Caribbean Star # 59 vol. 4 2015

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Caribbean First Interfaith Newspaper, Serving The Community

September 11 – 17, 2015







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See Page 17



ON SALE f age o t n a GUYANA Adv re to Take ic Airfa SURINAME m JAMAICA Dyna ANA Y KALI TRAVEL TRINIDAD GU 917-407-9090 718-291-9292



See Page 8



See Page 34 R

Nov. 3rd


See Page 10



Vol.4 #59


Nov. 18th 2015

See Page 38



See Page 35

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Party chairman, Franklin Khan, party officers and I’d like to start by recognising Deputy Political Leader (Policy), Mr Rohan Sinanan.

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015






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September 11 – 17, 2015 3 Caribbean Star Newspaper Allan Johnson now acting CEO of GPHC The Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) said that Michael Khan, Chief Executive Officer, GPHC has proceeded on administrative leave with effect from September 09, 2015.


n his absence, Allan Johnson, has been appointed Chief Executive Officer (Ag) at the institution. Johnson is the CEO of the New Amsterdam Hospital. Minister of Public Health

Dr. George Norton had told Stabroek News that it was at the suggestion of auditors that Khan was asked to proceed on leave. Norton noted that since the APNU+AFC govern-

ment took office they have made “efforts to have forensic audits of several government departments and ministries including the GPHC and the Ministry of Health (MoH).” According to the Minister, the audit report for the MoH recommended that the Permanent Secretary be asked to take the leave he had accumulated. Similarly the audit of the GPHC which was recently concluded has recommended that the CEO be

Guyanese man tried to smuggle cocaine in rum bottle at JFK

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Guyanese national was nabbed trying to smuggle a rum and coke drug cocktail in his luggage at Kennedy Airport, authorities said. Cleveland Charles arrived in New York on Saturday aboard a Caribbean Airlines flight from Georgetown, Guyana, and was selected for inspection by Customs and Border Protection officers. Sharp-eyed officers focused on a bottle of 12-year-old El Dorado rum inside Charles’ suitcase. Charles said he had purchased it at a duty-free shop at the airport in Guyana, the Brooklyn Federal Court complaint says. A Customs officer “then opened the bottle, which contained a thick syruplike substance with a strong odor that appeared inconsistent with rum,” Department of Homeland Security special agent Scott Salamon stated in the complaint. A field test of the liquid came up positive for cocaine, according to Salamon.

asked to proceed on leave. “It is the general policy of the new government not to allow workers to accumulate leave so Khan has been asked to proceed on leave both for this reason and to facilitate further investigations into the procurement and storage of medication and medical supplies,” Norton explained Specific concerns have been raised by the auditors about the stocking and management of a MoH bond.

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

Thursday, August 29,July 201311 - 18, 2014 Caribbean Star Newspaper Study identifies suicide risk behaviour patterns155

Political spite Wanted Trinidad police officer PITBULL KILLS GRANNY A

MSTERDAM, Holland, Tuesday death for Americans, according to the The current suicide rate of 11.9 deaths September 8, 2015 – In good time American Foundation for Suicide Pre- per 100,000 people in the UK is the highfor World Suicide Prevention Day, vention. Among American men, the sui- est since 2004, according to figures from an awareness day observed annually on cide rate is about four times higher than the Office for National Statistics. September 10, a new study has identified among women, with white men the most Now, a new study has found that bebehaviour patterns that precede at least likely to take their own lives, according to haviour patterns such as risky behaviour, 50 percent of suicide attempts. Medical News Today. psychomotor agitation and impulsivity Suicides are on the rise worldwide, with Across the Atlantic in the United King- occur before half of suicide attempts. the World Health Organization (WHO) dom, 6,233 suicides were registered Researchers analysed 2,811 individsaid there who was were a part of An 84-year-old great when among it camepeople to incident estimating that there were edgeable more than over 15 occurred. in 2013, and it re- Ramlogan uals with depression ORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad, Wednesday July 9, 2014, CMC – A police officer coman undertaking within grandmother was yesterday the training of dogs and 800,000 suicides back in 2012. mains the leading cause of death among the Bridge-II-MIX study – an internationAll participants were assessed by a A former head of the now- using But hethe saidDiagnostic that “reconsidthe Parliament that he Dr Azizul Rahaman of mauled to death by a family disagreed with the deciSuicide is the 10th leading cause of young men. of depression suicide. and mitted suicide hours afteral astudy photo of hisandappeared onpsychiatrist a television programme defunct state-owned Guyeration never occurred; the pitbull. sion of the dog’s owner to Jones Animal Clinic exam- would accommodate cerStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders ana Airwayshosted Corporationbyairline was eventually Lillian Bunsee had never carry out the training at the ined the dog and confirmed tain amendments based a standard senior po-sold (DSM), which is the classificahas blamed government and within less than a year it was one of the danger- on suggestions from Indeventured close to the dogs house. tion ofofficer mental disorders used by menhein total was officials forlice the current the that airline was chaous dogs referred to in the pendent Senators and also as she had been attacked tal health professionals in the United aviation woesagripping the os, ” Khan charged. in the past, but yesterday “Aggression training within Dog Control Bill which was from members of the Opfugitive from the law. States. country. morning one of the dogs your own environment and passed in Parliament last position. Many parameters studied, inHe saidwere that prior to this, escaped from its kennel and training of dogs within your month but is yet to be pro- The Independent Senators cluding previous suicide attempts, family Constable Former GAC General Christopher the state-ownedMadeira, entity had had already forwarded again attacked her, this time own household where you claimed, police said. history, current and previous treatments who had been on making suspension from Manager, Fazal Khan is been strides. killing her. have ageable people or fam- Rahaman removed some their suggestions to him, andTrinidad the patient’s presentations. the and clinical Tobago Police Seradamant that political ily members in your house of the animals and locked but he was still awaiting symptoms, spite rather than financial “We had 80 percent the Opposition’s before the Neighbours said the dog vicePsychiatric (TTPS), died afterabout he sociodemoingested graphic and clinical risk factors for bipoor operational problems of the market shares in Act is proclaimed by Presiwas one of approximately a quantity of weedicide on Tuesday. lar disorder were also collected. Of the forced the the country, dent Anthony Carmona. ten which were bred and participants, 628 had already attempted closure ofHis while receivbeing given aggression picture had been posted on the telesuicide. the airlinevision programme “Beyond the ingTape” not a co cent “This bill is clearly needed. training in preparation for is the thatgovit’s back in the “The strength of this study from I would like those persale by two of the woman’s hosted by Inspector Roger Alexander. not a clinical trial, with ideal patients – late nineties, ernment. Not sons who argue that there relatives. it’s a big study, from the real world,” said and it is one even when should be no legislation to post carried the words “The first study author Dr Dina Popovic, arequested psychiaof the ma-The we control these dangerous Never once did the resiof the protective services tothe jor reasonsmember to borrow trist at Barcelona Hospital Clinic and dogs, I would like them to dents hear Bunsee scream the ‘Wall of Shame” is Christopher G u y a n e s egrace only half pay a visit to the relatives for help but only noticed Clinical Research Institute of Biomedicala you see Madeira,million do not apare payingMadeira. dolof victims to explain their she was being attacked as ResearchIfin Spain. e x o r b i t a ntproach lars from the position and to offer some they walked along the roador confront him since he is conDr Popovic said they found that “deprices tosidered government condolence. I am calling way close to her home on pressive mixedand states” often dangerpreceded armed extremely travel upous…instead afterstation, running upon them to go pay them La Seiva Road, Maraval. suicide attempts that mixed deprescall and ANY police North. into debt that a visit and to offer them Police said it was shortly afsive features associated with hall623-0362/ 4968were or send an e-mail to The we could some compensation,” said ter 9 a.m. that the residents marks of bipolarity. Former GAC GM Fazal if you havenot aviation of- “A ‘depressive avoid,wheredid Ramlogan. saw the woman on the informationKhan that mixed could state’ help is the po- a ficial is con- patient is depressed, but also theyhas give it.” ground with the dog tearsymplice capture this fugitive from the law”. vinced that toms of ‘excitation,’ or mania,” she Section 19 of the Dog ing away at her body. They Understatehisof photograph, it that stat-exGuyana’s current Khan continued deControl Act: tried throwing boulders at plained. ed that he could was wanted for two charges affairs is one spite huge expenditures, the animal in an attempt to “We found this significantly more in paof misbehaving inwaspublic office, have been avoided, withhad GAC making, “three, 19. (1) Where a class A stop it but their efforts were tients who previously attempted suiand failure to appear in court. the continuance of the four and five million doldog injures a person, unsuccessful, said officers. FAMILY PHOTO: 84-year-old Lillian Bunsee who cide, than those who had not. In fact, 40 “prosperous and devellars pre-tax yearly. We without reasonable cause was mauled to death by a pitbull yesterday in her own percent of all the depressed patients who oping” state-owned carhad very good junior and whether in a public place Investigators said several The charges alleged that he and anhome. attempted suicide had a ‘mixed episode’ rier being preserved and officer, senior staff. PeopleLenwere or on private premises, the police officers who were other Corporal ratherpolice than just depression.” prized for itsnox functioning sent for university educaowner or keeper of the dog on patrol nearby went to John, and wilfully The risk ofknowingly attempting suicide is at least and importance to Guyation in marketing, the scene after receiving a is a no no. Aggression is not them away at the clinic yes- commits an offence and is handed over a loaded firearm aviation and 50 per cent higher, the scientists found, nese travelers. management and diploma report and was only able to the type of training to do terday evening. He told the liable on summary convica ifbullet-proof vest belonging to thethe a depressed patient any of courses.presents ” He boasted that have the dog stop biting the within that environment. Express the dogs were be- tion to a fine of $100,000 Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. symptoms: “They didn’t following know they as far as he is aware Guywoman after opening fire High potency dog food and ing temporarily kept at the and to imprisonment for behaviour” (for example, were making a“Risky mistake ana Airways was thereckfirst on the animal, shooting it aggression training in the animal hospital until the five years. less driving, promiscuous who was airline lastbehaviour). stationed because theyMadeira, do not unregional to offer free home environment is cre- other owner makes a decisix times. agitation” (pacing at “Psychomotor the Scarborough Police Station derstand aviation, ” Khan headphones and alcohol on ating a time bomb and it is sion “on what he is going to (2) Where a class A dog around a room, wringing one’s hands, Tobago, was also septold KaieteurinNews. “They board the charged aircraft. kills a person or causes the Residents in the area said just a matter of time before do with them”. pulling with off and putting were totallyarately clueless andclothing death of a person, withthe officers had no other tragedy strikes,” he said. handing over ait back load-on had they known itother was similar a Heaactions). continued thatvest. Guy“It was not for any legal rea- out reasonable cause, the option but to kill the dog. edandpistol and bullet-proof “Impulsivity” (acting on a grew whim,todismistake, they would have ana Airways fly The other dogs were all Detectives from the Port of son or anything. Relatives owner or keeper of the dog behaviour characterized by little never done He it,playing but by the five flights to New York, locked away in their ken- Spain Criminal Investiga- and so on would be going commits an offence and is was released on TT$150,000 (One or no itforethought, reflection ortoconsidtime they realized, was and three timesbail, Torontions Department (CID) to the house to give their liable on summary convicnels, they said. TT dollar = US$0.16 cents) oreration the consequences). already too late, ” he of said to, weekly, while trips in“After the first two shots led by ASP Ajith Persad condolences and what have tion to a fine of $200,000 dered to surrender his passport to in a recent interview at his during peak here, sumThere is an creased important message the dog was still biting the went to the scene and de- you, so we are just keeping and to imprisonment for the court and report to the ScarborQueenstown residence. mer seasons with North the study says, for all health care profeswoman, like the shots did tained the man who owned the dogs for a little while,” ten years. ough Station twice weekly. American Airlines having he said. nothing to it. The police the dog. sionalsPolice who see patients suffering from Khan believesdepression that he wasandtowho be may chartered to aid the CLASS A dogs are identihad to shoot it four more not pay enough Pathologist Dr Valery Alexandrov, “pushed aside” as head influx of travelers. GAC times before it stopped,” Up to yesterday evening The other owner said resi- fied in the Bill as: attention to these symptoms. Early idenperformed theable autopsy Tuesday, of the GACwho for expresswas to its feet he was in custody at the dents no longer wanted the said one man. tification of symptoms andincrease timely treating his reservations about of planes under his stewCID office along St Vincent dogs in the area, so he may 1. Pitbull Terrier or any said that he found approximately 200 ment of mixed depressive states could one political cubic appointment. ardship. The resident, who asked Street, Port of Spain. Of- have to “put them to sleep”. dog bred from the Pitbull centimetres of in the substance represent a major step suicide prevenAccording to Khan, he that his name not be pub- ficers said they would be Contacted via phone yes- Terrier. intion. his stomach, which amounted to realized thatapproximately theThe lack of Khan saidbyforresearchers the first time lished, said regardless of consulting with Director of terday, Attorney General findings, in acollated regular-sized glass. forward-thinking manin the country’s history the type, he was always op- Public Prosecutions (DPP) Anand Ramlogan said 2. Fila Brasileiro or any Spain, France, Switzerland, Russia, Italy, agement would destroyStates there were local pilots who posed to people giving ag- Roger Gaspard SC to deter- the Dog Control Bill was dog bred from the Fila the United and were pre“The major problem is the thatUK, there is no the GAC and he therewere captains on jets. gression training to dogs mine what charges could be passed on the last day of Brasileiro. sented atSothe conference of the European it doesn’t matter if someone fore gave theantidote. then powers the parliamentary session within their own household laid against the man. College of Neuropscyhopharmacology drinks one teaspoon or a bottle. some eight months toinre“The first choiceThe forrepaswhich is shared with other The other owner was not in order to prevent it from 3. Japanese Tosa or any (ECNP) Amsterdam. sult is the same,” the pathologist added.

Bloody attack oncommits 84-year-old suicide woman caused after being closure at Maraval home on ‘Wall of Shame’ placed

of local airline


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family members. He said he was also knowl-

arrested as he did not live on the premises where the

being “lapsed”. With the passing of the bill,

dog bred from the Japanese Tosa.

consider their position of removing him.

sengers was ...contnue on page 8

Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


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Caribbean Star Newspaper ‘Work with me to rescue T&T’

September 11 – 17, 2015

arty chairman, Franklin Khan, party officers and I’d like to start by recognising Deputy Political Leader (Policy), Mr Rohan Sinanan. Because one of the big issues in this election that we have just won is that we had no policy but we had deputy political leader Rohan Sinanan, campaign manager for the 2015 election. The information that we have available to us at the various constituencies indicate that, party officers, members, supporters, fellow citizens, that we of the PNM have been passed an awesome responsibility. For me it is a very humbling experience, to have had the opportunity, firstly to lead the PNM, to take responsibility for the country’s Opposition, to lead our party into what has been one of the most gruelling elections in the history of our country and coming out of it victorious tonight. I am humbled but I am very grateful. I must give thanks to our organisation for keeping its shape and holding its contact with the Opposition, not losing faith when things didn’t look too bright. But having this abiding principle that we of the PNM

Prime Minister elect Dr Keith Rowley flanked at right by wife Sharon, and daughters Sonel, left, and Tonya, address supporters during the party’s victory celebrations at Balisier House, Port-ofSpain, on Monday. Photo: JEFF MAYERS are not a political party in the organisation allowed itself to be narrow sense of the word, in the modernised. Our screening comordinary sense but rather, we mittee, our executives across the are a rally for all the people of country, all 41, our membership Trinidad and Tobago coming to- opened up their minds to acgether fighting for the common cept news ways of doing things, good. to accept new people and to And I think this election, in our accept new responsibility. And 60th year, demonstrates that the we always said to the people of PNM can keep its shape. Five T&T the value of the PNM is to years ago, in this very same place, be available to the people of T&T a completely different mood whenever you need to call on us. overtook us, we were down but And once again the people of we were never out. T&T have called on the PNM. We knew that we were always The majority of our victorious the party of the long haul. Some- candidates are new to the Parliatimes the runner stumbles and ment of T&T and many of them even when the runner falls, the are new to my leadership and tape is always on his mind. Our some of them are even new to

the party. But I want to give the country the assurance that all of us, new and old, young and not so young, we will be guided by the fundamental principles of the PNM and the Constitution of T&T. Throughout our campaign we have made it quite clear to the population that these are not times of milk and honey. There are difficult times ahead. It is like going down the river and I am telling you that there are rapids ahead, there is rough water ahead but if we navigate them successfully, there is calm water ahead. It is my view, as I have expressed before, that our country is not a basket case. We have a fair amount of resources, we are a resilient people, particularly a large body of young people who are looking for a future from our country. We will succeed, not basically because of who is in office or who won the election, but more importantly, how we behave as a people in treating with the challenges that ahead. Tonight, tonight is the wedding—a wedding is a feast, is a fete, the wedding is the beginning, it is the living that

matters. Let’s live together in harmony. And as I said throughout the campaign, what we are striving for and what will hold us together, we have to take at the individual level, responsibility for ourselves and say that we are our brother’s keeper. And if we commit to that nobody in this country will go hungry, while others go overweight. We are all in this together. And having said that and speaking from the platform of the party that won the election, I want to say to the members and supporters of the UNC tonight your party has tasted defeat. We of the PNM can tell you the taste of that brew. But I want to say to you that when this country has passed responsibility to the PNM it is not ‘we vs them’, we are all in this together. And while we form the Government, you of the UNC will form the Opposition but we all expect you to act as a part of the Government because your responsibility is awesome. And if we accept that we are all in this together, T&T, all of us, would come out of our difficulties together. We need to


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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


The Blind Men, The Elephant, And What Can Be Learned As a proud member of the Shaanti Bhavan Mandir in Queens, NY and as a fourth grade teacher, life presents an ongoing process of inquiry and learning for me, as I’m sure most of us experience in our lives during this information age we all live in. With technology in the palm of my hands, (more times than I would like to admit), I can find answers simply by doing internet searches, chatting with family and friends or even e-mailing Pundit Manoj with my questions.


s a fourth grade teacher, I am required to prepare my class for their state tests in Reading, Writing and Math. As these things usually go, there are preparation workbooks that the students use to practice a variety of skills throughout the weeks prior to their test dates. For the reading and writing portion, students usually read an article, story, poem, or play and then answer questions about their reading. It was this past school year that I noticed “The Blind Men and the Elephant” appear in the preparation workbooks with the italicized words Hindu Folktale underneath. A very

sophisticated moral to teach to nine year olds, I found myself perplexed while at the same time thoughtfully provoked as I prepared myself for this lesson, in more ways than one. The story goes that a few blind men wanted to know what an elephant looked like so they each touched different parts of the elephant and likened it to something they knew. Thus, after feeling the leg of the elephant, one of the men declared that the elephant felt like a pillar. Another one of the men felt the trunk and claimed the elephant felt like the thick branch of a tree. While an-

other man in the group, who felt the tusk said the elephant is like a solid pipe. Still, one of the men, after feeling the elephant’s ear, exclaimed the elephant is like a big hand fan. The men began to argue about the elephant while insisting that they were each right. It was later when a wise man approached the men and inquired what they were arguing about. After hearing their sides of the argument on what the elephant looked like, the wise man calmly explained that they were all indeed right. The elephant felt like all of the various descriptions they illustrated because they all felt different parts of

this one being. When explaining the moral in this folktale to nine year olds, I compared this folktale to the different perspectives everyone has during an argument; the “different sides to a story” philosophy. Everyone can be in their own right in an argument, and that is why we have to consider the other person’s opinion as well. This lesson lead to changes in our classroom dynamic, with arguments being dispelled after these young children had the foresight to consider their companion’s feelings and perspectives. Something that is, at times, lost amongst adults and can serve as a

good lesson for us all. I went home and started thinking about what I saw in my classroom, and thought about how this folktale serves an even deeper purpose that can be related to our dharma. For arguments sake, I prefer to use the phrase Hindu philosophy, as I find Hinduism to be a way of life and not just a religion. As I pondered the deeper meaning of this story and came across different scholarly and theological research involving this folklore, I found that other sects of Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism alluded to this folktale. As I arrived at an idea that can be argued, I realized that that the elephant represents God, and we are all blind as we can only describe part of THE TRUTH as we know it, while at the same time, our counterparts can also have their version of THE TRUTH. Consequently, the elephant teaches us about tolerance. Naturally as a Hindu, I immediately likened the elephant to Ganeshji, one of the most beloved deities in the Hindu pantheon. His distinct iconography of an elephant’s head symbolizes “unmatched wisdom and the gaining of knowledge through reflection and listening” (www. Thus teaching us to accept others and their interpretation of God, for we are all right in our own way and we are all blinded in our own way, therefore we must be tolerant of others and their viewpoints. Hinduism, teaches its followers to live in harmony with the different perspectives around them. And if we were all to follow this lesson, what a wonderful world it would be. By Kamini Singh-Jodah


Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

Herstelling man murdered


he police say that investigations are being conducted into the murder of Nathan Persaud, 43 years, of Herstelling, EBD, who was found at about 1000h Thursday on his premises with wounds to his head. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the GPHC. A knife and a hammer were found at the scene.




347 759 3934

Trini family gets 418 years in jail in NY


his case dates 2012. The Ramsundar family has since appealed the sentence, and preliminary rulings made by a Court in 2015. The appeal will come up for hearing in the Supreme Court, Queens County, New York later this year. A couple and their daughter, originally from Trinidad, have been jailed in the United States for a total of 418 years, for conning 19 Caribbean immigrants out of more than $1.8 million. In a sentence handed down by a court in Queens, New York on Wednesday, Shane Ramsundar, 52, wife Gomatee, 48, and daughter Stantal, 23, were described by the judge as “the most despicable gang of criminals to ever sit in front of me.” “You and I know that if you did this fraud and paraded and strutted around in front of your own people, in your own country, you probably would have all been hacked to death,” Holder told the family, which hails from Trinidad. “But not in this country. Now it's your time to hear your return on your investment for your crime,” the judge said. Shane Ramsundar received the maximum 235-year sentence. His wife was sentenced to 153 years and daughter 30 years. The three were found guilty last November of grand larceny. Prosecutors said that Shane Ramsundar told immigrants that he could get their

Shane Ramsundar (left) is led into the courtroom for his sentencing. Shantel Ramsundar, 24, and mom Gomatee (r.) were found guilty of grand larceny, money laundering, criminal impersonation and other charges. Photos by Ellis Kaplan/ Source NY Daily News names or terror watch lists, or prevent their deportation by getting then green cards. Assistant District Attorney Catherine Kane said: “They stole from their own, people afraid of reporting to the police, terrified of being deported back to a place where they had no one to go home to”. One of the victims was an immigrant suffering with multiple sclerosis who

gave the family $43,000 after being told by the family of con artists that he was about to be deported. Ramsundar also fooled immigrants into believing that he could get them cheap housing. Prosecutors said that the family used some of the money to buy cars, expensive handbags, a $2,700 Yorkie dog and go on shopping sprees.

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September 11 – 17, 2015 Caribbean Star Newspaper GuySuco board was shut out of Skeldon energy sale deal


onths after being sold to a special purpose company – Skeldon Energy Incorporated (SEI) – the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is in the process of making attempts to reverse the US$30M sale of its energy assets at Skeldon and its complementary Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). This was confirmed by Chairman of GuySuCo Dr. Clive Thomas, yesterday, who underscored how critical a role the energy assets would play in the future operations of GuySuCo. Thomas also disclosed that former Chief Executive Officer of the sugar corporation Rajendra Singh had agreed with the PPP administration to sell the energy assets without the consent of the board. Singh was fired from GuySuCo. In early April of this year, Executive Director of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Winston Brassington, had announced that the GuySuCo energy assets at Skeldon, along with the PPA – between the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) and GuySuCo – had been transferred to the Skeldon Energy Inc. This had followed approval by the then (People’s Progressive Party) Cabinet. The new company – Skeldon Energy

Inc. would be jointly owned by GPL and NICIL and was expected to be managed by Wartsila Guyana Inc. The company is funded by equity financing of US$9M and debt financing to the tune of US$21M, secured from local and international financial institutions. According to Brassington at that time, “Expected benefits of the restructuring of the Skeldon energy assets include: The enhancement of the generating capacity of the Skeldon Wartsila and Bagasse, co-generation power plants; provide GPL and GuySuCo with a stable and reliable source of power generation and relieve GuySuCo of the responsibility of managing power generation; provide US$30 million of capital resources to GuySuCo; secure, stabilise and expand the power-generating capacity located at Skeldon, as part of the Demerara-Berbice Interconnected System (OBIS) power grid, by increasing energy supplied to the grid by 50 per cent by the end of 2016 and almost 100 per cent by 2019.” He had further explained that the power-generating assets consist primarily of three Wartsila power plants with an installed capacity of 10 MegaWatts (MW) and a Co-Generation Bagasse Plant with

Clive Thomas an installed capacity of 30MW. However, Wartsila had agreed to inject US3M to bring the Co-Generation plant and the other three power plants to its (Wartsila’s) standards. Rehabilitation, operation and management of the combined power plants were to be effective April 1, 2015 with the money being refinanced over time. Contacted on the issue on Tuesday Dr Thomas, who was appointed after the sale was made earlier this year, explained that the decision to sell the power plant was made by the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Raj Singh, without the consent of GuySuCo’s board. But despite approx-


imately GYD$1B being paid to GuySuCo through the sale agreement thus far, the need for the power plant to aid in GuySuCo’s development remains great, Dr. Thomas said. Additionally, he disclosed that he was made aware that GPL was receiving power under this arrangement at an “unconscionably low rate” which he deemed to be “unacceptable.” As a result, the chairman reiterated the need for GuySuCo to re-acquire this power plant which 90,000 Berbicians currently benefit from. “So as a result of this, the board made a decision last Thursday to retrieve this power plant… the process is still in its preliminary stages since it was only Thursday the decision was made, but the minister was written to, and we are anticipating a favourable response,” Dr. Thomas told this publication yesterday. But the longterm aim of this move, he revealed, is to aid in the rebuilding of GuySuCo and an attempt at restoring normalcy at a corporation which has suffered tremendously. The chairman also hinted at the possibility of Skeldon Energy Incorporated dissolving, and NICIL assuming the responsibilities of the company. However, a definitive decision in that regard has not been taken.

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September 11 – 17, 2015

Caribbean Star Newspaper

Kamla goes home in private car after election defeat Members of the security detail guarding outgoing Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar tuesday came under fire for abandoning her after she lost Monday’s general election.


he claims came from members of her Penal constituency who questioned how the Special Branch officers allowed Persad-Bissessar to leave her constituency office in an unsecured private vehicle for her home at Phillipine, San Fernando, after she addressed supporters and said she would not go to the traditional Rienzi Complex, Couva, home base for a concession speech. They also queried whether officers of the security detail who told her earlier that the official vehicle PM1 was not working had deliberately misled her. The concerns about what they called a clear security breach were raised after video footage circulated of Persad-Bissessar opening and entering a white Toyota car, licensed PDA 9309, in the absence of any of the Special Branch officers who normally accompany her.

Persad Bissessar, accompanied by her sister Vidawatie Newton and another unidentified person in the back seat of the vehicle, along with the civilian driver, then left minus any of the escort vehicles shortly after midnight when the crowd had left. Eyewitnesses said after her concession speech she went into a private room and emerged some time later and headed for the white car which had reversed in front the official vehicle. Persad-Bissessar was reportedly told the official vehicle was experiencing some ignition problems and would have to be towed away by a wrecker. However, constituency officials said yesterday there were other vehicles in her detail which could have been used and it was very strange that PM 1, which is checked every day, experi-




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Former prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar address supporters at her constituency office in Penal after the election results on Monday night.PHOTO: RISHI RAGOONATH

enced mechanical problems only upon her defeat. One person who claimed to be an eyewitness alleged after she left in the private vehicle, PM 1 was driven off by Special Branch officers. An eyewitness described what happened on the night: “She came down the stairs looking depressed and distressed. There was no security around her. She greeted some people who had remained and shook their hands. “She then headed towards the white car, which was reversed in front of PM 1. She walked towards it, opened the door, sat in the left back seat and closed the door herself. “Her sister Wattie was seated on the right and there was another person in the middle. The driver was a civilian. They drove off without any police escort although there were some black jeeps on the road. “After she left the officers jumped in the car and drove off. No wrecker towed it away.” A senior officer from the Southern Division said yesterday he was alarmed at the claims as the Penal Police Station was next door to the Siparia constituency office but no one sought their help. The officer said assistance could have been sought to take Persad-Bissessar home as she remained Prime Minister until People’s National Movement leader Dr Keith Rowley was sworn in later today. Following his swearing in, Persad-Bissessar will also continue to be afforded security for another three months. Ex-PM: I told them to leave Contacted yesterday, T&T Police Service head of corporate communications, Ellen Lewis, said claims that Special Branch officers attached to the PM’s security detail had abandoned their post were untrue. Lewis said she spoke to Special Branch head, ACP Earla Christopher, who assured her officers were on the

duty to escort Persad-Bissessar home. “The official car experienced engine problems and it was understood the Prime Minister opted to travel home in the company of a relative and that vehicle was escorted by Special Branch personnel,” Lewis told the T&T Guardian. “The Special Branch did not vacate the side of Mrs Persad-Bissessar. There is no truth to the allegation or the report that Special Branch officers vacated the side of the Prime Minister following the outcome of the general election.” However, another official within the Police Service told the T&T Guardian Persad-Bissessar seemed to be upset at the election results and indicated to the officers she had no further need for their services. The official said the officers refused to depart from her side and remained on site to ensure full security. Contacted via text message yesterday, Persad-Bissessar too said she was not abandoned by the security detail. However, she confirmed she left in a private vehicle without a security detail. “I told them they could leave as I had other transport. When they attempted to leave the car did not start. Seems the car wanted to stay,” she responded. But attorney Subhas Panday said Persad-Bissessar was not authorised to instruct Special Branch officers to leave. He said only the head of the Special Branch could have made those decisions. “She is still the substantive Prime Minister until 1.30 pm tomorrow (today) when Dr Rowley is sworn in. As a result, she ought to be in the protective custody of the State. Suppose someone had shot her in that unguarded moment?” he asked. “In the circumstances the Special Branch should not have taken her on. They should have performed their duties and escorted her home. Protocol should have been observed,” he added.

Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


Crabwood Creek ‘armed robbery’ was staged, three men arrested Detectives have discovered that an ‘armed robbery’ committed at Crabwood Creek on Sunday was staged and the mastermind and two other men who played varying roles in the house invasion have since been arrested.


rime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed that a 42-year- old businessman, a taxi driver and another man are in police custody in connection with the “staged robbery” and are to be charged shortly. He confirmed too that CCTV cameras at the Grant Crabwood Creek residence revealed that no “long guns” were used in the attack as had been reported but rather the men in question were armed with cutlasses. Stabroek News was told of an elaborate plot by the businessman to win back his wife. To make the ordeal appear real, he had the men he hired to invade his house beat him up. Police now believe that a number of crimes which have occurred in the Berbice

area within the last few weeks have also been staged. It was reported to the police that on Sunday at about 3 am men broke into the house and inflicted blows on a couple before escaping with a large quantity of money. Police acting on a tip off arrested a taxi driver on Tuesday. The man subsequently made shocking revelations to the police which would later confirm that it was a staged robbery. This newspaper was told that about three months ago the businessman and his wife began having domestic problems and they started sleeping in separate bedrooms in their home. Last Friday the man contacted a taxi driver and told him that he wanted him to terrorize the couple in what must look like a robbery.

The taxi driver however was not up to the task and he recommended a known thief who lives in Rose Hall. The known thief, the taxi driver and the businessman later met up to plan the house invasion. This newspaper was told that the husband handed over a detailed plan which showed the location of the 12 CCTV cameras in his home. He also indicated that he wanted certain phrases recited during the attack to give it a more genuine appearance. The businessman promised the taxi driver $200, 000 once the task was complete. The businessman, detectives were told, picked up the man who would later invade his home at Rose Hall and dropped them off in Crabwood Creek. He then went home. The men were told that they would enter the house through a window located at the back of the house. They were also to inflict blows on the businessman during the robbery. When they entered, it would appear that the businessman was the first to be attacked. As he was being beaten he began to holler. His wife who came out of her room to investigate was then assailed. Police said that the woman related that she was robbed of US$10, 000 and the businessman estimated his losses in the vicinity of $200, 000. Stabroek News has since been told

that both the taxi driver and the businessman have made confessions to the police. Police also have in their possession a copy of the plan showing the cameras which was handed to the taxi man. When the taxi driver was arrested he was found with $15, 000 in his possession which he said was part of the money paid to him. He said that he had an additional $10, 000 but had spent it. The businessman did not sustain major injuries but his wife is hospitalized. Deoram Sookchand was late last month charged with murdering his wife, Pamela Kendall, whom he had claimed was killed by an intruder at their Number 45 Village, Corentyne home last week. Sookchand was subsequently held by police after investigators found holes in his account. Earlier this week a fake robbery was reported to CID Headquarters. Quick work by detectives later unravelled a plot hatched by a man to steal a large sum of money he was transporting for his boss. Meanwhile Stabroek News has been informed that police are investigating several instances where persons working on delivery trucks have claimed that they have been robbed. Some of these occurrences are suspicious, a police official said.

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September 11 – 17, 2015

Caribbean Star Newspaper

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015



Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


Peace / submission to the will of our creator.

Hajj and Sacrifice Q & A HAJJ Q. What is the ruling regarding shaving or clipping the nails during the first ten days of Zil Hijjah, does it just apply to those going on Hajj? A. When the ten days of Dhul Hijjah enter and a person intends to offer a sacrifice, then he should refrain from cutting his hair or nails until he slaughters. The Prophet Muhammad said, When you see the new moon of Dhul Hijjah, and one of you desires that he offer a sacrifice, then let him keep [i.e. not cut] his hair and nails.” (Sahih Muslim v. 13, p. 2452) Q. What is Hajj? A. literally Hajj means “to intend something great” Technically Hajj means: visiting a specific place (Makkah), at a specific time (8th – 13th of Zil Hijja) to perform specific actions (the rituals of Hajj). Q. What is the ruling pertaining to Hajj? A. Hajj is a pillar of Islaam and anyone who rejects its compulsion will be out of the fold of Islaam. Q. When can Hajj be performed? A. Hajj can only be performed on the days of Hajj which begin on the 8th of Zil – Hijja and ends on the 13th of Zil – Hijja. However Umrah may be performed any-

time during the year. Umrah performed in Ramadhaan equals Hajj in reward. Q. Upon whom is Hajj compulsory? A. Hajj is compulsory upon every Muslim who is mature, sane, healthy, has the ability to reach Makkah safely, and possesses wealth required to travel ( in excess of his basic needs and his family’s needs for the time he will be away) Q. What is the ruing pertaining to the Eid Salaah? A. Eid Salaah is Waajib (Compulsory) upon every individual upon whom Jumah is compulsory (Muslim, male, sane, mature, healthy, not travelling, and in a city) Q. What is the time for Eid Salaah? A. The time for Eid Salaah begins at sunrise and ends when the sun reaches its zenith. However, it is preferred that the Salaah of Eid - ul- Adhaa (Eid of sacrifice) be performed early since the sacrifice will take place after. It is preferred that the Salaah of Eid- ul - Fitr be delayed a little so that more people can attend. Q. What are the Sunnah (practices of the prophet S.A.W) to be observed on the day of Eid? A. On both the days of Eid it is recommended that an individual perform the following: a. Brushing of the teeth.

b. Taking a complete bath. c. Applying perfume. d. Wearing his best garments.

If it is the day of Eid – Ul – Fitr he should also: Eat dates or anything sweet. Ensure his Sadaqah tul Fitr has been paid before going to the Eid Salaah. If it is the day of Eid ul Adhaa he should delay eating until he has completed the sacrifice and eat from the meat of the animal thus the sacred meat will be the first thing he consumes on that day. Q. If a person is offering the sacrifice in another country and would not be able to consume the meat from the sacrifice, should he also delay eating? A. A person who knows that he would not be able to eat from the meat of the sacrifice on that day will not delay eating, he will do as is done on the day of Eid ul fitr (eat something sweet). Q. Should a person recite the Takbeer (To say Allaahu Akbar) while going to the place of Slaaat ul Eid? A. A person will recite the Takbeer Aloud while going to the Eid ul Adhaa Salaah and silently when going to the Eid ul Fitr Salaah. Q. A person was delayed thus missing the Eid Salaah, can he perform it by himself? A. No, the Eid Salaah can only be performed in congregation. Q. What is Takbeer ut Tashreeq ? A. Takbeer ut Tashreeq is to recite after the compulsory Salaah the following: Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar Laa e Laaha illal laah wal laahu akbar Allaahu Akbar wa lillaa hil hamd.

Q. When Does the Takbeer ut tashreeq begin and when does it end? A. The Takbeer-e-Tashreeq will be recited for twenty three Salaah commencing from the Fajr of the ninth of Zul Hijjah and terminating on the Asr of the thirteenth of Zul Hijjah. Q. Should the Takbeer be recited aloud or silently? A. Both the Imaam and the followers will recite aloud. Only women, for reasons of modesty will recite silently. Q. If the Imaam forgets to recite, should those following recite? A. Yes, those following should begin recitation immediately after the Salaam to the right and left.

FROM THE DAR-UL-IFTAA QUESTION: Is it permissible for one who is going to offer a sacrifice, whether a man or woman, to cut his or her hair and nails? What are the things that become forbidden once the new moon of Dhu’l Hijjah is sighted? ANSWER: It is permissible for one who is going to offer a sacrifice to cut his/her hair and nails without any Karaahah (Dislike). To refrain from cutting the hair and nails after the moon of Dul Hijjah is sighted for the person who will be offering a sacrifice is Afzal. (Better) However, if he/ she cuts the hair or nails before offering the sacrifice then this will also be permissible without any Karaahah (Dislike.) And AllahTa’ala knows best Mufti Muhammed Ashraf 24 November 2011/ 28 Zul Qa’dah 1432

Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


Kaieteur National Park re-opened, improved safety measures in place Fuad sad to go as


he Kaieteur National Park (KNP) has been re-opened, even as Park Rangers continue to be on the lookout for any signs of the tourist, Laleta Sivanand who went missing more than a week ago during a visit to the site. A release from the Ministry of the Presidency said that Minister of Governance, Raphael Trotman and Minister of Tourism, Catherine Hughes, held a meeting, with representatives of The Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana, Air Services Limited, the Guyana Tourism Authority, the Protected Areas

Commission and the Guyana Police Force with regard to the closure of the KNP, following a more than week-long search for the tourist. The decision to re-open the Park was made following the meeting where discussions were held on improving safety for visitors of the site. Among the agreed measures are improved protocols, additional tour guides, further training for KNP Tour Guides and better signage. In the release, the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment thanked the agencies and individuals

who have played a supportive role in the search and rescue operation over the last week. Special thanks were also extended to members of the GPF, the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and the tour operators. The GDF has completed its search and withdrawn the Special Forces Team from KNP but the Park Rangers will continue to be vigilant for any signs of the missing tourist, the release said. Members of communities surrounding the Park are also asked to keep a lookout, the release said.

Health Minister


utgoing Minister of Health Dr Fuad Khan was unhappy that the People’s Partnership has lost office in Monday’s General Election, but was happy that his San Juan/ Barataria seat, a marginal one, has remained with the United National Congress (UNC). “My seat, which I have held since 1995, was the only marginal seat that stayed with the Partnership,” Khan told Newsday on Monday night at his San Juan campaign office shortly after Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar conceded defeat at the polls. “I have a group of strong people with me, some since 1995. We ran a campaign that touched the hearts of the people. They did a wonderful job,” he said. On leaving ministerial office, Khan said, “I feel sad because I had a lot of plans to move the Ministry of Health forward. Kamla Persad- Bissessar had a lot of plans to move the country forward, but the people have spoken. As I always say, the people get the government that they deserve.” Wishing “my friend and colleague Dr Keith Rowley the best” because he will have to manage the affairs of the new government, Khan said, “at least I can now indicate to my former Prime Minister to take heart, we did not lose by a large percentage.” The UNC has been in opposition before, he said, “and we will overcome it very soon because it is very difficult to run a country with that small difference in seats.” To his colleagues, he said, “There is always tomorrow. We have an experienced team, and we have been in government before, and we will do it again. Politicians have to moved to opposite sides sooner or later.” He said that he enjoyed working with the Ministry of Health where he gave his best efforts. “I will miss it, but I am back to being the best urologist in Trinidad and Tobago. My patients will be happy I am back,” he said.




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Caribbean Star Newspaper BBCI to offer free bus ride to students -in face of impending competition from river taxis September 11 – 17, 2015

n the face of an impending stiff competition from the introduction of river taxis for the refusal to lower its toll, the Berbice Bridge Company Incorporated (BBCI) is mulling the introduction of busses for school children.According to a senior bridge official who requested anonymity, the matter was discussed at a stakeholder meeting yesterday and a decision was reportedly made to transport school children over the bridge for free. The move by the BBCI comes in wake of a decision by government to introduce river taxis and subsidise the costs for school children to cross the bridge since the bridge company has refused to lower its toll. Public Infrastructure Ministers David Patterson and Annette Ferguson have already met with the chambers of commerce of Regions 5 and 6 to discuss the way forward. Patterson recently told a news conference that the Ministry of Public Infrastructure has made a proposal to the Ministry of Finance for the subsidising of travel for students and the elderly in the form of river taxis. “Government has committed all efforts to keep our promise which is the reduction of the Berbice Bridge toll to commuters on both sides between Regions 5 and 6. But, the pace of the negotiations is not as expeditious as we would prefer,” Minister

Patterson said. Some misunderstanding He explained: “There seem to be a bit misunderstanding where the government stands on this negotiation. The government has stated that the current charge for a car when we took over was $2200, we said to the bride company ‘fair enough’ the government will pay $300 per car, the bridge company said there were several other issues which they want to look and we said, but irrespective of whatever the other issues are, we would like to implement this $300 per car….The Bridge company would like the government to deal with all their issues which we inherited to be discussed and resolved in their favour, but we see no reason to delay the implementation since this is a commitment that we made publicity….” But the plans by the government to introduce river taxis might be grounded if the bridge company go ahead and introduce a service that the administration is moving to implement. According to the reliable inside source, the introduction of the big busses is one of a raft of measures that will be soon announced by the bridge company “to ensure its viability”. Will be a surprise The insider declined to divulge what the other measures are, but if the BBCI

The Berbice Bridge Company Incorporated is reportedly moving to introduce school busses to take children across the bridge for fee go ahead and introduce the school busses, it will come as a surprise since the company had said that it is not making money. The BBCI had claimed that it suffered an accumulated loss of $1.4 billion in 2014, and reducing the toll of the bridge will compound its woes. But Berbice Chambers of Commerce and Development Association (BCCDA) President Ramroop Rajnauth said the reported loss by the BBCI and claims of insolvency if it reduces its toll appear to be implausible. He also told the Guyana Chronicle on Monday that the $300 reduction in

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the bridge toll is not enough. According to him, the $300 reduction boils down to about a $40 reduction per commuter to cross the bridge, and noted that while the introduction of river taxis is a good step to bring relief to commuters, it must be done in a structured way. The BCCDA President explained that persons getting into the service will have to make some investment to get started, and they should not end being in a situation where soon after they begin operation, the BCCI lowers its toll and put their business in quandary.

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


Jagdeo says he offered President help on tax cases


ormer President and Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo clarified that he had offered help to President David Granger over ongoing tax cases and not in the recovery of misappropriated funds as had been reported in some sections of the media. “I said we will share all of the institutional memory we have about those tax cases because … we don’t want the government to lose those tax cases based on bad legal representations because it will cost the treasury billions of dollars and us as taxpayers, people of this country”, he said of his first meeting with President Granger and members of the cabinet last week. Jagdeo said that “I did a rough calculation on about seven of those cases that I know, seven maybe 10 of them and the tax outstanding will be over twenty something billion dollars that we were pursuing in court. We don’t want this government to lose, this government to lose those cases…because if they lose those cases it (will) cost taxpayers money and this is money that can come into the Treasury that can help to finance development.” At a press conference held at Freedom House , Jagdeo blamed media outlets for misquoting the President, stating that in the press’s attempts to spin subject matter the news gets skewed. “I think the president was misquoted particularly in the Kaieteur News. I think he never conveyed, I read what he said, he never conveyed the impression that it was millions of lost money through corruption that I promised to assist with,” Jagdeo stated. Jagdeo said that the Head of State understood that the money being spoken about was the potential money to be earned through litigation. Jagdeo emphasized that the misrepresentation in the media was why he was leery of speaking about what was discussed during the

meeting as nothing concrete had been established. “It was these cases, not money ostensibly lost or stolen as the spin has been about and this is why I did not want to speak much about our meeting because these efforts falter largely because of the spin.” The former President further said that “I looked at the president’s statement, he never suggested that that it was billions of dollars (of) lost money through corruption that we promised to recover. We were talking about national matters and I believe as a responsible opposition we must share all of the institutional memory and the background.” “This comes back to our approach I have made it clear that we are not going

to seek, to block everything that or anything that comes on the agenda because the opposition puts it on the agenda. We will take a different approach from the one they (APNU+AFC) took when they had control of the parliament; they sought to block everything, the money laundering bill, the Amaila (Falls Hydro Power Project), the hospital, the airport project, cut $90B from the budget. I said our approach will be, we will support things that are national. We will support things that bring benefits to our people. We will hold them to their promises that they made to the population and we will vigorously oppose things that we think that are bad for Guyana,” Jagdeo said. He noted that the issue about the tax

cases arose during the meeting because Attorney General, Basil Williams reported some difficulties in locating files for cases at which point Jagdeo said that the opposition was prepared to have the former AG, Anil Nandlall step in and acclimate Williams on the current tax cases. “We want to share everything with them. We will work with them on this and about 10 cases I pointed out at the meeting ..(in) just about a few cases there are billions of dollars lying around in liabilities to the State,” Jagdeo relayed to members of the media. He noted that the president seemed receptive to the idea but ventured that there has been no follow-up as yet on the matter by either side.

Guyanese charged in Greece over cocaine in scrap iron shipment


Guyanese is among three persons who have been charged in Greece after authorities there intercepted cocaine that was concealed in containers of scrap iron shipped from Guyana. According to a GRReporter report, 27.170 kilogrammes of pure cocaine, worth an estimated €1.5 million, was confiscated in the bust. It added that the criminal organisation shipped in significant amounts of cocaine in containers from South America to Greece and other European countries. It also said other members of the organisation in Guyana, Greece and the Netherlands are still being sought through international police cooperation. This latest bust has once again highlighted the fact that cocaine continues to leave Guyana through many means. Observers have pointed out that the case is another black eye for local au-

thorities as the Guyanese managed to arrange the shipment here without being detected and it took international agencies to make the bust on the container’s arrival in another country. The Guyanese, 48, and his two alleged accomplices, a Greek national identified as a former top model and a Netherlands national, were charged with the creation of, and participation in, a criminal organisation and for violating the law on addictive substances. The bust was carried out by the anti-drug department of Attica’s Security Directorate, in cooperation with the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) office at the US Embassy in Athens, the Office for Combating Economic Crimes and other police units. According to the report, at the start of this year the Guyanese, operating mainly in the Netherlands, and the Greek, were

One of the scrap iron shipments

Drugs recovered from the axles in which they were hidden

trying to establish a foothold in cocaine imports and create a network of their own. They apparently did so by continuously trafficking cocaine to be retailed in Greece and in other European countries. The news report said that those involved shipped an experimental legitimate shipment of scrap iron from Guyana to Greece. Having met with success, they shipped two more

containers, which arrived in Greece on August 28th at the port of Piraeus and these were also loaded with scrap. One of them, however, contained the cocaine hidden in vehicle axles that were especially retrofitted for the purpose. The cocaine load was to be recovered by the group members and to do this the Greek and the Dutchman arrived at the warehouse where the containers

were stored and were arrested by the police while extracting the drugs. Around the same time, the Guyanese who organised the shipment was arrested in a central Athens hotel. He had arrived in Greece two days prior to oversee the load’s reception and further distribution. The GRReporter said €1,365, US$3,100 and G$1,000 were found on his person.


Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


OUR CHILDREN ARE GOING BACK TO SCHOOL The announcements at this time of year emphasize safety on the road as our children head back to school. Traffic conditions change from the summer vacation days. Our minds also need some adjustments after traveling during the vacation time, hosting or attending special summer events, and anticipating a change in weather coming soon.


ven more important is what will shape and mold the minds of our children for the future as they go back into the classrooms. It is no secret that the curriculum will change to include subject matters that are non-traditional. What new or strange things will your children learn? How will these play out in their practical lives? Parents have great opportunities to partner with churches to maintain sanity, good moral standards and proper upbringing of their children. We need to take our children back to church, Sunday School and Youth Ministry so they can have a godly influence to steer their lives. A word to the parents. The Bible teaches in the Book of Proverbs 1:8-10 NIV “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck. My son, if sinful men entice you, do not give in to them.” Parents want for our children what we could not have ourselves. They work hard and tireless to provide the best for their children, expecting the children will apply themselves seriously to developing themselves. Besides the basic things we provide for our family’s comforts and conveniences, parents need to see the importance of giving themselves to their children. That means spending quality time with them. It will take a deliberate effort to plan how to spend these moments. This is the time when we impart our values into these impressionable lives rather than leave them to learn the ways of a worldly system that might hurt them. Let them learn from you. They will learn to honor your standards and those

of your stock. As children grow, our approach must be adjusted to build proper relationships with them. They will never know what is important to you if you don’t teach them and remind them. As they prepare for the challenges ahead, pray each morning for your children before they leave home. When they return, create a hospitable atmosphere that encourages conversation. Enquire of their activities and challenges of the day. Pray for God’s help in their homework and in answering their questions. Offer rewards as incentives for good behavior and good grades. Your advices and prayers will be their garlands and adorning neck chains. A word to the younger ones. The Bible says of Daniel, “Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.” Daniel 6:3. This young captive in Babylon was promoted because of the spirit within him. An excellent spirit is prayerful, ambitious, respectful, honest, helpful and kind to others. This person pays attention to cleanliness and obedience to those in authority. He or she responds lovingly to those who care for them. There is no one who cares about your future more than your parents. Too many young ones have been led astray when they refuse to listen to the ones that love them most. Refusal to listen results in hurt and disappointment. It will leave scars on your life for a long time. This is a spiritual principle laid down in God’s Word. Ephesians 6:1-3 says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first

commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Remember, the Bible says “if sinful men entice you, do not give in to them.” Satan wants you. He will do everything to distract you from your purposes in achieving success. He will send temptations that look good, but the result will be the same as with others – disaster. Your curiosity will be aroused and some unscrupulous people will want to lead you into sinful things. Don’t give in! Sin will destroy you. A good habit to develop is to discuss the secrets of your heart with your parents or a trusted spiritual leader in your church. It is commendable for students to occupy their spare time with godly pursuits and Christian company. This is praise-worthy and adds glory to the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. A word to keep us focused. As we face the complications of this generation, we must be determined to maintain stability and soundness of mind in every decision we make. We need to adhere firmly to the Word of God. The Bible says in 2 Timothy 3:1417 NIV “But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” The Bible provides excellent guidelines, although sometimes it may require some sacrifices. It is okay to sacrifice ourselves for better things. Our flesh wants to get things the easy way or it looks for

short term comforts. We must weigh the consequences and make decisions. Let the Word of God make us wise. Let the Word of God teach us His ways, rebuke our wrong actions if that is necessary, show us the correct way of life, and train us in righteousness. Studying the Word will prepare us for that better life that God has for us. In the final analysis, after all of life is over, we will enter eternity and stand before God to give account for this earthly life. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10. If Jesus is your Savior, and if we live faithfully for Him, we will share His home in Heaven for all eternity. Christian students do not have to give up their faith. Christian families need to support each other along life’s journey in all aspects of life. The Church is your partner to help you serve God through Jesus Christ. Take your family to church this weekend.

Pastor Haniff Bacchus Calvary Assembly

of God

102-07 Rockaway Blvd, Ozone Park, NY 11417 Tel. 718-659-4500



Caribbean Star Newspaper Jamaican sprinters reach settlement with manufacturer of supplement containing banned stimulant September 11 – 17, 2015

INGSTON, Jamaica, Wednesday September 9, 2015 – Two Jamaican sprint stars have reached an out-of-court settlement with the company that sold the supplement Epiphany D1 which contained the banned substance oxilofrine. Asafa Powell and Sherone Simpson sued Dynamic Life Nutrition LLC earlier this year after discovering that the supplement included ingredients that were not listed on the label. The Gleaner reports that the two athletes took Epiphany D1 as part of their training programme, but later found out that the supplement contained oxilofrine, a stimulant which Dynamic Life did not declare. The two sprinters were subsequently suspended from the sport for six months after tests revealed the stimulant in their system. Powell and Simpson’s management

went on to have Epiphany D1 tested by three independent labs, including the World Anti-Doping Administration (WADA) and the US Federal Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). All found that oxilofrine was present in the supplement. The supplement was also independently tested by Italian law enforcement, who also found that it contained oxilofrine. Epiphany D1 has since been placed on the USADA’s high risk supplement list, warning athletes to avoid it, and Dynamic Life Nutrition has withdrawn it from the market. “Both Asafa and I are happy that we were able to settle this out of court. The legal process is tedious, but we don’t think about it when we are on the track. We have a very capable team, and both of us are now extra careful about our diets and supplement regimen,” Simpson

Former abuse victim opens Bahamas’ first pregnancy resource centre for abortion alternatives


ASSAU, Bahamas, Wednesday September 9, 2015 – Bahamian-born Rhonda Darville triumphed over sexual abuse and two abortions to become the founder and executive director of The Bahamas’ first pregnancy resource centre (PRC). Darville, who grew up in Nassau and worshipped at an Anglican church, was molested by her brother and a priest at an early age, going on to travel a destructive path that led to abortion. reports that she underwent her first abortion at the age of 18, and later had a second, going on to attempt suicide on three occasions as a result of the emotional pain from the procedures. According to LifeNews, she was one of the many women who attempt suicide after abortion, with statistics showing that post-abortive women are six times more likely to commit suicide than women who have given birth. Darville subsequently moved to the United States where she worked at a PRC in Virginia and at Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center in Florida. According to LifeNews, statistics show that 78 per cent of women who see an ultrasound of their baby at a PRC reject abortion and go on to have their child. Darville started counselling post-abortive women after working through Forgiven and Set Free, a bible study for women seeking healing after abortion. She explained her rationale for opening a pregnancy centre in the Ba-


ASAFA POWELL (LEFT) AND SHERONE SIMPSON (RIGHT) SUED DYNAMIC LIFE NUTRITION LLC EARLIER THIS YEAR AFTER DISCOVERING THAT THE SUPPLEMENT INCLUDED INGREDIENTS THAT WERE NOT LISTED ON THE LABEL. was quoted as saying. The settlement amount has not been disclosed, according to The Gleaner. Commenting on the impact of the situation, Powell said that there was no

way to really explain the kind of damage a ban has on an athlete’s reputation. “For us it was especially painful, because we really let down our countrymen. There’s no doubt that we’re going to continue to fight to repair it and regain the trust of fans and fans of the sport,” he added. Powell recently became the first athlete in the history of track and field to run sub-10 seconds in a 100M race over 100 times. The Olympic, Commonwealth and World Championship medallist was also the first Jamaican to win the IAAF Sportsman of the Year title. Simpson is a three-time Olympian, winning the 4X100M relay gold and silver medals, as well as the 100M silver medal. She is also a Commonwealth 200M gold medallist and a World Champion silver medallist in the 4X100M relay.

$30M, animals for zoo in exchange with UK facility


he Zoological Park is expected to receive a major boost with the gift of some 15 animals including lions. Minister of Governance Raphael Trotman said a “zoo to zoo exchange” with the Hyde Park Zoo in the United Kingdom will see four manatees being sent to the UK institution. The arrangement, which came out of negotiations the National Parks Commission had with the UK zoo, would also see Guyana receiving $30 million, which is expected to go towards the rehabilitation of the zoo, Botanical Gardens and the Na-

tional Park. Speaking at a post-cabinet press conference yesterday, Trotman said that under the programme the zoo will receive two peacocks, two pairs of ostriches, one pair of antelopes, a pair of lion cubs and three zebras. The minister said it is hoped that with the monetary assistance the Botanical Gardens and the National Park will be restored to a pristine state. Work is also being done with the World Wildlife Fund to enhance the knowledge of the animals, flowers and plants.


hamas to LifeNews. “You see I did not believe that I was worthy to go beyond just being a good bible study leader girl; God opened up countless possibilities to me. After a message from Dr Jerry Falwell, I had to really look at everything God had told me,” she said. “I am from the Bahamas and was living in Virginia to pursue a Biblical Degree with my husband Jeff. “Now, we are opening the first ever CPC in the Bahamas, we had our first introductory event on Tuesday June 2nd, 2015, and we are believing God for a building with no financial constraints; an ultrasound machine and many volunteers. “This is the biggest undertaking that we have ever had in our lives. But, we know that God has called us to come back to the Bahamas and open this centre. The need for education of Sanctity of All lives is great here,” she added. “Pray for us and with us and we move toward the work God has prepared for us before we were born,” she concluded.


Granger to meet Guyanese in Toronto this weekend

resident David Granger is expected to travel to Toronto, Canada this weekend to meet members of the diaspora who have invited him, Minister of Natural Resources Raphael Trotman said yesterday. Speaking a post-cabinet press briefing, Trotman made it clear that the visit is not an official state visit but it would just

be the President meeting the Guyanese community and during the visit there will be a brunch among other events. “We are told there is much excitement and many people are intended to visit,” the minister said adding that the Head of State’s delegation will include First Lady Sandra Granger and two other persons who were not named.

Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

Preparing for the New School Year

Guyanese man shot dead in West Palm Florida

By Priyanka Ramdihal


he Sheriff’s Office in West Palm Florida is presently investigating the death of a Guyanese man. According to Florida news station CBS12, Michael Sears was last seen between noon and 6 p.m. on August 28, 2015. He had left home to run errands and never returned. His white Dodge 1500 was found at the Newton Wood Apartment near Beleverdere and Jog Roads the day after he was last heard from. His body which bore gunshot wounds was found nearly a week later, on September 4, in a lake just about 1 mile north of his residence off Fair Green Road. According to the West Palm Beach Sheriff’s office an autopsy was performed and Sears’s death was ruled a homicide. His brother Dellon Sears speaking with reporters in Florida described Michael as “as a family guy, the glue in their family” While the Sheriff’s office is “diligently investigating who killed” the thirty-one year old father of three girls, his brother who had kept hoping that Sears would show up is now hoping that the person (s) responsible for his death are caught “so that they’re


Michael Sears not allowed to do this to someone else’s family.” The family which is from Linden has set up a GoFundme account to pay the funeral expenses for Michael even as the police is asking persons who may have information about the homicide death of Michael Sears to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-458-TIPS.

ita Raam. My name is Priyanka Ramdihal and I am a proud member of the Naujavaan Mandalee Youth Group of the Shaanti Bhavan Mandir. It is an absolute pleasure to write this week’s article on how to prepare for the new school year. The transition from summer vacation to school can be challenging for most of us. The days of staying up late, sleeping in, and playing all day will soon be over. Here are some tips that can help with the transition. My first tip is exercising the brain. During the summer, we tend to lose some of the knowledge we learned the year before. If we read and do math for a couple of hours, we can stimulate the brain so that when the new school year starts we won’t be rusty. My second tip is having the appropriate school supplies. A good student is only good as his or her supplies. Having all the supplies needed for school makes you prepared to tackle the new school year and all the obstacles that can be thrown your way. With five sharpened pencils, some notebooks and a new backpack you can accomplish a lot in school (but not really, my school supply list was a lot longer).

My last tip is to be healthy. Eating the right foods, getting a good night sleep, and being active can bring energy to the body and the brain. This is very much needed to learn the new and challenging information that comes with moving up a grade. So in conclusion, the transition from summer vacation to school can be challenging but if you follow these tips you can have a better school year. Jai Ho

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

Berbicians to get own radio station …as govt recommits to free press RESIDENTS of the Ancient County will soon receive a radio station, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo announced on Saturday at the Whim Cricket Ground, Corentyne, Berbice.“Soon, we want to add quality to Berbice,” he said, adding: “Not only will we improve delivery of NCN television programmes in Berbice, we are working in the new year to see if we can have Radio Berbice for all Berbicians, so you can have access to your own radio, a dedicated radio…”


any of the residents present on Saturday were elated by the Prime Minister’s remarks. Paul Sookhoo of Whim told the Guyana Chronicle that Berbice deserves as much attention as Georgetown and other areas. “I think we deserve we own radio station; we only get NCN and Radio Guyana, so it would be good for we. I would be happy if we get that,” Sookhoo said. Another Berbice resident, Samantha Prince, said a radio station unique to Berbice will encourage Berbicians to listen to the radio more. She also believes that a Berbice radio station will focus more on things central to Berbice. “I would be really happy if the Prime Minster delivers on his promise to get the people of Berbice their own radio station. I think it

will help with the broadcasting of information. We appreciate the radio stations we have, but they are not for and about Berbice people; they are national stations,” Prince said. Ryan Ramlall, of Port Mourant, said that while he doesn’t listen to the radio, he is sure it would benefit others. “I don’t really listen to the radio, but my chirren and grandchirren does listen. So if it happens, I would be happy so they can listen,” Ramlall said. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Meanwhile, Prime Minister Nagamootoo emphasised government’s commitment to the freedom of journalists. “We want to enlarge on those freedoms; we want to enlarge in a way… a qualitative way that will bring professionalism

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo to the job they do. Because the job they do is a dignified job,” he said. He expressed disgust, however, at what he deems to be finger-pointing by many within the media who suggest that he is seeking to censor the State media. He said, too, that he has in no way been responsible for the resignation of a certain Guyana Chronicle employee. “It is wrong to say that to the world, when around us, we have not fired anyone who has even been dangerously playing politics with their jobs in the past.” The Prime Minister said the press has been “playing up certain issues of freedom of the media in Guyana,” so much so that they are “inventing a jumbie when

they talk about violation of freedom of the press.” To press home the point, he noted that a certain editor of the Guyana Chronicle is still on the job, despite carrying a headline that referred to him as a jackass, replete with his photograph. “I didn’t dismiss him,” he said. “He offered me his resignation, but I haven’t fired him. “Then recently, a columnist resigned and he didn’t know who to blame for the resignation, but he decided to say that I was interfering. I have not seen this journalist for over 15 years; I have not spoken to this journalist for over 15 years. I am least interested in the journalist’s affairs; I read his columns, but I had never spoken to the editor of the Chronicle newspaper in relation to his columns, I have never mentioned his name to the editor in relation to his columns, I have not interfered or given an instruction to the journalist to feel displeased and resulted in his resignation or withdrawal of his column,” the prime minister maintained. The accusations, the Prime Minister said, are made on racial grounds. “But he chose me; to identify me, because many people cannot stand the fact that Moses Nagamootoo, an Indo-Guyanese, has teamed up with David Granger, an Afro-Guyanese, and that we have, today, a government of national unity.”

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


World News Highlights

BUDAPEST - At a makeshift medical center at Budapest’s eastern railway terminus migrant women keep coming with small children and babies, many of whom have a bad cough, fever, diarrhea or insect bites after being on the road for weeks. ROME - At a recent meeting of Catholic parishioners in the small town of Castelgomberto in northern Italy, a man got up and shouted “My grandfather built that place for priests, not for Muslims”. AMSTERDAM - Dutch aid worker Anja de Beer, who was kidnapped in Kabul nearly three months ago, was released on Friday, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

WASHINGTON - A coalition led by the United States bombarded Islamic State militants on Wednesday with 10 air strikes in Syria and 18 in Iraq, according to a statement released on Thursday.

BAWLAKHE, Myanmar - Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Thursday urged voters to opt for “real change” in the first general election since the end of military rule.

STRASBOURG - European Union chief executive JeanClaude Juncker appealed to European countries on Wednesday to share out a wave of refugees crowding in on their frontiers, but at the same time promised tougher border controls to keep unwanted migrants out. | Video

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama has directed his administration to prepare to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees next year, a White House spokesman said on Thursday.

WASHINGTON - The United States is sending an additional 75 U.S. troops and other assets to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula to bolster the security of international peacekeepers, who have come under attack from militants in recent days, the Pentagon said on Thursday.

WASHINGTON - The United States will have to make a significant financial commitment and take national security precautions in order to increase the number of Syrian refugees it admits, a White House spokesman said on Thursday. ATHENS - Greek conservative leader Vangelis Meimarakis will seek an alliance with his main leftist rivals first if he wins this

month’s election, insisting that the country must not miss the “last chance” to pull itself out of a seven-year crisis. NAIROBI - The International Criminal Court on Thursday unsealed, or made public, arrest warrants against two Kenyan men on accusations of “corruptly influencing witnesses” in the east African nation. KAMPALA - Ugandan police fired tear gas for a second consecutive day on Thursday to disperse supporters of presidential contender Amama Mbabazi, who is seeking to unseat veteran leader Yoweri Museveni in next year’s elections. MOSCOW - By refusing to clarify the scale of its military presence in Syria, Russia keeps the West fearing a considerable build-up to win a stronger bargaining position

when world powers sit down to talks on the conflict, Western diplomats in Moscow said. UNITED NATIONS - The United Nations Security Council on Thursday agreed to give a green light to launching an international investigation aimed at assigning blame for chemical weapon attacks in Syria, council diplomats said on Thursday. CARACAS - From makeup to insect repellent, Venezuelans are looking to natural and homemade products in response to the chronic shortages resulting from a deepening economic crisis in the socialist-ruled country. MOSCOW - Russia said on Thursday it ships both humanitarian aid and military equipment to Syria by air, at a time when Washington is putting pressure on nearby states to deny their airspace to Russian flights.

Last bill for LGE passed …GECOM to announce date soon


he National Assembly late Wednesday night passed the Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill 2015, with minor amendments as government gears up to call the long overdue Local Government Elections. Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan said despite the passage of the bill it would be the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) which will soon announce the date for the poll, which was not held here since 1994. Bulkan made the disclosure following repeated queries from the Opposition benches, many of whom claimed that the Administration will not be in a position to hold the elections by December 7 as had promised. Minister Bulkan nevertheless informed the House that as the government awaits the date from GECOM; it has heard the cries of the people, has felt their pain and remains resolute in ensuring their right to constitutional democracy. The Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill 2015 seeks to amend 22 sections and insert a new section in the Local Authorities (Elections) Act, clearing the way for the holding of the long-overdue elections. The approved bill also widens the definition for Election Officer to include Deputy Chief Election Officer, Assistant Chief Election Officer and Deputy Returning Officer. In addition, it widens the definition of identification card to include a card

issued during the continuous registration process and inserts a definition of by-election. The bill deems vagrants as not ordinarily residents anywhere and provides for the Preliminary List of Voters to be extracted from the National Register of Registrants and not from the 1992 Official List of Electors. The amended legislation also removes bankruptcy as a qualification for election as a councillor or for continuation in the office of a councillor, provides for the transmission of sealed envelopes containing cast ballots to the respective returning officers for each local authority area as well as gives the polling agents the power to verify ballots and the recounting of votes cast in each local authority area by the Presiding Officer. An amendment tabled by the Opposition was agreed upon by the Government to have the results of the elections be declared no later than 5 days. Minister Bulkan told the House that the Government is ready for the elections and there will be no delay in holding it. “We do not believe that the people will be kind to us if we agree to any further unreasonable delay in the holding of these elections and to deny the people their right to participate in Local Government Elections and to enjoy local democracy,” he said passionately. The minimal days for application of approval of symbols for candidates contesting the elections have changed

Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan addressing the House from 21 days to 71 days. There are two components that are responsible for this, Minister Bulkan explained. “First is the fact that 21 days are now required between the application for the approval of symbols to be used by a candidate and for a determination to be made by GECOM and the second component has to do with the submission of lists or the nomination of lists where the period is increased from the current 21 days to 50 days. It is this 50 and 21 days that now increase the period for the application of symbols to 71 days.” He informed that the period was increased from 21 to 71 days to provide for more time for the 71 local authority areas which have been sub-divided into some 585 geographic constituencies to adequate manage the elections

process. Persons desirous of contesting in any of the 585 constituency will be required to get 15 electors within the area they are contesting to support their candidacy, and 20 such registered voters in the case of a municipality. This allows for not only politicians, but civic groups to vie for the position of councillors within a particular constituency. By virtue of this, it increases the number of lists from the constituencies and the burden on Gecom to scrutinise all of these lists as well as the logistical arrangement to the management of the elections. Members of the Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) reiterated to the House that the party remains committed to the holding of Local Government Elections but accuses the Government of hurrying the Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill 2015 through the House. All of the speakers from the Opposition party asked the Government to put the bill through a Special Select Committee for examination for at least a week where objections and deficiencies can be remedied in a transparent manner. But Minister Bulkan said that to do so will be adhering to a further delay of the elections and went ahead with the support of the Government’s side of the House to get the critical legislation for the holding of Local Government Elections approved. By Tajeram Mohabir


Caribbean Star Newspaper Stop expecting things from people that always let you down— Vp Premier WEEKLY HOROSCOPE September 11 – 17, 2015

The weekly horoscopes are updated on every week to gives you an in-depth insight into your family, your love life, any career opportunities, friends and money issues.


(March 21-April 19) Things are going to move kind of slowly Monday and Tuesday. Some days move along lickety-split, some days just don’t. No need to read anything into it. It’s the nature of space and time to be a little erratic. And, sure enough, Wednesday and Thursday you’re going to be running around like the proverbial headless chicken. Be sure to keep communicating with everyone even as things turn into pandemonium. You’ll be in need of serious rejuvenation at the end of the day Friday. Spend the weekend taking care of yourself. Grab a magazine and don’t get out of bed until you have to.


(July 23-Aug. 22) The system is big and complicated, and it’s important you don’t get stuck somewhere in the middle. Make your intentions known at the week’s start. This is your career you’re talking about. You have more than a small stake in it. And it’s not an act of arrogance to assert yourself, especially on Wednesday. (People who accuse others of arrogance are sometimes just experiencing a little emotion called jealousy.) The great thing is, your friends have your back. Spending some quality time with them later in the week is not a bad idea. They will restore your confidence and energy. You have an action-packed weekend ahead.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) It’s Monday and you have a lot of little things to get done. Feeling a tad overwhelmed? Make yourself a to-do list and get cracking! Once you start crossing things off your list you’ll feel so much better. Thursday or Friday, when things have calmed down a bit, a friend is going to invite you out for a night on the town. You should go. There is so much happening all around you that you should experience. This weekend, you may feel pressured to go out again, but if you’re not up for it, you’re not up for it. Follow your mood.


(April 20-May 20) You’re feeling so good on Monday you don’t know what to do with yourself. The sun will be shining on you. Butterflies are going to follow you around. Birds will chirp in your ears. This is the beginning of a long, exciting week. On Wednesday, everything is going to start to accelerate. Suddenly, you’re not going to have time for the butterflies or the birds anymore. You’re going to be too busy juggling foam balls and jumping through hoops of fire, so to speak. This weekend, unwind by spending time with good friends and eating a lot of good food. A dinner party may be in order.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Monday and Tuesday, you’re going to be lost in philosophical ideas. It’s an unusual headspace for you, and you may find yourself eating in unusual places, too. Nevertheless, you’re going to get a lot done. Even in your dreamiest state, you’re remarkably productive. Wednesday through Friday are going to be consumed with work stuff. There are a couple of people around you who tend to jump to conclusions, so be sure that you communicate as clearly as possible. Thankfully, you’re going to spend the weekend with the kind of people who can intuit what you’re going to say even before you say it.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You and your crazy friends! On Monday someone’s going to cajole you into playing a game you haven’t played since you were a kid, and it’s going to be way more fun than you remembered. In a lot of ways this week is going to be a blast, but on Thursday or Friday you might feel like two or three of your friends are turning out to be a little flaky. How annoying! (It’s just like being a kid again!) Over the weekend, it’s going to dawn on you who your real friends are, and the discovery is going to come as a relief.


(May 21-June 20) You thought this was going to be smooth sailing on Monday. Turns out, the water is choppier than you expected. Communicate what you’re feeling and what you need on Tuesday and Wednesday. There are enough hands on deck to help you get through this. And there are a lot of good things on the horizon, including the exotic possibility of love. (Someone is going to flirt heavily with you on Thursday or Friday. Whatever you do, flirt back.) This weekend, you’re finally going to reach the destination you’ve been sailing toward.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) It’s a beautiful day on Monday. Even the muddy puddles look beautiful in their way. Still, just because the outward world is fine and dandy doesn’t mean that the people around you are fine and dandy. Some of the people in your life are going to be downright cranky, most notably on Tuesday and Thursday. That’s just about the last thing you need. Be nice, but avoid them at all costs. Why drag yourself down in dramas that have nothing to do with you? With this strategy, you’ll end the workweek in high spirits. This weekend you’re going to witness one of the most amazing sunsets you’ve seen in a long time.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) An old relative is going to try to contact you Monday, probably via an unexpected phone call. They’re just calling to say hi, but in the course of the conversation you’re going to learn something that makes you think of them in a whole new way. It’s funny how family members can seem both like old friends and perfect strangers at the same time, and you’re reminded of this again on Wednesday. Toward the end of the week, another unexpected development is going to come your way, this one in the form of a sudden and incredibly fun romantic fling. Ah, life. It never fails to surprise.


(June 21-July 22) You are charming in any social situation, but dinner parties are where you especially shine and that goes double on Monday and Tuesday. Remember, though: Sometimes saying very little is more alluring than saying a lot. And this is just going to be one of those weeks when you don’t feel like saying a whole lot. A lot of the talking you do later this week is going to be internal. You won’t have to contend with any authority figures, and that is going to open you up to the wonders of daydreaming. This weekend, you may have a revelation that sets you on a whole new path.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Whatever you’re feeling, try to be open to this other person at the outset of the week. This is not a business relationship, this is a personal relationship, and there’s a huge difference, which you’ll notice on Wednesday and Thursday. It’s understandable that you’ve confused the nature your work life with the nature of your private life, because work is just about all you can concentrate on these days. Take your mind off everything this weekend by treating yourself to dinner at a favorite restaurant.


(Feb. 19-March 20) An old love letter (maybe even an old email) is going to come to mind on Monday, and it’s going to start you pining for a romance that ended quite a while ago. Weird how the past continues to live on in the present, isn’t it? And isn’t it funny to think about all of the things you used to be so sure of? It certainly makes any certainty you have in anything right now a lot less solid. That’s ultimately for the better, especially when midweek arrives. The world is a shifting, sliding place, and the ride can be fun if you keep your expectations loose. Music and poetry figure strongly into your weekend, as do creativity and love.

US pumps more money into Dominica storm relief effort Two PPP nominated AID HAS BEEN POURING IN FOR DOMINICA FROM THE REGION commissioners quit GECOM AND INTERNATIONALLY SINCE TROPICAL STORM ERIKA HIT.


he People’s Progressive Party has announced that two of its nominated Commissioners of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) have resigned. Mahamood Shaw and Athmaram Mangar have tendered their resignations from the electoral body and will be replaced by former Works Minister, Robeson Benn and attorney-at-law, Bibi Shadick, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has confirmed. According to Jagdeo Benn and Shadick’s names have already been submitted as replacements for the two commissioners who resigned. Noting that both Mangar and Shaw cited personal reasons for their res-


ignations, Jagdeo thanked them for their efforts in representing the interest of all Guyanese at GECOM. Jagdeo said too that he has already spoken to President David Granger indicating that Benn and Shadick are ready to be sworn in. He said the swearing in is important at this time given that government was pushing ahead with its plans to host local government elections.

OSEAU, Dominica, Wednesday September 9, 2015 – As Dominicans work to regain a sense of normalcy following Tropical Storm Erika, the Embassy of the United States of America has released an additional US$100,000 to expand its disaster-relief support to the island. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), through its Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), is providing the additional funding to augment an initial US$50,000 humanitarian assistance contribution made to the Dominica Red Cross Society. USAID/OFDA is currently coordinating its support on the ground to ensure that assistance reaches the most hardhit communities and individuals. The US government’s initial

US$50,000 contribution enabled the Red Cross to procure and distribute household clean-up kits along with other essential relief items such as buckets, jerry cans, kitchen kits, and tarpaulin to several communities including, Pichelin, Grand Bay, Bagatelle, Fond St. Jean, and Pointe Carib. USAID/OFDA also provided US$10,000 emergency relief funding that supported the island’s immediate needs in the days following the storm that caused almost EC$1 billion US$370 million) in damage. The American government has also supported the rapid deployment of surge consultants to assist with damage assessment; secured vehicle rental and fuel for the Red Cross and the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for de-

livery of relief supplies; and funded clean-up and restoration of the Meteorological Services building housed at the Douglas-Charles airport which was flooded. In the immediate aftermath of the storm, USAID deployed a six-member assessment team to Dominica to provide initial damage assessments and needs analysis, and provide on-island coordination of the United States government’s disaster response efforts. In addition to visiting impacted communities, the team has collaborated with local government and Disaster Management Officials as well as representatives from the Red Cross, the Pan American Health Organization, and other National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC) officials.

Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

Entertainment News


Selena Gomez joins "Neighbors 2"


op star Selena Gomez will star alongside Seth Rogen, Zac Efron and Chloe Moretz in the upcoming 'Neighbors' sequel, along with . Neighbors was a surprise hit with USD 269 million in worldwide grosses. Rose Byrne is set to reprise her role, with Nicholas Stoller returning as director, reported Variety. The original revolved around a couple whose lives are turned upside-down after declaring war on the fraternity that moved in next door. The sequel's plot is unknown, though sources say a sorority could be the couple's problem this time. 23-year-old Gomez's involvement in the film broke when fan photos revealed that she was on set. While details surrounding her role are unknown, her sorority girl-esque costume (a tight pink dress) suggests her character's involvement with the Greek system. Rogen, Evan Goldberg and James Weaver will produce under their Point Grey Pictures banner. Andrew Jay Cohen and Brendan O'Brien will serve as executive producers alongside Good Universe's Nathan Kahane and Joe Drake. Writers include Cohen, O'Brien, Rogen, Stoller and Goldberg. Gomez most recently shot Paramount's The Big Short and James Franco's In Dubious Battle.

Shia LaBeouf: Making 'Man Down' was like therapy 'Transformers' star Shia LaBeouf says making his upcoming thriller-drama 'Man Down' was like a therapy.


he 29-year-old actor stars as a Marine coping with post-traumatic stress while searching for his wife and son in the Dito Montiel-directed post-apocalyptic war film and said it was like "a healing process", reported Entertainment Weekly. "He (Montiel) came to my house when I was in a really low place and offered it to me like therapy, like, 'Here's a healing process so we can jump into together and get well," LaBeouf said. Man Down reunites LaBeouf and Montiel, who last worked together on 2006's "A Guide to Recognising Your Saints" and the actor said he does his best work when he is surrounded by people who love and support him. For more interesting Hollywood news and pictures follow us on Pinterest>>> timesofindia "I want to work with people that I have a connection with. I think for a while I was chasing the 10 list, right? The 10 directors you want to work with - and that didn't fare well for me... So I'm trying to make friends now and work with those people," he said.

Nicole Kidman pays tribute to father in 'Photograph 51'


icole Kidman says her new West End stage role as a scientist is a way of "acknowledging" the work of her biochemist father, who died last year. The Oscar-winning star, 48, plays pioneering British scientist Rosalind Franklin in the play 'Photograph 51', reported BBC online. Franklin was the only woman involved in the discovery of DNA's double helix in 1953, but only received recognition years after her death. The play, by Anna Ziegler, opens at the Noel Coward Theatre next week. "This is my way of acknowledging him but also acknowledging the people in science who quietly do things and aren't acknowledged a lot of the time. He knew I was going to do this. I like to think he'll still be somewhere offering support," she said. Kidman recalled how as a child she spent time with her sister playing in laboratories with "test tubes and microscopes" while her father worked.


September 11 – 17, 2015

Caribbean Star Newspaper Irrfan Khan's re-union with his ‘chuddy buddy’ in the pink city


Hrithik Roshan’s extreme test For Tiger Shroff


rithik Roshan's HRX announced its first Brand Ambassador — Tiger Shroff. The brand is a fitness and lifestyle brand based on Hrithik's ideology, which is to empower and inspire people to become the best version of themselves. HRX has disrupted the celebrity industry with its innovative model and with Tiger's signing, has added another feather to its cap. Said Hrithik, "The mission of our brand is to impact, transform and empower a billion people to be their own hero. Tiger embodies the values of our brand. In him, I see the potential to break norms and become an inspiration for others. For us to

reach our goal, we need to bring on more people who believe in our brand's vision along with me." Tiger is a perfect fit with the brand's tag line Push Your Extreme. Afsar Zaidi, Director, HRX, added, "Signing Tiger Shroff is a fantastic step for the brand. Fitness and movement through dance are an integral part of his personality, which make him a perfect ambassador for the brand." On the occasion, Tiger said, "I am very excited to represent Hrithik sir's brand. For me, it's a dream that has come true. The brand philosophy is truly inspiring. I am very eager to be part of the campaigns in the days to come."

rrfan Khan, the internationally acclaimed actor visits his native town Jaipur on and off for professional and personal reasons. But it was a different visit on Tuesday when he landed in the city to shoot some commercial teasers meant for promotion of 'Resurgent Rajasthan'. The visit became more "special" when he got a chance to meet with his "chuddy buddy" Haider Ali Zaidi, the deputy commissioner of police (traffic) when both went nostalgic and shared childhood memories. It was also call of duty for Zaidi as he has to ensure traffic management wherever Irrfan is going to shoot for a commercial. TOI met Irrfan and Zaidi together when both were sitting in the Vanity van parked in front of Raj Mandir cinema on Tuesday. It was a short meeting as both of them were to engage in their respective jobs but it depicted the strong bonding among them. "Whenever he had visited earlier I was posted elsewhere in the state. Also he is state guest and as an officer of Jaipur police I have to ensure he can work hassle free," said Zaidi. Irrfan while feeling a bit hungry asked a production man, "Can you get me something may be fruits to eat?" Later when a plate full of chopped apple, came, he said, "Arrey Jaipur main kya bas Seb Milta hai(Don't you get anything other than apples in Jaipur?)." The comment drew the attention of childhood friend Zaidi who brought out his wallet and said, "Tell m e what can I arrange for you. I can arrange for anything you like." And Irrfan told him not to worry as production team will look after him. Talking about childhood, he said, "We lived in the same colony and were neighbors at Subash Chowk. We were in same class but in different schools. At home we used to study and also play cricket. I remember our innumerable visits to Nahargarh fort."

Elaborating more, Irrfan, said, "We were in Rajasthan College together when we did Bachelors of Arts. Zaidi contested student union elections. I don't know if he won or lost but I campaigned for him as a fully-active worker." Sharing an interesting incident, Zaidi, said, "Once an electric wire fell down on an iron made kiosk of RSRTC bus and I touched it. Within seconds Irrfan took off his shoes and pushed the wire away from the kiosk with the help of shoes. He always had a presence of mind." For latest Bollywood updates, follow us on Twitter >>>@TOIEntertain Sharing an interesting memoir, Zaidi, said, "Once when we had gone to watch Dimple Kapadia's film Bobby we were not been allowed since we are teenagers. We were disheartened. And finally, Irrfan did a film with Dimple which we watched together in 90s." Finally before leaving the vanity van and his friend Irrfan to let him engage in his work, Zaidi, said, "Time Miley to Ghar Jaroor Aaana yaar(If you get time please visit home friend)."

Caribbean Star Newspaper 'Brothers' box-office: Akshay Kumar-Sidharth Malhotra starrer collects about Rs 70.61 crore in 3 weeks


aran Johar's Brothers opened to a decent response at the box-office. It has registered the third best opening of the year and managed to clock in a substantial Rs 13.50 crore. The average occupancy on its first day was in the range of 35 per cent. Brothers is the third biggest opening of the year after Bajrangi Bhaijaan and ABCD2. The Independence Day holiday helped the film's prospects at the ticket windows as it earned Rs. 21.25 crore nett on the second day. However there was a steep drop on the third day when the collections fell down to Rs 15 crore nett. A drop in collections following a national holiday is not surprising. But what is surprising over here is that the day following the national holiday was a Sunday, when numbers shouldn't have fallen so much. With that, Brothers made around Rs 47.75 crore over its opening weekend. Even the business in the overseas territory, though decent, is nothing to rave about considering the mammoth budget of the film. According to report on, the business was better in Gulf and Pakistan but comparatively weak in US ($4,00,000) and UK (ÂŁ175,000), possibly because its a remake of the English film Warrior. The film has earned $2.25 million from the overseas market, so far. The collections dropped drastically on Monday when the film barely managed to earn Rs 5.25 crore. The collections further fell on Tuesday by around 10% when the film managed to earn Rs 4.8 crore. In its first week, Brothers just managed to earn Rs 67.75 crore. As the film entered its second week, despite no big competition at the box-office (both All is Well and Manjhi The Mountain Man have fared poorly at the box-office), the film just managed to earn Rs 1.25 crore on day 8. As compared to its first day collection, the business has dropped by 90%. With the way in which the business of Brothers is shaping up, it stands no chance to even do the lifetime business of Akshay Kumar's previous releases like Gabbar is Back and Holiday. The business is not great in overseas market either and, apparently, films like these do not have a big market on TV. So for a film like Brothers costing over Rs 100 crore, the business is certainly below average. According to a report on Boxofficeindia. com, Brothers grossed Rs 5.25 crore nett in its second weekend. The film managed Rs 80 lakh on its second Monday and its total now stands at Rs 70.63 crore (approx.). The film crashed in its third week, earning only Rs 25 lakh, taking its total collections to Rs 70.61 crore. This also largely marks its finish at the box-office. Day 1 Rs 13.5 crore nett Day 2 Rs 21.25 crore nett Day 3 Rs 15 crore nett Day 4 Rs 5.25 crore nett Day 5 Rs 4.8 crore nett Week 1 Rs 67.75 crore nett Day 8 Rs 1.25 crore nett Day 9 Rs 1.75 crore nett Day 10 Rs 2.25 crore nett Day 11 Rs 0.8 crore nett Week 2 Rs 6.02 crore nett Week 3 Rs 0.25 crore nett Total Rs 70.61 crore nett (Source:

September 11 – 17, 2015


Hugh Jackman was "embarrassed" to fall in love with wife


ugh Jackman was "embarrassed" to fall in love with wife Actor Hugh Jackman says he was initially "embarrassed" when he fell in love with his wife, Deborah-Lee Furness, on the set of their TV show 'Correlli' in the 90s. The 46-year-old The Wolverine star, who got married in 1996, met his wife on the set of his first professional acting role on the TV show and said it felt "ridiculous and cliched" to fall for the "leading lady", reported Female First. "We got on well with each other from

the start. And it was a situation where it seemed so ridiculous and cliched and embarrassing and infantile, the whole thing where this was my first big acting job and here I am falling in love with the leading lady," he said. The couple adopted children Oscar, 14, and Ava, nine, and Jackman says his success would be meaningless if he did not have his family. "Meeting Deb has been a blessing. We have a beautiful life together... This wouldn't mean very much if I couldn't share it with Deb and the kids.

"My father taught me that your family is your bedrock and you should always make that your priority. That lesson has never been lost on me."


Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

Caribbean Connections

Dynamic Airway to train more Guyanese Flight Attendants – Cadet pilot programme to be introduced, says Capt. Gouveia


YNAMIC Airways announced that 12 Guyanese have been selected for Flight Attendant training overseas. Captain Gerald Gouveia, Managing Director of the Roraima Group of Companies, explained that his company participated in, and facilitated, the recruitment process of hiring the 12 Guyanese. “From a group of more than 400 applicants, Dynamic Airways selected a batch of 12 Guyanese to be trained. Six of these newly hired persons will depart on September 25 to begin training in Miami,” he disclosed. This training, he noted, will last between three and four weeks, and at its conclusion, the trained flight attendants will return to join the existing group of Guyanese flight attendants. Dynamic Airways presently employs 25 Guyanese, 18 of whom are ‘active flight attendants’. The first six Guy-


anese, inclusive of one male, were introduced to the media on Tuesday, even as the airline boasted of selecting the most capable and qualified applicants for training. Human Resource Manager of Roraima Airways, Glennis Archer, explained that the panel that had interviewed the selectees included aviation specialists, human resources experts and officials of Dynamic Airways. She said that in conducting interviews and assessments, strict adherence to the criteria, including academic qualifications, were applied to ensure all the applicants had an equitable chance of securing the position. “These finalists demonstrated a high level of professionalism, academia, and the potential to be exceptional ambassadors of Guyana”, Archer commented. In January of this year, 9 flight attendants started to ply the Georgetown to New York route.

Captain Gerald Gouveia poses with the new recruits Adrian Narine photo In June 2014, some 400 Guyanese turned up at the Roraima Duke Lodge hotel in Kingston, Georgetown to be interviewed for the post of flight attendants, after the air service provider had announced that it would

be commencing operations in Guyana. Of the 400 interviewed, 50 were shortlisted, 25 of who commenced two weeks of training in the United States. Captain Gouveia also declared that Dynamic Airways plans

to introduce a cadet pilot programme wherein Guyanese pilots would be trained to fly the Boeing 767, and would also be given opportunity to be inducted into the pilot fleet at the airline.

Comfort awaits Meten-Meer-Zorg pensioners

ENSIONERS will soon be comfortably seated under a shed, and have access to washroom facilities while they are waiting to collect their old age pension at Meten-Meer-Zorg Post Office on the West Coast of Demerara. The new facilities are 95% completed, and should be commissioned next week. When this newspaper visited the Meten-Meer-Zorg Post Office yesterday (Tuesday), painters were putting the final coat of paint on the newly-constructed shed, the walls were being washed, and the flooring was raised and cemented, while the washroom is to be built. Pensioners have welcomed construction of the shed, which is an initiative of ‘D’ Division Commander Stephen Mansell, in collaboration with several members of the business community. The business people donated materials such as lumber, paint, zinc sheets and cement, among other things, which made the project successful. More than $750,000 have so far been expended on the project. The senior police officer has been working along with several business people, including Halim Khan, who is also seeing the project through to its final completion; and they plan to start a similar project at Den Amstel Post Office, also on the West Coast Demerara, next weekend. Mansell yesterday inspected works being carried out by painters. He was accompanied by Khan, who said com-

missioning of the works will be graced by the presence of a number of ministers, including Minister of Social Protection, Volda Lawrence. Senior Superintendent Mansell has said he had observed the plight of the elderly, and he approached several persons in the business community, who came onboard the initiative with materials and blocks, etc. and so the construction process was started. The small building that houses the post office can only accommodate a few persons at a time, so the new shed would improve the comfort of the senior citizens while they wait for their pension on a monthly basis. Mansell observed that, often more than not, some 100 senior citizens would visit the Meten-Meer-Zorg Post Office, and they had to stand outside, often in flooded conditions. However, with assistance from the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), the drains were dug, and earth was used to build up the area surrounding the small bridge. Before the ground was filled with dirt and had been cemented, the place was always inundated, because it was low and overgrown with weeds. Meanwhile, both Mansell and Khan yesterday asked that citizens dispose of their garbage, including empty beer bottles, in a better manner, rather than litter in front of the Meten-Meer-Zorg Post Office. (Photos by Michel Outridge)

The Meten-Meer-Zorg Post Office which has been outfitted with a newly-constructed shed which will accommodate a seating area for pensioners

Senior Superintendent Mansell, businessman Khan and a police officer look on while the shed was being painted (Tuesday) yesterday (Photos by Michel Outridge)

September 11 – 17, 2015 35 Caribbean Star Newspaper FACE-OFF CONTINUES – between Bourda Market vendors and M&CC demolition crew


HE face-off continued between vendors of the Bourda Market and employees of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC), whose demolition exercise of stalls intensified to rid the area of vending and facilitate the tearing down of the derelict Bedford building. During the morning hours, a bulldozer was ripping apart stalls, and the materials were being loaded onto a truck to be taken away, much to the disappointment of many vendors, who watched their wooden stalls being destroyed by the M&CC crew. The scene was inevitably noisy as some vendors, in registering their disappointment, became very vocal in the presence of members of the City Constabulary and the Guyana Police Force, who were present to oversee the exercise and prevent the outbreak of violence. When this newspaper visited the area yesterday, scores of vendors spoke of being faced with the predicament of having no business from which to earn a living, and they asked what they were supposed to do to support their families. One visibly upset vendor, voicing her disapproval at the move by M&CC to break down her stall, unleashed a series of expletives as others looked on quietly. The scene was tense and bordering on the eruption of violence, but the presence of ranks from the GPF and the City Constabulary had a persuasive effect in main-

The M&CC bulldozer dismantling stalls at Bourda Market yesterday taining law and order. Acting Public Relations Officer of the M&CC, Ms Debra Lewis, told this publication yesterday that the stall demolition exercise will continue until the area is cleared for the demolition and removal of the old Bedford building, and there will be no letting up. She added that City Mayor Hamilton Green has always tried to assist vendors, although it is illegal to vend on the pavement, and the M&CC had no option other than to engage in this demolition exercise, because vendors did not want to comply with instructions to remove from the area. The M&CC said vendors were given am-

ple time to relocate from the area, but they did not cooperate with the City Council; as such, the Council had to take action and forcibly stage a demolition exercise, which commenced at 05:00 hrs on Monday morning. The M&CC said in a statement yesterday that it is seeking to return its main thoroughfares to a state of order, hence it is asking store owners who operate along Regent Street to desist from placing tables, mannequins and other structures on the pavements in front of their businesses. It was observed that many of these business places have placed large structures on the pavements to display goods for sale,

and this, according to the M&CC, has contributed to congestion in the area. Regent Street is one of the main shopping areas in Georgetown, and the chaos that occurs daily on the pavements of Regent Street is unacceptable, the M&CC has said. Also, congestion on the Regent Street pavement creates a situation for criminal activities to occur, according to the Council. Therefore, in the interest of decency, order and civility, the Council would not allow store owners to vend along Regent Street. The document added that City Hall is working assiduously to ensure that the entire city returns to a state of orderliness and cleanliness. “Regent Street is one of our major shopping areas in the city and the hub of economic activities. It also has the potential to be a greater tourist attraction if the right environment is created and sustained. The co-operation of businesses in this area can only help the Georgetown City Council to restore order and integrity of the city”, M&CC has said. The Council is imploring vendors not to block the entrances of businesses, and not to hoist their goods on the showcases of businesses along the Regent Street area. Also, all vendors are required to have in place proper refuse receptacles for the disposal of waste. By Michel Outridge

Rough start for south schools INDIAN PHYSIC & HEALER THE start of the new school term got off to a rough start for many primary school students in South, South West and Central Trinidad as there were reports of faulty windows, incomplete toilets and ongoing electrical repairs at school compounds.


he schools affected were identified as Mayaro Government Primary, Grant Memorial Presbyterian Primary, Longdenville Government Primary, Moruga RC Primary, Cap-de-Ville Government Primary, South Oropouche RC Primary and Reform Presbyterian Primary schools. Notices were also placed in front of locked gates when students showed up for classes yesterday morning. In Point Fortin, along the Cap-de-Ville main road, students were forced to return to their homes when a notice read that the school was under repairs. “They had a lot of time to prepare. It is really heart breaking to know that students had to come to school dressed in their uniforms only to see the school locked,” said Parent Teacher Association (PTA) president Tricia Cardinal. Construction on the school building has been ongoing for close to four years. Cardinal said, “parents are frustrated over the slow pace of construction as well as unsafe conditions at the school.” She said “the school building is plagued with bat droppings and the ceiling is leaking. The school is dilapidated and these

conditions are not safe for any child.” At Grant Memorial Primary School along Carib Street, San Fernando there was a notice which stated the school would not be re-opened today (yesterday) and parents would be advised when classes would resume. The school is ongoing repair work to the toilets. At Reform Presbyterian Primary School classes were dismissed early when a faulty window fell from one of the rooms. No one was injured. At Mayaro Government Primary school classes were also dismissed early due to incomplete repairs to the toilets. Other schools reported problems of rotting flooring to sewer problems. When Newsday contacted the Education Ministry, an official said the ministry is investigating these reports. TT Unified Teachers Association second vice-president Lynley Doodhai expressed disappointment with schools being affected. Doodhai said there was sufficient time for repair work to be conducted at the different schools. He said the quality of work and materials used at the school have also been questioned.



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Caribbean Star Newspaper Bulldozed!

September 11 – 17, 2015

Gov’t allegedly forces Innswood residents out of their homes

An Innswood resident outside his home which was bulldozed in Innswood, St Catherine, yesterday. (PHOTO: GARFIELD ROBINSON)


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EAVY-DUTY tractors moved yesterday to bulldoze the small, wooden two-room house situated on the parcel of land in Innswood, St Catherine, that 66-year-old Edgar Martin called home. He sat looking on in shock as theequipment ripped through board and zinc. His house was to be the fourth, owned by former sugar workers to be destroyed for the day as Government stepped up preparation for a major housing development. “Please, mi a beg you, bossie. Give mi a little more time,” the senior citizen pleaded, beads of sweat on his forehead and tears trickling down his face. Henry was among a group of more than 15 residents who watched in despair as the place many of them have called home for more than 30 years was reduced to rubble. Reports are that the move was part of an exercise to make way for a major housing development which will see the construction of some 2,000 houses in the area. Distraught residents yesterday said that, while they were aware of the project, and that several meetings were held in which they were instructed to relocate, not all of them had found places to live. They also complained that the methods that were being used left them feeling abandoned. “Dem can’t come and a deal wid wi like wi are puss and dog. We are citizens and should be dealt with respect. Dem can’t come and a throw us out of our houses like that,” said one resident. Yesterday, Dr Andrew Wheatley, member of parliament for St Catherine South Central, the constituency in which the community sits, expressed shock at the development. The MP said he will be seeking to meet with John Gayle, chief executive officer of the Government-owned SCJ Holdings Limited, to see how best the affected residents can be accommodated. “I was not aware of it, and if that is the case then it is wrong,” said Wheat-

Paula McDonald, 60, whose house in Innswood was recently bulldozed, says she has nowhere to go. (PHOTO: GARFIELD ROBINSON) ley yesterday. “We have to show some compassion. While the persons were told to remove themselves, and they were given time and even extensions, we have to be very compassionate and find ways and means to assist persons. This is one issue I will have to raise with Mr Gayle,” Wheatley continued. The assurances were, however, not enough for people like 60-year-old Paula McDonald, whose house was destroyed a few days earlier, forcing her to sleep in a nearby canefield. “Since dem destroy har house di woman don't have anywhere to go, and every day she sit by the roadside, shocked and frustrated,” said one resident. Other individuals, including Annie Armstrong, a 30-yearold resident, wore a worried look as the tractor edged closer to her house. “Right now, I don't have anywhere to go. All of my belongings are in the house, and if I can’t find any place right now I not going let them force me. What they are doing is illegal,” she argued. A fifty-four-year-old woman had similar thoughts as she stood at the spot where her fence once stood and watched as her neighbours sat on the ground wondering what was next.

September 11 – 17, 2015 37 Caribbean Star Newspaper U.N. says 850,000 to cross sea to Europe this year and next

At least 850,000 people are expected to cross the Mediterranean seeking refuge in Europe this year and next, the United Nations said on Tuesday, giving estimates that already look conservative.


he U.N. refugee agency UNHCR called for more cohesive asylum policies to deal with the growing num-

bers. Many are refugees from Syria, driven to make the voyage by intensified fighting there and worsening conditions for refugees in surrounding countries due to funding shortfalls in aid programs, UNHCR said. Hundreds have died at sea. “In 2015, UNHCR anticipates that approximately 400,000 new arrivals will seek international protection in Europe via the Mediterranean. In 2016 this number could reach 450,000 or more,” it said in an appeal document. Spokesman William Spindler said the prediction for this year was close to being fulfilled, with 366,000 having already made the voyage. The total will depend on whether migrants stop attempting the journey as the weather gets colder and the seas more dangerous. So far, the numbers do not appear to have slowed down, with many appearing spurred on by Germany’s announcement that it will ease the rules for Syrians seeking refuge who first reach the European Union through other countries. A single-day record 7,000 Syrian refugees arrived in the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia on Monday, while 30,000 are on Greek islands, most of them on Lesbos, it said. Many arrive first in Greece, then leave the EU to travel up through the Balkans to Hungary and onward to Germany. “So obviously the discussions this week in Europe are taking even on greater urgency because it obviously cannot be a German solution to a European problem,” UNHCR spokeswoman Melissa Fleming told a news briefing. UNHCR chief Antonio Guterres called for an increase in the number of legal ways for refugees to come to Europe, such as an increase in number of visas and ways to reunite people with their families. Germany told its European partners on


Monday they must take in more refugees as it handles record numbers of asylum seekers. The European Union’s executive Commission is expected to unveil a program this week that would redistribute 160,000 asylum seekers who arrive in Italy, Hungary and Greece. Peter Sutherland, special representative of the U.N. secretary-general for migration and development, called for a “harmonized system” and “fair allocation” in the European Union. He said Europe’s “Dublin rules” requiring asylum seekers to apply in the first EU country they reach would have to be amended, or they could jeopardize the principles of border control-free travel in the bloc’s Schengen zone. “Coherence is going to require leadership and leadership before we see the destruction of great achievements like the Schengen agreement,” he warned. “I think Dublin doesn’t work.” GLOBAL RESPONSE Other countries – including the United States, wealthy Gulf states and Japan – must face their responsibilities, he said. The White House on Tuesday said it was considering steps to ease the crisis. Spokesman Josh Earnest declined to discuss the options at a briefing with reporters but said: “Everyone is well aware of the sense of urgency.” Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott bowed to pressure from critics on Wednesday and said Australia would accept 12,000 refugees from Syria on top of its current humanitarian intake quota of 13,750 – and extend air strikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq into Syria. Germany’s decision last month to open its doors to Syrians who arrived elsewhere in the EU has brought the issue sharply into focus, as did images last week of a drowned Syrian toddler washed up on a Turkish beach, which appeared on newspaper front pages across the continent.

Migrants jump over a road protection fence as they leave a collection point in the village of Roszke, Hungary September 9, 2015. REUTERS/Marko Djurica Germany alone expects 800,000 asylum applications this year, including those who have crossed the Mediterranean, others from Balkan states and some who arrived in previous years. German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday that Europe needed to implement a joint system for dealing with asylum seekers and agree to binding quotas on how to distribute refugees across the continent. “This joint European asylum system cannot just exist on paper but must also exist in practice. I say that because it lays out minimum standards for accommodating refugees and the task of registering refugees,” she told a joint news conference with Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven in Berlin. “Our responsibility is deeply moral. It is a human responsibility,” he said. “We have to do this together. There are 28 countries in the EU with the same responsibility.” German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said on Monday that if countries in eastern Europe and elsewhere continued to resist accepting their fair share of refugees, the Schengen system would be at risk. Austria meanwhile said it would improve accommodation for asylum seekers as winter approaches and increase capacity at refugee-processing centers in anticipation of tens of thousands of new arrivals. Smaller central and eastern European Union states have rejected any mandatory quotas for taking in refugees as the European Commission prepares to present a plan to that end. Poland however indicated it could accept more migrants than the 2,000 it announced earlier. Spain said it was ready to accept as many refugees as the Commission proposes, reversing course after say-

ing it was being asked to take too many. Britain, which is exempt from common EU asylum policies, announced this week it would take thousands of refugees directly from camps in the region, but not from among those who have reached other EU countries. Britain has taken in fewer Syrians than other EU countries but has given Europe’s biggest donations in aid to the region, arguing that this is more effective assistance. Four million Syrians are registered as refugees in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. Another 8 million are displaced within Syria itself. UNHCR’s Fleming welcomed separate offers announced by Britain and France on Monday to take in Syrian refugees, but said reception centers must be set up in countries including Hungary, Greece and Italy to process asylum claims. “Those can only work if there is a guaranteed relocation system whereby European countries saying yes will take X number. We believe it should be 200,000 – that’s the number we believe need relocation in Europe countries,” Fleming said. Noting that Europe has a population of half a billion, she added: “It is a manageable situation if the political will were there.” She also appealed for more aid for UN programs for displaced Syrians within the Middle East, saying funding problems were creating conditions that encouraged refugees to leave the camps for Europe. The UN World Food Programme’s operation to feed Syrians costs $26 million a week, but it has cut rations to 1.3 million refugees due to a funding shortage, spokeswoman Bettina Luescher said. “Basically now the refugees are living on around 50 cents a day in those countries around Syria.”

US woman hid loaded gun in vagina

HICAGO, United States (AFP) — A Texas woman had a loaded gun hidden in her vagina when she was pulled over during a routine traffic stop, police said. "The weapon had a round chambered and a full magazine of bullets," the Waco police department said in a statement posted on its Facebook page which has garnered hundreds of comments. Ashley Cecilia Castaneda, 31, told police about the gun as she was being

driven to the station after police found nearly 30 grams of methamphetamines and a set of digital scales in her purse on Monday. "They pulled to the side of the road, the officers got out, asked her where the gun was, and the female said, 'it's between my legs'," Sergeant Patrick Swanton told KWTX news. "It could have been extremely dangerous for everyone involved." The bizarre incident is not as unusual

as people would think, he said. "People don't believe this happens in real life," he said. "It happens much more than the average citizen would ever know." It was not clear if the safety was engaged on the .22 caliber Smith & Wesson when she placed it in her body. The gun weighs about six ounces (170 grams) and is just under 5 inches (12 centimeters) long -- about the length and weight of an iPhone 6 with a thick case.


Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

CRICKET & Sports


Holder replaces Ramdin as captain for SL Tests

ason Holder has replaced Denesh Ramdin as captain of West Indies for the upcoming two-Test series against Sri Lanka, which starts on October 14. A WICB media release stated that Holder’s appointment “was recommended by the selection panel and endorsed unanimously by the directors during a teleconference meeting on Wednesday.” Clive Lloyd, the head of the selection committee, believed it was “the right time for a change”, and backed the 23-yearold Holder to guide a young West Indies team forward. Holder had also been appointed ODI captain last December, but Lloyd said the selectors didn’t want to burden Holder further by giving him the reins even in T20s. “We expect to get new thinking and new dynamism from him,” Lloyd said. “Jason commands respect. He is a fine young man, very intelligent and he seems to get the best from the players because he is a straightforward guy. I think the players will warm to him. He has a young bunch of players and we feel he can guide them in the manner that is required for internationals. “We do not want to any captain to lead in all three formats just now. It would be quite burdensome on anyone. We think we can have a separate Twenty20 captain.” Opening batsman Kraigg Brathwaite will be Holder’s deputy in Sri Lanka. The squad contains two uncapped players in fast bowler Carlos Brathwaite and left-

Clive Lloyd - “Holder commands respect. He is a fine young man, very intelligent, and seems to get the best from the players” © AFP arm spinner Jomel Warrican, both of whom play for Barbados. In a like-for-like selection, Warrican replaces Veerasammy Permaul, who was part of West Indies’ squad during their home series against Australia. Ramdin retains his place as wicketkeeper.

Lloyd thanked Ramdin for his contributions as Test captain. Ramdin led West Indies in 13 Tests, of which they won four, drew two and lost seven. “I have spoken to Denesh and he understood the situation and there was no animosity,” Lloyd said. “We just want him

to perform a little bit better right now, particularly with the bat, and give of his best and support the new captain.” Holder has only played eight Tests so far. He has made 380 runs, with a century and two fifties, at 34.54, and taken 16 wickets at 35.37 with his medium-pace. He took over the ODI captaincy at a similarly inexperienced stage in his 50-over career, with only 21 matches behind him. West Indies endured a difficult World Cup, which they exited at the quarter-final stage, but Holder showed evidence of his leadership skills during the tournament, shouldering the responsibility of bowling in difficult situations - such as the final over against a rampaging AB de Villiers - and batting with maturity. In the home Tests that followed, the same qualities came to the fore, particularly with the bat, as shown by a match-saving century against England in Antigua, and an unbeaten 82 against Australia in Jamaica. West Indies will undergo an eight-day preparatory camp in Barbados from September 20. They are scheduled to land in Sri Lanka on October 1. West Indies squad: Jason Holder(captain), Kraigg Brathwaite (vice-captain), Devendra Bishoo, Jermaine Blackwood, Carlos Brathwaite, Darren Bravo, Rajindra Chandrika, Shane Dowrich, Shannon Gabriel, Shai Hope, Denesh Ramdin , Kemar Roach, Marlon Samuels, Jerome Taylor, Jomel Warrican

Australia’s Shane Watson retires from Test cricket Shane Watson, the muscular but fragile Australia all-rounder, has retired from Test cricket at the age of 34 but is hoping to play on for his country in the limited-overs game.


atson was dropped after the first Ashes Test in Cardiff this summer, having gone wicketless with the ball and been out lbw twice after making starts with the bat. But he remained a part of the one-day squad until his tour was ended prematurely when he suffered a calf strain during his side’s 64-run win over England at Lord’s on Saturday. Injuries, as well as leg-before dismissals and a penchant for sending decisions upstairs, have been a feature of his career. Watson, who was a

part of Australia’s World Cup-winning team earlier this year, hopes that by ending his involvement in Test cricket after 59 caps, his chances of continuing as a white-ball specialist for his country will be improved. “It’s been a decision that hasn’t come about lightly but I just know it’s the right time to be able to move on and still, hopefully, play the shorter formats of the game,” he said. “I’ve been through a lot of different waves of emotion about what the right thing is for myself, my family and most, importantly, the team

as well.” Since his Test debut against Pakistan in 2005, Watson has batted at every position in the top six, with his most profitable spell coming as an opener. His 3,731 runs at an average of 35.19 – including four centuries and 24 fifties – fell short of some expectations given his undoubted talent and crisp technique. As a right-arm fast-medium bowler, his 75 wickets at 33 were achieved despite a rebellious body, and his career-best figures of six for 33 came against Pakistan at Headingley in 2010. Watson shares his critics’ frustrations about his returns but he insists he could not have tried harder. “I haven’t achieved all the things I dreamed of achieving in Test cricket – an average of 50 with the bat and in the 20s with the ball,” he said. “That’s obviously the dream as an all-rounder and I didn’t get anywhere near that. But I do know I gave it everything I possibly can to be able to get the best out of myself. “Early on in my career I realized that I can’t worry about what people think,

whether they like me or don’t like me, appreciate me or don’t appreciate me. In the end all I’ve done is tried to get the absolute best out of myself.” In a two-year spell as vice-captain, Watson led his country once in the fourth Test against India in Mohali in 2013 in the absence of the injured Michael Clarke, despite having been suspended for the previous match due to his involvement in the “Homework-gate” fiasco that engulfed a dysfunctional tour. A career-best 176 came against England at the Oval in 2013, while he played in all five Tests of Australia’s Ashes whitewash victory in the return series. Australia’s head coach Darren Lehmann said: “Shane has been a fantastic servant for Australia in Test cricket and he has had a terrific career in that format. He has been an outstanding contributor to the team on and off the field and a great thinker on the game as well as a hugely talented cricketer. Behind the scenes he has done so much work with our younger players and that has been something that has really impressed me.”

Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


ECB doctored pitches - Anderson He accused India and Australia of doing the same.

England fast bowler James Anderson has admitted the England Cricket Board (ECB) doctored the pitches during the Ashes series, also adding that they should feel no shame about doing it more often in the future.


he dusty wickets which marred the past couple of Ashes campaigns, suddenly turned green at the request of coach Trevor Bayliss and captainAlastair Cook, reported on Wednesday. England beat visitors Australia 3-2 convincingly. “I think there’s certainly an element where we should have done it more in the past (and) we should do it more in the future,” Anderson said. Anderson accused India and Australia of also doctoring wickets when they’re at home. “When we go to Australia, they prepare the pitches to suit their team. When we go to India, the same thing happens. A big

deal was made of it in our conditions here (that) we were telling the groundsmen to do this and that,” the 33-year-old rightarm pacer said. Anderson said there is no harm and shame in making pitches favoring the hosts in the future. “I’m sure they offered an opinion but it wasn’t a case that we were saying ‘you have to do this’ or ‘you have to prepare that’,” Anderson, who has 413 wickets from 107 Tests, said. “At the same time, even if we did, everyone else in the whole world prepares pitches to give them home advantage and I don’t see why it should be any different here.”

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September 11 – 17, 2015

Caribbean Star Newspaper

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Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015


He had earlier retired from ODIs following Australia’s World Cup win.

Brad Haddin retires from Test cricket


rad Haddin announced his retirement from test and domestic firstclass cricket Wednesday, joining the exodus of senior players following Australia’s Ashes series loss in England. The combative wicketkeeper-batsman, who retired from one-day internationals after Australia’s World Cup victory in March, was left out of the third test at Trent Bridge after being granted permission to miss the second test to be with his ill daughter. Australia lost the third and fourth tests to surrender the Ashes, and Haddin left the tour early to return to Australia. The 37-year-old Haddin joins former captain Michael Clarke, opener Chris Rogers and allrounderShane Watson in retiring from test and international competition since Australia’s 3-2 Ashes defeat. Paceman Ryan Harris quit before the series, due to injury. Haddin was a long time in Adam Gilchrist’s shadow as wicketkeeper and didn’t make his test debut until he was 30. He had a lengthy career despite the

late start, playing 66 tests and scoring 3,266 runs at an average of 32.98. His highlight with the bat was when Australia swept the Ashes 5-0 on home soil in 2014. In terms of dismissals, his 270 as a wicketkeeper are behind only Gilchrist (416), Ian Healy (395) and current chairman of selectors Rod Marsh (355) for Australia. “Once you’ve lost that will to get up every morning and do those little things that give you the opportunity to play for Australia, once you lose that it’s time to walk away from the game,” Haddin said. He will continue to play Twenty20 cricket for the Sydney Sixers in Australia’s Big Bash League. “Brad was a vital player during an important period in Australian cricket,” Cricket Australia chief executive James Sutherland said. “Brad’s strong performances and positive influence on the team were all the more remarkable given he was dealing with the serious illness suffered by his daughter Mia.”


Kalia follows Janjua with USACA resignation

ovkesh Kalia, who was elected to represent the Central West Region on the USACA board of directors in March, has submitted his resignation from the position. Kalia, 39, becomes the second USACA board member in as many days to resign from his position on the board, following Faizan Janjua’s decision on Wednesday to step down as USACA’s second vice-president. Kalia communicated his decision to the USACA board in an email on Thursday night and made the decision while travelling on business in India. When contacted by ESPNcricinfo on Friday morning, Kalia said the decision was only partly made due to his foreign business commitments, which cut into his availability for board meetings, and more to do with what he described as a disorganised setup. “USACA is working as not really well structured or organized,” Kalia told ESPNcricinfo. “Things are happening in a very ad hoc way. I believe in doing things where you have everything structured first and organized before you announce things but here it seems to be the other way around. You announce something and then you try to figure out how to pull it off. There are some good people but I didn’t like the way things are happening.” When asked for examples of announcements that USACA has made before something is ready to be held, Kalia talked about the repeated cancellation of the national team’s preparation tours to Jamaica, as well as the $100,000 League Champions T20 tournament in November. Despite USACA’s current debts totalling more than $4 million, a USACA press release stated that all flights and hotel accommodation will be covered by the organizers. “When you announce a camp and you don’t do it, that’s definitely not a good thing,” Kalia said. “The biggest example I would say is this recently announced League Champions T20 tournament. There is so much we don’t know. I am not 100% convinced with this tournament.

They can definitely pull it off and I’m not saying they won’t be able to do it. But it should be better structured. It shouldn’t look like they are trying to do something all of a sudden.” Kalia was also critical of the fact that confidential board communications, both verbal and in email form, were regularly leaked out and found their way on the internet, either being posted on social media by people outside the board or winding up circulated in emails by former USACA secretary Kenwyn Williams. “My biggest concern is that everything we have talked about, it always winds up on Facebook one way or another,” Kalia said. “I shouldn’t have to read up on these things on Facebook or in an email from [Kenwyn Williams]. A lot of information about whatever is happening, whether that is about reinstatement of the ICC and emails sent back and forth, nobody should have that information but apparently somebody does.” Kalia denied that his resignation came as a result of Janjua’s, and also said it had nothing to do with the USACA board’s decision to be absent from the ICC town hall meeting in Chicago last weekend. He said he hoped cricket in the country was able to overcome recent administrative strife, but had doubts about whether or not that will be possible under the current USACA regime led by president Gladstone Dainty. “Whatever happens, whether its USACA or some other entity that comes up, hopefully we can make the game grow in the USA. Everybody knows there is a lot of potential in the USA but hopefully the ICC is serious about making it happen. We love this game and I just really hope whichever organization it is, they are able to unite everybody and do not leave out certain leagues or people associated with USACA, ACF or whoever. It needs to be a joint effort and if USACA somehow survives, they need to get their act together.”

Taylor century keeps England alive


ames Taylor’s patient century laid the platform for England to beat Australia by 93 runs in the third one-day international at Old Trafford on Tuesday, leaving the touring side 2-1 up in the series. Taylor made 101 to lift his team to 300 for eight and Australia struggled under the lights against the England spinners before being bowled out for 207 after 44 overs. Opener Jason Roy scored 63 off 45 balls to give England a fast start before captain Eoin Morgan and Taylor shared a third-wicket partnership of 119 to put the hosts in a good position to make a huge total. Morgan, however, was

caught by Mitchell Starc off Glenn Maxwell for 62 and his side struggled to accelerate in the closing overs. Ben Stokes, Jonny Bairstow, Moeen Ali and Liam Plunkett fell cheaply and although Taylor completed his maiden international century, he hit only five fours and was dismissed by Starc before England scrambled to get to 300. Australia made a positive start to their reply, Aaron Finch making 53 and Steve Smith 25 before the Australian captain was brilliantly caught by Steven Finn one-handed at mid-wicket off leg-spinner Adil Rashid. “It was amazing. I couldn’t

believe it,” Morgan told Sky Sports. “Ben Stokes was in my eye-line and all I saw was a 6-foot-8 giant leaping. “I’ve known Steven Finn since he was 15 years old and I’ve never seen him take a catch like that.” Wickets fell regularly under the lights as spinners Moeen and Rashid bowled cleverly and the Australian batsmen were unable to break the shackles. “I’m very impressed,” said Morgan. “We improved in the areas I asked the guys to from the first two games. Jason Roy played his game, lots of strong shots down the ground and then me and James Taylor got

a good partnership going.” Smith said England had made a good total. “They got a few too many,” he added. “With the bat we struggled in the middle overs.

“The wicket was getting slower. We have to find ways to rotate the strike in the middle overs and then keep enough wickets in hand so we can go berserk at the end.”


Caribbean Star Newspaper

September 11 – 17, 2015

WICB conducts coaches conference with regional teams


he coaches of each of the six regional franchises in the West Indies are set to meet with three key officials of the WICB to discuss the development of cricket in the Caribbean. The Professional Cricket League Coaches Conference will be held on September 4 in Barbados. Director of cricket of WICB Richard Pybus, convenor of the selection panel Clive Lloyd and head coach Phil Simmons will meet the attending coaches - Hendy Springer and Dexter Toppin (Barbados), Esuan Crandon and Rayon Griffith (Guyana), Junior Bennett (Jamaica), Reginald Benjamin (Leeward Islands), Gus Logie (Trinidad & Tobago) and Ian Allen (Windward Islands). “It’s the first sitting of the franchise coaches with us and to get them all aware of what are our common goals as we approach the second season of operation of the PCL,” Pybus said. “It is very important that they also have the opportunity to share the challenges which they face at the franchise level, as we work together to build a world-class cricket performance system. “At the end of the day, the goal is for us to be producing international quality players for the West Indies and we need to be able to identify what

Phil Simmons (right) - ‘This is one of the first things for which I asked when I was appointed West Indies head coach’ © WICB Media Photo/Philip Spooner

challenges we face and streamline the system, so that it works efficiently.” Simmons, who was appointed head coach of West Indies following the conclusion of the 2015 World Cup,

said he was looking forward to the meeting where various issues including fitness standards and training are likely to be addressed. “This is one of the first things for

which I asked when I was appointed West Indies head coach, so that we can outline to everybody where we want them to be and where we want the players to be,” Simmons said.

West Indies to tour Sri Lanka for six weeks

WICB passes the buck over Ramdin’s sacking as captain

West Indies embark on a 44day tour of Sri Lanka, which includes two Tests, three ODIs and two T20Is in October and November, an SLC press release said.

The West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) has sought to pass the buck on the sacking of Denesh Ramdin as captain by saying this had been recommended by a panel headed by the legendary clive Lloyd.



he first Test begins in Galle on October 14, where West Indies have played only two matches in2001 and 2010. They will only have three days to acclimatize to the venue. The SLC interim committee had earlier said that the board was trying to reduce the costs it will incur by hosting games in Galle, as well as at other venues for the tour. That could be the reason West Indies will spend much of their time ahead of the first Test in Colombo - seven days of training at the Sinhalese Sports Club, followed by a three-day game at the venue. Following the Galle Test, West Indies return to Colombo for the second Test at P Sara Oval, where they have never played red-ball cricket before. Three days’ practice at the venue will lead them

into the match starting on October 22. West Indies have never won a Test series in Sri Lanka. They drew with the hosts in 1993 and 2010, and lost in 2001 and 2005. The ODIs start in November and will be day-night affairs. The first two ODIs will be held at the R Premadasa stadium on November 1 and November 4. Pallekele will host the final ODI on November 7 and the teams will stay back for the first T20 two days later. The final T20 will take the teams back to Premadasa on November 12. These T20s are the only confirmed matches that West Indies play before the World T20 in India in March 2016. Sri Lanka have two more on their docket when they visit New Zealand in December 2015-January 2016.

WICB statement issued on Wednesday was released in response to media reports suggesting sinister motives may be behind the decision to sack the Trinidad and Tobago wicketkeeper-batsman and replace him with Jason Holder, reports CMC. The decision has drawn fire in some quarters including from the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board president, Azim Bassarath, and former West Indies manager Omar Khan. Bassarath says he does not agree with the decision to sack Ramdin while Khan has called on the WICB to come clean. A WICB statement said that Holder’s appointment had been recommended by the Clive Lloyd-chaired selection panel and “endorsed unanimously” by the directors. However Khan has pointed to comments in the media by director Azim Bassarath who says he did not participate in the teleconference because of his commitments as

a returning officer for Monday’s general elections here. “The West Indies Cricket Board would like to clear the air, following a number of media reports throughout the Caribbean concerning some details of the decision to replace Denesh Ramdin as West Indies captain,” the statement read. The appointment of Jason Holder was recommended by the WICB Selection Panel and endorsed unanimously by the Directors who participated in a teleconference meeting on the matter last Wednesday.” Khan has also suggested that Ramdin may have been fired as Windies captain because of his decision to resign from the West Indies Players Association (WIPA). But in attempting to dismiss this claim, the WICB noted that Holder is currently not a member of WIPA. West Indies are preparing for a tour of Sri Lanka to play two Test matches, three OneDay Internationals and two T20s.

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