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Message froM the PriMe Minister

Iam very pleased to have this opportunity to acknowldege the efforts of all the people who have made possible our nation’s commemoration of the life and work of Nelson Rolilahla Mandela. You, my fellow citizens, have brought to life the vision that I carried away in my mind and heart from the Nelson Rolilahla Mandela Memorial Service in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 10 December 2013.

My sincere wish is that this week of commemorative activities will bring reconciliation and lasting peace and unity to our beloved Republic of trinidad and tobago.

When we honour the memory of Nelson Mandela let us honour, too, the legacy he has left us of courage, conviction, democratic principles, freedom, leadership, and service.

Let each and everyone of us pledge to give at least 67 minutes of voluntary public service this year to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s 67 years of public service in ways that showcase our special skills and talents and that are also of maximum benefit to the recipients of our selfless efforts.

‘Madiba’, as we refer to him affectionately, belongs to all of us. We should cherish his memory and channel the superlative qualities of “his brilliant mind and his great heart”, so justly admired by the former President of the United States of America, Mr. bill Clinton, in such a way that the potential for excellence that lies within our reach becomes manifest in all of our words and deeds.

In conclusion, I should like to remind you of Nelson Mandela’s words at his inauguration as President of South Africa on 10 May 1994. these words, I am confident, will point us in the direction we, all, should take:

“The time of the healing of the wounds has come

Hon. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, S.C., M.P. Prime Minister of the Republic of trinidad and tobago

The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come

The time to build is upon us”.

Please accept my best regards and commendations and May god bless Our Nation!

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