De Jorio Design International 2013

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beyond luxury interior design

DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design

DE JORIO DESIGN INTERNATIONAL, a company of creative design and technical consulting among the most successful and innovative in the field of high-level design, is today considered a real and true school of thought and a trend setter. A heterogeneous laboratory of highly qualified professional competence in which 8 generations of architects and designers have been trained from 1956 up to today, and which continues to welcome and train new generations of designers influencing the very same sector of Interior Design, thanks to an incessant policy of research and innovation in the field of ideas, aesthetics and creativity, by means of fully belonging to the richest and most rigorous among the architectonic and artistic cultures at the world level: the Italian one. In its long history DJDI has explored numerous planning and thematic environments, from specialist and private architecture to industrial design, from the interior design of mega yachts to that for luxury cruise ships, from that for the latest generation of cruise ferries to that - no less stimulating - for military ships, ensuring for itself a level of interdisciplinary competence and a technical polyvalence unrivalled in Europe. A pioneer in believing in the didactic role and in the function of the cultural “product” of every new project irrespective of the sector to which it belongs, DJDI has always stood out for the high qualitative and artistic value of its creations, considered ground for experimentation of new and recognizable formal languages, often so surprising as to constitute a reference model for Design in general. This book opens a small window on some of the most recent creations in the field of escape and leisure, which best express the philosophy and the lesson of modernism of this real and true “academy” of design. One comes across all the most varied functional, commercial and entertainment typologies– Theatres and Clubs, thematic Pubs and Bars, Discotheques and Casinos, Shops and Malls, Restaurants with a theme and Bistrots, Swimming pool areas and spas, Hotel receptions and scenic-monumental spaces, Cafeterias and Wine bars, Meeting rooms and Cyber points, Teens’ centres and Children’s playrooms, Virtual activities, etc. – but one can also recognize some of those formal and conceptual traits that have made the DJDI repertory famous, unique and often imitated.

DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design


That of hospitality, besides being expression of a particular know how, is a philosophy of service that develops through multifarious modalities, also knowingly using the diverse typologies of main and satellite spaces, whose personality and morphological peculiarity may transmit with immediacy and precision the very image that a tourist company, a hotel group or a cruise company intends to give of itself. Therefore, one can understand the strategic value of knowing how to govern the messages implicit in creative projects that involve the definition of public spaces and emblematic par excellence, how a reception and a hotel foyer, or functional and recreational like an equipped swimming pool, or again, at the opposite end of the size scale, of small private spaces such as a hotel or a cruise ship suite. Without overlooking the same sub-spaces of support and service to the separate activities of hospitality, such as the reception and exchange offices, the cocktail bars and lounges dedicated to groups, or the very same means of vertical and horizontal communication characterised by stairs and lifts. For each of these spaces different regulations exist along with specific functional, technical and management prerequisites that orientate their design. However, the personality that is attributed to them with interior design is – although closely linked with the constraints described above – the main reading tool with which the public perceives the image of the company, and with which one can really measure the quality and the standard of the hosting structure. The intrinsic and homogeneous quality of design therefore becomes a strategic objective of global investment, on the same level as any other tool aimed at attainment of a determinate qualitative level of hospitality, being its mirror. One of the salient aspects in the design methodology of DJDI, besides the systematic application of design criteria in the architectonic scale, resides truly in the semantic value attributed to each planned space. Whether one is dealing with a large and emblematic space or a space of connection or a simple stairway, each of them has a precise role in the formation of the global image of the organism, and therefore of equal importance. A greater qualitative and artistic homogeneity not only allows one to avoid an incomprehensible division of the space, but confers a positive characteristic of continuity and quality to the entire environment, with a return in terms of image and standard, for the structure of hospitality, of a higher level even than the investment itself.

DJDI / hospitality



3 reception_msc splendida 1/2 foyer_msc splendida


DJDI / hospitality


1/2/3 main foyer_msc divina



DJDI / hospitality


1/2/3 main foyer_msc magnifica



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1/2/3 main foyer_msc lirica

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DJDI / hospitality




MSC YACHT CLUB 1/2/3 vip area_msc fantasia


DJDI / hospitality



MSC YACHT CLUB 1/2/3 vip area_msc fantasia

Part of the MSC Yacht Club ", the new product from the MSC company to the hosting of the so-called VIP customers, the SAIL LOUNGE constitutes the most important space in terms of area ,after " the One Pool". Throughout the day, from breakfast to late nite, guests can enjoy here meal, drinks and one of the most exclusive panoramic view of this vessel, through 37 glasses by 3 x 1,2 meters each. Ideally divided into two areas, one with bars, cosy seatings and facilities for the buffet breakfast, the other with a wide observation space, where the lounges arranged along the glass wall are all equipped of interactive screens to track the navigation, as raised by the name of this lounge club. The desire to create an atmosphere of contemporary elegance and consistent with the new European concept of the product "MSC club", has inspired a design with flowing lines and pure ,where the wall surfaces developed three-dimensional and sharp geometries based on the rectangle. The sharp contrast conceptual, not to mention the incompatibility between the soft organic curves of the designing and implementation of a rational nature and mathematics of the rectangle, has resulted in a design where the difficult but successful control is comparable to a generative action of artistic value in architectural scale.

Holidaymakers have always seen MSC Crociere ships as a beautiful destination in their own right, alongside the famous sites visited. Thanks to the extraordinary creative work of De Jorio Design International, MSC Splendida takes the whole concept of ship as floating city to an entirely new level. Which is why it’s only right that we should take you round it in the same way as the tour of a beautiful city, mirroring a day in the life of a guest on board. So, ladies and gentlemen, please follow me now that we’ve assembled in the main hall and reception - a spectacle of space and light inspired by the diamond, reflected in facetshaped mirror steel and optical fibre lamps, gleaming panoramic lifts and an extraordinary grand piano decorated with 20,0000 Swarovski crystals by artist Laura De Nadal.


DJDI / hospitality



its history. Wall lights in moka Murano glass, seating and padded partitions of neo Mannerist inspiration, modern backlights in the ceiling with an organic shape and colours from dark brown to gold, support and underline with their light and with their shapes the reďŹ ned uctuating between past and present, between the warmth and cold of this reďŹ ned Contemporary Restaurant. 1/2/3 suite_msc splendida


DJDI / hospitality


its history. Wall lights in moka Murano glass, seating and padded partitions of neo Mannerist inspiration, modern backlights in the ceiling with an organic shape and colours from dark brown to gold, support and underline with their light and with their shapes the reďŹ ned uctuating between past and present, between the warmth and cold of this reďŹ ned Contemporary Restaurant. 1/2 suite_msc divina


DJDI / hospitality


2 standard cabin_msc fantasia 1 standard cabin_msc splendida


DJDI / hospitality


its history. Wall lights in moka Murano glass, seating and padded partitions of neo Mannerist inspiration, modern backlights in the ceiling with an organic shape and colours from dark brown to gold, support and underline with their light and with their shapes the refined fluctuating between past and present, between the warmth and cold of this refined Contemporary Restaurant. 1/2 double room_msc divina


DJDI / hospitality There is nothing like a staircase that can reveal the standard and reference target of a hotel structure. Obviously with the exception of stairs purely for escape and for those for unusual heights – as in skyscrapers – a public staircase reflects with precision the criteria of investment of the owners, supplying – to those that are able to recognise them – precise details on the policy of image adopted, as a function of the reference standard of the construction and to the real commercial target. A public staircase decoratively verveless and with low standard finishings, not infrequent in a 5-star hotel, clearly denotes a policy of economy, such as to impose a selection of the sectors and functions in which to invest, compared to others in which one deems it opportune to save. One is dealing, that is, with an improper 5-star classification, aimed at a business clientele who looks at the essential, mostly travels on behalf of others and is not very willing to spend on extras, or to the mass tour operators.


1/2 stairs_msc splendida

In a pure 5-star hotel one aims instead at a selected and demanding clientele from every point of view, from the particularly high expectations leaving aside the effective material value of the services offered to them. A hotel of this level and target, will exhibit centres of communication of a level and image not inferior to that of the general standard. The stairways and the lifts are, in other words, some of the main symbolic icons with which the ownership communicates its image and its value in the hierarchical scale of an entire hotel system, where the image is, for the clientele taken in reference, the discriminating element in their choice. The stair well and lifts illustrated here, projected in a design key, reflect this latter conception. Each of the 13 floors has the same architecture and richness, but a slightly different articulation, compatible with the floor layout. With this criterion a different spatiality is attributed that is recognisable at every level, also thanks to the insertion of accessory spaces, in which works of art are exhibited and orientation signs, indispensable in large hotel structures. Of contemporary elegance, the facade of lifts photographed here explicitly recalls the typicality of the structure that houses it – a cruise ship – taking on the shape of a hull. The currents of the plating in wood therefore become the original matrix for the horizontal weave of all the elevations, soberly interrupted only by salient elements such as the lift doors and the transit accesses to the cabin corridors. The level of the finishings is necessarily very high.


DJDI / hospitality

level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the other of candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not only for the presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the lines and for the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.


3 stair lobby_msc magnifica 1/2 lobby deck 7_msc fantasia



DJDI / hospitality


The project of this Lido was influenced by a series of constraints linked with its particular position and exposition. Created forward on the highest deck of a ship, it is affected by strong winds and has a raised pool located between the central deckhouse and the skylight of an underlying space. The need to give identity and personality to the space with the use of architectonic instruments – which here have expressed above all soft, circular geometries with stairways and volumetric flower boxes situated in the base of the very same pool – and the presence of numerous windbreakers both at zero quota and around the pool, suggested unifying the architectonic skin of the elevations, using green Australian marble for the volumes and for the main backdrop, with the exception of the hydro-massage tubs and especially the skylight volume which, being heterogeneous to the area, was highlighted with a banded covering of teak wood and steel. A curtain with an inclined tensile structure and a large, eye-shaped, terminal aperture, allows one to protect the higher part of the swimming pool from the wind, to partially supply direct light and at the same time to create a depression to deviate the residual wind from below upwards. On the large marble wall which acts as a backdrop to the plant, a great artistic intervention by David Gerstein inspired by man and his feelings for the sea has been included. The lightness of the covering and the windbreakers has influenced the original design of the lamp posts, conceived without a fulcrum and with the lighting spheres apparently suspended on 4 curved, steel drums just like curved bamboo. The dichotomy existing between the structural complexity and volumetric of the general plant and the linearity of the Neo-rationalist language adopted for the architectonic development – in turn highlighted by the materials adopted – has allowed one to create an effect of a harmonic and unitary set.

THE ONE POOL 1/2 vip club pool_msc fantasia


DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design

wellness & spa

Saying wellness today risks appearing as a marketing operation, a term behind which often, softened by an aura of health consciousness and positivity, lurks in reality one of the largest consumer industries in history. More often than not it has been and is just so, with the complicity – more or less aware – of an army of architects and designers, committed to dressing and to formally connoting precise and well codified commercial activities, rather than contributing to recreating “healthy” environments in the real sense of the term, capable of transmitting positivity and wellbeing ever through a wise use of architectonic space, shape, materials and colours, that is through a cultivated and sensitive creativity. The recent productive intensification of the industry aimed at materials and decorative products dedicated to this sector – ceramics, mosaics, enamelled glass and imitative artificial materials in general – all having their own aesthetic image of immediate application, if on the one hand they enhance an indispensable repertory of products, on the other all they do is confirm a widespread orientation of designers towards the "pret à porter", demonstrating a clear predisposition to speculation and stylistic conformism rather than to pure research. Even in this field DJDI has never separated a profound commitment to formal research and the use of materials from the principle of uniqueness and originality of a project, believing that even that of wellness is a space of welcoming par excellence, different from others for a fundamental feature: every choice, from the architectonic project to the materials, from the lighting to the colours – even though sometimes congenial to particular treatments - must strike psychological and emotive aspects directly ascribable to wellbeing in a strict sense, in a measure that goes beyond the same activities that are done there. Furthermore, the creations illustrated here highlight how often it is not necessary to make use of specific commercial products, but instead how a sincere and emphatic, almost brutal but always harmonised use of traditional and conventional materials, may – thanks to their intrinsic naturalness and beauty – contribute efficaciously to attainment of that positive feeling and that sensation of psychological pleasure, that are the ideal prerequisite to spend a day of relaxation in a SPA.

DJDI / wellness and spa


AUREA SPA 1/2/3 fitness area_msc fantasia



DJDI / wellness and spa




MSC AUREA SPA 1/2/3/4 fitness area_msc splendida


DJDI / wellness and spa

level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not on presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the line the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.


level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not on presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the line SPAmaterials like wood, steel and coloured glass. the use of warm AUREA and cool 1/2/3 spa area_msc magnifica



DJDI / wellness and spa


AUREA SPA 1/2 fitness area_msc magnifica



DJDI / wellness and spa



I TROPICI 1/2/3 indoor pool_msc fantasia


DJDI / wellness and spa


TARTARUGA BAR 3/4 pool bar_msc splendida

AQUA PARK 1/2 main pool_msc splendida


The design of this cruise ship's waterpark, entirely devoted to water fun games, is strongly influenced by the marine environment, visible in the materials with natural appearance and in the development of the shapes of all original architectonic elements. The predominating curve lines characterise not only every wall and partition but also the line cut of its upper deck, explicitly referred to the marine undulation of the waves. Elements of link between the two levels of the area, the 14 high, slanting and curved posts wish to recall the mastheads of sailing ships moored in a marina, whose freedom of orientation is architecturally taken and “blocked” in its randomness as in an photo shoot . In this overall marine vision, the wide curved uprights of the upper level's balustrades , recall the white bones of fish. Wet area's balustrades realized in stainless steel and teak wood ideally recall the shape of a hull. All the plastic volumes that distribute and enclose the water game spaces are valued by the natural aspect of their covering materials : from the irregular bare rock obtained with large ceramic elements, to the light twocolour cobblestones for the more sinuous parts, they look like rock smoothed and weathered by the wind.




DJDI / wellness and spa




GARDEN POOL 1/2/3 aft pool_msc divina



DJDI / wellness and spa


GARDEN POOL 5 aft pool_msc divina GARDEN POOL BAR 4/6 aft pool bar_msc divina



DJDI / wellness and spa

"ZEN AREA" is the new brand with which, on all ships of MSC, a dedicated pool area is strictly reserved for adults, responding to three specific characteristics : outstanding location and defilated position, atmosphere of ultimate relaxation, unique design with great personality . The "Lido Catalano" on MSC FANTASIA truly responds to all these qualities, and enjoys a panoramic view of almost 360 °. By its design, based loosely on the Parc Guell in Barcelona for both the construction method and the eclectic colors, it experimented for the first time on a ship the simultaneous use of recycled materials and ones specifically produced , with a copious use of traditional materials such as glazed ceramics – for all surfaces - and most current technology and materials such as epoxy, to shape and internally reinforce many of the volumes more complex .

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LIDO CATALANO 1/2/3/4/5 aft pool_msc fantasia

These technical measures, together with an appropriate formal concept, have led to greater flexibility of use and maximum permeability in the flow of people's movements between courses and the pool itself, thanks to the vitality of organic plastic winding volumes of separation and the seatings that are enclosed within. The application of alternative but consistent, on different volumes, two main mix of "broken pieces", one on blue, green and yellow, the other on the pink, brown and yellow, whilst providing the highly colored decorative installation, is able to emphasize and encourage even visually the movement of flows on paths and entrances. The extreme level of customization obtained for any area of this ship, has also made it possible to design post lamps exclusive for this area, unique as are those of any lido area of the same ship.




DJDI / wellness and spa


LA GROTTA AZZURRA 1/2/3 indoor pool_msc magnifica



DJDI / wellness and spa


the refined fluctuating between past and present, between the warmth and cold of this refined Contemporary Restaurant.

1/2/3 main pool_msc magnifica



DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design


The good outcome of a project destined to collective catering services is always the fruit of a wise combination of internal choices for the future management of the structure, which we will call objective, and choices external to it, which we will call subjective, i.e. linked to an arbitrariness of a cultural type. In the first belong all those considerations of commercial, technical, functional and management nature, an unavoidable awareness of which influence not only the general distributive layout of the project, but also its scale of detail. To the second is attributed the task of defining the image, identity and personality of the restaurant, whether it has a gastronomic, commercial and strong rooted thematic connotation – dominating in the project but adherent to the new interpretative image offered in it – or it depends prevalently on an original formal conception, so as to give the interior design the value of sensory and emotive stimulator, symmetric in importance to that of taste and smell for the cuisine itself. The following examples illustrate conceptions very different from one another, to signify how formal research must never be an end in itself, but the point of arrival – each time unprecedented and surprising in its outcomes – of a complete and coherent interdisciplinary research, entirely aimed at the creation of an organism in whose DNA cohabit both the objective and organisational elements and those of purely cultural and artistic nature.

DJDI / restaurants The Red Velvet Restaurant brings in an elegant and sophisticated atmosphere, result of a design “purified” by mediation between present and past, not lacking in symbolic elements. Large and animated golden frames, which enclose precious niches padded with red velvet, emerge all around cambering and showing off the modern and linear panelling of dark red wood. Ondulated in wave shapes they create, with their visual organic unity, the unequivocal trace of tradition that returns, giving rhythm and symbolically enlivening the general modernity and coldness of the background architecture of the room. Through eclectic juxtapositions, they evocate the sense of a glorious past which relives and renovates in contemporaneity, just as the Italian Culinary Art, of deep and undisputed tradition , is capable of renewing itself and reflecting the present without ever repudiating its history. Wall lights and Chandeliers in black Murano glass, seating and padded partitions of neo Mannerist inspiration, modern backlights in the ceiling with organic shape and colours from black to gold, support and underline with their light and with their shapes the refined fluctuating between past and present, between the warmth and cold of this cosy Contemporary Restaurant.



RED VELVET 1/2/3 main restaurant_msc fantasia



DJDI / restaurants

The interior design of "Il Cerchio d'Oro" restaurant reveals an explicit expressive matrix, suggested by the transparency and light of the main walls , Classic in its geometric lines, but contemporary in materials – mainly light briar and polychromatic marbles – and in use of surface textures, the themes of the circularity of light and transparency are interpreted here with the use of large golden grids with circular motifs giving a damask effect, applied to the walls, backlit volumes and columns, able to obtain a real and true connective tissue unifying the architectural space. The geometrical theme of the lounge's design , of the macro scale of the distributive pant and the micro scale of the detail, is markedly the circle, present in the big chandeliers, in the balustrades, in the marble inlays of the floor and in the large informal panels painted by Raimondo Briata, declined and differentiated through many original graphisms, always in coherence with the different areas peculiarity. Here more than ever is clear the dialogue between the various expressive forms : architecture, visual art and design of furnitures and accessories.


IL CERCHIO D’ORO 1/2 panoramic restaurant_msc fantasia



DJDI / restaurants


QUATTRO VENTI 1/2 upper restaurant_msc magnifica


DJDI / restaurants


L’OASI 1/2 restaurant_msc magnifica


DJDI / restaurants


SAHARA 1/2 cafeteria_msc magnifica


DJDI / restaurants



The theme of great voyages often inspired the design of Cafeterias onboard a ship. In the two here pictured examples the Design is deliberately objective, although ethnic in spirit , to reveal, through a sophisticated but absolutely contemporary interpretation, the chromatic, material and geometric echoes of the poignant land of Africa in the first , and Oceania in the second. Rich and complex applications of wood carvings on walls and partitions, bright totem-sculptures, backlit sails that run along the ceiling and down the walls – reminiscent of the nomadic dwellings - , original anthropomorphic masks in wood or sewn in rough fabrics, contribute to recreating those shadows, those images and plots brought alive by the light, amber or lime green, that seems to come from the beginning of time to illuminate the oldest and most fascinating places of the earth. Some of the richest and most exclusive marbles ever used in a cruise ship’s Cafeteria – the Italian Alpi green and absolutely rare Portoro – chosen for their unparalleled beauty, dark wood veneers with various grains, as well as the creation of numerous carved wooden details for every original furnishing element – from the tables to the seating, from the infinite grills to the lamps and the door handles – are elements that give a criterion of the superior quality of these refined Ethnic–Chic contexts, both in terms of elegance – unrivalled on a cruise ship - and of Interior Design.

PAGO PAGO 1 cafeteria_msc splendida

L’AFRICANA 2/3 cafeteria_msc fantasia


DJDI / restaurants



CALUMET 1/2/3 cafeteria_msc divina


DJDI / restaurants


GLI ARCHI 1/2 cafeteria_msc poesia

One of the most interesting features of Hadrian's Roman villa in Tivoli lies in the lightness of its linear and elegant arched structures, to our eyes feeble traces that anticipate the modern poetry of a certain Italian Rationalist architecture. The cafeteria in question re-proposes certain stylistic elements, in a free and contemporary key, with an almost metaphysical effect, due to the affinities that they manage to establish with the spatial and functional nature of the very same room. In a large self-service structure, the need to organise the large flows of crossing with dedicated paths, the queues at the buffets and the seating areas, impose a strong structuring of the general layout which, if one wants to ensure a complete transparency between the different zones, must necessarily be created with transparent partitioning and distributive elements. Open balustrades, hinge pillars in the key points of the routes and delimitations in the ceiling obtained with hollowed arches, allow one to obtain these results and to let one enjoy, from every point of the hall, the unique panoramic view offered by the extensive floating glass panels. The use of materials of class and high standard – such as precious marble, briar and stuccoes - is coherent with the architectonic guidelines supplied, and places this cafeteria at a level decidedly above the average.


DJDI / restaurants

The Red Velvet Restaurant is characterized by an elegant, romantic and sophisticated atmosphere, and by a design “purified” by mediation between present and past, not lacking in symbolic elements. All around large, flat golden frames, which enclose precious niches padded with red velvet, emerge cambering and showing off modern and linear panelling of dark red wood. Following an undulating trend, they create, with their visual organic unity, the unequivocal trace of tradition that returns, giving rhythm and symbolically enlivening the general modernity and coldness of the background architecture of the room. Through eclectic juxtapositions, they evocate the sense of a glorious past which relives and renovates in contemporaneity, just as the Italian Culinary Art, of deep and undisputed tradition , is capable of renewing itself and reflecting the present without ever repudiating its history. Wall lights and Chandeliers in black Murano glass, seating and padded partitions of neo Mannerist inspiration, modern backlights in the ceiling with an organic shape and colours from black to gold, support and underline with their light and with their shapes the refined fluctuating between past and present, between the warmth and cold of this refined Contemporary Restaurant.


SHANGAI 1/2/3/4 chinese restaurant_msc orchestra




DJDI / restaurants


KAITO 1/2/3 sushi bar_msc poesia

The strong contrast between the colour of the plasters, the dark patina of the bricks , and the harmonious design of wall's elements, floor and celing, contributes to creating the warmth and intimacy typical of some exclusive contemporary Mexican homes. their light and with their shapes the refined fluctuating between past and present, between the warmth and cold of this refined Contemporary Restaurant.



DJDI / restaurants

The main purpose to design this large restaurant was to obtain a young and trendy environment, but cosy and snug in the look. Natural and raw materials such as bleached wood, concrete, grey bricks and stones, blue and dark red plasters at wall, mixed with black and white cobblestones at the bar, make up the main perceptive supports for a “hot” Ethnic Architecture. In which external settings with porticoes and rough plastering, in "Pueblo Revival" language, emblematic and spectacular trompe-l’oeil murals, photos taken from the Far West filmography of the thirties and unprecedented Mexican style wall fabrics, are alternated with more contemporary and angular wall's volumetries , having as their linking element the free and organic surfaces of the floors – they too in wood and grey concrete – and the ceiling, created partly in plaster in the shape of clouds, partly with wooden beams.

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EL SOMBRERO 1/2/3/4/5 tex mex restaurant_msc splendida

The strong contrast between the colour of the plasters, the dark patina of the bricks , and the harmonious design of wall's elements, oor and celing, contributes to creating the warmth and intimacy typical of some exclusive contemporary Mexican homes.




DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design

bars clubs & showlounges

Design in a contemporary key of entertainment spaces – such as Clubs, Bars, Show Lounges etc. – requires both a good dose of spirit of innovation and pragmatism. However, innovation should not consist only of the unheeded search for new themes and unprecedented formal languages, often only useful to distinguish one architect from another, but above all in knowing how to transfer in the tangible and concrete world of the experimentation of interiors the most salient or hidden aspects of our contemporary society, proposing an unprecedented reading in a formal key of the society itself. If the spaces for shows and leisure are places where people express themselves and interact with the activities that take place there, through the languages of design one can indeed stimulate and explore new modalities of interpersonal relations. The designed environment must therefore arouse real and true emotion, through the evocative nature of its physicality. Instead pragmatism allows one to guide aesthetic research without ever losing sight of the objective elements of the project. Besides touching the emotions, the latter has indeed the task of complying with the performance of a service and one or more activities, by best responding to the questions of a technical and management nature that they imply. Without ever putting the expectations of those who must make use of the designed space into second place: beyond its innovative and experimental contents, such a space must be welcoming and attractive, comfortable, functional and on a human scale. Quality, as always indispensable to distinguish a good Interior Design project from a mere operation of image.

DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges



This innovative in design Jazz Club makes up a real tribute to the two most emblematic and revolutionary artistic forms of the 20th century: JAZZ and ABSTRACTIONISM, proposing the room itself as a large piece of applied Contemporary Art. InďŹ nite square and rectangle niches of coloured light burst in an apparently casual way onto neutral dark grey walls, composing giant abstract works which bring to mind the spirit of Informalism, but also the Architecture of Le Corbusier where, in the grey darkness, they recall the illuminated windows of the intensive living quarters.

MANHATTAN BAR 1/2/3 jazz bar_msc fantasia

The apparent randomness, fruit of a careful composition, symbolises the essence of Jazz, the only form of Musical Art where order and instinct come together perfectly, and where dierent cultures live together and blend with one another. The dense weave of horizontal strips of multicoloured glass at walls, bar counter, stage and columns, represents the new sap of diversity and multi-culturalism, whose random but at the same time organic sedimentations, overlap one another to determine a modern metropolis, the true laboratory for growth of the two most important artistic forms of the 20th century. Diversity and contrasts which have also inspired the design of the furnishings, which set up large and sinuous studio couches of orange colour against more geometrical, circular, interlocking grey sofas, as a suitable response to the current demands for seating in a relaxed mood. A distributive layout with free curves, geometrically unbound, emphasises the general eect of organic randomness.



DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges


This glamour Bar, openly situated above a lobby's Reception, is particularily trendy at the level of pure design and of its basic meanings. The strongly “destructured” effect of its walls, is obtained by sloping and freeing every superficial and three-dimensional element from the orthogonal axes – from the bar to the wall niches, from the volumes and ceilings to the couches and the unprecedented multifaceted, diamond-like armchairs – and applying a volumetric method of “prismatic emptying”, as for the insertion of the artistic interventions of Raimondo Briata set in the walls . To the neatness of the lines corresponds just as much clarity in the choice of the materials used, from the brushed copper, the wengè tinted wood, the violet backlit glasses and mirrored steel for the central fluctuant leaves. These large leaves represent the plastic, alive and organic element of the composition, which bursts out hovering freely in the space dominated by the cold prismatic geometries, just as water and life spring from the earth and from the minerals that they feed on.


L’APERITIVO 1/2/3/4/5 prediner bar_msc splendida




DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges

The thematic inspiration for this new-Tech designed Sporting Bar reflects two of the sports environments most followed by the Italian sports fans, Soccer and Motor Racing . Circular black leather couches, warm wooden walls with steel profiles, fitted carpet with soccer motif, display cases full of props and sports mementoes on the theme , and large monitors to follow all the matches, are devoted to the first sport. For the Motor Racing world, all the area around the Bar is dedicated and includes a podium for the real MV Agusta motorbike of the ex world champion Giacomo Agostini, the true “cult” protagonist of this Sports lounge. The Bar recalls, in colours and materials, the world of Car Racing : a circular and convex counter Red Ferrari varnish, just like a great sport's bodywork. Aluminium trusses above the counter and brushed stainless steel for all the most high “tech” details. A warm flooring in dark rustic wood of wide staves, contrasting with the cool materials. All around small lounges enclosed by red lacquered walls , with small black leather and stainless steel couches made in the spirit of “modern collectibles”, symbolising the long seats of the sports cars of the 1970s . Design of the fixtures and furniture in tune with the sporting spirit, starting from the bar stools (original design in stainless steel and leather with a “rétro” taste) to the tables, designed according to the principles of “Tuning”, using some engine parts for the basis.



SPORTS BAR 1/2/3/4/5 bar_msc fantasia




DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges



L’OLIMPIADE 1/2/3/4/5 1/2 sporting sports bar_msc bar_msc magnifica magnifica


DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges



L’OLIMPIADE 1/2/3/4/5 3/4 sporting sports bar_msc bar_msc magnifica magnifica


DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges

Conceived for full-time and multipurpose entertainment – from piano bar to karaoke, from cabaret to discotheque - , this huge Lounge is developed according to a marked and functional distribution in zones: a large circular bar with dedicated sitting, a wide panoramic area with a stage at side, and a large dance floor with piano bar in the centre. The strict polyvalence of use and the consequent extreme organic nature of the plan, suggested the creation of an Eclectic Interior Design rich in contaminations, with attainment of a “Fusion” effect that is completely original.


Conceived for full-time and multipurpose entertainment – from piano bar to karaoke, from cabaret to discotheque - , this huge Lounge is developed according to a marked and functional distribution in zones: a large circular bar with dedicated sitting, a wide panoramic area with a stage at side, and a large dance floor with piano bar in the centre. The strict polyvalence of use and the consequent extreme organic nature of the plan, suggested the creation of an Eclectic Interior Design rich in contaminations, with attainment of a “Fusion” effect that is completely original.

An unusual but masterly dialogue between Neo-Modernist elements – in the bar's shape, the wall of the stage, the columns and many furniture and lighting elements – and a "Primitive" style – in the walls, the seating and the details – is developed through the basic concept of “cracklè”, a texture which rhythm the surfaces in their passing from one language to another, creating an unprecedented effect of stylistic breaking up and recomposing between one zone and the other. Convex sculpture walls, created in brushed and engraved steel with a cracklè effect, mark the spaces between the huge and organic “snake” sofas, making up that necessary element of discontinuity and permeability between the various sub-environments of the space.


BLACK & WHITE 1/2/3 secondary lounge_msc divina


DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges



BLACK & WHITE 4/5/6 secondary lounge_msc divina



DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges


S32 1/2/3 disco club_msc poesia

Having in mind the main expectations from our purchasers and referring to the culture background of the passengers (mostly European), we have conceived and proposed a contemporary interior - very design oriented, by purest lines and materials with a slippery look, as only the metals can ensure. As during the day the natural light is great, deep and evenly distributed, we have conceived for the night a game of reflective steel surfaces, with the active contribution of artificial light source, present anywhere in appropriate forms – direct, indirect or backlite - of LED devices, Fiber Optic, Colour Neons, Plasma screens, and with square geometry of the internal partitions.

Holidaymakers have always seen MSC Crociere ships as a beautiful destination in their own right, alongside the famous sites visited. Thanks to the extraordinary creative work of De Jorio Design International, MSC Splendida takes the whole concept of ship as floating city to an entirely new level. Which is why it’s only right that we should take you round it in the same way as the tour of a beautiful city, mirroring a day in the life of a guest on board. So, ladies and gentlemen, please follow me now that we’ve assembled in the main hall and reception - a spectacle of 3



Being the main space enclosed on three sides by large planar glasses – by a totally open view - the central organization of the subspaces, including walking, sitting and ceiling's forms, have been partially rotated by 45°, in order to allow a dynamic circulation between all subspaces, and a virtual changes of light reflections from different points of view. The essential design by straight lines and angles for lining panels, stools and sofas, and an intense use of square geometry even for armchairs and low tables, contributes to create a superior omogeneity and three-dimensionality to the whole space. The highly cool atmosphere is contrasted by the vivid colour of the lights, of the 36 multimedia plasma screens at dance floor, and by the optical trichrome carpet design, creating a kind of perceptive dicothomy necessary – in our opinion – in any experimentation in design. By the end, a deep and cool design for all spatial dimensions (floor, elevations and ceiling), clever use of mirrors , steel surfaces and lights, allowed to create such tridimensional “Dance machine” by the expected characteristics of neutrality, transparency and elegance.

DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges


S32 4/5/6/7 disco club_msc poesia

Holidaymakers have always seen MSC Crociere ships as a beautiful destination in their own right, alongside the famous sites visited. Thanks to the extraordinary creative work of De Jorio Design International, MSC Splendida takes the whole concept of ship as floating city to an entirely new level. Which is why it’s only right that we should take you round it in the same way as the tour of a beautiful city, mirroring a day in the life of a guest on board. So, ladies and gentlemen, please follow me now that we’ve 7 assembled in the main hall and reception - a spectacle of



DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges The concept of “liquid” time, which flows fluidly and freely, has truly inspired the design of this large and panoramic discotheque, built in a circular shape . The liquidity theme is developed with formal solutions on the walls – with flowing forms of reflecting colour, from which television screens emerge - , on the floor – with large spots of coloured glass – and on the ceiling, from which gush real and true flows of colour made from orange coloured resin. These flows place themselves in net contrast in matter and chromatic terms with the ceilings in satin finish steel and especially with the walls in steel gauze, which here represents a grill, the conceptual cage with which man tries to capture and dominate the time that is rolling by. Similar formal development for every detail of the furnishing, from the bar counter to the tables of various heights and the stools.



CLUB 33 1/2/3 disco club_msc splendida

In the Privé, the liquid matter heats up – to hint at an atmosphere of greater intimacy – producing on the Alcantara walls dry, multiformcastings of vivid and warm colours. The marked sinuosity and roundness of the couches indulges the sensual nature of the room.


DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges



GALAXY 1/2/3/4 disco club & restaurant_msc divina


3 2


candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, no presence of abstract sculptures by ‌. , but for the particular formal rigour of the the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.

DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges



LA PRUA 1/2/3 bar_msc splendida



DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges


IL CAPPUCCINO 1/2/3 coffee bar_msc fantasia

Nothing must be left to chance in creative experimentations . The search for symbolic and meanings, but often also psychological, has inspired many of of the DJDI's creations . To confirm this, in the Italian coffee room "Il Cappuccino" the Interior Design is inspired by the “aroma” of chocolate even, subliminally evoked by the walls in the shape and colour of a chocolate's bar just unwrapped from its golden cover. The expectation of an olfactory sensation, is an experience that will be truly satisfied in the express chocolaterie of the bar. Furthermore, the bar of chocolate is in itself elegant and palatable both to the sight and to the touch, since it is assimilable to modern and warm wood panelling in frames. Explicit reference to coffee and to cappuccino are evident in the real and true bar: developed with a plastic movement obtained from the module of the cup with a handle, which oozes out along the complete length of the counter. The result is an elegant, abstract relief with a “Neo-Deco” taste, consistent with the spirit neo-futurist of the surrounding space . The use of materials of very warm tones like dark briar for the walls, parquet for the floor and orange onyx for the bar perfectly supports the subliminal stimulation of this special Caffè Italiano .

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DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges


RUBY BAR 1/2/3 predinner bar_msc magnifica



DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges


TOPAZIO BAR 1/2/3/4 music lounge_msc magnifica


4 3

DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges

The choice of an original and eective theme, besides aimed at conferring identity, may determine the success and the very attraction of a hall for performances. In the music lounge illustrated here music is performed live exclusively in the evening, with activities of live discotheque for an over-30 public retraceable to an elegant and fashionable target.


THE ZEBRA BAR 1/2/3 music lounge_msc poesia

The theme of the zebra – chosen for the graphic elegance of its mantle – and its natural environment, reflected in the pattern of the fitted carpet, in the seating and in other details, in reality stresses the will to express a concept of Fashion Design, capable of linking its particular expressive shapes with the strong emotionalism transmitted by an evening of glamour. The almost erotic component transmitted by the materials, the rounded lines of the disco and the sofas in synthetic animal skin, wink at settings intended to shock and almost risqué situations, inducing in the public that particular mood that pre-disposes a moving but chic evening. An example, therefore, of how design can evoke a precise frame of mind, through the declination of its expressive forms. Without ever falling into easy vulgarity and in full respect of the canons and the dignity of an architectonic project of quality.



DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges


THE TIGER 1/2/3/4 music lounge_msc magnifica



DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges


L’AVANGUARDIA 1/2/3 theatre_msc fantasia

The conception of this avant-garde theater design – innovative three-dimensional architecture in a deconstructionist key – make one feel , as main effect, immerged in the performance itself, thanks to its great architecture-sculpture iridescent in Metallic Waves and Plexiglas. The plays of entertainment's lights created and excited by all curved semi reflective surfaces which entirely dress the space, make in fact plunge the spectators into the live dynamicity of the show, introducing them at perceptual level into the threedimensionality of the scene's action. The here introduced new Design approach has established for the very first time a reciprocity between architectural shell and live performances, that has coherently influenced the design of every element of furnishing such as the seats, the stools and the tables. The irregular profile of the chairs in the stalls– alternating in different heights – symbolically gives each member of the audience a different role, highlighting a different “costume” for the scene between people sitting next to each other.



DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges


PANTHEON 1/2/3 show lounge_msc divina



DJDI / bars clubs and showlounges



ROYAL THEATRE 1/2 theatre_msc magnifica


DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design

art & photo galleries

DJDI / art beyond & photo luxury galleries interior design

The Gallery Plaza space link, dedicated to Art Auction and Sculpture exhibition, proposes in formal terms and graphic textures the theme of abstractionism . 2 The walls in green wood effect develop overlapping weaves of steel, obtained through the use of interlocking frames of different heights. Emphatically graphic, complex in design but neutral in effect, this space results as a congenial background for works of art for sale. Developed around the two main circular poles, to the sides of the central stairway, and having as axis two exhibition isles in Verde Alpi marble, it wellcomes various informal female sculptures in bronze made by ... , and some masterpieces by Raimondo Briata.



GALLERIA D’ARTE 1/2/3/4 art gallery_msc splendida


DJDI / art beyond & photo luxury galleries interior design

The Gallery Plaza space link, dedicated to Art Auction and Sculpture exhibition, proposes in formal terms and graphic textures the theme of abstractionism . The walls in green wood effect develop overlapping weaves of steel, obtained through the use of interlocking frames of different heights. Emphatically graphic, complex in design but neutral in effect, this space results as a congenial background for works of art for sale. Developed around the two main circular poles, to the sides of the central stairway, and having as axis two exhibition isles in Verde Alpi marble, it wellcomes various informal female sculptures in bronze made by ... , and some masterpieces by Raimondo Briata.




GALLERY PLAZA 1/2/3/4 art gallery_msc fantasia


DJDI / art & photo galleries 3 A Photo Gallery always is influenced by the adjoining spaces to take on its own, apart from obvious commercial logics. Here from two rooms by a strong and colourful characterisation, suggesting a photo arcade by more symbolic and ironic character . Large photo exhibition walls, mostly with a sinusoidal development, are indeed inserted in giant golden neo-Baroque frames, in strong contrast to the background of dark red Alcantara capitonnè . This formal choice confers a special role to the photos on display that goes beyond the mere “collection” of images for sale, placing them in the maximum prominence normally a prerogative of artistic paintings. The message transmitted to the guests is that their leisure experience – witnessed by a large number of snapshots – and their very own person have an important meaning for the ospitality owning company, which goes beyond the commercial meaning of the exhibition. A priority that is intentionally underlined with a pinch of irony in the interiors, where guest ' snapshots are a kind of "Art" in the artistic frames. Confirming this will, close to the photo gallery there are collocated various framed pictorial works of art, they too inserted - deliberately random and untidily - inside similar giant Baroque frames. Thus the concept-metaphor of "Art in Art" is completed, being manifest not only by the content of the bigger piece (the space within the giant frame) but also highlighted by the frame itself that contains it.



1/2/3/4 photo gallery_msc splendida


DJDI / art & photo galleries


1/2 photo gallery_msc poesia


DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design

revival design

That of Revival linked with hospitality design and, in general, with the commercial activities on this theme, has been a very fashionable phenomenon in the last three decades, sustained by a breeze – that of post-modernism in architecture – nowadays completely exhausted. Today a mass public and a faithful buyer still count – especially in the Anglo-Saxon world – and still stimulate many decorators and interior designers, both for the simplicity of approach to the project and for the vastness of the formal and decorative repertory available. But the spirit of Revival is meeting a phase of deep crisis, sustained by a widespread contemporary and neo-rationalist movement. Non authentic, in that it is also the son of the great utopias of the 20th century which preceded postmodernism, and in certain ways is itself an evident form of revisiting of the modern style, but which imposes itself and spreads to all the levels of industrial production and mass market, to the point of influencing not only fashion, architecture and design, but the very idea of environment, of human society and life style and collective imagination. However, there remains a determinate niche market, in which the response to precise commercial strategies and above all to targets of quite high age groups, require and advise the survival of recollections of the past in interior design. In this case, the contemporary spirit of the designer, which will inevitably influence the approach to the Revival project, must not produce the refusal of its codes – each style or epoch possesses, this cannot be denied, not even for the purest rationalism – but, more opportunely, must supply a key of interpretation linked with our daily existence, such as to make the meanings emerge and the trace of the "new" through an elaboration formally and conceptually pertinent to the historic or urban theme assigned, of which it is necessary to recognise the cultural values. With this spirit DJDI has tackled several stimulating project themes, choosing time by time the most coherent pathway: a psychological pathway, a cultured citation, a path of plausible, historical reconstruction of an urban way of life.

DJDI / revival and thematic design



PIAZZA SAN GIORGIO 1/2/3 italian piazzetta_msc fantasia



DJDI / revival and thematic design

LA PIAZZETTA 1/2/3/4 napolitan piazzetta_msc splendida




DJDI / revival and thematic design


PIAZZA DEL DOGE 1/2/3/4 venetian piazzetta_msc divina

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DJDI / revival and thematic design


L’ENOTECA 1/2/3 wine bar_msc splendida

The design of this Wine Bar is inspired precisely on the themes of Italian cellars and the Rural Architecture of Tuscany, conceived in a Contemporary spirit , as evidenced by the strong and warm colour accents and the breaking sinuousity of the long comfortable sofas. From the elaborate flooring in dark wood and brick, from the arches, vaults and the walls covered in bricks and dark orange coloured plaster, to the numerous modern tapered pillars in brushed copper, everything is linked back to a precise dichotomy of past and present, and reflects the objective of creating a coherent thematic model, that brings back to mind the winemaking techniques of the past to symbolically mediate them with the technologically most current ones. The materials and the furnishings have been therefore selected and designed to represent the meeting, today more relevant than ever, of the two worlds. A way to adfirm that one of the oldest industries in the world still is a cultural model for the present, but positively perceivable in the collective imagination, even through a responsible and aware creation of Contemporary interiors.



DJDI / revival and thematic design


L’ENOTECA 1/2/3 wine bar_msc musica



DJDI / revival and thematic design


L’OLIVO 1/2 speciality restaurant_msc splendida


DJDI / revival and thematic design

wood. Following an undulating trend, they create, wit unequivocal trace of tradition that returns, giving rhyth the general modernity and coldness of the background Through eclectic juxtapositions, they evocate the sense and renovates in contemporaneity, just as the Italian Cu


L’ETOILE 1/2/3/4 speciality restaurant_msc fantasia

The Red Velvet Restaurant is characterized by an elegant, romantic and sophisticated atmosphere, and by a design “purified” by mediation panoramic French Restaurant is placed in a position of betweenThis present and past, not lacking in symbolic elements. great prestige, dominating an outdoor pool beach. All around large, flat golden frames, which enclose precious niches interiors are liberally by and the showing urban atmosphere paddedIts with red velvet, emerge inspired cambering off modern andpanelling architecture of red the wood. Paris of Haussmann at the time of and linear of dark Following an undulating trend, "bell’ with époque", by the light withtrace stoneof they create, theirevoked visual organic unity,walls the sculpted unequivocal and lowered in relief - which traditionashlars that returns, giving arches rhythmwith and keystones symbolically enlivening the with warmth intimacy transmitted byofthe general contrast modernity andthe coldness of and the background architecture the room. cosy niches of red velvet capitonnè and the red chairs - and flooring in wood, black andevocate white marble alternated with Throughthe eclectic juxtapositions, they the sense of a glorious a two-colour carpet by a very simple just winter-garden past which relives andfitted renovates in contemporaneity, as the Italian design. Culinarypattern Art, of deep and undisputed tradition , is capable of renewing monochromatic usewithout of greyever tones for every surface and itself andThe reflecting the present repudiating its history. detail walls, ceiling and floor , confirms the refined ambiWall lights andofChandeliers in black Murano glass, seating and padded tionofofneo the room – which wish to recall the first Daguerreotpartitions Mannerist inspiration, modern backlights in the ype and a certain French - , deliberately interceiling with an organic shape andImpressionism colours from black to gold, support ruptedwith by the redlight niches figurative sculptures and underline their andwhere with their shapesdancing the refined fluctuaby Aldo Zuliani are installed as “living” witnesses the Parisian ting between past and present, between the warmth and cold of this époque. refined bell’ Contemporary Restaurant.



The conformation into terraces of the room, underlined by wrought iron balustrades with motifs inspired by the decorative lexicon of the Parisian balconies, create the atmosphere of an elegant and relaxed dehors.


DJDI / revival and thematic design

Clearly influenced by the Italian Liberty style, this Cigar & Spirits Room conforms with the revival spirit of the commercial area that hosts it. With a fitomorphism of lines deliberately made gigantic, the role assigned to the main elements of the environment is accentuated: the undulating bar, the luminous gash in the ceiling and the niches with the windows of flowery lamps. The light – both natural and artificial – has the function of highlighting these functions leaving one to perceive the relationships, also by virtue of the strong contrast with the dark wood. The strong but, at the same time, chromatically sober characterisation of the environment coincides with its very own key of reading, which suggests a sincere and - without ambiguity – declared project of revival.


THE CIGAR LOUNGE 1 cigar room_msc splendida

THE HAVANA CLUB 2 cigar room_msc musica

LA CUBANA 3 cigar room_msc orchestra

The positive perception of this Cigar Room, characterised by Neo-classical lines, is the result of precise design choices linked with the peculiarity of the useful space conceded. On the lexical plane, the contrast obtained between the plane of the ceiling – strictly geometric with panels with stepped corners – and the plane of the floor – characterised by a free and organic layout for the Capitonnè chairs with an emphatically curved shape – turns attention away from the real shape of the space occupied, which is very lengthy and of limited width. With regard to materials and colours, the choice of favouring monochromaticity – with the exception of the border of the fitted carpet and for the inserts in the wall – allows a further reduction of the perception of the depth of the space-corridor, making it cosier and more welcoming. The natural illumination, which is distributed from the rectilinear wall, creates an effect of dilation of space on the curved wall opposite, starting from its optical barycentre.



DJDI / revival and thematic design

level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the other of candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not only for the presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the lines and for the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.



ROYAL PALM 2/3/4 casino_msc splendida CASINO’ DELLE PALME 1 casino_msc fantasia




DJDI / revival and thematic design

The search for a "theatrical" dimension for an interior does not always produce the same effects. Managing immense spaces with the need to insert different activities may suggest re-dividing and enclosing the same gaming zones, but having more limited spaces available for the same activities may oblige one to bring them together rather then split them up. This is the case of the Casino Royal, in which the choice of ensuring the maximum visual aperture has conferred the room with a spatial and morphological theatricality, rather than decorative, but above all it has made the system of crossing and connection between the different zones fully comprehensible. The central space, dedicated to the gaming tables, is the one that enjoys maximum scope. With a slightly curved trend of its borders, it guides the eye of the observer towards the background, where a large stairway ensures a vertical connection with the other areas. On the sides, the two wide aisles that meet at the fulcrum of the stairway are occupied and vitalised by the installations of slot machines. The adoption of a language inspired by Art Deco was deemed appropriate for the requirements. The prevalence of horizontal lines in the composition of the walls and the application of a continuous trabeation with overlaid glass panes indeed supports the circulatory system optically guiding flows towards the centres of connection and main access. The strong marking out of the ceiling, perfectly coincident with the plan, reflects in a geometrical key and with no uncertainties the dynamic conferred on the distributive plant. In the Poker Room, of a small size, the theatricality of the Casino leaves space to a more sober and elegant scenography with a Deco taste, made threedimensional and fluctuating with indirect lighting effects. The effect of intimacy is accentuated with the use of warm materials like wood, red Alcantara and gold paint on the ceiling.


CASINO’ ROYAL 2 casino_msc poesia POKER ROOM 1 poker room_msc poesia


DJDI / revival and thematic design

level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the other of candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not only for the presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the lines and for the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.



ATLANTIC CITY 1/2 casino_msc magnifica


DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design


In the planned conception of covered shopping centres, just as those in the open air, one can identify two main typologies. The first envisages the concentration of points of sale in large, suitably dedicated spaces, in the form of galleries, pathways and squares. This conception is suitable for the insertion of product contents of a popular level, of large-scale consumption and heterogeneous nature, founded on large sales volumes and therefore linked with forms of buying of an impulsive type: electronics and consumer products, perfumery and cosmetics, household and gift items, duty free, costume jewellery and casual clothing or ready-to-wear fashion. For them it is opportune to have a location in places with a lot of passing trade and visibility and near to important centres of attraction. Their design can express great personality and originality, but it must generally guarantee respect for certain fundamental parameters such as attractiveness, the greatest possible transparency between the exterior and the interior, brightness, linearity and modernity in the choice of materials and colours – remembering that the use of bright and lively colours, where the main theme allows it, arouse interest and emotion and induce people to buy – and above all the flexibility of the internal exhibitive structures, in a measure to permit continual variations. Not lastly, an internal spaciousness suitable for the flows of incoming, movement and outgoing, at times such as to impose obliged pathways. The second typology, instead, envisages the opportune insertion of points of sale in a more relegated and discreet position but also of great prestige and in the vicinity of places whose attractive force and whose function envisage a prolonged permanence of people and therefore of potential clientele. This is the collocation that identifies shops with a medium-high target, such as jewellers, luxury accessories and quality clothing or high fashion, in which purchasing takes place in a more pondered way and is rarely impulsive. The logos and the apparatuses of attraction placed outside will thus be more discreet and aimed at transmitting elegance, with the presence of window displays aimed at an exhibition of quality. The design will be personalised but, although contemporary and original in its lexicon, it will tend to be more elegant and refined in its lines and materials. In the design of both typologies experience, imagination and also certain notions of psychology make up fundamental supports, but just as important is setting up a dialogue with the managers of the points of sale, for acquisition of the correct information of management and commercial strategy and for the sharing of the choices. Knowing perfectly well that, for the evolution of the market, this information may change very rapidly and repeatedly before a structure is completed.

DJDI / shops



3 boutique_msc splendida 2 duty free_msc splendida 1 electronic shop_msc poesia


DJDI / shops

level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not on presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the line the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.


level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not on presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the line LA CARAMELLA the use1/2/3 of warm andshop_msc cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass. candy splendida



DJDI / shops

Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the other of candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not only for the presence of abstract sculptures by Massimo Galleni, but especially for the particular design mix of volumes and lines and for the combined use of warm and cool materials like wood, brushed copper, white composites and coloured glass. Here the totally free form of the Candy shop breaks, with its waves of brightly colored glass, into the sharp geometric pattern of the arcade. Clearly in contrast with the close Gift shop, whose windows echo the serial cuts of lights at wall and ceiling, anticipating the cool design of its interior.



assembled in the main hall and reception - a spectacle of space and light inspired by the diamond, reected in facet-shaped mirror steel and optical ďŹ bre lamps, gleaming panoramic lifts and an extraordinary grand piano decorated with 20,0000 Swarovski 1/2/3 shopping gallery_msc splendida


DJDI / shops

candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, no presence of abstract sculptures by ‌. , but for the particular formal rigour of the the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.



3 logo shop_msc splendida ANGOLO DELL’OGGETTO 1/2 fashion shop_msc fantasia


DJDI / shops



LE PARFUM 1/2 cosmetics shop_msc magnifica

L’ANGOLO DELL-OGGETTO fashion shop_msc magnifica 2/3


3 3

DJDI / shops

level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not on presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the line the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.


level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not on presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the line LA BOUTIQUE the use1/2/3 of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass. boutique_msc magnifica



DJDI / shops


level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not on presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the line the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.

1/2 shopping area_msc magnifica



DJDI / shops


level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not on presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the line the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.

level of expressivity. Characterised by the presence of two shops – one of gifts and fancy goods and the candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, not on presence of abstract sculptures by …. , but for the particular formal rigour of the line IL RUBINO the use of warm and cool materials 1/2 jewelry_msc magnificalike wood, steel and coloured glass.


candies – this Shooping Arcade appears as a short path of contemporary art, no presence of abstract sculptures by ‌. , but for the particular formal rigour of the the use of warm and cool materials like wood, steel and coloured glass.

DJDI / shops



LA PROFUMERIA 1/2 cosmetics shop_msc splendida

IL GIOIELLO 2/3 jewellery_msc splendida



DJDI / shops


1/2/3 duty free_msc magnifica



DJDI / shops


1/2 excursion agency_msc fantasia


DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design

meeting rooms & libraries

Until a short while ago thinking of bringing together two activities like a library and an internet café would have seemed a bizarre operation or to say the least rash. Instead today it appears totally plausible and often opportune. Once relegated to a space for reading, consultation and writing, in the era of IT and virtual supports a library has ended up preserving very little of its function of cultured past time and study, to take on the connotation of an archive for a few enthusiasts and lovers of reading, almost lovers of vintage. Just as Internet centers, to which a lot of space and equipment was once set aside, with the great spreading of wireless networks and GPS technology and – recently – of netbooks, e-books and low-cost palmtops, have almost entirely lost their meaning and appeal, since they can easily be replaced by any place where a network or a cell is reachable. This is why the opportunity of creating new typologies of public space has arisen, in which the fusion of the two media tools – the printed word and the virtual support – makes up the suitable environment to develop new forms of knowledge, communication and dialogue. An environment whose atmosphere expresses great formal clarity and whose neutrality guarantees the building of relationships – still too fragile – between two worlds that a so opposed but reciprocally attracted as those to which a book and a digital device belong. The two examples that follow illustrate, precisely the passing of the baton between two eras.

DJDI / meeting rooms & libraries


CYBER CAFE 1/2 internet corner_msc poesia

A pure Internet dedicated area must normally reflect two fundamental requisites: the suitability of the interior design and its applications – in terms of functionality, neutrality and illumination – and a minimal specialisation of its subzones, which are distinguished for stations oriented to amusement and to work. Pre-established rules on the formal or stylistic choices to follow do not exist, but favouring a contemporary design and tending toward the essential appears more appropriate to represent the means of virtual communication. The Cyber area illustrated here summarises and unifies in design all the elements at play. The horizontal lines of indirect light recall those of a network and communication, whose dynamic of flow is emphasised by the curved trend of the beams. The vertical centres of light – the backlit columns – symbolise their gathering in a fulcrum, the distribution centre for the network. Not by chance, the desks with the shared stations are located around these centres, areas therefore specialised for the navigation in groups and for the exchange of relationships. The stations dedicated to business are instead individual and separate, each protected by a frosted glass screen. The project of environmental light is compatible with the use of the monitors: indirect and well distributed on the walls with a light intensity of not more than an LCD or LED screen, and almost absent on the ceiling. The choice of accompanying the warm walnut briar with cold and partially reflecting materials like steel and polished aluminium, allows one to obtain a soft diffusion of light throughout the environment, so as to reduce dazzling by the screen and protect one's sight. An area, therefore, suitably designed for an intense and prolonged use of the terminals.


DJDI / meeting rooms & libraries


CYBER CAFE 1/2 internet corner_msc divina


DJDI / meeting rooms & libraries


1/2/3 meeting room_msc magnifica





DJDI / meeting rooms & libraries



DJDI / internet centers and bookshops

The evolution of society and the ever deeper influence of information technology on our lives has suggested a different approach in the designing of this Internet Café, motivating a proposal of a way of exit from the generalised cultural impoverishment, caused by the excessive virtualisation of the cognitive and interpersonal experiences. A proposal capable of recovering the necessary feeling with reality, only possible by creating a bond and comparison the traditional cognitive and cultural tools and those that are merely virtual. Using existing wireless connections through personal apparatus of access to communicate, work, study and play, but at the same time to be seduced by that marvellous and irreplaceable fetish as is a good book may allow us to recover the relationship with ourselves and others, re-stimulating that healthy cultural interest that, with the advent of the IT dictatorship, is slowly being replaced by a pseudo-culture that has very little of human and nought of humanistic. Therefore the space is conceived to incentivise these relationships: its various spaces are linked into a single organism, deliberately without apparent hierarchies. One pours into the other thanks to the curvature of the walls, with the sole concession of a change of level as an element of distinction between the meeting zone and the reading and navigation zone. The minimal cut of the walls, from whose extreme neutrality only the luminous and geometrically net bookcases stand out, and the monolithic monochromaticity of the material used – as if the space were excavated, stolen from the full incumbent – concentrates one's attention on the functions of the environment, highlighting the simple but ambitious mission to which it is destined: that of recovering ground on our path of humanistic enrichment, rejoining correct relations between emerging technological supports and the irreplaceable cultural values of society.

CYBERLIBRARY 1/2 internet corner and library_msc splendida


DJDI / meeting rooms & libraries


1/2 library_msc magnifica


DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design

teens & children

A correct and aware design of spaces for children and teenagers suggests following criteria and approaches today very more distant between one another than in the past. For the design of the first, besides aspiring to the virtual adhesion of design concepts to that – pleasantly - distorted perception of reality observed through the lens of childhood, it is necessary to interpret in a "children friendly" key every executive detail, and to attentively take care of every aspect of a particular ergonomics, that of the youngest, very rapid in terms of time and absolutely unforeseeable in terms of space. A design that does not exclude useful values such as parental experience, but which counts above all on the capacity of psychological identification of the designer, such as to allow him to foresee, anticipate and address the emotive reactions to determinate visual, tactile and chromatic stimuli created in the environment dedicated to them. Instead, the creation of spaces dedicated to today's teenagers requires one to follow a dual thread, which takes into account that exciting but delicate boundary world that exists between the infant sphere and that of an adult. Today the tools at their disposal are indeed decidedly adult and very powerful – computers, information technology, the web, the virtual – to the point of pushing them to the emulation of adults in their attitudes and behaviour. However, the sensitivity – above all the emotive, perceptive and sensorial one – is still, to a good degree, infantile and this makes the young vulnerable to self-induced stimuli. From these considerations are born the preconditions for a correct planning of interiors where one gives a lot of space to technology and to its – to put is like this – rhetorical emphasis, but in an environmental shell that is still enshrouding in colours and sensations that does not just recall childhood, but that in the end reassure the young themselves in tackling the crucial steps towards the adult age.

DJDI / teens & children

This trendy Discotheque is dedicated to urban teenagers. Located below the Virtual World – with which it communicates directly – it is developed both inside and outside, where it is equipped with a double level Water Toboga . With an Urban Style design able to mediate between a backyard environment and indoor minimalist but practical comfort, it is strongly marked by real graffities applied above raw aluminium walls and made comfortable with poufs and snake couches of casual design and colours. Art crime of writing above the wall's wavy aluminium sheetings , cool grey surfaces at floor and ceiling, and the vivid multicolours of seating and backlite columns, create the human footprint on the cold urban structure. Fitted with a spacious and well equipped dance floor and DJ, it also has vending machines for snacks and alcohol free drinks , to indulge any little desire of “young tribes”.



I GRAFFITI 1/2/3/4/5 teen's disco_msc fantasia




DJDI / teens & children

Through eclectic juxtapositions, they evocate the sense of a glorious past which relives and renovates in contemporaneity, just as the Italian Culinary Art, of deep and undisputed tradition , is capable of renewing itself and reflecting the present without ever repudiating its history. Wall lights in moka Murano glass, seating and padded partitions of neo Mannerist inspiration, modern backlights in the ceiling with an organic shape and colours from dark brown to gold, support and underline with their light and with their shapes the refined fluctuating between past and present, between the warmth and cold of this refined Contemporary Restaurant. Through eclectic juxtapositions, they evocate the sense of a glorious past which relives and renovates in contemporaneity, just as the Italian Culinary Art, of deep and undisputed tradition , is capable of renewing itself and reflecting the present without ever repudiating its history. Wall lights in moka Murano glass, seating and padded partitions of neo Mannerist inspiration, modern backlights in the ceiling with an organic shape and colours from dark brown to gold, support and underline with their light and with their shapes the refined fluctuating between past and present, between the warmth and cold of this refined Contemporary Restaurant.


I DINOSAURI 2 children room_msc poesia IL POLO NORD 1 children area_msc fantasia

The scenario of this children's room takes us back in time, with a leap of a few million years, as witnessed by the pre-historic biological presences that give their name to the room. The rebuilding of a corner of that environment, not being able to count on scientific certainties comprehensible to the very young, bases itself on the world of cartoons and comic strips – as always the main instrument of mediation between the world of men and that of children – just as for this cavedwelling for pre-historic man, having as his roof a large block of rock: not very plausible historically but perfectly coherent with the morphological idea of one's own home from the simple cultural knowledge of a child, who can therefore recognise it as the forerunner of his/her modern home. The time machine exists for real and its driving force is our imagination.


DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design


MSC DIVINA Cruise ship full interior & exterior design


MSC MAGNIFICA Cruise ship full interior & exterior design


MSC SPLENDIDA Cruise ship full interior & exterior design

TIRRENIA ATHARA Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design


MSC FANTASIA Cruise ship full interior & exterior design

GNV SUPREMA Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design

MSC POESIA Cruise ship full interior & exterior design 2007

TIRRENIA NURAGHES Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design 2003


MSC LIRICA Cruise ship full interior & exterior design

GNV SUPERBA Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design

AUDACIA Ro-ro ferry full interior & exterior design

TIRRENIA JANAS Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design

CORAGGIO Ro-ro ferry full interior & exterior design

MINOAN EUROPA PALACE Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design

MSC ORCHESTRA Cruise ship full interior & exterior design


MINOAN OLYMPIA PALACE Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design

RADIAL 45 mt motor yacht refitting

MINOAN FESTOS PALACE Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design


MSC MUSICA Cruise ship full interior & exterior design

TIRRENIA BITHIA Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design


TIRRENIA SHARDEN Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design

TIRRENIA RAFFAELE RUBATTINO Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design


MSC OPERA Cruise ship full interior & exterior design


MINOAN KNOSSOS PALACE Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design



M/N CAVOUR Italian Navy Air Carrier interior design


TIRRENIA VINCENZO FLORIO Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design

SHAHNAZ 64mt motor yacht interior/exterior design 1992

GNV EXCELSIOR Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design 1998

COSTA ALLEGRA Cruise ship crew areas design SUNRISE 38mt catamaran

GNV VICTORY Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design


EL BRAVO 64mt motor yacht interior/exterior design

GNV EXCELLENT Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design


COSTA MARINA Cruise ship definitive interior design

DISNEY MAGIC Cruise ship working drawings production

ENRICO COSTA Cruise ship restyling


DAWN PRINCESS Cruise ship full interior & exterior design

EUGENIO COSTA Cruise ship second refurbishment design


GNV FANTASTIC Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design


EUGENIO COSTA Cruise ship first refurbishment design

MINERVA Cruise ship full interior & exterior design


LUISELLA Motor yacht interior/exterior design


SUN PRINCESS Cruise ship working drawings production


GNV SPLENDID Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design


GNV MAJESTIC Cruise ferry full interior & exterior design

AUSONIA Cruise ship total refurbishment design 1985

COSTA RIVIERA Cruise ship “G. Marconi” transformation BLUE SHADOW 51mt motor yacht interior/exterior design

DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design


STALCA II 85 mt oceanic shooner owned by prince Ranieri interior design


CHEYENNE 90 Motor yacht interior design

1978/ 1994

COSTA LINES Cruise ships’ various refurbishment projects




GUGLIELMO MARCONI Passenger ship total interior design


DJDI / beyond luxury interiors design

management & staff


Business and Project Chief Managers


Technical assistant

Public relations

Giuseppe de Jorio

Marco de Jorio Vittorio de Jorio

Giulio Clavarino Gianluca Goretti Martina Kucich Leonardo Luzardo Emanuela Morgia Luca Mori Mariolina Papeschi Laura Resasco Claudia Resasco

Andrea Arena

Antonella Cotta Ramusino



Graphic Design


Marco de Jorio

Luca Mori

Roberto Pistone

De Jorio Design International piazza della Vittoria, 15/8 16121 GENOVA (Italy) p: +39 010 8985910 - 8985911 f: +39 010 8986659 e:

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