individual reports packet will give you specific information and descriptions of the elements reported in each report included. The same feedback scale (1 to 10) is used by all raters to assign ratings to behavioral traits or characteristics. 1. Your Individual Standards Report The Individual Standards Report presents your Total Group Average (TGA*) ratings. TGA* ratings include · Group 1 – Direct Reports · Group 2 – Peer / Colleagues · Group 3 – Supervisor(s) *The Total Group Average (TGA) does not include Self ratings.

all providers total your individual feedback Standard element element definition feedback scale

Things to think about as you review the Individual Standards Report: · Do I rate myself consistently lower (or higher) than others? · Are there certain standards or elements that are rated noticeably higher or lower by the total group? · Are there standards or elements where I rate myself noticeably different from others? · On which standards/elements do you notice the largest differences in ratings given by the total group and yourself? 8

Recognizing the Pattern of Group Responses

2. Your Feedback By Provider Group Report The Feedback by Provider Group Report can be used to help recognize patterns in the group responses. The Feedback by Provider Group Report · Portrays how each individual feedback provider group perceived you on each of the 24 elements. · Portrays the responses from each feedback provider group in comparison to averages of your Self ratings.

feedback broken out by each provider group

feedback groups

Things to think about as you review the Feedback by Provider Group Report: · Is there an obvious difference in the level of ratings given by one Feedback Group over another? · Are there patterns that make it clear that you rate yourself distinctly different from one or more of your Feedback Provider Groups? · Are there particular areas in which Feedback Provider Groups rate you distinctly higher or lower than others? (For example, if your Direct Reports rate you a full rating point or more lower in an area than do other feedback groups – that would send a pretty clear message that this is an area you will want to think about as you create your individual development plan).


Find Your Strengths and Opportunities for Growth

3. Your High To Low Report The High to Low Report can be used to rank order your strengths and identify your opportunities for growth. · The High to Low Report lists in rank order all 24 elements based on the Total Group Average (TGA*).

highest to lowest rating of total group average (TGA)


Things to think about as you review your High to Low Report: · What is the range of your TGA rating across all elements? · Is there close agreement between your top 4 strengths and those ranked highest on the High to Low Report? · If you have blind spots, where do they occur on the High to Low Report? · Is there a close distance between your highest and lowest ranked area or is the distance large (two or more scale points)? * Remember, the Total Group Average (TGA) does not include Self ratings, so High to Low is strictly based on the ratings of others. 10

Reflect on Your Perception Compared to Others

4. Your Perception Gap Report The Perception Gap Report illustrates differences in ratings (Gaps) that exist between your perceptions about your own abilities and the perceptions of others. The Perception Gap Report · Identifies areas where your Self ratings are lower than the ratings of others (hidden strengths). · Identifies areas where your Self ratings are higher than the ratings of others (blind spots).

vertical line indicates self rating element Others perceived me lower Others perceived me higher

What is a “Gap”? We have begun the formal validation process for the On Track 360° by collecting data from all educational leaders who participate. Until validation studies are completed, we cannot make statements about what constitutes “statistically significant” differences. In the meantime, we are using as a “rule of thumb” a difference in ratings of more than one full scale point (2-3, 4-5, 6.5-7.5, etc.) as a noticeable difference, and therefore worthy of noting.

Things to think about as you review the Perception Gap Report: (All gaps are determined by the difference between Self ratings and Total Group Average.) · Do you notice that you have more “positive gaps” where others are rating you higher than you rate yourself (hidden strengths)? · Or, do you notice more “negative gaps” where others are rating you lower than you rate yourself (blind spots)? · Minor differences in ratings between yourself and others are likely, but noticeable gaps are defined as those that differ by more than one full scale point (Perception Gaps of more than 1.0 or less than -1.0).


Summary At A Glance

5. Your Snapshot Summary Report The Snapshot Summary allows you to take a step back and get a thumbnail overview of information provided in the entire series of reports. This report captures the high points by including your Top 4 Strengths, Top 4 Growth Opportunities, and places where your perception differed from those of your raters in a positive way (Hidden Strengths), and perhaps in a negative way (Blind Spots).


development needs

hidden strengths

blind spots


Understanding Your Turnaround Scale Report

6. Turnaround Scale Report This report gives you an idea of the way others view you on leadership behaviors currently thought to be most necessary for the success of ‘turnaround’ school leaders. This scale combines scores from ten items in a total rating representing your relative strength on this particular set of skills. The illustration of your Turnaround Scale strength is shown in comparison bars representing the Total Group Average (TGA) ratings given by yourself (Self ) and each of the other Feedback Groups.

Turnaround Scale Report

feedback groups

feedback broken out by each provider group


Understanding The Detail Report

7. Your Detail Report This report provides the participant with a detailed listing of all the items used to provide evidence of the 24 elements in the On Track 360ยบ. The structure of the Detail Report lists first the standard, then the element, followed by each item describing the element. For each item a detailed set of comparative data are shown for your review. You will be able to use this report to analyze specific element areas you may wish to further develop or understand more fully. Read the specific items within elements as you build action steps within your Individual Leadership Development Plan.


element short label

item wording

ratings of provider groups

number of feedback providers


Comments From Feedback Providers

8. Your Comments From Feedback Providers Report The Comments from Feedback Providers Report contains verbatim comments from feedback providers that allow you to gain more information about your On Track 360° Reports. · Some individuals may give you more specific thoughts around your abilities, your needs for improvement, and what you ought to do in order to improve. · Remember – these are only thoughts from isolated individuals, NOT summary statements.

comments from feedback providers

Information is a source of learning, but unless it is organized, processed, and made available for decision making, it is a burden, not a benefit. —William Pollard 15

Next: Analyzing Your On Track 360ยบ Results

Your On Track 360º Results

The On Track 360° Feedback reports are generated by summarizing the ratings expressed by yourself and others around the On Track 360° survey’s six standards and 24 elements.

Perceptions of:

6 Standards

· Self · Direct Reports

24 Elements

· Peers/Colleagues · Supervisor(s)

Your On Track 360º Reports

The On Track 360° feedback can be used to identify strengths, needs, and gaps and can be used to help create an Individual Leadership Development Plan. You can look at your ratings from the six standards and associated twenty-four elements to determine your top five strengths (competencies with the highest ratings), five areas of need (competencies with the lowest ratings), as well as examine patterns in your results.

Leaders will be explorers, adventurers, trail blazers, leaders of leaders—they will gather around them people who have the future in their bones. —Rowan Gibson

Success is a journey, not a destination. —Ben Sweetland


Developing Your Next Steps The On Track 360ยบ Feedback Reports Can Help identify Your Strengths and Developmental Needs

Summarizing What You Have Learned

What Have You Learned About Yourself? Review your Perception Gap Report again. • Look for areas (elements) where your view and the view of others is different. • A noticeable difference exists where a gap of one (1.0) full scale rating point or more exists between your rating and the rating of others. Where this difference exists in a positive direction between the way you rate yourself and the rating given to you by others, this “gap” is considered a “Hidden Strength” (+1.0 or greater). Where this difference exists in a negative direction, when your ratings tend to be greater than the ratings given to you by others in a particular area, (-1.0 or greater), it is considered a “Blind Spot.” Hidden Strengths—The Positives About Yourself That You May Not Have Known Ratings given to you by others are significantly higher than the ratings you give yourself on elements.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Blind Spots—The Leadership Skills And Abilities That Others Identify As Needs, But You Have Not The ratings given by others are noticeably lower than the ratings you give yourself in the same area. 1. 2. 3. 4. 19

Things To Think About

The On Track 360° Feedback Reports identify many patterns. Can you synthesize to create BIG IDEAS? · Are there certain standards or elements where your ratings are highest (or lowest)? · Is there a feedback group whose responses are usually different from your own? · Where are your Hidden Strengths? Blind Spots? Do Your Highest Ratings Occur Under One of the Six Standards? Your Lowest Ratings? · Under which standards do your high ratings occur?

· Under which standards do your low ratings occur?

Is There a Feedback Group (Direct Reports, Peers/Colleagues, Supervisor(s)) Whose Ratings Differ Greatly From the Ratings of Others? If So, Which Group?

In Which Area(s) Did This Difference Occur?

Are There Results From Your Feedback Reports That You Found Most Surprising?

Are You Getting Some Ideas For Your Individual Leadership Development Plan? Are You Ready To Take Action To Improve Your Leadership Skills? 20

All Aboard For Planned Improvement Creating Your Development Action Plan

Individual Leadership Development Plan After using the On Track 360° to identify strengths, development needs, hidden strengths and blind spots, you can recognize certain patterns in your results that will allow you to create a goal-oriented Individual Leadership Development Plan. You may then create an action plan to outline your steps for development. The format for this plan may be provided by your school organization, your district, your state, or you may be free to develop one of your own. Sample documents are provided on the next pages that illustrate the process for goal setting and developing an action plan for improvement. Use these forms to begin your action planning to identify steps for improving the skills and abilities that contribute to the overall impression others (and you) have of your leadership skills as a successful educational leader. Developing the Individual Leadership Development Plan For 360° feedback to be useful, it should not be a stand-alone event. This guide for analyzing your results was aimed at helping you to create a profile of your (current) leadership profile.

By following this process, you should have identified

4 4 3 3

Strengths (Your Views) Development Needs (Your Views) Hidden Strengths Blind Spots

As you decide on goals for your own Individual Leadership Development Plan, choose 2 or 3 high-priority goals and ask yourself the following: ·D o these goal areas motivate and excite me? · Do I see the connection between these leadership competencies and how I function in my role? · Do I see how my district will benefit from improving this competency? · Do I see how improving these leadership competencies will allow me to improve the climate for teaching and learning in my school or educational setting?


Sample Goal Planning Documents

Name: Organization: Job Title: Phone: Email: Date:

Section A: Self-Assessment

1. Review the On Track 360째 standards and elements as you identify your strengths from your individual reports.

2. Review the On Track 360째 standards and elements as you identify your areas for leadership growth.

3. What strengths and areas of development have you identified as a result of other leadership courses and experiences?


Sample Goal Planning Documents (continued)

Section B: Future-Focused Leadership Development

1. Identify no more than two or three goals in which you plan to focus your leadership development in the future.

2. For each goal you have identified, think about how you will develop as a leader.

Reflect On The Following: Goal #1: · What results do you want?

· What specific things will you do to achieve these results?

· What resources or support will you need?

· How long will it take and how often will you monitor your progress?

Goal #2: · What results do you want?

· What specific things will you do to achieve these results?

· What resources or support will you need?

· How long will it take and how often will you monitor your progress?

Goal #3: · What results do you want?

· What specific things will you do to achieve these results?

· What resources or support will you need?

· How long will it take and how often will you monitor your progress?






What On Track 360ยบ Standard(s) and Elements does this goal address?

What activities can accomplish this goal?

Who will be involved with these activities?




What obstacles will you need to overcome to achieve this goal?

How will you know if your goal has been achieved? What are some specific ways you will know that this skill area or ability has improved?

What will you gain if you are successful? What are some ways that improving this leadership skill will lead to bringing about continuous improvement in your school or educated setting?

Duplicate This Page As Needed For Each Goal Identified





What On Track 360ยบ Standard(s) and Elements does this goal address?

What activities can accomplish this goal?

Who will be involved with these activities?




What obstacles will you need to overcome to achieve this goal?

How will you know if your goal has been achieved? What are some specific ways you will know that this skill area or ability has improved?

What will you gain if you are successful? What are some ways that improving this leadership skill will lead to bringing about continuous improvement in your school or educated setting?

Duplicate This Page As Needed For Each Goal Identified

Notes Use this space for personal observations


Š2012 On Track Press, Inc. All rights reserved.

on track

360ยบ On Track Press, Inc. P.O. Box 157 Clemmons, NC 27012 336 712 3396 Larry D. Coble, Ed.D. lrrycble@bellsouth.net

Katherine P. Divine, Ph. D. kpd1divine@aol.com

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