Alexander Sebastianus Hartanto, ‘Reconfiguration of Belongings - #1466, #1471 and #1472’, 2021, documented stills of an inquiry. Images courtesy of the artist.
The past year for me has been difficult. After moving back from America, I have been working with the fixation on loss of the re-imagined home, where “none” is no longer there. Residing back in my grandmother's house, I collected and reassembled remnants of the “was”.This was only to find that my body no longer fits or has changed, queered to an extent where origins become so blurred. I have come to realise that the triggers to migrate are from the traumas of othering within the home. Looking ahead, I am refining my own practices in a variety of displaced contexts, not necessarily to produce works to exhibit, but rather, as experiences to be inhabited.
Fresh Faces